Cleaning of
Liste des meilleures ventes cleaning of

Paris (Paris)
This is a pre-asph Leica 35mm f2 Summicron lens, also known as the king of bokeh. It's the 4th version of the Leica 35mm Summicron lenses. In mint - like new condition. No mentionable signs of use. Barrel is clean. Lens elements are clean. No haze, no scratches, no fog, no cleaning marks. Aperture blades are perfectly dry. Comes complete with the rear cap and the 12524 lens hood. Lens is made in Germany. Serial number 3591162. Production year 1992.
3.175 €
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Argonay (Haute Savoie)
Mamiya C330 Professional f + Mamiya Sekor 80mm F2.8 SUPERBE Cet appareil photo est vraiment très beau et en très bon état. Cela ne signifie pas bien entendu qu'il est neuf. Les marques du temps sont vraiment rares. L'appareil photo est équipé d'un verre dépoli avec micro-prisme à 45 ° La visée est claire. La mise au point est fluide. Le soufflet est très beau. Le compteur de vues fonctionne. La mousse d'étanchéité sur l’intérieur de la trappe de fermeture d'accès à la pellicule est usée. (photo N° 7) L'objectif déclenche à toutes les vitesses (sans garantie sur la réalité des valeurs) Les lamelles du diaphragme sont très belles. Les lentilles sont claires et propres. En regardant vers une source lumineuse très brillante on trouve évidemment quelques inévitables poussières, mais pas de champignons. Les lentilles avant se dévissent très facilement. Cela permet un nettoyage de toutes les lentilles. Je n'ai pas vu non plus de rayures, même si on peut imaginer qu'il en existe de très fines, ne serait-ce que de nettoyage. L'objectif de mise au point a une légère bosse en périphérie de son châssis, visible sur photo N°8 et série N°11. Il peut arriver que le bouton de déclenchement situé sur l'objectif ne revienne pas en position après le déclenchement. Cela est sans conséquence sur le déclenchement et il suffit juste de le tirer légèrement. Livré bouchon de protection avant. This camera is really beautiful, in really good cosmetic condition. This does not of course mean that it is new. The marks of time are really rare. The camera is equipped with a frosted glass with 45 ° micro-prism The view through the focus screen is clear. The focusing is fluid. The bellows is very beautiful. The view counter is working. The light seals on the internal face of the film access cover is worn. (photo N ° 7) The lens triggers at all speeds (without guarantee on the reality of the values) The lamellas of the aperture are beautiful. The lenses are clear and clean. Looking towards a very bright light source we obviously find some inevitable dusts, but no fungus. The front lenses are easily unscrewed. This allows cleaning of all lenses. I also did not see any scratches, although we can imagine that some really thin scratches do exist, due to cleaning. The focusing lens has a slight dent on the periphery of its chassis, visible in photo N ° 8 and series N ° 11. The shutter release button on the lens may not return to the position after the shutter is released. This has no effect on the trigger and you just have to pull it slightly. Delivered front protection cap. NO bidders with less than 5 feed backs ! PayPal from VERIFIED members with CONFIRMED address ! International buyers- it is your responsibility to be aware of the Customs, Taxes and Fees of your country. I'm not responsible for any such fees incurred. I do not mark items as "gifts" or declare a lower value.
425 €
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Échirolles (Isère)
SHARP GF-555H: OBJET DE COLLECTION PUISSANT ET SOLIDE Dimensions: 530x150x320mm Poids: 9 kg sans les piles (non fournies) 100% fonctionnel même le système APLD, avec ses antennes d'origine. Complètement restauré avec: Cinq nouvelles courroies, Toutes les roues de ralenti sont neuves ainsi que les deux galets presseurs, Calibration des deux moteurs, Nettoyage et lubrification des pièces métalliques, Nettoyage des contacts électrique, des potentiomètres, des commutateurs, des entrées et des sorties, Démagnétisation des têtes de lecture. La radio montre des signes d’usure sur le boitier depuis 40 ans, seul deux ailettes du cache du microphone droit sont cassées. À noter que: Les caches « FULL AUTO STOP » des capots des cassettes sont des reproductions. Le bout du bouton d’alimentation est manquant mais ne gêne pas sa mise en marche. Les photos montrent en détails l’état de la radio. Article d’occasion sans garantie de retour. SHARP GF-555H: POWERFUL AND STRONG COLLECTION Dimensions: 530x150x320mm Weight: 9 kg without batteries (not included) 100% functional even the APLD system, with its original antennas. Completely restored with: Five new belts, All the idling wheels are new as well as the two pinch rollers, Calibration of the two engines, Cleaning and lubrication of metal parts, Cleaning of electrical contacts, potentiometers, switches, inputs and outputs, Demagnetization of read heads. The radio has been showing signs of wear on the case for 40 years, only two fins of the right microphone cover are broken. To note that: The “FULL AUTO STOP” covers on the cassette covers are reproductions. The end of the power button is missing but does not interfere with its activation. The photos show the condition of the radio in detail. Used item without guarantee of return.
300 €
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Échirolles (Isère)
SHARP GF-555H: OBJET DE COLLECTION PUISSANT ET SOLIDE Dimensions: 530x150x320mm Poids: 9 kg sans les piles (non fournies) Remis en état avec: Cinq nouvelles courroies, Toutes les roues de ralenti sont neuves ainsi que les deux galets presseurs, Calibration des deux moteurs, Nettoyage et lubrification des pièces métalliques, Nettoyage des contacts électrique, des potentiomètres, des commutateurs, des entrées et des sorties, Démagnétisation des têtes de lecture. La radio montre des signes d’usure sur le boitier depuis 40 ans avec une seule petite fêlure sur le haut du boitier à gauche. À noter que: Le système APLD ne fonctionne pas par une diode défectueuse difficile à trouver en mais ne gêne pas le bon fonctionnement des deux lecteurs cassettes. Les caches « FULL AUTO STOP » et APLD sont des reproductions. Les photos montrent en détails l’état de la radio. Article d’occasion sans garantie de retour. SHARP GF-555H: POWERFUL AND STRONG COLLECTION Dimensions: 530x150x320mm Weight: 9 kg without batteries (not included) Reconditioned with: Five new belts, All the idling wheels are new as well as the two pinch rollers, Calibration of the two engines, Cleaning and lubrication of metal parts, Cleaning of electrical contacts, potentiometers, switches, inputs and outputs, Demagnetization of read heads. The radio has been showing signs of wear on the case for 40 years with a single small crack on the top of the case on the left. To note that: The APLD system does not operate by a defective diode which is difficult to find in but does not interfere with the correct operation of the two cassette players. The “FULL AUTO STOP” and APLD covers are reproductions. The photos show the condition of the radio in detail. Used item without guarantee of return.
