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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Cependant, ce petit gadget l'est bien ! Combinez-le avec le PO-12 ou PO-14 et vous serez agréablement supris par sa capacité. Ce micro synth héberge un synthé spécialement conçu pour créer des mélodies. Assez impressionnant pour un appareil d'une telle compacité. Le PO-16 est tellement petit que vous risquez de le perdre si vous ne faites pas attention. Tout comme le PO-12 et le PO-14, ce micro synth est équipé d'un step-séquenceur. Vous pouvez choisir entre 16 sons différents, complétés par 16 effets ou styles. La commande se fait par le biais de petites touches etde potentiomètres. Vous devrez probablement vous y habituer, mais après quelque temps, le contrôler sera un jeu d'enfant. Pour votre entourage, cet appareil n'est rien de plus qu'une calculette faisant du bruit. Pourtant, ses performances musicales sont éloquentes. Si on devait comparer les synthés aux dessins animés, ce PO-16 serait Southpark L'écran affiche une usine, des oiseaux, des voitures et un conducteur de grue. On pourrait se demander si les ingénieurs chez Teenage Engineering sont fous ou excentriques ! Le look est tout aussi étrange. Vous aurez l'impression de tenir en main un circuit imprimé sans boîtier ! Il est équipé d'un haut-parleur interne, d'un réveil (!) et d'une entrée/sortie ligne 3,5 mm. Le PO-16 fonctionne avec 2 piles AAA et se glisse facilement dans votre poche. Caractéristiques: micro synth type: synthé mélodique format de poche, tient dans la paume de votre main design unique, ressemble à un circuit imprimé sans boîtier écran à segments step séquenceur à 16 sons 16 effets/styles réveil alimentation: 2 piles AAA entrée: jack 3,5 mm TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY Reference: PO-16 FACTORY 69,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY - Lead synthesizer Lead synthesizer for keys melodies. sequencer with parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in arpeggio and chord play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY Referencia: PO-16 FACTORY 69,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY - Lead synthesizer Lead synthesizer for keys melodies. sequencer with parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in arpeggio and chord play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY Artikel-Nr: PO-16 FACTORY 69,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY - Lead synthesizer Lead synthesizer for keys melodies. sequencer with parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in arpeggio and chord play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY Riferimento: PO-16 FACTORY 69,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-16 FACTORY - Lead synthesizer Lead synthesizer for keys melodies. sequencer with parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in arpeggio and chord play styles 16 pattern chaining Global Audio Store, Revendeur Teenage Engineering agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer)
69 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Il est tellement petit qu'il se glisse facilement dans votre sac. Les élèves indisciplinés pourraient même le dissimuler dans leur trousse ! Son look est trompeur: le PO-14 offre des sons d’une exceptionnelle qualité et risque de connaître un succès mérité. Les fabricants appellent cet outil un micro synth mais en réalité, il s'agit d'un synthé de basse. À l'intérieur, ce synthé est plus traditionnel que son apparence ne le fait croire. Le step-séquenceur comporte 16 sons et 16 effets/styles différents. Chaque Pocket Operator offre différents effets. Ceux du PO-14 diffèrent donc de ceux du modèle PO-12. Une fois habitué aux petites touches du PO-14, vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer. Caractéristiques: micro synth type: synthé de basse format de poche, tient dans la paume de votre main design unique, ressemble à un circuit imprimé sans boîtier écran à segments step-séquenceur à 16 sons 16 effets/styles réveil alimentation: 2 piles AAA entrée: jack 3,5 mm sortie: jack 3,5 mm TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB Reference: PO-14 SUB 59,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB - Deep bass line synthesizer deep bass line synthesizer with sequencer, parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in bass oriented play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB Referencia: PO-14 SUB 59,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB - Deep bass line synthesizer deep bass line synthesizer with sequencer, parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in bass oriented play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB Artikel-Nr: PO-14 SUB 59,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB - Deep bass line synthesizer deep bass line synthesizer with sequencer, parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in bass oriented play styles 16 pattern chaining TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB Riferimento: PO-14 SUB 59,00 € Availability:   Available in stock Processing time:   Under 24/48 hours Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli TEENAGE ENGINEERING - PO-14 SUB - Deep bass line synthesizer deep bass line synthesizer with sequencer, parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects. Features: multiple real synthesizer engines 15 sounds + micro drum 16 punch-in effects 16 punch-in bass oriented play styles 16 pattern chaining Global Audio Store, Revendeur Teenage Engineering agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized Teenage Engineering Dealer)
59 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Deux des entrées micro possèdent un point d'insertion pour traitement externe du signal audio; les deux autres peuvent aussi s'utiliser en tant qu'entrée stéréo au niveau ligne. Afin de travailler le son efficacement, la VIBZ 10 C possède des égaliseurs 3 bandes d'une grande précision, dont la fréquence d'intervention dans le médium a été choisie avec soin. Deux des voies stéréo sont pourvues de correcteurs grave/aigu. Le compresseur intégré permet de maîtriser la dynamique avec précision, pour un son plus efficace. La section Master de la console possède un  retour effet, des sorties Monitor réglables et une prise casque. La VIBZ 10 C possède aussi une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; le signal s'assigne à la sortie Master ou Monitor, et son niveau est réglable. Grâce à un son transparent et détaillé, et à une utilisation vraiment très facile, la VIBZ 10 C est un choix parfait pour les petits groupes, l'installation fixe, le home studio, ou encore le prémix. Elle est livrée avec un bloc secteur externe, qui se visse sur la console. Un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 10 C sur un pied de micro est disponible en option. Référence: LDVIBZ10C Type de Produit: table de mixage Type: orientée Live Nombre de Canaux: 10 Nombre de Voies Micro/Ligne Mono: 4 Connecteur entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack 6,35 mm TRS, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en fréquence Entrée Micro Mono:  10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Nombre de Points d'Insertion: 2 Connecteur Point d'Insertion: jack 6,35 mm TRS (pointe = départ, anneau = retour) Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: réglage de niveau, PAN (panoramique), départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (voies 1 et 2), Low Cut, Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 Volts commutable Filtre Passe-Haut (Low Cut): 95 Hz Compresseur:  réglage d'action continu Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    4 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) (voies 3/4 + 5/6); 2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo + 4x RCA (Cinch) (voies 7/8 + 9/10) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Asymétrique / symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz (voies 3/4 + 5/6) Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: réglage de niveau, balance, départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High) sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, correcteur grave/aigu sur les voies 7/8 + 9/10, filtre Low-Cut sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, réglage de Gain sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6 Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet: 1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Nombre de Sorties Casque: 1 Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: non Nombre de Presets: N/A Sélecteur au pied DFX Mute: N/A Contrôles Section Généraux: réglage de volume casque/Control Room, niveau 2TK In, Stereo Return, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room) Indicateurs: Vumètres 8 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, Power, Peak sur les voies Alimentation: 18V AC  / 1A External PSU Largeur: 265 mm Hauteur: 78 mm Profondeur: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Reference: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Referencia: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Riferimento: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
