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France (Toutes les villes)
Vinyle 33 Tours Vinyles Code EAN: 5055019600517 Classification Vinyles Secondaire: Pop Rock années 90 Classification Vinyles Primaire: Rock Pop Genre musical: Rock Artiste: Oasis Titre: Familiar to millions Rubrique principale Vinyle: 33 Tours
400 €
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Emerson's Essays on Manners, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Nature, Friendship (Classic Reprint) Ralph Waldo Emerson Auteur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 15/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Langue: Anglais Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? May 25, 180 A prU 27,1882) We have few more intimate biographical records than Emersoi s; fewer still tiiat cause so littie disappointment in the reading. In the wealth of material at hand in his Journal and letters as well as in the personal reminiscences of a great band of friends and admirers we are brought face to face with a personality that can but win by the cumulative power of character Even those who met Emerson with prejudices to be overcome were conquered by his presence. In an instant all my dislike vanished said Crabbe Bobinson, in reporting the first glimpse caught of him across a crowded room. One and another bear evidence to the same personal power with a concurrence that would be tiresome, were it not for the strong individual conviction in each case. Two other brothers, Edward and Charles, both younger, shared this power; William, the oldest, was likewise gifted with unusudl intellect. The family lived in Boston, where the father, William Emerson, was a brilliant Congregational minister, prominent in religious, social, and literary circles till his death in 1811. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Great Collection but Not the Best This collection has five Ralph Waldo Emerson essays: "Self-Reliance," "Manners," "Compensation," "Nature," and "Friendship." They were published a few years apart but have little intrinsic connection; the combination seems random. However, "Self" is an essential masterpiece, and the others are high quality. Anyone wanting a sampler could do worse, but the essays are widely available in far more comprehensive compilations, and this is hard to justify unless one sees it for a good price. "Self" is Emerson's most famous essay and is rivaled only by "Concord Hymn" as his most famous work. It is also his masterpiece; one often hears - sometimes disparagingly - that Emerson tried to fit his whole philosophy into each essay, and this comes remarkably close. There is far more depth and subtlety here than the length suggests; one would be very hard-pressed to find another work so densely packed. The words are few, but the implications are enough for a lifetime. "Self" is a seminal masterwork; a founding Transcendentalist text and American Romantic cornerstone, it is central to American thought, culture, and literature. Anyone even remotely interested in any Americana aspect must be intimately familiar with it; aside from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution themselves, perhaps no other document is so vital to the American spirit. Reading "Self" is perhaps more necessary than ever - not only because it is eternally relevant but also because it is often misrepresented. The term "self-reliance" is now almost entirely political, almost synonymous with libertarianism, and the essay is frequently touted along such lines. However, these things are hardly more than implied here, and though the definition of "liberal" has greatly changed, it is important to remember that Emerson was one of his era's leading liberals. His prime meaning in any case is self-reliance intellectually and in everyday life. He urges us to trust ourselves, to recognize human divinity and avoid imitation. It is a simple message but all-important - and far easier said than done. Emerson explores all its ramifications - philosophical, practical, social, political, economic, etc. - and outlines all its benefits. The case is beyond convincing, but he can do no more than show us; the rest is up to us. This profoundly individualist message is another reason that reading "Self" is so necessary. Emerson now unfortunately has a reputation for being somewhat impenetrable and/or hopelessly impractical; this is a true shame, because he wrote for the masses. Unlike nearly all philosophers, he does not rely on jargon or polysyllables; he truly wanted to be understood, and all it takes is will. We must open our minds to him, and once we have, they will never be closed again. Though greatly revered with many and diverse followers, Emerson's intention was not to be loved but to inspire; he wanted all to find individual genius. His work is thus the truest and best kind of self-help manual, and "Self" is its apotheosis. It has inspired millions in the more than century and a half of its existence, including me. I have read thousands and thousands of works, but this is one of the handful that truly changed my life. Emerson's greatness always shines through, but reading him at the right time can make an astonishing difference. He was more popular in life with the young than the old, and I can easily see why. I was lucky to read him at just the right time, and "Self" spoke to me more powerfully than almost anything else ever has. Without hyperbole, I can say that I would not be doing what I am today and would have abandoned my goals and visions without reading "Self" and Thoreau's "Life without Principle" - a somewhat