250 €
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Échirolles (Isère)
JVC RC-M70L: OBJET DE COLLECTION PUISSANT ET SOLIDE Dimensions: 554x303x151mm Poids: 9 kg sans les piles (non fournies) Les courroies sont neuves, Calibration du moteur du lecteur de cassette, Nettoyage et lubrification des pièces métalliques, Nettoyage des contacts électrique, des potentiomètres, des commutateurs, des entrées et des sorties, Démagnétisation des têtes de lecture, Les antennes sont d'origine. Possibilité de brancher un téléphone et récepteur Bluetooth par l'entrée de côté LINE IN. La radio montre des signes d’usure sur le boitier depuis 40 ans. À noter que: La couleur du haut-parleur de gauche est noire (US) et celle de droite est bleu (EU) Une retouche de peinture entre les sliders du VOLUME Les photos montrent en détails l’état de la radio et vidéo sur YouTube pour son bon fonctionnement: Article d’occasion sans garantie de retour. JVC RC-M70L: POWERFUL AND STRONG COLLECTION Dimensions: 554x303x151mm Weight: 9 kg without batteries (not included) The belts are new, Cassette player motor calibration, Cleaning and lubrication of metal parts, Cleaning of electrical contacts, potentiometers, switches, inputs and outputs, Demagnetization of read heads, The antennas are original. Possibility of connecting a telephone and Bluetooth receiver via the LINE IN side input. The radio has been showing signs of wear on the case for 40 years. To note that: The color of the left speaker is black (US) and the right one is blue (EU) A touch-up of paint between the VOLUME sliders The photos show in detail the condition of the radio and video on YouTube for its proper functioning: Used item without guarantee of return.
500 €
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Limoges (Haute Vienne)
Kiev 6C Export version 1977 Vega 12V 90mm f/2.8 6X6 moyen format sur film 120 compatible Pentacon Six. Appareil acheté en 2017 en Ukraine, rare variation export avec Kiev en alphabet latin. Appareil en état proche du neuf. Fourni avec viseur prisme (manque de peinture sur les arrêtes) et viseur de poitrine, housse d'origine réparée et recousue. Il a subi une réparation et fiabilisation conséquente en 2017, avec remise en état de l'avancement des vues et reprise complète du réglage des vitesses d'obturation. Une retouche des vitesses a été effectuée fin 2021. L'espacement fonctionne dorénavant parfaitement pour peu que vous suiviez les instructions que je fournirais avec l'appareil. Les cuirettes en plastique on été remplacés par un cuir anglais haut de gamme donnant à l'appareil une préhension et un aspect esthétique très agréable. Un appareil vraiment splendide. L'objectif a été lui aussi remis en état avec dépose nettoyage des groupes optiques, remplacement de la graisse de la rampe hélicoïdale, nettoyage des lames du diaphragme automatique. L'objectif est absolument parfait et produit de très belles images dès f/2.8 (formule 5 éléments en 4 groupes type Biometar/Xenotar) Mise au point minimum 60cm. Kiev 6C export version 1977 Vega 12V 90mm f/2.8 6X6 medium format Pentacon Six compatible. Camera was bought in 2017 in Ukraine, rare export variation with Kiev en Latin alphabet. Camera in like new condition. Comes with pentaprism (few paint loss on corners) and waist level finder, original case repaired and restitched. The camera went through a major teardown and repair in 2017 with frame spacing rebuild, complete shutter speeds adjustment. A minor speed adjustment touch up was done at the end of 2021. Frame spacing works quite wall unless you follow instructions I will provide with the camera. Original plastic leatherette were replaced with the finest British tan leather available, that gives the camera a very nice fell in he hand as well as an esthetic improvement. A really beautiful camera. Lens as been worked on too with lens block removal and cleaning, helical focusing grease replacement, cleaning of automatic diaphragm aperture blades. Lens is in absolute perfect condition et provides good quality images from f/2.8. (5 elements in 4 groups formula Biometar/Xenotar design) Minimum focusing distance 60cm. Conditions de vente Tous les appareils ou objectifs soumis à la vente, à moins que définis pour pièces, sont révisés, restaurés, et testés sur film. Des images numérisées effectuées avec ces appareils sont disponibles sur demande. Je suis un ancien réparateur de matériel photographique. J'ai conservé cette activité en tant que hobby, pour satisfaire ma curiosité mécanique, et pour utiliser certains de ces appareils ou objectifs dans le cadre de ma création photographique. J'ai accès à un grand nombre d'outillages me permettant de réparer, modifier, restaurer intégralement des appareils photographiques. Parfois certaines pièces sont refabriquées à l'identique lorsque des pièces sont introuvables. Mon soucis est de fournir du matériel pour le passionné, l'artiste, le photographe cherchant un appareil ancien techniquement fiable et performant. Je possède un autre compte pour mes achats crédité de 100% d'évaluations positives. Vous pouvez connaître celui-ci par simple demande. Les ventes s'effectuent selon le contrat suivant : -Tout matériel est envoyé par La Poste en colis recommandé et assuré à hauteur de la valeur d'achat, en cas de perte, vol ou détérioration par le transporteur, quelle que soit la destination, et en valeur déclarée hors U.E. Pas de fausses déclaration tolérée. L'envoi se fait généralement le samedi. -Si il est avéré que le matériel est défectueux, un remboursement ou une réparation sera proposée, avec un retour à mes frais. -Si
400 €
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Paris (Paris)
International bidders are welcome: English version of the announcement and German lower.. I note that the shipping costs are exactly what I pay, I do not take commission. Je vends un peu de ma collection d’Hi-Fi vintage pour les fêtes et en l’occurrence un Sony ST-88 qui constitue avec son ampli dédié le TA-88 également en vente la première mini chaine Hi-Fi de l’histoire. Il y avait également un décodeur quadriphonique que je n’ai jamais trouvé… Voilà une belle façon de rentrer dans l’univers de l’Hi-Fi vintage. L’exemplaire que je vends est en très bel état car il ne faut pas oublier que ce petit tuner par la taille mais grand par le son a été fabriqué entre 1973 et 1976… les photos montrent je l’espère au mieux les petits défauts esthétiques dont il est affligé vous constaterez qu’il n’y a rien de grave. Techniquement il fonctionne très bien; la diode stéréo en façade n’est pas défaillante le vumètre de réception fonctionne parfaitement, l’éclairage du cadran idem voir dans les dernières photos ; il reste bien calé sur la fréquence sélectionnée. La sérigraphie est impeccable. Evidemment comme toutes les électroniques de cet âge, il gagnerait à être « recapé » dans les règles de l’art mais déjà ainsi il a un son très étonnant au niveau et une réception de qualité. Le son est chaud et chaleureux les voix sonnent vrai c’est une belle surprise à l’écoute. Je précise que si j’ai dissocié son ampli dédié de cette vente c’est que les façades des deux appareils présentent une différence de tonalité du métal malgré un nettoyage des deux façades j’avais pourtant