Generally high
Liste des meilleures ventes generally high

Pérouse (Territoire de Belfort)
Rare paire Luxman C300 et M300:Amplificateur et préamplificateur (avec phono). État : "Occasion" En excellent état de fonctionnement, notez qu' il faudra remplacer une ampoule du voyant Led "classe A". Voltage 220V. Les deux appareils sont visibles chez Jefferson Hifi à Pérouse où je les ai déposés. Livraison possible en France, en Europe,etc nous consulter pour les frais d'envoi internationaux. Le M300 a été produit en même temps que la série C300. Je crois qu’il n’en a été produit que 2000 dans le monde. C’est non seulement une paire de collection, mais le haut de gamme des luxman des années 1980. Ils sont les dernières combinaisons pré/ampli, à avoir été fabriquées sans implication de Alpine(qui a ensuite modifié sérieusement la qualité Luxman hélas.). ils ont été primés "produit de l'année" au début des années 80. Le M300 se laisse utiliser soit en classe A, où il développe 2x42 w sous 8 ohms en classe A, ou alors 172w en classe AB sous 8 ohms. Comme toujours chez Luxman, on peut espérer une dizainede watts supplémentaires dans chaque modes, vu qu'ils utilisent unsystème de mesure très strict sur leurs fiches techniques. Il faut surtout savoir qu’il ne faut basculer de classe AB en classe A que à l’arrêt, en redémarrage à froid. Voici les caractéristiques techniques ( et 1)Préampli C300: Frequency response: 0.5Hz to 140kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% Input sensitivity: 0.09mV (MC), 2mV (MM), 140mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 80dB (MM), 100dB (line) Output: 140mV (line), 1V (Pre out), 20V (Pre out Max) Dimensions: 478 x 163 x 384mm Weight: 9kg 2)amplificateur M300 Form Duo beta plusX poweramplifier Succession effectiveoutput (20Hz - 20kHz, both channel simultaneous operation) Class-A: 40W+40W (8ohms) AB class: 270W+270W (4ohms) 170W+170W (8ohms) THD (8 ohms) 20Hz- 20kHz-3dB Class-A: 0.005% or less AB class: 0.005% or less Cross modulationdistortion (8 ohms) 60Hz: 7kHz=4:1, -3dB Class-A: 0.005% or less AB class: 0.005% or less Output bandwidth Class-A: 10Hz-100kH-3dB(0.015% of distortion) AB class: 10Hz - -100kHz three dB(0.04% of distortion) Frequency characteristic 10hz-100kHz-1dB (aClass-A and AB class) Input sensitivity Class-A: 0.45V ABclass: 1V Input impedance 50kohm (a Class-A and ABclass) SN ratio (IHF-Acorrection) Class-A: 115dB ABclass: 120dB Remains noise (IHF-Acorrection) 30 microvolts (a Class-Aand AB class) Dumping factor 120 (1kHz, 8 ohms, aClass-A, and AB class) Protection network DC drift detectionspeaker protection network Overcurrent detection amplifierprotection network Attachment Circuit operationswitchpoint (indicator) Peek indicator Inputattenuator Headset jack Speaker-off switchpoint(indicator) Line phase sensor Supply voltage AC100V, 50Hz/60Hz Power consumption (Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law) Class-A: 420W ABclass: 430W Dimensions Width 478x height 214xdepth of 484mm Weight 30kg Stereo power amplifier which adopted the Duo beta plusX circuitry. In order to control NFB of an amplifier circuitry appropriately, the Duo beta circuitry was developed and it is adopted as M-300. After this makes amplifier to the extent that it is used also from a nakedness property as it was, it adds proper-quantity NFB and DC servo as finish of a tone quality, and is suppressing the transitional distortion of a supression of play sound, TIM, etc. by superfluous NFB etc. Furthermore, in M-300, the thought of a suitable control is introduced also into a power circuit, and it is considered as the power-source Duo beta plusX. At plusX, the stability of a comfortable tone quality and an operation is reconciled because the bottom gives controlling force calmly on the assumption that a generous power-source part. M-300 can change and use a Class-A and AB class. The Class-A operation has a structure which amplifies a signal wave form as it is. Therefore, it becomes unrelated to switching distortion or crossover distortion, and does not have the cause that it is distorted in addition to an element's own linearity. In M-300, the Class-A operation excellent in adopting a Duo beta as LAPT which excelled [element] in the high region property, and an amplifier circuitry, and adopting plusX as a power circuit is realized. In AB class, Oide power which drives transitional distortion below into a limit of measurement in pursuit of a nakedness property also in an operation, and is not made in a Class-A operation on it is realized. At the time of a switching of a Class-A / AB class, in a performance, sound does not break off and a noise is not generated, either. Circuitry constituted all the amplification stages from a push-pull circuit from the input stage to the output stage, and the amplifier which was excellent in the nakedness property which will be the requisite for a Duo beta circuitry is realized. The pre-driver stage is making the input stage the transistor which was excellent in the high region property with the cascode interconnection with the stream composition of the cascode bootstrap and the differential push pull by complimentary FET of a Pch type and a Nch type. And the driver stage and the power stage are considered as the push pull stream composition by a three-step Darlington connection. A linearity makes an output element high speed power transistor linear arithmetic processor-T which was well excellent in the high region property with a triple push pull stream composition, and the electric current is sent. In this way, the static characteristics and the dynamic behavior improved. And proper-quantity NFB and DC servo are added. The power-source part had the twin monophonic stream composition of right-and-left full independence, and has acquired the merit of a linearity covering all the bands, and the outstanding crosstalk property. The power transformer is performing and using the coil mandatory adopted and put into practice among the object for Rch, and two Lch. First, the power