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Eastern frontier in

Liste des meilleures ventes eastern frontier in

France (Toutes les villes)
Frontier - 1980 Flipper - BALLY - Pinball  Kit Elastiques - Caoutchouc 100% Naturel - Neuf avec Notice d'installation  Rubber Kit   - 100% Natural Rubber - New with instruction for use Kit de 36 pièces - 36 parts in the Kit White   Mini Post:      6 White Rubber Ring:     27 White Shooter Tip:      1 Red Flipper:     2
25,20 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Khyber Rifles: Britannia in Afghanistan 12,60 € Disponibilité: en stock In 1842 Afghan rebels destroyed a British army as it tried to fight its way from Kabul to the safety of the Khyber Pass. The British launched an expedition to avenge that defeat, and that led to another campaign in Central Asia’s Great Game. Khyber Rifles is a two-player game of that fateful year in Afghanistan. One player commands British forces, including the regiments and battalions forming the armies of Gens. Nott, Pollock and Elphinstone. The other player controls various Afghan tribal contingents, led by Akbar Khan. The point-to-point map covers eastern Afghanistan and India’s Northwest Frontier area, including the famous Khyber Pass. Khyber Rifles is part of the Hand of Destiny mini-game series. Each player has a unique deck of Campaign Cards. They generate movement abilities, combat bonuses and historical events. Accessing the right card at the right time lets the player concentrate forces to win that great victory against all odds—or perhaps go down to inglorious defeat. Some of the cards include: Ambush, Jirga Loya, Mad Dash and Relief Force. Combat is resolved via a quasi-tactical procedure. There are special rules for: elite British units, fanatic Afghan Ghazis, camp followers, Shah Shujah’s army, and irregular units such as Broadfoot’s Pioneers. Game Contents: •    11 x 17” map •    40 die-cut counters •    18 cards •    Four page rule booklet  
12,60 €
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Hampigny (Aube)
Type: Boeing 737-300 Marque: MASP Decals Echelle: 1/144 Décorations: FRONTIER Commentaires: Decals neufs. Décoration haute en couleurs.  Permet de réaliser un 737-300 de la compagnie FRONTIER immatriculé N307FL.  Les decals ont été ouverts et perforés pour être rangés dans un classeur à l'abri de la lumière. En aucun cas les transferts ne sont endommagés. Convient pour le 737-300 Minicraft, Eastern Express ou Skyline. Photos de l'avion réel en tapant N307FL dans votre moteur de recherche. Vous achetez ce que vous voyez. Remarque: Je me sépare des "decals" au 1/144 pour lesquels je n'ai pas l'avion pour les appliquer. IMPORTANT: suite à la mise en place du nouveau service de paiement, l'objet sera envoyé lorsque l'argent sera visible sur mon compte bancaire soit 2 à 3 jours minimum après votre paiement. Merci pour votre compréhension. Foreign er are welcome, please ask for shipping cost before bidding. You buy what you see. N’hésitez pas à poser vos questions. Pensez à regarder mes autres enchères, frais de port calculés au plus juste en cas d’achats multiples. Evaluation laissée à la réception de la vôtre, preuve de la livraison du produit et je l’espère 100% satisfait.
8 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
259 €
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Sevran (Seine St Denis)
~ Version PAL / FRA ~ Rune Factory Frontier Nintendo Wii Jeu Rune Factory Frontier pour Nintendo Wii PAL FRA vendu dans sa boîte avec sa notice d'origine. L'ensemble est ici en très bon état. Tout est 100% d'origine. Boîte: 8,5/10 Le boîtier est très propre. De légères traces de rayures sont présentes sur la protection plastique (voir photos). Notice: 9/10 La notice est en excellent état. De très légères traces d'usures sont présentes sur les bords de la notice (voir photos). CD: 7,5/10 Le CD du jeu est en très bon état. De légères traces de rayures superficielles sont présentes au dos du CD (voir photos). Il a été testé et est en parfait état de fonctionnement.   L'envoi sera rapide et soigné. Pensez à grouper vos achats pour réduire vos frais d'envoi ! For American Buyers, please be aware that PAL / European version games can't be read on NTSC-U/C USA (American) hardware if they aren't "region-free". If you don't have the right system to read PAL games you're interested in, please learn more about it and refrain yourself from buying. No return will be accepted for a "the game doesn't work on my system" reason now that you're warned. Thanks.
