2020 Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus User Account Lifetime 5 Devices for Windows and Mac (10 MIN DELIVERY TO YOUR INBOX) ✓You cannot use your own email address account for this subscription. ✓You will receive a username and password for ALREADY Activated Office 365 SO NO NEED TO ACTIVATE. ✓You can change Password after initial login, however the username remains as is. ✓work manually and the time zone is different between countries. So don't worry the account will inevitably receive 100 ٪ -Lifetime FREE Updates of Latest MS Office software. -Supports multiple languages and works WORLDWIDE. -One Account used for 5 devices including Mac-Winodws-Android-ios -Massive 5 TB OneDrive Cloud storage included forever. -Super Fast Delivery within one minute of cleared payment. Office applications included: Word 2020 Excel 2020 PowerPoint 2020 OneNote 2020 OneDrive 2020 Outlook 2020 Acces 2020 (PC only) Publisher 2020 (PC only) includes 5Tb of storage in OneDrive legal information: In the judgment of July 17, 2013 - I ZR 129/08 - UsedSoft II, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) expressly formulated the requirements that must be met if the purchaser of an exhausted copy under certain conditions has a legal right of use according to §69b UrhG should attain. These requirements are: The software must originally have been put on the market in the form of a sale with the consent of the rights holder in the EU or another contracting state of the EEA (either on a physical data carrier or by download): The license for the software must have been granted in return for payment of a fee to enable the rights holder to obtain remuneration that corresponds to the economic value of the copy of the software. (It is sufficient that the rights holder had the opportunity to obtain such a reasonable license fee). The rights holder has granted the first purchaser the right to use the software permanently (indefinitely): leasing or a time limit on the right of use is not sufficient. Improvements and updates that the computer program downloaded by the after-purchaser compared to the computer program downloaded by the first-time purchaser must be covered by a maintenance contract between the author / rights holder and the first-time purchaser: The original licensee / first purchaser must have made his copies unusable. Only if these prerequisites, which are to be provided in the form of documentation, are met, can the subsequent purchaser - i.e. you here - use the software, but only within the scope of the intended use, which results from the original license agreement. The software we offer here meets all the requirements of this case law. The software was marketed with the consent of the rights holder in the territory of the EU or another contracting state of the EEA by way of sale. The contractual software was paid for in full and was acquired indefinitely. The original license agreement between the rights holder and the first purchaser contains the option of receiving and / or downloading updates. No side agreements have been made that affect the intended use of this software. There are no third party rights to the software, nor have the licenses in question been transferred to another person or entity. The contractual software has been rendered unusable and there are no copies of this software. Copyright: All names and images used are and remain the property of the respective companies and are only used for better understanding and as examples. All data and images are protected by copyright.
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