East front
Liste des meilleures ventes east front

France (Toutes les villes)
Total East front Pack 1 The pack is dedicated to the east front with a strong focus on Vienna 1945 with 4 scenarios taking place there out of the 8 ones offered. Other situations are set in Soviet Union 1941, 1942 and 1945. A sheet of 3 beautifully printed overlays is added. The components are protected by a cardboard strengthener and in a plastic bag. Please note: Have a look at my other items. I will combine shipping for multiple wins. Shipping in 'point relais' with tracking service to Belgium or Luxembourg is only 4 EUR and 7 EUR to Spain. Contact me before sending your payment.
12 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Total East front Pack 1 The pack is dedicated to the east front with a strong focus on Vienna 1945 with 4 scenarios taking place there out of the 8 ones offered. Other situations are set in Soviet Union 1941, 1942 and 1945. A sheet of 3 beautifully printed overlays is added. The components are protected by a cardboard strengthener and in a plastic bag. You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
14 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
wargame Barbarossa East front Serie Army Group South GMT. État : "Occasion" Jeu comme neuf, jamais utilisé. Pions sur planche. Pas de frais de livraison. France uniquement.
41,5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Occasion Punched. Complet. Contenu impeccable. La boîte en bon état pour son age.
85 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ASL Historical Pack "Tigers to the front!" Up for bid is one of the best East Front scenario packs, with fun and captivating situations. Designed by Mark Porterfield and published by Critical Hit, it contains: > one cover page > 10 scenarios on 6 beige cardboards > a Platoon Leader fortification point table > an insert with the special rules > a very attractive map of 22" x 34" named Sujewo Heights pitting a fortified hill with printed trenches and wire ! This historical module tells the story of the hope that the Panther Line (or Wotan line) would stop the Russian tide of summer 1944. The scenarios are set in Bielorussia (current Belarus) northeast of Vitebsk. Many scenarios feature the Tigers of the famed 502nd Schwere Panzer Abteilung, which did their best to stem the oncoming tide. The actual item, shown in the picture, is in perfect condition. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment. You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins.
48 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Der Weltkrieg - Western Front 78,75 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en anglais de Decision Games et SPW. The Western Front: 1914-1918 contains six scenarios depicting campaigns in France and Belgium during World War I. The game can also be played as a start to finish campaign of the western front, or linked with other games of the series in a grand campaign covering all the European fronts of World War I from start to finish. One full map and six counter sheets (1680 pieces). Standard Rules, Scenario and Linking rules, Corps displays, Supply Tracks, 2 inch bookcase box. The Scenarios August 1914 War has come. Germany is faced with mortal enemies on two fronts. She must eliminate one threat or face being crushed between the two. The German strategist von Schlieffen plans one of the great military gambles of all time. His scheme is to concentrate to knock France out of the war before Russia can bring her armed masses to bear. The bulk of German forces will move through neutral and lightly defended Belgium. Graf von Schlieffen intends to fall on the flank and rear of the French armies. He believes the French will over commit to regaining the lost provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. The Schlieffen plan runs afoul of complications from the moment it is launched. The Belgians fight back. The British join the fray. The French begin to display operational flexibility. Meanwhile the Kaiser and his advisors balk at the risk being accepted in the East. Can the invading German armies still defeat France? Or will the French, British and Belgians stop them? This time it is up to you. May 1915 The immediate threat to France is over. The Germans have re-deployed substantial forces to the eastern front. French and British reinforcements continue to arriving in increasingly substantial numbers. The French believe the opportunity has come to expel the invaders. But both sides have used the lull since 1914 to dig in. Trench lines stretch from Switzerland to the English Channel. The Germans may be weaker, but they stand inside the most extensive field fortifications the world has yet seen. February 1916 The Germans have substantially reduced the Russian threat by their Polish Campaigns of 1915. Now the German Chief of Staff, von Falkenhayn, believes he can eliminate France through a protracted battle of attrition. The fortress