similar essay highly influenced by Emerson - when I did. I was wracked with self-doubt and getting nothing but indifference, bafflement, or hostility from others; these works gave just the kick I needed, and I will never look back. "Self" has the potential to be life-changing as almost nothing else does, and I highly recommend it to all; you can hardly be unaffected and may never be the same. However, I especially recommend it to the young; its importance to them - and Emerson's generally - simply cannot be overemphasized. Emerson is a signature American stylist, and "Self" is near his height. His writing is always memorable and often highly lyrical - about as close to poetry as prose can be. However, his essays were almost always painstakingly composed from lectures and journals, and the effect was sometimes choppy. An Emerson-loving professor of mine once joked that no one can find the topic sentence in an Emerson paragraph, and his transitions also frequently leave much to be desired. However, "Self" is near-seamless, a true masterpiece of style that flows smoothly and often waxes beautiful. This is all the more remarkable in that it was assembled even more than usual from disparate sources; entries that ended up here came as far as eight years apart, but the whole is admirably harmonious. "Self" is a preeminent example of how Emerson delights in paradox. Anyone who reads him closely sees that he is as complex as he is simple. Thus, despite - or perhaps even because of - apparent straight-forwardness, few texts are more ripe for deconstruction. "Self" fans after all love a text that tells us not to love texts, are inspired by a man who tells us not to be inspired by men, and are convinced by a text and man both of which tell us not to be convinced by either. But this is only the beginning. "Self" works because it tells us exactly what we want to hear and, in striking contrast to innumerable self-help books, does so in an intellectually and even aesthetically respectable way. This is fine for me and (hopefully) you but could of course be taken to heart by Hitler as easily as Gandhi. The thoroughly optimistic, mild-mannered, and physically frail Emerson may not have foreseen his revolutionary text being put to nefarious use and probably would have been unable to believe in even the possibility. However, the danger, if we choose to call it so, is very real. "Self" could easily have had the same effect that Nietzsche had on Nazis, and that it has not been taken up by anarchists, radical terrorists, and the like is perhaps mere luck. One at least wonders how it avoided preceding The Catcher in the Rye as the work synonymous with unsavory people. That said, it is likely unfair to Emerson to say he did not anticipate this; he after all takes his views to the logical conclusion. He surely saw it, and it may have given pause, but he persevered because he was faithful to his intuition just as he urges us to be to ours. He truly believed in self-reliance and was ready to stand by it no matter what befell - nay, thought it his only choice. His optimism must have told him that the doctrine would not be abused, and he has been right - so far. Only time will tell if this continues to hold, but "Self" remains essential for all. Though far less great and universal, "Manners" is one of Emerson's more historically interesting essays. It is essential to recall that his era perhaps emphasized manners more than any other in history; they had an importance of which we cannot even conceive. All had to deal with them regardless of personal views, but virtually all seemed to agree - or at least convinced others that they did. Thus, though it may initially seem somewhat surprising in light of Emerson's trademark liberalism and originality that he (begrudgingly) accepts some conventions, the small extent to which he did so is truly remarkable. The essay goes a little into various manners' pros and cons, but the core points are elsewhere. The first is that manners are relative; Emerson begins with some striking anthropological examples of this all-important fact and otherwise drives it home. An extension of his core self-reliance doctrine, the second is that the great make their own manners - and make others respect them. "Manners" is one of Emerson's least transcendental works - in any sense -, but comparing and contrasting its message to today's society and competing views can be instructive, and it is a valuable timepiece. "Friendship" is also very good - one of Emerson's most affecting and thought-provoking works. His view of the ubiquitous subject is unsurprisingly original and engaging. He believes that friendship can exist only with real equality and sees it as a sort of springboard to something higher. His demands are great, and the work is eye-opening in the sense that almost no one has a friend by his definition. Like his best work, "Friendship" can easily make us question beliefs and preconceptions - and perhaps even make us better friends. "Compensation" is one of Emerson's most representative essays. The staunch optimism so essential to his thought was perhaps never shown so clearly or thoroughly elsewhere. Emerson begins by saying he had wanted to write about compensation since he was a boy, and it shows in his enthusiasm. He works himself up almost to a rhapsody, giving example after example in clear, beautiful prose that remarkably never becomes dull and is often near-lyrical. The essay details Emerson's belief that everything balances out, even if we cannot see it, and that good and evil have their own earthly rewards despite