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France (Toutes les villes)
CD Album CD Code EAN: 0802469070729 Rubrique principale CD: CD Album Genre musical: Pop Titre: Early Classics
19,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
CD Album CD Code EAN: 0600753652480 Rubrique principale CD: CD Album Genre musical: Electro pop Titre: Liaisons Dangereuses - Cult Radio Classics The Early Years - 2 Cd
7 €
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Paris (Paris)
CD  "Music from the Renaissance, joué et chanté par le Collegium Aureum, Pro Cantione antiqua, London, et Early Music Consort of London. Série "Early Music" N° 2.
12 €
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* Boutique * Contact * Favoris * Evaluations * Page perso Categories de la Boutique * Variete Francaise & Quebecoise * Classique Baroque Romantique * CD Enfants Berceuses Comptines * Musiques du Monde Afrique Nova * Relaxation Humour Karaoke Easy * Humour & Textes lus, Parodies * Film Serie TV Comedie Musicale * Gospel & Spiritual Gospel Song * Jazz Latin Manouche Cool Swing * Rock Chretien Pop Louange Fete * Pop Rock Variete Disco Britpop * Country Blues Folk Songwriter * Soul R&B Stax Funk Blues * Hard Rock Metal Progressif * Inde Alternatif Punck Gothique * Techno Electro House Trance * Rap Hip-Hop Gangsta Rap Coast * Nouveautes * Autres Musiques * Import Musique * Promotion du Jour en Musique * A Offrir Idees Cadeaux * A Offrir Edition Coffret * A Offrir Edition Compilation Infos Contact Contactez-nous Description Symphonies 92 94 & 96 Essential Classics Haydn Cvo Szell Sony Pas le meilleur choix dans le Haydn de Szell Ce disque est la nouvelle presentation d'un autre largement vendu depuis une vingtaine d'annees Symphonies 92 " Oxford " 94 " Surprise " & 96. Dans les annees 60, George Szell avait commence une integrale des Londoniennes dont il n'a pu achever que la premiere moitie (93-98), puisqu'il est mort en 1970. Ce disque comprend deux des elements de cette semi-integrale qu'on peut trouver ailleurs Early London Symphonies et on y ajoute la 92e "Oxford", de la meme epoque. C'etait apparemment une bonne idee commerciale de selectionner trois celebres symphonies a titre, mais, sauf pour les trois premiers mouvements de la 96e "Miracle", ce ne sont pas les plus reussies enregistrees par le chef, meme si aucune n'est decevante ou ratee. L'orchestre de Cleveland mene a la cravache par le maestro et astreint a des repetitions d'un perfectionnisme maniaque explique la rigueur de ces interpretations, qui s'accompagne de la mise en valeur des differents pupitres (certains soli des vents sont admirables de perfection), d'une (tres) petite pointe d'humour pince-sans-rire et, quand il convient, d'une veritable grandeur. Pour rester a la meme epoque, on preferera la 92e par Bohm, plus souple et vivante, et la 94e "Surprise" par Jochum. La prise de son CBS (la division disques de cette societe appartient maintenant a Sony) n'est pas du meme niveau technique que celles qu'on realisait a l'epoque chez Decca, Philips ou Deutsche Grammophon. Meme sans parler du prix, qui peut bien sur changer, je recommande un coffret paru en 2011 George Szell dirige les Symphonies de Haydn (Coffret 4 CD), qui contient des enregistrements plus anciens, ce qui montre que le chef a evolue en vieillissant vers plus de raideur et de formalisme. A la rigueur, dans la collection Esprit, on trouve les 94, 96 et 98, celle-la etant probablement la plus indispensable de toutes celles que Szell a enregistrees dans les annees 60 Esprit/Sinfonie mit dem Pauken, on n'y perd donc pas au change. Szell dirige Haydn impeccable George Szell inscrivit les symphonies de Haydn a ses programmes des les premieres annees de sa prise de fonction a Cleveland. L'exigence qu'il ambitionnait pour cet orchestre (« cultiver chaque detail avec un soin extreme, atteindre l'eloquence la plus raffinee dans la maniere de phraser... ») trouvait un terrain d'aguerrissement privilegie dans les subtiles mecaniques concues par le compositeur viennois. La phalange de l'Ohio avait retrouve le niveau d'excellence acquis sous la baguette d'Arthur Rodzinski quand Szell enregistra un ultime bouquet de "Londoniennes" dans les annees 1960. La comparaison des tempi de la "Oxford" avec ceux de la precedente version gravee pour la Columbia en avril 1949 revele la stabilite des choix metronomiques, qui accomplissent sans raideur la tension exacte des lignes, garante d'une parfaite congruence entre les pupitres, pour peu qu'ils soient aussi virtuoses que ceux de Cleveland ecoutez donc les violons dans le finale de la 96 ! D'un bout a l'autre
18,78 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Duke Ellington And His Orchestra ‎– 1941 Classics Label:  Alamac ‎– QSR 2404 Series: Jazz Kings (2) – Format: Vinyl, LP, Unofficial Release Pays: US Genre: Jazz Style: Big Band, Swing Tracklisting A1     Take The A Train     A2     Bounce     A3     It's Sad But True     A4     Madame Will Drop Her Shawl     A5     I Hear A Rhapsody (Vocals – Herb Jeffries) A6     Until Tonight     B1     West Indian Stomp     B2     Love And I (Vocals – Ivie Anderson)    B3     John Hardy's Wife     B4     Clementine     B5     After All     B6     Chelsea Bridge     Notes "Recorded in Hollywood January 15 and September 17, 1941" "... these recordings are the very last Jimmy Blanton made, for only shortly after the September date he entered a tuberculosis sanitarium, never to recover, his death in early 1942 being one of the great losses in jazz history." Excellent état ! Regardez mes autres disques en vente ! Je groupe les frais de port pour plusieurs disques achetés. I ship worldwide.
