MOBILedit Forensic Express Pro Edition v7.2 ❂ Windows ❂ Recover phone Lost Data item description: MOBILedit Forensic Express is a very powerful mobile phone data extraction (i.e., forensics) software for Windows. On the one hand, it can perfectly restore the data that has been deleted and extract the important data from a wide variety of applications within a phone and SIM card. On the other hand, it is also a revolutionary smart phone assistant tool that is used to establish communication between phones and PC. That’s to directly control a phone or perform content synchronization via cable, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi connection way on your computer. item Features: - Basic Data Extraction and Analysis - Advanced Data Extraction and Analysis - App Analyzers updated daily - Physical Data Extraction and Analysis - Native 64-bit for Processing Big Data - Advanced File Manager - Deleted Data Recovery - Deleted Applications Data Recovery - Deleted Messages Recovery Technology - Advanced Applications Analysis - Applications Downgrade - Encrypted Messaging Applications Analysis - Advanced iOS and Android Data - Photo Recognizer - Cloud Analyzer - iTunes backup Analyzer - Android ADB backup Analyzer - Cellebrite UFED Data Analyzer (import) - Oxygen Data Analyzer (import) - Cellebrite UFED Data Generator (export) - iOS Keychain Password Discovery - Wi-Fi Networks and Password Discovery - Password and PIN Breaker for locked backups - Cross Contacts Analysis - GPS Locations and Map View - Web Browsing & Web Search History - Live View of Phone Data Files - PIM and Messages Live View - SIM Card Data - Physical Extraction of Memory Cards - Generate Reports in XML, HTML, XLS - Generate Reports in PDF - Create reports in any language - Generate Reports in RTF - Integrated Phone Database - Timeline View - Conversation View - Concurrent Phone Processing - Touch Display Optimized - Camera Ballistics integration - Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Symbian - Windows Mobile, Bada, Meego, Mediatek - Feature phones manufactured since 1996 - Chinese phones support - Collection of phone drivers - Advanced Data Extraction Filter Platforms: ▶ Windows Vista (32 bit), Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, Windows 10. Delivery info: the purchase will contain: ▶Download Link + ▶installation assistance we´ll deliver your order as soon as we can to your email address or via message 24/7 costumer support ✉ 100% authorized seller ©
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4,69 €