appearances. He may not convince cynics, but his argument is certainly compelling, and his critiques of conventional Christianity and other traditions are very intriguing. "Nature" has many of Emerson's key concepts: nature's all-encompassing beauty and force, our place in regard to it, art's role, and of course deduction of God from nature. Some speculations are more philosophical, historical, or critical, but all lead to these basic points, which are Transcendentalism's cornerstones. Emerson's characteristically optimistic thought is here in full, as is his signature poetic prose. These essays are essential for anyone interested in Emerson, whether read here or elsewhere. Three Stars Not much explanation. Hard to read. Print is not very clear. D'autre ouvrages de Ralph Waldo Emerson Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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France (Toutes les villes)
Description: A 100 lessons book, 621 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:30. Expanding language spoken as a native language by over 400 million Spanish speakers - mostly in South America - Spanish is the first foreign language in the world. For tourists and for businessmen, it becomes essential to master this language with Latin roots and so different accents from one continent to another. Adapted to English, this method provides all the tools to get to master the basics of Spanish in a few months, provided to devote half an hour a day. Over 100 lessons are shelled the essential grammar, vocabulary and common all the elements necessary to communicate easily with the Castilian and Spanish-speaking world. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Spanish grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Spanish speakers. You will be able also to take advantages of mp3 format to be used with smatphones. Product details CD mp3: 2h30 Book :  621pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
65 €
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Description: A 109 lessons book, 477 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Spanish grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a 49 day "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Spanish, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native speakers. This course teaches CASTILLIAN Spanish - the Spanish spoken in Spain Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 477 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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Description: A 113 lessons book, 622 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  3:10. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of French grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of French, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native speakers. Product details CD mp3:   3h10 Book :   622 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: NEW - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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Description: A 105 lessons book, 432 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Italian grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Italian speakers. Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 432 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Description: A 105 lessons book, 432 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Italian grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 85 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises  on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Italian speakers. You will be able also to take advantages of mp3 format to be used with smatphones. Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 432 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
55 €
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Description: A 42 lessons book, 326 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:30. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”."   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native speakers. Product details CD mp3: 2h30 Book :   326 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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Sainte Gauburge Sainte Colombe (Orne)
Consultez mes autres objets !                     N’oubliez pas de m’ajouter à vos favoris !    4 CD The four-CD box-set Platinum was released to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Elvis's death. While much of the material here is made up of familiar hits, there are also 77 unreleased performances spread over the set. Of course, unreleased doesn't necessarily mean better. The original versions of "Heartbreak Hotel," "Rip It Up," and "That's All Right" are so firmly embedded as the foundations of rock & roll that the new versions here add little luster. But what makes Platinum a real treasure-trove is hearing Elvis off mic, whether off-duty or working up songs in the studio prior to recording. Presley had an instinctive grasp of all manner of music; as you can hear on these tracks, he could slip with ease from rock & roll to gospel, ballads, or the blues. Among the most revealing recordings are of Elvis relaxing at home, tackling such diverse material as "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen," "Blowin' in the Wind," and "Blueberry Hill." Platinum may not be ideal as an introduction to the music of Presley, but--filled as it is with rare photos and a sensitively written song-by-song commentary--it provides an illuminating insight into the man whose shadow casts itself long into the 21st century.