184 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Ses voies micro, commutables ligne, sont équipées de  préamplis de haute qualité  et d'un filtre passe-haut et deux d'entre elles disposent de plus d'un point d'insertion. Afin de travailler le son efficacement, la VIBZ 8 DC possède des  égaliseurs 3 bandes très efficaces, dont la fréquence d'intervention dans le médium a été choisie avec soin La section Master de la console est équipée d'un  retour effet, de sorties Monitor à niveau réglable et d'une prise casque. La VIBZ 8 DC possède aussi une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; elle est très facile à utiliser, et possède un son transparent et détaillé. Elle est idéale pour les petits groupes, l'installation fixe, le home studio et les prémixages. La VIBZ 8 DC est livrée avec un bloc secteur externe, qui se visse sur la console. Sont disponibles en option un sélecteur au pied (Footswitch) pour la section effets et un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 8 sur un pied de micro. Référence: LDVIBZ8DC Type de Produit: console de mixage Type: optimisée Live Nombre de Canaux: 8 Canaux Micro/Ligne Mono: 4 Connecteurs Entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack 6,35 mm TRS, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Micro Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Nombre de Points d'Insertion: 2 Connecteur Point d'Insertion: jack 6,35 mm TRS (pointe = départ, anneau = retour) Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono:    +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono:    +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: Réglage de niveau, PAN (panoramique), départ DFX/AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (voies 1 et 2), Low Cut, Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 volts commutable Filtre passe-haut (Low Cut): 95 Hz Compresseur: réglage d'action continu Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: asymétrique / symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz (Voies 3/4 + 5/6) Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Réglage de niveau, Balance, départ DFX/AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High) sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, correcteur grave/aigu sur les voies 7/8, filtre Low-Cut, réglage de Gain sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6 Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet:    1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: 2 x jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stéréo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Casque: 1 Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: résolution A/N et N/A 24 bits Nombre de Presets: 100 Sélecteur au Pied DFX Mute: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Contrôles Section Généraux: Réglage de niveau DFX To Main, touche DFX Mute, DFX Presets, volume casque/Control Room, niveau 2TK In, Stereo Return, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room) Indicateurs: Vumètres 8 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, Power, Peak sur les voies Alimentation: 18 V AC / 1 A via bloc secteur externe Largeur: 265 mm Hauteur: 77 mm Profondeur: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Reference: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Referencia: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Riferimento: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
219 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Elle offre  2 entrées Micro symétriques  équipées de préamplis de haute qualité,  une alimentation fantôme et des égaliseurs 3 bandes avec +/- 15 dB de gain, 2 entrées ligne stéréo avec correcteur grave/aigu  compatibles mono et un départ effet. La section Master de la VIBZ 6 D possède des  sorties Monitor de niveau réglable, une sortie casque et un multieffet numérique à 16 presets, avec commutation au pied. La console possède de plus une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; elle est très facile à utiliser et possède un son d'une grande chaleur et très détaillé. L'alimentation externe se visse facilement sur la console. Sont disponibles en option un sélecteur au pied (Footswitch) pour la section effets et un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 6 D sur un pied de micro. Référence: LDVIBZ6D Type de Produit: console de mixage Type: optimisée Live Nombre de Canaux: 6 Nombre de Voies Micro/Ligne Mono: 2 Connecteurs Entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack TRS 6,35 mm, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Micro Mono:  10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Point d'Insertion: non applicable Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono:    +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: Réglage de niveau et de panoramique, départ DFX/AUX (Post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 volts commutable Filtre passe-haut: N/A Compresseur: N/A Voie Stéréo: Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    2 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: asymétrique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: N/A Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Réglage de niveau et de Balance, départ DFX/AUX (post fader), correcteur grave/aigu Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet:    1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet:    jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: 2 x jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique:    +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Sortie Casque: 1 Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: résolution A/N et N/A 24 bits Nombre de Presets: 16 Sélecteur au Pied DFX Mute: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Contrôles Section Généraux: Volume casque/Control Room, réglage de niveau retour stéréo, niveau DFX To Main, DFX Presets, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room), niveau 2TK In, alimentation fantôme, touche DFX Mute Indicateurs: Vumètres 4 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Peak sur voie Alimentation: 18 V AC, 1 A,, par bloc secteur externe Largeur: 209 mm Hauteur: 68 mm Profondeur: 260 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX Reference: LDVIBZ6D 148,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX The VIBZ 6 D is a  compact 6-channel mixer  which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features  two balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamps,  phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible, and an effects loop. The master section of the VIBZ 6 D is equipped with  adjustable monitor outputs, a headphone jack and 16 digital effects presets, which are foot-switchable. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 D on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ6D Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 6 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 2 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Insert:    n/a Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume,  PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: n/a Compressor: n/a Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 Stereo Line Input Channels:    6.3 mm mono jack (Lmono, R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: n/a Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 2 Band-EQ (Low, High) Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections:    6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs:    +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Headphone Output: 1 Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 16 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume, DFX To Main Volume, DFX Presets, Master-Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room), 2TK Volume, Phantom Power, DFX Mute switch Display Elements: 4-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External Power Pack Width: 209 mm Height: 68 mm Depth: 260 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX Referencia: LDVIBZ6D 148,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX The VIBZ 6 D is a  compact 6-channel mixer  which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features  two balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamps,  phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible, and an effects loop. The master section of the VIBZ 6 D is equipped with  adjustable monitor outputs, a headphone jack and 16 digital effects presets, which are foot-switchable. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 D on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ6D Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 6 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 2 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Insert:    n/a Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume,  PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: n/a Compressor: n/a Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 Stereo Line Input Channels:    6.3 mm mono jack (Lmono, R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: n/a Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 2 Band-EQ (Low, High) Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections:    6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs:    +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Headphone Output: 1 Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 16 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume, DFX To Main Volume, DFX Presets, Master-Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room), 2TK Volume, Phantom Power, DFX Mute switch Display Elements: 4-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External Power Pack Width: 209 mm Height: 68 mm Depth: 260 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ6D 148,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX The VIBZ 6 D is a  compact 6-channel mixer  which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features  two balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamps,  phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible, and an effects loop. The master section of the VIBZ 6 D is equipped with  adjustable monitor outputs, a headphone jack and 16 digital effects presets, which are foot-switchable. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 D on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ6D Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 6 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 2 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Insert:    n/a Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume,  PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: n/a Compressor: n/a Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 Stereo Line Input Channels:    6.3 mm mono jack (Lmono, R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: n/a Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 2 Band-EQ (Low, High) Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections:    6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs:    +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Headphone Output: 1 Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 16 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume, DFX To Main Volume, DFX Presets, Master-Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room), 2TK Volume, Phantom Power, DFX Mute switch Display Elements: 4-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External Power Pack Width: 209 mm Height: 68 mm Depth: 260 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX Riferimento: LDVIBZ6D 148,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 6 D - 6 channel Mixing Console with DFX The VIBZ 6 D is a  compact 6-channel mixer  which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features  two balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamps,  phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible, and an effects loop. The master section of the VIBZ 6 D is equipped with  adjustable monitor outputs, a headphone jack and 16 digital effects presets, which are foot-switchable. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 D on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ6D Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 6 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 2 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Insert:    n/a Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume,  PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: n/a Compressor: n/a Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 Stereo Line Input Channels:    6.3 mm mono jack (Lmono, R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: n/a Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 2 Band-EQ (Low, High) Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections:    6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs:    +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Headphone Output: 1 Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 16 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume, DFX To Main Volume, DFX Presets, Master-Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room), 2TK Volume, Phantom Power, DFX Mute switch Display Elements: 4-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External Power Pack Width: 209 mm Height: 68 mm Depth: 260 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
148 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Avec son  mixeur intégré,  l'enceinte active Stinger MIX 6 AG2, compacte et légère, est un  choix parfait en petite sonorisation et  en applications de retours musiciens. Elle est équipée d'un boomer de 6,5" (165 mm) et d'un tweeter de 1" (25 mm), pour une réponse en fréquence s'étendant de 80 Hz à 20 kHz et une dispersion sur 80° x 70°, et assure une restitution  d'une étonnante qualité, alliant clarté et punch. Le mixeur intégré offre une entrée stéréo au niveau ligne et trois entrées micro (dont une commutable haute impédance) avec égaliseur grave/aigu et alimentation fantôme, ainsi qu'un multieffet numérique 24 bits. Il permet de  connecter des sources très variées: lecteurs CD ou MP3, iPods, instruments, micros statiques...  La section de sortie comprend un égaliseur Master 3 bandes, pour agir sur le timbre global du signal et éviter le Larsen, un vumètre à 4 segments LED, des sorties enregistrement sur connecteurs RCA/cinch et une sortie Monitor à niveau réglable. La Stinger MIX 6 A G2 est équipée d'un  amplificateur en Classe D d'une puissance de sortie de 2 x 280 Watts crête; une sortie sur jack 6,35 mm permet d'alimenter en cas de besoin une enceinte Stinger MIX 6 G2 passive. Un double insert pour montage sur pied (sur le fond et le côté) permet  un montage vertical ou horizontal,  ce dernier assurant un accès facile aux contrôles du mixeur intégré. Utilisée seule ou conjointement avec sa version passive, l'enceinte amplifiée Stinger MIX 6 A G2 allie performances étonnantes et polyvalence sous un format facilement portable. Housse de transport, enceinte esclave passive et trépied enceinte sont disponibles en option. Type: actif Diamètre Boomer: 6,5" Diamètre Boomer: 165,1 mm Marque Boomer: fabrication sur cahier de charges Diamètre Tweeter: 1" Diamètre Tweeter: 25 mm Marque Tweeter: fabrication sur cahier de charges Angle de Dispersion (H x V): 80° x 70° Réponse en Fréquence: 80 Hz - 20.000 Hz Module Amplificateur: Classe D Puissance Amplificateurs (eff.): 2 x 70 W Puissance Amplificateurs (crête): 2 x 280 W Niveau Maximal de Pression Sonore: 122 dB SPL Fonctions de Protection: limiteur, court-circuit, surtension, surcharge, surchauffe Mixeur intégré: Nombre de Canaux: 4 Canaux d'Entrée Micro: 3 Type de Connecteur d'Entrée Micro: XLR/jack 6,35 mm (Combo) Contrôles Canal Entrée Micro: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, niveau, sélecteur Hi-Z (canal 1 uniquement) Impédance d'Entrée Canaux d'Entrée Micro: (asymétrique) 14 kohms Sensibilité Canal d'Entrée Micro: 70 mV Nombre de Canaux d'Entrée Ligne: 1 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne: mini-jack stéréo 3,5 mm, 2 x RCA/cinch Contrôles Canal Entrée Ligne: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, niveau Impédance d'Entrée Canal d'Entrée Ligne: (asymétrique) 4,4 kohms Sensibilité Canal d'Entrée Ligne: -5 dBu Entrée Haute Impédance (Hi-Z): 1 Connecteur d'Entrée Haute Impédance (Hi-Z): jack 6,35 mm Impédance d'Entrée Haute Impédance (Hi-Z): 100 kohms Sortie Monitor, Niveau Ligne: 1 Connecteur Sortie Ligne Monitor: jack 6,35 mm (symétrique) Contrôles Sortie Ligne Monitor: potentiomètre volume Niveau Maximal de Sortie Monitor: +28 dBu Nombre de Sorties Record: 1 Type de Connecteurs Sortie Record: 2 x RCA (cinch) Niveau Maximal de Sortie Record: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Main (amplificateur): 1 Connecteur de Sortie Main (amplificateur): jack 6,35 mm (impédance minimale 4 Ohms) Puissance de Sortie Main (amplificateur), sur 4 Ohms: max. 70 W / 140 W Multieffet DSP intégré: Nombre de Programmes DSP: 16 Contrôles Multieffet DSP: sélecteur Presets, potentiomètre DFX Return, touche Mute Indicateurs Multieffet DSP: LED Peak Section Master: Contrôles Section Master: potentiomètres EQ Low, EQ Mid, EQ High, Main Level, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, sélecteur de tension, interrupteur secteur Alimentation Fantôme: 15 Volts Indicateurs Section Master: Vumètre LED 4 segments, LED Power Embase Secteur: Format IEC Alimentation: transformateur toroïdal Tension Secteur: 110 V - 120 V, 50 - 60 Hz, 220 V - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz Consommation Électrique (maxi): 180 W Coffret: Type de Coffret: bass reflex Matériau Coffret: MDF (panneau de particules de densité moyenne) Finition Coffret: laque structurée Couleur Boîtier: noir Largeur: 214 mm Hauteur: 323 mm Profondeur: 222 mm Divers: 2 puits pour trépied 16 mm, pieds caoutchouc LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer Reference: LDMIX6AG2 248,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer With a  built-in mixer,  the compact, lightweight Stinger MIX 6 AG2 active loudspeaker is the  perfect choice for small-scale PA  and personal monitoring applications. It features a 6.5" woofer and 1" HF transducer with an 80 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response and 80° x 70° dispersion delivering  amazing sound with clarity and punch. The integrated mixer provides a stereo line and 3 microphone channels with high and low EQ, switchable hi-Z input and phantom power plus 24-bit digital effects. It allows for  connecting a wide variety of sources including MP3 and CD players, iPods, instruments and condenser mics.  