stage and the drive stage were made into another coil, and also the primary side and secondary side has unified the orientation of a coil. This is because it is checking having influence on play sound with the potential (polarity) which a transformer begins to roll, rolls and the last each has between opposite groundings. Moreover, four right and left adopt the type only with a capacity of 12,000 micro F for an audio as a filter capacitor, and low-impedance-ization of the power-source part is attained to it. In order to cope with the rush current which becomes large as the capacity of a power-source part becomes large, the rushes current preventing circuitry is adopted. The speaker protection network and the amplifier protection network are carried. The internal organs of the speaker protection network which detects DC output in an output-terminal and separates an output are carried out. Furthermore, when the speaker code etc. short-circuits, even if there is a big input, an amplifier circuitry is protected or the electric-current preventing circuitry is carried. After the elements currently used examine, it is using it, carrying out a tone-quality mandatory strictly uniquely. The film capacitor generally called non-polar is also arranging a polarity etc., and the capacitor is carrying out the tone-quality mandatory strictly. Moreover, the precision succession good transformation Detent volume excellent in the tone quality and a feeling of an operation is adopted as input attenuator. Furthermore, in terminals, the small gilding pin jack of contact resistance was adopted as the input terminal, and the large-sized screw type is adopted as a speaker termination. The product line was packed into the shortest distance, and also it has chosen high materials of the tone-quality effect, such as a shielded cable of oxygen free high conductivity copper and 500 core. Moreover, in order to suppress an elevation of the source impedance of the pattern side of a substrate, the power bus by a copper plate was adopted and the performance of a power source is employed efficiently. The line phase sensor is carried, by the functionality which detects this polarity, the polarity of the equipment was unified and the tone quality is improved. The indicator turned on at the clipping point of an output is carried, and a peek can be supervised.
980 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Micro Col de cygne Shure Microflex MX418D avec flexible de 45cm sur socle, interrupteur tactile configurable, préampli intégré à l'embase. Livré avec une capsule condensateur Cardioïde ref. R185B. La technologie Commshield de Shure, intégrée à la gamme Microflex, rejette les interférences RF des smartphones omniprésents, pour mettre le contenu en valeur. Compatible avec les capsules interchangeables: R183, R184, R185, R189. Usage: broadcast, théatre, conférence, enregistrement, podcast... Support de bonnette fourni (sans bonnette). Bon état esthétique et de fonctionnement. Valeur actuelle: 400€. Although this item is located in France, European buyers are welcome. Fast shipping and solid packaging included:-) I will do my best to protect the item for shipping with a solid packaging and the necessary protections. Shipping rates in Europe being variable according to the carrier and the geographical zone of destination, the price indicated for international delivery is indicative, it is generally the high range (generally from France to the following countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia). Do not hesitate to contact me before finalizing your purchase so that I can possibly adjust the shipping costs in your favor according to your country. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Table de mixage analogique Yamaha MG10/2 en bon état. La MG10/2 offre un total de 10 canaux en entrées: • deux entrées microphone/ligne et quatre entrées ligne stéréo, dont deux peuvent servir en entrées mono micro. • 4 préamplis à faible bruit de haute précision • Les préamplis micro dont sont équipées les deux entrées mono et les deux entrées stéréo de la MG10/2 sont de telle qualité qu'ils coûteraient plus cher que la console entière s'ils étaient vendus séparément ! Ils permettront d'exploiter au mieux les performances des meilleurs microphones dynamiques et à condensateurs. • Alimentation fantôme entrées XLR pour microphones électrostatiques (ou à condensateur). • Sur entrées fantome, un interrupteur général alimente en tension les quatre canaux. • Chaque entrées mono possèdent un jack d'insert pour ajouter à la tranche un compresseur, EQ ou autre processeur externe. • EQ 3 bandes + HPF • EQ qui offre une réponse b'"'musicaleb'"', l'égaliseur 3 bandes est présent sur tous les canaux d'entrées. • Chaque entrées micro mono est équipée en plus d'un filtre coupe-bas HPF qui permet d'éliminer des fréquences graves indésirables. • Deux départs auxiliaires et deux retours d'aux stéréo • La MG10/2 est équipée pour gérer des effets externes et des circuits de retours. • Il est possible d'utiliser un départ auxiliaire post-fader pour les effets et un départ pré-fader pour envoyer un mixage différent vers un retour de scène. • Pour faciliter son utilisation, il est possible de fixer la console MG10/2 sur un pied de micro (en option l'adaptateur BMS-10A). • Dimensions: 291 x 251 x 65 mm. • Poids net: 2 Kg. Although this item is located in France, European buyers are welcome. Fast shipping and solid packaging included:-) I will do my best to protect the item for shipping with a solid packaging and the necessary protections. Shipping rates in Europe being variable according to the carrier and the geographical zone of destination, the price indicated for international delivery is indicative, it is generally the high range (generally from France to the following countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia). Do not hesitate to contact me before finalizing your purchase so that I can possibly adjust the shipping costs in your favor according to your country. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Le Fujinon 50mm f/1.4 est un standard lumineux produit au Japon au milieu des années 1970. Il est réputé pour sa colorimétrie riche, ses contrastes assez élevés en fermant un peu. À pleine ouverture, le rendu est un peu plus doux, mais le piqué est suffisant pour du portrait. Le bokeh est généralement doux, avec un peu de caractère, jusqu'à f4. C'est un bel objectif polyvalent, qui fonctionne également sur les appareils photos modernes. La couche supérieure EBC garantit une meilleure protection contre les reflets. L'objectif a une monture M42, ce qui le rend très facile à adapter sur un appareil photo numérique (en particulier hybride), en achetant une bague à petit prix sur internet. L'objectif est globalement en bon état. Il y a des signes d'usure évidents à l'extérieur. Il fonctionne normalement, mais la bague de mise au point est devenue un peu dure. Les optiques sont assez claires, sans rayures, brume ni champignons. On voit quelques poussières et un peu de saleté et de micros dépôts uniquement sur les bords. Rien n'affecte le rendu normal de l'objectif. L'objectif est livré (avec un capuchon) monté sur le boitier Fujica ST801. Il est à noter que je n'ai jamais utilisé l'appareil et que je ne peux pas garantir son fonctionnement. Par conséquent le prix et l'offre ne concernent que l'objectif et il faut considérer l'appareil comme un bonus. Extérieurement, on voit quelques signes d'usage, mais il semble en bon état. Le déclencheur fonctionne et le rideau se ferme normalement. Le viseur contient quelques poussières, mais l'appareil semble normalement utilisable, compte tenu de son âge. --------------- The Fujinon 50mm f/1.4 is a luminous standard produced in Japan in the mid-1970s. It is renowned for its rich colourimetry and fairly high contrast when closed a little. At full aperture, the rendering is a little softer, but the sharpness is sufficient for portraiture. Bokeh is generally soft, with a little character, up to f4. This is a fine all-round lens, which also works on modern cameras. The EBC coating ensures better protection against reflections. The lens has an M42 mount, which makes it very easy to adapt to a digital camera (especially a mirrorless), by buying a low-cost adapter ring on internet. The lens is in generally good condition. There are obvious signs of wear on the outside. It works normally, but the focus ring has become a little hard. The optics are fairly clear, with no scratches, haze or fungus. There is some dust and a little dirt and micro deposits only around the edges. Nothing affects the normal rendering of the lens. The lens is supplied (with a cap) mounted on the Fujica ST801 body. It should be noted that I have never used the camera and cannot guarantee that it will work. As a result, the price and offer only apply to the lens and the camera should be considered as a bonus. Externally, there are a few signs of use, but it appears to be in good condition. The shutter release works and the shutter curtain closes normally. There is some dust in the viewfinder, but the camera seems normally usable, given its age. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Bolex H8 Legendary Swiss camera 8mm. High Swiss made quality ! With 4 lenses: Yvar 36/2.8, Switar 12.5/1.5, Pizar 5.5/1.9 and Yvar 25/2.5. Accessories: viewfinders, handle, 8mm Kodak Film unopended and leather case. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition A Excellent condition. Mecanic condition A Motor is running and speeds sound correct but a service is highly recommended for a real use. Optic condition A Few signs of age, focus and aperture are working. Clear. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
359 €
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Bois le Roi-Eure (Eure)
Ecouteurs / earbuds Rose Maria II. Ecouteurs Rose Maria II. Son cristallin exceptionnel, taille un peu grande pour mes oreilles habituées à de tout petits écouteurs, d'où mise en vente. Très peu servis, en vente à 415 euros chez Aliexpress. Produit original. Me contacter. Description (in English): "Equipped with 10mm pure beryllium diaphragm dynamic, 20mm PU diaphragm + CNC magnet plate frame dynamic DRIVER, bringing real sound field performance equivalent to big earphones and top low-frequency dynamics, characteristic I-shaped cavity, and ingenious pure metal shell. The high-quality detailed design, the comfortable wearing experience, and the excellent sound tuning not only reach the top, but also surpass yourself! Classic appearance design, MARIA II uses aviation aluminum alloy cavity, 5-axis CNC precision machining, and ubiquitous sense of modern technology. Better ergonomic design More user-friendly size design 14.8mm/16mm 2 size are optional, which solves the problem of bad wear for some users of MARIA. Single crystal copper detachable cable Maria II uses a 2pin 0.78mm interface, which allows you to change the cable to experience a different sense of operation and sound quality. Single crystal copper reduces the loss of sound quality by reducing resistance and signal transmission loss, providing more delicate details and crystal clear treble. The secret to achieving high sound quality Unique cavity design The unique I-shaped cavity design of MARIA II realizes the function of physical low-frequency enhancement notch filter, and achieves the filtering effect through multiple reflection and absorption of high-frequency. The sound characteristics of the dual dynamic DRIVER are reasonably used to make the low frequency cohesive, powerful and the middle and high frequencies clear and melodious. Dual dynamic drive DRIVER MARIA II uses a dual dynamic drive DRIVER system. Listening to MARIA, you can truly feel the moving part of the music. There is huge energy hidden in the small cavity, which makes you feel the real music atmosphere as if you are in a concert hall. Crafty dual dynamic drivers Pure beryllium pressed dynamic diaphragm MARIA II uses a 10mm dynamic diaphragm, with the famous Japanese DAIKOKU coil, to further improve the resolution, high frequency bright and pleasant. 