complex of Verdun is chosen as the target the French will defend to the death. An epic struggle that will sear the minds and bodies of both nations begins. Both sides will feel the effects of attrition on a national scale. Yet neither side is willing to shrink from the cost of the sacrifice. July 1916 The new British army of Kitchener is finally ready. The French are in desperate need of assistance due to their losses at Verdun. With German attention focused on the French, the British feel their new army will be able to break through. They believe the intensive week long bombardment of the German trenches will have pulverized both the defenders and their defenses. Carrying 80 pounds of equipment per man, the British climb over the top and slowly walk toward the other side of no-man's land. But the Germans rush out of their shell-proof bunkers to defend their line. A battle that will last for months is joined in the valley of the Somme. April 1917 The new French General in Chief is Nivelle, the charismatic English speaking hero of Verdun. He convinces the British to join him for a two pronged attack. An attack against the base of the German salient that points at Paris. Plans that are anything but secret are made to put Nivelle's aptly named "Army of the Rupture" through the German lines in less than a day. Nivelle's problem is the Germans also see the potential of his plan. They withdraw from the salient and into the formidable defenses of the Hindenburg Line. Nivelle plows ahead regardless. The soldiers of the French army may be unhappy with the result. March 1918 The Germans have knocked the Russians out of the war. Their forces are now rushed west. The German divisions are thoroughly trained in new assault tactics. This will be the Germans' best chance to win since their defeat at the Marne in 1914. Time is short: fresh American troops and French and British tanks are starting to arrive in substantial numbers. The German stosstruppen are aimed at the weak point of the depleted British lines. The plan is to drive a wedge between the allied British and French armies. And General Ludendorff has follow up offensives ready to exploit any advantage gained. Can the Entente hold on until the Germans have depleted themselves enough that a counter offensive is feasable? Or will 1918 finally see the redemption of German frustrations since 1914? Or will the war drag on for years to come?
78,75 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Cible complete SEGA / DATA EAST flipper STAR WARS TRILOGY etc Front mounting Pièces d'origine. Cumulez vos achats et payez le port au poids réel du colis. Track Page Views With Auctiva's FREE Counter
29,20 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris The Mighty Endeavor 2nd edition - occasion B- 42,00 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en bon état, pions triés en sachets zip, quelques traces d'usure minime sur la boite The Mighty Endeavor is both an updated version (with errata corrected, a couple of counters added, and other counters made to conform to the Expansion) covering the Western Front from the D-Day landings until the end of April 1945 and an expansion to the original game that adds the Eastern Front from just east of Warsaw during the same time period and a small map attachment that adds the Brittany Peninsula. Following the same allocation of responsibilities as the game Battle for Germany (SPI, 1975), one player controls the Western Allies and the East Front Germans while the other controls the Russians and the West Front Germans. The two players compete by seeing which grouping of Allies can conqure as much German territory as possible—while they also play against their opponent to stop the opposite front. Never a dull moment as both players are always playing one side or the other at the same time. The scenarios start the campaign at various points and as an added feature, the game includes a 16 Dec 44 (Bulge) campaign start for the Western Front. Players owning the original TME can preorder a reduced-cost preorder for this game on the honor system. Too much of the game changed to warrant an "upgrade kit". This option will only be available while the game is on preorder. The sneak peeks are pdf downloads and are not final artwork. The Mighty Endeavor contains: two 22" x 34" full-color maps one 8.5" x 11" full-color map two sheets of 1/2" counters one 8 page SCS-specific v1.7 rulebook one 16 page TME-specific rulebook one 16 page TME Expansion rulebook two dice box and lid
