Liste des meilleures ventes analogue

France (Toutes les villes)
Analogue Solutions SD88 - TR808 Snare Très bon état Module Eurorack Analogue Solutions SD88 est une reproduction fidèle de la caisse claire TR-808 de Roland avec quelques extras. En plus des paramètres Level, Tone et Snappy de l'original, vous trouverez des commandes pour le temps de déclin et la fréquence de coupure du filtre passe-haut. Le signal de bruit peut être émis sur une prise séparée. Une LED s'affiche lorsque le module est déclenché. Analogue Solutions SD88 is a faithful reproduction of RolandTR-808 snare drum with a few extras. Additionally to the parameters Level, Tone and Snappy of the original you can find controls for Decay time and the highpass filter´s cutoff frequency.The noise signal can be output at a separate jack. A LED visualized when the module is triggered. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Analogue Solutions Cranial Saw-Dual VCO/SUB Très bon état Cranial Saw est un VCO double avec un oscillateur de sous-souste, un mélangeur audio et de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités utiles. Il s'agit d'un choix unique pour un bon paquet VCO. Il dispose de deux composants discrets VCO basés sur les circuits du début des années 1970, de sorte qu'ils sonnent très vintage et sont pleins de caractère. Le double VCO fonctionne mieux au moyen à faible distance, et combiné avec le sous-Osc, produit d'énormes sons puissants. L'entrée CV de hauteur principale passe par un circuit Glide/portamento. Il existe des entrées CV de modulation avec des atténuateurs. En outre, VCO2 a sa propre entrée CV Mod. Chaque VCO est équipé d'un curseur de largeur d'impulsion et de somme d'entrée PWM CV. Les VCO ont également Sync. La modulation croisée est possible en prenant la sortie de VCO1 par exemple et en la corrigeant à l'entrée Mod CV de VCO2. Le mélangeur intégré permet aux deux VCO et au Sub-Osc d'être mélangés via leurs propres atténuateurs. Le mélangeur a sa propre sortie audio bien sûr, mais les VCO et le sous-Osc ont également des sorties individuelles de pré-mélangeur, de niveau fixe. Les deux VCO peuvent chacun être commuté entre les formes de scie ou de Square. VCO1 peut être réglé sur «Freerun». Cela signifie qu'il ne suivra pas le CV de la hauteur entrante. Le VCO1 peut être déconnecté du circuit Glide. Des caractéristiques telles que Freerun, et le Glide de la déconnexion de VCO1, ainsi que le mod CV individuel pour VCO2, permettent de produire une large gamme de sons et d'effets bizarres lorsque le mod croisé est patché, ou Sync utilisé. Beaucoup de pensée a été donnée à tout cela. Jetez un coup d'œil aux vidéos sur le site Web d'Analogue Solutions et la chaîne YouTube pour des exemples. L'idée est de permettre la production d'une large gamme d'effets sonores VCO avec la quantité minimale de patché, bien que, bien sûr, le patching puisse être fait. Tous les coulisseaux comportent une DEL dans leurs arbres. Le coulisseau Tune clignotera conformément au pas du VCO1. Module Eurorack 3U 38HP de large 25 mm de profondeur. 285 g de poids. Consommation d'énergie 15mA à 12V et 28mA à 12V. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Paris (Paris)
ME CONTACTER AVANT D'ENCHERIR !!! snell wilcox bbg6a Pour connaisseurs ! Donc si vous vous demandez ce que c'est, c'est donc pas pour vous:) garantie parfait état de fonctionnement ! J'ai aussi des cables si ça vous intéresse (non compris dans la vente) ME CONTACTER AVANT D'ENCHERIR !!!
35 €
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Toulouse (Haute Garonne)
Séquenceur hardware midi 17 pistes Analogue Solutions Europa comme neuf. Fourni avec manuel utilisateur et alimentation. Analogue Solutions Europa 17 tracks hardware sequencer in mint condition. Comes with user manual and EU power supply.
450 €
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Clermont Ferrand (Puy de Dôme)
Le Maestro Anniversary a vu le jour dans les laboratoires AIRTECH et découle de l’expérience acquise lors du développement du Puccini Anniversary. Les schémas de base de ces deux modèles sont très similaires, avec cependant une différence significative: le circuit d’amplification du Maestro, totalement symétrique depuis l’étage d’entrée jusqu’à l’étage de puissance, devient asymétrique sur la liaison avec les enceintes. Ceci a conduit à doubler les étages d’amplification et d’atténuation (potentiomètres). De même, tous les étages du Maestro Anniversary ont été conçus sans contre-réaction globale, pas même sur l’étage de préamplification (et c’est aussi le cas sur le Puccini). La puissance de sortie a été portée à 150 W sous 8Ω avec, de ce fait, un impact sur le dimensionnement de tous les étages complémentaire et de puissance comportant désormais deux paires de transistors par canal. La configuration de base est une cascode inversée, similaire à un étage unique de gain suivi par un buffer de sortie. La stabilité du point de fonctionnement est assurée par un servo relais à courant continu qui n’intervient qu’aux fréquences inférieures à quelques dizaines de Hz (donc très en deçà du spectre audible). L’amélioration des circuits et le choix de composants de qualité supérieure (résistances aux standards militaires, condensateurs au polypropylène de qualité audiophile conçus pour AIRTECH, câblage interne en cuivre OCC 7N et prises de sortie en cuivre pur) conduit à un amplificateur qui a l’honneur de succéder aux superbes intégrés Maestro. De fait, celui-ci vient compléter la gamme Anniversary célébrant le vingtième anniversaire de l’existence d’Audio Analogue ainsi que les 15 ans de la sortie du tout premier appareil AUDIO ANALOGUE baptisé Maestro. Le nouveau Maestro Anniversary est un amplificateur exclusif, par sa puissance remarquable encore doublée lorsque l’impédance est divisée par deux, et par son extraordinaire aptitude à tenir les charges complexes, cela s’ajoutant à une musicalité et un raffinement extrêmes très peu habituels dans l’univers des amplificateurs « musclés ». Hélas les mots ne suffisent pas pour exprimer tous les atouts et spécificités de cet appareil, c’est pourquoi nous vous invitons à venir l’écouter au plus vite, le seul moyen de vérifier par vous-même et de vous exclamer: « MUSIQUE, MAESTRO !!!» L’amplificateur a été intégralement conçu sur le principe de trois sous-ensembles bien séparés. 