acheté les deux appareils au même vendeur mais il y a peut-être une année de fabrication différente. Si vous achetez néanmoins les deux le port sera naturellement groupé. Voici les spécifications de cette petite bombe musicale : Specifications Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Analogue FM Tuning Range: 87.5 to 108 MHz MW Tuning Range: 530 to 1605 kHz Sensitivity: 1.7uV (FM), 455uV (MW) Signal to Noise Ratio: 65dB (FM), 50dB (MW) Distortion: 0.8% (FM), 0.8% (MW) Selectivity: 50dB (FM) Frequency response: 30Hz to 15kHz (FM) Semiconductors: 2 x FET, 16 x transistors, 18 x diodes Dimensions: 128 x 232 x 210mm Weight: 2.7kg Year: 1973 I am selling a bit of my vintage Hi-Fi collection for the holidays and in this case a Sony ST-88 which, with its dedicated amplifier, the TA-88 is also on sale the first mini Hi-Fi system in history. There was also a quadraphonic decoder which I never found... This is a great way to enter the world of vintage Hi-Fi. The copy that I am selling is in very good condition because we must not forget that this small tuner in size but big in sound was made between 1973 and 1976... the photos show I hope at best the small aesthetic defects that he is afflicted with you will find that there is nothing serious. Technically it works very well; the stereo diode on the front is not faulty the reception meter is working perfectly, the lighting of the dial as shown in the last photos; it remains firmly fixed on the selected frequency. The screen printing is impeccable. Obviously like all electronics of this age, it would benefit from being "recapped" according to the rules of the art, but already this way it has very astonishing sound in terms of and quality reception. The sound is warm and warm the voices ring true it's a nice surprise when listening. I would point out that if I dissociated its dedicated amp from this sale, it is because the facades of the two devices present a difference in tone of the metal despite a cleaning of the two facades I had nevertheless bought the two devices from the same seller but there may have a different year of manufacture. If you nevertheless buy both the shipping will of course be bundled. Here are the specifications of this little musical bomb: Specifications Type: Mono / Stereo Tuner
100 €
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Verrières le Buisson (Essonne)
Tapedeck cassette audio nakamichi CR7-A modified in a 220V European voltage (like E version) using a Toroidal transformer manufactured on demand. This deck has no scratches, is in excellent conditions (see pictures per face), fully serviced to be used during next 30 years, sold with a programmed remote copy of the RM-7C (official Nakamichi remote for CR7) plus a nice copy of the owner manual and some advertising papersheet. List of services provided with this deck: - Belt and idler tire replacement (old one available) - greasing of the mechanic, cleaning of pressure pads and heads, head demagnetisation - replacement of the memory battery by a new, removable one on its support - control of both Sankyo motors for head control & azimuth adjustment (pictures taken !) - Serial of major tests: speed adjustment, azimuth for play and record,... Old belts and a set of pictures will be provided to confirm list of services done with this deck. Buyer will ensure Paypal cost (about 3% of total final price) if such payment is used. I prefer bank wiring whereas ensure transaction security for the buyer (see my quotation of positive feed back !).
2.200 €
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Toulouse (Haute Garonne)
Bonjour, Amplificateur incomparable de 1970 doté d'un schéma de puissance en push-pull, il vous séduira par sa qualité de conception mais surtout c'est une merveille de musicalité dans un état irréprochable, façade, woodcase, châssis et fournit avec sa pochette d'origine dans laquelle se trouve encore son schéma et la liste des principaux composants remplacés, restauration et optimisation intégrale. Remplacement de la quasi totalité des composants en très haut de gamme y compris tous les petits transistors qui ont été appairés (Nichicon, Vishay, Panasonic, Wima, Motorola) des cartes d'amplification, phono, d'alimentation, de pré-amplification et tonalité, suppression des filtres coupe bas donnant une supériorité non négligeable en réduisant le trajet du signal et qui permet de l'exploiter a 100% de ses capacités, le choix des composants a été longuement réfléchi afin d'avoir le meilleur des rendement, traitements des potentiomètres, démontage et nettoyage de tous les commutateurs. Doté d'un maximum d'entrées de sources: Phono 1/2, Tuner, Aux, Tape, Micro, possibilité de régler la tonalité des voies droite et gauche indépendamment (basses, médiums, aigus). Une perle rare... Hello, Incomparable amplifier from 1970 with a push-pull power diagram, it will seduce you with its quality of design but above all it is a marvel of musicality in impeccable condition, front, woodcase, chassis supplied with its original cover in which is still its diagram and the list of the main replaced components, restoration and integral optimization. Replacement of almost all of the very high-end components including all the small transistors that have been paired (Nichicon, Vishay, Panasonic, Wima, Motorola) of the amplification, phono, power, pre-amplification and tone cards, removal of low-cut filters giving significant superiority by reducing the signal path and allowing it to be used at 100% of its capacities, the choice of components has been carefully considered in order to have the best performance, potentiometers processing, disassembly and cleaning of all switches. Equipped with a maximum of source inputs: Phono 1/2, Tuner, Aux, Tape, Micro, possibility of adjusting the tone of the right and left channels independently (bass, midrange, treble). A rare pearl... Spécifications: Puissance de sortie: 35 watts par canal sous 8Ω (stéréo) Réponse en fréquences: 20Hz à 40kHz Distorsion harmonique totale: 0.5% Facteur d’amortissement: 40 Sensibilité d'entrée: 3mV (mic), 2.2mV (MM), 180mV (DIN), 180mV (line) Rapport signal/bruit: 70dB (MM), 80dB (line) Séparation des canaux (Diaphonie): 50dB (MM), 50dB (line) Niveau de sortie: 180mV (line), 30mV (DIN) Impédances des haut-parleurs: 4Ω to 16Ω Système haut-parleurs: A, B et A+B Semi-conducteurs: 31 transistors, 5 diodes Dimensions: 415 x 127 x 278 mm Poids: 10 kg
1.000 €
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Verrières le Buisson (Essonne)
Tapedeck cassette audio nakamichi CR7-A modified in a 220V European voltage using a Toroidal transformer manufactured on demand. This deck has no scratches, is in an excellent condition, completely serviced, sold with a programmed remote copy of the RM-7C official Nakamichi remote and a nice copy of the ownet manual. List of services provided: - Belt and idler tire replacement - greasing of the mechanic, cleaning of pressure pads and heads, head demagnetisation - replacement of the memory battery (removable), - control of both Sankyo motors for head control and azimuth adjustment - Serial of major tests: speed adjustment, azimuth for play and record. Old belts and a set of pictures will be provided to confirm tye services done.
