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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Deux des entrées micro possèdent un point d'insertion pour traitement externe du signal audio; les deux autres peuvent aussi s'utiliser en tant qu'entrée stéréo au niveau ligne. Afin de travailler le son efficacement, la VIBZ 10 C possède des égaliseurs 3 bandes d'une grande précision, dont la fréquence d'intervention dans le médium a été choisie avec soin. Deux des voies stéréo sont pourvues de correcteurs grave/aigu. Le compresseur intégré permet de maîtriser la dynamique avec précision, pour un son plus efficace. La section Master de la console possède un  retour effet, des sorties Monitor réglables et une prise casque. La VIBZ 10 C possède aussi une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; le signal s'assigne à la sortie Master ou Monitor, et son niveau est réglable. Grâce à un son transparent et détaillé, et à une utilisation vraiment très facile, la VIBZ 10 C est un choix parfait pour les petits groupes, l'installation fixe, le home studio, ou encore le prémix. Elle est livrée avec un bloc secteur externe, qui se visse sur la console. Un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 10 C sur un pied de micro est disponible en option. Référence: LDVIBZ10C Type de Produit: table de mixage Type: orientée Live Nombre de Canaux: 10 Nombre de Voies Micro/Ligne Mono: 4 Connecteur entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack 6,35 mm TRS, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en fréquence Entrée Micro Mono:  10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Nombre de Points d'Insertion: 2 Connecteur Point d'Insertion: jack 6,35 mm TRS (pointe = départ, anneau = retour) Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: réglage de niveau, PAN (panoramique), départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (voies 1 et 2), Low Cut, Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 Volts commutable Filtre Passe-Haut (Low Cut): 95 Hz Compresseur:  réglage d'action continu Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    4 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) (voies 3/4 + 5/6); 2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo + 4x RCA (Cinch) (voies 7/8 + 9/10) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Asymétrique / symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz (voies 3/4 + 5/6) Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: réglage de niveau, balance, départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High) sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, correcteur grave/aigu sur les voies 7/8 + 9/10, filtre Low-Cut sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, réglage de Gain sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6 Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet: 1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Nombre de Sorties Casque: 1 Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: non Nombre de Presets: N/A Sélecteur au pied DFX Mute: N/A Contrôles Section Généraux: réglage de volume casque/Control Room, niveau 2TK In, Stereo Return, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room) Indicateurs: Vumètres 8 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, Power, Peak sur les voies Alimentation: 18V AC  / 1A External PSU Largeur: 265 mm Hauteur: 78 mm Profondeur: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Reference: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Referencia: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Riferimento: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
184 €
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Ses voies micro, commutables ligne, sont équipées de  préamplis de haute qualité  et d'un filtre passe-haut et deux d'entre elles disposent de plus d'un point d'insertion. Afin de travailler le son efficacement, la VIBZ 8 DC possède des  égaliseurs 3 bandes très efficaces, dont la fréquence d'intervention dans le médium a été choisie avec soin La section Master de la console est équipée d'un  retour effet, de sorties Monitor à niveau réglable et d'une prise casque. La VIBZ 8 DC possède aussi une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; elle est très facile à utiliser, et possède un son transparent et détaillé. Elle est idéale pour les petits groupes, l'installation fixe, le home studio et les prémixages. La VIBZ 8 DC est livrée avec un bloc secteur externe, qui se visse sur la console. Sont disponibles en option un sélecteur au pied (Footswitch) pour la section effets et un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 8 sur un pied de micro. Référence: LDVIBZ8DC Type de Produit: console de mixage Type: optimisée Live Nombre de Canaux: 8 Canaux Micro/Ligne Mono: 4 Connecteurs Entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack 6,35 mm TRS, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Micro Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Nombre de Points d'Insertion: 2 Connecteur Point d'Insertion: jack 6,35 mm TRS (pointe = départ, anneau = retour) Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono:    +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono:    +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: Réglage de niveau, PAN (panoramique), départ DFX/AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (voies 1 et 2), Low Cut, Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 volts commutable Filtre passe-haut (Low Cut): 95 Hz Compresseur: réglage d'action continu Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: asymétrique / symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz (Voies 3/4 + 5/6) Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Réglage de niveau, Balance, départ DFX/AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High) sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, correcteur grave/aigu sur les voies 7/8, filtre Low-Cut, réglage de Gain sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6 Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet:    1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: 2 x jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stéréo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Casque: 1 Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: résolution A/N et N/A 24 bits Nombre de Presets: 100 Sélecteur au Pied DFX Mute: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Contrôles Section Généraux: Réglage de niveau DFX To Main, touche DFX Mute, DFX Presets, volume casque/Control Room, niveau 2TK In, Stereo Return, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room) Indicateurs: Vumètres 8 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, Power, Peak sur les voies Alimentation: 18 V AC / 1 A via bloc secteur externe Largeur: 265 mm Hauteur: 77 mm Profondeur: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Reference: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Referencia: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Riferimento: LDVIBZ8DC 219,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 8 DC - 8 channel Mixing Console with DFX and Compressor Four balanced microphone inputs  with high quality preamplifiers,  mono compatible stereo channels, an integrated compressor  and  100 digital effects with 24-bit resolution turn the VIBZ 8 DC into a flexible sound control unit. The microphone channels are switchable to line level and are equipped with  high quality   preamplifiers  and a reduction in bass; two of them also feature inserts for individual signal processing. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 8 DC has very precise  3-band EQ s  with practical selectable mids. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 8 DC also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices, is extremely easy to use and impresses with its transparent and detailed sound. It is ideal for small bands, installations, home recording, and for use as a sub-mixer. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 8 DC on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ8DC Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 8 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Insert: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Treble:    +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass:    +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (Kanal 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor: yes Stereo Line Input Channels: 3 Stereo Line Input Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack, (Lmono,R) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, DFX/AUX (Post), 3 Band-EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 Low-Cut, Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels:    1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: Yes, 24-bit AD/DA Resolution No. of Presets: 100 Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: 6.3 mm stereo jack Control Elements Main Section: DFX To Main Volume, DFX Mute switch, DFX Presets Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK Volume, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR assignment (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, DFX Peak / Mute, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 77 mm Depth: 350 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