The output section includes a 3-band master EQ for overall tone shaping and feedback control, 4-segment LED metering, RCA recording outputs and an adjustable monitor out. The Stinger MIX 6 A G2 incorporates a  Class D amplifier  with 2 x 280 watts peak power and 6.3 mm TRS output to power its optional passive companion Stinger MIX 6 G2. Dual bottom and side stand mount inserts permit  both vertical and horizontal setup,  the latter putting the mixer controls right at your fingertips. On its own or in tandem with the passive unit, the Stinger MIX 6 A G2 provides awesome performance and versatility in an easily portable package. A transport bag, a slave speaker and a speaker stand are available optionally. Type: active Woofer Size: 6.5" Woofer Size: 165.1 mm Woofer Brand: custom made Tweeter Size: 1" Tweeter Size: 25 mm Tweeter Brand: custom made Dispersion Angle (H x V): 80° x 70° Frequency Response: 80 Hz - 20,000 Hz Amplifier: class D Amplifier Power (RMS): 2 x 70 W Amplifier Power (Peak): 2 x 280 W Max SPL: 122 dB Protection: limiter, short circuit, over voltage, overload, temperature Mixer: Channels: 4 Microphone Input Channels: 3 Connector Type Microphone Inputs: XLR/ 6.3 mm jack (combo) Controls for Microphone Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level, Hi-Z Switch (channel 1 only) Input Impedance Microphone Input Channels: (unbalanced) 14 kOhms Input Sensitivity Microphone Input Channels: 70 mV Line Input Channels: 1 Connector Type Line Input Channels: 3.5 mm stereo jack, 2 x RCA Controls Line Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level Input Impedance Line Input Channels: (unbalanced) 4.4 kOhms Input Sensitivity Line Input Channels: - 5 dBu Hi-Z Inputs: 1 Hi-Z Input Connectors: 6.3 mm jack Input Impedance Hi-Z Input Connectors: 100 kOhm Monitor Line Outputs: 1 Connector Type Monitor Line Output: 6.3 mm jack (balanced) Controls for Monitor Line Output: Monitor Volume Max Output Level Line Output Monitor: 28 dBu Record Output: 1 Connector Type Record Output: 2 x RCA Max Output Level Record Output: 20 dBV Reinforced Main Output: 1 Connector Type Reinforced Main Output: 6.3 mm (min. 4 Ohm impedance) Increased power main output (at 4 ohm): max 70 W / 140 W DSP Digital Effects Unit: DSP Number of Programs: 16 DSP Controls: Presets, DFX return, Mute switch DSP Display Elements: Peak LED Main Section: Main Section Controls: EQ Low, EQ Mid, EQ High, Main Level, Phantom Power, switch operating voltage, power switch Phantom Power: 15 V Main Section Indicators: 4 segment LED level meter, power LED Power Socket: IEC power socket Power Supply: transformer Operating Voltage: 110 V AC - 120 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz / 220 V AC - 240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz Power Consumption (max.): 180 W Cabinet: Cabinet Type: bass reflex Cabinet Material: MDF Cabinet Surface: textured coating Cabinet Colour: black Width: 214 mm Height: 323 mm Depth: 222 mm Other Features: 2 x 16 mm pole mount socket, rubber feet LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer Referencia: LDMIX6AG2 248,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer With a  built-in mixer,  the compact, lightweight Stinger MIX 6 AG2 active loudspeaker is the  perfect choice for small-scale PA  and personal monitoring applications. It features a 6.5" woofer and 1" HF transducer with an 80 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response and 80° x 70° dispersion delivering  amazing sound with clarity and punch. The integrated mixer provides a stereo line and 3 microphone channels with high and low EQ, switchable hi-Z input and phantom power plus 24-bit digital effects. It allows for  connecting a wide variety of sources including MP3 and CD players, iPods, instruments and condenser mics.  The output section includes a 3-band master EQ for overall tone shaping and feedback control, 4-segment LED metering, RCA recording outputs and an adjustable monitor out. The Stinger MIX 6 A G2 incorporates a  Class D amplifier  with 2 x 280 watts peak power and 6.3 mm TRS output to power its optional passive companion Stinger MIX 6 G2. Dual bottom and side stand mount inserts permit  both vertical and horizontal setup,  the latter putting the mixer controls right at your fingertips. On its own or in tandem with the passive unit, the Stinger MIX 6 A G2 provides awesome performance and versatility in an easily portable package. A transport bag, a slave speaker and a speaker stand are available optionally. Type: active Woofer Size: 6.5" Woofer Size: 165.1 mm Woofer Brand: custom made Tweeter Size: 1" Tweeter Size: 25 mm Tweeter Brand: custom made Dispersion Angle (H x V): 80° x 70° Frequency Response: 80 Hz - 20,000 Hz Amplifier: class D Amplifier Power (RMS): 2 x 70 W Amplifier Power (Peak): 2 x 280 W Max SPL: 122 dB Protection: limiter, short circuit, over voltage, overload, temperature Mixer: Channels: 4 Microphone Input Channels: 3 Connector Type Microphone Inputs: XLR/ 6.3 mm jack (combo) Controls for Microphone Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level, Hi-Z Switch (channel 1 only) Input Impedance Microphone Input Channels: (unbalanced) 14 kOhms Input Sensitivity Microphone Input Channels: 70 mV Line Input Channels: 1 Connector Type Line Input Channels: 3.5 mm stereo jack, 2 x RCA Controls Line Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level Input Impedance Line Input Channels: (unbalanced) 4.4 kOhms Input Sensitivity Line Input Channels: - 5 dBu Hi-Z Inputs: 1 Hi-Z Input Connectors: 6.3 mm jack Input Impedance Hi-Z Input Connectors: 100 kOhm Monitor Line Outputs: 1 Connector Type Monitor Line Output: 6.3 mm jack (balanced) Controls for Monitor Line Output: Monitor Volume Max Output Level Line Output Monitor: 28 dBu Record Output: 1 Connector Type Record Output: 2 x RCA Max Output Level Record Output: 20 dBV Reinforced Main Output: 1 Connector Type Reinforced Main Output: 6.3 mm (min. 4 Ohm impedance) Increased power main output (at 4 ohm): max 70 W / 140 W DSP Digital Effects Unit: DSP Number of Programs: 16 DSP Controls: Presets, DFX return, Mute switch DSP Display Elements: Peak LED Main Section: Main Section Controls: EQ Low, EQ Mid, EQ High, Main Level, Phantom Power, switch operating voltage, power switch Phantom Power: 15 V Main Section Indicators: 4 segment LED level meter, power LED Power Socket: IEC power socket Power Supply: transformer Operating Voltage: 110 V AC - 120 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz / 220 V AC - 240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz Power Consumption (max.): 180 W Cabinet: Cabinet Type: bass reflex Cabinet Material: MDF Cabinet Surface: textured coating Cabinet Colour: black Width: 214 mm Height: 323 mm Depth: 222 mm Other Features: 2 x 16 mm pole mount socket, rubber feet LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer Artikel-Nr: LDMIX6AG2 248,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer With a  built-in mixer,  the compact, lightweight Stinger MIX 6 AG2 active loudspeaker is the  perfect choice for small-scale PA  and personal monitoring applications. It features a 6.5" woofer and 1" HF transducer with an 80 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response and 80° x 70° dispersion delivering  amazing sound with clarity and punch. The integrated mixer provides a stereo line and 3 microphone channels with high and low EQ, switchable hi-Z input and phantom power plus 24-bit digital effects. It allows for  connecting a wide variety of sources including MP3 and CD players, iPods, instruments and condenser mics.  The output section includes a 3-band master EQ for overall tone shaping and feedback control, 4-segment LED metering, RCA recording outputs and an adjustable monitor out. The Stinger MIX 6 A G2 incorporates a  Class D amplifier  with 2 x 280 watts peak power and 6.3 mm TRS output to power its optional passive companion Stinger MIX 6 G2. Dual bottom and side stand mount inserts permit  both vertical and horizontal setup,  the latter putting the mixer controls right at your fingertips. On its own or in tandem with the passive unit, the Stinger MIX 6 A G2 provides awesome performance and versatility in an easily portable package. A transport bag, a slave speaker and a speaker stand are available optionally. Type: active Woofer Size: 6.5" Woofer Size: 165.1 mm Woofer Brand: custom made Tweeter Size: 1" Tweeter Size: 25 mm Tweeter Brand: custom made Dispersion Angle (H x V): 80° x 70° Frequency Response: 80 Hz - 20,000 Hz Amplifier: class D Amplifier Power (RMS): 2 x 70 W Amplifier Power (Peak): 2 x 280 W Max SPL: 122 dB Protection: limiter, short circuit, over voltage, overload, temperature Mixer: Channels: 4 Microphone Input Channels: 3 Connector Type Microphone Inputs: XLR/ 6.3 mm jack (combo) Controls for Microphone Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level, Hi-Z Switch (channel 1 only) Input Impedance Microphone Input Channels: (unbalanced) 14 kOhms Input Sensitivity Microphone Input Channels: 70 mV Line Input Channels: 1 Connector Type Line Input Channels: 3.5 mm stereo jack, 2 x RCA Controls Line Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level Input Impedance Line Input Channels: (unbalanced) 4.4 kOhms Input Sensitivity Line Input Channels: - 5 dBu Hi-Z Inputs: 1 Hi-Z Input Connectors: 6.3 mm jack Input Impedance Hi-Z Input Connectors: 100 kOhm Monitor Line Outputs: 1 Connector Type Monitor Line