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French soldiers esci

Liste des meilleures ventes french soldiers esci

Bar le Duc (Meuse)
Lot de 43 figurines non peintes, de couleur marron foncé, issues de la boite French Soldiers, ESCI, ERTL, ITALERI, # 205 (La boite n'est pas vendu avec les figurines) La photo montre deux lots de disponibles. Regarder mes autres annonces pour économiser sur les frais de port
16,98 €
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Marseille (Bouches du Rhône)
Soldats US modernes, Modern US Soldiers, Esci ERTL, 1/72, ref P-239. État : occasion (mais non ouvert). La photo présentant le contenu est à titre indicatif car le sachet et la boite n'ont jamais été ouverts.
10 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
English This auction is for the expansion " Soldiers of the Sun " from the board game HORIZON ZERO DAWN (Playstation license) The game is brand new, and the box is still sealed The game is in english For the exact components list, see attached photo (2nd one) French Cette vente concerne l'extension " Soldiers of the Sun " du jeu de plateau/figurines HORIZON ZERO DAWN (licence PlayStation) Le jeu est neuf, encore emballé sous cello Le jeu est en version anglaise (VO) Pour connaître le contenu exact de la boîte: voir la 2ème photo
29 €
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Angers (Maine et Loire)
Rare! Énorme lot de figurines prussiennes 1815 1/72 peintes. Très bon état. Marques Revell, Esci, Italeri, HAT, Airfix. La plupart des figurines sont peintes, certaines sont terminées. Rare! Gigantic lot of Prussian painted HO toy soldiers in very good condition. Brandmarks include Revell, Esci, Italeri, HAT and Airfix. Most of the figures are painted, some to a fine level.
15,5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Der Weltkrieg - Western Front 78,75 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en anglais de Decision Games et SPW. The Western Front: 1914-1918 contains six scenarios depicting campaigns in France and Belgium during World War I. The game can also be played as a start to finish campaign of the western front, or linked with other games of the series in a grand campaign covering all the European fronts of World War I from start to finish.     One full map and six counter sheets (1680 pieces). Standard Rules, Scenario and Linking rules, Corps displays, Supply Tracks, 2 inch bookcase box. The Scenarios   August 1914  War has come. Germany is faced with mortal enemies on two fronts. She must eliminate one threat or face being crushed between the two. The German strategist von Schlieffen plans one of the great military gambles of all time. His scheme is to concentrate to knock France out of the war before Russia can bring her armed masses to bear. The bulk of German forces will move through neutral and lightly defended Belgium. Graf von Schlieffen intends to fall on the flank and rear of the French armies. He believes the French will over commit to regaining the lost provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. The Schlieffen plan runs afoul of complications from the moment it is launched. The Belgians fight back. The British join the fray. The French begin to display operational flexibility. Meanwhile the Kaiser and his advisors balk at the risk being accepted in the East. Can the invading German armies still defeat France? Or will the French, British and Belgians stop them? This time it is up to you. May 1915 The immediate threat to France is over. The Germans have re-deployed substantial forces to the eastern front. French and British reinforcements continue to arriving in increasingly substantial numbers. The French believe the opportunity has come to expel the invaders. But both sides have used the lull since 1914 to dig in. Trench lines stretch from Switzerland to the English Channel. The Germans may be weaker, but they stand inside the most extensive field fortifications the world has yet seen. February 1916 The Germans have substantially reduced the Russian threat by their Polish Campaigns of 1915. Now the German Chief of Staff, von Falkenhayn, believes he can eliminate France through a protracted battle of attrition. The fortress complex of Verdun is chosen as the target the French will defend to the death. An epic struggle that will sear the minds and bodies of both nations begins. Both sides will feel the effects of attrition on a national scale. Yet neither side is willing to shrink from the cost of the sacrifice. July 1916 The new British army of Kitchener is finally ready. The French are in desperate need of assistance due to their losses at Verdun. With German attention focused on the French, the British feel their new army will be able to break through. They believe the intensive week long bombardment of the German trenches will have pulverized both the defenders and their defenses.  Carrying 80  pounds of equipment per man, the British climb over the top and slowly walk toward the other side of no-man's land. But the Germans rush out of their shell-proof bunkers to defend their line. A battle that will last for months is joined in the valley of the Somme. April 1917 The new French General in Chief is Nivelle, the charismatic English speaking hero of Verdun. He convinces the British to join him for a two pronged attack. An attack against the base of the German salient that points at Paris. Plans that are anything but secret are made to put Nivelle's aptly named "Army of the Rupture" through the German lines in less than a day. Nivelle's problem is the Germans also see the potential of his plan. They withdraw from the salient and into the formidable defenses of the Hindenburg Line. Nivelle plows ahead regardless. The soldiers of the French army may be unhappy with the result.  March 1918 The Germans have knocked the Russians out of the war. Their forces are now rushed west. The German divisions are thoroughly trained in new assault tactics. This will be the Germans' best chance to win since their defeat at the Marne in 1914.  Time is short: fresh American troops and French and British tanks are starting to arrive in substantial numbers. The German stosstruppen are aimed at the weak point of the depleted British lines. The plan is to drive a wedge between the allied British and French armies. And General Ludendorff has follow up offensives ready to exploit any advantage gained. Can the Entente hold on until the Germans have depleted themselves enough that a counter offensive is feasable? Or will 1918 finally see the redemption of German frustrations since 1914? Or will the war drag on for years to come?  