2.700 €
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Paris (Paris)
Canon Canonet ql17 gIII 35 mm range finder camera lens: 40 mm f1.7 The condition of the body is mint: no scratches except a tiny barely visible one under the camera, no marks, no dents, no smudges, the leather is beautiful and the overall appearance of the camera is great (see for yourself in the photos). The battery compartment has been professionally modified so that it doesn't take the old batteries anymore. Instead the canonet now takes lr9 or similar 1.5v alkaline batteries that are much cheaper, durable and easier to find. The camera fires at all speeds, the lightmeter works as it should as well, the film advance lever is nice and smooth. Viewfinder condition: the camera has been serviced recently for cleaning of the viewfinder. It is now really beautiful and bright with nice clear framelines (see picture) PLEASE READ: however, the viewfinder framelines are slightly tilted so if you set the camera on a table, they won't be perfectly parallel to the table but you can easily get used to it like I did. lens condition: perfect to the point the professional that cleaned my camera said "wow we rarely see canonet ql17 in such nice condition". The lens is by far the high point of this camera. Overall, apart from the slightly tilted viewfinder, you will rarely find a canonet ql17 in such pristine conditions. The camera has been professionally checked by an experienced camera repairman who didn't find any flaws apart from the slightly tilted viewfinder. The camera doesn't come with a lens cap but it comes with the strap you can see in the picture. Letting go of this camera only because I'm joining the leicagang
250 €
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Limoges (Haute Vienne)
Rolleiflex K1 type 614 Tessar 7,5cm f/3.8 modifié pour films 620 Que faire d'un sac de pièces que l'on vous a généreusement offert ? Je propose donc ce Rolleiflex à la vente, remonté, restauré et en bon état de fonctionnement. Belle patine, manques de peinture un peu partout, gainage d'origine, traces d'usure prononcée, quelques vis non d'origine. Une belle rayure circulaire sur la lentille frontale de l'objectif de prise de vue. Travaux effectués : -Reprise de l'alignement optique de l'objectif de prise de vue via les 3 vérins mécaniques sur marbre et comparateur (+/-0,02mm) pas pu avoir mieux. -Réparation de la butée infini -Révision complète de l'obturateur -Nettoyage interne des objectifs, en bon état -Miroir neuf -Redressage des éléments du viseur de poitrine (très fragile sur les premiers Rolleiflex) refonctionne impeccablement -Réglage concordance visée et prise de vue -Réparation de la molette d'avancement -Testé sur film (très bons résultats, cf. photos à f/3.8, f/5.6-6.3 et f/11 respectivement) Il est équipé d'un dépoli ancien équipé d'un stigomètre en verre. La visée n'est pas particulièrement lumineuse, comme à l'époque. La mise au point critique doit être effectuée sur le stigomètre et non pas sur le dépoli, il ne sont pas sur le même plan. Si vous souhaitez utiliser cet appareil, il faudra rembobiner des films 120 sur des bobines 620. (2 bobines 620 offertes) Colissimo recommandé assuré France 14€ Rolleiflex K1 type 614 Tessar 7,5cm f/3.8 modified for 620 films What to do with a bag full of parts that were kindly offered to you ? So, here is a Rolleiflex for sale, reassembled, restored and in good working condition. Nice patina, paint losses everywhere, original leatherette, some screw not original (missing when I got the camera) big circular scratch on the front taking lens Work performed : -Realigned front standard via the 3 screw jacks and alignment made on marble and micrometer gauge (+/-0 ,02mm) cannot get better -Infinity lock repaired -Shutter overhaul -Internal cleaning of taking and viewing lenses, that are clean and clear -New mirror -Waist lever finder elements all straightened out (very fragile on these Rolleiflex) all working perfectly -Adjustment of viewing lens to the taking lens -Advance wheel repaired -Film tested (very good results, please see samples at f/3.8, F/5.6-6.3 and f/11 respectively) This camera has an old glass ground glass with a glass stigmometer. As the stigmometer is not on the same height compared to the ground glass, critical focusing must be done with the stigmometer. Viewing is not particularly bright, as usual on these old cameras. If you intend to use this camera with film, you will need to respool 120 films onto 620 spools (2 offered with the camera) UE and Switzerland registered insured shipping 24.55€ Conditions de vente Tous les appareils ou objectifs soumis à la vente, à moins que définis pour pièces, sont révisés, restaurés, et testés sur film. Des images numérisées effectuées avec ces appareils sont disponibles sur demande. Je suis un ancien réparateur de matériel photographique. J'ai conservé cette activité en tant que hobby, pour satisfaire ma curiosité mécanique, et pour utiliser certains de ces appareils ou objectifs dans le cadre de ma création photographique. J'ai accès à un grand nombre d'outillages me permettant de réparer, modifier, restaurer intégralement des appareils photographiques. Parfois certaines pièces sont refabriquées à l'identique lorsque des pièces sont introuvables. Mon soucis est de fournir du matériel pour le passionné, l'artiste, le photographe cherchant un appareil ancien techniquement fiable et performant. Je possède un autre compte pour mes achats crédité de 100% d'évaluations positives. Vous pouvez connaître celui-ci par simple demande. Les ventes s'effectuent selon le contrat suivant : -Tout matériel e
200 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
Vends synthétiseur analogique monophonique Teisco/Kawai 100F. Année de fabrication: 1977. Très bon état pour son âge, tout fonctionne parfaitement (quelques craquements au changement de valeurs de certains potentiomètres, détail améliorable par petit dépoussiérage interne). Légers accros sur la placage bois de la carrosserie. Utilisé en studio non-fumeur jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Type de synthèse: Soustractive analogique. Monophonique. Monotimbral. Oscillateurs: 1 VCO avec formes d'ondes Sawtooth et Square plus un générateur de bruit. Filtre: 1 filtre LowPass résonnant et 1 HighPass non résonnant. VCA: Avec modes d'enveloppes AD, ADS et ADR. Enveloppes: 2 LFO: 1 avec formes D'ondes Saw, Triangle et Square et contrôle de Rate. Effets: Portamento trois modes, vibrato. Mémoires: Aucune Clavier: 37 touches. Contrôle externe: CV/Gate. Années de production: 1977. Prix: 600€ Possibilité d'essai sur Lyon. Envoi possible à la charge de l'acheteur. --- For sale: Analog monophonic Kawai/Teisco 100F synthesizer. Good state for its age (1977). All works well, some very small cracks/noises when turning some of the knobs, should be easy to improve with an inside cleaning of the machine. Some defaults on the panel woods due to age. Was played in home-studio until today. Monophonic Oscillators - 1 VCO: saw, square, noise, external audio in (2', 4', 8', 16', 32', 64' and "low" pitches) LFO - Saw, Triangle, square waveforms with adjustable Rate Filter - Low Pass resonant filter and High Pass non-resonant filter VCA - Simple AD, ADS or ADR envelope modes Keyboard - 37 notes Memory - None Control - CV/Gate Date Produced - 1977
