Drying design for t
Liste des meilleures ventes drying design for t

France (Toutes les villes)
Découvrez notre magnifique tapisserie Arbre For¿ºt Ciel ¿¿Toil¿¿, un tissu d'art qui transforme votre intérieur en une œuvre de l'art contemporain. Cette tapisserie moderne, signée KEROTA, est une invitation à la réflexion et à la contemplation grâce à son thème unique, mêlant l'arbre et le ciel. Caractéristiques principales: - Design Unique: La tapisserie Arbre For¿ºt Ciel ¿¿Toil¿¿ se distingue par son design original, où l'arbre s'entrelace avec le ciel, créant une scène visuelle captivante qui évoque la nature et la spiritualité. - Technique de Tissage: Réalisée en polyester de haute qualité, cette tapisserie bénéficie d'une technique de tissage qui confère à chaque fibre une finesse et une résistance exceptionnelles, assurant ainsi une durabilité et une facilité de nettoyage. - Couleur et Texture: Dans un écrin blanc, le coloris principal de cette tapisserie crée un contraste saisissant, tout en offrant une sensation de calme et d'élégance. La texture douce et l'absence de piquré en font un accessoire confortable et accessible à tous. - Dimensions: Avec ses dimensions imposantes de 150 cm de hauteur et 130 cm de largeur, ce tapis mur est idéal pour embellir les murs de pièces spacieuses comme les salles de séjour, les chambres ou les salles d'exposition. - Poids: Le tapis est lourd (entre 3 et 10 kg), ce qui garantit sa stabilité et son appui sur le mur, même en cas de vents d'été ou de déplacements accidentels. - Facilité d'Installation: Grâce à son système de fixation intégré, l'installation de la tapisserie est simple et rapide, sans nécessiter de matériel spécial ou de modifications sur le mur. - Polyvalence: Ce tapis mur peut être associé à divers styles de décoration, du minimalisme au maximalisme, en passant par le style bohème ou zen, grâce à son aspect universel et moderne. - Engagement Éthique: En tant que fabricant conscient, KEROTA s'engage à respecter l'environnement en utilisant des matériaux recyclables et en adoptant des processus de production éco-responsables. Avec le tapisserie Arbre For¿ºt Ciel ¿¿Toil¿¿, vous n'acquérez pas seulement un élément de décoration, mais vous investissez dans un espace de vie qui inspire et apaise. C'est un choix idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un tissu d'art à la fois esthétique et fonctionnel, capable de transformer votre espace de manière significative. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Découvrez notre magnifique tapisserie murale nature vert for¿ºt arbre, un chef-d'œuvre de l'art décoratif qui allie esthétique et fonctionnalité. Ce produit KEROTA est une tenture murale conçue pour transformer votre espace public en un havre de paix et de nature. Caractéristiques principales: - Dimension: 60b'"' x 52b'"' (150 cm x 130 cm), idéale pour les grandes surfaces comme les salles d'attente ou les salles à manger. - Matériau: Faite de polypropylène de haute qualité, cette tapisserie est résistante à l'humidité et aux rayons UV, garantissant sa durabilité et sa beauté sur le long terme. - Design: L'arbre forquet stylisé est imprimé sur un fond blanc, créant un contraste saisissant qui met en valeur la richesse des couleurs vertes. Cette design trippy offre une profondeur visuelle captivante, rendant votre intérieur plus vivant et intéressant. - Installation: Facile à accrocher, cette tapisserie peut être fixée directement sur le mur sans outils grâce à ses fixations intégrées. Elle est livrée avec tout l'équipement nécessaire à l'installation. - Utilisation: Parfaitement adaptée pour les espaces publics comme les hôtels, les cliniques ou les bureaux, elle peut également embellir les appartements ou les maisons, apportant un touché d'art contemporain. - Sensation sensorielle: Le vert profond et naturel de cette tapisserie murale a un impact bénéfique sur le bien-être, favorisant la relaxation et la concentration. - Tranche de poids: Légère, avec une tranche de poids allant de 3 à 10 kg, elle est facilement maniable et ne nécessite pas de structure supplémentaire. Avec notre tapisserie murale nature vert for¿ºt arbre, KEROTA vous offre une solution décorative complète qui enrichit votre environnement tout en restant pratique et durable. Elle est le parfait complément pour ceux qui cherchent à créer un espace dégagé et inspirant. Commandez-la dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous séduire par la beauté naturelle et l'art contemporain! Code EAN: 3043303933146 En-tête / Fabricant: KEROTA Perception sensorielle / Coloris: Blanc et vert nature Matière dominante: Polypropylène Type de Produit: Tenture murale Tranche de poids: 3 à 10 kg N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute information complémentaire ou pour des conseils sur l'installation de votre nouvelle tapisserie murale. Notre équipe est à votre disposition pour vous accompagner dans la personnalisation de votre espace. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Mobilier Mobilier Code EAN: 9196712313765 Mobilier / Style: Design Perception sensorielle / Coloris (générique): Blanc En-tête / Fabricant: Générique EAN_Fiches_Privées: 9196712313765 Origine_import: All-in-one Titre: Tapisserie de for¿ºt brumeuse tenture murale Nature paysage tapisserie soleil ¿¿ travers des tapisseries d'arbre pour chambre salon @zpc8038 Matière dominante: Chêne Mobilier / Emplacement: Chambre