29,89 €
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Bobigny (Seine St Denis)
Item available in good condition: title: Saga Frontier (ref. manufacturers SLPS 00898) Description (international user): completeness game complete in good condition case present good manuel present good spin card no CD good state = good Region: NTSC/J language: according to manufacturer's choice for JAP system operation: Work only on Sony Playstation 1 hardware please check the compatibility according to the reading for JAP shipping: 24/48 hours after payment We ship worldwide (except Brazil) Description (clients FR): completude jeu complet boîte présente bon notice présente bon spin card non CD bon état = bon Zone de lecture: NTSC/J langage: selon le choix du fabricant pour JAP fonctionnement: Compatibilité sur le support Sony Playstation 1 uniquement veuillez vérifier la compatibilité selon la lecture pour JAP livraison: période standard de 24/48h après le paiement voir prix et type d'envois proposés lors du règlement
13,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Lot 4 Valkyries Macross Frontier VF-25F / VF-25G / VF-25S / RVF-25G Marque Banpresto Année 2009 Figurines d'occasion en très bon état, ayant été exposées en vitrine à l'abri de la poussière. Les socles sont présents. Les vaisseaux font 12.5 cm de long (échelle 1/144) Les boîtes ont été stockée pliées (s'il y a avait des plastiques internes de rangement, ils ne sont plus présents). Voir photos Envoi en mondial relay Envoi groupé possible: me contacter --------------- Brand Banpresto Year 2009 Used figurines in very good condition, having been exhibited in a window protected from dust. The supports are present. The ships are 12.5 cm long (scale 1/144) The boxes were stored folded (if there were internal storage plastics, they are no longer present). See photos Sending via mondial relay Combine shipping possible: contact me En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
1 kit de caoutchoucs pour flipper FRONTIER  Bally 1980 neuf. Composé de 34 caoutchoucs blancs avec doigts de flipper rouges. (Possibilité de doigts de flipper en jaune ou noir, me le préciser à l'achat). Caoutchouc de lanceur de bille inclus Kit conforme au  manuel utilisateur, livré avec plan de montage. Je réponds à toutes questions par mail Réductions sur les frais d'envoi en cas d'achats groupés International bidders are welcome, contact me for the shipping cost: En cas d'achats de plusieurs produits, attendez mon mail de finalisation des achats pour que je puisse grouper les frais d'envois. International bidders, if you buy multiples items in my shop, wait my mail for the combined shipping cost.
27 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ATTENTION: le TANK ne fait pas partie de la vente, il est positionner pour donner l'échelle et les proportions der l'ensemble. Depuis des bases AIRFIX et ITALERI: 1 décors, figurines, multiples accessoires Réalisation personnelle artisanale depuis produits manufacturés du commerce, montage, assemblage et peinture à la main. PRENDRE CONNAISSANCE DE CE QUI SUIT, A LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT Vous vous rendez acquéreur de ce que vous visualisez Le résumé de la composition de l’objet acheté est SOMMAIRE. Les multiples photos sont le descriptif DETAILLE de votre achat. Bien étudier les nombreuses photos avant l’achat. Je ne peux être tenu responsable des éventuels dégâts occasionnés lors des diverses manutentions, lors des différents stockages, transports, par les services assurant la livraison du produit. Les retours sont refusés, les offres raisonnables et sérieuses seront étudiées. Lors de l’emballage, je prends toutes les précautions d’usage pour protéger le ou les dioramas et/ou le ou les véhicules. Selon les cas, la vitrine-présentoir du diorama est remplie de particules, entourée de cellophane. Le colis est soigneusement scotché et porte les mentions FRAGILE, HAUT, BAS et SENS D’OUVERTURE. A l’intérieur, se trouve une fiche conseil pour déballer les vitrines présentoirs. Dans la plupart des cas, les véhicules sont vissés et/ou les figurines collées. Ne pas hésiter à me poser des questions je répondrai le plus promptement possible. Avec quelques points de colle ou de tournevis les petits problèmes rencontrés seront résolus En cas: - De plusieurs achats il est possible de grouper l’envoi. Ne finaliser pas vos achats, ajouter les dans votre panier, demandez-moi le total, et attendez la facture. - D’envoi dans le monde entier (sauf RUSSIE) me contacter car cela dépend du poids. - D’enchères, n’enchérissez que si vous souhaitez vraiment acquérir l’objet. - D’abus ! un litige sera engagé pour tout retard de paiement. Tout acheteur ou enchérisseur avec un profil zéro verra la vente ou l’enchère annulée. Pour ceux qui ont l’habitude de ne pas laisser d’évaluation, je ferais de même avec eux. Le but d’ c’est de laisser des évaluations tant sur l’acheteur que le vendeur. You acquire what you visualize The summary of the composition of the purchased object is SUMMARY. The multiple photos are the DETAILED description of your purchase. I cannot be held responsible for any damage caused during the various handling, during the various storage, transport of the services ensuring the delivery of the product. Study the many photos carefully before buying. Returns are refused, reasonable and serious offers will be considered. When packing, I take all the usual precautions to protect the diorama(s) or vehicle(s). Depending on the case, the diorama display case is filled with particles, wrapped in cellophane. The package is carefully taped and is marked FRAGILE, HAUT, BAS and SENS D'OUVERTURE. Inside is an advice sheet for unpacking the display cases. In most cases, the vehicles are screwed, and the miniatures glued. Do not hesitate to ask me questions I will answer as soon as possible. With a few dots of glue, the small problems encountered will be solved In case: - From several purchases it is possible to group the shipment. Do not finalize your purchases, add them to your basket, ask me for the total, and wait for the invoice. - Shipping worldwide (except RUSSIA) contact me as it depends on the weight - Bidding only bid if you really want to buy the item - Abuse a dispute will be initiated for any late payment Any buyer or bidder with a zero profile will see the sale or auction cancelled. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Très bon état. Complet sauf la boîte, qui est une copie, et le livret en français uniquement. Very good condition. Complete except the boxing (it is a copy) and the rules and scenarios booklet in french only (the english PDF is downloadable for free on the doW website).
15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
THE GUNS OF AUGUST strategic level world war 1 game - avalon hill parfait état. Guns of August: The thunder of the guns that August would deafen all Europe. For the next four years there would be no quiet: on the western front in France, on the eastern front in Russia, in the Italian Alps and the Balkan foothills, the only peace would be among the dead. Recreating the Great War of 1914-1918, Guns of August is a unique, exciting game. As the Central Powers player YOU control the armies of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, and make the difficult strategic decisions the two-front war requires. As the Allied player YOU command the forces of the rest of Europe including Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Belgiu, Rumania, Serbia, and the United States, and carry the burden of forcing back the strongly entrenched enemy corps on both the west and eastern fronts. No other game presents so great a challege to test each player's grasp of military strategy.   Ten Historical Scenarios From the summer of 1914 through the final surrender on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day and month of 1918, GUNS OF AUGUST spans the entire First World War in monthly Game-Turns; each player maneuvers hundreds of infantry and cavalry corps and their supporting artillery and engineer regiments. And in addition to this mammoth campaign game, separate scenarios for each front during each year of the war, which can be combined into two-front scenarios for 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917, have been specially designed to allow players to vary the size, difficulty, and playing time of their games. (1) 22" x 32" 4 Section Mapboard (1) RuleBook  (2) Player Aid Cards w/Charts & Tables (1) Dice Counters
71,33 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais Game description from the publisher: Guns of Galicia  uses the same core rules as  Guns of August  (GoA) to simulate Corp-level fighting on the Eastern Front in WWI. Game mechanisms compensate for players' 20/20 hindsight to encourage historically accurate play that makes "sense" in game terms while avoiding a "straight jacket" of special rules to enforce irrational play. Players maneuver corps and divisions through 9-mile wide hexagons in turns that span three days each. Chit pull activation along with modest movement point allowances generates a highly interactive game. Scenarios included are the 1914 Galicia campaign, 1915 Tarnow campaign, and 1916 Brusilov campaign.