20mm ultra-large size PU diaphragm dynamic DRIVER MARIA II also uses a 20mm ultra-large PU diaphragm dynamic DRIVER to create a warm sound bottom, low frequency surging, and change the shortcomings of the MARIA generation of insufficient low frequency. Complicated technical structure, painstakingly adjusted for 3 years The ordinary earbuds generally does not exceed 20 parts, but MARIA II has 64 parts, and every detail is full of massive technical means and repeatedly adjusted tuning structure. Maze low frequency enhanced flute technique Panasonic HV100 master low frequency enhancement technology, enhance low frequency diving, condense low frequency Unique phase adjustment cone A large-size dynamic is a structure that must be used to allow sound waves from the edges and the middle to be transmitted at the same time. Specification Driver: dual 14.8mm/16mm dynamic driver Sensitivity: 104dB Impedance: 14Ω Frequency response: 4-23600Hz Maximum sound pressure: 99dB Plug: 3.5mm Pin: 2pin 0.78mm Cable length: 120±5cm"
240 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
French Old Lenses Rare b'&' Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Tokyo Kogaku Topcon Super D Tokyo Kogaku b'"'Topconb'"' produced high quality photographic cameras and lenses. Here for sale an uncommon camera in Europe, a topcon Super D. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition B+ few signs of use, a little shock on top corner. Eye cup for viewfinder is missing. Mecanic condition A Good condition, all is working. Speeds are accurate / stroke works without difficulty but is a bit b'"'noisyb'"'. Optic condition B Reflex prism has some visibles signs of age in viewfinder but can be used as is without difficulties. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. En savoir plus
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot " Le Sterea " by Jules Richard Uncommon stereo camera by Jules Richard, here in uncommon version with boyer Topaz 75mm F/6.3. With originals accessories, bag, caps, rear plates. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition A Excellent condition, few signs of use. Caps, bag and rear plates. Focusing screen needs to be clean. Mecanic condition A Shutter is in working order, aperture too. Optic condition A Lenses are in good condition, minimals signs of age. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
199 €
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Nikon F 90X Nikon F 90X, excellent boîtier argentique haut de gamme. Il a été testé, le mode automatique est OK, la cellule est OK, l'Autofocus est OK et il est livré avec piles neuves et sa courroie d'origine. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition B+ Quelques traces d'usures classiques, léger choc sur le toit du prisme sans incidence dans le viseur. Mecanic condition A+ Testé, mode automatique OK, cellule OK, obturateur OK, autofocus OK et livré avec piles neuves. Optic condition A La visée est claire. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
139 €
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Canon Canonet QL17 G III Black Little rangefinder camera by Canon with fast lens 40/1.7. Here in uncommon black version with leather and case. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition B+ Des signes d'usure clairs mais pas de casse. Une gueule de baroudeur que j'aime beaucoup avec laiton apparent en différents endroits et d'un très bel effet avec la peinture noire. Mecanic condition B+ En mode manuel l'obturateur est fonctionnel à toutes les vitesses. Le ratardateur fonctionne également. Le télémètre est clair et contrasté, malgré une très légère brume. N'ayant pas la pile adéquate, touts les automatismes ne sont pas testés ! Optic condition A L'optique 40mm est clair, sans rayure ou autre brume. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers resp
249 €
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Canon FTb QL with Canon 50mm F/1.8 Here for sale, classic Canon Ftb QL camera with standard lens. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition A Minimals externals signs of use. Mecanic condition A Excellent condition, all speeds are accurate, self timer OK and cell is reactive. Foam need to be replaced. Optic condition B+ Good condition, clear excepted very light haze under hard light. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
149 €
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Chambre de voyage 13x18 // Goerz Berlin 210mm F/4.5 Serie III Chambre de voyage 13x18 de très belle construction avec une belle et rare optique Goerz Berlin. Très bel aspect extérieur, obturateur à réviser. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition B+ Few signs of use, no shock or deep mark. Mecanic condition B Shutter needs a service, cutains need to be changed. Focusing plate is smooth as others rings control. Blue focus glass in used condition. Optic condition A Excellent condition, few externals signs of use, original cap, few dusts, no fungus or haze, clear ! Aperture is working. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prio
999 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
French Old Lenses Rare b'&' Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions. For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook: Som Berthiot Canon 7 Here for sale a classic rangefinder camera, the Canon 7. This camera has Leica thread mount and can accept Leitz lenses or Russian jupiter. Very well built, large and clear rangefinder. Sold with original leather case. Condition: A+ New or as new / A Excellent condition / B signs of use clearly visibles / C sold for parts or deep issues External condition A Minimals signs of use, no shock or deep mark. Mecanic condition B+ Good condition, shutter is working / speeds are accurate excepted 1 second / cell is reactiv and seems correct / rangefinder is clear but needs to be adjusted / light window for rangefinder is unsticked. Optic condition - - If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping: Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy // Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible // Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not. // Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas. - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority ! // Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Lille (Nord)