1. Puissance. Le Maestro dispose d’un transformateur de 600 VA par canal. Le pont de redressement est à diodes ultrarapides à composants discrets, de 50 A chacune. La capacité de filtrage est de 16800 μF par branche, de sorte que la capacité totale de l’amplificateur atteint 67200μF. Lors de la mise en fonction, le courant d’appel est limité par le moyen de résistances de valeur variable avec la température qui, dès le processus de mise en fonction achevé, sont mises hors service vis-à-vis des circuits de signaux. 2. Amplification. Il y a deux amplificateurs (pour les canaux gauche et droit), totalement séparés entre eux pour la masse comme pour les connexions des étages d’alimentation, sans la moindre liaison en commun. Les circuits du microprocesseur de commande numérique du volume sont eux-mêmes optiquement isolés. Il s’agit donc d’une configuration en double mono intégral. Les pistes de cuivre des circuits imprimés sont à double couche vis-à-vis des standards habituels, afin d’assurer la bonne circulation de courants importants. Le tracé des pistes des circuits imprimés a été finement étudié pour optimiser le transfert des signaux audio et garantir une parfaite symétrie entre les étages. 3. Préamplification. Tout comme sur la partie puissance, les circuits de préamplification sont eux aussi en double mono. Juste en aval des prises d’entrée ont été disposés les relais de commutation des canaux, puis un buffer en composants discrets permettant d’isoler l’amplificateur de la source. La tension maximale en ent
4.890 €
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Saint Julien en Genevois (Haute Savoie)
Up for sale is a near mint example of the latest and greatest Audio Analogue AA Phono Stage. Picking up where the Aria left off, the AA Phono preserves the Audio Analogue house sound (fluid and tonally rich, with a touch of tube like warmth - but solid-state speed and bass depth), but adds extra soundstage width, focus, and much blacker, quieter backgrounds. Flexibility is top notch with absolutely every possible cartridge load and capacitance catered for - including very low output MC cartridges. Setup is very quick and easy via two rows of switches on either side of the unit, right below the front plate. Build quality is second to none, both inside (3 toroidal transformers, dual mono construction, high quality subsonic filter and shielding) and outside (the design, fit and finish are a joy for the eyes). Specs are as follows: - MM gain (@1KHz) - 40 dB - MC gain (@1KHz) - 65 dB - Frequency response (+/-0.25dB) - 10Hz - 20KHz - MM signal/noise ratio - 89 dB - MC signal/noise ratio - 72 dB - Standby power consumption (230VAC) - 0.7 W - Dimensions (H x W x D) - 87 x 220 x 372 mm - Weight - 5.8kg The unit will come professionally packaged, although without original box or manual. It was meant for a fourth (...) system which will in fact not happen. Any questions please ask. Thanks for looking !
1.099 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Sefram 7832 TV METER Digital Analogue TV Analyser en très bon état frais de livraison ça peut être varier selon le pays
95 €
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Bournel (Lot et Garonne)
Casio Portable TV-1800 UHF analogue signal retro TV. État: Occasion Service de livraison: Colissimo
70 €
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Saint Germain en Laye (Yvelines)
Nice Lomokino Super 35 Movie Maker "Gloriously Analogue" and Lomokinoscope. They are in generally good condition, though I have not put film in or tested them. It seems to be in good condition, though I have not tested it with any film.
20 €
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Brax-Haute Garonne (Haute Garonne)
iFi Audio Micro iDAC 2 Digital to Analogue Converter. État: Occasion TBE
220 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Accessoire Instruments Code EAN: 0808729944298 En-tête / Fabricant: Homyl Instrument / Famille: Accessoires génériques Tranche de poids: 100 à 250 g Titre: 1pc Guitare électrique Analogue Chorus Effet Pé Effets Pièces Accessoires Instrument / Type: Accessoire
51,90 €
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Lille (Nord)
MSB Analogue Dac, y compris l'alimentation électrique de la base d'alimentation, les deux unités en parfait état. Avec les boîtes des fabricants et l'emballage de tous les manuels, ce modèle 2018 avec chaque mise à niveau.
1.900 €
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Berre l'Étang (Bouches du Rhône)
Arp Odyssey rev3 Korg analogue Synth avec valise et carton d'origine Neuf. Service de livraison: Colissimo
520 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
580 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
ROLAND SH-101 VINTAGE ANALOGUE KEYBOARD SYNTHESIZER. État: Occasion Service de livraison: Colissimo
1.490 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Accessoire Instruments Code EAN: 0808729944298 En-tête / Fabricant: Homyl Instrument / Famille: Guitares & Basses Tranche de poids: 100 à 250 g Titre: 1pc Guitare électrique Analogue Chorus Effet Pé Effets Pièces Accessoires Instrument / Type: Accessoire
71,54 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Lecteur cd haut de gamme audio analogue maestro en superbe état de marche et esthetique avec ça télécommande d origine... fabriquer par l ingénieur Federico Paoletti Le lecteur CD Maestro 96/24 présentait une architecture de circuits et des caractéristiques sans compromis, aptes à satisfaire les besoins des utilisateurs les plus exigeants. Nous avons conçu ce lecteur CD avec des circuits à hautes performances, une conversion D/A en 96kHz / 24 bit, des étages et circuits séparés à la fois selon la fonctionnalité et le canal concerné. Façade aluminium massif 7mm d épaisseur châssis gainé cuivre, circuit discret, pied a pointe de découplage en laiton massif...etc Specifications techniques Canaux 2 THD @ 1KHz 0dBFs THD @ 1KHz -10dBFs Etendue dynamique 98 dB Niveau de bruit parasite -140 dBV Niveau de sortie 2 Dimensions(HxLxP) 135 x 445 x 395 mm Masse 10 Kg idem Vincent, Kef, Sony, Technics, Atoll, Copland, Jbl, Synthesis, Cello, Viola, Mark Levinson, Roksan, Metaxas, Goldmund, Dynavector audio, Technica, Linn, Accuphase, Magico, Alnico, Plinius, Audiomat, Revel, Boston, Luxman, Harbeth, STENHIEM ALUMINE, Triangle, Altec, Goto, Conrad Johnson, Esoteric, Vpi, Proac, Mbl, Mulidine, Nakamichi, Manley, Rega, Radford, Sansui, Sae, B&W, Pioneer, Bowers & Wilkins, Imf, Cabasse, Jmlab, Focal, JMR, Klipsch, McIntosh, Cyrius, JMR, BC Acoustique, Electrocompaniet, Micromega, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo, Rogers, Audio Research, Acoustic Research, Advance Acoustic, Krell, Sonos, Jadis, Moon, Bel Canto, Devialet, Perreaux, Emotiva, Tannoy, Gryphon,Rotel, Thorens, Bose,NAD, Harman kardon, Yamaha...
