Foam supports
Liste des meilleures ventes foam supports

France (Toutes les villes)
3Inch KingSize Orthopedic 5-Zone Foam Mattress Topper Comfortable Pad Swirl Give your mattress new life and love your bed again when you add the orthopedic foam mattress topper. Mattresses don’t last forever and can lose comfort and support over time. Fortunately, it’s not always necessary to dish out big money on a new one. Adding this mattress topper is the easy and practical way to upgrade your sleep experience. Orthopedic foam remakes your mattress by adding an extra layer of cushioning – with 5 zones that give each area of the body proper support. Pressure points are relieved, muscles relax, and you can enjoy the quality sleep needed to tackle your tomorrow. INSTANT MATTRESS UPGRADE: Extend the life of your mattress by restoring your sleep surface and returning comfort to your bed 5 SUPPORT ZONES: Innovative design properly supports the head and neck, shoulders, torso, and legs PREMIUM ORTHOPEDIC FOAM: Resilient and durable, orthopedic foam offers just the right amount of cushioning without the deep contouring of memory foam 3-INCHES OF SUPPORT: Ideal for those with a medium build or for mattresses that have seen better days BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Our foam is odor-neutralized, Certi-PUR-US certified, and enhanced with plant-based ingredients for a smaller carbon footprint
6.954 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
oreiller à mémoire de forme en bambou Video will open in a new window Using the mobile app? Copy this link into your browser: Oreiller en Mousse à Mémoire de Luxe avec taie en Bambou de Forme Ergonomique Faites l'expérience d'une différence notable en termes de confort et de qualité de sommeil avec ce coussin Comfort Luxury. Taie d'oreiller de luxe en bambou avec coussins en mousse à mémoire de forme. Cet oreiller est rembourré d'une mousse à mémoire de forme qui s'adapte parfaitement à la forme de votre tête tout en restant confortable et douillette, tout en soutenant confortablement votre cou et en alignant votre colonne vertébrale, vous libérant ainsi des points de pression et de la douleur. Parfait pour le repos et la récupération et idéal pour toutes les positions de sommeil. Cet oreiller de taille Queen élégant et ultra-doux est respirant et permet la circulation de l'air et de l'humidité. La mousse à mémoire de forme possède une caractéristique unique qui s’agrandit par temps chaud et se compresse par temps froid. La taie est en bambou visqueux, doux, résistant aux taches et hypoallergénique. Il empêche l'accumulation de microbes et de bactéries, de champignons et de tiques. Idéal pour les personnes souffrant d'allergies et d'autres affections respiratoires et celles présentant une hypersensibilité au tissu. La housse est lavable en machine et peut être séchée pour un entretien facile. Dormez comme un roi et reposez-vous comme une reine avec l'oreiller Bamboo Luxury de Royalty Comfort. Points forts: Oreiller bio de qualité supérieure Mousse viscoélastique S'adapte à toutes les formes et offre un support amélioré Fonction de thermorégulation Conception ergonomique Rembourrage en mousse à mémoire de forme Permet à la chaleur et à l'humidité de s'évacuer Taie souple et confortable amovible en bambou Matériaux hypoallergéniques Antimicrobien, antifongique et antibactérien Convient à tous les dormeurs Améliorer et promouvoir un sommeil réparateur Fournir un support fiable pour le dos et la nuque Taie d'oreiller est fermeture avec fermeture éclair Lavable en machine et passe au sèche-linge Aide à soulager plusieurs problèmes de sommeil, notamment le ronflement, l'insomnie, les migraines, les douleurs au cou et au dos, les allergies et le stress Protège contre la poussière, les acariens, les allergènes et les tâches. Idéal pour les personnes souffrant d'allergies et d'autres problèmes respiratoires Caractéristiques: Nom de marque: Royalty Comfort de Herzberg Couleur blanche Matériau de la taie d'oreiller: 40% bambou et 60% polyester Matériel d'oreiller: mousse à mémoire déchiquetée Dimension du produit: 50.8cm x 76.2cm ENGLISH Luxury Memory Foam Pillow with Ergonomically shaped Bamboo Pillowcase Experience a noticeable difference in comfort and quality of sleep with this Comfort Luxury cushion. Luxury pillowcase in bamboo with memory foam cushions. This pillow is filled with memory foam that adapts perfectly to the shape of your head while remaining comfortable and cosy. It comfortably supports your neck and aligns your spine, freeing you from pressure points and pain. Perfect for rest and recovery and ideal for all sleeping positions. This elegant and ultra-soft Queen size pillow is breathable and allows air and moisture to circulate. The memory foam has a unique