Output: 6.3 mm jack (balanced) Controls for Monitor Line Output: Monitor Volume Max Output Level Line Output Monitor: 28 dBu Record Output: 1 Connector Type Record Output: 2 x RCA Max Output Level Record Output: 20 dBV Reinforced Main Output: 1 Connector Type Reinforced Main Output: 6.3 mm (min. 4 Ohm impedance) Increased power main output (at 4 ohm): max 70 W / 140 W DSP Digital Effects Unit: DSP Number of Programs: 16 DSP Controls: Presets, DFX return, Mute switch DSP Display Elements: Peak LED Main Section: Main Section Controls: EQ Low, EQ Mid, EQ High, Main Level, Phantom Power, switch operating voltage, power switch Phantom Power: 15 V Main Section Indicators: 4 segment LED level meter, power LED Power Socket: IEC power socket Power Supply: transformer Operating Voltage: 110 V AC - 120 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz / 220 V AC - 240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz Power Consumption (max.): 180 W Cabinet: Cabinet Type: bass reflex Cabinet Material: MDF Cabinet Surface: textured coating Cabinet Colour: black Width: 214 mm Height: 323 mm Depth: 222 mm Other Features: 2 x 16 mm pole mount socket, rubber feet LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer Riferimento: LDMIX6AG2 248,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - STINGER MIX 6 A G2 - 6.5" active PA Speaker with integrated 4-channel Mixer With a  built-in mixer,  the compact, lightweight Stinger MIX 6 AG2 active loudspeaker is the  perfect choice for small-scale PA  and personal monitoring applications. It features a 6.5" woofer and 1" HF transducer with an 80 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response and 80° x 70° dispersion delivering  amazing sound with clarity and punch. The integrated mixer provides a stereo line and 3 microphone channels with high and low EQ, switchable hi-Z input and phantom power plus 24-bit digital effects. It allows for  connecting a wide variety of sources including MP3 and CD players, iPods, instruments and condenser mics.  The output section includes a 3-band master EQ for overall tone shaping and feedback control, 4-segment LED metering, RCA recording outputs and an adjustable monitor out. The Stinger MIX 6 A G2 incorporates a  Class D amplifier  with 2 x 280 watts peak power and 6.3 mm TRS output to power its optional passive companion Stinger MIX 6 G2. Dual bottom and side stand mount inserts permit  both vertical and horizontal setup,  the latter putting the mixer controls right at your fingertips. On its own or in tandem with the passive unit, the Stinger MIX 6 A G2 provides awesome performance and versatility in an easily portable package. A transport bag, a slave speaker and a speaker stand are available optionally. Type: active Woofer Size: 6.5" Woofer Size: 165.1 mm Woofer Brand: custom made Tweeter Size: 1" Tweeter Size: 25 mm Tweeter Brand: custom made Dispersion Angle (H x V): 80° x 70° Frequency Response: 80 Hz - 20,000 Hz Amplifier: class D Amplifier Power (RMS): 2 x 70 W Amplifier Power (Peak): 2 x 280 W Max SPL: 122 dB Protection: limiter, short circuit, over voltage, overload, temperature Mixer: Channels: 4 Microphone Input Channels: 3 Connector Type Microphone Inputs: XLR/ 6.3 mm jack (combo) Controls for Microphone Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level, Hi-Z Switch (channel 1 only) Input Impedance Microphone Input Channels: (unbalanced) 14 kOhms Input Sensitivity Microphone Input Channels: 70 mV Line Input Channels: 1 Connector Type Line Input Channels: 3.5 mm stereo jack, 2 x RCA Controls Line Input Channels: EQ High, EQ Low, DFX Send, Level Input Impedance Line Input Channels: (unbalanced) 4.4 kOhms Input Sensitivity Line Input Channels: - 5 dBu Hi-Z Inputs: 1 Hi-Z Input Connectors: 6.3 mm jack Input Impedance Hi-Z Input Connectors: 100 kOhm Monitor Line Outputs: 1 Connector Type Monitor Line Output: 6.3 mm jack (balanced) Controls for Monitor Line Output: Monitor Volume Max Output Level Line Output Monitor: 28 dBu Record Output: 1 Connector Type Record Output: 2 x RCA Max Output Level Record Output: 20 dBV Reinforced Main Output: 1 Connector Type Reinforced Main Output: 6.3 mm (min. 4 Ohm impedance) Increased power main output (at 4 ohm): max 70 W / 140 W DSP Digital Effects Unit: DSP Number of Programs: 16 DSP Controls: Presets, DFX return, Mute switch DSP Display Elements: Peak LED Main Section: Main Section Controls: EQ Low, EQ Mid, EQ High, Main Level, Phantom Power, switch operating voltage, power switch Phantom Power: 15 V Main Section Indicators: 4 segment LED level meter, power LED Power Socket: IEC power socket Power Supply: transformer Operating Voltage: 110 V AC - 120 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz / 220 V AC - 240 V AC, 50 - 60 Hz Power Consumption (max.): 180 W Cabinet: Cabinet Type: bass reflex Cabinet Material: MDF Cabinet Surface: textured coating Cabinet Colour: black Width: 214 mm Height: 323 mm Depth: 222 mm Other Features: 2 x 16 mm pole mount socket, rubber feet Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
248 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Spécifications: Type de produit Haut-parleurs sur piles Type Actif Finition Set avec émetteur à main Diamètre boomer/médium 6,5 " Diamètre Boomer 165,1 mm Type de boomer Haut-parleur large bande Aimant boomer Ferrite Marque boomer Sur mesure Amplificateur Classe D Puissance (efficace) 25 W Puissance (crête) 100 W Réponse en fréquence 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz Niveau de pression sonore (pour 1 W à 1 m) 93 dB Niveau de pression sonore maximal 110 dB Circuits de protection Court-circuit Réglages Bass, Fonction Voice Priority On / Off, Gain entrée ligne, Gain micro, Master, Power, Treble Indicateurs Indicateur de charge / batterie, Power Lecteur de médias: Médias reconnus Carte SD, CD audio, CD-R, CD-R/W, Clé USB Formats reconnus CD audio, CD avec fichiers WMA, CD MP3, Fichiers MP3, Fichiers WMA Contrôles lecteur médias Dossier -, Dossier +, Éjection CD, Mode (CD / SD / USB), Mute, Plage précédente, Plage suivante, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Programmation, Repeat, Shuffle (aléatoire), Stop Indicateurs lecteur médias Écran LCD multifonctions rétro-éclairé Entrées ligne 2 Connecteurs d'entrée ligne Cinch (RCA) Entrées micro 1 Entrées micro Jack 6,35 mm Sorties ligne 2 Connecteurs de sortie ligne Cinch (RCA) Sorties haut-parleur 1 Connecteurs de sortie enceintes Jack 6,35 mm Transmission frequency range 584 - 607 MHz Tension secteur Bloc secteur externe, tension 100 - 240 Volts Tension secteur 15 - 18 V, 3 A, tension continue Batteries rechargeables 12 V / 2,6 Ah Matériau coffret Polypropylène Finition coffret Bass Reflex Largeur 200 mm Hauteur (mm) 300 mm Profondeur 230 mm Poids 6 kg Autres propriétés Embase pour pied, diamètre 16 mm, Housse de transport disponible en option, poignée de transport LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B5 Reference: LDRB65B5 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems  - ROADBOY 65 B5 - Portable PA Speaker 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type active Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Med ia player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584 - 607 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B5 Referencia: LDRB65B5 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems  - ROADBOY 65 B5 - Portable PA Speaker 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type active Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Med ia player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584 - 607 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B5 Artikel-Nr: LDRB65B5 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems  - ROADBOY 65 B5 - Portable PA Speaker 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type active Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Med ia player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584 - 607 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B5 Riferimento: LDRB65B5 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems  - ROADBOY 65 B5 - Portable PA Speaker 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type active Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Med ia player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584 - 607 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
498 €
Voir le product
Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Spécifications: Type de produit Haut-parleurs sur piles Diamètre boomer/médium 6,5 " Diamètre Boomer 165,1 mm Type de boomer Haut-parleur large bande Aimant boomer Ferrite Marque boomer Sur mesure Amplificateur Classe D Puissance (efficace) 25 W Puissance (crête) 100 W Réponse en fréquence 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz Niveau de pression sonore (pour 1 W à 1 m) 93 dB Niveau de pression sonore maximal 110 dB Circuits de protection Court-circuit Réglages Bass, Fonction Voice Priority On / Off, Gain entrée ligne, Gain micro, Master, Power, Treble Indicateurs Indicateur de charge / batterie, Power Lecteur de médias: Médias reconnus Carte SD, CD audio, CD-R, CD-R/W, Clé USB Formats reconnus CD audio, CD avec fichiers WMA, CD MP3, Fichiers MP3, Fichiers WMA Contrôles lecteur médias Dossier -, Dossier +, Éjection CD, Mode (CD / SD / USB), Mute, Plage précédente, Plage suivante, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Programmation, Repeat, Shuffle (aléatoire), Stop Indicateurs lecteur médias Écran LCD multifonctions rétro-éclairé Entrées ligne 2 Connecteurs d'entrée ligne Cinch (RCA) Entrées micro 1 Entrées micro Jack 6,35 mm Sorties ligne 2 Connecteurs de sortie ligne Cinch (RCA) Sorties haut-parleur 1 Connecteurs de sortie enceintes Jack 6,35 mm Transmission frequency range 584,000 - 607,000 MHz Tension secteur Bloc secteur externe, tension 100 - 240 Volts Tension secteur 15 - 18 V, 3 A, tension continue Batteries rechargeables 12 V / 2,6 Ah Matériau coffret Polypropylène Finition coffret Bass Reflex Largeur 200 mm Hauteur (mm) 300 mm Profondeur 230 mm Poids 6 kg Autres propriétés Embase pour pied, diamètre 16 mm, poignée de transport LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 Reference: LDRB65HSB5 499,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584.000 - 607,000 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 Referencia: LDRB65HSB5 499,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584.000 - 607,000 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 Artikel-Nr: LDRB65HSB5 499,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584.000 - 607,000 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 Riferimento: LDRB65HSB5 499,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B5 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 584 MHz - 607 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 584.000 - 607,000 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
499 €
Voir le product
Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Spécifications: Type de produit Haut-parleurs sur piles Finition Set avec émetteur à main Diamètre boomer/médium 6,5 " Diamètre Boomer 165,1 mm Type de boomer Haut-parleur large bande Aimant boomer Ferrite Marque boomer Sur mesure Amplificateur Classe D Puissance (efficace) 25 W Puissance (crête) 100 W Réponse en fréquence 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz Niveau de pression sonore (pour 1 W à 1 m) 93 dB Niveau de pression sonore maximal 110 dB Circuits de protection Court-circuit Réglages Bass, Fonction Voice Priority On / Off, Gain entrée ligne, Gain micro, Master, Power, Treble Indicateurs Indicateur de charge / batterie, Power Lecteur de médias: Médias reconnus Carte SD, CD audio, CD-R, CD-R/W, Clé USB Formats reconnus CD audio, CD avec fichiers WMA, CD MP3, Fichiers MP3, Fichiers WMA Contrôles lecteur médias Dossier -, Dossier +, Éjection CD, Mode (CD / SD / USB), Mute, Plage précédente, Plage suivante, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Programmation, Repeat, Shuffle (aléatoire), Stop Indicateurs lecteur médias Écran LCD multifonctions rétro-éclairé Entrées ligne 2 Connecteurs d'entrée ligne Cinch (RCA) Entrées micro 1 Entrées micro Jack 6,35 mm Sorties ligne 2 Connecteurs de sortie ligne Cinch (RCA) Sorties haut-parleur 1 Connecteurs de sortie enceintes Jack 6,35 mm Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Tension secteur Bloc secteur externe, tension 100 - 240 Volts Tension secteur 15 - 18 V, 3 A, tension continue Batteries rechargeables 12 V / 2,6 Ah Matériau coffret Polypropylène Finition coffret Bass Reflex Largeur 200 mm Hauteur (mm) 300 mm Profondeur 230 mm Poids 6 kg Autres propriétés Embase pour pied, diamètre 16 mm, Housse de transport disponible en option, poignée de transport LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B6 Reference: LDRB65B6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Handheld Microphone 655 MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B6 Referencia: LDRB65B6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Handheld Microphone 655 MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B6 Artikel-Nr: LDRB65B6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Handheld Microphone 655 MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle LD Systems - Roadboy 65 B6 Riferimento: LDRB65B6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Handheld Microphone 655 MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Type Set with Handheld Transmitter Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, Transport bag available optionally, transport handle Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
498 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Spécifications: Type de produit Haut-parleurs sur piles Diamètre boomer/médium 6,5 " Diamètre Boomer 165,1 mm Type de boomer Haut-parleur large bande Aimant boomer Ferrite Marque boomer Sur mesure Amplificateur Classe D Puissance (efficace) 25 W Puissance (crête) 100 W Réponse en fréquence 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz Niveau de pression sonore (pour 1 W à 1 m) 93 dB Niveau de pression sonore maximal 110 dB Circuits de protection Court-circuit Réglages Bass, Fonction Voice Priority On / Off, Gain entrée ligne, Gain micro, Master, Power, Treble Indicateurs Indicateur de charge / batterie, Power Lecteur de médias: Médias reconnus Carte SD, CD audio, CD-R, CD-R/W, Clé USB Formats reconnus CD audio, CD avec fichiers WMA, CD MP3, Fichiers MP3, Fichiers WMA Contrôles lecteur médias Dossier -, Dossier +, Éjection CD, Mode (CD / SD / USB), Mute, Plage précédente, Plage suivante, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Programmation, Repeat, Shuffle (aléatoire), Stop Indicateurs lecteur médias Écran LCD multifonctions rétro-éclairé Entrées ligne 2 Connecteurs d'entrée ligne Cinch (RCA) Entrées micro 1 Entrées micro Jack 6,35 mm Sorties ligne 2 Connecteurs de sortie ligne Cinch (RCA) Sorties haut-parleur 1 Connecteurs de sortie enceintes Jack 6,35 mm Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Tension secteur Bloc secteur externe, tension 100 - 240 Volts Tension secteur 15 - 18 V, 3 A, tension continue Batteries rechargeables 12 V / 2,6 Ah Matériau coffret Polypropylène Finition coffret Bass Reflex Largeur 200 mm Hauteur (mm) 300 mm Profondeur 230 mm Poids 6 kg Autres propriétés Embase pour pied, diamètre 16 mm, poignée de transport LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 Reference: LDRB65HSB6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 655MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 Referencia: LDRB65HSB6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 655MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 Artikel-Nr: LDRB65HSB6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 655MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 Riferimento: LDRB65HSB6 498,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - ROADBOY 65 HS B6 - Portable PA Speaker with Headset 655MHz - 679 MHz The compact, flexible sound system for small events, conferences, multimedia applications, podium discussions, schools, churches, etc. The ultra-compact battery-powered combo amplifier, measuring 30 cm x 22 cm and weighting only 5 kg, provides an impressive sound pressure level of 110 dB max. Despite its small format, this mobile all-in-one speaker box provides great audibility and is equipped with unique features. Spécifications: Product type Battery-powered PA speaker Low/mid driver dimensions 6.5 " Woofer Size 165.1 mm Woofer type Broadband speaker Woofer magnet Ferrite Woofer brand Custom-made Amplifier Class D RMS 25 W Peak power 100 W Frequency response 80 - 15000lx @ 1m Hz SPL (1W/1m) 93 dB Max. SPL 110 dB Protection circuits short circuit Controls Bass, Line Gain, Master, Mic Gain, Power, Treble, Voice priority on / off Indicators Charge/battery status, Power Media player: Supported media Audio-CD, CD-R, CD-R/W, SD Card, USB stick Supported formats Audio-CD, MP3 file, MP3-CD, WMA file, WMA-CD Media player controls CD ejector, Folder -, Folder +, Mode (CD / SD / USB), mute, Next Track, Play / Pause, Power / Volume, Previous Track, Program, Repeat, Shuffle, Stop Media player display elements Lighted multifunctional LC display Line inputs 2 Line input connectors RCA Mic inputs 1 Mic inputs 6.3 mm Jack Line outputs 2 Line output connectors RCA Loudspeaker outputs 1 Speaker output connections 6.3 mm Jack Transmission frequency range 655 - 679 MHz Operating voltage External 100- 240 V AC switch mode power supply Operating voltage 15 - 18 V DC, 3 A Rechargeable batteries 12 V / 2.6 AH Cabinet material polypropylene Cabinet construction vented Width 200 mm Height 300 mm Depth 230 mm Weight 6 kg Other features 16 mm stand mount, transport handle Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