11,43 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Mobilier Mobilier Code EAN: 9196712313772 Mobilier / Style: Design Perception sensorielle / Coloris (générique): Blanc En-tête / Fabricant: Générique EAN_Fiches_Privées: 9196712313772 Origine_import: All-in-one Titre: Tapisserie de for¿ºt brumeuse tenture murale Nature paysage tapisserie soleil ¿¿ travers des tapisseries d'arbre pour chambre salon @zpc8039 Matière dominante: Chêne Mobilier / Emplacement: Chambre
11,43 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Mobilier Mobilier Code EAN: 9196712313291 Mobilier / Style: Design Perception sensorielle / Coloris (générique): Blanc En-tête / Fabricant: Générique EAN_Fiches_Privées: 9196712313291 Origine_import: All-in-one Titre: Tapisserie de for¿ºt brumeuse tenture murale Nature paysage tapisserie soleil ¿¿ travers des tapisseries d'arbre pour chambre salon @zpc7991 Matière dominante: Chêne Mobilier / Emplacement: Chambre
11,43 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Découvrez notre douce couverture double, grande, de la marque Yingd, qui offre une expérience de sommeil réconfortante tout au long de l'année. Conçue pour les appartements et maisons où la température peut varier, cette couverture est parfaite pour les quatre saisons. Elle est fabriquée en flanelle de haute qualité, ce qui la rend à la fois douce au toucher et résistante à l'usure. Avec une tranche de poids de 250 à 500 grammes, elle offre un excellent équilibre entre chaleur et légèreté. La couverture b'"'F¿¿E De La For¿ºtb'"' se distingue par son design unique qui évoque les splendeurs d'une forêt enchantée. Les motifs de contes de fées et de fleurs stylisées y s'intègrent harmonieusement, offrant une vision poétique et rêveuse de la nature. Cette esthétique est renforcée par une coloration qui joue avec les nuances pour captiver la perception sensorielle. En plus de son aspect esthétique, cette couverture possède des caractéristiques techniques remarquables. Elle est conçue pour s'adapter à la climatisation, ce qui signifie qu'elle aide à maintenir une température confortable tout en étant suffisamment absorbante pour éviter l'humidité. Grâce à sa taille de 150 x 125 cm, elle est idéale pour les lits double et peut même couvrir une partie du canapé pour une sieste décente. Que vous recherchiez un réconfort hivernal ou une couverture légère pour les nuits d'été, cette couverture double de la forêt est une excellente option. Elle est à la fois pratique et élégante, et sa qualité de finition supérieure la distingue comme un choix de luxe pour vos moments de détente. Avec son code EAN 3083871237666, elle est facilement identifiable et garantit son authenticité. Pour ceux qui apprécient à la fois l'esthétique et la fonctionnalité, la couverture b'"'F¿¿E De La For¿ºtb'"' de Yingd est une acquisition judicieuse qui alliera chaleur, confort et style. Elle est destinée à ceux qui valorisent un sommeil de qualité et qui souhaitent ajouter une touche de rêve à leur intérieur. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Découvrez notre tapisserie murale arbre forêt, une œuvre d'art décorative qui apporte une touche naturelle et raffinée à votre intérieur. Conçue par KEROTA, cette tenture fait partie de la gamme de décoration publique et privée de la marque. Elle se distingue par sa qualité supérieure et sa capacité à transformer n'importe quelle pièce en un espace paisible et harmonieux. Caractéristiques principales: - Matériau: Fabriquée avec des fibres de polypropylène, cette tapisserie est résistante à l'humidité et à l'usure, garantissant une longue durabilité. - Technologie: Grâce à une imprimante de haute résolution, les détails de l'arbre forêt sont rendus avec une précision et une finesse exceptionnelles. - Apparence: Avec son coloris blanc évoqué, cette tapisserie s'intègre parfaitement dans des ambiances claires ou neutres, tout en étant capable de se marier à des tons plus chauds ou plus foncés. - Poids: Légère, avec un tranche de poids de 3 à 10 kg, cette tapisserie est facile à manipuler et à poser sur le mur. - Dimension: Adaptable à de nombreux espaces, cette tapisserie est disponible dans différentes dimensions pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques. - Usage: Idéale pour les salles d'attente, les chambres, les salons ou toute autre pièce