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Dressed for occasion

Liste des meilleures ventes dressed for occasion

Beauchastel (Ardèche)
Occasion: CAMÉRA IP HD HEDEN CAMHD08MD2 DÔME WIFI IR MOTORISÉE INTÉRIEUR 1080P Occasion, démonté d'une installation existante et fonctionnelle dans une entreprise, je ne sais pas si elle a un mots de passe, donc vendu pour connaisseur. Vendu sans documentation, SANS alimentation. ------- Used, dismantled from an existing and functional installation in a company, I do not know if it has a password, therefore sold for connoisseurs. Sold without documentation, WITHOUT power supply. ----------------------------- Marque: HEDEN Reference: CAMHD08MD2 Descriptif: Caméra Heden HD Dôme Intérieure motorisée Étanche Wifi et/ou filaire Carte micro SD 64 GB Max Motorisée: 330° horizontalement et 60° verticalement Détecteur de mouvements Résolution Full DD 1080P Capteur IR CUT pour des images aux couleurs réelles Dimensions: 240 x 145 x 150 mm Applications Gratuite Androïd et iOS: VisionCam HD Notification en cas de détection de mouvement Vision nocturne - infrarouge ---------------- Expédition: L'envoi est effectué sous 24/48h ouvrables à réception de votre paiement. Livraison par la poste, numéro de suivi envoyé par email sur votre adresse paypal, ou si paiement par chèque sur votre adresse. Emballage soigné. Frais de port: Si vous achetez plusieurs objets, je recalcule les frais de port en fonction du poids, la base de calcul est conforme aux tarifs de la poste. **** Votre satisfaction est importante. Si vous avez un problème ou une question concernant votre transaction, merci de me contacter avant de donner une évaluation négative. Une évaluation négative n'a jamais résolu un problème. Je ferai le nécessaire afin de résoudre le litige. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog
44,90 €
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Beauchastel (Ardèche)
Occasion en bon etat: Tuner PO GO FM Vintage pour chaine hifi MARANTZ ST-440L Conditions de vente: Je vends et expédie uniquement en FRANCE, les expéditions se font par la poste en COLISSIMO, le colis sera extrêmement bien protégé pour éviter toute surprise lors de la livraison. Il n'y a pas de prix de réserve et pas de vente avant la fin des enchères, donc inutile de demander. Tout enchérisseur qui posera une enchère puis se rétractera sera bloqué pour les prochaines enchères. Les descriptions se font de la manière la plus juste possible, dans la mesure de mes capacités, je ne peut pas voir ce qui n'est pas visible, mes évaluations plaident en ma faveur de plus je suis membre depuis 20 ans (depuis la creation du site). JE NE VENDS QUE CE QUI EST VISIBLE SUR LES NOMBREUSES PHOTOS DE L'ANNONCE, RIEN DE PLUS, CE QUI N'EST PAS VISIBLE SUR LES PHOTOS N'EST PAS VENDU AVEC SAUF MENTION CONTRAIRE? ----- Occasion, en bon etat de fonctionnement, etat cosmétique moyen, voir les photos. Vendu SANS antennes. --- MARQUE: MARANTZ MODELE: ST-440L DESCRIPTIF (Traduction google): Principe généralSuper hétérodyne (en général)Gammes d'ondesOM (PO), OL (GO) et FM (MF).ParticularitésTension / type courantAlimentation Courant Alternatif (CA). / 220 VoltHaut-parleur- For headphones or amp.Puissance de sortieDe Radiomuseum.orgModèle: Stereo Synthesized Tuner ST-440 L - Marantz Sound United LLC;MatièreBoitier métalliqueFormeModèle de table, avec boutons poussoirs.Dimensions (LHP)410 x 170 x 60 mm / 16.1 x 6.7 x 2.4 inch ---------------- Expédition: L'envoi est effectué sous 24/48h ouvrables à réception de votre paiement. Livraison par la poste, numéro de suivi envoyé par email sur votre adresse paypal, ou si paiement par chèque sur votre adresse. Emballage soigné. Frais de port: Si vous achetez plusieurs objets, je recalcule les frais de port en fonction du poids, la base de calcul est conforme aux tarifs de la poste. **** Votre satisfaction est importante. Si vous avez un problème ou une question concernant votre transaction, merci de me contacter avant de donner une évaluation négative. Une évaluation négative n'a jamais résolu un problème. Je ferai le nécessaire afin de résoudre le litige. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog
19,89 €
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Beauchastel (Ardèche)
Occasion (rayures sur ecran LCD): Appareil photo PANASONIC LUMIX DMC-TZ101 Occasion, fonctionne, prends bien les photos, ecran LCD en bon etat de fonctionnement egalement mais rayé ainsi que la plasturgie arriere. Vendu SANS batterie, SANS CHARGEUR. SANS aucun accessoires, pas de batterie, ni de documentation, ni de logiciel, ni de carte memoire, je vends uniquement ce qui est visible sur les photos. ----- Used, works, take the pictures well, LCD screen in good working condition also but scratched as well as the rear plastic. Sold WITHOUT battery, WITHOUT CHARGER. WITHOUT any accessories, no battery, no documentation, no software, no memory card, I only sell what is visible in the photos. ------ Marque: PANASONIC Modele: LUMIX DMC-TZ101 Caracteristiques techniques: - - Capteur MOS 20,1MP type 1" - Stabilisation optique 5 axes - Zoom optique Leica 10x 25-250mm grand angle - Ecran LCD tactile 7.5 cm et viseur électronique - Wifi - Vidéo 4K - Fonction Photo 4K - Fonction Post Focus - ----- Vendu dans l'etat, pour pieces, ou a reparer, retours non acceptés. Sold in the state, for parts, or to repair, returns not accepted. Plus de details sur les nombreuses photos presentes dans cette annonce. Pas de prix de reserve ni de vente anticipé. Tout les details sur les photos. Frais de port réels, conforme aux tarifs de la poste, sans majoration. Recuperation possible sans frais a mon domicile (10km au Sud De Valence - 26). Listing and template services provided by inkFrog
9,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Occasion testé Ok: Appareil photo compact PANASONIC LUMIX DMC-TZ70 + accessoires. Occasion, testé OK. Vendu sans documentation, Vendu avec 2 batterie, 1 chargeur, 1 carte memoire de 8 Gb, Je vends uniquement ce qui est visible sur les nombreuses photos de l'annonce, RIEN DE PLUS. ------------------------------------ Marque: PANASONIC Modele: DMC-TZ70 Descriptif: MétriqueDimensions (L x H x L)110.7 x 64.6 x 34.4 mm/(4,36 x 2,54 x 1,35 pouces)PoidsEnv. 217 g, sans batterie ni carte mémoire SD (0,478 livre)/Env. 243 g, avec la batterie et la carte mémoire SD (0,536 livre)Nombre pixels totalPixels Effectifs12.1 MegapixelsCapteurTaille du capteur / Total de Pixel / FiltreCapteur MOS haute sensibilité de type 1/2,3 / nombre total de pixels 12,8 mégapixels / filtre couleurs primairesObjectifOuvertureF3.3 - 6.4 / Diaphragme Iris multimodes (F3.3 - 8.0 (W), F6.4 - 8.0 (T))Zoom Optiquex30Longueur focalef = 4.3 - 129 mm (équiv. 35 mm: 24 - 720 mm)/(équiv. 35 mm: 28 - 840 mm pour enregistrement vidéo 16:9 / fonction Level Shot désactivée)/(équiv. 35 mm: 30 - 900 mm pour enregistrement vidéo 16:9 / fonction Level Shot activée)Extra Zoom Optique (EZ)36,7x (4:3 / 8 M), 46,9x (4:3 / 5 M), 58,6x (4:3 / moins de 3 M)Zoom Intelligent60xObjectifLEICA DC VARIO-ELMAR/12 elements in 9 groups/(5 lentilles asphériques / 10 surfaces asphériques / 3 lentilles ED)Zoom à 2 vitessesOuiStabilisation d'imageHYBRID O.I.S. + (activé/désactivé) / OuiZoom ElectroniqueMax. 4x (max. 2x pour TZ71)Compatibilité objectif de conversion-Mise au pointZone de mise au pointNormal: Largeur 50 cm - infini / Téléobjectif 200 cm - infini/AF Macro / MF / Intelligent Auto / Vidéo: Largeur 3 cm - infini / Téléobjectif 200 cm - infiniLampe d'assist. de mise au pointOui (On/Off)Mise au pointNormal / AF Macro / Macro Zoom / MF/Quick AF On / Off (on in Intelligent Auto), Continuous AF (only for motion picture)/Bouton de verrouillage AF/AE (Configurez le bouton Fn dans le menu personnalisable de verrouillage AF/AE)/Focus Peaking, One Shot AF (Activez le verrouillage AF avec le bouton Fn dans le menu personnalisable), AF Area Select, AF TrackingMesure mise au pointFace / AF Tracking / 23-area / 1-area (flexible / scalable)ObturateurVitesse d'obturationEnv. 