219 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector   Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector Le 21-avr.-19 à 14:02:09 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
5,13 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Antenne de télévision 980 Mile Freeview Digital 4K HDTV avec amplificateur T2 980 Miles 4K Digital HDTV Indoor TV Antenna with Amplifier Signal Booster TV Radius Surf  Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. 980 Miles 4K Digital HDTV Indoor TV Antenna with Amplifier Signal Booster TV Radius Surf  Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 22-nov.-19 à 09:47:39 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
7,09 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
TV aérien Digital 4K HDTV d'antenne d'intérieur de télévision 980 milles T2 Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 22-nov.-19 à 09:53:23 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
5,09 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Antenne de télévision 980 Mile Freeview Digital 4K HDTV avec amplificateur 980 Miles 4K Digital HDTV Indoor TV Antenna with Amplifier Signal Booster TV Radius Surf  Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. 980 Miles 4K Digital HDTV Indoor TV Antenna with Amplifier Signal Booster TV Radius Surf  Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 22-nov.-19 à 04:48:38 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
7,59 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
TV aérien Digital 4K HDTV d'antenne d'intérieur de télévision 980 milles Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF (174-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 980 miles (Max) 6. Size: 230X120 x 0.6mm 7. Color: Black 8. Cable: 1.5C - 2V / Length = 3m 9. Connectors: Universal 10. Polarization : Linear 11. Voltage: 5V 12. Power Supply Connector: USB 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Specifications: Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV ’s or STB ’s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Before You Purchase Please first visit " antennaweb.org" to check how many broadcast towers surrounding you within 60-80 miles. Discover how many FREE CHANNELS are available from your local broadcasters. Check if your TV is digital or TV. HDTV antenna pulls in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows! Receives free HD channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox_, Univision and more. Package Included: 1 x 980 miles TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector 1* User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 22-nov.-19 à 04:30:44 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
5,59 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Antenne aérienne télévision Signal intérieur numérique 4K HDTV amplifié Freev SH Product Fea tures: Colour: Black Dimensions: 210 x 160 x 0.6 mm Working frequency: VHF (170-240Mhz) / UHF (470-860Mhz) Standing wave ratio: ≤1.5 Impedance: 75Ω Low noise amplifier gain: 25dB Reception range: 960 miles (maximum) Cable: 1.5C-2V / length = 3m Connector: Universal Polarization: linear Voltage: 5V Power connector: USB Working temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Storage temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p / ATSC Suggestion: The signal of the signal enhanced version will be more stable and powerful. Setup guide: Step 1: Connect the end of the connected coaxial cable to the ANT / IN connector on the back of the TV or digital converter box, and insert the USB plug into the USB port of the TV or digital converter box. Step 2: Hold the antenna close to the window and place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the setting menu of the TV or set-top box, set the tuner mode to "antenna" or "air" for more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the settings menu of the TV or set-top box, set the TV to the "scan" channel. This can sometimes be listed as an automatic program, automatic scan, channel search or channel scan. Please refer to the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If the received signal is sporadic, try to move the antenna to another location and rescan the TV until you find the best location. Step 6: Fix the antenna in the best position you find. Antenna direction adjustment 1. Connect the antenna to the TV correctly. 2. Set the TV to antenna mode. 3. When the signal quality is low, adjust the position of the antenna or point it towards the TV station. 4. You have to watch the TV program clearly until the signal quality is improved. The packaging includes: 1 * antenna 1 * Signal Enhancer 1 * Converter 1 * User Manual Moyen de paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Conditions de vente Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Product Fea tures: Colour: Black Dimensions: 210 x 160 x 0.6 mm Working frequency: VHF (170-240Mhz) / UHF (470-860Mhz) Standing wave ratio: ≤1.5 Impedance: 75Ω Low noise amplifier gain: 25dB Reception range: 960 miles (maximum) Cable: 1.5C-2V / length = 3m Connector: Universal Polarization: linear Voltage: 5V Power connector: USB Working temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Storage temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p / ATSC Suggestion: The signal of the signal enhanced version will be more stable and powerful. Setup guide: Step 1: Connect the end of the connected coaxial cable to the ANT / IN connector on the back of the TV or digital converter box, and insert the USB plug into the USB port of the TV or digital converter box. Step 2: Hold the antenna close to the window and place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the setting menu of the TV or set-top box, set the tuner mode to "antenna" or "air" for more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the settings menu of the TV or set-top box, set the TV to the "scan" channel. This can sometimes be listed as an automatic program, automatic scan, channel search or channel scan. Please refer to the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If the received signal is sporadic, try to move the antenna to another location and rescan the TV until you find the best location. Step 6: Fix the antenna in the best position you find. Antenna direction adjustment 1. Connect the antenna to the TV correctly. 2. Set the TV to antenna mode. 3. When the signal quality is low, adjust the position of the antenna or point it towards the TV station. 4. You have to watch the TV program clearly until the signal quality is improved. The packaging includes: 1 * antenna 1 * Signal Enhancer 1 * Converter 1 * User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 07-sept.-20 à 08:27:01 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
8,68 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Antenne aérienne télévision Signal intérieur numérique 4K HDTV amplifié Freev SH Product Fea tures: Colour: Black Dimensions: 210 x 160 x 0.6 mm Working frequency: VHF (170-240Mhz) / UHF (470-860Mhz) Standing wave ratio: ≤1.5 Impedance: 75Ω Low noise amplifier gain: 25dB Reception range: 960 miles (maximum) Cable: 1.5C-2V / length = 3m Connector: Universal Polarization: linear Voltage: 5V Power connector: USB Working temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Storage temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p / ATSC Suggestion: The signal of the signal enhanced version will be more stable and powerful. Setup guide: Step 1: Connect the end of the connected coaxial cable to the ANT / IN connector on the back of the TV or digital converter box, and insert the USB plug into the USB port of the TV or digital converter box. Step 2: Hold the antenna close to the window and place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the setting menu of the TV or set-top box, set the tuner mode to "antenna" or "air" for more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the settings menu of the TV or set-top box, set the TV to the "scan" channel. This can sometimes be listed as an automatic program, automatic scan, channel search or channel scan. Please refer to the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If the received signal is sporadic, try to move the antenna to another location and rescan the TV until you find the best location. Step 6: Fix the antenna in the best position you find. Antenna direction adjustment 1. Connect the antenna to the TV correctly. 2. Set the TV to antenna mode. 3. When the signal quality is low, adjust the position of the antenna or point it towards the TV station. 