souhaitant bénéficier d'une décoration murale esthétique et d'une ambiance naturelle. - Entretien: Avec sa résistance aux taches et sa facilité de nettoyage, cette tapisserie est un choix judicieux pour les familles ou les professionnels à la recherche d'une solution de décoration à la fois pratique et esthétique. Avantages: - Design unique: L'arbre forêt est représenté avec une richesse de détails qui donne vie à la tapisserie, créant un effet de profondeur et d'intérêt visuel. - Qualité durable: La robustesse des fibres de polypropylène assure que cette tapisserie résistera au temps et à l'usage quotidien. - Facilité d'installation: Grâce à son poids modéré, cette tapisserie peut être aisément accrochée avec des vis ou des fixations adéquats. - Flexibilité: Que vous optiez pour un accent décoratif discret ou un focal point majeur, cette tapisserie se conforme à vos désirs de design. Informations complémentaires: - Code EAN: 3033321023974 - En-tête / Fabricant: KEROTA - Perception sensorielle / Coloris: Blanc - Matière dominante: Polypropylène - Type de Produit: Tenture murale Avec notre tapisserie murale arbre forêt, vous offrez à votre espace une touche d'originalité et de douceur, tout en bénéficiant d'une solution de décoration pratique et facile à entretenir. C'est un choix idéal pour ceux qui apprécient la nature et cherchent à l'intégrer à leur domicile ou établissement. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
DESIGN, lampe d'ambiance à variateur, couleur bleue, Dimensions: base 25X11cm, hauteur 40cm. poids 2,660 kg. Fonctionne Vendue en l'état DESIGN, lamp of atmosphere with variator, blue color, Dimensions: base 25X11cm, height 40cm. Weight 2,660 kg.Is working. Sold as is DESIGN, Umgebungslampe in variateur, blauer Farbe, Dimensionen: Basis 25X11cm, Höhe 40cm. Gewicht 2,660 kg.Fonktioniert. Im Zustand Verkauft Frais de livraison: MONDIAL RELAY France Belgique Luxembourg en relais 5,45€ Espagne Belgique Allemagne Luxembourg Pays-Bas Italie Portugal Autriche à domicile 10€ COLISSIMO au tarif usuel pour TOUS LES PAYS COLISSIMO at the usual rate for ALL COUNTRIES COLIS ECONOMIQUE au poids et selon le pays avec HAPPY POS T (demander le tarif) ECONOMICAL PACKAGE by weight and country with HAPPY POST (ask for the price)
39,90 €
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Fort Mardyck (Nord)
Premium 1.6 T-Gdi 150 hp 48v 7DCT, hybride essence lectrique, 12/07/2024, ABS, Accoudoir central, active air flap (*hybrid and plug-in hybrid), aerodynamic wipers, aide au maintien en cte, Airbag conducteur, Airbag passager, airbag rideau, airbags ct, anti-lock braking system (abs), appel d'urgence, apple carplay / android auto, Assistance au freinage d'urgence, assistance feux de route, Assistant maintien de voie, automatic dual-zone climate control, automatic headlight control, automatic window drying function with diffused blown air mode and rain sensor, automatically up/down front windows with security function and electrically operated rear windows, Banquette arrire rabattable, bluelink telematics controlled by smartphone app, Bluetooth, Bluetooth, bluetooth (phone and audio streaming), bote de vitesse automatique, bsca (blind spot collision avoidance) with warning for safe exit and rcca (rear cross traffic collision avoidance, bumper trim strips: chrome, camra de recul 360, capteur d'aide au stationnement arrire, capteur d'aide au stationnement avant, Capteur de pluie, centre front airbag and front and rear curtain airbags, chargement sans fil, choice of driving mode between eco and sport, Climatisation automatique, cloth headliner, Commande vocale, concealed three-dimensional led daytime running lights, constant speed maintenance system, control buttons on the steering wheel: audio system, contrle de traction, cup holder in rear seat armrest, daw (driver alertness watch), dmarrage et entre sans cl, Dtecteur de fatigue, digital (dab) radio with rds function, display: 10.25 digital instrument cluster with a digital display. colour, door frame c-pillar trim strips: satin, driver and passenger front airbags, driver and passenger seats with adjustable lumbar support, driver and passenger sun visors with mirrors, dual bluetooth support - connects to two smart devices + shark simultaneously, e-call emergency call (europe), ecm (electrochromic rear-view mirror), cran tactile, electric folding side mirrors, electrically adjustable and heated mirrors with turn signals, electrically controlled suspension (ecs), electronic parking brake (epb) with autohold function, electronic stability control (esc), e-shift electronic gearshift with paddles, ESP, fca (forward collision avoidance assist): cars / pedestrians / cyclists, Feux de jour LED, frein de stationnement lectronique, front door windows with uv protection, gear lever handle: eshift, hayon lectrique, hba (high beam assist), headlamps: multi-focal led