19,98 €
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WELCOME TO THIS PAGE - BUY WITH CONFIDENCE !! BIENVENIDOS A ESTA PAGINA - COMPRA CON CONFIANZA!! BIENVENUE - ACHETEZ EN TOUTE CONFIANCE !! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° YELLO The race 2-track CARD SLEEVE CDSINGLE Fontana 042287033029 1988 Germany Neuf 2-track CD single, arguably the Swiss electrnica duo's most famous work along with 'Oh Yeah'. Also includes Another Race, distinctive card picture wallet featuring the familiar painted style illustrations 870330-2   + NEW NOT SEALED - NEUF NON SCELLE +  1) the race (13.22) 2) another race (magician's version for tempest + cottet 3.42) °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° CARD SLEEVE = Pochette cartonnée TRACK = Titre °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Etat des disques: L'etat de la pochette est indiqué en premier. EX = Excellent etat La pochette peut avoir quelques très discrètes rayures et/ou des petits plis. Le CD montre des signes d'avoir été joué mais pratiquement comme neuf.  VG = tres bon etat La pochette présente des signes de manipulations évidents: extrémité légèrement cornée, étiquette du prix, plis. Mais aucun défaut majeur. Il se peut aussi qu'elle soit en parfaite état mais présente un poinson ou une extrémité biseautée. Le cd a quelques rayures qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. G = Bon etat La pochette est usée avec des plis, des marques, des décollements, une usure des bords, des décolorations, un début de marque circulaire du disque sur la pochette. Les signes de l'âge sont présents. Le cd a des rayures et marques qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. F = Etat moyen L'état de la pochette est proche de celui de VG- avec en plus des écritures, un papier gondolé à cause de l'humidité, des déchirures sur les bords... La qualité du son est détériorée par les nombreuses lectures, il peut y avoir des sautements. Exemple: EX/VG Pochette en excellent etat / Disque en tres bon etat. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Record condition : The sleeve is graded first. EX = Excellent The cover and packaging might have slight wear but excellent aspect overall. The cd may show some tiny signs of having been played. VG = Very good Cover shows some hanling imperfection like normal wear and tear, price tag, creasing... Cover can also be in mint condition but there is a DJ or promo copy stamp or cut in the corner. The CD has been played few times and displays  occasional light marks or scratches. Does not affect quality sound. G = Good Cover suffers from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits, discoloration... Now the signs of age and handling are starting to show. You can notice some clear wear on the surface. Does not affect quality sound. F = Fair The cover and contents can be torn, stained and/or defaced, there also can be some writing on it. The CD has been played so much that the sound quality has been noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Exemple: EX/VG Sleeve Excellent / record Very good. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Créé par L'outil de mise en vente gratuit. Mettez vos objets en vente rapidement et en toute simplicité, et gérez vos annonces en cours.
32,99 €
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HSK Standard Course 4B - Textbook   (Anglais) Caractéristiques du produit: Description du produit: Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. The whole series is divided into six levels matching the HSK test, with one volume for each of Levels 1-3 and two volumes for each of Levels 4-6, totaling nine volumes. With a textbook, a workbook and a teacher s book in each volume, there are altogether 27 books. This is Textbook 4B, which includes lessons 11-20 of vol. 4, covering the second half of the HSK Level 4 vocabulary and the detailed explanations of language points and groups of confusable phrases. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to make conversations on a wide range of topics in Chinese and fluently communicate with native Chinese speakers. The book is illustrated with plenty of photos matching the style of the test and is printed in full color. An MP3 CD comes with the book. Broché:  155 pages Editeur :  Beijing Language & Culture University Press,China (1 janvier 2014) Langue :  Anglais, Chinois NOUS NE LIVRONS PAS DANS LES DOM-TOM, NI DANS LES ARMÉES, NI DANS LES BOITES POSTALES (BP) LIVRAISON LA LIVRAISON EST OFFERTE EN FRANCE MÉTROPOLITAINE (SANS MINIMUM D’ACHAT) NOUS NE LIVRONS PAS DANS LES DOM-TOM, NI DANS LES ARMÉES, NI DANS LES BOITES POSTALES (BP). EXPÉDITION RAPIDE ET PRÉPARATION SOIGNÉE DE VOTRE COMMANDE. LES COMMANDES SONT TRAITÉES DANS UN DÉLAI DE 24/48 HEURES (DU LUNDI AU VENDREDI, HORS JOURS FÉRIÉS)  À RÉCEPTION DU PAIEMENT.  