11 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Disques provenant d'une collection personnelle. Pour l'état des pochettes quelques imperfections (voir toutes les photos). Pour les disques, visuellement en très bon état. Un des 2 comporte une trace peu profonde. Peuvent être vendus séparément, me consulter, je modifie l'annonce..ENGLISH SPOKEN FOR ANY QUESTION PLS ASK
35 €
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Anarchism and Other Essays (Classic Reprint) Emma Goldman Auteur: Emma Goldman Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 292 pages paperback Publication: 06/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Anarchist and feminist EMMA GOLDMAN (1869-1940) is one of the towering figures in global radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Lithuania, she emigrated to the United States as a teenager, was deported in 1919 for her criticism of the U.S. military draft in World War I, and died in Toronto after a globetrotting life. An early advocate of birth control, women's rights, and workers unions, she was an important and influential figure in such far-flung geopolitical events as the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Among her many books are My Disillusionment in Russia (1925) and Living My Life (1931). Propagandism is not, as some suppose, a trade, because nobody will follow a trade at which you may work with the industry of a slave and die with the reputation of a mendicant. The motives of any persons to pursue such a profession must be different from those of trade, deeper than pride, and stronger than interest. George Jacob Holyoake. A mong the men and women prominent in the public Hfe of America there are but few whose names are mentioned as often as that of Emma Goldman. Yet the real Emma Goldman is almost quite unknown. The sensational press has surrounded her name with so much misrepresentation and slander, it would seem almost a miracle that, in spite of this web of calumny, the truth breaks through and a better appreciation of this much maligned idealist begins to manifest itself. There is but little consolation in the fact that almost every representative of a new idea has had to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Emma Goldman's essays collected I've heard from many people who are interested in reading books about anarchism (allthough i think the term "anarchism" is incorrect) that most books about anarchy are "heavy" and difficult to get through much less understand because they aim their content to readers that have a good backround of political understanding (its terminologies, its "schools" of thought, its currents and so forth..). If this happens to be your problem then this book will be ideal if you want to discover what this political philosophy stands for and what its issues are and, indeed, have been for a long time. Emma Goldman, a woman with as fiery a personality as they come, has put together here a number of essays about anarchy that are easy to comprehend and definately thought inspiring. Despite this book having been first published in 1917 it loses nothing of its importance in the current state affairs as all of the issues Goldman deals with not only remain unsolved but they have -in the meantime- become a social burden or a social disaster much worse than back in her time. Oh, and back in her time things already looked bad enough. What you get here is, summarily, the following: -anarchy, what is it and what does it stand for? Beyond the mainstream media cliches anarchy stands for personal and societal freedom of the highest conceivable order. A freedom, anarchists insist, that is not a utopia. It's basically a hard lesson in crushing your illusions and opening unthought of doors of perception of what freedom really means. That would be then something other than being in a cage and having food thrown in. Even if the cage is invisible.. -Hard punching essays about the prison system and the everself-destructing notion of patriotism.. Funny how every line one reads in there could've been written yesterday. Not much has changed. After decades and decades of the imprisonment system has society become more law-abiding? That would be a thundering no. Why is that? As for patriotism, the incredible notion of dying for your country the same one that might