Il exploite avec bonheur les performances de l'ATRAC 3+ dans les forts taux de compression, qui permettent de « loger » sur un disque HiMD 45 heures de musique de qualité encore très correcte. À 10 _ maximum le mini-disque de 1 Go, c'est donné ! D'autant que l'on peut y stocker aussi des datas, des photos, etc. Condition: en bon état de collection avec des signes d'usure typiques Fonctionne parfaitement! Avertissement: Les articles que je propose sont toujours des ORIGINAUX et présentent généralement quelques, parfois plus, signes d'usure Les images et le texte sont créés au mieux de nos connaissances et croyances et font partie de la description de l'offre! - - caractéristiques suivantes: Enregistrement Hi MD,décodage DSP TYPE S pour le meilleur son possible, fonction de lecture MD / LP qui permet de lire des disques enregistrés (320 minutes) au format longue durée, jusqu'à une autonomie de 56 heures et beaucoup plus. Il dispose également de NET MD, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez vous connecter à un PC et transférer des fichiers sur le lecteur mini-disque. Les formats ATRAC3, MP3, WMA et WAV sont tous pris en charge. Grande qualité sonore. Un casque standard peut être utilisé. Exemple pleinement fonctionnel. Marques et rayures quelques usures sur les coins, voir photos. Fabriqué au Japon. Mesure 8,1 cm de largeur x 7,4 cm de largeur x 2,7 cm de profondeur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It happily exploits the performance of the ATRAC 3+ in the high compression ratios, which make it possible to "store" on a HiMD disc 45 hours of music of still very good quality. At 10 _ maximum, the 1 GB mini-disc is given! Especially since we can also store data, photos, etc. Condition: in good condition from collection with typical signs of wear Works perfectly! Warning: The items I offer are always ORIGINALS and generally have some, sometimes more, signs of wear The images and text are created to the best of our knowledge and beliefs and are part of the description of the offer! following features: Hi MD recording, DSP TYPE S decoding for the best sound possible, MD / LP playback function which allows you to play recorded discs (320 minutes) in long format, up to 56 hours of playtime and much more. It also has NET MD, which means you can connect to a PC and transfer files to the mini-disc player. ATRAC3, MP3, WMA and WAV formats are all supported. Great sound quality. A standard helmet can be used. Fully functional example. Marks and scratches some wear on the corners, see photos. Made in Japan. Measures 8.1 cm wide x 7.4 cm wide x 2.7 cm deep. Envoyer des commentaires Historique Enregistré Communauté
110 €
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Le Mans (Sarthe)
Richard Wagner Tristan und Isolde Sous titre: Complète orchestral Score Auteur : X Éditeur : Dover Date : 1973 (copyright 1973) en anglais Résumé du livre : Among musicologists and serious lovers of music Wagner's Tristan und Isolde is generally considered the high point of orchestration in the musical tradition of 19th-century Europe. It shows in most successful form Wagner's unsurpassed gift for utilizing the instruments of the orchestra, and generations of students have worked with it to learn its techniques. Tristan und Isolde also has a remarkable historical position. It was the opera which most of the post-Wagnerians used to build upon, and it was also the opera which the anti-Wagnerians seized upon very frequently for their attacks and for their attempts to move musically away from Wagnerism. Accepted or rejected, it has been the work with which late 19th- and early 20th-century musicians had to come to terms, and much musical history of this period can be understood through it. This present edition reproduces the full orchestral score in a clear, modern en graving for easy reading and piano study, with large legible notation. Do not confuse this with a piano rendering; it is a full orchestral score. In addition to its obvious uses for study, this score is also an indispensable associate for anyone listening to record sets or broadcasts. In no other manner can the listener keep full awareness of the incredible orchestral richness of this opera. Unabridged republication of the Peters, Leipzig (c. 1910) edition. A few stage directions added by Felix Mottl. ix + 655pp. 81/8 x 11. 22915-7 Paperbound A DOVER EDITION DESIGNED FOR YEARS OF USE! We have made every effort to make this the best book possible. Our paper is opaque, with minimal show-through; it will not discolor or become brittle with age. Pages are sewn in signatures, in the method traditionally used for the best books, and will not drop out, as often happens with paperbacks held together with glue. Books open flat for easy reference. The binding will not crack or split. This is a permanent book. Format/Poids : 21x28 cm, 1,500 kg C Couverture : Reliure d'éditeur souple Nombres de pages : 655 pages. État : d’usage, très bon, légèrement émoussé A Noter !!! Règlement: Chèque personnel, Virement bancaire, Paypal, remise en main propre. Pour plusieurs articles, les frais d’expédition sont ajustés en fonction du poids et de la destination. Les frais de port comprennent, l’expédition, l’emballage et la main d’œuvre. J’expédie dans le monde. J’envoie mes colis le jeudi de la semaine suivant l'achat pour l'imiter mon impact environnemental donc pas de panique. Photos contractuelles!! Pas de surprise !! Vous achetez ce que vous voyez. L’appréciation de l'état d'un objet étant propre a chaque personne, regardez bien les photos avant d'acheter. Visiter mes autres offres.
