Canon Canonet ql17 gIII 35 mm range finder camera  lens: 40 mm f1.7  The condition of the body is mint: no scratches except a tiny barely visible one under the camera, no marks, no dents, no smudges, the leather is beautiful and the overall appearance of the camera is great (see for yourself in the photos). The battery compartment has been professionally modified so that it doesn't take the old batteries anymore. Instead the canonet now takes lr9 or similar 1.5v alkaline batteries that are much cheaper, durable and easier to find.  The camera fires at all speeds, the lightmeter works as it should as well, the film advance lever is nice and smooth.   Viewfinder condition: the camera has been serviced recently for cleaning of the viewfinder. It is now really beautiful and bright with nice clear framelines (see picture) PLEASE READ: however, the viewfinder framelines are slightly tilted so if you set the camera on a table, they won't be perfectly parallel to the table but you can easily get used to it like I did. lens condition: perfect to the point the professional that cleaned my camera said "wow we rarely see canonet ql17 in such nice condition". The lens is by far the high point of this camera. Overall, apart from the slightly tilted viewfinder, you will rarely find a canonet ql17 in such pristine conditions.  The camera has been professionally checked by an experienced camera repairman who didn't find any flaws apart from the slightly tilted viewfinder. The camera doesn't come with a lens cap but it comes with the strap you can see in the picture.  Letting go of this camera only because I'm joining the leicagang


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near mint serviced canonet ql17 giii- 40mm f1.7- modified ba
near mint serviced canonet ql17 giii- 40mm f1.7- modified ba 0
Prix: 250,00
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