600 €
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Limoges (Haute Vienne)
MIR 26 B 45mm f/3.5 avec bouchons et pare-soleil. Objectif grand angulaire compatible Pentacon Six Kiev 6c et Kiev 60 ainsi que les Kiev 88 modifiés en monture CM. Formule 8 éléments en 4 groupes. Révisé en 2017 avec dépose des groupes optiques, remplacement de la graisse de la rampe hélicoïdale, nettoyage des lames de diaphragme auto et recentrage des lentilles. Lentilles absentes de rayures voile champignon ou décollement. Quelques poussières entre les lentilles sans incidence sur la prise de vue. Rayures et éclats de peinture sur le corps d l'objectif. Très léger jeu dans la rampe de mise au point. Pas de point dur, mise au point fluide. Livré avec pare-soleil générique en métal, bouchons AV et AR. Celui-ci est estampillé du logo "contrôle qualité" USSR. Bon grand angle d'usage général que j'ai pas mal utilisé en paysage. Diaphragme idéal f/11 f/16 Photos d'illustration TXP400 sur pied f/11 f/16. Mir 26 B 45mm f/3.5 with caps and lens hood. Wide angle lens compatible with Kiev 6C Kiev 60 and modified CM mount Kiev 88. 8 elements in 4 groups. Lens was refurbished in 2017 with lens block removal, focusing helical grease replacement, cleaning of automatic diaphragm blades, and lenses recentering. No scratches fungus haze or separation. Few dust inside lenses no effects on pictures. Scratches and paint loss on lens body. Slight play in focusing helical. No hard spot in focusing that remains smooth. Comes with generic hood, front and rear caps. This lens is stamped with "quality control" USSR logo. Good general purpose wide angle lens that I used mainly on landscapes. Best aperture f/11 f/16. Pictures provided TXP400 on tripod. Conditions de vente Tous les appareils ou objectifs soumis à la vente, à moins que définis pour pièces, sont révisés, restaurés, et testés sur film. Des images numérisées effectuées avec ces appareils sont disponibles sur demande. Je suis un ancien réparateur de matériel photographique. J'ai conservé cette activité en tant que hobby, pour satisfaire ma curiosité mécanique, et pour utiliser certains de ces appareils ou objectifs dans le cadre de ma création photographique. J'ai accès à un grand nombre d'outillages me permettant de réparer, modifier, restaurer intégralement des appareils photographiques. Parfois certaines pièces sont refabriquées à l'identique lorsque des pièces sont introuvables. Mon soucis est de fournir du matériel pour le passionné, l'artiste, le photographe cherchant un appareil ancien techniquement fiable et performant. Je possède un autre compte pour mes achats crédité de 100% d'évaluations positives. Vous pouvez connaître celui-ci par simple demande. Les ventes s'effectuent selon le contrat suivant : -Tout matériel est envoyé par La Poste en colis recommandé et assuré à hauteur de la valeur d'achat, en cas de perte, vol ou détérioration par le transporteur, quelle que soit la destination, et en valeur déclarée hors U.E. Pas de fausses déclaration tolérée. L'envoi se fait généralement le samedi. -Si il est avéré que le matériel est défectueux, un remboursement ou une réparation sera proposée, avec un retour à mes frais. -Si il est avéré que la casse est liée à une mauvaise manipulation, en contradiction avec les instructions du manuel d'utilisation, la garantie ne s'appliquera pas. -Si l'appareil est annoncé comme sans garantie, ou pour pièces, aucun retour ou remboursement ne sera accepté Un appareil annoncé comme sans garantie n'implique absolument pas qu'il est défectueux, cependant certains matériels fragiles ou fabriqués il y a plus de 50 à 100 ans ne peuvent être garantis comme du matériel neuf. Aucun litige ne sera accepté quant à la justesse des vitesses d'obturation. Malgré tous mes efforts et connaissances techniques, les appareils soumis à la vente sont généralement conformes au spécific
100 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
superstar 360 FM, 120 channels, AM/FM/USB/LSB/CW Works, delivered with microphone, power cable, bracket support, LITTLE PROBLEM the meter light (signal) does not work small cleaning of the facade to do Superstar 360 FM, 120 Kanäle, AM/FM/USB/LSB/CW Funktioniert, Lieferung mit Mikrofon, Netzkabel, Halterung, KLEINES PROBLEM Die Kontrollleuchte (Signal) funktioniert nicht kleine Reinigung der Fassade zu erledigen En savoir plus
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Bordeaux (Gironde)
Roland Juno-106 61- Completely overhauled and restored This JUNO 106 has been meticulously disassembled, cleaned inside and out, completely overhauled and systematically tested several times over a long period of time to make sure it performs exactly as it should. We are perfectionists and we do not cut corners, details of the operations - PSU and memory Replacing the power supply capacitors Replacing the two-pin Roland plug with a normal IEC plug (computer type) Removal of the old battery, installation of the battery holder and installation of the new CR2032 type battery - Panel Board New slider dust kit Replacement of all the touch panel switches, 34 new switches Dismantling of all slip pots, cleaning, checking the values, replacing if necessary with new sliders and greasing. - Voice Board Dipped in acetone to loosen the black layer on the 80017A The voices 80017As are soldered into SIP socket One voice has been remplaced for a are new Analogue Renaissance one - Jack board Replacement of IC Chorus MN3009 by originals - Calibration Recharge factory patches Calibrated in test mode Checking all jacks - Cosmetics Degreasing the panel and cleaning the buttons - Customer power supply Synthesizer in 120V or 240V on demand - Shipping Buyers should contact us for the exact price of shipping to their country; the price quoted here is only an approximation. We take the maximum precaution to send you your synthesizers. For this, we use custom double-layered cardboard boxes, we cut polystyrene sheets that we come and place inside the boxes. The synthesizer is wrapped in bubble wrap and wedged between the polystyrene plates. The manuals are shipped in double plastic envelopes. Everything is closed with thick tape and the package is marked with “Fragile”, “Top” and “Bottom” stickers. The package is collected from us and shipped to you in less than 3 days in Europe, 10 days for the rest of the world. We specialize in high quality and fully repaired vintage second hand analog synthesizers, keyboards and other devices. We are professionals and musicians. We know our material inside out and treat our customers with honesty and respect.