LE DÉLAI DE LIVRAISON EST DE 3-5 JOURS OUVRABLES.  PAIEMENT LE PAIEMENT  SÉCURISÉ  DE VOTRE COMMANDE PEUT SE FAIRE PAR PAYPAL OU CARTE BANCAIRE.   LE SERVICE CLIENT À VOTRE ÉCOUTE LE SERVICE CLIENT   EST DISPONIBLE POUR VOUS RENSEIGNER ET RÉPONDRE À VOS QUESTIONS. PRODUITS NEUFS & authentiques    TOUS NOS ARTICLES SONT authentiques et VENDUS   NEUFS, DANS LEUR   EMBALLAGE D'ORIGINE. NOUS  EXPÉDIONS VOTRE COMMANDE À L'ADRESSE SPÉCIFIÉ PAR PAYPAL  LORS DU PAIEMENT.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Have you ever been terrified by a scary horror film? Laughed yourself silly at an amusing romantic comedy? Now imagine those familiar scenes starring everyone's favourite garden sprite - gnomes! Packed with famous cinematic scenes recreated by garden gnomes, this book is guaranteed to raise a smile with anyone who picks it up. Gnomes of the Silver Screen is an amusing gift book for film buffs and gnome lovers alike. Take a tour through cinema's hall of fame, starting with classic films with stars like Charlie Chaplin and coming right up to date with modern film favourites such as Silence of the Lambs, Alien, Reservoir Dogs or Kill Bill...all performed by gnomes of course! This book contains specially commissioned photography of these dwarfs gently poking fun at some of cinema's most well-known scenes. Relié:  96 pages Editeur :  Robson Books Ltd (28 juillet 2005) Langue :  Anglais ISBN-10:  1861058578 ISBN-13:  978-1861058577 Dimensions du produit:  15,9 x 1,3 x 15,9 cm
14,80 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
The Unofficial Guide to Vintage Transformers: 1980s Through 1990s 240 pages Color photos Soft cover 28 x 22 cm 0,985 kg English For many years, the Transformers have been a staple of pop culture. As new and old collectors seek to enhance their knowledge of this toy line, this book provides a wide view of the Transformers action figures from their earliest incarnations, their journey through the 1980s, and culminating with the Beast Wars in the 1990s. Extremely well researched, this guide provides information on the development of the figures while explaining their key features, along with showcasing many figure variations. Featuring images of figures both in and out of package, yearly product listings for easy reference, and pricing examples for many key items, this book is a great tool for reintroducing yourself or getting familiar with these toys from the past.  
34 €
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* Boutique * Contact * Favoris * Evaluations * Page perso Categories de la Boutique * Variete Francaise & Quebecoise * Classique Baroque Romantique * CD Enfants Berceuses Comptines * Musiques du Monde Afrique Nova * Relaxation Humour Karaoke Easy * Humour & Textes lus, Parodies * Film Serie TV Comedie Musicale * Gospel & Spiritual Gospel Song * Jazz Latin Manouche Cool Swing * Rock Chretien Pop Louange Fete * Pop Rock Variete Disco Britpop * Country Blues Folk Songwriter * Soul R&B Stax Funk Blues * Hard Rock Metal Progressif * Inde Alternatif Punck Gothique * Techno Electro House Trance * Rap Hip-Hop Gangsta Rap Coast * Nouveautes * Autres Musiques * Import Musique * Promotion du Jour en Musique * A Offrir Idees Cadeaux * A Offrir Edition Coffret * A Offrir Edition Compilation Infos Contact Contactez-nous Description Marmaduke Twentieth Century Fox A mourrir de rire Probablement le film ayant pour star un chien le plus drole que j'ai eu l'occasion de voir ! A voir et a revoir ! Franche rigolade !! Rien de nouveau dans le genre !! C'est un chien qui nous raconte une histoire. Mais alors qu'il est drole ce chien. Ma fille a eu des fous-rire avec ce film. A recommander pour passer un bon moment en famille ! Top Super sympa pour les petits et grands enfants!!! Recu en 1 jour dans la boite a lettres et impossible a retrouver dans les magasins!!!! A conseiller!!!! Sa amusera les petits. C'est amusant, sans plus, l'achat en format Blu-Ray est un superflu inutile. Je dirais pour toute la famille, sauf les ados. Marmaduke, el gran danes más adorable del mundo, da un salto desde la fama de las tiras cómicas (publicadas en seiscientos periódicos de más de veinte países) hasta el estrellato