25 €
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Mâcon (Saône et Loire)
Marque :                  AFV Nom du produit :    German Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D Schützenpanzer Référence :              AF35063 Echelle :                   1/35 Type :                        kit complet : Grappes de plastique, Décalcomanie (à l'eau), Vinyle Réalisé en :              2004 | Première version - nouveau moule Versions proposées :Sd.Kfz. 251Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. D Waffen SS (1933-1945)  - 2 SS Pz.Div. Juillet 1944 World War 2  Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown - 27 SS Pz.Gren.Div. 1944 World War 2 - Warsaw  Dark Yellow  Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)  - 1943 World War 2 - Eastern Front  Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown - 1944 World War 2 - Eastern Front  Dark Yellow - Ski.Jg.Div. 1944 World War 2 - Eastern Front  Dark Yellow Maquette complète, sous blister non ouvert (voir photos) Avec notice et décalcomanies; colle, peinture, pinceau non fournis. Dimensions boite: 38 x 24 x 5 cm. Colis Achats groupés = frais de port adaptés Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à me contacter !             Bitte zögern Sie nicht, mich bei eventuell auftretenden Fragen zu kontaktieren !                         Please, don't hesitate to contact me in case of any further question ! ENVOI SOIGNE / gut gepackt / neatly packed  Collection familiale.
24,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Der Weltkrieg - Western Front 78,75 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en anglais de Decision Games et SPW. The Western Front: 1914-1918 contains six scenarios depicting campaigns in France and Belgium during World War I. The game can also be played as a start to finish campaign of the western front, or linked with other games of the series in a grand campaign covering all the European fronts of World War I from start to finish.     One full map and six counter sheets (1680 pieces). Standard Rules, Scenario and Linking rules, Corps displays, Supply Tracks, 2 inch bookcase box. The Scenarios   August 1914  War has come. Germany is faced with mortal enemies on two fronts. She must eliminate one threat or face being crushed between the two. The German strategist von Schlieffen plans one of the great military gambles of all time. His scheme is to concentrate to knock France out of the war before Russia can bring her armed masses to bear. The bulk of German forces will move through neutral and lightly defended Belgium. Graf von Schlieffen intends to fall on the flank and rear of the French armies. He believes the French will over commit to regaining the lost provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. The Schlieffen plan runs afoul of complications from the moment it is launched. The Belgians fight back. The British join the fray. The French begin to display operational flexibility. Meanwhile the Kaiser and his advisors balk at the risk being accepted in the East. Can the invading German armies still defeat France? Or will the French, British and Belgians stop them? This time it is up to you. May 1915 The immediate threat to France is over. The Germans have re-deployed substantial forces to the eastern front. French and British reinforcements continue to arriving in increasingly substantial numbers. The French believe the opportunity has come to expel the invaders. But both sides have used the lull since 1914 to dig in. Trench lines stretch from Switzerland to the English Channel. The Germans may be weaker, but they stand inside the most extensive field fortifications the world has yet seen. February 1916 The Germans have substantially reduced the Russian threat by their Polish Campaigns of 1915. Now the German Chief of Staff, von Falkenhayn, believes he can eliminate France through a protracted battle of attrition. The fortress complex of Verdun is chosen as the target the French will defend to the death. An epic struggle that will sear the minds and bodies of both nations begins. Both sides will feel the effects of attrition on a national scale. Yet neither side is willing to shrink from the cost of the sacrifice. July 1916 The new British army of Kitchener is finally ready. The French are in desperate need of assistance due to their losses at Verdun. With German attention focused on the French, the British feel their new army will be able to break through. They believe the intensive week long bombardment of the German trenches will have pulverized both the defenders and their defenses.  Carrying 80  pounds of equipment per man, the British climb over the top and slowly walk toward the other side of no-man's land. But the Germans rush out of their shell-proof bunkers to defend their line. A battle that will last for months is joined in the valley of the Somme. April 1917 The new French General in Chief is Nivelle, the charismatic English speaking hero of Verdun. He convinces the British to join him for a two pronged attack. An attack against the base of the German salient that points at Paris. Plans that are anything but secret are made to put Nivelle's aptly named "Army of the Rupture" through the German lines in less than a day. Nivelle's problem is the Germans also see the potential of his plan. They withdraw from the salient and into the formidable defenses of the Hindenburg Line. Nivelle plows ahead regardless. The soldiers of the French army may be unhappy with the result.  March 1918 The Germans have knocked the Russians out of the war. Their forces are now rushed west. The German divisions are thoroughly trained in new assault tactics. This will be the Germans' best chance to win since their defeat at the Marne in 1914.  Time is short: fresh American troops and French and British tanks are starting to arrive in substantial numbers. The German stosstruppen are aimed at the weak point of the depleted British lines. The plan is to drive a wedge between the allied British and French armies. And General Ludendorff has follow up offensives ready to exploit any advantage gained. Can the Entente hold on until the Germans have depleted themselves enough that a counter offensive is feasable? Or will 1918 finally see the redemption of German frustrations since 1914? Or will the war drag on for years to come?  