78,75 €
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Pierrefonds (Oise)
Roi du jeu d’échecs MOKAREX Charles Le Téméraire, duc de Bourgogne Très bel état, sans manque ni réparation Règlement et livraisons Les frais d'envoi prennent en compte les frais de règlement  et d'emballage. Vous pouvez regrouper vos achats pour tous les objets sur une période de 30 jours. International Buyers, you are WELCOME Please read the following before buying International COLLECTORS, you are WELCOME Please read the following before buying Mokarex is a French brand of coffee. It is well known for its little gold or gray plastic soldiers of different scales present in each coffee packages during the 50’s. Mokarex soldiers are characterized by hight quality volume, movement and engraving All the soldiers are coming from my own collection. Do not hesitate to contact me with any question Payment and delivery Shipping rate is defined for one item only, including 's payment fees and packaging. Additional cost will be applied in case of multiple purchases, taking in account total weight of the all and corresponding 's payment charges You can group your purchases until 30 days Shipping everywhere with International Registered Letter.
10 €
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Pierrefonds (Oise)
18 Poilus Série  Grande Guerre MOKAREX Maréchal Joffre, Georges  Guynemer, Sous-officier de Chasseurs d'Afrique 1914, Garde de voie de Communication 1914, Pourvoyeur, Grenadier d'infanterie 1916-1918, Tirailleur marocain 1917, Officier d'infanterie 1914, Chasseur alpin 1914, Artilleur crapouillot 1914, Sapeur du génie 1914, Fusilier marin 1914-1916, Saint-cyrien 1914 1, Général Gallieni, Georges Clemenceau, Chasseur à pied Porte-fanion 1917, Tirailleur sénégalais1914, et Tambour d'infanterie 1914 Très bel état sans aucun manque (picots du sapeur, bout de fusils...) ni réparation. Règlement et livraison: Les frais d'envoi prennent en compte les frais de règlement  et d’emballage. Vous pouvez regrouper vos achats pour tous les objets sur une période de 30 jours. International COLLECTORS, you are WELCOME Please read the following before buying Mokarex is a French brand of coffee. It is well known for its little gold or gray plastic soldiers of different scales present in each coffee packages during the 50’s. Mokarex soldiers are characterized by hight quality volume, movement and engraving All the soldiers are coming from my own collection. Do not hesitate to contact me with any question Payment and delivery Shipping rate is defined for one item only, including 's payment fees and packaging. Additional cost will be applied in case of multiple purchases, taking in account total weight of the all and corresponding 's payment charges You can group your purchases until 30 days Shipping everywhere with La poste International Registered Currier
132 €
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Attichy (Oise)
Jean-Paul Marat MOKAREX Série Révolution Française Plastique en bel état, sans manque ni réparation Très Rare avec la plume d’écritoire intacte Règlement et livraisons Les frais d'envoi prennent en compte les frais de règlement  et d’emballage. Vous pouvez regrouper vos achats pour tous les objets sur une période de 30 jours   International COLLECTORS, you are WELCOME Please read the following before buying Mokarex is a French brand of coffee. It is well known for its little gold or gray plastic soldiers of different scales present in each coffee packages during the 50’s. Mokarex soldiers are characterized by hight quality volume, movement and engraving All the soldiers are coming from my own collection. Do not hesitate to contact me with any question Payment and delivery Shipping rate is defined for one item only, including 's payment fees and packaging. Additional cost will be applied in case of multiple purchases, taking in account total weight of the all and corresponding 's payment charges You can group your purchases until 30 days Shipping everywhere with La Poste International  Priority Letter, no tracking