4. You have to watch the TV program clearly until the signal quality is improved. The packaging includes: 1 * antenna 1 * Signal Enhancer 1 * Converter 1 * User Manual Payment Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Shipping Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. About US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Product Fea tures: Colour: Black Dimensions: 210 x 160 x 0.6 mm Working frequency: VHF (170-240Mhz) / UHF (470-860Mhz) Standing wave ratio: ≤1.5 Impedance: 75Ω Low noise amplifier gain: 25dB Reception range: 960 miles (maximum) Cable: 1.5C-2V / length = 3m Connector: Universal Polarization: linear Voltage: 5V Power connector: USB Working temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Storage temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p / ATSC Suggestion: The signal of the signal enhanced version will be more stable and powerful. Setup guide: Step 1: Connect the end of the connected coaxial cable to the ANT / IN connector on the back of the TV or digital converter box, and insert the USB plug into the USB port of the TV or digital converter box. Step 2: Hold the antenna close to the window and place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the setting menu of the TV or set-top box, set the tuner mode to "antenna" or "air" for more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the settings menu of the TV or set-top box, set the TV to the "scan" channel. This can sometimes be listed as an automatic program, automatic scan, channel search or channel scan. Please refer to the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If the received signal is sporadic, try to move the antenna to another location and rescan the TV until you find the best location. Step 6: Fix the antenna in the best position you find. Antenna direction adjustment 1. Connect the antenna to the TV correctly. 2. Set the TV to antenna mode. 3. When the signal quality is low, adjust the position of the antenna or point it towards the TV station. 4. You have to watch the TV program clearly until the signal quality is improved. The packaging includes: 1 * antenna 1 * Signal Enhancer 1 * Converter 1 * User Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 05-déc.-20 à 08:54:19 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
9,39 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Amplificateur signal intérieur récepteur antenne antenne télévision numérique D1 Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector Payment Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Shipping Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. About US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 09-déc.-20 à 07:54:25 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
11,68 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Amplificateur signal intérieur récepteur antenne antenne télévision numérique ST Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 15-mars-21 à 09:14:08 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
10,89 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
Amplificateur signal intérieur récepteur antenne antenne télévision numérique ER Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 10-mars-21 à 10:00:42 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
11,18 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Indoor Digital TV Antenna HDTV HD Aerial Freeview Signal Amplifié 2000Miles R DE Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector Moyen de paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Conditions de vente Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier 1 x Universal Connector PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 16-avr.-21 à 08:29:11 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
19,19 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Amplificateur signal intérieur récepteur antenne antenne télévision numérique RD Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Contactez-nous Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Specification: Color: black Product size(MM): 330*250 * 25 Plate antenna: 330X230mm Compatibel met 720 p, 1080i, 1080 p/ATSC or 4K Coaxial Cable: 4M length Connector Type: F - head with TV adapter V.S.W.R.: Voltage: USB 5V Impedance: 75Ohm Gain: 28~32 dBi(with amplifier) Weight: packing: 254g No packing:167g Operation Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Storage Temperature: -45 ~85℃ Working Frequency: 174~240MHz,470~862MHz(DTMB,DVB-T,ATSC,DTMB-T) Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box, Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV' s or STB ' s setup menu, set the tuner mode to " Antenna " or " Air " For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV 's or STB 's setup menu, set TV to " scan " for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Pacakge Content: 1 x TV Antenna 1 x Signal Amplifier(as you choose) 1 x Universal Connector PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de  5 étoiles  si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 12-avr.-21 à 11:53:09 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
10,68 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Étui transport voyage VR sac rangement pr casque étanche EVA pr Oculus Quest RD a.imagelink {color:#db3606;} a:hover.imagelink {color:#db3606;} a:visited.imagelink {color:#d48218;} a.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #db3606; } a:visited.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #d48218; } Highlight description: 1.Made of EVA material, strong and durable, for our use. 2.Designed specifically for Oculus Quest 2 all-in-one VR gaming headset. 3.The zipper opening and closing allows you to access the device. 4.Equipped with a hand strap design, we can easily carry it anywhere. 5.It can provide protection for scratches and anti-collision protection for equipment. 6.A necessity for travel and outdoor activities. Detailed description: Material: Composite EVA Color (Optional): gray, black Size: 24.5x20x14cm / 9.6x7.8x5.5in Product Type: Storage Bag Note: Transition: 1cm = 10mm = 0.39inch Only storage bag, excluding other accessory demonstrations in the picture! Due to manual measurement, please allow an error of 0-1 cm. Make sure you don’t mind before bidding. Due to the differences between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Before purchasing, please confirm that the product color is you want to buy. Package includes: 1 x VR storage bag Paypal is the only payment method w for its safety. Immediate payment to reach a quick processing and dispatching. We really appreciate your business with us, and hope it’s lasting.  To confirm your address and phone number before making an order is necessary to avoid possible troubles after. It’s OK to change the information before we post your order. Item will be dispatched in 1 business day after payment received in workdays before 18:00 p.m.. Delivery of orders domestic usually takes now more than 3-4 business. There are many choices for shipping method you can choose from but will cost extra charges. Please know the time may prolong in holidays or other special times. We offer postage methods for buyers all over the world, but we can't promise the exact EDD. or tax. If you are not completed satisfied with your purchase, you can simply return the item to us in 30 days with 30 days of receipt. We will be responsible for the return postage if not of quality issues or transport damage. Please keep the items in an unused condition. We will make an exchange or refund once we receive the item and make a confirmation. We hope you can tell us your suggestions and pictures about the flaws. We are always making efforts to providing better products and service. if you feel satisfied with us, please leave us a  5-Star  on the Detailed Seller Ratings. In return, we will make a positive feedback as soon as we receive your payment. We always try to provide the most cost efficient products for customers, the smoothest payment and after-services, your feedback will help us make progress in many aspects.   Highlight description: 1.Made of EVA material, strong and durable, for our use. 2.Designed specifically for Oculus Quest 2 all-in-one VR gaming headset. 3.The zipper opening and closing allows you to access the device. 4.Equipped with a hand strap design, we can easily carry it anywhere. 5.It can provide protection for scratches and anti-collision protection for equipment. 6.A necessity for travel and outdoor activities. Detailed description: Material: Composite EVA Color (Optional): gray, black Size: 24.5x20x14cm / 9.6x7.8x5.5in Product Type: Storage Bag Note: Transition: 1cm = 10mm = 0.39inch Only storage bag, excluding other accessory demonstrations in the picture! Due to manual measurement, please allow an error of 0-1 cm. Make sure you don’t mind before bidding. Due to the differences between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Before purchasing, please confirm that the product color is you want to buy. Package includes: 1 x VR storage bag PAYMENT Paypal is the only payment method w for its safety. Immediate payment to reach a quick processing and dispatching. We really appreciate your business with us, and hope it’s lasting.  