500 €
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Laval-Isère (Isère)
Citizen pocket LCD Colour TV P822F analogue TV dans un original boîtier LCD se 5.59 cm téléviseur couleur système de syntonisation automatique. Neuf dans son emballage d' origine. 40 euros +5,80 en port suivi, Photos/Video/TV occasion à vendre à Laval (53000)
40 €
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Clermont Ferrand (Puy de Dôme)
Le Maestro Anniversary est un amplificateur exclusif, par sa puissance remarquable et par son aptitude à tenir les charges complexes, cela s’ajoutant à une musicalité et un raffinement extrêmes très peu habituels dans l’univers des amplificateurs « musclés ». Caractéristiques techniques - Type: Amplificateur intégré - Dimensions unitaire (H x L x P): 168 x 450 x 550 mm - Poids unitaire: 31 kg - Puissance nominale: 2 x 150 W - Rapport signal/bruit: 100 dB - Garantie constructeur: 5 ans
5.290 €
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Sergy-Ain (Ain)
Analogue Synthesizer 4-Voice polyphonic 37 Velocity sensitive slim keys Fully programmable 100 Editable factory presets + 100 'black canvas' locations Flexible configuration of the 4 voices via Voice Mode Automatable 16-step polyphonic note and motion sequencer Oscilloscope function shows the waveform visually in the OLED Display 41 Dedicated panel controls for immediate parameter access Panel made of robust aluminium Rubber coated controls Rear panel from real wood Audio Sync for all studio/live requirements with connection to SQ1, Volca, and Electribe, amongst others, possible Line output: 6.3 mm jack mono Line input: 6.3 mm jack mono Headphone output: 6.3 mm Jack stereo Sync in/out: 3.5 mm Mini jack mono MIDI I/O USB Dimensions (W x D x H): 500 x 300 x 85 mm Weight: 2.8 kg Incl. Power supply DC 9 V (KA350)
350 €
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Valleraugue (Gard)
Focusrite Saffire Pro 14, Interface audionumérique FireWire - jamais utilisé. CD d'installation fournie. 1 x câble Firewire -> Firewire fourni. Fiche technique Fabricant:Focusrite Modèle:Saffire Pro 14 Série:Saffire Catégorie:Interfaces audionumériques FireWire Fiche créée le:11/08/2010 Microphone Inputs 1-2 Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.2 dB Gain Range: +13dB to +60dB Maximum Headroom +8dBu THD+N: 0.001% (measured at 1kHz with a 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Noise EIN: 124dB analogue to digital (measured at 60dB of gain with 150 Ohm termination (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Input Impedance: 2k Ohm Line Inputs (Inputs 1-2) Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.2dB Gain Range: -10dB to +36dB THD+N: 0.001% (measured with 0dBFS input and 22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Noise: -90dBu (22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Input Impedance: >10k Ohm Line Inputs 3-4 Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.2 dB Gain Range: Switch-able between +16dBu or -10dBV for 0dBFS (balanced inputs) THD+N: 0.003% (measured at 1kHz with a 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Noise: -100dBu (22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Input Impedance: >10k Ohm Instrument Inputs (Inputs 1 and 2) Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB Gain Range: +13dB to +60dB THD+N: 0.004% (measured with 0dBu input and 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Noise: -87dBu (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Analogue Audio Outputs (Outputs 1-4) 4 Electronically Balanced Outputs Maximum Output Level (0dBFS): +10dBu THD+N: 0.001% (0dBFS input, 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter) Crosstalk (Channel Isolation) Any input to input: > 100dB Any output to output: > 100dB Any input to output: > 100dB DIGITAL PERFORMANCE A/D Dynamic Range > 109dB (A-weighted), all analogue inputs D/A Dynamic Range > 106dB (A-weighted), all analogue outputs Clock Sources: - Internal Clock - Sync to Word Clock on SPDIF Input (RCA) JetPLLTM PLL technology providing superb jitter reduction for class leading converter performance Clock jitter < 250 picoseconds Supported Sample Rates: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz 8 input channels to computer: Analogue (4), SPDIF (2) and Loop-back (2) 6 physical output channels from computer: Analogue (4), SPDIF (2) 12 DAW output streams Assignable 18 input by 6 output mixer Weight and Dimensions 1.5kg / 3.3lbs 215mm (W) x 45mm (H) x 220mm (D) (8.5 x 1.8 x 8.7 inches) Connectivity Analogue Channel Inputs (Inputs 1-2) 2 Mic XLR Combo (channels 1-2) on front panel 2 Line 1⁄4” TRS (channels 3-4) on rear panel Automatic switching between Mic / Line (channels 1-2) Switching between Line / Instrument Inputs (channels 1-2) via Saffire MixControl Application Switching between +16dBu (low) and -10dBV (high) gain on inputs 3-4 via Saffire MixControl Application Digital Channel Inputs (Inputs 5-6) 44.1 - 96kHz Stereo S/PDIF input on RCA Analogue Audio Outputs (Outputs 1-4) 4 1⁄4” TRS Jacks Output Level control (analogue) for outputs 1 and 2 Stereo Headphones Mix 1 on 1⁄4” TRS (also routed to Outputs 3 & 4) with independent volume control Digital Channel Outputs (Outputs 5-6) 44.1 - 96kHz Stereo S/PDIF Output on RCA Other I/O 1 6-pin FireWire S400 socket 2 Standard 5-pin DIN MIDI connectors: In and Out DC Power Input Connector (for use with supplied universal input power supply) Front Panel Indicators 2 2 segment input meters, Sig (-18) and O/L (0dBFS) “LKD” Locked Indicator “FW” Host Connected Indicator “Power” Indicator Instrument input source selection LED for channels 1 and 2 Phantom Power (48V) switch and LED for inputs 1 and 2
65 €