de la gran pantalla. En esta comedia familiar, el descomunal perro que nunca encaja, encuentra por fin un lugar donde no importa que uno destaque. Viviendo ahora a lo grande en el Condado de Orange (California), Marmaduke ayuda a su familia a realizar la gran transición desde el Medio Oeste al Condado de Orange. Pero tambien descubre que encajar con nuevos amigos cuadrúpedos no siempre resulta fácil para un adolescente canino que pesa cien kilos. Por suerte para Marmaduke, no tiene que enfrentarse solo a la nueva situación porque siempre tiene a su 'hermanastro' y amigo del alma, Carlos, un gato azul ruso, cubriendole la espalda. Attention !!! Ce produit est un import. Verifiez bien que les langues que vous desirez sont indiquees dans la fiche produit avant de commander. Faire une rechercher sur ce titre Marmaduke Faire une rechercher sur cet auteur Twentieth Century Fox         Visiter notre boutique Rajoutez-nous a votre liste de favoris vous serez avertis en priorite de nos promotions et nouveaux articles Livraison internationale We ship to Worldwide Contactez-nous Titre: Marmaduke Editeur: Twentieth Century Fox Reliure: Blu-ray Format: Import Date de réédition: 14/02/2011 Marque: Twentieth Century Fox Rapport de forme: 1.78:1 Region Code: 2 Dimensions: 670,00 x 540,00 x 70,00 Poids: 30 grammes Nombre de disque: 1 disques Contenu Additionnel: Boîtier Blu-ray avec fourreau qui aboie L'enfance de Marmaduke et Carlos Bêtisier Scènes coupées Surf canin Casting canin Etat: Neuf Disponibilité courrante: Expedier sous 48 heures AazMusic toute la Musique. AazMusic vous propose plus de 25 000 titre expédiés rapidement dans des emballages soignés. Passez des commandes groupées pour économiser les frais de port. Garantie satisfait ou remboursé. Livraison international. Conseil Faites des achats groupes et obtenez le port gratuit pour la France. Sur chaque annonces, le lien "Voir s'il est en stock" permet de verifier la disponibilite de l'ouvrage. Verifiez votre adresse d'expedition au moment de votre commande. Choisissez un port avec suivi pour beneficier de la garantie "satisfait ou rembourse". Nous conseillons de choisir l'option suivi. Cela vous fait beneficier du double avantage: - Vous beneficiez d'une assurance en cas de perte de votre achat. - Vous pouvez suivre votre colis grace a son numero de suivi. Livraison Nous envoyons sous 48 heures ouvrables a reception du paiement. Vos commandes sont envoyees dans le monde entier 6 jours / 7. Pour quelque ouvrage rare ou en reedition un temps supplementaire peut etre necessaire. Dans tous les cas nous envoyons un e-mail de confirmation au moment de son envoi. Envoi rapide et soigne, emballage bulle et cartonne pour certains ouvrages. Nous proposons la livraison gratuite pour la France. Les frais de livraison comprennent le tarif postal ainsi qu'une participation aux frais d'emballage. Pour les envois a l'etranger nous proposons le tarif tres economique "livres et brochures" ou les mode suivi de Chronopost. Mode de paiement PayPal: livreoncd@free.fr Cheque: AazBook 605 Chemin De Controu 26800 Etoile France Virement bancaire: IBAN FR76 1426 5006 0008 7709 2015 588 BIC CEPAFRPP426 (Cheque et virement: Merci d'indiquer votre pseudo et le numero de l'objet) Retour, Garantie Satisfait ou Rembourse Pour nous, votre satisfaction est une priorite. AaZ_Musique adhere pleinement aux valeurs de la communaute et fait le maximum pour vous satisfaire. Les objets sont decrits et photographies avec le plus grand soin par nos equipes. En cas de soucis, contactez-nous afin que nous puissions le resoudre rapidement. Si l'objet ne vous convenait pas, la vente a distance permet le retour du produit au vendeur pour echange ou remboursement sans penalite dans un delai de sept jours a compter de la livraison. Seuls les frais de retour sont a votre charge. Le produit doit etre retourne dans l'etat d'origine avec le bon de livraison pour que nous puisions l'identifier rapidement. Des reception le remboursement sera effectue par PayPal, Cheque ou virement. Les envois standard ne sont pas rembourses en cas de perte, c'est pourquoi nous conseillons de choisir l'option suivi. Qui sommes nous ? AaZ_Musique est le pseudo de la societe aazbook.com, inscrit comme membre professionnel sur le site. AazBook exerce son activite sur le web depuis plus de douze annees maintenant. Notre philosophie est "un service maximum pour une satisfaction maximum". Ajouter notre Boutique a vos Favoris pour obtenir les nouveautes qui vous passionnent.