10 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Officier de Dragons 1914 MOKAREX - Série Cavaliers de la Grande Guerre Plastique au 1/43 environ (40mm, hauteur totale 65 / 70mm), de fabrication française des années 50 / 60, en très bel état sans manque ni réparation. Livraison: Pour le Benelux, l’Espagne et le Portugal envoi en point de dépôt Mondial Relay. Les frais d'envoi prennent en compte les frais d’emballage et les frais de transaction et de règlement. INTERNATIONAL COLLECTORS, YOU ARE WELCOME Please carefully read the following before buying Mokarex is a French brand of coffee, well known for the gold or gray plastic toys soldiers (in different scales and covering many subjects) present in every coffee packet during the 50s/60s. Mokarex soldiers are characterized by a high-quality level of volume, movement, and engraving. I am selling my collection of toy soldiers. All parts come out from windows. Do not hesitate to contact me with any question. Delivery: Shipping rate is defined for one item only, including 's payment fees and packaging. Additional cost will be applied in case of multiple purchases, taking in account total weight of the all and corresponding 's payment charges. Shipping everywhere with La Poste International Registered Package. En savoir plus
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Foix (Ariège)
30 soldats en Etain peints à la main. Sous Blister excellent état Fabriqué par DEL PRADO Collection  "Guerre Napoléonienne" Liste des blisters 4 soldats sans année d'édition et sans N° Napoléon 1er empereur, 1805 Fusilier, French sea soldiers, 1800 Trooper, royal horse artillery, 1814 Duke of welligton, 1812 2 soldats Edition 2002 avec N° Maréchal Berthier, chef d’état-major, 1813 (23SNP000000063 edt 2002) Sergent-major Brunswick, 1815 -23SNP000000062 edt 2002)   16 soldats Edition 2002 sans N°  Capitan Général Castalaños, Duke of Bailèn, 1808 (Edt 2002)  Officer, Austrian Regiment Spényl, 1800 (Edt 2002)  Polish lancer, French Guard cavalry, 1807 (Edt 2002) Conducteur tain d’artillerie, France, 1807 (edt 2002) Mousquetaire infanterie de réserve, Prusse, 1813 (edt 2002) Conscrit 82nd Rgt, French line Int, 1814 (edt 2002) Officier supérieur, lancier de Séville, 1811 (edt 2002) Officer Royal Horse guards, 1800 (edt 2002) Sapper, French Hussars, 1810 (edt 2002) Fantassin régiment Hellwig, Prusse, 1813 (edt 2002) Subaltern, French chasseurs, 1806 (edt 2002) Officer, Carinthian landwehr (Austria), 1809 (edt 2002) Captain Spanish foot artillery, 1812 (edt 2002) Officer, French guard Cavalry, 1809-14 (edt 2002) Sergent, 95e rgt de fusiliers (Rifles), 1811 (edt 2002) Vice-Admiral Lord Horacio nelson, 1805 (edt 2002)  8 soldats édition 2003 avec N° Sgt Sharpshooters, 2nd light Bn. KGL., 1815, (SNP097 Edt 2003) Lieutenant second lancier, France, 1813 (SNP074 Edt 2003) Général de division Lasalle, 1806-1807 (SNP072 edt 2003) Sapeur, Autriche, 1809 (SNP078 edt 2003) Lieutenant, 14th light dragoons, 1812 (SNP095 edt 2003) Tambour major, royaume de westphalie, 1810 (SNP067 edt 2003) Caporal, Garde royale de Naples, 1812-1813 (SNP069 edt 2003)  Maréchal Murat, roi de Naples , 1813 (SNP058 edt 2003)           Les frais d’expédition sont calculés en fonction du poids.  Poids de l'ensemble avec emballage > à 3.5 Kilos Frais d'envoi France Métropolitaine:  Mondial Relay en point relais 8.15 euros - Collissimo 14.10 euros
98 €
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