2.350 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Zeiss Super Ikonta 531/2 with Tessar 105 3.5 Vintage medium format folder. Some defects. please read. (bold text notes a potential defect) Mechanically Open and closes smoothly Opening button opens finder but the actual lens assembly needs a little pull to come out Focusing is smooth (for a camera of this age) and rangefinder is coupled (though cannot guarantee it is calibrated) Rangefinder patch is bright yellow and is decently contrasty. Aperture can change appropriately Shutter on lens can be cocked without issue Shutter fires when triggered but gets jammed at 1/2s and 1s speed (it realises by itself in a few seconds or minutes). B hangs The shutter button on the camera gets properly available when film advance is done Speeds seem accurate except at 1 and 1/2 where shutter jams temporarily Optically Lens has no scratch Lens has 3 spots of fungus (3 small circles of around 1mm diameter) Some dust specks Probably some cleaning marks Some very light dirt on the edges of the glass Some light haze, like a water droplet drying out and leaving minerals traces Overall the camera is in rather good shape for its age though it would need a CLA of shutter (for jammins at lowest speeds) and lens cleaning PLEASE BUY ONLY IF YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH SUCH COMPLEX VINTAGE FOLDERS. IT NEEDS A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF SUCH CAMERAS TO OPERATE IT. SELLING TO EUROPE (EEC) ONLY Not Shiping to PO box or any similar destination. Your signature will be required. Please kindly accept the shipping price stated on this advertisement. It is not the actual shipping price but I don’t know the final weight of the parcel after packaging is done, neither any insurance options. There shouldn’t be a difference with final shipping price greater than 5€. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
FR: Très rare platine cassette Aiwa de 1979. Une des dernières platines à chargement horizontal. Grande qualité de fabrication, plateau en alu de 3mm d'épaisseur. Similaire à la platine Aiwa AD-1260, mais avec vue mètres fluorescents plus précis que les aiguilles. Bon état esthétique, présence de légères rayures sur le capot et 2 manques de peintures au niveau des prises micros. Fonctionne parfaitement en lecture et enregistrement. Entièrement révisée et testée - Changement des 4 courroies - Nettoyage complet intérieur et extérieur - Graissage et huilage - Nettoyage du chemin de bande - Démagnétisation des têtes - Contrôle et ajustement de la vitesse - Testé en enregistrement, lecture. Entrées micros et sortie casque fonctionnelles. EN: Very rare 1979 Aiwa cassette deck. One of the last horizontal loading decks. High quality of manufacture, aluminum plate 3mm thick. Similar to the Aiwa AD-1260 cassette deck, but with fluorescence VU meters more accurate than needles. Good aesthetic condition, presence of slight scratches on the hood and 2 lack of paint at the microphone sockets. Works perfectly in playback and recording. Fully revised and tested - Change of 4 belts - Complete cleaning inside and outside - Greasing and oiling - Cleaning the Strip Path - Demagnetization of the heads - Control and adjustment of speed - Tested in recording, playback. Microphone inputs and headphone output functional. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Argonay (Haute Savoie)
objectif Alpa Kern Macro Switar 1.8 50 mm AR Monture ALPA. Cet objectif est en très bon état. Des marques d'usage visibles. Cet objectif permet de faire la mise au point de 28 cm (j'ai mesuré 27 cm) à l'infini. L'ouverture et la fermeture du diaphragme est représentée sur l'objectif par un graphisme qui indique la profondeur de champ. La bague de mise au point est très fluide. Les lentilles sont claires. En regardant vers une source très lumineuse on peut distinguer un léger halo brumeux en toute périphérie de la lentille la plus proche de l'appareil photo. Quelques légères traces de nettoyage. Quelques poussières entre les lentilles. Sans doute quelques fines rayures de nettoyages sur les lentilles externes. Le diaphgrame s'ouvre et se ferme correctement. Les lamelles du diaphragme sont très belles et très propres. Fourni avec bouchon arrière, bouchon avant, pare soleil, filtre et bagues allonge. Alpa Kern Macro Switar 1.8 50 mm AR lens ALPA frame. This lens is in very good condition. Visible marks of use. This lens allows focusing from 28 cm (I measured 27 cm) to infinity. The opening and closing of the aperture is represented on the lens by a graphic which indicates the depth of field. The focus ring is really smooth. The lenses are clear. Looking towards a very bright source we can distinguish a slight hazy halo around the periphery of the lens closest to the camera. Some slight traces of cleaning. Some dusts between the lenses. Perhaps a few fine scratches from cleaning on the external lenses. The aperure opens and closes correctly. The aperure blades are really nice and very clean. Supplied with rear cap, front cap, sun visor, filter and extension rings.
