Fade t shirtshorts
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FADE La lampe de table Fade est une petite cascade de lumière qui peut être placée n'importe où avec une grande liberté. La surface rayée de la base crée un jeu d'ombres unique, tandis que la finition spéciale rappelle les matériaux naturels. La lampe de table Fade est équipée d'une source lumineuse LED et d'une batterie qui peut être facilement rechargée grâce au câble à connexion magnétique. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans divers domaines en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T qui dans le logo est une intersection et un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté de donner une valeur ajoutée à la production de plastique. Le design devient essentiel pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel il échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST estime être les siennes et qui sont mises en valeur par cette marque.
117,84 €
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FADE Une grande lampe avec une présence sculpturale et une surface nervurée qui crée un effet unique d'ombre et de lumière. Non éclairée, la lampe Fade est également un accessoire d'ameublement grâce à sa finition spéciale qui rappelle la pierre blanche. Elle peut être combinée à différents kits d'éclairage et peut être utilisée à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans divers domaines en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T qui dans le logo est une intersection et un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté de donner une valeur ajoutée à la production de plastique. Le design devient essentiel pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel il échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST estime être les siennes et qui sont mises en valeur par cette marque.
583,65 €
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FADE RELAX FAUTEUIL Fauteuil à la ligne douce et à la surface rayée unique avec des finitions spéciales rappelant les matériaux naturels. Dans la version lumière blanche, le fauteuil peut être éclairé en l'équipant d'un kit d'éclairage spécial. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans des domaines variés, en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T qui dans le logo est une intersection et un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté de donner une valeur ajoutée à la production de plastique. Le design devient essentiel pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel il échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST estime être les siennes et qui sont mises en valeur par cette marque.
404,05 €
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FADE CHAIR Chaise confortable avec une surface rayée unique avec une finition spéciale rappelant les matériaux naturels. Les pieds sont en métal peint. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans des domaines variés, en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T qui dans le logo est une intersection et un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté de donner une valeur ajoutée à la production de plastique. Le design devient essentiel pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel il échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST estime être les siennes et qui sont mises en valeur par cette marque.
218,86 €
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TABLE BASSE EN FONDU Une table basse avec une ligne douce, une surface rayée unique et des finitions spéciales rappelant les matériaux naturels. Dans la version à lumière blanche, la table peut être éclairée en l'équipant d'un kit d'éclairage spécial. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans des domaines variés, en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui associe les fortes épaules de la production plastique à la vision élevée et additive du design: elle s'appelle donc PLUST, avec le T qui, dans le logo, représente une intersection et est un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté d'ajouter de la valeur à la production de plastique. La planification devient essentielle pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel elle échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matière et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST s'approprie et qui trouvent leur valeur dans cette marque.
224,47 €
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TABOURET DE BAR Tabouret stable et léger, doté d'une cavité repose-pieds fonctionnelle et de finitions spéciales rappelant les matériaux naturels. Dans la version lumière blanche, le tabouret peut être éclairé en l'équipant d'un kit d'éclairage spécial. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, il a étudié et obtenu un diplôme à la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué un stage en France au cours duquel il a approfondi ses connaissances en architecture et en art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans des domaines variés, en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T qui dans le logo est une intersection et un signe +. Plust est né de la volonté de donner une valeur ajoutée à la production de plastique. Le design devient essentiel pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel il échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST estime être les siennes et qui sont mises en valeur par cette marque.