498 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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jQuery('#messageTopChange').css('font-size','42px'); jQuery('#messageTopChange').css('top',topValeurBis); }); }); STUDIO - HOME STUDIO INSTRUMENT INFORMATIQUE MUSICALE LOGICIEL MAO ESPACE DJ ESPACE GUITARE ESPACE FLIGHT-CASE TRAITEMENT ACOUSTIQUE SONORISATION CÂBLES AUDIO ACCESSOIRES STUDIO - HOME STUDIO INSTRUMENT COMPUTER MUSIC SOFTWARE DJ SPACE GUITAR SPACE FLIGHT-CASE SPACE ACOUSTIC TREATMENT LIVE SOUND AUDIO CABLES ACCESSORIES STUDIO - HOME STUDIO INSTRUMENT COMPUTER MUSIC SOFTWARE DJ SPACE GUITAR SPACE FLIGHT-CASE SPACE ACOUSTIC TREATMENT LIVE SOUND AUDIO CABLES ACCESSORIES STUDIO - HOME STUDIO INSTRUMENT COMPUTER MUSIC SOFTWARE DJ SPACE GUITAR SPACE FLIGHT-CASE SPACE ACOUSTIC TREATMENT LIVE SOUND AUDIO CABLES ACCESSORIES STUDIO - HOME STUDIO INSTRUMENT COMPUTER MUSIC SOFTWARE DJ SPACE GUITAR SPACE FLIGHT-CASE SPACE ACOUSTIC TREATMENT LIVE SOUND AUDIO CABLES ACCESSORIES LD Systems - VIBZ 6 Référence: LDVIBZ6 124,00 € Disponibilité:    Disponible en stock fournisseur Livraison:   Sous 4 jours ouvrés Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre En Savoir Plus LD Systems -  VIBZ 6 - Table de mixage 6 voies La VIBZ 6 est une table de mixage 6 canaux compacte, parfaitement adaptée aux besoins des artistes solo ou en duo, des petits groupes, du home studio et des installations. Elle offre 2 entrées Micro symétriques équipées de préamplis de haute qualité, une alimentation fantôme et des égaliseurs 3 bandes avec +/- 15 dB de gain, 2 entrées ligne stéréo avec correcteur grave/aigu compatibles mono. La section Master de la VIBZ 6 possède des sorties Monitor de niveau réglable, une sortie casque et un multieffet numérique à 16 presets, avec commutation au pied. La console possède de plus une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; elle est très facile à utiliser et possède un son d'une grande chaleur et très détaillé. L'alimentation externe se visse facilement sur la console. Sont disponibles en option un sélecteur au pied (Footswitch) pour la section effets et un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 6 sur un pied de micro. Caractéristiques: Console de mixage 6 canaux 2 voies Micro avec égaliseur 3 bandes 2 voies ligne stéréo compatibles mono, avec égaliseur grave/aigu Sorties Master, Monitor et casque Alimentation par bloc secteur externe facilement vissable sur la console Spécifications: Type de produit Consoles de mixage Type Live Nombre d’Entrées 6 Voies mono: Voies d'entrée mono Micro/Ligne 2 Connecteurs d'entrée mono Micro Jack 6,35 mm stéréo, XLR Type d'entrée mono Micro Symétrei électronique Réponse en fréquence entrée micro mono 10 - 45000 Hz Valeurs de gain entrée micro mono - 50 dB Taux de distorsion harmonique (THD) entrée micro mono 0,0058% Impédance entrée micro mono 4k Ohm(s) Rapport Signal/Bruit entrée micro mono 113 dB Type d'entrée mono Ligne Symétrei électronique Réponse en fréquence entrée ligne mono 10 - 45000 Hz Valeurs de gain entrée ligne mono - 50 dB Taux de distorsion harmonique (THD) entrée ligne mono 0,0045 % Impédance entrée ligne mono 21k Ohm(s) Rapport Signal/Bruit entrée ligne mono 116 dB Correcteur médium voie mono +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Correcteur aigus voie mono +/- 15 dB @ 2500 Hz Correcteur graves voie mono +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Contrôles voies d'entrée mono Micro/Ligne Égaliseur 3 bandes (High, Mid, Low), Gain, Pan (panoramique), Sélecteur AUX Post, Volume de voie Alimentation fantôme Tension continue 48 Volts commutable Voies stéréo: Voies d'entrée ligne stéréo 2 Connecteurs d'entrée ligne stéréo Jack 6,35 mm mono Type d'entrée ligne stéréo asymétrique Réponse en fréquence entrée ligne stéréo 10 - 45000 Hz Taux de distorsion harmonique (THD) entrée ligne stéréo 0,0045 % Impédance entrée ligne stéréo 3,7k Ohm(s) Rapport Signal/Bruit entrée ligne stéréo 116 dB Correcteur aigus voie stéréo +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Correcteur graves voie stéréo +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Contrôles voies d'entrée stéréo Ligne Balance, Égaliseur 2 bandes (grave/aigu), Sélecteur AUX Post, Volume de voie Section généraux: Bus départs AUX/Effet 1 Connecteurs départs AUX/Effet jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Entrée retour AUX stéréo 1 x Stéréo Connecteurs retour AUX stéréo 2 jacks stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape 1 x Stéréo Connecteurs de sortie Stereo Tape 2 x RCA (Cinch) Entrée Stereo Tape 1 x Stéréo Connecteurs d'entrée Stereo Tape 2 x RCA (Cinch) Sorties stéréo généraux asymétriques 1 Connecteurs sorties stéréo généraux asymétriques Jack 6,35 mm stéréo Impédance sorties stéréo généraux asymétriques 120 Ohm(s) Niveau de sortie maxi, sorties stéréo généraux asymétriques +20 dBu Sorties stéréo Control Room 1 Connecteurs sorties stéréo Control Room jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Sortie casque 1 Connecteur sortie casque Jack 6,35 mm stéréo Processeur d'effets numérique Non Réglages Main-Section Affectation 2 Track (Main, Contr. Room), Alimentation fantôme, Niveau d'écoute entrée 2-Track, niveau Stereo Return, Volume casque / Control Room, Volume Master Indicateurs Alimentation fantôme, Écrêtage voie, Indicateur de niveau 4 segments, Power Tension secteur 18V AC / 1A External PSU Largeur 210 mm Hauteur (mm) 67 mm Profondeur 262 mm Poids 1,45 kg LD Systems - VIBZ 6 Reference: LDVIBZ6 124,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems -  VIBZ 6 - 6 channel Mixing Console The VIBZ 6 is a compact 6-channel mixer which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features two balanced microphone inputs with high quality preamps, phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible. The master section of the VIBZ 6 is equipped with adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. An adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 on microphone stands are available as accessories. Features: 6-channel mixer 2 microphone channels with 3-band EQ 2 mono-compatible stereo line channels with 2-band EQ Master, Monitor and headphone outputs Securely fastening external power supply Spécifications: Product type Mixers Type Live Channels 6 Mono Channels: Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 2 Mono Mic input connectors 6.3 mm TRS, XLR Mono Mic Input Type electronically balanced Mono Mic Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Mic Input - 50 dB Mono Mic Input Input THD-N 0.0058% Mono Mic Input Impedance 4k Ohm(s) Mono Mic Input S/N Ratio 113 dB Mono Line Input Type electronically balanced Mono Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Line Input - 50 dB Mono Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Mono Line Input Impedance 21k Ohm(s) Mono Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer High +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mid +/- 15 dB @ 2500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Low +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 3-band EQ (High, Mid, Low), AUX Post, Channel Volume, Gain, pan Phantom power 48 V DC switchable Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels 2 Stereo Line Input Connectors 6.3 mm TS Stereo Line Input Type unbalanced Stereo Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Stereo Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Stereo Line Input Impedance 3,7k Ohm(s) Stereo Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Stereo channel equalizer treble +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Stereo channel equalizer bass +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Stereo Line Input Channels 2-band EQ (High,Low), AUX Post, Balance, Channel Volume Main Section: AUX / Effects Send Channels 1 AUX / Effects Send Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connectors 2 x 6.3 mm TRS Stereo Tape Out Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Out Connectors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape In Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape In Connenctors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced stereo Main Outputs 1 Unbalanced stereo Main Output Connections 6.3 mm TRS Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Impedance 120 Ohm(s) Max. Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Level +20 dBu Stereo Control Room Out 1 Stereo Control Room Out Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Headphones ouput 1 Headphones outputs 6.3 mm TRS Digital Effects Processor no Main section controls 2-track Assignment (Main, Contr. Room), 2-track In Volume, Master Volume, Phantom Power, Phones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume Indicators 4-segment Level Meter, Channel Peak, Phantom Power, Power Operating voltage 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width 210 mm Height 67 mm Depth 262 mm Weight 1,45 kg LD Systems - VIBZ 6 Referencia: LDVIBZ6 124,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems -  VIBZ 6 - 6 channel Mixing Console The VIBZ 6 is a compact 6-channel mixer which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features two balanced microphone inputs with high quality preamps, phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible. The master section of the VIBZ 6 is equipped with adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. An adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 on microphone stands are available as accessories. Features: 6-channel mixer 2 microphone channels with 3-band EQ 2 mono-compatible stereo line channels with 2-band EQ Master, Monitor and headphone outputs Securely fastening external power supply Spécifications: Product type Mixers Type Live Channels 6 Mono Channels: Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 2 Mono Mic input connectors 6.3 mm TRS, XLR Mono Mic Input Type electronically balanced Mono Mic Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Mic Input - 50 dB Mono Mic Input Input THD-N 0.0058% Mono Mic Input Impedance 4k Ohm(s) Mono Mic Input S/N Ratio 113 dB Mono Line Input Type electronically balanced Mono Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Line Input - 50 dB Mono Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Mono Line