1.250 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 mm 1:2 Nikkor-O·C Nikon F (non AI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b'>'Etat physique: A- Cosmetic condition: A- Etat optiques: A- Optical condition: A- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Objectif Nikkor 35 mm 1:2 pour les premiers boîtiers Nikon SLR manuels (F, Nikkormat). Optiques très propres (quelques traces de nettoyage), état cosmétique très bon aussi avec des traces d’usage sans gravité. C’est la version multi-couches de cet objectif fabriquée en 1974. Vendu avec ses deux bouchons et en parfait état de marche. Frais de port pour la France à partir de 4,50€ (Mondial Relay). Consultez mes autres ventes photo ! A Nikkor lens 35 mm 1:2 for early manual Nikon SLRs (F, Nikkormat, etc). This is a multi-coated version of these F mount lenses, manufactured in 1974. Clean optics (some cleaning marks), cosmetic condition very good, some normal signs of use. Sold with both caps and in perfect working order. Shipping cost to Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal: 11,00€ (Mondial Relay), Rest of Europe: 15,00€, North America, Far East: 20,00€. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes Etat physique: Codes for cosmetic condition: Cond. A: état neuf Cond. A: new, mint Cond. A-: état quasi-neuf, minimes traces d'usage Cond. A-: close to mint, minimal signs of use Cond. B: bel état de conservation Cond. B: very good condition Cond. C: bon état (petits accidents dus à l'usage) Cond. C: good condition (minor dings due to use) Cond. D: état moyen Cond. D: mediocre condition Cond. E: très mauvais état Cond. E: poor condition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Codes Etat des optiques: Codes for optical condition: Cond. A: état neuf Cond. A: new, mint Cond. A-: état quasi-neuf, lentilles parfaitement propres Cond. A-: close to mint, glass perfectly clean Cond. B bel état, quelques traces de nettoyage ou micro-poussières Cond. B: very good condition, minor cleaning marks or particles of internal dust Cond. C: bon état global des optiques, quelques mini-rayures ou autres Cond. C: good optical condition, minor scratches or other issues Cond. D: état utilisable, mais moyen Cond. D: usable, but sub-optimal condition Cond. E: très mauvais état Cond. E: poor condition En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Fontainebleau (Seine et Marne)
Superbe camera pour films argentiques 9.5mm de la célèbre Maison PATHE, référence WEBO 9.5 BTL. Fabriquée en France. Ce kit est livré avec tout ce qui est visible sur les photos. A savoir: - Corps de camera n°40146. Le moteur mécanique fonctionne sans problème, son esthétique présente des trace d'usage normales. La visée reflexe est claire et la cellule n'a pas été testé faute de pile adapté. Cette camera est donc vendue avec la cellule non fonctionelle - Objectif Berthiot Lytar 25mm f:1.8. Quelques très fines traces de nettoyage, pas de moisissure. Les bagues de mise au point est de diaphragme sont souples et fonctionnelles. - Objectif Berthiot Télé-Cinor 145mm f:4.5. Infimes traces de nettoyage, pas de moisissure. Les bagues de diaphragme et mise au point sont parfaites. Ce matériel est vendu au titre de collection, non testé avec un film. Tous les accessoires inclus dans ce lot sont présent sur la photo, rien d'autre de disponible. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Very nice camera for 9.5mm film from the famous PATHE company, reference WEBO 9.5 BTL. Made in France. This kit is delivered with everything that is visible on the pictures. - Camera body n°40146. The mechanical motor works without problem, its aesthetics shows normal traces of use. The reflex finder is clear and the cell has not been tested due to lack of battery. This camera is therefore sold with the cell not functional - Berthiot Lytar 25mm f:1.8 lens. Minimal traces of cleaning marks, no fungus, no fog. The focus and aperture rings are smooth and functional. - Berthiot Télé-Cinor 145mm f:4.5 lens. Minimal traces of cleaning marks, no fingis, no fog. The aperture and focus rings are smooth and functional. This material is sold as a collection, not tested with film. All accessories included in this set are shown in the picture, nothing else is available. La poste et Chronopost fonctionnent sans problème malgré la crise actuelle. Donc expédition et livraison garanties. Frais d'expéditions pour la france: 25 euro par la poste sans assurances ou 15 euro par mondial Relay Post office and Chronopost are fully working in this trouble times. No problem for shipping, except for USA, the awaiting is very long. Shipping for China or USA is 140 euro with post office WITHOUT insurance or 180 euro with UPS, DHL, TNT or similar WITHOUT insurance, please ask for insurance Shipping for europa is 50 euro with post office WITHOUT insurance and 60 euro with UPS, DHL, TNT or similar WITHOUT insurance and 30 euro with Mondial Relay, please ask for insurance
480 €
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Paris (Paris)
Leica m10 Noir Chromé avec Accessoires Paquet: 3 batteries. The following work was done: - Rangefinder adjustment - Sensor cleaning - Module matching - Software synchronization - Cleaning the camera - Final check The camera is in good but obviously used condition. There are normal signs of use on the camera. Please convince yourself based on the pictures. Of course, the rangefinder is free of scratches or dust. The camera itself is fully functional and has never given me any problems. The electronics work perfectly, the exposure times are correct, the range finder (0.72) is calibrated, the frames are clearly visible and the exposure display works. The camera comes with 3 original batteries. The delivery includes: - Leica M10 - 3 original Leica batteries - Leica Visoflex (Type 020) - original charger - original carrying strap - Original packaging + manuals Shipping is of course insured NOTE: THE PRODUCT CAN'T BE MADE EARLY THAN 27th MARCH
975,28 €
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Bois Colombes (Hauts de Seine)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 260 mm 1: 10 Nikkor-Q, objectif d’agrandisseur (enlarger lens) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Etat physique: B Cosmetic condition: B Etat optiques: A- Optical condition: A- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: Objectif 260 mm 1: 10 EL-Nikkor. Objectif d’agrandisseur pour négatifs moyen ou grand format. Lentilles très propres (mini-traces de nettoyage), aucun choc, marque ou autre problème. Monture à vis 90 mm. Frais de livraison pour la France à partir de 4,50€ (Mondial Relay). Consultez mes autres ventes photo ! 260 mm 1: 10 Nikkor-Q. Enlarger lens for medium and large format negatives. Scratch-free glass, no fungus, scratches or any other problem with the lenses (few mini cleaning marks). Threaded mount 90 mm. Shipping cost to Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom: 9,00€ (Mondial Relay), Rest of Europe: 24,00€, North America, Far East: 42,00€. Take a look at my other sales! Far Eastern or US buyers please contact me if you want to use Paypal! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Codes Etat physique: Codes for cosmetic condition: Cond. A: état neuf Cond. A: new, mint Cond. A-: état quasi-neuf, minimes traces d'usage Cond. A-: close to mint, minimal signs of use Cond. B: bel état de conservation Cond. B: very good condition Cond. C: bon état (petits accidents dus à l'usage) Cond. C: good condition (minor dings due to use) Cond. D: état moyen Cond. D: mediocre condition Cond. E: très mauvais état Cond. E: poor condition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Codes Etat des optiques: Codes for optical condition: Cond. A: état neuf Cond. A: new, mint Cond. A-: état quasi-neuf, lentilles parfaitement propres Cond. A-: close to mint, glass perfectly clean Cond. B bel état, quelques traces de nettoyage ou micro-poussières Cond. B: very good condition, minor cleaning marks or particles of internal dust Cond. C: bon état global des optiques, quelques mini-rayures ou autres Cond. C: good optical condition, minor scratches or other issues Cond. D: état utilisable, mais moyen Cond. D: usable, but sub-optimal condition Cond. E: très mauvais état Cond. E: poor condition
320 €
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Argonay (Haute Savoie)
Leica M summicron 5 cm 1:2 L'objectif est en bon état esthétique extérieur. Quelques marques d'usure. Des poussières et des champignons entre les lentilles. (voir photos) L'objectif nécessite un bon nettoyage. De très fines rayures de nettoyage à l'extérieur de la lentille externe, visibles uniquement en regardant à travers l'objectif vers une source lumineuse. The lens is in good exterior cosmetic condition. Some signs of wear. Dusts and fungus between the lentils. (see photos) The lenses require good cleaning. Very fine cleaning scratches on the outside of the outer lens, visible only when looking through the lens at a light source.