SHIPPING To confirm your address and phone number before making an order is necessary to avoid possible troubles after. It’s OK to change the information before we post your order. Item will be dispatched in 1 business day after payment received in workdays before 18:00 p.m.. Delivery of orders domestic usually takes now more than 3-4 business. There are many choices for shipping method you can choose from but will cost extra charges. Please know the time may prolong in holidays or other special times. We offer postage methods for buyers all over the world, but we can't promise the exact EDD. or tax. Terms of Sale If you are not completed satisfied with your purchase, you can simply return the item to us in 30 days with 30 days of receipt. We will be responsible for the return postage if not of quality issues or transport damage. Please keep the items in an unused condition. We will make an exchange or refund once we receive the item and make a confirmation. We hope you can tell us your suggestions and pictures about the flaws. ABOUT US We are always making efforts to providing better products and service. if you feel satisfied with us, please leave us a  5-Star  on the Detailed Seller Ratings. In return, we will make a positive feedback as soon as we receive your payment. We always try to provide the most cost efficient products for customers, the smoothest payment and after-services, your feedback will help us make progress in many aspects. Le 13-juin-21 à 10:10:15 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
26,62 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Little jewel, one of the greatest headphones amplifiers ever, extremely rare on sale, in perfect working condition and aesthetics, almost like new. Trully impressive, addicting sound. Higly regarded by audiophiles, a true reference and a collectible item. Would loved to keep this one, I'm selling it reluctantly... Comes with original box and accessories, well packaged. Would consider posting it internationally but please, ask for a quote as the postage differs from country to country and the amount in the description is for European Union only, thanks. b'"' In terms of the criteria that I listen for in any amp, transparency, noise, dynamics and the ability to get me out of my head and into the music, Prime is well, prime. All in all, a seemingly impressive effort that covers all the bases.b'"' From Neil Gader's review in The Absolute Sound head-fi.org/threads/meridian-prime-headphone-amplifier-review.691392/ Headfonia: MERIDIAN PRIME - ENGLISH EXCELLENCE b'"'Does The Prime Live Up To The Meridian Name? First I tried the Prime as an Amp/Dac combo (with PSU) and I immediately loved the sound from this demo unit: Enormous Clarity, great detail retrieval from bass to treble, top precision and dynamic sound. All presented with just the right amount of air between the instruments. Musical and detailed sound with a superb flow. The Prime sounds fast and is neutrally tuned but the best solid state kind there is. Maybe it is just slightly forward sounding, but not that much. Bass is tight, goes deep, is well layered and has a lot of detail but doesn’t have the big body of say the Beyerdynamic A20 amplifier (but it has far better quality). The Prime is a linear tuned unit and I find the bass to be perfect (and that’s an understatement) with the Audeze and Hifiman headphones but more on those later. The Prime’s mids are slightly more forward sounding, especially the vocals, but they are not bright. Don’t get me wrong on that because they sound incredibly good: perfect separation, great timbre, heaps of detail but never over-analytical and always musical and dynamic. Treble is extended and detailed but never harsh sounding. I do like my treble and the Prime does a splendid job for my taste. Treble is on the same level as the mids and bass: clarity, detail and sparkle. The Prime’s sound stage is wide and deep with a perfect balance and 3-dimensionality. I fell in love with the Prime’s sound as a DAC/Amp unit. For me this is top audiophile sound.b'"' The Prime can also be used as a DAC and Pre Amp in combination with a power amp, headphone amp or active speakers. There is no disappointment here, the Meridian DAC delivers a stunning performance in combination with my desktop sized solid state and tube amps. I love a clear, detailed and neutral DAC with a huge sound stage. Who wouldn’t? Well this is one of those DACs I could live happily ever after with. It ads nothing to the sound, in a good way that is, and using it as a pre amp boosts the performance of your amplifier. headfonia.com/meridian-prime-english-excellence/ The Prime is a top-class headphone amplifier and a surprisingly talented stereo preamp. Meridian is a master at signal processing, so it’s no surprise to find ‘Analogue Spatial Processing’ on board the Prime. It’s a function designed to counteract the fact that stereo recordings are designed to be played over speakers, not headphones. ASP blends the left and right channels to varying degrees – there are three options – to try to create a more natural presentation. These features can often compromise clarity and focus to improve sound staging, but ASP sounds pretty convincing. The Prime also works well as a dedicated stereo preamp. It’s certainly right up there with some of the best preamps we’ve heard at around the £1000 mark. En savoir plus
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TECHNOMATE TM-7100 HD HD Satellite Receiver LIVRE SANS DISQUE DUR AVEC TELECOMMANDE.  Manque CACHE DU DISQUE DUR. Technomate TM-7100 HD 2x CI, 2x Cardreader, Twin Tuner (DVB-S), HDTV (MPEG-4), USB-PVR, COMBO (DVB-S/DVB-T Tuner), Ethernet Receiver Type: High Definition Producer/Manufacturer - Hersteller: Technomate Production Year:   2009   Detailed Description: Technomate TM-7100 HD  7100 Triple tuner 2xS2 +1xT1 tuner   ©   High Definition Satellite & Terrestrial Receiver (Terrestrial is MPEG-4, DVB-T2, BBC HD and ITV HD ch4 HD)    3 Tuners: 2x Satellite HD Tuners & MPEG-4 HD Terrestrial Tuner + Internal 3-5 and 2.5 seta hard disk up to 1TB   Specification 1. Record 3 channels & watch 1 2. 2x Smart Card readers 3. 2x Common interface 4. 2x USB PVR Ports (1x Front & 1x Rear) 5. Choice of 2 remote frequencies by software 6. Compatible with up to 1TB HDD (optional) 7. RGB Loop, Component output, optical audio 8. Dolby Digital+ 9. RF modulator 10. 10000 channels 11. Hardware blind search 12. Ethernet Port --------------------------------- 2 High Definition Tuners: DVB-S/DVB-S2 Satellite & DVB-T2 Terrestrial Compliant (MPEG-2 / MPEG-4 / H.264) 576i & 576p, 720p & 1080i 1080P supported 2 Smart Card Reader 2 Common Interfaces (2CI) HDMI & Component Output (YPbPr) with Hardware Upscaler to Improve Picture Quality Very Fast & Detailed Hardware Blind Search (power scan) Ethernet Communication Port eSATA Port 2x USB Ports (Front + Rear Ports) PLL type RF-Modulator (Ch. 21- 69) and UHF tuning function 10,000 TV & Radio Channels USB 2.0 PVR Ready via USB External Device USB PVR Features: Rewind/Forward, Slow Motion Rewind/Forward, Timeshift (Pause Live TV) & Record Scrambled/Free-To-Air (FTA) Channels & Record current channel and playback a recording at the same time Music player & JPEG viewer via USB 2.0 Fast Software & Channel List download via USB 2.0 2 Scart Outputs with RGB Support Fully Featured VFD text Front Panel Display Super Sensitive tuner for very weak signals Dolby Digital Optical S/PDIF Dolby Digital by HDMI S-Video Output Less than 1 second channel change DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 (USALS) compatible Auto Navigation system – select as many satellites as you want to search On-screen display with true full color resolution Enhanced 16 Favorite channel groups Channel control by: Favorites, Lock, Skip, Move & Delete Channel sort by: All, Alphabet, Transponder & CAS Parental, Installation & Receiver Lock Multilingual OSD Menu: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Czech, Romanian, Persian Fast & Easy-To-Use Menu System Extended EPG and program reservation on EPG Teletext & Subtitle by OSD and VBI Last channel memory function Factory default channel list Various games Software & channel list upgrade via RS-232C: PC to STB, STB to PC, STB-STB and USB Zoom function on Pause & Live channel Multi picture display Support for multiple language broadcasts SCPC & MCPC receivable from C/Ku band satellites LNBs supported: Universal, Single, Single S & C band wideband LNBs Multi TV Standards supported: PAL G, I, K, M 4:3 & 16:9 Screen Formats 90-250V AC 50/60 Hz LNB Short Circuit protection onboard Software & channel list upgrade via RS-232C: PC to STB, STB to PC, STB-STB and USB Dimension 390mm x 262mm x 67mm Options TM-7100 2XS2 Tuners +one T1 tuner TM-7100 Do not suport 1080p-dvx-t2 Optional AV in for TM-7102 --------------------------------- TM-7102 Technical