145,91 €
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TABLE À MANGER EN FONDU Une table d'une grande stabilité, qui nécessite un plateau HPL à choisir séparément. Sa surface nervurée crée un jeu d'ombres unique et les finitions spéciales rappellent les matériaux naturels. Dans la version à lumière blanche, la table peut être éclairée en l'équipant d'un kit d'éclairage spécial. Concepteur: Marco Gregori Né en Vénétie, Marco Gregori a étudié et obtenu un diplôme de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Padoue et a effectué une période de formation en France au cours de laquelle il a approfondi sa connaissance de l'architecture et de l'art. Il est cofondateur du studio de design DIDSTUDIO, avec lequel il s'occupe d'architecture et de décoration intérieure. Ses engagements dans le domaine du paysage et de l'art, dont une œuvre d'art pour la province autonome de Trente, compléter sa formation hétérogène qui lui permet de s'exprimer dans des domaines variés, en offrant des points de vue non conventionnels. COLLECTION PLUST MADE IN ITALY Une marque qui combine les fortes épaules de la production de plastique avec la vision élevée et additive du design: c'est pourquoi elle s'appelle PLUST, avec le T que l'on retrouve dans le logo, une croix et un signe +. Plust est né du désir d'ajouter de la valeur à la production de plastique. Le design devient fondamental pour créer des produits toujours originaux et dotés d'une forte personnalité. Chaque article a une histoire à raconter. PLUST met la technologie, l'expérimentation et la recherche au service du design avec lequel elle échange des compétences. La technologie est un outil de création: matériau et forme, plastique et design, se rencontrent et se définissent mutuellement. L'expérimentation de la production et la recherche de matériaux sont des inclinations que PLUST considère comme siennes et qui trouvent leur valeur dans cette marque.
404,05 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
California Design Den 400 Thread Count Twin XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Fitted - 1 California Design Den 400 Thread Count Twin XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Fitted - 1 - CHOOSE 100% NATURAL COTTON OVER CHEAP MICROFIBER MADE OF PLASTIC - Rest easy knowing our sheets are cotton - pure, safe and natural, unlike microfiber which is made of non-biodegradable PET (used in plastic bottles) and causes pollution. Embrace the comfort of hotel-like sheets with our 400 thread count fitted sheet made from 100% pure cotton. The cotton fitted sheets are perfect weight, soft, and regulate body temperature, whereas microfiber traps heat and odor, builds static attracting dust - EXTRA-SOFT COTTON BOTTOM SHEET WITH LUSTROUS SATEEN WEAVE - Lie down on soft and comfortable cotton fitted sheet that upgrades your living space while providing the perfect sleeping experience. Made of 100% long-staple cotton with 400 thread count per inch and lustrous sateen weave, our fitted sheets are densely woven to be long-lasting, ultra-soft, and breathable. Pair our single fitted sheet with matching pillowcases and flat sheets to complete the bedding ensemble - PREMIUM DARK GREEN QUEEN SIZE FITTED SHEET (SINGLE PIECE) - Sleep comfortably with our all-around elasticized fitted sheet: 60" W x 80" L + 16" deep pocket fits low profile foam and tall mattresses. The queen deep pocket bottom sheet features a smart head/foot tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. The fitted cotton sheets are easy to care for, machine washable, fade-resistant and fit flawlessly. Regular wash & short dry cycles recommended for superior softness - MADE IN GREEN & STANDARD CERTIFIED 100 by OEKO-TEX� - Our eco-friendly sheets are independently tested for harmful substances for utmost safety. The fabric is tested for no pilling, shrinkage, colorfastness, tear strength and thread count authenticity for top-notch performance. Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Each piece is stitched to perfection, certified as STANDARD 100 by OEKO TEX®, and inspected for highest-level quality - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - We provide exceptional customer service; from the moment you place an order until you receive it. Our high-quality sheets make an ultimate gift for men and women, moms and dads, Valentine's, Christmas, Mother's and Father's Day. Our fitted sheet is perfect for all decors and rooms in your house - bedroom, guest room, kids room, and vacation home. Indulge in soft bed sheets with a pleated hem, available in Twin, Twin XL, Full, King, Queen, and California King. - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Queen Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - QUEEN SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 60" W x 80" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CERTIFIED STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® - All fitted sheet are MADE IN GREEN (traceable consumer label)and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®. According to the guidelines, these products are tested for harmful substances and produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. Each fabric batch is also tested for various durability features such as no-pilling, low shrinkage, color fastness etc, then stitched, individually inspected to be defect free and finally packed for sales - EXTRA-SOFT COTTON BOTTOM SHEET WITH LUSTROUS SATEEN WEAVE - Lie down on soft and comfortable cotton fitted sheet that upgrades your living space while providing the perfect sleeping experience. Made of 100% long-staple cotton with 400 thread count per inch and lustrous sateen weave, our fitted sheets are densely woven to be long-lasting, ultra-soft, and breathable. Pair our single fitted sheet with matching pillowcases and flat sheets to complete the bedding ensemble. - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - Our products are backed by incredible customer service to make sure your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason you don't love our bedsheets, you can return them within 30 days for a full refund as per guidelines. Our high-quality designs match any decor and make the ultimate gift idea for men and women, Moms and Dads, Valentine's - Mother's - Father's Day and Christmas. Best for any room in your house - bedroom, guest, kids room, vacation home - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version- An authentic Cal King Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - CALIFORNIA KING Size Pure White Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 74" W x 84" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Full Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - FULL SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 54" W x 76" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Twin-XL Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - TWIN XL SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - TWIN XL Size Indigo Navy Blue Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic Twin Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - TWIN SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 75" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - HIGHEST QUALITY BEST COTTON 1 PIECE FITTED SHEET ONLY - New Better & Improved Version - An authentic King Size Fitted Sheet 400 Thread Count weave delivers the durability of Hotel Sheets. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fiber and a gorgeous sateen weave. Upgrade your living space with this luxury 400-thread-count fitted sheet, available in several classic and bold colors. MATCHING PILLOWCASES - Click on �California Design Den" link above to find matching 400 TC Pillowcases - KING SIZE LUXURY FITTED SHEET (NOT A SET) - 1 Fully Elasticized all around Fitted Sheet: 78" W x 80" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CALIFORNIA KING Size Light Grey Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 74" W x 84" L + 16" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket bottom sheets feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - TWIN XL Size Navy Blue Luxury Fitted Sheet (NOT A SET) - 1 Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 80" L + 15" Deep pocket on fitted sheet with superb all around elastic to fit low profile foam and tall mattresses. Our Deep Pocket fitted sheet feature Smart Head/ Foot Tag to indicate the width side of the fitted sheet for ease of use. EASY HOME LAUNDRY & QUICK DRY - Highest quality dye materials are used for fade resistance. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness - CERTIFIED STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX - All fitted sheet are MADE IN GREEN (traceable consumer label)and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX. According to the guidelines, these products are tested for harmful substances and produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. Each fabric batch is also tested for various durability features such as no-pilling, low shrinkage, color fastness etc, then stitched, individually inspected to be defect free and finally packed for sales
3.177 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