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Suresnes (Hauts de Seine)
Prism Sound Dream ADA-8XR. État : "Occasion" - ADA-8XR 8AD/8DA+AES - 8 analog In (XLR), 8 analog out (XLR), Carte AES-EBU Perfect Shape / Etat parfait Years: 2016 Feel free to ask any questions:) ---------------------------------- Overview The ADA-8XR is a multi-channel AD/DA converter that can be in numerous ways using to suit a very wide variety of applications. It can be a 16 channel AD converter, a 16 Channel DA converter or an 8 channel AD/DA converter. It can be a, or an AES/EBU / AES3 / SPDIF Digital to Analogue or Analogue to Digital converter. It can act as a high resolution for recording or post-production. Similarly it can work with a wide range of other popular Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) including Logic, Cubase, Nuendo and others. In fact, there's not a lot it can't do when it comes to digital audio conversion. Applications The ADA-8XR is the top professionals' converter of choice in the most exacting applications in music and sound recording, mastering, broadcast and post-production. Offering the cleanest and most transparent conversion available, the ADA-8XR is ideal for producers, engineers and songwriters wanting to produce top-quality results when recording, tracking & overdubbing, mixing to stereo or surround, mastering and monitoring. The ADA-8XR is perfect for recording vocal, single instruments, drums or orchestra and is just as much at home providing multiple outputs for external analogue summing. It is in use in the top studios around the world as well as being used in numerous film sound tracks. Design Philosophy The ADA-8XR takes the philosophy of the widely-acclaimed Prism Sound converter range a stage further: Now, the goals of ultimate sound quality, and un-matched versatility have been realised in a modular multi-channel, 24-bit 192kHz-capable format. The ADA-8XR provides A/D and D/A conversion and the essential digital interfaces with a stereo monitor mix output in digital and analogue formats. Clocking and Synchronization Unlike most other converter systems, the ADA-8XR is ideal as a master clock for your entire system, whether running from its precision internal reference or from an external source. No external clock source can improve the performance or influence the sound of the ADA-8XR. In addition, the ADA-8XR can run in Pro Tools Loop Sync mode, or lock to AES3, AES11 or Wordclock. The ADA-8XR delivers your recordings with perfect transparency, whatever the setup. Configuration options The ADA-8XR is a modular system and this provides great flexibility when creating systems with larger numbers of channels. Whether you need just a few channels of high-quality conversion or large a multi-track setup, the ADA-8XR is the natural choice. Using combinations of the basic system options and the range of digital interfaces you can build the system that perfectly matches your requirements. For more detail see the section. ADA-8XR Summary Channel Configurations - Up to 16 channels of state-of-the art 24-bit, 192kHz conversion in one great-sounding 2U package. - Choice of 8AD plus 8DA; 16AD; 16DA or D-D only configurations. - Dual-path architecture allows independent operation of two 8-channel paths: - Each path (bank of 8 channels) can be assigned to either record or play functions; - Each path can have independent clock references at different sample rates if desired; - Each path is independently configurable; - Each path can drive analogue and digital outputs simultaneously if desired - Allows Source Monitoring with simultaneous A/D and D/A conversion. - Electronically balanced, transformerless, galvanically isolated XLR analogue inputs and outputs ensure freedom from noise pick-up and crosstalk, with software-controlled balance and line-up; - Prism Sound 'Over-killer' selectable on analogue inputs: the best-sounding gentle limiting for louder masters - with no 'overs'; Dig
5.900 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
iFi Audio Micro iDSD DAC and Headphone Amp - with Pre amp Variable out. There is nothing like the micro iDSD. It is literally, out of this world. It is the only DAC in the world (at any price) to play True Native Octa-DSD512/PCM768/Double DXD. Its Perfect-Match means it can be fine-tuned to any headgear from IEMs all the way through to large headphones. Its 8v/4000mW output makes it one of the most powerful headamps to drive even the most hungry of headphones with ease. iFi has forged an enviable reputation for being at the forefront of computer audio technology. The micro iDSD has just made another leap, an Octa-Leap to be precise. With its special Dual-Core Burr-Brown native DSD/PCM chipset at the heart, the micro iDSD is capable of True Native PCM768, Octa-Speed DSD512 and 2x DXD; it is simply out of this world. The micro iDSD has 3 different power modes Eco, Normal and Turbo. Capable of 4000mW, 1000mW or 250mW, the micro iDSD is able to drive the full gamut of headphone and amplifiers alike. With iEMatch there to dial to suit any IEM, the micro iDSD has redefined the headphone amplifier class. Used along with the analogue volume control, the diminutive size of the micro iDSD belies its uncanny ability to drive virtually anything and everything! SmartPower® is the micro iDSD’s onboard recharging feature for Smartdevices. Its 4800mAH battery is able to fully recharge an iPhone two-times. Compatible with Apple and Android, phones and tablets, it is another example of iFi’s commitment to customer needs – enjoy high-end audio on the go without worrying about the phone going flat. iFi’s iCAN and iTube have already achieved widespread acclaim, so