Specifications Features Multiple Tuner support (Two Satellite and One Terrestrial) Compliant MPEG-II/ MPEG-IV/ H.264. Compliant DVB-S/ S2 satellite standard & DVB-T/T2 standard Output resolution in 576i,576p,720p, 1080i & 1080p 1 HDMI output(1.2a) On-screen display with true color full resolution. Multisatellite search. DiSEqC control version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and USALS compatible. Enhanced 16 favorite channel groups. Powerful channel control by favorites, lock, skip, move and delete function. Channel sort by alphabet, transponder and CAS. Multilingual GUI (OSG & Menu): English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Russian, Rumania. Installation wizard Extended EPG and program reservation on EPG. Teletext & Subtitle by OSD and VBI Last channel memory function. Total 10,000 channels programmable. Preprogrammed channels (Optional) Dolby digital audio output (S/PDIF and through the HDMI), SPDIF Latency function Component output (YPbPr) Various games Software & channel database upgrade via RS-232C: PC to STB/ STB to PC. Parental lock / Installation lock / receiver lock. Zoom in function on pause live channel Multipicture display. Video color adjustment function. High speed software upgrade via USB 2.0 MP3 play and JPEG viewer by USB flash drive 2 common interface and 2 card reader support Elegant VFD display PVR ready by HDD (Support 2.5” HDD & 3.5” HDD rack for easy HDD installation) Support 2 USB Port on Front Panel & Rear Panel LAN 10/100Mbps Ethernet Standby consumption A/V Input (Support External device input) – optional   Specifications TUNER & CHANNEL 2 Satellite Input connector F-type, IEC 169-24, female Loop through connector F-type, IEC 169-24, female Frequency range 950 MHz ~ 2150 MHz Input impedance 75? unbalance Signal level -25 to -69dBm LNB power & Polarisation 14V/18.5V, Max. 400mA 22 KHz tone (22±2)KHz, (0.6±0.2)V DISEqC control Version 1.0 &1.2 Compatible, USALS Demodulation QPSK, 8PSK Input symbol rate DVB-S: 1 ~ 45 Ms/s DVB-S2: 10 ~ 30Msps (QPSK,8PSK) FEC decode DVB-S: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 DVB-S2:1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 (QPSK). 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 (8PSK) 1 Terrestrial Frequency Range 50.5MHz ~430MHz(VHF), 431MHz ~ 858MHz(UHF) Signal Level -78 ~ -25 dBm IF Bandwidth 7,8MHz(-3dB) switchable by software Input Impedance 75? Waveform OFDM(DVB-T & DVB-T2) Carrier Mode DVB-T: 2K, 8K, DVB-T2: 1K,2K,4K,8K,16K & 32K Code Rate DVB-T: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 DVB-T2: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3,3/4,4/5, 5/6 Guard Interval DVB-T: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 DVB-T2: 1/4, 5/32, 1/8, 5/64, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128 MPEG Transport Stream & A/V Decoding Transport stream MPEG-II ISO/IEC 13818 Profile level MPEG-II MP@ML, MPEG-IIMP@HL, MPEG-IV AVC/ H.264 HP@L4.0 Input rate Max. 15Mbit/s Video formats 4:3 Letterbox, 4:3 Pan & Scan, 16:9 Video resolution 720 x 576, 720 x 480, 1920 x 1080i, 1280 x 720P Audio decoding MPEG/ Musicam Layer ?&? Audio mode Stereo/ Joint stereo/ Mono Sampling rate 32KHz, 44.1KHz and 48KHz Main System Main processor 32 bit superscalar RISC CPU Memory Flash-Rom: 8Myte DDR DRAM: 1Gbit X 2 EEPROM: 256Kbit Conditional Access Interface PCMCIA 2 Slot (DVB Common Interface Standard) Smart Card Reader 2 Slot A/V In/Out TV SCART Video output (CVBS,RGB) • Audio output (L,R) VCR SCART A/V output (CVBS, L/R) A/V input (CVBS, RGB, L/R) Video RCA/ Cinch, Video output (CVBS) Component output (YPbPr) HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) Audio L/R RCA/ Cinch, Volume and Mute control S/PDIF Optical digital audio output Data Port RS-232C Transfer rate 115Kbps, 9 pin D-sub type USB USB 2.0 Host (Support 2 USB Port on Front Panel & Rear Panel) LAN 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Power Supply Input voltage AC100-250V, 50/60Hz Type SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) Power consumption Standby Protection Separate Internal Fuse (The input shall have lighting protection) General Data Dimensions (W x D x H) 390 x 73 x 283 mm Weight ca 3,500 g Operating temperature 0°C ~ +45°C Storage temperature -10°C ~ +70°C  
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Paris (Paris)
Item in like new condition, full set with original leather case and original OTG cable to connect to another USB device like a DAC From the manufacturer Features High-rigidity body The high-rigidity body allows for the optimal realization of clear vocals, powerful yet firm bass, and bright high ranges to provide the quintessential listening experience. High purity lead-free solder The high purity lead-free solder developed exclusively for Sony’s high-end audio products creates a more natural and well balanced sound for low, mid, and high ranges. Aluminum frame A lightweight, highly ridged aluminum frame is the ideal base to prevent unwanted noise and distortion while delivering superb audio reproduction. A comfortable easy to hold design, with side-mounted controls allow for natural play/pause and track navigation. Filled VIA hole in printed circuit board Filling the VIA hole in the printed circuit board with copper helps to stabilize the power line and lower the impedance of the circuit, which in turn facilitates the firm bass sound, bright high ranges, and clear vocals that the NWZX100HN provides. Detailed, dynamic sound with Hi Res audio support The NW-ZX100HN has a powerful combination of high-end audio technologies – for detailed, lossless playback for all your music. Enjoy the subtlest nuances of studio-quality sound with High-Resolution Audio. Longest battery of any Walkman. Enjoy up to 70 hours of playback Spend more time with your music. You can enjoy up to 70 hours of playback, thanks to the NW-ZX100HN significantly improved battery life. Expandable 128GB of memory 128GBs of memory built in. An additional memory slot gives you the freedom to add a microSD card, so you never run out of music. Bluetooth streaming at its best with LDAC Enjoy high quality music streaming thanks to LDAC, our premium wireless codec. With 3x the bitrate of standard Bluetooth, you can enjoy a superior listening experience for every track. Includes Noise-Canceling earbuds Immerse yourself deeper in the sound, thanks to the NW-ZX100HN exclusive bundled headphones. Noise Cancelling mutes distractions from the world outside, so it’s just you and your music. Your favorite Hi-Res tracks, even in DSD! The NW-ZX100HN supports playback of most Hi-Res digital music file formats including: MP3, WMA, WMA lossless, WAV, FLAC, L-PCM, AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DSF, and DSDIFF. For optimized playback, a user-selectable DSD filter allows for refined playback, either a slow roll-off ideal for expressive music and a warmer sound experience or sharp roll-off tailored for energetic music and a fuller sound benefitting from a sharp attack.
380 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
150Hr B 8GB Digital SPY Enregistreur vocal audio caché Lecteur dictaphone MP3 ME Product Features: 2 in1 combination: 8GB Memory Stick + Voice Recording Brand new and high quality Connect by a 3.5mm audio Jack,can be used as MP3 player The spy voice recorder offers a long play recording mode Telephone recording function allows you to record detailed conversations Easy use, plug and play, no drive needed Clear voice recording Support U disk function Specifications: Recording format: WAV Music format: MP3/WMA/WAV Recording bit rate: 192K bps Recording time: about 96-150 hours. Support system: Win98 and above Flash memory:8GB Battery charging time: about 3 hours (connect the USB to PC or adapter USB port.) Power supply: recording/playing 8 hours Power: lithium battery Input: DC 5V Size: 44 x 18mm x 6mm (LxWxH) Weight:  106g Package includes: 1 x USB Voice Recorder 1 x 3.5mm to USB Cable 1 x Headphone 1 x Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Contactez-nous Sur nous Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Product Features: 2 in1 combination: 8GB Memory Stick + Voice Recording Brand new and high quality Connect by a 3.5mm audio Jack,can be used as MP3 player The spy voice recorder offers a long play recording mode Telephone recording function allows you to record detailed conversations Easy use, plug and play, no drive needed Clear voice recording Support U disk function Specifications: Recording format: WAV Music format: MP3/WMA/WAV Recording bit rate: 192K bps Recording time: about 96-150 hours. Support system: Win98 and above Flash memory:8GB Battery charging time: about 3 hours (connect the USB to PC or adapter USB port.) Power supply: recording/playing 8 hours Power: lithium battery Input: DC 5V Size: 44 x 18mm x 6mm (LxWxH) Weight:  106g Package includes: 1 x USB Voice Recorder 1 x 3.5mm to USB Cable 1 x Headphone 1 x Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Le 23-nov.-18 à 18:03:21 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