reflector, heated leather-wrapped steering wheel, heated rear seats, height adjustable electrically operated tailgate, hidden rear window wiper, high-voltage 15w wireless qi phone charger with cooling function, hill start assist (hsa), idle stop b'&' go function, immobilisateur, immobiliser and anti-theft alarm, in the ceiling of the second row of seats and in the luggage compartment, informations trafic, intelligent key and start button, isla (intelligent speed limiting assist), ISOFIX, jantes en alliage, jauge de temprature extrieure, krell premium sound system with 8 speakers and subwoofer, lamps in the overhead console, led marker lights, led rear lights, led static cornering lights, lfa (lane keeping assist), limitateur de vitesse, lka (lane keep assist): dividing line - kerb line, longitudinal roof rails, luggage cover, lumires automatiques, lvda (warning that the vehicle in front has started to move), mechanical steering wheel tilt angle and height adjustment, mise niveau du systme audio, moniteur d'angle mort, Ordinateur de bord, palettes de changement de vitesse, passenger seat with height adjustment, pdw (front and rear parking distance warning), with switch-off button, Peinture mtallise, phares led, pneus t, pockets in the backrests of the driver and passenger seats, power sockets in the centre console and luggage compartment, premium safety package: highway driving assistance system with navigation and intelligent cruise control + bvm (blind spot monitor) with svm (surround view monitor), puissance de direction, Radio, radio dab, rear air conditioning, rear fairing with high-mounted led brake light, rear heating duct for the second row of seats, rear passenger warning system (with sensor), rear window curtain and soft touch upper door trim, rear windows with automatic up/down function and security function, reconnaissance des panneaux, Rgulateur de vitesse Adaptatif, remote control and automatic opening, remote reclining of the rear seat, rtroviseur lectrochrome automatique, rtroviseurs rglage lectrique, Rtroviseurs chauffants, rvm (rear view monitor) with lines on the screen to indicate the path of movement, r19 235/50 rims with summer tyres, scc iintelligent cruise control) with stopb'&'go function, shark fin antenna, sige chauffant arrire, sige chauffant avant, siges avec support lombaire manuel, silver-coloured floor protectors front and rear, soft touch plasti
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Headboard Stoppers for Furniture Appliances and Devices - 4 Adjustable Product Description ✔️ SHOCK ABSORBING SOLUTION: Our anti-shake bumpers were designed for maximum efficiency, making the bed sturdier or sofas, cabinets, appliances, avoiding collision, protecting the wall, and reducing noises; ✔️ ELEGANT DESIGN BUT WITH STRONG BEARING CAPACITY: The head spacers were engineered with a solid steel structure and can withstand various weights of your solid objects around the house while eliminating the squeaky noises made by your bed or furniture in the middle of the night; They are strong, durable, and rust-resistant so don't let their simple design mislead you! ✔️ FAIRLY SIMPLE INSTALLATION: Hassle-free steps are suitable for everyone: Measure the distance between the headboard and the wall; Attach the metal side to the bed after peeling the paper tape off its back; Adjust the EVA side to touch the wall-we advise you to use anti-shakers on each corner of the headboard; Voila you're done! ✔️ EFFECTIVE WALL AND FLOOR PROTECTION: Use this anti-shake toolset to stabilize furniture, appliances and other devices around the house that wobbles; At the same time headboards and baseboards are preventing from banging against the wall or floor; An efficient solution that keeps your walls and floors protected and blocks damages; ✔️ ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL: Our universal device with 8 adjustable screws was designed and engineered to fit all kinds of unstable furniture, appliances, electronic devices, new and old, big or small; It secures the objects in an instant making it a perfect solution day after day but also during a shaking earthquake; Choose to have continuous periods of sleep during the night or day with our set of 4 adjustable Headboard Stoppers. It is a clever shock absorbing solution for unstable objects to secure and support them against the walls and floors.Any wobbly frame board that rattles against the wall when you shift in your bed, or other objects such as door, cabinet, chair, a sofa will become in minutes more stable.A practical anti-shake tool and very convenient to use, our set of bumper stabilizers were made with solid and sturdy construction with EVA cushion regardless of object's weight while featuring an elegant black and white design to match like a glove to your interior decorations. Adjustable up to 5.23" they are strong, durable, and rust-resistant, while providing effective protection for your walls, floors, furniture, appliances, and other electronic devices around your house and office, and reducing noises made by old or new furniture.It's great when the objects inside your house aren't making squeaky noises and you don't have that strange feeling you are walking into a haunted castle. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