much so that their core features including 3D Holographic and XBass have become renowned in their own right and imitated by others. In the micro iDSD, for the first time in an iFi product, it features XBass and 3D Holographic for Headphones and Speakers. All these features are still executed in the analogue, not digital domain to preserve the original music format. And so much more….with the amazing Crowd-Design program, we are over the moon that you, the customer was central to the development of the micro iDSD. The micro iDSD is literally bursting with features – such as Direct/Pre-Amp, 3.5mm input, SPDIF Input/Output and much, much more. You will have to see it to believe it. Specifications: Item Description Remarks Inputs/Outputs Inputs (rear) USB 2.0 type A “OTG” Socket (with iPurifier® technology built-in) Compatible with computers (Apple/Win/Linux), iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android Devices, camera kit or USB-OTG cable required. (Full USB3.0 port compatible) Intelligent SPDIF® Coaxial 3 Way combo SPDIF port (Coaxial In/Out; Optical In); Up to 192kHz PCM SPDIF Optical Outputs (rear) Audio RCA L+R Intelligent SPDIF® Coaxial Up to 192kHz PCM Output (right side) SmartPower® Socket Fast charge all portable devices. Compliant with USB Battery Charging Standard 1.2 – 5V @ 1.5A Controls Controls (front) - HP Output Audio 6.3mm Headphone Jack - Volume with Power On/Off switch Precision analogue volume control - 3.5mm Input Auto disable the digital section when this is in use - X-Bass® On/Off - 3D Holographic Sound® On/Off Auto-switching for Speakers® and Headphones® (two separate and distinct circuits) Controls (left side) - Power Mode Turbo, Normal, Eco Computer controlled power and gain scaling - Polarity Normal/Inverted - Filter 3 positions, 6 filters (see filter section below) Controls (bottom) - Line Direct/Preamplifier Preamplifier function Enable/Disable, 0/9dB gain selectable Fixed 2V or variable with up to 5V available - iEMatch® Perfect-matching circuit for IEMs (eliminate hiss) Off / High Sensitivity Headphone / Ultra Sensitivity Headphone DAC section DAC Dual-core DSD, DXD, PCM DAC by Burr Brown 2-DAC Chip; 4-Channel; 8-Signals, custom interleaving for maximum SNR Bit-Perfect DSD processing, Bit-Perfect PCM processing Clock Ultra low jitter GMT computer controlled Femto Clock RMS jitter 12kHz – 1MHz Audio Formats DSD 512/256/128/64 24.6/22.6/12.4/11.2/6.2/5.6/3.1/2.8 All native decoding, no internal hardware conversion DXD 2x/1x 768/705.6/384/352.8kHz All native decoding, no internal hardware conversion PCM 768/705.6/384/352.8/192/176.4/96/88.2/ 48/44.1kHz All native decoding, no internal hardware conversion Filters - PCM Bit-Perfect Processing/Minimum Phase/Standard Digital filters selectable - DSD Extreme/Extended/Standard Range Analogue filters selectable - DXD Bit-Perfect Processing Fixed analogue filter Specifications (DAC Section) Dynamic Range (Line) >117db(A) THD & N (0dBFS Line) Output Voltage (Line) >2V Output Impedance (Zout) Jitter (correlated) Below AP2 test set limit Headphone Power Output HP Amp Output Power (max) Power (continuous.) - Turbo mode 10.0V/4,000 mW @ 16 Ohm >1560 mW @ 64 Ohm - Normal mode 5.5V/1,900 mW @ 16 Ohm >950 mW @ 32 Ohm - Eco mode 2.0V/500 mW @ 8 Ohm >250 mW @ 16 Ohm Specifications (Headamp Section) Dynamic Range (HP) >115dB(A) (Eco Mode, 2V Out) THD &N (HP 500mW/16R) Output Voltage (HP) >8V (Turbo Mode) Output Impedance (Zout) Maximum Output Power 4,000mW @ 16 Ohm Load when using sinewave testing the iDSD micro may engage protection circuits Continuous Output Power 1,000mW @ 64 Ohm Load
269 €
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Aix les Bains (Savoie)
8 legendary Class A mic preamps in the same class as the Focusrite ISA and RED ranges. They don't make them like this anymore... This unit is in very good condition - see pictures: front face is pristine with no scratches, only a few usage scratches around the rack ears from installation (marks will be hidden again after mounted onto a rack). It never left the studio. The Octopre provides eight pristine discrete channels of Focusrite Class A mic preamp and compression, OctoPre PLATINUM routes directly to any digital audio workstation via eight standard analogue outputs. Each channel features a revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit, providing a warm-sounding compressor, which morphs into a brick wall limiter to avoid those critical overs, ensuring total control over all eight channels. The mic preamps featured in OctoPre PLATINUM are similar to those featured in the award winning Focusrite Top-Of-The-Range. They are a transistor-based Class A design utilising the same full-bandwidth philosophy as the legendary RED and ISA mic preamps, ensuring detail and clarity without colouration. The first two 'super channels' also feature phase reverse, as well as TRS jack inputs on the front fascia for quick and easy, DI-free instrument plug-in. Eight line level balanced (+4 dBu) analogue inputs and outputs are provided as standard via 25-pin D-type connectors. These D-type connectors may be routed to 8 XLR/TRS by means of an (optional) 8-way 25-pin D-type to 8 XLR/TRS breakout cable, available separately. In addition to the analogue outputs, the OctoPre can be fitted with digital output (OPTIONAL CARD). Detailed description from the focusrite website: The OctoPre is an eight channel Class A microphone preamplifier, featuring a classic Focusrite mic pre and a revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit on each channel. The mic pres featured in the OctoPre are similar to those featured elsewhere in the award winning Focusrite Platinum range. They