LINENSPA Microfiber Duvet Cover - 3 Piece Set Includes Duvet Cover and 2 Shams - Soft Brushed Microfiber - Hypoallergenic, Cream, Queen Change the feel of your bedroom in an instant by adding a Linenspa Microfiber Duvet Cover. Available in 5 solid color options, this simple and versatile design can enhance your bedroom style without changing your entire décor. A 6-inch decorative flap has a button closure to add a pop of style and class while securing your duvet cover. But you don’t have to rely on faith al1 to keep this duvet cover in place, it comes fully equipped with 8 corner and side ties to keep your comforter right where you want it. Brushed microfiber is incredibly soft, durable, and wrinkle, stain, and fade resistant. Just toss it in the washer and dryer to keep your bedroom, fresh, clean, and stylish—always. 3-piece duvet cover set includes 1 duvet cover and 2 matching shams; comforter is not included 8 duvet ties and a decorative button closure ensure your comforter stays securely in place while you sleep Incredibly soft brushed microfiber is machine washable and wrinkle, stain, and fade resistant for easy main10ance Simple and versatile design, this comforter is available in 5 different color options: Charcoal, Cream, Navy, Stone, and White Just add a duvet cover to instantly change the feel of your bedroom without trading in your favorite comfy, 3-year warranty
2.267 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Store New Arrivals Add to Favorite View Feedback Contact SHEEX - Original Performance Sheet Set with 1 Pillowcase, Ulta-Soft Fabric Transfers Heat and Breathes Better Than Traditional Cotton - Black, Twin/Twin XL Description Moisture-wicking, breathable structure: The SHEEX Original Performance Sheet Set & Pillowcases offer superior ventilation to maximize air and moisture release—which helps reduce sweating by keeping your body cool all night long. Innovative Sleepfit Technology: Featuring thermoregulating quick-drying temperature control, our lightweight performance fabric helps keep body temperature low by wicking away moisture—breathing better than stuffy tightly-woven high-thread-count cotton. Cutting-edge engineering Utilizing a ridiculously soft athletic fabric, our elastic-lined fitted sheet, flat sheet and 2 pillowcases feel incredibly silky on your skin, which soothes you into a tranquilly peaceful night of revitalizing sleep. Long-lasting, wrinkle-free durability: Our lustrous sheet set and pillowcases get softer with every wash. Engineered not to shrink, fade or pill, cold water, no bleach or fabric softener and a low tumble dry with no dryer sheet easily cares for them. Luxurious sweat-free sleeping: SHEEX is a cutting-edge performance bedding company that lets your slumbering body naturally cool itself, which helps reduce night sweating by creating rejuvenating coziness that supports deeper, more restorative sleep. Product Description SHEEX ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE transfers body heat up to 10X more effectively than traditional cotton sheets and breathes nearly 50% better to reduce sleep-disrupting temperature fluctuations at night. This bedding is softer, silkier and cooler than traditional bed sheets and offers signicantly more luxurious drape and sheen. SHEET SETS INCLUDE Twin/Twin XL: Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, 1 Pillowcase Full: Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, 2 Pillowcases Queen: Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, 2 Pillowcases KIng/Cal King: Fitted Sheet, Flat Sheet, 2 Pillowcases Split King: 2 Fitted Sheets, 1 Flat Sheet, 2 Pillowcases SHEEX ATHLETIC GRADE ELASTIC SHEEX Fitted Sheets are engineered with stay fit corners and athletic grade elastic ensuring your bedding stays where it should. A Super-Soft Foundation for any Sleep System. Our silky-soft Original Performance Fitted Sheet is the baseline of a great bedding set. UNRIVALED FIT AND DEEP POCKET Twin/Twin XL Sheet Sets fit mattress depths up to 14" Full Sheet Sets fit mattress depths up to 16" Queen Sheet Sets fit mattress depths up to 18" King/Cal King Sheet Sets fit mattress depths up to 20" SHEEX are engineered to fit on even the deepest mattresses. BEST IN CLASS QUALITY Proven by the THOUSANDS of five-star consumer reviews, purchase today to start sleeping better! SHEEX are the best sheets you'll ever own. We're so confident you'll love them, we offer a 30-night-risk trial. If you don't absolutely love SHEEX, simply return them for a full. Breathable ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Temp Regulating ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ultra-Soft ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Moisture Wicking ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Wrinkle Free ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ABOUT US We offer the best prices around on high-quality products. Our E-store includes media such as books, movies, music, and games