Here i sell my modded Td-3 video of this machine: ---b'>' don't miss this full 303 sound !! Then the Td-3 Mo won't have this liquid sound, no square adjust, no distortion, think about it ! Believe it or not, this Td-3 has sonically more guts than the Td-3 Mo ! here are the mods: adjustable: - resonance boost (switch On / Off) - decay from short to long (switch On / Off + adjust pot.) - Filter FM (switch On / Off + adjust pot.) - Square wave adjust (adjust pot.) - Manual Accent Trigger (the red button) - Pitch notes (Slider 5 positions) normal +1 + 2 + 3 +4 notes above. Sometimes the voltage drifts because it pumps little voltage so note can be sharp (♯) intern / non ajustable: - cutoff at 0 to max - VCA level/crunch mod (+ 2db) - Psu Mod (This effect is some livelier sound, especially on high resonance and accent = Resonance Warble) - soften VCA attack / declick balance Vca (no click on attack) - rubber mod - distortion (more bass b'&' less harsh, volume is louder) - sound less b'"'staccattob'"' (notes are a bit longer than the td3) comes with psu 9V european. look carefully the pics. The slider of pitch notes is not perfectly drilled, anyway i wans't able to do better ! international shipping with tracking please when you buy, leave a message with name + adress + phone + mail for delivery company, it is easier for me when i register (instaed of checking the dashboard..) thanks ! En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.


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behringer td-3 modded (read description) 300 €
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