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France (Toutes les villes)
150Hr B 8GB Digital SPY Enregistreur vocal audio caché Lecteur dictaphone MP3 Product Features: 2 in1 combination: 8GB Memory Stick + Voice Recording Brand new and high quality Connect by a 3.5mm audio Jack,can be used as MP3 player The spy voice recorder offers a long play recording mode Telephone recording function allows you to record detailed conversations Easy use, plug and play, no drive needed Clear voice recording Support U disk function Specifications: Recording format: WAV Music format: MP3/WMA/WAV Recording bit rate: 192K bps Recording time: about 96-150 hours. Support system: Win98 and above Flash memory:8GB Battery charging time: about 3 hours (connect the USB to PC or adapter USB port.) Power supply: recording/playing 8 hours Power: lithium battery Input: DC 5V Size: 44 x 18mm x 6mm (LxWxH) Weight:  106g Package includes: 1 x USB Voice Recorder 1 x 3.5mm to USB Cable 1 x Headphone 1 x Manual Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Contactez-nous Sur nous Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Product Features: 2 in1 combination: 8GB Memory Stick + Voice Recording Brand new and high quality Connect by a 3.5mm audio Jack,can be used as MP3 player The spy voice recorder offers a long play recording mode Telephone recording function allows you to record detailed conversations Easy use, plug and play, no drive needed Clear voice recording Support U disk function Specifications: Recording format: WAV Music format: MP3/WMA/WAV Recording bit rate: 192K bps Recording time: about 96-150 hours. Support system: Win98 and above Flash memory:8GB Battery charging time: about 3 hours (connect the USB to PC or adapter USB port.) Power supply: recording/playing 8 hours Power: lithium battery Input: DC 5V Size: 44 x 18mm x 6mm (LxWxH) Weight:  106g Package includes: 1 x USB Voice Recorder 1 x 3.5mm to USB Cable 1 x Headphone 1 x Manual PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Le 23-nov.-18 à 10:45:52 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
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France (Toutes les villes)
Amplificateur antenne signal HDTV numéric 4K Booster TV RADIUS Antena 480 miles Specification: 1. Working Frequency: VHF(172-240Mhz) / UHF(470-860Mhz) 2. VSWR: ≤1.5 3. Impedence: 75 Ω 4. LNA Gain: 25dB 5. Reception Range: 180 miles(Max) 6. Size:335*235*0.6mm,175g 7. Cable: 1.5C-2V / Black L=4M 8. Connectors: F Male 9. Polarization:Linear 10. Voltage: 5V 11. Power Supply Connector: USB 12. Current Consumption: 20mA 13. Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 14. Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85℃ 15. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC Set Up Guide Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically. Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to “ Antenna ” or “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set TV to “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Step 6: Fix the antenna at the optimal position you found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. You can watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note:for the best reception,please check the following tips This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes w ith built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. You need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package Content 1 * Antenna 1 * Amplifier 1 * Converter Plug Payment Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Shipping Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Terms of Sale About US Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre achat, contactez-nous sans hésiter. Les articles peuvent être retournés dans 30 jours en état inutilisé, nous effectuerons un échange et un remboursement une fois que nous aurons reçu l'objet. Gardez les étiquettes entières et les éléments propres sans saveur, si non nous n'accepterons pas le retour. Le 14-févr.-19 à 11:03:36 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
8,56 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector   Le 15-avr.-19 à 08:00:19 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
6,15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Product Description HDTV Antenna, AOJOYS Upgraded 65+ Miles Range Amplifier 1080P 4K Indoor Digital HD TV Antenna with 16ft Coax Cable Free Channels for Life! The 1080p HDTV reception ensures that you always have the highest quality content. Depending on your location, the hdtv antenna can receive include NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, PBS, THE CW, QUBO, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, RTV, THIS TV, ION, ME TV and the weather channel. Fast and easy to set up 1. Connect tv antenna to "CABLE/ANT IN" on the back of any HDTV(Just power up the amplifier and hook up the antenna to the TV). 2. Place the tv antenna in an optimal position, usually on a wall or window. 3. Scan for channels using your TV's Channel Search' and be ready to enjoy free TV. If your TV antenna is not working as expected, try the following tips: 1) Check to make sure you have correctly connected the hd antenna to your HDTV or third-party HD receiver. 2) Re-scan for channels: In the TV's setup menu, set the mode to hdtv antenna or air. Refer to the TV manual for detailed instructions. 3) Reposition the indoor hd antenna in a different location. It is suggested place it higher on a wall or closer to a window for a better signal. Sometimes moving a few feet can make a difference. 4) keep the hdtv antenna away from those big power consumption devices interference, such as air conditioner, refrigerator,hair dryer and microwave oven, etc. 5) You can remove the detachable antenna amplifier if your house is within the 20-mile range from the tower. 6) If a signal cannot be received when using the amplifier, remove the amplifier and try again. In some instances the amplifier may cause self-oscillation, which may interfere with signal reception. 7) The amplifier needs to be connected to the TV's USB interface for normal use. If the TV does not have USB interface, you need to purchase a power adapter. - FREE CHANEL HDTV antenna will save you from paying for another cable subscription again.You can figure out where the broadcast transmitters are in the area(you can do that with an app from google app store) just point TV antenna in that direction and you'll get all the available local channels for your area. - 70 MILES RANGE】The Upgraded amplifier touts a 70 miles range TV station from broadcast. Working frequency: VHF 47- 240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or 【360°OMNI-DIRECTIONAL RECEPTION】 Enhanced silver paste pulls full HD channels from all direction.Reception is dramatically better with this one, and the flat antenna is very thin and light, so you can attach it to a wall or window with adhesive tape. - CRISTAL CLEAR PICTURE】You can get all available stations in your area with far less pixelation than the other digital antennas since strong reception.Enjoy crystal clear HDTV shows, 720p, 1080i, 1080p,4K. - 16.4FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE‘ 16.3ft antenna's cord is long enough for you to find the right spot in your home for no in and out, static, or white noise. Especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows. In The Box:  Antenna with 13FT coaxial cable   x1 Signal amplifier +3.3FT cable  x1   Product Description HDTV Antenna, AOJOYS Upgraded 65+ Miles Range Amplifier 1080P 4K Indoor Digital HD TV Antenna with 16ft Coax Cable Free Channels for Life! The 1080p HDTV reception ensures that you always have the highest quality content. Depending on your location, the hdtv antenna can receive include NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, PBS, THE CW, QUBO, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, RTV, THIS TV, ION, ME TV and the weather channel. Fast and easy to set up 1. Connect tv antenna to "CABLE/ANT IN" on the back of any HDTV(Just power up the amplifier and hook up the antenna to the TV). 2. Place the tv antenna in an optimal position, usually on a wall or window. 3. Scan for channels using your TV's Channel Search' and be ready to enjoy free TV. If your TV antenna is not working as expected, try the following tips: 1) Check to make sure you have correctly connected the hd antenna to your HDTV or third-party HD receiver. 2) Re-scan for channels: In the TV's setup menu, set the mode to hdtv antenna or air. Refer to the TV manual for detailed instructions. 3) Reposition the indoor hd antenna in a different location. It is suggested place it higher on a wall or closer to a window for a better signal. Sometimes moving a few feet can make a difference. 4) keep the hdtv antenna away from those big power consumption devices interference, such as air conditioner, refrigerator,hair dryer and microwave oven, etc. 5) You can remove the detachable antenna amplifier if your house is within the 20-mile range from the tower. 