42 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ASL Kursk module Hell's Bridgehead 3 Hell's Bridgehead is one of the few Eastern front historical modules not taking place in Stalingrad or Berlin. The module deals with the fight during the Kursk battle of the Russian 31st independant Tank Corps + 33rd Guards Corps facing the 3rd SS Panzergrenadier division "Totenkopf". Up for bid is the enriched third edition developed by Dave Lamb. This item contains all the components issued by Critical Hit. Detailed content: - a front and back cover - a historical map 22" x 3 4 " depicting the Psel river, its banks and the dominating terrain - 212 die-cut 5/8" and ½" counters featuring black SS troops, some Russians and markers - a leaflet with historical summary - 9 sc enarios HB#1 to HB# 9, all played on the historical map - Bonus: the Tin Pan hill map + 2 scenarios played on it Published: 2011 Mark Pitcavage wrote on his website about Hell's Bridgehead: " Hell’s Bridgehead is a quality historical module. All ASL fans of East Front action should consider getting it. Most of the scenarios are fun and balanced. T his is a chance to get one of the better CH historical modules " You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
60 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais simple à jouer jeux à blocs en bois permettant de simuler le brouillard de guerre Moscow '41 is the first chapter of the Barbarossa Trilogy (the other two are Leningrad '41 and Kiev '41). MOSCOW '41 is a light/medium wargame covering the German Army Group Centre offensive aimed to seize Moscow, after having successfully defeated several Soviet armies in the great encirclement battles at the frontier and established two bridgeheads on the Dnieper. Although based on a historical event, the two players can modify the course of the operations, with the Germans trying to achieve a decisive victory before the winter comes, and the Soviets playing a fighting withdrawal, until ready to strike a decisive blow at the invaders. The game is recommended for two players, but has excellent solitaire suitability. Historical Introduction "At the beginning of each campaign, one pushes a door into a dark, unseen room. One can never know what is hiding inside." - Adolf Hitler, June '41 In December of 1940, Hitler made the decision to invade Russia and set the date for the middle of 1941. He had good reason to be confident that Russia would collapse under an uncompromising assault. Since the outbreak of hostilities, the German Wehrmacht had accomplished a stunning and unparalleled series of victories: Poland had fallen in one month, Denmark in one day; France, till then regarded as the strongest power in Europe, had capitulated in under six weeks, Holland in under six days; Belgium, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece took less than three weeks each. The German military might was at its peak and the word Blitzkrieg had entered the language. Russia, on the other hand had taken over three months to bring Finland to heel, despite overwhelming strength of numbers. The Russian army had not yet recovered from Stalin's purges of 1937-1938 where 400 generals were “removed” including three field marshals and 13 Army commanders. It was well that Hitler could say, “Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse in Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history. We have only to kick in the front door and the whole rotten Russian edifice will come tumbling down.” On the 22nd of June, 1941, Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia, began. Three million Axis troops in three Army Groups attacked on a front that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea: Army Group North under Field Marshal von Leeb was tasked with taking Leningrad; Army Group South under Field Marshal von Rundstedt was to capture Kiev and seize the Caucasus; Field Marshal von Bock's Army Group Centre, the one that concerns us, had Moscow as an objective, with Timoshenko undertaking the task of defending the capital. Initially, the operation succeeded beyond Hitler's wildest dreams. Within a day, the Russian Air Force was destroyed on the ground, then vast inroads were made on all fronts accompanied by large scale surrenders of encircled Russian troops. Army Group Centre with its four armies consisting of a total of 48 Divisions, of which nine were armoured, and backed by the Second Air Fleet, had reached the outskirts of Smolensk by the 15th July. This was two-thirds of the way to Moscow and it seemed that nothing could stop von Bock from blowing up the Kremlin within another three or four weeks... or could something stand in his way? Four things could now cause problems to von Bock: firstly, his supply line is stretched and had almost reached breaking point; secondly, Russian resistance is stiffening; thirdly, his infantry divisions are having difficulty keeping up with the Panzers and finally, a new Russian ally is about to enter the field: General Winter. Additional concerns may come in November, with three-quarters of a million experienced Siberian veterans freed by garrisoning Soviet Far East, thanks to Stalin's spies in Tokyo revealing Japanese intentions to attack America, and not Russia. As the German Commander, you must push on to Moscow before it is too late. As the Russian Commander you must re-evoke the Patriotic War and stop the invaders at any cost.
