Ancien trépied « Marguet » pour appareil photographique Tripode vintage pour appareil photographique argentique Marque: Marguet – modèle: Made in France Voir détails dans l'annonce et photographies après le descriptif Filetage = 6 mm Hauteur replié = environ 22 cm – maximum = environ 96 cm à la verticale Traces çà et là: voir photographies Avant toute éventuelle évaluation négative ou neutre qui nuirait aux 2 parties, prière de me contacter pour résoudre le problème: je reste attentif à votre attente et souhaite votre satisfaction avant tout. Merci, S.L. 15,99 € shipping by Mondial Relay (tell me for process, please) for: Netherlands, Deutschland, Austria, UK (not Eire and Islands), Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, Italy (not Sardinia and so on) Import duties, taxes and fees are not included in the price of the item or in the cost of delivery. These costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Please check with the customs authorities of your country for the amount of these fees before buying or bidding. These costs are usually paid to the transport company (delivery) or the delivery of the object by hand. They should not be confused with additional delivery charges. We will not underestimate the price of the products and we will not indicate that the item is a gift. These practices are prohibited by the various national regulations. Canon Pentax Asahi reflex Minolta Olympus Konica Nikon Zeiss Ikon Yashica Kodak Rollei Fuji Durst Panasonic Lumix Bridge Polaroid En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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