while offering electronics, toys, sporting apparel, clothing, tools, general home, garden items, and more. SHIPPING We are always working hard to ensure your package arrives as soon as possible. Please understand that some factors like weather, high postal traffic, and the performance of shipping companies are outside of our control. We offer free shipping to the lower 48 states and ship within 2-5 business days of payment, usually sooner. We do not accept P.O. Boxes or a freight forwarder address. Please provide a physical address in the US only. WE also don't ship to Alaska/Hawaii, PR, Guam, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO RETURNS We offer a 30-Day Return Policy on items that you are not completely satisfied with. You have the option for a full refund or an exchange of the item. PAYMENT We accept PayPal. CONTACT US This page content is yet to come Please ad us to your favorite seller and visit again later Thank You CUSTOMER SATISFACTION We try our very best to make sure every customer is completely satisfied. If there's a problem, message us! We're happy to help. WE ACCEPT Copyright © 2017 AutoDs. | All Rights Reserved
22.909 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Flannel Fleece Bed Blanket 40 x 50 inch St. Patrick Day 40x50inch Four Leaf Product Description HIGH QUALITY: 100% super micro plush polyester for soft touch.Enjoy the comfort and warmth year-round with this premium plush throw BLANKET SIZE: 40" X 50" inches, suitable for couch, sofa and toddler bed EXTRA SOFT & COZY: This plush blanket is super soft, durable, and lightweight. It's wrinkle and fade resistant, doesn't shed, and is suitable for all seasons Keep Warm and Snug, Can be Used as Bed Blanket, Couch Sofa blanket, Travel blanket Or Camping blanket, It Exceeds Your Expectation Warm Caring Gift: Machine washable, gentle cycle with cold water. Our flannel fleece blanket add extra texture to your decor and turns your room into an inviting space with this simple yet classy elegant design. Drape it over a chair, couch or bed to add an exotic stylish touch to your living room or bed room, many available colors allow for easy mixing and matching with your decor or other accent pieces 40" X 50" inches 50" X 60" inches 50" X 80" inches 60" X 80" inches 100% satisfaction d, great customer service provided. Free replacement or refund promised if t is any quality issue. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
3.816 €
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Villeneuve le Roi (Val de Marne)
Duvet Cover Set 3 Piece 1800 Series Luxury Microfiber Bedding Set & Pillow ShamsLUXURY YOU CAN SEE AND FEEL: Create a welcoming environment and a restful feeling in the bedroom with this TOP QUALITY and AFFORDABLE Bedding Collection. You'll find yourself getting a restful night of sleep on our comfortable duvet covers. Style and comfort don't have to be mutually exclusive the two converge beautifully with our large selection of sheets, comforters and bedding accessories at Bed Linens and More.Lux Decor Collection ensures that your bedroom has a nice look and elegant look by giving top quality duvet cover sets that has durable fabric which is able to maintain long lasting brightness as the material is fade resistant. Not only that microfiber material is a slow absorbent hence this makes our duvet cover set stain resistant too you may clean up any dirt or solvent before it gets soaked up in your duvet.
21 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Mushu Dragon Fleece Blanket Mulan Disney Movie Blanket Funny Birthday Gift V6 * All of our Fleece Blankets are custom-made-to-order and handcrafted to the highest quality standards. * Ultra Soft & Cozy: Get cozy and warm with this extremely soft and fuzzy fur blanket, great for snuggling up on the couch, relaxing on a sofa, reading in bed, and perfect personal gift for any occasion. * FABRIC: Made of 100% high quality microfiber polyester, this plush throw is super soft, durable, warm and lightweight. It’s wrinkle and fade resistant, doesn’t shed, and is suitable for all seasons. * IT’S MACHINE WASHABLE: Machine wash or hand wash, tumble dry on low heat. Avoid direct heat and do not use bleach. PRODUCTION & SHIPPING: Processing Time: 5 – 8 business days. Shipping Time (calculated from the date that it is shipped out, not the date the order is placed): 7 – 10 business days NO WORRIES – sometimes slight delays in shipment may occur due to, for instance, upcoming or current holidays that are not working days of post and delivery services. If your delivery is significantly late, or you’re experiencing problems with tracking your order, or any other problems, please contact us. We would be glad to help you AT ANY TIME!
