NEO GEO X Gold Limited Edition + Ninja Master's. Le dock, la console portable, la manette, l'alimentation et le câble HDMI.La console est livrée avec un adaptateur Magic SD Card qui permet d'ajouter tous les jeux Neo Geo sur le système. Très bon état. Voici ci-dessous la liste des jeux déjà installés sur la carte (modifiable à souhait): Dock, handeld console, arcade stick, power unit and HDMI cable. There is the Magic SD Card adapter which allow to add all Neo Geo games on the system. Very good condition. Here is the list of the games already installed (you can change it at will): Art of fighting Art of fighting 2 Art of fighting 3 Breakers Breakers revenge Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury 3 Fatal Fury Special Garou Mark of the wolves Kizuna encounter King of Fighters 94 King of Fighters 95 King of Fighters 96 King of Fighters 97 King of Fighters 98 King of Fighters 99 King of Fighters 2000 King of Fighters 2001 King of Fighters 2002 King of Fighters 2003 King of the Monsters King of the Monsters 2 Last Blade Last Blade 2 Matrimelee Ninja Master Real Bout Real Bout Special Real Bout 2 Rage of the Dragons Samurai Spirits Samurai Spirits 2 Samurai Spirits 3 Samurai Spirits 4 Samurai Spirits 5 SNK vs Capcom Waku Waku 7 World Heroes World Heroes 2 World Heroes Perfect 3 Count Bout Puzzled Nam 75 Mutation Nation Last Resort Alpha Mission 2 Cyber Lip Super Sidekicks League Bowling Metal Slug Magician Lord Baseball Stars 2
1 Reviews

349,00 €
349,00 €