1.658 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
California Design Den 400 Thread Count Twin XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Fitted - 1 California Design Den 400 Thread Count Twin XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Fitted - 1 - CHOOSE 100% NATURAL COTTON OVER CHEAP MICROFIBER MADE OF PLASTIC - Rest easy knowing our sheets are cotton - pure, safe and natural, unlike microfiber which is made of non-biodegradable PET (used in plastic bottles) and causes pollution. Embrace the comfort of hotel-like sheets with our 400 thread count fitted sheet made from 100% pure cotton. The cotton fitted sheets are perfect weight, soft, and regulate body temperature, whereas microfiber traps heat and odor, builds static attracting dust - EXTRA-SOFT COTTON BOTTOM SHEET WITH LUSTROUS SATEEN WEAVE - Lie down on soft and comfortable cotton fitted sheet that upgrades your living space while providing the perfect sleeping experience. Made of 100% long-staple cotton with 400 thread count per inch and lustrous sateen weave, our fitted sheets are densely woven to be long-lasting, ultra-soft, and breathable. Pair our single fitted sheet with matching pillowcases and flat sheets to complete the bedding ensemble - PREMIUM DARK GREEN QUEEN SIZE FITTED SHEET (SINGLE PIECE) - Sleep comfortably with our all-around elasticized fitted sheet: 60" W x 80" L + 16" deep pocket fits low profile foam and tall mattresses. The queen deep pocket bottom sheet features a smart head/foot tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. The fitted cotton sheets are easy to care for, machine washable, fade-resistant and fit flawlessly. Regular wash & short dry cycles recommended for superior softness - MADE IN GREEN & STANDARD CERTIFIED 100 by OEKO-TEX� - Our eco-friendly sheets are independently tested for harmful substances for utmost safety. The fabric is tested for no pilling, shrinkage, colorfastness, tear strength and thread count authenticity for top-notch performance. Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Each piece is stitched to perfection, certified as STANDARD 100 by OEKO TEX®, and inspected for highest-level quality - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - We provide exceptional customer service; from the moment you place an order until you receive it. Our high-quality sheets make an ultimate gift for men and women, moms and dads, Valentine's, Christmas, Mother's and Father's Day. Our fitted sheet is perfect for all decors and rooms in your house - bedroom, guest room, kids room, and vacation home. Indulge in soft bed sheets with a pleated hem, available in Twin, Twin XL, Full, King, Queen, and California King. - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Queen Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - QUEEN SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 60" W x 80" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CERTIFIED STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® - All fitted sheet are MADE IN GREEN (traceable consumer label)and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®. According to the guidelines, these products are tested for harmful substances and produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. Each fabric batch is also tested for various durability features such as no-pilling, low shrinkage, color fastness etc, then stitched, individually inspected to be defect free and finally packed for sales - EXTRA-SOFT COTTON BOTTOM SHEET WITH LUSTROUS SATEEN WEAVE - Lie down on soft and comfortable cotton fitted sheet that upgrades your living space while providing the perfect sleeping experience. Made of 100% long-staple cotton with 400 thread count per inch and lustrous sateen weave, our fitted sheets are densely woven to be long-lasting, ultra-soft, and breathable. Pair our single fitted sheet with matching pillowcases and flat sheets to complete the bedding ensemble. - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - Our products are backed by incredible customer service to make sure your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason you don't love our bedsheets, you can return them within 30 days for a full refund as per guidelines. Our high-quality designs match any decor and make the ultimate gift idea for men and women, Moms and Dads, Valentine's - Mother's - Father's Day and Christmas. Best for any room in your house - bedroom, guest, kids room, vacation home - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version- An authentic Cal King Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - CALIFORNIA KING Size Pure White Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 74" W x 84" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Full Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - FULL SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 54" W x 76" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Twin-XL Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - TWIN XL SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - TWIN XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Twin Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - TWIN SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 75" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic King Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - KING SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 78" W x 80" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CALIFORNIA KING Size Light Grey Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 74" W x 84" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - TWIN XL Size Navy Blue Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CERTIFIED STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX - All fitted sheet are MADE IN GREEN (traceable consumer label)and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX. According to the guidelines, these products are tested for harmful substances and produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. Each fabric batch is also tested for various durability features such as no-pilling, low shrinkage, color fastness etc, then stitched, individually inspected to be defect free and finally packed for sales
3.177 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Rustic Design Industrial Look Sphere Pendant Lamp Cage by Black Product Description Simplistic: This minimalist design is built to blend in with the decor of your home, whether it be modern, contemporary, shabby chic or French country, you can easily find a place for this lamp. Turn this new decorating trend into an opportunity to use your empty walls efficiently. Affordable: It’s not easy finding an old-fashioned, stylish, yet decorative wall lamp, this exquisite sp-shaped cage fixture fits the bill perfectly. Now, you can decorate your home without hurting your eyes or your bank account. No Excuses: Without any hard assembly or installation, you got yourself an easy decoration at your fingertips, don’t stay in the dark. Romanticize your evenings with the perfect amount of dimmed lighting, the vintage Edison light bulb is astounding. Rustic Design: Home decorating trends change all the time, but rustic designs are at a top notch, give your living space a makeover with a timeless decoration that will keep you satisfied for years to come. Beautifully Crafted: The elegant design looks marvelous from close-up or further away, the Edison globe bulb adds warmth and style to the wire pendant shade that starts slim from the top and gets wider towards the bottom. 2 Dark spaces and empty walls are the ultimate wrong decorating mistakes anyone can make, but you can be a wise person and make better choices. You don’t need catchy, bright lights to make your home look decorative, you can do it with this vintage design lamp and the dimmed lighting will not hurt your eyes, but that’s not all, the fabric cord is amazingly functional it does not create an eyesore over time. The plastic ones wear out and look awful making your home design look not so pleasant. Floor or table lamps acquire more floor space making you feel frustrated for not being able to decorate as you wish. To take better advantage of small spaces use your walls efficiently, you can use multiples of this lamp to create a custom design. Add as many as you need to give your space the sufficient lighting it needs. Create a ceiling light fixture, and add a piece of wood plank to make it stand-out. Metal Black Diameter: 8” Height: 7” 1 Matte Finish Black Pendant Wire Wall Ceiling Light Fixture Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
