For sale, A pair ofexceptional mono blocks, 250 Watts of roaring EL34s! Secondhand, manufactured in 2021, imported in September 2023 from Norway (storeinvoice and import VAT will be provided for the sale). Impeccable condition andoperation! Like new. This is the latest version, with ultra-linear mode insteadof tetrode, in addition to triode mode, and revised transformers for betterbass! Factorysorted and matched tubes by Manley, documentation and multimeter provided (forsetting Bias!). Per block, 10 * EL Tung sol 2 * 12bh7 EH, and a GE 5stars12at7. I have theoriginal double boxes, shipping could be arranged, after discussion andquotation. (35Kg for each baby...). Theseblocks are purely fantastic, both in their devastating look and their sound,250W under 4 and 8 ohms, in ultra-linear, 100W under 4 and 8 ohms in triode(actually nearly 180w measured by Stereophile.... at 1% distortion in triode). Theseblocks will be able to power large speakers (Manley refines its amplifiers onTannoy 38...), at indecent sound levels; in an incredible silence for blocks ofthis caliber, and a refinement to make other achievements pale with jealousy. Theamplifier has a soft-start (preheating) and a standby, to extend the lifespanof the tubes, which are ultimately not mistreated considering the deliveredpower... Behind thefront plate, each tube has its own idle current adjustment. This crucialadjustment allows you to respect the lifespan of your tubes, and not to beforced to change all the tubes at once if one were to weaken. The tubesinstalled in the blocks still have many days ahead of them, as the amplifiersmainly serve 2-3 hours on Sunday afternoons (and some Saturday eveningstoo...). Delivery is possible; but please ask for a quote first En savoir plus
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