are a transistor-based Class A design utilising the same full bandwidth philosophy as the legendary Focusrite Red and ISA mic pres, ensuring detail and organic clarity without obvious colouration. The revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit provides each channel with warmsounding compression, which morphs into brick wall limiting to avoid critical ‘overs’ when recording digitally. The first two channels also feature phase reverse, as well as unbalanced 1/4” jack inputs on the front fascia for quick and easy, DI-free plug-in of guitars and basses. With Class A Focusrite analogue signal processing and comprehensive A/D interface options, OctoPre is the perfect partner for a Pro Tools™ system or any other digital audio workstation, making high quality, multi-channel recording easy. Equally, it could be utilised as part of a compact multi-channel location recording solution (with a laptop or ADAT™, for example), or as an additional set of professional-quality mic pres for any analogue or digital console or hard disk recorder. The original OctoPre is a typical Class A Platinum design, (based around a 737 Rhom transistor) and it is solid state, it has extended bandwidth (up to at least 180kHz at the top end) and sounds transparent. The original OctoPre has an edge in being more forgiving if you want to slam the pre's hard (but more 2nd order harmonic distortion as a result). -The Octopre has a dynamics (compressor/limiter) control on each channel -The Octopre has 48V phantom power switches on each channel -The Octopre has line in and out connections on 25 pin D-sub connectors and 8 XLR inputs for mics Performance specifications: THD:0.001% @ 20dBu input, mic and line at 0dB gain Noise:-96 dB at unity gain through the unit Mic EIN:-128 dBu @ 6dB of gain with 150Ω termination impedance Frequency response:-1 dB at 10 Hz to 200 kHz Carefully packed with powercord. Shipping France: 27,80 € Shipping Europe: 36,30 €
790 €
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Morigny Champigny (Essonne)
PRODYS Pronto 2 ISDN Codec USED Good condition Pronto 2 ISDN Audio Codec: Pronto2-ISDN is designed for those users who demand higher quality in their ISDN connections. It includes the two ISO MPEG Layer II compression modes most widely-used in broadcasting: MONO 64 Kbps (10.5 Khz) and Joint Stereo 128 Kbps (20Khz). The last one with the J52 standard for transmission via two independent 64 Kbps channels. It also includes a digital audio I/0 AES/EBU signal and a connector for transmitting and receiving auxiliary data simultaneously with the MPEG audio. It is also possible to replace the ISDN communications interface with two X21 ports. This expands the possibilities for connecting the equipment to other digital communication networks (dedicated networks, satellite communications etc.) In G711 mode, the Pronto2 ISDN provides an alternative to normal telephone hybrids, by allowing standard voice communications on the ISDN network as well as on analogue telephone networks. A conventional analogue telephone connected to the front panel, allows to make, receive and transfer calls or put them on hold or on air in the same way as conventional telephone hybrids. When G722 mode is selected, the unit permits high quality voice communications via the ISDN network, with the advantage over other audio encoding systems of having a low coding delay. Its most important features are: • ISDN universal terminal adapter (S0) and X21 interface. • Analogue or digital audio (AES/EBU). The AES/EBU interface provides input for external clock. • Dual operation (two fully independent communications) in G711, G722 and MPEG ayer II MONO 64 Kbps. • Independent operating encoding and decoding modes. • Automatic detection of the encoding mode used by the remote unit. • Compatibility in all modes (G722 and MPEG Layer II) with CCS and TELOS. • Auxiliary data in MPEG Layer II modes. • Electrical echo canceller and multiplex (conferencing) in G711. EXTERNAL TELEPHONE: The Prontos also feature the ability, accessed through a simple front panel menu, to remote control the unit with a standard analogue telephone (connected to the RJ11 socket on the front panel) using the DTMF (multifrequency) tones generated by the dial pad. The same telephone can also replace an audio I/O channel in G711/G722 modes to act, for example, as a talkback system. PORT 20 EUROS EN SUS COLISSIMO LE PRIX EST TTC ET LA TVA EST RECUPERABLE NON SERIEUX S'ABSTENIR
299 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
AMPLI AV en très bon état.Construction de qualité avec un encombrement minimum! Livraison Internationale: me contacter AV AMPLIFIER in very good condition. Quality construction with minimum bulk! International delivery: contact me RMS power 80 W x 5 CH (RMS, THD 1%, 6 Ohm), 75 W x 5 CH (RMS, THD 0,7%, 6 Ohm) HDMI HDMI/4K (3840 x 2160) Supported standards Dolby TrueHD / Dolby Digital Plus / Dolby Digital / DTS-HD Master Audio / DTS ES Power consumption (Standby mode) S/N ratio 100 dB / 1K Total harmonic distortion Frequency response 20 Hz – 60 kHz (Stereo Direct Mode) Audio analogue inputs sensitivity / impedance 250 mV / 47 kOhm Video inputs sensitivity / impedance 1 Vp-p / 75 Ohm Bluetooth Yes I/O HDMI input 5x HDMI HDMI output 1x HDMI Analogue video input 1x composite, 1x component Analogue video output 3x composite, 2x component Digital input 2x coaxial, 2x optical Speaker output 5 CH Analogue input 4x RCA Subwoofer line out 1x RCA FM RADIO Frequency range 87,5 MHz - 108 MHz Radio stations search Auto or manual Preset stations memory 20 stations Sensitivity 1µV (30dB S/N) THD 0,7% S/N ratio 65 dB FM antenna input 75 Ohm
155 €