695 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
MAXELL Kit complet de nettoyage et entretien de lecteur de cassette audio des années 1990 contient: - une cassette de nettoyage - un ouvre cassette - des bandes de réparation de piste de cassette audio - un miroir - une brosse - un scalpel - des tournevis - un flacon de nettoyant à tête de lecture - un rouleau de scotch - une lame de rasoir - des étiquettes vierges pour cassette audio dimensions de la boite: 25 x 15 cm kit non utilisé, en très bon état, la boite présente des rayures ####### MAXELL Complete cleaning and maintenance kit for audio cassette players from the 1990s contains: - a cleaning cassette - a cassette opener - audio cassette track repair tapes - a mirror - a brush - a scalpel - screwdrivers - a bottle of head cleaner - a roll of tape - a razor blade - blank labels for audio cassettes box dimensions: 25 x 15 cm unused kit, in very good condition, the box has scratches En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Nantes (Loire Atlantique)
SCHNEIDER SUPER-SYMMAR XL 4,5/80mm MC ASPHERIC - En Etat proche du NEUF / In near MINT condition - Lentilles propres, claires, sans champignon, traces ni rayure / Lens clean, clear, without fungus, without scratch or cleaning marks. - Obturateur copal 0, fonctionne à toutes les vitesses / Copal 0 shutter, works at all speeds. - Made in Germany - Pour chambre 4x5, 5x7 / For 4x5 and 5x 7 Large Format Cameras - Objectif grand angle équivalent 21 mm en 4x5 / Wide angle lens: 21mm equivalent in 4 x 5 Large format. - Piqué exceptionnel, larges possibilités de mouvement, lumineux / Tack Sharp lens, wide movement possibilities, luminous lens. - Avec bouchons d'objectif avant et arrière / Comes with front and rear genuine lens caps. - Avec Pare soleil grand angle 67mm / Comes with a 67mm filter thread wide angle lens hood - n° de l'objectif: 14992344 / Serial number of the lens: 14992344 SCHNEIDER Center-Filter IIIb (+ 400 € quand neuf/ when new) - En excellent Etat / In excellent condition - Valeur: plus de 400 € quand neuf / More than 400 € when New. - Pare soleil grand angle 86mm / Comes with a 86mm filter thread wide angle lens hood Excellent +++ condition for the the Schneider Super-Symmar 80mm XL lens. Comes with the Schneider Center-Filter IIIb. The Schneider 80mm f/4.5 Super-Symmar XL Lens is a professional wide angle lens for the 4x5 format, which provides an angle of view on 4x5 which is similar to a 21mm lens in the 35mm format. The Super-Symmar XL lenses are the world's first aspherical lens design for large format, producing incredible peak sharpness with excellent correction for distortion and a small overall size. The 80mm f/4.5's large image circle allows plenty of creative control for the photographer-in fact, it has the largest image circle of any 80mm large format lens. Beyond the coverage, the lens' large f/4.5 maximum aperture helps to ease the difficulty of focusing the camera in poor light. The 80mm Super-Symmar XL's 105° angle of coverage permits a generous 34mm of all-direction shift on the 4x5 format, which is particularly beneficial when capturing a building from ground level. It can be mounted upon any view or field camera, thanks to its tiny 43mm diameter rear barrel which only extends 14.8mm behind the mount, allowing plenty of space between the rear of the barrel and the image plane for tilts and swings. The 80mm Super-Symmar XL uses 67mm filters, and for critical work with transparency film it is strongly recommended to use the dedicated #3b center filter. Extremely sharp ultra wide lens for professional results in the 4x5 format (can also be used upon 5x7 cameras). World's first aspherical lens design series for large format. Excellent correction of perspective distortion. Increased coverage to an extreme 105°. Bright f/4.5 maximum aperture allows easier focusing in subdued light. Largest image circle of any 80mm large format lens. Maximum image circle of 211mm allows ±34mm of rise/fall/shift (in both vertical/horizontal composition) for 4x5 format. Accepts 67mm filters. Standard-style Copal #0 shutter with calibrated aperture scale and maximum 1/500th speed Schneider Filter IIIb INCLUDED !!!(+ 400 € New) Schneider IIIb center filter for critical correction of light falloff + Lens hood for a wide angle with filter (86mm)
1.248 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 No. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. (Photo 5) - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands (photo 8) - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha (photo 6) - - ARRIFLEX PL (photo 7) So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 8) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capt
759 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 No. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! (photos 4 / 9) - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha - - ARRIFLEX PL So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 8) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capture very good lev
899 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 n°. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! (photos 4 / 9) - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha - - ARRIFLEX PL So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 11) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capture very good
799 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Important Note: be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're definitely sure of what you're about to purchase. Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds, just because some people want to play a little with it so to satisfy their curiosity... Thanks for your understanding. __________ Good day, For sale here, this rare pair of IEMs (in-ear monitors), the CampFire Audio JUPITER, in Universal version. This is an Audiophile's Hi-Fidelity IEM with excellent sound performance. Beautiful details from top to bottom and awesome bass-layering... A beautifully balanced sound, never gives any fatigue, that will make you sleep every night with the Jupiter in your ears. I have tried most of Campfire's top of the line IEMs, including the: Solaris, Atlas, Vega, Dorado, Lyra-II, and I can confirm that the JUPITER is my all time favorite and the only one that I've kept and enjoyed more than anything else. If you are looking for a balanced, detailed sound, equal from top to bottom, I assure you that the Jupiter outperforms any IEM from the sub-1000€ category. Its sound flows like honey in the ears... Condition: used condition, normal signs of use, but perfectly working, please see photos as they are part of the description. The cable is a 3.5mm Stereo jack-plug one and as with all Silver-Copper cables has some greenish marks with the time. You'll receive: everything as seen in the photos: - the original outer-box/packaging, - 1x original cable, - 1x original leather case, - 3x Comply foam-tips, - 3x SpinFit silicon tips, - 3x Campfire silicon tips, - 1x Campfire pin, - 1x Campfire cleaning tool, - the manual & the warranty-card. If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Please check my other sales. Thanks for your time! ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): These will be shipped from EU. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. No warranty, no revocation. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs. Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However, on the rare occasion that something will go wrong, you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your
399 €
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