be killing you slowly while draining you of all your resources and enslaving you in a wage system and a daily mindless-toil called "work". here, Emma has to say a lot. There's always a reason to die if someone is going to make money out of it (that would be NOT you) and dress the whole "cause" up as patriotic.. -The hypocrisy of puritanism as well as the seemingly eternal joke of marriage and "love" are also given the treatment they deserve. In a society based on hypocrisy alltogether, you have to start on a personal level. You have to lose your personal chains before you attempt to free others. Your personal chains begin with the things you've been taught to hold most sacred (as is generally the case). The morals that are not yours. Whom do they really serve? The institutions that everyone notices they have fail and yet most continue to serve them. Why? How can this possibly be? These are just some of the issues dealt with in Emma's essays. A classic book that will basically reprogram your brain if you honestly think about the issues in it. But reprogrammed into what? Well, it will only reprogram you into thinking for yourself. For once. If you do, you'll find that the illusion you've been living in does indeed serve someone. Your long hard road to becoming an individual will thus commence. Good, But Not the Best Collection of Emma's Work This is a good collection of essays by Emma Goldman; however, it is not the best one available. That would be _Red Emma Speaks_, which contains the best material in this volume as well as other excellent essays and excerpts from her entire life's work. In addition, all of this book is available on the Web. So I would have to recommend that those interested in Emma's work get _Red Emma Speaks_ instead of this one. as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day Being historically one the more important yet obscure figures in American history, Emma Goldman's anarchist thought is as relevent today as it was when she wrote "Anarchism, and Other Essays". In an age where political apathy, intellectual ignorance and spiritual corruption are the failings of modern civilzation, Emma Goldman's Enlightenment thought is illuminating in its message of the power of direct action as she so lucidly illustrates: "Anarchism urges man to think, to investigate, to analyze every proposition... (Anarchism is the) philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary. "The new social order rests, of course, on the materialistic basis of life; but while all Anarchists agree that the main evil today is an economic one, they maintain that the solution of that evil can be brought about only through the consideration of every phase of life,--individual, as well as the collective; the internal, as well as the external phases. "A thorough perusal of the history of human development will disclose two elements in bitter conflict with each other; elements that are only now beginning to be understood, not as foreign to each other, but as closely related and truly harmonious, if only placed in proper environment: the individual and social instincts. The individual and society have waged a relentless and bloody battle for ages, each striving for supremacy, because each was blind to the value and importance of the other. The individual and social instincts,--the one a most potent factor for individual endeavor, for growth, aspiration, self-realization; the other an equally potent factor for mutual helpfulness and social well-being." From just that little exerpt it is easy to understand why any and all authority was terrified of Emma Goldman and why her important contributions to society have been muzzled from histories - down the "memory hole" to use an Orwellian expression.Again, "Anarchism, and Other Essays" is as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day and necessary material for anyone truly interested or involved in altruistic direct action. D'autre ouvrages de Emma Goldman Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Paris (Paris)
Specificities: original french press. 5 LP spanning early Elton's carreer. Box is in excellent shape. Disc 1 Early Years Disque/Disc: EX Pochette/cover: EX Disc 2 Rocks Disque/Disc: EX Pochette/cover: EX Disc 3 Moods Disque/Disc: EX Pochette/cover: EX Disc 4 Singles Disque/Disc: VG - superficial scuffs only Pochette/cover: EX Disc 5 Classics Disque/Disc: EX Pochette/cover: EX Shipping costs with tracking: - France: 9€ - Rest of the world: 22€