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Cras-Isère (Isère)
Excellent état Payement chèque ou virement envoi rapide sansui TU-719 Stereo Tuner (1979-80) Specifications Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Analogue Sensitivity: 1.65uV (FM) Signal to Noise Ratio: 75dB (FM) Distortion: 0.07% (FM) Frequency response: 30Hz to 15kHz (FM) Output: 775mV Dimensions: 482 x 168 x 417mm, Weight: 9.2kg, Year: 197 compatible: audiomat, prelude, arpege, rega, esprit cables, actinote, cabasse, JM Reynaud, PEL, marantz denon naim audio research mc intosh accuphase sony philips audio reference creek atoll cabasse nad dali klipsch jbl jmr vecteur cambridge luxman audio analogue tandberg revox thorens fostex musical fidelity yamaha onkyo triangle stax electrocompaniet celestion luxman bryston sunfire bose tannoy metronome carat vecteur bryston onyx audiolab aura krell infinity rotel linn micromega consonnance, martin logan cyrus rotel linn jmlab audioquest unison research focal conrad johnson audio research apertura elac cyrus grundig kef kenwood cayin technics harman kardon siare pioneer cairn meridian quad mark levinson audio note B&W davis audiosynthesis audionet ayre cairne cec esoteric exposure gamut icos hegel jolida méridian moon myryad primare roksan T+A sphinx thule vincent jamo wharfedale kenwood audax, altec onken goto sugden stello supravox tannoy chiltone accuphase air tight EAR, etalon, goldmund, icos, lavardin, leben, nagra, cello, audio research, mcintosh, chord, gryphon, luxman, hegel, kr, sim, lamm, tri, dynaudio, jbl, tannoy, klipsch, proac, mulidine, jmr, dali, quellis, harbeth, b&w, magnepan, spendor, apertura YBA Mark Levinson Jeff Rowland Ayre, Pass Labs, Nakamichi, Classé Audio, Etalon, Sonic Frontiers, Brinkmann, Jadis cabasse yba jbl triangle accuphase mac intosh denon nad tandberg yamaha sony jmr proton philips audio analog nakamichi thorens marantz akai creek rega nad vecteur bo bose harman cardon celestion revox stax bryston Klipsh jbl cabasse yba denon marantz nad proton jecklin float triangle jmr infinity luxman audio analog accuphase thorens rotel revox rega stax atoll audioanalog cambridge consonance cabasse cyrus cayin yamaha focal sony harman vecteur davis thiel advance bose revox micromega goodmans arcam fostex pioneer apertura carat bo akai sansui chario Advance Acoustic, Alchemist, Arcam, ASR, Audio Analogue, Audiomat, Classé, revox, Cyrus, Denon, Goldmund, Harman Kardon, Hitachi, Jadis, Jeff Rowland, Kenwood, Kora, Krell, Linn, Mark Levinson, Myryad, Naim, Onkyo, Pass Labs, Pioneer, Quad, Restek, Sansui, Sonic, Sony, Technics, Vincent, Yaqin, 3A, Acoustic Energy, Audio Physic, B&W, Celestion, Dynaudio, Ecouton, Elac, Elipson, Focal, Grundig, Heco, Infinity, Kef, Linn, Martin Logan, Mission, Mordaunt Short, Piega, krell, Quadral, Rogers, Sonus Faber, Spendor, Swans, T+A, Tannoy, Vienna Acoustics, Wharfedale, Wilson Audio, Wilson Benesch plinius Accuphase, Esoteric, Denon, Yamaha, Mcintosh,, Atoll, Plinius, / Luxman,, Pioneer, Nad, Sony, Mark Lévinson, Krell, Rotel, Marantz, Primare, Onkyo,, Arcam,, Meridian, Nuforce, Micromega, Linn, Cambridge, Audiolab, Cayin, CEC,Consonance, Creek, Electrocompaniet, Esoteric, Exposure, Gryphon, Jadis, Jolida, Kora, Krell, Mark Levinson, Meridian,Musical Fidelit, kef, triangle mcintosh
289 €
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Saint Quentin (Aisne)
iFi Audio Micro iDSD DAC and Headphone Amp - with Pre amp Variable out. There is nothing like the micro iDSD. It is literally, out of this world. It is the only DAC in the world (at any price) to play True Native Octa-DSD512/PCM768/Double DXD. Its Perfect-Match means it can be fine-tuned to any headgear from IEMs all the way through to large headphones. Its 8v/4000mW output makes it one of the most powerful headamps to drive even the most hungry of headphones with ease. iFi has forged an enviable reputation for being at the forefront of computer audio technology. The micro iDSD has just made another leap, an Octa-Leap to be precise. With its special Dual-Core Burr-Brown native DSD/PCM chipset at the heart, the micro iDSD is capable of True Native PCM768, Octa-Speed DSD512 and 2x DXD; it is simply out of this world. The micro iDSD has 3 different power modes Eco, Normal and Turbo. Capable of 4000mW, 1000mW or 250mW, the micro iDSD is able to drive the full gamut of headphone and amplifiers alike. With iEMatch there to dial to suit any IEM, the micro iDSD has redefined the headphone amplifier class. Used along with the analogue volume control, the diminutive size of the micro iDSD belies its uncanny ability to drive virtually anything and everything! SmartPower® is the micro iDSD’s onboard recharging feature for Smartdevices. Its 4800mAH battery is able to fully recharge an iPhone two-times. Compatible with Apple and Android, phones and tablets, it is another example of iFi’s commitment to customer needs – enjoy high-end audio on the go without worrying about the phone going flat. iFi’s iCAN and iTube have already achieved widespread acclaim, so much so that their core features including 3D Holographic and XBass have become renowned in their own right and imitated by others. In the micro iDSD, for the first time in an iFi product, it features XBass and 3D Holographic for Headphones and Speakers. All these features are still executed in the analogue, not digital domain to preserve the original music format. And so much more….with the amazing Crowd-Design program, we are over the moon that you, the customer was central to the development of the micro iDSD. The micro iDSD is literally bursting with features – such as Direct/Pre-Amp, 3.5mm input, SPDIF Input/Output and much, much