2.408 €
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Created especially for preschoolers and children in the first years of school, this dictionary lists nine hundred words, arranged alphabetically and illustrated with lively full-color drawings. The same families and pets recur in the pictures, presenting children with a familiar cast of characters. The A-to-Z list is complemented by nine thematic illustrations at the back of the book that feature related vocabulary grouped in settings such as a classroom, a supermarket, and an apartment. Includes word list developed by professional dictionary editors and educational consultants. The dictionary is updated with new art and a new cover. Front matter includes an informational note to teachers and parents.   Créé spécialement pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire et les enfants en première année scolaire, ce dictionnaire contient neuf cents mots, classés par ordre alphabétique et illustrés par des dessins animés en couleur. Les mêmes familles et les mêmes animaux se retrouvent dans les images, présentant les enfants avec un personnage familier. La liste A-Z est complétée par neuf illustrations thématiques à la fin du livre qui caractérisent le vocabulaire associé, regroupés dans des paramètres tels qu’une salle de classe, un supermarché et un appartement. Comprend une liste de mots développée par des éditeurs de dictionnaires professionnels et des conseillers pédagogiques. Le dictionnaire est mis à jour avec un nouvel art et une nouvelle couverture. Le livre comprend une note d'information pour les enseignants et les parents.   Editeur Houghton Mifflin ISBN 0-395-90215-0 138 pages Dimensions : 22 x 28 cm   Excellent état, quasi neuf   Envoi par Lettre Verte, ou par réseau Mondial Relay, ou remise en main propre (voir différents tarifs) BONNES ENCHERES A TOUS N'HESITEZ PAS A REGARDER MES AUTRES OBJETS A POSER VOS QUESTIONS ET DEMANDER DES PHOTOS SUPPLEMENTAIRES POSSIBILITE DE GROUPER LES ACHATS POUR REDUIRE LES FRAIS DE PORT
5 €
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Chasseneuil du Poitou (Vienne)
TOM JONES  20 super hits  1976  DECCA  LP  Pop                              Face 1:  Delilah - Mohair sam - Green green grass of home - Don't fight it - Not responsible - Dr love - Thunderball - Funny familiar forgotten feelings - I've got a heart - Love me tonight              Face 2: Help yourself - Ring on fire - Détroit city - I'll never let you go - What's new,pussycat? - i'm coming home - Field of yellow daisies - It's a man's man's man's world - I'll never fall in love again - It's not unusual    Disque  :  VG+                 Label: DECCA  1976  Germany                           Ref:  6.22552  Pochette: VG                                          ATTENDRE MA FACTURE POUR LES ENVOIS GROUPES                                       COMBINED SHIPPING, PLEASE WAIT FOR MY INVOICE  ATTENDRE IMPERATIVEMENT LA MISE A JOUR DES FRAIS D'ENVOI,AVANT TOUT PAIEMENT  IT IS IMPERATIVE TO WAIT FOR THE UPDATE OF THE SHIPPING COST,BEFORE ANY PAYMENT                           Les disques sont écoutés avant d'être mis en vente      Je ne suis pas responsable des dégats occasionnés lors de l'acheminement par la poste (vol -perte ou casse) aucun remboursement.    Pour les étrangers me contacter avant le paiement (pay-pal seulement)  Les envois se feront obligatoirement en recommandé international  For  foreigners contact me before paying (pay-pal only)  The sendings will make necessarily registered by mail international
2 €
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