39 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Combat Commander Normandy Battle pack n°3 35,70 € Disponibilité: en stock règle en français descriptif GMT: Combat Commander: Battle Pack #3 -- Normandy is the third themed collection of scenarios for use with the Combat Commander: Europe series of games. The theme of this third Battle Pack shifts to the West Front in June, July and August 1944 as various Allied forces landed on French soil to fight the occupying German forces. CC: Normandy features seventeen new scenarios printed on cardstock -- one of which is a multi-scenario Campaign Game -- as well as eight new maps, added markers necessary for some of the scenarios, and a new feature to the series: a majority of the leader counters represent historical individuals who actually fought in the depicted actions. Rules relevant to the characteristic fighting on the invasion beaches and inland bocage are included. -- Rural Roads and Bocage; -- Limited Smoke Barrage; -- Mortar Spotters; -- Invasion Terrain (Beach, Shingle, Water Barrier, Communication Trench, Hedgehog) -- Bunker Busting; -- and Night. Additional special scenario and campaign rules cover well-known individual features of the fighting such as Widerstandsnests, Casemates, Coastal Batteries, Commando Movement, Cliff Scaling, Bocage Clearing Doctrine, Pre-Registered Mortar Batteries, Armor Support and Air Superiority. The maps depict specific locations in Normandy: Pegasus Bridge, Pointe du Hoc, Omaha Beach (one directly on the beach at Widerstandsnest 61 and two on the bluffs above the beach, one on the western cliffs and the other on the eastern flank heading towards Cabourg), the villages of Crisbecq and La Madeleine, and finally Sword Beach (at La Brèche d’Hermanville). The scenarios in CC: Normandy include: -- "Pegasus Bridge" using an accurate map, with British Airborne units, 6 June 1944; -- Taking the Point" set at Pointe du Hoc, with US Rangers, 6 June 1944; -- "Taking the Point (Planned)", revised version allowing players to try the planned assault, 6 June 1944; -- "Widerstandsnest 61" set at Omaha Beach, with US Army units, 6 June 1944; -- "Mazed and Confused" set in the communication trench network above Omaha Beach, with US Rangers, 6 June 1944; -- "This Man Was Good" set in the bluffs above Omaha Beach, with a German Counterattack of US Army units, 6 June 1944; -- "The Uneasy Wait" set on Sword Beach at Widerstandsnest 20 (codenamed Cod), with British units, 6 June 1944; -- "The New Highlanders" set at the village of Authie inland from Juno Beach, with Canadian units, 7 June 1944; -- "Deeds not Words" set at Battery Crisbecq inland from Utah Beach, with US Army units, 8 June 1944; -- "East by Northwest" set inland in Brittany, with French SAS Commando and FFI units facing Ostruppen (as represented by conscripts with Georgian and Ukrainian leaders), 18 June 1944; -- "Graveyard of the North Shores" set near the Carpiquet airfield outside Caen, with Canadian units, 4 July 1944; -- "Bingham Must Hold" set at the village of La Madeleine outside of St Lô, with US Army units, 15 July 1944; -- "Compagnie Scamaroni" set in Caen at night, with a combined force of Canadian engineers and FFI commandos facing Luftwaffe troops at the opening of Operation Atlantic, 18 July 1944; -- "Cheux’d Up" depicting action at Cheux during Operation Epsom, with Scottish units, 25 July 1944; -- "Old Hickory Resolute" set at Mortain, with US Army units facing a German assault that was part of Operation Lüttich, 8 August 1944; -- "Surrender is out of the Question!", set at the infamous Maczuga Hill depicting the brave night defense by the Polish units of the 1st Armoured Division, 20 August 1944; -- and the "29, Let’s Go!" multi-scenario Campaign Game recreating eight days (11 July through 18 July 1944) of the 116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division’s