2.307 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Très belle lampe champignon en metal. Fabrication tournant autour des années 1960. les reflets blanc et de couleurs sont dus à la lumière, sa couleur est très belle! a signaler pour les plus minutieux: une petite imperfection de vécu sur l'abat jour très discrète (petit bosselage) vraiment pas grand choses et situé derrière cela ne ce voit pas (photo 12). petit saut de peinture sur l’arrête de bordure du socle vraiment pas grand chose également (photo 11) sinon très bel état, t rès beau design! f onctionne parfaitement. D'une belle taille elle mesure 48cm de hauteur, l'abat jour 35cm de diamètre. Pas de problème pour l'expédition, je suis habitué aux livraisons d'objets fragiles, jamais de casse. D'autres objets anciens art deco, lampes, statue etc.. actuellement en vente sur mon compte. Suite au mesure sanitaire du gouvernement pas d’expédition pour le moment, mais ne vous inquiétez pas je garde les colis de mes acheteurs et ils seront expédiés plus tard lorsque la situation sanitaire sera meilleure. regardez mes évaluations je suis professionnel et jamais d'incident. merci d'avoir compris la situation. lorsque les articles sont achetés et payé ils seront conservés aussi longtemps que nécessaire. (translate by google translate) Very beautiful mushroom lamp in metal. Manufacturing around the 1960s. the white and color reflections are due to the light, its color is very beautiful! to report for the most meticulous: a small imperfection of experience on the very discreet lampshade (small dent) really not much and located behind it does not see (photo 12). paint wear small on the edge of the base really not much (photo 11) otherwise very good condition, very beautiful design! works perfectly. Of a beautiful size it measures 48cm in height, the lampshade 35cm in diameter. No problem for shipping, I'm used to delivering fragile items, never breakage. Other old art deco objects, lamps, statue etc. currently on sale on my account. please contact me for price shipping following the health measure of the government no shipping for the moment, but don't worry I keep the packages of my buyers and they will be shipped later when the sanitary situation is better. look at my assessments I am professional and never incident. thank you for understanding the situation. when the items are purchased and paid for they will be kept as long as necessary.
1 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ONLINE MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY DESIGN Many years of consolidated experience make MilanClick become a full member in the elite furniture store. The store, that is fully supplied with high design furniture, accompanies the customer in every phase with a complete and accurate service. E.T.A Sat conçu par Guglielmo Berchicci. Comme tous les luminaires de la série E.T.A., la suspension E.T.A. Sat se caractérise par sa forme organique et l'utilisation de nouveaux matériaux assurant une bonne répartition de la une lumière. Le diffuseur de la suspension E.T.A. Sat est fabriqué de façon artisanale en fibre de verre écologique, le réflecteur est en poycarbonate et une structure métallique escamotable interne facilite le remplacement des ampoules. Lampe suspension Ampoule (non inclus): Halogen 1 x 42W E14 (E12US) clear round + 1 x 120W E27 (E26US) clear tubular ou Fluo 1 x 9W E14 (E12US) round + 1 x 30W E27 (E26US) ou Led 1 x 6W E14 (E12US) + 1 x 16W E27 (E26US) Material: Fibre de verre - Polycarbonate - Métal Dimensions: L 80 x P 60 x H 54 cm FOLLOW US ABOUT US ONLY ORIGINAL PRODUCTS Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Furniture store with the best brands of Italian design. MilanClick, a meeting point for all lovers of Italian and international design in Italy and worldwide. Thank you for visit
951,59 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Farmhouse Chandeliers for Dining Room,5-Lights Kitchen Island Product Description 【PERFECT DESIGN】This kitchen lights design inspiration commonly found on barn or farmhouse. The simple wood beam form features a real wood,vintage-style light bulbs with bubble glass shade.This 5-Light dining room chandelier contemporary twist on a country favorite will be the centerpiece of any home. The key to winning design is its seedy glass shape combined with rustic metal wood style, creating a vintage presence in any room. 【VERSATILE PLACEMENT】Rectangle Canopy: 11.8”Length x 4.7” Width, Island light fixtures: 42.9”Length 63” Height. Glass Shade: D3.5" x H 5.5". This Kitchen Lighting is designed to work on all ceilings including flat, sloped, slanted or vaulted ceiling.T are 8 rods that four for 10” inches Length and four for 20” length. The kitchen chandelier is perfectly designed to fit your ceiling whether hanged over kitchen island, evan in your dining room, bedroom, living room, foyer or any other place! 【BULB REQUIREMENTS】Use with (5) x E26 base 40W Max Bulb (Not Included). NOTE: Please choose bulb that no longer than 5.5" and no wider than 3.5". 【EASY INSTALLATION】With little assembly, the kitchen light fixtures is easy to install,You can adjust height from 10" to 60". 【UL LISTED & WARRANTY】UL Listed For indoor dry Location.We offer 2-year manufacturer's warranty and free parts replacement service. This kitchen lights design inspiration commonly found on barn or farmhouse. The simple double wood beam form features a real wood ,vintage-style light bulbs with bubble glass shade. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
36.246 €
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