Ampzilla 2000 very good condition • POWER OUTPUT 16 Ohms - minimum 100 watts 20Hz to 20kHz 8 Ohms - minimum 200 watts 20Hz to 20kHz (more like 350 watts) 4 Ohms - minimum 400 watts 20Hz to 20kHz • Total T.H.D. & I.M. Distortion 4 to 16 Ohms less than.05% at any power level up to rated at any frequency or combination of frequencies between 20Hz and 20kHz. • Input Impedance and Sensitivity 1 volt R.M.S. across 50kohms for 200 watts into 8 ohms on the unbalanced input. +/- 1 volt R.M.S. across +/- 70kohms for 200 watts into 8 ohms on the balanced input. Input selector switch for balanced or unbalanced • Frequency response and power bandwidth at rated power 8 ohms - better than +/-.2 dB 20Hz to 20kHz 4 ohms - better than +/-.3 dB 20Hz to 20kHz • Greater than 250 at 20Hz • Noise Better than -120dB relative to full rated power Protection Power switch/circuit breaker 4 DC power supply fuses with indicators. Gold plated input and output jacks All steel 14 ga. Chassis, powder coat finish Peak clipping indicator LED, thermal LED.
1 Reviews

2.900,00 €
2.900,00 €