Catalinbread Heliotrope En parfait état ! Pour les expérimentateurs sonores ! Pixeliseur harmonique analogique permettant de soustraire une partie des fréquences du signal en entrée pour en modifier la résolution. Réglages: resolution, sample rate, volume, gain, switch hi/lo. Catalinbread's Heliotrope is one of those pedals that doesn't fall neatly into one category or another. It sounds kind of like a ring mod and an octaver had an illicit pedal child that got really into dubstep. Change up the controls a bit, and it sounds like the alarmed ululations of some kind of alien bird warning its friends that danger lurks nearby. It's all about texture. It has that bizarre, robotic quality of a ring mod with the grit of a fuzz box and the stretchy, squashed sound of a bit crusher. We love finding effects like this because they don't have a clearly defined musical role. It's all about experimentation and innovation. Catalinbread calls it a b'"'harmonic pixelator.b'"' We call it awesome. - Analog Harmonic Pixelator - Designed for All Electric Instruments - Hi/Lo Switch (Switches Frequency Range) - Sample Rate Knob: Adjusts Carrier Frequency within Given Range - Resolution: Determines Duty Cycle or Ratio of On to Off time of Carrier Frequency (Sounds like dark/bright knob) - Gain Knob: Distorts and Compresses Signal with SMooth Fuzz-Like Distortion - Volume Knob - 9V or 18V Negative Tip DC Power En savoir plus
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