The Ludopole, games and toys' center is able to welcome every type of person: handicapped, blind, or invalid person for example. Every professional is trained to welcome this kind of public. In order to give you some keys, here are some examples of games adapted to a particular public. As far as one of the research axis of our research center FM2J is Games and Handicaps, we have chosen to write an article on the Bus and figurines’ Set by Mattel – Fischer-Price (USA- réf. J0894). It is an adaptable, easy to use and resistant toy from our selection. Ludopole Toy’s description: 1 yellow plastic scholar bus, 31*14*15cm, with 2 opening doors, 1 mobile/movable stop 2 figurines, height 6 cm 1 driver, h. 6cm with a head that sets off different lights, sounds and horns 1 plastic wheelchair on which you can fasten a figurine Works with 3 LR6 batteries, not provided Game principle: Make the characters live as they were going to school by bus: make them get on and get off the bus, on foot or with a wheelchair. Take the driver’s role and make the bus move forward. Professionals’ Analysis: We have to highlight that this is a symbolic game, a staging game. By playing with this scholar bus, the kid can imitate scenes related to his/her (future) schoolchild life. He/She identifies with the driver or with the schoolchildren in reproducing their words and gestures. The bus and the three characters can be handled easily. Its size and sound allow the player to dream up his/her own stories. You can play on your own or with a partner. The fact that the kid plays with a plastic wheelchair allows him/her to express his/her feelings and emotions linked to handicap, experienced or invented. It can be interesting to recommend this toy to a family confronted to handicap difficulties daily. “Handilud, Jeu et Handicaps”, FM2J Editions Contact:
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