more. You will have to see it to believe it. Specifications: Item Description Remarks Inputs/Outputs Inputs (rear)USB 2.0 type A “OTG” Socket (with iPurifier® technology built-in)Compatible with computers (Apple/Win/Linux), iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android Devices, camera kit or USB-OTG cable required. (Full USB3.0 port compatible) Intelligent SPDIF® Coaxial3 Way combo SPDIF port (Coaxial In/Out; Optical In); Up to 192kHz PCM SPDIF Optical Outputs (rear)Audio RCA L+R Intelligent SPDIF® CoaxialUp to 192kHz PCM Output (right side)SmartPower® SocketFast charge all portable devices. Compliant with USB Battery Charging Standard 1.2 – 5V @ 1.5A Controls Controls (front) - HP OutputAudio 6.3mm Headphone Jack - Volume with Power On/Off switchPrecision analogue volume control DAC section DACDual-core DSD, DXD, PCM DAC by Burr Brown2-DAC Chip; 4-Channel; 8-Signals, custom interleaving for maximum SNR Bit-Perfect DSD processing, Bit-Pe
269 €
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Cras-Isère (Isère)
Très bon état Payement chèque ou virement envoi rapide sansui TU-217 Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Analogue FM Tuning Range: 88 to 108 MHz MW Tuning Range: 530 to 1600 kHz Sensitivity: 1.85uV (FM), 220uV (MW) Signal to Noise Ratio: 75dB (FM), 48dB (MW) Distortion: 0.35% (FM), 0.4% (MW) Selectivity: 50dB (FM), 35dB (MW) Frequency response: 30Hz to 15kHz (FM) Output: 775mV Semiconductors: 8 x transistors, 6 x diodes, 1 x FET, 4 x IC Dimensions: 430 x 110 x 307mm Weight: 5.3kg compatible: audiomat, prelude, arpege, rega, esprit cables, actinote, cabasse, JM Reynaud, PEL, marantz denon naim audio research mc intosh accuphase sony philips audio reference creek atoll cabasse nad dali klipsch jbl jmr vecteur cambridge luxman audio analogue tandberg revox thorens fostex musical fidelity yamaha onkyo triangle stax electrocompaniet celestion luxman bryston sunfire bose tannoy metronome carat vecteur bryston onyx audiolab aura krell infinity rotel linn micromega consonnance, martin logan cyrus rotel linn jmlab audioquest unison research focal conrad johnson audio research apertura elac cyrus grundig kef kenwood cayin technics harman kardon siare pioneer cairn meridian quad mark levinson audio note B&W davis audiosynthesis audionet ayre cairne cec esoteric exposure gamut icos hegel jolida méridian moon myryad primare roksan T+A sphinx thule vincent jamo wharfedale kenwood audax, altec onken goto sugden stello supravox tannoy chiltone accuphase air tight EAR, etalon, goldmund, icos, lavardin, leben, nagra, cello, audio research, mcintosh, chord, gryphon, luxman, hegel, kr, sim, lamm, tri, dynaudio, jbl, tannoy, klipsch, proac, mulidine, jmr, dali, quellis, harbeth, b&w, magnepan, spendor, apertura YBA Mark Levinson Jeff Rowland Ayre, Pass Labs, Nakamichi, Classé Audio, Etalon, Sonic Frontiers, Brinkmann, Jadis cabasse yba jbl triangle accuphase mac intosh denon nad tandberg yamaha sony jmr proton philips audio analog nakamichi thorens marantz akai creek rega nad vecteur bo bose harman cardon celestion revox stax bryston Klipsh jbl cabasse yba denon marantz nad proton jecklin float triangle jmr infinity luxman audio analog accuphase thorens rotel revox rega stax atoll audioanalog cambridge consonance cabasse cyrus cayin yamaha focal sony harman vecteur davis thiel advance bose revox micromega goodmans arcam fostex pioneer apertura carat bo akai sansui chario Advance Acoustic, Alchemist, Arcam, ASR, Audio Analogue, Audiomat, Classé, revox, Cyrus, Denon, Goldmund, Harman Kardon, Hitachi, Jadis, Jeff Rowland, Kenwood, Kora, Krell, Linn, Mark Levinson, Myryad, Naim, Onkyo, Pass Labs, Pioneer, Quad, Restek, Sansui, Sonic, Sony, Technics, Vincent, Yaqin, 3A, Acoustic Energy, Audio Physic, B&W, Celestion, Dynaudio, Ecouton, Elac, Elipson, Focal, Grundig, Heco, Infinity, Kef, Linn, Martin Logan, Mission, Mordaunt Short, Piega, krell, Quadral, Rogers, Sonus Faber, Spendor, Swans, T+A, Tannoy, Vienna Acoustics, Wharfedale, Wilson Audio, Wilson Benesch plinius Accuphase, Esoteric, Denon, Yamaha, Mcintosh,, Atoll, Plinius, / Luxman,, Pioneer, Nad, Sony, Mark Lévinson, Krell, Rotel, Marantz, Primare, Onkyo,, Arcam,, Meridian, Nuforce, Micromega, Linn, Cambridge, Audiolab, Cayin, CEC,Consonance, Creek, Electrocompaniet, Esoteric, Exposure, Gryphon, Jadis, Jolida, Kora, Krell, Mark Levinson, Meridian,Musical Fidelit, kef, triangle mcintosh
169 €
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Beuvrages (Nord)
amplificateur audio vintage Marantz PM410. + TUNER MARANTZ ST-300 L AM FM Stereo Tuner analogue Rare Vintage 1980 Like New Couleur:ArgentéModèle:PM410Classe d'amplificateur:ABSorties audio:Audio analogique, DINNombre d'entrées RCA droite/gauche:4Marque:MarantzNuméro de pièce fabricant:Non applicablePuissance RMS:2 X 25W 8 ohmsType:Amplificateur intégré Entrées audio: Entrée MICRO, DIN IN/OUT, Sortie casque, AUX, DIN, RCA stéréo droite/gauche... tuner MARANTZ ST-300 AM FM Stereo Tuner analogue Rare Vintage 1980 Like New Marantz ST300 AM/FM Stereo Tuner (1980-81) Specifications 300 Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Analogue FM Tuning Range: 87.5 to 108 MHz MW Tuning Range: 525 to 1605 kHz Dimensions: 416 x 146 x 243mm État : Occasion Envoi Mondial Relay: tarif en point relais: France, Belgique, Luxembourg 4,50 € - Espagne 8,10 € Tarifs internationaux à domicile par Mondial Relay. 9,20€ A destination des pays suivants: Allemagne, Autriche, Royaume-Uni, Belgique,Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Espagne, Portugal et Italie. Le paquet est délivré directement à l'adresse de l'acheteur.
196 €
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