assault on St. Lô; players are encouraged to see whether they can push the 116th Regiment to reach La Madeleine by 15 July (to match the historical scenario above). NOTE: CC:Normandy is not a complete game and requires ownership of both Combat Commander:Europe and Combat Commander:Mediterranean to play. Designed by John Foley Developed by Kai Jensen Additional scenario designs in this third Pack are courtesy of John Butterfield, Bryan Collars, Ric Van Dyke, and Volko Ruhnke. Expands: Combat Commander: Europe and Combat Commander: Mediterranean (both required)
35,70 €
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Paris (Paris)
Poupée en très bon état sauf pour le petit trou situé sous l'oreille gauche du lapin, voir photo 3. Le trou n'est pas visible de devant cependant, voir photo 4. Envoi en colissimo recommandé pour 8 euros. Remise en mains propres gratuite sur Paris. Je ne vends pas aux profils zéros, à moins de me contacter auparavant, vos enchères seront automatiquement supprimées. The doll is in great condition except for the little hole on the bottom of the left of the bunny ear, see photo 3, We don't see the hole from the front though, see picture 4. Shipping from France to the International with tracking and signature required is $28 USD Shipping to Europe with tracking is 12,30 Euros except for East Europe and Norway who costs 16,65 Euros.
20 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Roads to Moscow - occasion B- 52,40 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en bon état, pions triés en sachets zip, quelques traces d'usure minime sur la boite Roads to Moscow is a two-player game depicting battles in the Soviet Union during the drive on Moscow in October 1941. The two separate battles shown in this game are named for the main objective city on each map, Mozhaysk to the west of Moscow, and Mtsensk to the south. Perhaps the most dramatic of the many desperate battles fought in front of Moscow, these two battles combined all the elements of the great struggle. The Germans have an excellent fighting machine but are short on fuel and time. They must capture their objectives on a tight schedule or snow and mud will end their offensive. The Soviets are down to the rearward remnants of their once immense armies. If the Soviets can avoid being encircled by the fast moving German forces, high quality reinforcements from the Far East may finally allow them to stop the German advance. COMPONENTS · 528 5/8" counters · One 34x22 full color backprinted mapsheet · Rulebook · Playbook · 5 Player Aid Cards · One ten-sided die TIME SCALE 12 hours per turn MAP SCALE 1.4 km per hex UNIT SCALE Battalions and Companies NUMBER OF PLAYERS 1-2
52,40 €
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Buchelay (Yvelines)
2 port usb-c l'av (recharge et data) et 2 l'ar (recharge), 7 airbags airbags frontaux av conducteur et passager (airbag passager dsactivable par cl) + airbags latraux l'av + airbags interactif l'av et avec airbags de tte av/ar + airbag central situ sur le ct droit du sige conducteur + permet la protection des chocs entre les occupants des siges a, Acc: rgulateur de vitesse adaptatif et prdictif (avec limiteur de vitesse), Accoudoir pour les siges av, Activation automatique du signal de dtresse en cas de freinage d'urgence, Alarme antivol - protection volumtrique et anti-soulvement, Alerte de perte de pression des pneus, Allumage automatique des feux et des essuie-glaces, App-connect sans fil (en fonction du tlphone compatible) pour apple carplay + android auto et mirror link (avec fil), Avertissement de distance avec le vhicule prcdent, Avertisseur sonore 1 ton, Avertisseur sonore et lumineux pour ceintures non attaches av et ar, Banquette ar 2/3 1/3 avec accoudoir central et trappe skis (3 personnes), Buses dgivrage automatique l'av, Cble