Dbi Liquidators has up for auction a vintage Contex 150 Amplifier. This amp is in excellent condition for it' s age ! W e o n l y s e l l v e r y c l e a n p i e c e s o f e l e c t r o n i c s ! T h a t i s o u r w a y, i f i t i s n o t c l e a n, w e w i l l n o t b o t h e r w i t h i t. It was working fine when taken out of service approximately a year ago by previous owner.  We benched checked it and it powers up fine.  We have no other radio equiptment to further test it. If you are familiar with this company you know this a well made in the USA hefty unit. Any questions, feel free to e- mail us. Thanks for looking and good luck bidding!   Here is the tube line- up  1, 6bq5, and 4, 6jg6a tubes. Thanks!!


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contex 150 linear amplifier, excellent condition
contex 150 linear amplifier, excellent condition 0
Prix: 30.000,00
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