4 - 1/2000 s/Starry Sky Mode: 15, 30, 60 secViseurViseurLVF (Live View Finder) 0,20b'"' (équivalent 1 166 000 points), Champ de vision: env. 100 %, objectif 19,6x/Grossissement: env. 2,59x / 0,46x (équivalence 35 mm)FormatFormat de fichierStill Image: JPEG (DCF/Exif2.3) / RAW, DPOF/Image 3D: MPO/Motion Picture: AVCHD, MP4Modes d'enregistrementMolette de sélection de modeIntelligent Auto, P, A, S, M, C1 (personnalisable), C2 (personnalisable), Panorama Shot, Scene, Contrôle CréatifMode de contrôle créatifExpressif / Rétro / Vieux jours / High key / Low key / Sépia / Monochrome Dynamique / Impressionnisme / Dynamique haute / Procédé en croix / Effet jouet / Effet miniature / Soft focus / Filtre étoilé / Désaturation partielle (15 filtres)Modes ScènesPortrait de nuit / Paysage de nuit / Prise de vues manuelle de nuit / Nourriture / Bébé 1 / Bébé 2 / Animal domestique / Coucher de soleil / Haute sensibilité / Glass through / HDR / Ciel étoilé / Vidéo à haute vitesse / Photo 3DMode rafaleImage haute résolution: 10 images/s, Max. 6 images/avec suivi AF: 6 images/s., 3 images/s./Intelligent Burst Shooting/Prise de vues en rafale rapide: Env. 60 images/s/(enregistrées en 2.5 M / 0.3 M pour 4:3, 3 M / 0.3 M pour 3:2, 3.5 M / 0.2 M pour 16:9, 2 M / 0.2 M pour 1:1)/Env. 40 images/s/(enregistrées en 5 M / 3 M / 0.3 M pour 4:3, 4.5 M / 2.5 M / 0.3 M pour 3:2, 3.5 M / 2 M / 0.2 M pour 16:9, 3.5 M / 2.5 M / 0.2 M pour 1:1)/Prise de vue en rafale avec flashEnregistrement vidéo (*2)HD Vidéo1920 x 1080 pixels, 50p (FHD: 28Mbps / AVCHD)/1920 x 1080 pixels, 50i (FHD: 17Mbps / AVCHD)/1280 x 720 pixels, 50p (HD: 17Mbps / AVCHD) (Sensor Output is 50fps)/1920 x 1080 pixels, 25p (FHD: 20Mbps / MP4) (Sensor Output is 25fps)/1280 x 720 pixel En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Beauchastel (Ardèche)
Occasion (cassette en panne): Poste Radio K7 vintage TOSHIBA RT-330FL Testé sur piles (non fournies), la rado fonctionne, la cassette fonctionne en lecture et en marche arriere FF mais pas en marche avant RWD (surement une courroie cassée). IL MANQUE LE CACHE PILE. Vendu sans cordon secteur. Descriptif: - No. de transistors - 12 - Semi-conducteurs - - Principe général - Super hétérodyne (en général) - Gammes d'ondes - PO, GO et FM - Particularités - Magnétophone à cassettes - Tension / type courant - Secteur et Piles (tous types). / 110-240 / 4 x 1.5/6 Volt - Haut-parleur - HP dynamique à aimant permanent + bobine mobile / Ø 10 cm = 3.9 inch - Puissance de sortie - 1 W (qualité inconnue) - Matière - Plastique moderne (pas de bakélite, ni de catalin) - De Radiomuseum.org - Modèle: RT330FL - Toshiba Corporation; Tokyo - Forme - Portative > 20 cm (sans nécessité secteur) - Remarques - 3-Band-Radio-Cassettenrecorder mit AFC. Ausgänge: externer LS, Ohrhörer. Eingänge: Mikrofon, Fernbedienung, Tonband. 12 Transistoren, 11 Dioden, 2 IC's und 1 FET. Multi-Mixing, mechanical Auto-Stop,/ Pause, variable monitor, bass, treble, tuning/level/battery vu meter, built-in mic, AFC on/off, counter, DIN jack for ext mic and ext speaker - Poids net - 3.1 kg / 6 lb 13.3 oz (6.828 lb) --- Plus de details sur les nombreuses photos presentes dans cette annonce. Pas de prix de reserve ni de vente anticipé. Tout les details sur les photos. Frais de port réels, conforme aux tarifs de la poste, sans majoration. Recuperation possible sans frais a mon domicile (10km au Sud De Valence - 26). Listing and template services provided by inkFrog
24,89 €
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Albi (Tarn)
39 Pièces pour piano Based on Slovakian Folk Tunes Ed Boosey Hawkes 15937 40 pages frais de port inclus Instruments de musique à vendre à Albi (81000)
8 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
for sale a Quantum Turbo 2x2 battery without charger so I CAN'T TEST the stuff UNTESTED. What you see on the pictures is what you get ! Quantum Turbo 2x2: Easy to use, Good power output, Lightweight, Reliable and Strong construction. This unit is  like new WITHOUT  charger and box. I didn't found the charger so probably you need to buy fresh cells ! I can ship for less money to ALLEMAGNE / AUTRICHE / BELGIQUE / ESPAGNE / ITALIE / LUXEMBOURG PAYS BAS / PORTUGAL... if there is a Mondial Relay next to your place or if MR send it directly to your home. NO SALES TO UK, SORRY ______________________________ A vendre, une batterie Quantum turbo 2x2  d'occasion en état d'aspect NEUF. PAS TESTÉ  vu que je retrouve pas le chargeur !!! Je ne retrouve pas le chargeur, donc probablement  il faudra changer les accus et acheter un chargeur La Quantum turbo 2x2 est l'une des plus puissante, environ: - 1000 éclairs a pleine puissance avec un flash cobra - 300 / 500 avec la série Qflash (150w) Le colis sera envoyé avec assurance et remis en main propre