feature that expands in hot weather and compresses in cold weather. The cover is made of viscous, soft, stain-resistant and hypoallergenic bamboo. It prevents the accumulation of microbes and bacteria, fungi and ticks. Ideal for people suffering from allergies and other respiratory conditions and those with hypersensitivity to the fabric. The cover is machine washable and can be dried for easy care. Sleep like a king and rest like a queen with the Bamboo Luxury pillow by Royalty Comfort. Highlights: High-quality organic pillow Visco-elastic foam Adapts to all shapes and offers improved support Temperature control function Ergonomic design Memory foam padding Allows heat and moisture to escape Soft and comfortable removable bamboo pillowcase Hypoallergenic materials Antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial Suitable for all sleepers Improving and promoting restful sleep Provide reliable back and neck support Pillowcase has a zip closure Machine washable and tumble dryable Helps relieve many sleep problems, including snoring, insomnia, migraines, neck and back pain, allergies and stress. Protects against dust, dust mites, allergens and stains. Ideal for people suffering from allergies and other respiratory problems. Characteristics: Brand name: Royalty Comfort by Herzberg White colour Pillowcase material: 40% bamboo and 60% polyester Pillow material: shredded memory foam Product size: 50.8cm x 76.2cm DEUTSCH Luxus-Gedächtnis-Schaumstoffkissen mit ergonomisch geformtem Bambus-Kissenbezug Erleben Sie einen spürbaren Unterschied in Komfort und Schlafqualität mit diesem Comfort Luxury Kissen. Luxuriöser Kissenbezug aus Bambus mit Kissen aus Memory-Schaumstoff. Dieses Kissen ist mit einem Schaumstoffkissen mit Formgedächtnis gefüllt, das sich perfekt an die Form Ihres Kopfes anpasst und gleichzeitig bequem und gemütlich bleibt, Ihren Nacken bequem stützt und Ihre Wirbelsäule ausrichtet und Sie von Druckstellen und Schmerzen befreit. Perfekt für Ruhe und Erholung und ideal für alle Schlafpositionen. Dieses elegante und ultraweiche Kissen in Damengröße ist atmungsaktiv und lässt Luft und Feuchtigkeit zirkulieren. Der Memory-Schaum hat eine einzigartige Eigenschaft, die sich bei heißem Wetter ausdehnt und bei kaltem Wetter komprimiert. Der Bezug ist aus zähflüssigem Bambus, weich, schmutzabweisend und hypoallergen. Es verhindert die Ansammlung von Mikroben und Bakterien, Pilzen und Zecken. Ideal für Menschen mit Allergien und anderen Erkrankungen der Atemwege sowie für Menschen mit Überempfindlichkeit gegen das Gewebe. Der Bezug ist maschinenwaschbar und pflegeleicht trocknergeeignet. Schlafen Sie wie ein König und ruhen Sie wie eine Königin mit dem Kissen Bamboo Luxury von Royalty Comfort. Höhepunkte: Hochwertiges Bio-Kissen Viskoelastischer Schaum Passt sich allen Formen an und bietet verbesserte Unterstützung Temperaturregelungsfunktion Ergonomische Gestaltung Polsterung aus Memory-Schaumstoff Lässt Wärme und Feuchtigkeit entweichen Weicher und bequemer abnehmbarer Kissenbezug aus Bambus Hypoallergene Materialien Antimikrobiell, antifungiell und antibakteriell Für alle Schläfer geeignet Erholsamen Schlaf verbessern und fördern Zuverlässige Unterstützung für Rücken und Nacken Kopfkissenbezug hat einen Reißverschluss Maschinenwaschbar und trocknergeeignet Hilft bei vielen Schlafproblemen, einschließlich Schnarchen, Schlaflosigkeit, Migräne, Nacken- und Rückenschmerzen, Allergien und Stress. Schützt vor Staub, Hausstaubmilben, Allergenen und Flecken. Ideal für Menschen, die an Allergien und anderen Atembeschwerden leiden. Merkmale: Markenname: Royalty Comfort von Herzberg Farbe Weiß Material des Kopfkissenbezugs: 40% Bambus und 60% Polyester Kissenmaterial: zerkleinerter Memory-Schaum Produktgröße: 50,8 cm x 76,2 cm ESPANOL Almohada de espuma para memorias de lujo con funda de bambú de forma ergonómica Experimenta una notable diferencia en confort y calidad de sueño con este cojín de lujo. Una lujosa funda de almohada de bambú con cojines de espuma con memoria. Esta almohada está llena de un cojín de espuma con memoria que se ajusta perfectamente a la forma de su cabeza, mientras que permanece cómoda y acogedora, apoyando cómodamente su cuello y alineando su columna vertebral, liberándole de los puntos de presión y del dolor. Perfecto para el descanso y la recuperación e ideal para todas las posiciones de sueño. Esta elegante y ultra suave almohada tamaño Queen es transpirable y permite que el aire y la humedad circulen. La espuma con memoria tiene una característica única que se expande en tiempo de calor y se comprime en tiempo de frío. La cubierta está hecha de bambú viscoso, suave, resistente a las manchas e hipoalergénico. Evita la acumulación de microbios y bacterias, hongos y garrapatas. Ideal