6) If a signal cannot be received when using the amplifier, remove the amplifier and try again. In some instances the amplifier may cause self-oscillation, which may interfere with signal reception. 7) The amplifier needs to be connected to the TV's USB interface for normal use. If the TV does not have USB interface, you need to purchase a power adapter. - FREE CHANEL HDTV antenna will save you from paying for another cable subscription again.You can figure out where the broadcast transmitters are in the area(you can do that with an app from google app store) just point TV antenna in that direction and you'll get all the available local channels for your area. - 70 MILES RANGE】The Upgraded amplifier touts a 70 miles range TV station from broadcast. Working frequency: VHF 47- 240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or 【360°OMNI-DIRECTIONAL RECEPTION】 Enhanced silver paste pulls full HD channels from all direction.Reception is dramatically better with this one, and the flat antenna is very thin and light, so you can attach it to a wall or window with adhesive tape. - CRISTAL CLEAR PICTURE】You can get all available stations in your area with far less pixelation than the other digital antennas since strong reception.Enjoy crystal clear HDTV shows, 720p, 1080i, 1080p,4K. - 16.4FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE‘ 16.3ft antenna's cord is long enough for you to find the right spot in your home for no in and out, static, or white noise. Especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows. In The Box:  Antenna with 13FT coaxial cable   x1 Signal amplifier +3.3FT cable  x1 Le 23-avr.-19 à 16:16:17 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
9,65 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Product Description HDTV Antenna, AOJOYS Upgraded 65+ Miles Range Amplifier 1080P 4K Indoor Digital HD TV Antenna with 16ft Coax Cable Free Channels for Life! The 1080p HDTV reception ensures that you always have the highest quality content. Depending on your location, the hdtv antenna can receive include NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, PBS, THE CW, QUBO, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, RTV, THIS TV, ION, ME TV and the weather channel. Fast and easy to set up 1. Connect tv antenna to "CABLE/ANT IN" on the back of any HDTV(Just power up the amplifier and hook up the antenna to the TV). 2. Place the tv antenna in an optimal position, usually on a wall or window. 3. Scan for channels using your TV's Channel Search' and be ready to enjoy free TV. If your TV antenna is not working as expected, try the following tips: 1) Check to make sure you have correctly connected the hd antenna to your HDTV or third-party HD receiver. 2) Re-scan for channels: In the TV's setup menu, set the mode to hdtv antenna or air. Refer to the TV manual for detailed instructions. 3) Reposition the indoor hd antenna in a different location. It is suggested place it higher on a wall or closer to a window for a better signal. Sometimes moving a few feet can make a difference. 4) keep the hdtv antenna away from those big power consumption devices interference, such as air conditioner, refrigerator,hair dryer and microwave oven, etc. 5) You can remove the detachable antenna amplifier if your house is within the 20-mile range from the tower. 6) If a signal cannot be received when using the amplifier, remove the amplifier and try again. In some instances the amplifier may cause self-oscillation, which may interfere with signal reception. 7) The amplifier needs to be connected to the TV's USB interface for normal use. If the TV does not have USB interface, you need to purchase a power adapter. - FREE CHANEL HDTV antenna will save you from paying for another cable subscription again.You can figure out where the broadcast transmitters are in the area(you can do that with an app from google app store) just point TV antenna in that direction and you'll get all the available local channels for your area. - 70 MILES RANGE】The Upgraded amplifier touts a 70 miles range TV station from broadcast. Working frequency: VHF 47- 240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or 【360°OMNI-DIRECTIONAL RECEPTION】 Enhanced silver paste pulls full HD channels from all direction.Reception is dramatically better with this one, and the flat antenna is very thin and light, so you can attach it to a wall or window with adhesive tape. - CRISTAL CLEAR PICTURE】You can get all available stations in your area with far less pixelation than the other digital antennas since strong reception.Enjoy crystal clear HDTV shows, 720p, 1080i, 1080p,4K. - 16.4FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE‘ 16.3ft antenna's cord is long enough for you to find the right spot in your home for no in and out, static, or white noise. Especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows. In The Box:  Antenna with 13FT coaxial cable   x1 Signal amplifier +3.3FT cable  x1   Product Description HDTV Antenna, AOJOYS Upgraded 65+ Miles Range Amplifier 1080P 4K Indoor Digital HD TV Antenna with 16ft Coax Cable Free Channels for Life! The 1080p HDTV reception ensures that you always have the highest quality content. Depending on your location, the hdtv antenna can receive include NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, PBS, THE CW, QUBO, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, RTV, THIS TV, ION, ME TV and the weather channel. Fast and easy to set up 1. Connect tv antenna to "CABLE/ANT IN" on the back of any HDTV(Just power up the amplifier and hook up the antenna to the TV). 2. Place the tv antenna in an optimal position, usually on a wall or window. 3. Scan for channels using your TV's Channel Search' and be ready to enjoy free TV. If your TV antenna is not working as expected, try the following tips: 1) Check to make sure you have correctly connected the hd antenna to your HDTV or third-party HD receiver. 2) Re-scan for channels: In the TV's setup menu, set the mode to hdtv antenna or air. Refer to the TV manual for detailed instructions. 3) Reposition the indoor hd antenna in a different location. It is suggested place it higher on a wall or closer to a window for a better signal. Sometimes moving a few feet can make a difference. 4) keep the hdtv antenna away from those big power consumption devices interference, such as air conditioner, refrigerator,hair dryer and microwave oven, etc. 5) You can remove the detachable antenna amplifier if your house is within the 20-mile range from the tower. 6) If a signal cannot be received when using the amplifier, remove the amplifier and try again. In some instances the amplifier may cause self-oscillation, which may interfere with signal reception. 7) The amplifier needs to be connected to the TV's USB interface for normal use. If the TV does not have USB interface, you need to purchase a power adapter. - FREE CHANEL HDTV antenna will save you from paying for another cable subscription again.You can figure out where the broadcast transmitters are in the area(you can do that with an app from google app store) just point TV antenna in that direction and you'll get all the available local channels for your area. - 70 MILES RANGE】The Upgraded amplifier touts a 70 miles range TV station from broadcast. Working frequency: VHF 47- 240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or 【360°OMNI-DIRECTIONAL RECEPTION】 Enhanced silver paste pulls full HD channels from all direction.Reception is dramatically better with this one, and the flat antenna is very thin and light, so you can attach it to a wall or window with adhesive tape. - CRISTAL CLEAR PICTURE】You can get all available stations in your area with far less pixelation than the other digital antennas since strong reception.Enjoy crystal clear HDTV shows, 720p, 1080i, 1080p,4K. - 16.4FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE‘ 16.3ft antenna's cord is long enough for you to find the right spot in your home for no in and out, static, or white noise. Especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows. In The Box:  Antenna with 13FT coaxial cable   x1 Signal amplifier +3.3FT cable  x1 Le 01-mai-19 à 08:05:12 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
9,60 €
Voir le product
France (Toutes les villes)
  Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector     Le 16-mai-19 à 14:25:16 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
6,26 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector   Le 16-mai-19 à 11:39:31 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
4,46 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Indoor Digital TV Antenna HDTV Radius Antenna Amplifier 50 Mile DVB-T UHF VHF 6H Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector Le 15-mai-19 à 10:27:03 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