25 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
KERN YVAR 1: 2.8 f = 75 mm for BOLEX H 16 or others cameras mount C No. 306759 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Very high quality lens manufactured especially for BOLEX cameras Very good cosmetic The glasses are clear and healthy This lens can also be used on devices digital! - BLACKMAGIC / PANASONIC LUMIX GH.. ("4/3" frame) - SONY Alpha ("NEX" mount) This using suitable adapters (see photos) The photographic results are excellent! When ordering, please specify which of these adapters suits you (only one will be delivered) Warning: not suitable for devices with "Full Frame" sensors (24x 36 cover) Supplied with front cover, sun visor and its leather case Information: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these lenses as well as some small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! This is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - White filaments - "foggy" aspect - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the optics are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows these defects (photos 4/5) To do so, use a "backlight" lamp The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination was carried out! Certainly not ! **** Please read below Shipping and Sales Specifications *** KERN YVAR 1:2.8 f= 75 mm n° 306759 Objectif de très grande qualité fabriqué spécialement pour les caméras BOLEX H ou autres en montures "C" Très bonne cosmétique Les verres sont clairs et sains Cet objectif peut s'utiliser également sur des appareils photos numériques ! - BLACKMAGIC / PANASONIC LUMIX GH..(monture " 4/3 ") - SONY Alpha (monture "NEX") Ceci à l 'aide d'adaptateurs appropriés (voir photos) Les résultats photographiques et cinématographiques sont excellents ! A la commande veuillez me spécifier lequel de ces adaptateur vous convient (un seul sera livré) Attention: ne convient pas aux appareils avec capteurs " Full Frame " (couverture 24x 36) Livré avec un couvercle frontal, un pare- soleil et son étui en cuir + éventuellement un adaptateur Information: La qualité des objectifs "vintage " se dégrade avec l 'âge (un peu comme nous...) Des micro-poussières internes sont inhérentes à ces objectifs ainsi que quelques micros rayures de nettoyage sur le verre frontal. Défauts qui sont en règle général sans incidence sur le résultat photographique Par contre la présence de moisissures (fungus) sur les verres internes sont préjudiciables ! C'est le véritable " cancer " des verres minéraux ! Après un certain temps ils s'incrustent dans le verre et il est souvent très difficile de les extraire ! Ils s'étendent petit à petit et dégradent totalement les qualités optiques ! Les moisissures sont reconnaissables à ceci: - Filaments blancs - Aspect " brumeux " - Incrustations opaques profondes Ces moisissures apparaissent lo
199 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 ! Monture ARRIFLEX "S" n° 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) 3 different mounts are easily and quickly adaptable to this lens this thanks to specific adapters: - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; LUMIX.. - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU cameras or other brands - "NEX" for SONY Alpha So you can use this lens in film and digital !! These adapters allow you to keep all the focal length settings; focus distance and diaphragm! Only one adapter will be delivered with the set Please tell me when ordering which one you are interested in I would do the assembly in my workshop at no extra cost This "vintage" optic is in very good cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! it has certainly been used very little! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The glasses are clear without scratches and mold (fungus) Internal review completed! (see information note below) Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as some small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! This is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - White filaments - "foggy" aspect - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows these defects (photo 11) To do so, use a "backlight" lamp The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination was carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This objective that I propose to you does not present these serious faults! The focus ring rotates very well the zoom control operates at regular and fluid way thanks to a disengageable crank, the diaphragm ring performs its function no problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! It is a material of very high quality used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allow this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths.. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution.. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras.. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping Exceptional brightness See also the videos made with this lens on youtube, links below:
899 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 ! Monture ARRIFLEX "S" n° 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) 4 different mounts are easily and quickly adaptable to this lens this thanks to specific adapters: - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; LUMIX.. - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU cameras or other brands - "NEX" for SONY Alpha -" ARRI PL " for ARRIFLEX So you can use this lens in film and digital !! These adapters allow you to keep all the focal length settings; focus distance and diaphragm! Only one adapter will be delivered with the set Please tell me when ordering which one you are interested in I would do the assembly in my workshop at no extra cost This "vintage" optic is in very good cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! it has certainly been used very little! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The glasses are clear without scratches and mold (fungus) Internal review completed! (see information note below) Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as some small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! This is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - White filaments - "foggy" aspect - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows these defects (photo 11) To do so, use a "backlight" lamp The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination was carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This objective that I propose to you does not present these serious faults! The focus ring rotates very well the zoom control operates at regular and fluid way thanks to a disengageable crank, the diaphragm ring performs its function no problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! It is a material of very high quality used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allow this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See also the videos made with this lens on youtube, links below:
750 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 No. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. (Photo 5) - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands (photo 8) - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha (photo 6) - - ARRIFLEX PL (photo 7) So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 8) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capt
759 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 No. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! (photos 4 / 9) - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha - - ARRIFLEX PL So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 8) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capture very good lev