3.999 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ILAVANDE Comforter, All Season Microfiber Queen Comforter-Down Alternative Quilted Bed Comforter-Soft and Comfortable Queen Size Comforter-Machine Washable Bedding Comforter (Queen, Grey) ✅[Material] Comforter shell is microfiber and filling is ultra-plush polyester, providing the feeling like comfort of down, makes you and your family feel more comfortable on the body. ✅[Box Stitching] The comforter’s box stitching design prevents the filling from shifting during the night, make your bedroom looks beautiful and ensure a deep sleep experience. ✅[Lightweight all Season] Suitable for all season use. This comforter is soft and lightweight, not too heavy to pressure you, make you feel warm in cold and cooling in hot. ✅[Easy Care] This comforter is machine washable in cold water, sun dry or dries quickly on tumble dry low. Please do not bleach. They won't be fade or tear even after years of use. ✅[Customer Service] If you have any issue after purchasing or using the comforter, please feel free to let us know via your order, we will be always in here to offer your the best warranty service.
4.461 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
WARM HARBOR Twin Size Reversible Down Alternative Quilted Comforter, All Season Duvet Insert Fluffy Lightweight Bed Comforters with Corner Tabs White WARM HARBOR All Season Down Alternative Quilted Comforter is the softest and lightest comforter on the market! You'll find just a slight touch will ease your nerve and bring you a tender night when you use it. Premium Fabrics: ▶Double brushed microfiber surface is quite soft and firm enough, the Whole-piece Polyfill will not shift or clump even after washing, no need to concern about leakage or ripping, surely lasting for years. ▶Super Fluffy, Soft, Breathable and Comfortable, this luxury down alternative comforter works for all your seasonal needs. Cooling in summer and warm in winter, suitable for all seasons and occasions. Exquisite Workmanship and Design: 8 sewn corner and side loops to keep duvet cover in place. Durable hemming and precise quilting stitching ensure an excellent longevity and easy to fit all styles. Sizes: ▶Twin Size: 64'' x 88''. A perfect choice for school students, kids at home, twin size bed, etc. ▶Queen Size: 88'' x 88'', most people’s choice. ▶King Size: 90'' x 102'' ▶California King Size: 96'' x 104'' Available in White, Darkgrey, Black, Greystripe, Bluestripe/Blue and Bluestripe/White. No Risk Purchase: We are confident in the quality of product and offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with it for any reason, feel free to contact us at any time to exchange or return and get a full refund with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. ▶SOFTEST & LIGHTWEIGHT - WARM HARBOR Premium All Season Down Alternative Comforters offer you year-round comfort. It is super soft and lightweight, just like sleeping under a cloud. This extreme comfortable duvet insert with 100% 110GSM brushed microfiber cover and 304GSM down alternative fiber filling lulls you into a tranquil, restful sleep. You can also use our comforter as a duvet insert or as a stand-alone comforter. Perfect for all your bedding needs!★ ▶BREATHABLE & COMFORTABLE - The high quality comforter is breathable and comfortable. Prewashed microfiber shell provides the crinkle effect with super soft hand feel. Our down alternative comforter is filled with synthetic goose feathers to produce the best breathable lightweight luxurious comforter you'll ever find! It provides medium warmth, which is best for year-round comfort.★ ▶EXPERT CRAFTMANSHIP & DESIGN - Crafted with durable hems and precise stitching, this comforter has excellent longevity. The box-stitched duvet filled with soft, allergen-free microfiber material that doesn't shift or clump. All match colors add taste and fashion to your bedroom design. Size options: Twin size: 64''x88'', Queen size:88''x88'', King size: 90''x102'', California King size: 96''x104''★ ▶EASY CARE & HEALTHY LIVING - Machine wash in a gentle cycle with cold water. Simply sun dry or tumble dry on low heat. Easy cleaning saves you a lot of time and energy. No shrinkage or fade, the comforter still looks Brand New after our professional Washing Test. It’s able to function as duvet insert as well. The Sewn Corner Tabs secure duvet cover always in place.★ ▶SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: We are convinced you will find this comforter exceed your expectations! If for any reasons in the first 30 days you are unsatisfied with the item, just contact us for return or exchange with no questions asked.★
4.120 €
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