4,57 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Features: Universal connector, suitable for all countries. Innovative flat, razor-thin antenna design. It has high gain and low error rate digital tv signal reception,and a significant signal enhancement in actual use. Increase the reception of tv programs, and eliminate the pause the mosaic images. Multi-directional design pulls in signals from all directions. Fast and easy to set up -Unwrap,plug it in and Scan channels. You can put it on the wall, on the table or on the window (strongly recommended) and it will make you enjoy watching crystal clear digital &HD shows with many opportunities. Set up guide: Step1: Connect the end of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or Digital Converter Box,Plug the USV plug into the USB port of the TV or Digital Converber Box. Step 2: Hand held the antenna, near the window, place it horizontally or vertically Step 3: In the TV’ s or STB ’ s setup menu, set the tuner mode to  “ Antenna ”  or  “ Air ” For more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 4: In the TV’ s  or  STB ’ s  setup menu, set TV to  “ scan ” for channels. This can sometimes be listed as auto-program,auto-scan,channel search or channel scan. Consult the TV manual or detailed instructions. Step 5: If reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal postition is found. Adjustment of antenna directions Connect the antenna to TV properly. Set TV to Antenna mode. When the signal quality is low, adjust the location of the antenna or rotate it towards television station. you an watch the clear tv program until the signal quality gets improved. Note: for the best reception, please check the following tips. This digital hdtv antenna is intended for indoor use only. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. You must rescan whenever you move the antenna. Keep the antenna away from any sources of interference: keep the antenna away from those big power consumption devices, such as air conditioner elevator, hairdryer and microwave oven…etc. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your tv manual to make sure your TV comes With built-in tuner for free view. Make sure you are using a HD receiver; otherwise no HD channels can be picked up. Please read receiver manual. you need to retune your free view TVs and digital receiver form time to time to ensure your are receiving all available services. Retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your hone, transmitting tower and Surrounding environments. For maintenance of the antenna, please use soft cloth with diluent mild detergent to clean its shell. Package List: 1 x Indoor Digital TV Antenna 1 x Universal Connector Le 06-juil.-19 à 10:15:12 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
4,36 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Product Description:  This magnetic base HDTV antenna helps you get stronger- HDTV signal to watch more HD TV programs and videos. The high gain 25dBi antenna gives you a stronger- signal with high sensitivity to receive programs of better quality. And built-in high frequency ensures the stability and smoothness of signal, thus providing you with a more brilliant watching TV enjoyment.   Product Features:  Adopting high gain 25dBi antenna to boost signals for HDTV. Made of high quality metal, signal transmission is faster and more stable. 360 degree no dead angle receiving signal, more convenient to use. High frequency of VHF(172-240Mhz)/ UHF(470-860Mhz) with high sensitivity plus high gain 25dBi ensure the stability and smoothness of signal transmission. Give you a great watching TV enjoyment. This antenna receives multiple kinds of signals, including ATSC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB. It is compatible with 720P, 1080i, 1080P/ ATSC. Enabling you to enjoy HD videos. This high gain antenna widens the signal receiving/ transmitting range to 200 miles, which allows you to get more signals, thus more HD TV programs. This magnetic base TV signal amplifier antenna supports plug and play. No need for drive or software.   How to Use:  Step 1: connect the end(f-male) of attached coaxial cable to the ANT/IN connector on the back of the TV or DVB-T tuner. Step 2: In the TV's setup menu, set the tuner mode to "Antenna" or "Air". for more detailed instructions, please refer to your TV manual. Step 3: In the Tv's setup menu, set TV to "scan" for channels. this can sometimes be listed as auto-program, auto-scan, channel search or channel scan. consult the TV manual for detailed instructions. Step 4: if reception is sporadic, try moving the antenna to another location and rescanning the TV until optimal position is found. Step 5: fix the antenna at the optimal position you found.   Note:  1. Placing the antenna higher or close to/in a window may result in better reception. you must rescan whenever you move the antenna. 2. If you use a flat HDTV, please go through your TV manual to make sure your TV comes with built-in tuner for freeview. 3. You need to retune your freeview TVs and digital receiver from time to ensure you are reserving all available services. retuning takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. 4.TV reception capacity depends on the distance among your home, transmitting tower and surrounding environments.   Product Specification:  Type DVB-T2 Antenna Material Metal Working frequency VHF(172-240Mhz)/ UHF(470-860Mhz) Impedance 75Ω LNA-high gain 25dBi Signal range 200 miles Receiving signal ATSC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB Compatibility 720P, 1080i, 1080P/ ATSC Cable length approx. 4.5 meters/ 14.77ft Connector F male Voltage 5V Power consumption 20mA Working temperature -45-85℃ Storage temperature -45-85℃ Dimension 2.44x5.12inch(62x130mm) Net Weight 7.6oz(216g)   Package Includes:  1 x 200-mile Antenna
10,88 €
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Nice (Alpes Maritimes)
Focal CMS 65 Active Studio Monitor Speaker (Single) Key Features - Focal CMS 65 Compact Studio Monitor - 6.5" Woofer - 100W LF + 60W HF Amplifier - Neutral, Dynamic, Detailed Sound - Compact Active Studio Monitor The CMS 65 is part of Focal's compact CMS range with acoustically transparent Aluminium enclosures optimised for maximum rigidity and damping. The Polyglass cone, developed by Focal themselves, is designed for neutral sound with no colouration. The AI/Mg inverted dome tweeter portrays the width, depth and accuracy of the soundstage. The CMS 65's woofer amplication unit with 100W rms/0.005% THD provides sound transparency and power in the mid/bass register whilst the Tweeter power unit with 60W rms/19V/ms slew rate reproduces the tiniest details of your audio. The monitor has numerous settings (Parametric filter, high-pass filters, bass level, treble level...) for optimum acoustic integration. The midrange register of the CMS 65 has impressive neutrality and the Al-Mg inverted dome tweeter offers outstanding dynamics and a degree of definition in the treble that allows precise measurement of reverb and other effects which are normally very difficult to assess. The Focal CMS monitors have fixing points which are compatible with K&M® and Omnimount® fixing kits so you have numerous integration possibilities whther you want your monitors on a stand, ceiling, wall or other structure. Features - 2 way bi-amplified near field professional monitoring systems - Neutral, dynamic and detailed sound for optimum reproduction - Deep, large and precise soundstage - Numerous settings and fixing accessories for acoustic and aesthetic integration without compromise - Acoustically treated aluminum box offering perfect sound transparency - Compact systems combining easy installation and irreproachable sound quality Specifications System - Frequency Response: (+/- 3dB) 45Hz - 28kHz - Maximum SPL: 112dB SPL (peak @ 1m) Input - Type/Impedance: Balanced 20 kOhms / Unbalanced 47 kOhm - Connector: XLR / RCA - LF Amplifier Stage: 100W rms, class AB - HF amplifier Stage: 60W rms, class AB Power Supply - Mains Voltage: 220-230V (1.6A fuse rating), 120V (3.15A fuse) 100V (4A fuse) - Connection: IEC inlet and detachable power cord User Controls - Sensitivity: Adjustable, +4dBu / 0 / -10dBV - Sound Level: Adjustable, -66dB / 0dB - High Pass Filter: Adjustable, idle / 45 / 60 / 90Hz (12dB / oct.) - Midrange/Bass Level: (0 - 450Hz) Adjustable, 0 / -4 / -2 / +2dB - Treble Level: (4,5 kHz - 20 kHz) Adjustable, 0 / -4 / -2 / +2dB - 160Hz Parametric Filter: (Q factor=2) Adjustable, 0 / -2 / -4 / -6dB - Power: Power ON / OFF switch, mains voltage selector - Standby: Standby / ON switch Indicators - Power ON / OFF LED - Standby and On LED - Audio clip LED Transducers - Woofer: 6.5" (16.5cm) Focal, Polyglass cone - Tweeter: Aluminum-Magnesium Focal Inverted Dome - Shielding: Complete by cancellation magnet Cabinet - Construction: Reinforced and damped aluminum cabinet - Finish: Black powdered paint - Dimensions with rubber feet: (HxWLxD) - 141/8 x 91/2 x 91/8" (358.5 x 241 x 231mm) Accessories - 1 decoupling table stand - 2 removable grilles (tweeter and woofer)
324,98 €
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