899 €
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Villers Cernay (Ardennes)
ANGENIEUX f = 12 - 120 mm 1: 2.2 n°. 1367641 (traduction en français ci-dessous) Equipped with an original ARRIFLEX S mount But I can adapt 4 different types of mounts ! (photos 4 / 9) - - "MFT" 4/3 for BLACKMAGIC; PANASONIC LUMIX GH. - - "C" for BOLEX / BEAULIEU or other brands - - "NEX" for SONY Alpha - - ARRIFLEX PL So you can use this lens in film and digital !! * * When ordering let me know what type of mount that interests you. I will mount the adapter on the lens Only one adapter will be delivered at no extra cost! ** Prestige optics from the famous French brand ANGENIEUX, market leader professional optics for over 75 years! This "vintage" optic is in exceptional cosmetic & mechanical condition! Close to new! Take a look at the photos, they speak for themselves! The lenses are clear with no scratches and internal molds (fungus) As such, take note of this: (very few salesmen if not none will make you aware of this subject) !! Information on internal lenses: The quality of "vintage" lenses deteriorates with age. (a bit like us...) Internal micro-dust is inherent in these objectives as well as a few small cleaning scratches on the front glass. Faults which are generally not affecting the result photographic On the other hand, the presence of mold (fungus) on the glasses internal are detrimental! It is the real "cancer" of mineral glasses! After a while they become embedded in the glass and it is often very difficult to extract them! They gradually spread and completely degrade optical qualities! Molds are recognizable by this: - - White filaments - - "Foggy" aspect - - Deep opaque inlays These molds appear when the lenses are stored in humid and polluted environments An external examination does not always make it possible to notice them! It is necessary to do an in-depth examination! An "endoscopic" examination! the only one that allows you to reveal these defects (photo 11) To do so use a lamp in "against the day" The slightest defect becomes visible! you will be surprised at result! The next time you buy a lens ask the seller if such an examination has been carried out! and its result It's a safe bet that this test was not carried out! This lens that I am proposing to you does not have these serious flaws! The glasses are clear, limpid and transparent !! The focus ring rotates very well Zoom control operates smoothly and smoothly thanks to a disengageable crank The diaphragm ring performs its function without problem Made of noble and robust materials (not plastic!..) It is a very high quality optics used in the cinematographic environment for decades Currently 85% of films shot in the world are shot with lenses ANGENIEUX! Exceptional optical qualities allowing this optic to compete with best sets of fixed lenses at equivalent focal lengths. -. Perfect homogeneity of colorimetry, contrast and resolution. -. Intended for high-end film and digital cameras. -. Constant diaphragm over the entire zoom stroke (no ramping), no pumping - Exceptional brightness See the magnificent videos made with this lens adapted to "MFT" on youtube, links below: The "compact" dimensions and weight of this lens make it ideal for digital use Digital technology makes it possible to capture very good
799 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Kemp Elektroniks MAXiiMUS P40 b'"'AUDIOPHILEb'"' Ultimate Standalone Version with RHODIUM plugs, in and out (not cheaper gold, check pics) PUBLIC PRICE: € 3,490 The electromagnetic field of planet earth Leaving aside the religious and spiritual beliefs, we can still see that every living is an energetic life form absorbing energy from the electromagnetic field surrounding the Earth. This field works in concordance with the Law of Nature. Through research we are aware of the Earths electromagnetic field and its measurement of approximately 200’000 Volt which exists between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. This electric energy consists of an electron stream which continuously supplies us with energy from the ionosphere. The electrons spin in a counter clockwise direction and contain biological information which ensures that life is possible. The electrons have their own spin, moving in a counter clockwise direction. Through the constant inflow over the line of electric flux, a reaction is formed as a constant magnetic field (vertical magnetic flux) which moves from earth to the ionosphere in its own clockwise direction. If biological systems are being permeated with electromagnetic energy in accordance to the above mentioned facts, we stay healthy. It is important to mention that the spin of the electrons depend on the information which is contained in the electron. Predominantly biologically positive information leads to the electrons spinning in an anticlockwise direction. Unfortunately the electromagnetic fields created by technical systems work/operate in exactly the opposite way. The electrons spin in a clock wise manner around their own axis, the magnetic lines of flux rotate in a counter clock wise direction. This is against the b'"'Law of Natureb'"'! Exactly these described facts are the cause of electro smog. The body is being permeated in a converse way; instead of development and support degeneration is produced. What are the causes of Electrosmog? The most well known causes at the moment are mobile phone antennas. Further sources of interferences that radiate from outside into living spaces (depending on the distance to the building) are transformer stations, short-wave antennas, radar, Radio/TV antennas, power lines, train-, bus and tramlines. Sources of interferences inside living areas are electrical wiring, electrical appliances, mobile phones, wireless phones and baby monitors. The base station of wireless phones acts like a small mobile phone antenna. Electrosmog is harmful for human beings and animals The effects of electrosmog/Electrosmog-symptoms present themselves in humans and animals in their weakest point. Generally known symptoms or effects caused by electromagnetic radiation are: - poor/interrupted sleep patterns, fatigue even after adequate sleep - Tendency to nervousness and irritation, lack of concentration - Tumours, leukaemia - Altered blood structure, persistent headaches Why is UMTS so harmful? UMTS is a pulsed high-frequency micro-wave radiation. This itself is already alarming for the health even in the smallest quantities of exposure. Hundreds of scientific reports that have been published about this subject speak for themselves. In addition this technology transmits a high density of data volume, a process which biological systems can’t cope with. With the technology in the past it was possible to transmit approx. 14 Kilobytes data/second. With UMTS at the present state of the technology (November 2005) it is already possible to transmit 121 megabytes/second. This means depending on the level of development a quantity 200-1500 fold. After completion UMTS is expected to transmit 1 Gigabyte/second. As a result the collapse of biological systems is inevitable/pre-programmed. Effective and proven solutions Studying these processes enabled FOSTAC AG in Bichwil to develop a technology which En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