45 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day,  For sale, a brand new JH MOON AUDIO Cable  with adjustable bass-controller,  for JH-Audio type IEMs (in-ear monitors-headphones),  with  4-pin connectors  (for IEMs like the: Layla, Roxanne, Lola, Angie, etc),  and 2.5mm TRRS BALANCED jack-plug,  only the cable, no IEM comes with it.  This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound.  Features: High Purity OFC 4N Silver-Plated Litz Wire will not oxidize.  Redesigned Overmold and Upgraded Memory Wire results in Lower Profile.  Reimagined Variable Bass Attenuator, adjustable from cable; user-controlled low-frequency drivers with the adjustable bass.  43% smaller than 1st Generation 4-Pin Cable. 4-pin cable connection with Machined Aluminum Locking Collar Gold-Plated Input Connector: 2.5mm *PLEASE NOTE:  This cable works with a BALANCED 2.5mm output only. This is NOT a standard 3.5mm one. This cable is compatible with the JH13v2, JH16v2, Angie, Jimi, Roxanne, Lola, and Layla IEMs.  Comes from my just purchased Roxanne,  but as I use custom cables with my IEMs,  this one can go to better hands.  Compatible with: Roxanne, Angie, Jimi, 13v2, 16v2, Lola, Layla. Earphone connector: 4-PIN  Plug:  2.5mm TRRS BALANCED Cable's Length: 1.2m (120cm/48") Condition:  New condition.  You'll receive:  - 1x cable.  (just the cable, no packaging and no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final.  Please check my other sales.  Thanks for your time!  ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  You're buying from a distributor based in EU.  This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too).  Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises  from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear...  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your t
140 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
________________  Good day,  This is a listing for  5x (+1x free, so total of 6x) pairs of eartips  for SHURE SE 846 535 425 215 IEMs in-ear monitors earphones.  They can also fit to some Etymotic earphones...   Condition:  New without box-packaging.  You'll receive:  - 6x total pairs.  Please take a look at my other sales for more IEMs and cables.  If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Thanks for looking! ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  You're buying from a distributor based in EU.  This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too).  Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises  from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear...  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your time!
5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day,  For sale a used a PW-AUDIO No.5 Cable  with 2-pin connectors and 3.5mm jack-stereo-plug,  for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone headphones  (only the cable, no IEM comes with it).  This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound.  Compatible with any monitor that has 2-pin connectors.  Plug: 3.5mm stereo audio jack.  Cable's Length: 1.2m (120cm/48") Condition:  Good used condition.  Tested and is perfectly working.  You'll receive:  - 1x cable  (just the cable, no packaging and no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final.  Please check my other sales.  Thanks for your time!  ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  You're buying from a distributor based in EU.  This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too).  Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises  from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear...  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your time!