para las personas con alergias y otras condiciones respiratorias y aquellos con hipersensibilidad al tejido. La cubierta se puede lavar a máquina y se puede secar para facilitar su cuidado. Duerme como un rey y descansa como una reina con la almohada de lujo Bambú de Royalty Comfort. Lo más destacado: Almohada orgánica de alta calidad Espuma viscoelástica Se adapta a todas las formas y ofrece un mejor apoyo Función de control de la temperatura Diseño ergonómico Acolchado de espuma con memoria Permite que el calor y la humedad escapen Suave y cómoda funda de almohada de bambú extraíble Materiales hipoalergénicos Antimicrobiano, antifúngico y antibacteriano Adecuado para todos los durmientes Mejorar y promover el sueño reparador Proporcionar un apoyo fiable para la espalda y el cuello La funda de la almohada tiene un cierre de cremallera Se puede lavar a máquina y secar en secadora Ayuda a aliviar muchos problemas de sueño, incluyendo ronquidos, insomnio, migrañas, dolor de cuello y espalda, alergias y estrés. Protege contra el polvo, los ácaros, los alérgenos y las manchas. Ideal para personas que sufren de alergias y otros problemas respiratorios. Características: Nombre de marca: Royalty Comfort de Herzberg Color blanco Material de la funda de la almohada: 40% bambú y 60% poliéster Material de la almohada: espuma de memoria triturada Tamaño del producto: 50.8cm x 76.2cm ITALIANO Cuscino in schiuma di lusso a memoria di forma ergonomica con custodia in bambù a forma di cuscino Provate una notevole differenza di comfort e qualità del sonno con questo cuscino Comfort Luxury. Federa di lusso in bambù con cuscini in memory foam. Questo cuscino è riempito con un cuscino in schiuma a memoria di forma che si adatta perfettamente alla forma della vostra testa pur rimanendo confortevole e accogliente, sostenendo comodamente il collo e allineando la colonna vertebrale, liberandovi dai punti di pressione e dal dolore. Perfetto per il riposo e il recupero e ideale per tutte le posizioni di riposo. Questo elegante e morbidissimo cuscino Queen size è traspirante e permette all'aria e all'umidità di circolare. La schiuma a memoria di forma ha una caratteristica unica che si espande con il caldo e si comprime con il freddo. Il coperchio è realizzato in bambù viscoso, morbido, resistente alle macchie e ipoallergenico. Previene l'accumulo di microbi e batteri, funghi e zecche. Ideale per le persone con allergie e altre patologie respiratorie e per quelle con ipersensibilità al tessuto. Il coperchio è lavabile in lavatrice e può essere asciugato per una facile manutenzione. Dormire come un re e riposare come una regina con il cuscino Bamboo Luxury di Royalty Comfort. I punti salienti: Cuscino biologico di alta qualità Schiuma viscoelastica Si adatta a tutte le forme e offre un supporto migliore Funzione di controllo della temperatura Design ergonomico Imbottitura in schiuma a memoria di forma Permette la fuoriuscita di calore e umidità Morbida e confortevole federa di bambù estraibile Materiali ipoallergenici Antimicrobico, antimicotico e antibatterico Adatto a tutte le traverse Migliorare e promuovere il sonno ristoratore Forniscono un supporto affidabile per la schiena e il collo La federa ha una chiusura a cerniera Lavabile in lavatrice e asciugabile in asciugatrice Aiuta ad alleviare molti problemi di sonno, tra cui il russare, l'insonnia, l'emicrania, il mal di collo e di schiena, le allergie e lo stress. Protegge da polvere, acari, allergeni e macchie. Ideale per le persone che soffrono di allergie e altri problemi respiratori. Caratteristiche: Marchio: Royalty Comfort di Herzberg Colore bianco Materiale della federa: 40% bambù e 60% poliestere Materiale del cuscino: schiuma a memoria di forma triturata Dimensioni del prodotto: 50,8cm x 76,2cm
59,95 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
SUPERSLIDERS 4723495N REUSABLE FURNITURE MOVING FOR CARPET QUICKLY Color Name: Linen | Size Name: Value Pack | Style: For Carpet Product Description Moving your heavy furniture doesn’t have to take much time and energy. Slide it effortlessly with Super Sliders Furniture Movers ! These round sliders allow you to transfer and push your furniture in a quick and hassle-free manner across carpeted surfaces. This 16-pack of movers can be attached at the corner bases of any furniture to provide optimal movability. They are ideal for helping you arrange your furniture when you move into a new place, and they can also serve as a cleaning accessory when you need to move fixtures and appliances to reach areas behind your bed, couches, fridge, laundry machine, and more. Super Sliders Furniture Movers feature durable rubber foam and hard plastic bottoms that offer superior quality in order to help you properly care for and protect your