Input Impedance 21k Ohm(s) Mono Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer High +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mid +/- 15 dB @ 2500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Low +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 3-band EQ (High, Mid, Low), AUX Post, Channel Volume, Gain, pan Phantom power 48 V DC switchable Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels 2 Stereo Line Input Connectors 6.3 mm TS Stereo Line Input Type unbalanced Stereo Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Stereo Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Stereo Line Input Impedance 3,7k Ohm(s) Stereo Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Stereo channel equalizer treble +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Stereo channel equalizer bass +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Stereo Line Input Channels 2-band EQ (High,Low), AUX Post, Balance, Channel Volume Main Section: AUX / Effects Send Channels 1 AUX / Effects Send Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connectors 2 x 6.3 mm TRS Stereo Tape Out Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Out Connectors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape In Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape In Connenctors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced stereo Main Outputs 1 Unbalanced stereo Main Output Connections 6.3 mm TRS Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Impedance 120 Ohm(s) Max. Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Level +20 dBu Stereo Control Room Out 1 Stereo Control Room Out Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Headphones ouput 1 Headphones outputs 6.3 mm TRS Digital Effects Processor no Main section controls 2-track Assignment (Main, Contr. Room), 2-track In Volume, Master Volume, Phantom Power, Phones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume Indicators 4-segment Level Meter, Channel Peak, Phantom Power, Power Operating voltage 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width 210 mm Height 67 mm Depth 262 mm Weight 1,45 kg LD Systems - VIBZ 6 Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ6 124,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems -  VIBZ 6 - 6 channel Mixing Console The VIBZ 6 is a compact 6-channel mixer which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features two balanced microphone inputs with high quality preamps, phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible. The master section of the VIBZ 6 is equipped with adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. An adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 on microphone stands are available as accessories. Features: 6-channel mixer 2 microphone channels with 3-band EQ 2 mono-compatible stereo line channels with 2-band EQ Master, Monitor and headphone outputs Securely fastening external power supply Spécifications: Product type Mixers Type Live Channels 6 Mono Channels: Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 2 Mono Mic input connectors 6.3 mm TRS, XLR Mono Mic Input Type electronically balanced Mono Mic Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Mic Input - 50 dB Mono Mic Input Input THD-N 0.0058% Mono Mic Input Impedance 4k Ohm(s) Mono Mic Input S/N Ratio 113 dB Mono Line Input Type electronically balanced Mono Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Line Input - 50 dB Mono Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Mono Line Input Impedance 21k Ohm(s) Mono Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer High +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mid +/- 15 dB @ 2500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Low +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 3-band EQ (High, Mid, Low), AUX Post, Channel Volume, Gain, pan Phantom power 48 V DC switchable Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels 2 Stereo Line Input Connectors 6.3 mm TS Stereo Line Input Type unbalanced Stereo Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Stereo Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Stereo Line Input Impedance 3,7k Ohm(s) Stereo Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Stereo channel equalizer treble +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Stereo channel equalizer bass +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Stereo Line Input Channels 2-band EQ (High,Low), AUX Post, Balance, Channel Volume Main Section: AUX / Effects Send Channels 1 AUX / Effects Send Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connectors 2 x 6.3 mm TRS Stereo Tape Out Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Out Connectors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape In Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape In Connenctors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced stereo Main Outputs 1 Unbalanced stereo Main Output Connections 6.3 mm TRS Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Impedance 120 Ohm(s) Max. Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Level +20 dBu Stereo Control Room Out 1 Stereo Control Room Out Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Headphones ouput 1 Headphones outputs 6.3 mm TRS Digital Effects Processor no Main section controls 2-track Assignment (Main, Contr. Room), 2-track In Volume, Master Volume, Phantom Power, Phones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume Indicators 4-segment Level Meter, Channel Peak, Phantom Power, Power Operating voltage 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width 210 mm Height 67 mm Depth 262 mm Weight 1,45 kg LD Systems - VIBZ 6 Riferimento: LDVIBZ6 124,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems -  VIBZ 6 - 6 channel Mixing Console The VIBZ 6 is a compact 6-channel mixer which is perfectly suited to entertainers, small bands, home recording and installations. It features two balanced microphone inputs with high quality preamps, phantom power and 3-band EQ with +/-15 dB adjustment scope, two stereo line inputs with 2-band EQ, which are mono-compatible. The master section of the VIBZ 6 is equipped with adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The mixer also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and offers a warm differentiated sound. The external power supply can be screwed on tightly. An adapter for mounting the VIBZ 6 on microphone stands are available as accessories. Features: 6-channel mixer 2 microphone channels with 3-band EQ 2 mono-compatible stereo line channels with 2-band EQ Master, Monitor and headphone outputs Securely fastening external power supply Spécifications: Product type Mixers Type Live Channels 6 Mono Channels: Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 2 Mono Mic input connectors 6.3 mm TRS, XLR Mono Mic Input Type electronically balanced Mono Mic Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Mic Input - 50 dB Mono Mic Input Input THD-N 0.0058% Mono Mic Input Impedance 4k Ohm(s) Mono Mic Input S/N Ratio 113 dB Mono Line Input Type electronically balanced Mono Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Amplification Range mono Line Input - 50 dB Mono Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Mono Line Input Impedance 21k Ohm(s) Mono Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer High +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mid +/- 15 dB @ 2500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Low +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Mono Mic and Line Input Channels 3-band EQ (High, Mid, Low), AUX Post, Channel Volume, Gain, pan Phantom power 48 V DC switchable Stereo Channels: Stereo Line Input Channels 2 Stereo Line Input Connectors 6.3 mm TS Stereo Line Input Type unbalanced Stereo Line Input Frequency Range 10 - 45000 Hz Stereo Line Input Input THD-N 0.0045 % Stereo Line Input Impedance 3,7k Ohm(s) Stereo Line Input S/N Ratio 116 dB Stereo channel equalizer treble +/- 15 dB @ 12000 Hz Stereo channel equalizer bass +/- 15 dB @ 80 Hz Controls Stereo Line Input Channels 2-band EQ (High,Low), AUX Post, Balance, Channel Volume Main Section: AUX / Effects Send Channels 1 AUX / Effects Send Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connectors 2 x 6.3 mm TRS Stereo Tape Out Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Out Connectors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape In Channel 1 x stereo Stereo Tape In Connenctors 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced stereo Main Outputs 1 Unbalanced stereo Main Output Connections 6.3 mm TRS Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Impedance 120 Ohm(s) Max. Unbalanced Stereo Main Out Level +20 dBu Stereo Control Room Out 1 Stereo Control Room Out Connectors 6.3 mm stereo jack unbalanced Headphones ouput 1 Headphones outputs 6.3 mm TRS Digital Effects Processor no Main section controls 2-track Assignment (Main, Contr. Room), 2-track In Volume, Master Volume, Phantom Power, Phones / Control Room Volume, Stereo Return Volume Indicators 4-segment Level Meter, Channel Peak, Phantom Power, Power Operating voltage 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width 210 mm Height 67 mm Depth 262 mm Weight 1,45 kg Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
124 €
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