de recharge mode 3 - type 2 pour borne de recharge (32 a), Camra de recul 'rear view' situe dans le logo volkswagen, Capacit de batterie nette - 58 kwh, Capacit de puissance de recharge maximale sur prise ccs: 120 kw dc, Capacit de puissance maximale du chargeur embarqu pour prise type 2: 11 kw ac, Car2x, Carrosserie bicolore - toit et hayon noir, Ceintures de scurit av 3 points enrouleur avec prtensionneur, Clignotants confort: (1) touche = (3) clignotements, Climatisation stationnaire, Climatiseur 1-zone b'"'climatronicb'"' avec mode recyclage de l'air ambiant., Commande vocale intuitive, Console centrale rtro claire avec volet occultant et 2 porte-gobelets, Correcteur lectronique de trajectoire esp + amplificateur de freinage d' urgence +systme d'antiblocage des roues abs + blocage lectronique de diffrentiel eds + antipatinage lectronique asr et rgulateur lectronique de couple msr, Dtecteur de fatigue, Direction lectromcanique assistance variable en fonction de la vitesse, E-sound - son spcifique id, Eclairage led de la plaque d'immatriculation ar, Eclairage d'ambiance - 10 couleurs, Eclairage des poignes de portes avec clairage de bienvenue 'welcome light, Ecran central tactile de 12 pouces personnalisable, Frein de stationnement lectromcanique avec fonction d'immobilisation en pente b'"'auto holdb'"' le vhicule se maintien automatiquement en pente et une simple action qur l'acclrateur suffit dsactiver le frein, Freins disques l'av et freins tambours ar, Front assist - systme de surveillance primtrique avec fonctions de freinage d'urgence en ville et dtection des pitons, Gestion des paramtres de confidentialit lis la esim et we connect, Id. display de 5 +3 pouces: l'id. display est un combin d'instruments numrique dot d'un afficheur couleur tft haute rsolution. en plus du tachymtre numrique + il est possible d'afficher des informations supplmentaires provenant des systmes d'aide la conduite + par la slection de divers profils, Indicateur de temprature extrieure avec avertisseur de gel, Interface bluetooth, Intervention de freinage automatique lors des manoevres, Jantes 18 pouces b'"'east derryb'"' bicolore argent pneumatiques 215/55 r18, Kit de dpannage: compresseur 12 v et produit d'tanchit de pneu, Lane assist - assistant au maintien dans la voie avec correction de trajectoire, Moteur ar - propulsion, Oeillets d'arrimage isofix (dispositif pour fixation de 2 siges-enfants sur la banquette ar), Pack assistance, Park pilot - aide au stationnement av et ar, Pdalier en acier inoxydable avec symboles b'"'play et pauseb'"', Peinture unie gris lunaire, Portes ar avec scurit enfants, Prparation pour activation ultrieure de la navigation via upgrades, Prise 12 v dans le coffre, Projecteurs led et feux ar led, Protection antidmarrage, Puissance de 150 kw (204 ch) - couple de 310 nm, Rception de radio numrique (dab+), Rglage des phares tactile, Rglages de la charge via le systme d'infodivertissement ou l'application we connect id, Rtroviseur intrieur rglage jour/nuit automatique, Rtroviseurs extrieurs rglables + rabattables et dgivrants lectriquement avec abaissement du rtroviseur passager, Revtement du tableau de bord et des portes tissu b'"'taiab'"' compos de matriaux durables, Sellerie tissu gris taia, Services connects b'"'we connect id.b'"' 36 mois, Sige av rglages en hauteur, Sign assist - systme de dtection de la signalisation routire, Systme d'aide l'co-conduite - eco assistance, Systme d'appel d'urgence - ecall appel d'urgence manuel ou automatique, Systme d'infotainment 'ready to discover' avec cran 12 pouces personnalisable et id.display de 5 +3 pouces, Systme d'ouverture et de fermeture sans cl dans un primtre de dtection keyless access advanced, Systme de dmarrage sans cl keyless-go dmarrage possible avec une simple pression sur l
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