fixtures and flooring. The durable rubber foam perfectly cushions the bases of your furniture for a firm grip and a long-lasting hold. The hard plastic bottoms, on the other hand, allow you to move your heavy fixtures without worrying about damaging your carpeted flooring. What’s more, these furniture movers are quick to install and remove, making them reusable on other types of furniture. These round sliders are 3½ inches in diameter. They’re great to install in movie theaters, living rooms, bedrooms, bars, museums, and much more. Super Sliders is one of the leading furniture-moving brands in the industry. Aside from the sliders for carpeted surfaces, they also offer furniture-moving aids for hard floorings such as hardwood, ceramic tile, and linoleum. This product’s ergonomic function and excellent durability will make moving and rearranging your furniture much easier and faster. From the Manufacturer Super Sliders allow you to move your heavy furniture quickly and easily on carpeted surfaces in your home. Super Sliders offer superior quality, innovation and longevity for all your furniture moving and floor protection needs. EASY FURNITURE MOVING – This product supports furniture bases for quick and hassle-free moving. Discs come in a 16-pack and are 3 ½ inches round diameter. FIRM GRIP – These sliders feature durable rubber foam that securely grips furniture for a long-lasting hold. REUSABLE – These hard plastic sliders are reusable and removable for quick installation and cleaning. FOR CARPETED SURFACES – These sliders are designed to move any furniture conveniently across a carpeted surface. VERSATILE – This product can be used on home furniture like dressers, recliners, and heavy appliances. SUPERSLIDERS 4723495N REUSABLE FURNITURE MOVING FOR CARPET QUICKLY PAY SAFE: PAYPAL PAYMENT IS ACCEPTED We offer a 30-day return policy for our products. We stand behind our products. Items can be returned for exchange or full within 30 days from the date you receive your merchandise. We are not responsible for any purchase after this 30-day period. Return shipping is the responsibility of buyer unless the return is a result of our mistake. We will pay for shipping replacement back to you if an exchange is requested. If you have any questions please through "Ask seller a question" link. We will respond within 1 business day or less. All returns must be done within 30 days of the date of purchase. Please note that we cannot give s after the 30 day limit has expired. When sending in a return, please note that it can take up to 7 business days for the return to be processed. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. DELIVERY TIMES Domestic lower 48 free shipping is expedited. We have many different shipping locations depending on the product you buy and the shipping location that you choose. We try to ship most items within 24 hours of payment Monday-Friday. Most orders are in transit for two days but some may take longer. If you have a specific time frame please before you make the purchase.
1.790 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Leather Ottoman Sofa Bed, Small Modern Couch Multi-Position Convertible Black Product Description ?【REDEFINING ANY LIVING SPACE】4 in 1 convertible ottoman bed can be placed in any corner. Also, it can be quickly converted into sofas, recliners, beds according to your needs. Relax in the high-density sponge covered by soft leather without installation. It's absolutely a good idea for placement in a small room, dorms, apartments, studios, office. ?【QUALITY MATERIALS & STURDY FRAME】Selected high-quality leather, good wear resistance, strong breathability, soft and comfortable. Cleaning and maintenance will be a piece of cake. Made with an internal metal frame as support and stuffed with high-density foam, the surface of the whole PU leather. The solid structure can easily bear up to 550 lb. ?【ADJUSTABLE BACKREST DESIGN】Comfortable tilt with 5 locking adjustment positions for setting chair bed to preferred angle. High-quality leather adds a soft to the touch feel, the small pillow supports your back to keep you comfortable all day. ?【MODERN STYLE】Time will add charm to leather sofas, and minimalism is the best choice that will never go out of style. The Leather Folding Ottoman sleeper bed understated modern design gives off an air of luxury. Clean lines and unique luster of leather make this piece a perfect accent for transitional-style home decor. ?【BUY WITH CONFIDENCE】T is an excellent service team. We offer each customer a 180-day free trial and a 3-year promise, completely eliminating your worries. Try this sleeper sofa and you will never regret it. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
64.396 €
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