78,75 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais simple à jouer jeux à blocs en bois permettant de simuler le brouillard de guerre Moscow '41 is the first chapter of the Barbarossa Trilogy (the other two are  Leningrad '41  and  Kiev '41). MOSCOW '41  is a light/medium wargame covering the German Army Group Centre offensive aimed to seize Moscow, after having successfully defeated several Soviet armies in the great encirclement battles at the frontier and established two bridgeheads on the Dnieper. Although based on a historical event, the two players can modify the course of the operations, with the Germans trying to achieve a decisive victory before the winter comes, and the Soviets playing a fighting withdrawal, until ready to strike a decisive blow at the invaders. The game is recommended for two players, but has excellent solitaire suitability. Historical Introduction "At the beginning of each campaign, one pushes a door into a dark, unseen room. One can never know what is hiding inside." - Adolf Hitler, June '41 In December of 1940, Hitler made the decision to invade Russia and set the date for the middle of 1941. He had good reason to be confident that Russia would collapse under an uncompromising assault. Since the outbreak of hostilities, the German Wehrmacht had accomplished a stunning and unparalleled series of victories: Poland had fallen in one month, Denmark in one day; France, till then regarded as the strongest power in Europe, had capitulated in under six weeks, Holland in under six days; Belgium, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece took less than three weeks each. The German military might was at its peak and the word Blitzkrieg had entered the language. Russia, on the other hand had taken over three months to bring Finland to heel, despite overwhelming strength of numbers. The Russian army had not yet recovered from Stalin's purges of 1937-1938 where 400 generals were “removed” including three field marshals and 13 Army commanders. It was well that Hitler could say, “Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse in Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history. We have only to kick in the front door and the whole rotten Russian edifice will come tumbling down.” On the 22nd of June, 1941, Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia, began. Three million Axis troops in three Army Groups attacked on a front that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea: Army Group North under Field Marshal von Leeb was tasked with taking Leningrad; Army Group South under Field Marshal von Rundstedt was to capture Kiev and seize the Caucasus; Field Marshal von Bock's Army Group Centre, the one that concerns us, had Moscow as an objective, with Timoshenko undertaking the task of defending the capital. Initially, the operation succeeded beyond Hitler's wildest dreams. Within a day, the Russian Air Force was destroyed on the ground, then vast inroads were made on all fronts accompanied by large scale surrenders of encircled Russian troops. Army Group Centre with its four armies consisting of a total of 48 Divisions, of which nine were armoured, and backed by the Second Air Fleet, had reached the outskirts of Smolensk by the 15th July. This was two-thirds of the way to Moscow and it seemed that nothing could stop von Bock from blowing up the Kremlin within another three or four weeks... or could something stand in his way? Four things could now cause problems to von Bock: firstly, his supply line is stretched and had almost reached breaking point; secondly, Russian resistance is stiffening; thirdly, his infantry divisions are having difficulty keeping up with the Panzers and finally, a new Russian ally is about to enter the field: General Winter. Additional concerns may come in November, with three-quarters of a million experienced Siberian veterans freed by garrisoning Soviet Far East, thanks to Stalin's spies in Tokyo revealing Japanese intentions to attack America, and not Russia. As the German Commander, you must push on to Moscow before it is too late. As the Russian Commander you must re-evoke the Patriotic War and stop the invaders at any cost.
39 €
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