110 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day,  For sale THIS SUPERB PlusSound EXO TRI-COPPER Cable  with 2-pin/0.78 connectors and 3.5mm jack-stereo-plug,  for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone headphones,  in its original packaging.  (only the cable, no IEM comes with it).  This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound.  Bought for €690 (together with the import taxes),  you can buy it here for less than half that price...  Please read reviews here:  - https://headfonics.com/plussound-tri-copper-cable-review  - https://audio123reviews.com/2018/03/16/plussound-exo-tri-copper  - https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/plussound-tri-copper.22998/reviews  - https://www.oldnewsound.es/otros/cables/plussound-tri-copper-cable-iem-review  Compatible with any monitor that has 2-pin connectors.  Specifications:  - Plug Type: 3.5mm  - Connector Type: 2-Pin / 0.78  - Cable Length: Around 1.2 m Condition:  VERY Good used condition, perfectly working.  You'll receive:  - 1x cable in its original packaging.  If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final.  Please check my other sales.  Thanks for your time!  ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  You're buying from a distributor based in EU.  This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too).  Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises  from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear...  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your time!
329 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day,  For sale a "PENON Audio" 8-core Silver Plated Single-Crystal-Copper Cable  with 2-pin/0,78 connectors  and 2.5mm TRRS Balanced audio, cold-plated straight-jack-plug,  for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone,  (only the cable, no IEM comes with it).  This is a cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound,  that will add much more detail and weight on both lows/mids/highs.  The sound of your IEMs will be more full/bodied from top to bottom.  Super soft and ultra flexible!  Specifications:  - Connectivity: Wired Microphone: No Pin Type: 2-PIN/0,78  - Plug Type: 2.5mm TRRS Balanced  Cable length: about 1.2m Color: Brown Condition:  New.  You'll receive:  - 1x cable in its original wooden box-case.  (just the cable, no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final.  Please check my other sales.  Thanks for your time!  ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  You're buying from a distributor based in EU.  This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too).  Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises  from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear...  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your time!
97 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day,  For sale here,  the Astell&Kern / JH Moon Audio cable,  with 4-pin (JH-Audio type) connectors  and 2.5mm TRRS Balanced straight-jack-plug,  for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone headphones.  (only the cable, no IEM comes with it).  This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound.  For IEMs such as: Layla, Roxanne, Lola, Rosie, Jimmy, etc.  Condition:  Like new, comes from a just purchased JH-Audio IEM.  You'll receive:  - 1x cable.  (just the cable, no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final.  Please check my other sales.  Thanks for your time!  ----------  Sale's Conditions  (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings):  This item will be shipped from EU.  On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item  (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered),  you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution.   If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase.  Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research,  you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc....  Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns  or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described.  Payment:   PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required.  Shipping:  Worldwide shipping is available.  Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price!  No taxes within EU (European Union)!  Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above,  PLUS,  the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too.  (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer,  I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier.  However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues.  If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs).  Please take a look at my other items.  Thank you very much for your time! .
141 €
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Bourges (Cher)
Samyang 300mm f6.3 ED UMC CS for Sony E. État : Occasion as new Very little use. No scratch, no fungus. Manual focus lens. For Sony APS-C Cameras (A6500, A6400, A6300, NEX7,...). Sold with front and rear caps, sun visor, bag and box. Sold because I changed for a full-frame sony camera. Sending 18€ for EU (can be cheaper with MondialRelay for some EU countries, ask me), 23€ for rest or Europe, Norway, north Africa except Russia. Possible to send to entire World for 30€. Be careful for taxes for non-EU countries. Comme neuf. Très peu servi. Pas d'égratignures, ni champignons. Objectif à mise au point manuelle. Pour appareils photos Sony APS-C (A6500, A6400, A6300, NEX7,...). Vendu avec capuchons avant et arrière, pare-soleil, sac et boite d'origine. Je le vends car je passe à un appareil photo Sony plein format. Envoi 18€ pour UE (peut être moins cher pour certains pays d'UE avec MondialRelay, me demander), 23€ pour le reste de l'Europe, Norvège et Maghreb, excepté Russie. Possiblité d'envoi moins cher pour certains pays d'UE avec MondialRelay. Possible d'envoyer dans le monde pour 30€. Attention aux taxes pour les pays hors UE.
110 €
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