I am selling my modular system. There is everything you need to get to start with modular synths (2 oscillators with integrated enveloppes, 1 VCA, 1 filter, 1 effect, 1 mixer, 1 function, 1 stereo splitter-panner and 1 out) except a voltage generator like a sequencer. Thanks to the interface you will be able to sequence it via midi and so use it as a duophonic desktop synth. This is a 3U case of 84hp (PSU3 with one busboard of 22 plugs). The case is a mint condition Doepfer A-100LC3V (Black vintage case) There are 11 modules: - Erica Synths DUOPHONIC MIDI-CV INTERFACE - Noise Engineering BASIMILUS ITERITAS ALTER BLACK (Oscillator) - Doepfer A-145-1 LFO - Mutable Instruments PLAITS Macro Oscillator - Pittsburgh Modular LIFEFORMS BINARY FILTER - Make Noise FUNCTION mk2 (Enveloppe, LFO, S&H) - Xaoc Devices TALLIN (Dual VCA and overdrive) - Audio Damage ADM01 DUBJR (Digital delay) - Manhattan Analog MIX (3 channel mono mixer) - EMW STEREO ENHANCER (Stereoizer) - Doepfer A-139-2 (Headphones out / Stereo out) Every modules are already racked, they are in a really good condition, you will find some usual rack rashes on some of the modules. I still have the boxes for those ones: - Tallin - Midi-cv Interface - A-145-1 There are also: 25 cables from 5 to 90cm (various brands), 2 Tiptop Audio stackcables, 1 splitter. I also offer one midi cable and one insert cable in order to use the headphones out as a stereo out. Total price for buying all those products new is 1900 euros. You can send me an offer of 1400 and the system will be yours. If you buy it for 1600, this will include the Arturia KEYSTEP PRO from my other listing. Ask me anything, I can make some discount if you don't need some of the accessories, but please note that every modules should be bought together with the case.
1 Reviews

1.600,00 €
1.600,00 €