39,90 €
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Dole (Jura)
Unforgettable - The Great Standards 1-1 –Kenny Rogers Unforgettable 3:21 1-2 –Vic Damone Begin The Beguine 4:43 1-3 –Tony Bennett Isn't It Romantic? 3:24 1-4 –Mel Tormé I Can't Give You Anything But Love 2:03 1-5 –Lena Horne You Go To My Head 2:59 1-6 –Engelbert Humperdinck A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening 3:33 1-7 –Judy Collins Bewitched 3:39 1-8 –Kenny Rogers My Funny Valentine 4:07 1-9 –Vic Damone Blue Moon 3:32 1-10 –Engelbert Humperdinck Stardust 2:33 1-11 –Ed Ames & Margaret Whiting Tea For Two 3:38 The Greatest Love Songs 1-12 –Vic Damone It's Impossible 4:30 1-13 –Petula Clark The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 4:02 1-14 –Kenny Rogers Love is A Many Splendoured Thing 2:40 1-15 –Vince Hill Touch Me In The Morning 3:50 1-16 –Sacha Distel Darling, je Vous Aime Beaucoup 2:44 1-17 –Ken Barrie Mona Lisa 4:20 1-18 –Kenny Rogers She Believes In Me 4:19 1-19 –Peters & Lee Always On My Mind 3:26 1-20 –Judy Collins Till There Was You 2:52 1-21 –Vic Damone Our Love Is Here To Stay 4:01 Legendary Singers Of The Century 2-1 –Frank Sinatra & Harry James And His Orchestra If I Didn't Care (Live Opname) 3:28 2-2 –Doris Day & Les Brown And His Orchestra Sentimental Journey 2:50 2-3 –Frankie Laine That's My Desire 2:31 2-4 –Peggy Lee What Is This Thing Called Love 2:15 2-5 –Patti Page Let Me Call You Sweetheart 1:56 2-6 –Bing Crosby Talk To The Animals 3:09 2-7 –Carmen McRae All The Things You Are 4:02 2-8 –June Christy & Les Brown And His Orchestra It Don't Mean A Thing 2:07 2-9 –Bob Eberly & Jimmy Dorsey And His Orchestra Fools Rush In 3:18 2-10 –Helen Forrest I Only Have Eyes For You 2:08 2-11 –Rosemary Clooney I get A Kick Out Of You 2:45 Great Singers - Great Songs 2-12 –Engelbert Humperdinck I'm Getting Sentimental Over You 4:15 2-13 –Tony Bennett This Can't Be Love 1:42 2-14 –Sacha Distel Can't Take My Eyes Off You 3:14 2-15 –Barbara Dickson There Goes That Song Again 3:52 2-16 –Vic Damone Night And Day 3:44 2-17 –Petula Clark I Dreamed A Dream 3:35 2-18 –Vince Hill Roses Of Picardy 2:46 2-19 –Kenny Rogers Lady 3:54 2-20 –Shirley Bassey Still 5:49 Great Songwriters Of The Century 3-1 –Kenny Rogers Always 2:47 3-2 –Judy Collins Enbraceable You 3:08 3-3 –Tony Bennett The Lady Is A Tramp 2:29 3-4 –Helen Forrest Come Rain Or Come Shine 2:19 3-5 –Kenny Rogers When I Fall In Love 3:25 3-6 –Bryan Johnson (2) September Song 2:55 3-7 –Harry Secombe Gigi 3:39 3-8 –Ivor Emmanuel Ol' Man River 3:28 3-9 –Engelbert Humperdinck My Foolish Heart 2:52 3-10 –Helen Forrest I'll Never Smile Again 2:59 3-11 –Sandie Shaw Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye 2:59 A Tribute To Today's Great Songwriters 3-12 –Mike Sammes Singers Trains And Boats And Planes 3:31 3-13 –Roger Miller Me And Bobby McGee 3:18 3-14 –Sacha Distel You Are The Sunshine Of My Life 3:06 3-15 –Judy Collins Blowin' In The Wind 4:21 3-16 –Betty Buckley With One Look (Live Opname) 3-17 –Madeline Bell A Natural Woman 3:33 3-18 –Vince Hill You Don't Bring Me Flowers 3:05 3-19 –Stephanie Lawrence Candle In The Wind 4:16 3-20 –Judy Collins Let It Be 4:17      4-1 –Vic Damone What Now My Love 3:19 4-2 –Demis Roussos No More Boleros 4:14 4-3 –Sacha Distel Monsieur Cannibale 3:24 4-4 –José Carreras Amapola 3:57 4-5 –Simone Langlois Pigalle 2:55 4-6 –Acker Bilk Stranger On The Shore 2:52 4-7 –Carlo Bergonzi Torna A Surriento (Come Back To Sorrento) 4:35 4-8 –Marie-Paule Belle Milord 4:39 4-9 –André Brasseur Early Bird 2:56 4-10 –Vince Hill You've Lost That Loving Feeling 4:19 Somewhere, My Love - Movie Classics 4-11 –Kenny Rogers Somewhere, My Love 2:44 4-12 –Sylvia Cheyenne & Gilles Olivier Un Homme Et Une Femme 2:42 4-13 –Henry Mancini And His Orchestra Love Story 2:50 4-14 –Kenny Rogers I Will Always Love You 2:59 4-15 –Shirley Bassey Wind Benauth My Wings 4:20 4-16 –Henry Mancini And His Orchestra The Entertainer 3:31 4-17 –Helmut Zacharias Schindler's List 3:53 4-18 –Vince Hill Bright Eyes 3:33 4-19 –Berdien Stenberg When You Wish Upon A Star 2:50 4-20 –Kenny Rogers Un
22 €
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