Grey Matter E! for DX7II is a circuit board attached to the DX7IIFD, DX7IID synthesizer main board that turns an otherwise normal DX7II-FD or DX7II-D into a fully featured workstation machine. Expanded internal Memory E! enlarges the internal RAM memory of your DX by four times and allows it to hold 256 single sounds (called Voices) and 128 Performance memories (multi-voice combinations). The total internal memory is divided into 4 Banks. Each Bank holds 64 Voices and 32 Performances - Bank 1 = 64 Voices/32 Performances - Bank 2 = 64 Voices/32 Performances - Bank 3 = 64 Voices/32 Performances - Bank 4 = 64 Voices/32 Performances Voices from all four banks can be combined into any of the Performance memories, meaning you're not limited to Voices found in just one Bank when creating a Performance Combination Octal Mode Octal Mode is one of the most outstanding features of the E! expansion because it turns your DX7II into an 8 channel multitimbral sound module. With this capability, the keyboard can receive MIDI information on 8 separate channels directly from the internal SE!quencer or from an external controller. Each channel can be assigned a different Voice, so now your DX can produce eight different sounds at once. Splits and Layers With E! you can go far beyond the simple two way split and layer combinations of original DX7II. Youâ??ll find that there are Performance Modes that let you layer 4 voices or create elaborate 8 way splits. There's even a floating split mode, where the split point follows the movements of your right hand up and down the keyboard. Accompaniment Modes There are two accompaniment modes that let you to trigger preset chords or moving patterns by playing just one key. - Player Mode - Using this mode you can create elaborate moving accompaniments by triggering a different arpeggio or bass line pattern by playing one key. - Chord Mode - This mode lets you trigger a different chord voicing (such as major, minor, 7th or 9th chord) when you press a key. 8 Channel Controller With El, your DX is capable of transmitting up to 8 MIDI channels from the keyboard and 16 channels from the sequencer. Expanded Data Management Functions With the Expanded Memory and increased Performance and Sequencer functions, the Data Management operations are likewise augmented. In transferring data to and from the disk, you now have the option of Saving and Loading a Single Bank of Voices and Performance memories or all 4 at once. Two Primary Modes All the E! functions are collected under two fundamental menu headings: - Engine - SE!quencer Engine The heart of the E! system is called the Engine. As the central workhorse menu, it contains most of the new E! functions including all Performance modes, multitimbral and MIDI controller features and the special accompaniment modes. Every parameter within the Engine menu is programmable. This means you can save any multitimbral combination, split or layer combination or sequencer song to one of the 128 Performance memories and call them up with the touch of one button! Sequencer With E! you now have a 16 track MIDI recorder built into your DX. Eight of these tracks can be assigned to trigger eight internal DX Voices, while the others can be used to trigger external MIDIsound modules. The recording and editing features compare with some of the best computer software programs available. The SE!quencer is pattern based, meaning you record short segments of data called Patterns and then link them into a complete arrangements called Songs. The Internal memory holds a maximum of 22,000 MIDI events, which can be reserved for 1 Song or divided between up to 10 Songs. The disk on a DX7lI-FD serves to expand the internal memory by 10 times the maximum limit, or 220,000 MIDI events divided
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69,00 €
69,00 €