AKAI AMX6 Mélangeur De Puissance AMP. 1 - HI/MID/LOW EQUALIZER: Powerful 15dB boost or cut allows you to tailor the sound of each individual channel so the instrument blends more naturally in the mix. The HIGH EQ is a 12 kHz shelving type to add or cut b'"'sizzleb'"'. MID has a center frequency of 1.2 kHz, approximately in the vocal range. The LOW EQ is an 80 Hz shelving type, around the kick-drum frequency. 2 - EFFECT SEND (REV/FX): Controls the level of the signal sent to the internal digital effects and the FX SEND bus. This control comes after the LEVEL control, so the signal sent to internal or external effects will also be affected by changes in the LEVEL setting. 3 - MONITOR: Controls the level of the signal sent to the MONITOR bus and MONITOR OUT jack. This control is independent of the LEVEL control and is not affected by it. This means you can create a completely separate mix for on-stage monitoring. 4 - LEVEL: Controls the level of the input signal sent to the MAIN bus. Generally used for creating the mix sent to the audience. 5 - LINE/MIC INPUTS (Channels 1-4): Use the LINE input for instruments that provide line level signals such as synthesizers or drum machines. Use the MIC input for low level signal sources such as microphones. +48V phantom power is available for use with condenser microphones. You can also use both LINE and MIC inputs simultaneously for each channel. 6 - LINE/MIC INPUTS (Channels 5-6): LINE input functions as channels 1-4. LINE/MIC input accepts both XLR and phone jacks. You can connect a stereo signal to both phone jacks (LINE and MIC/LINE) for summing to a mono signal. 7 - DIGITAL EFFECTS: A selection of 16 powerful digital reverb and delay effects to add extra ambiance to your music. A foot switch may be used to turn the digital effects on/off for dramatic sonic changes while playing, and the green indicator lights when the effects are on. 8 - PHANTOM: Turns +48V phantom power on/off for condenser microphones connected to the MIC inputs of channels 1-6. The green indicator lights when phantom power is on. 9 - FX SEND: Controls the combined level of signals sent from the FX SEND bus to an external effects processor connected to the FX SEND jack. This control has no effect on the signal level sent to the built-in digital effects. 10 - TAPE/AUX IN LEVEL: Lets you adjust the level sent to the MAIN bus from the TAPE IN/AUX IN connectors. 11 - MAIN/BRIDGED SECTION: Graphic equalizer +/-12dB 7-band graphic equalizer adjusts the EQ curve of the MAIN bus signal sent to the AMP 1 A/B speakers. Use it to compensate for poor acoustics in a hall or to prevent feedback. REV/FX: Adjusts the built-in digital effects level sent to the MAIN bus. Set to b'"'0b'"' (or use a foot switch) to turn effects off. LEVEL: Controls the output level of the MAIN bus signal sent to the MAIN OUT jack and the internal AMP 1. Peak level indicators: Provides visual indication of the signal level at the MAIN OUT jack and AMP 1 input. 12 - MONITOR SECTION: Graphic equalizer +/-12dB 7-band graphic equalizer adjusts the EQ curve of the MONITOR bus signal sent to the AMP 2 A/B speakers. Use it to compensate for poor acoustics in a hall or on stage, or to prevent feedback. REV/FX: Adjusts the built-in digital effects level sent to the MONITOR bus. Set to b'"'0b'"' (or use a foot switch) to turn effects off. LEVEL: Controls the output level of the MONITOR bus signal sent to the MONITOR OUT jack and the internal AMP 2. Peak level indicators: Provides visual indication of the signal level at the MONITOR OUT jack and AMP 2 input. 13 - MODE: Allows you to select signal routing to the internal amplifiers. MAIN TO AMP 1/MONITOR TO AMP: Gives you a 200 watts mono MAIN (audience) mix and a separate 200 watts mono MONITOR (on-stage) mix, without the need for any external amplifiers. MAIN TO AMP 1 b'&' 2: Allows you to send a 200 watts per channel, 2- or 4-speaker mono mix to the audience. You can also have a separate on-stage mix by connecting another amplifier En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
La pédale elle-même suit le format Boss habituel, avec deux commutateurs au pied qui contrôlent l'essentiel de l'action en direct. Deux autres pédales (dont l'une peut être une double pédale haut/bas) peuvent être connectées via les jacks du panneau arrière pour contrôler Phrase Shift, dont je parlerai un peu plus loin, et Reverse, qui fait exactement ce qu'il dit - jouer la boucle enregistrée à l'envers. Bien que cet appareil soit conçu pour être utilisé principalement avec la guitare, il dispose également d'une entrée micro jack asymétrique, que je ne recommanderais pas pour un travail d'enregistrement sérieux. Cependant, elle est utile pour les sessions de busking dans les rues avec un digeridoo (ou autre) et vous pouvez même utiliser les entrées micro et instrument en même temps si nécessaire. La sortie de l'appareil est strictement mono et l'alimentation peut provenir d'un bloc d'alimentation optionnel ou de six piles AA. Les appareils numériques de ce type ont tendance à être assez gourmands en piles, c'est pourquoi l'adaptateur secteur est une bonne idée - à moins que vous ne fassiez la manche dans la rue en utilisant un amplificateur à piles ! Travailler avec des boucles peut être un problème, car si vous vous trompez lors d'un overdub, vous devez généralement revenir à la case départ. Cependant, ce n'est pas un problème ici, car il y a un bouton Undo/Redo très apprécié. Pour faciliter le chronométrage, vous disposez également d'un métronome utile et d'une fonction permettant de terminer l'enregistrement de la boucle précisément sur un rythme plutôt qu'à l'endroit exact où vous avez appuyé sur la pédale. Cette fonction est très utile pour créer des sons serrés........The pedal itself follows a familiar Boss format with two footswitches controlling most of the live action. Two further footswitches (one of which can be a dual up/down pedal) can be connected via rear-panel jacks to control Phrase Shift, which I'll talk about a little later, and Reverse, which does just what it says — plays the recorded loop backwards. Although this unit is designed for use mainly with guitar, there's also an unbalanced jack mic input, though I wouldn't recommend this for serious recording work. However, it is useful for those high-street busking sessions with a digeridoo (or whatever) and you can even use the mic and instrument inputs at the same time if need be. The output of the unit is strictly mono and power can come from an optional PSU or from six AA batteries. Digital units like this tend to be fairly hungry on batteries, so the mains adaptor is a good idea — unless you're busking in the high street using a battery amplifier! Working with loops can be a problem, because if you get an overdub wrong, you generally have to go back to square one. However, that's no problem here, as there's a very welcome Undo/Redo button. To help timing, there's also a useful metronome and a facility for having the loop recording end precisely on a beat rather than exactly where you hit the pedal. This is really helpful in creating tight-sounding loops. Once a loop has been recorded, its tempo can be changed without altering its pitch, though as with most time/pitch manipulation there's only so far you can go before the processing artefacts start to show. Other live performance niceties include the ability to store multiple Phrases, then decide whether each should play back as a 'one shot' performance or loop continuously. Because this pedal can store multiple Phrases, and store them after power down, you could load up a few backing tracks into it (from CD, your computer or any other suitable audio source) ready to perform. There's no way to back up loops other than to record the audio output, though, and from my own perspective the ability to dump and load audio files via USB would have made a lot of sense. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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