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Emerson's Essays on Manners, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Nature, Friendship (Classic Reprint) Ralph Waldo Emerson Auteur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 15/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Langue: Anglais Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? May 25, 180 A prU 27,1882) We have few more intimate biographical records than Emersoi s; fewer still tiiat cause so littie disappointment in the reading. In the wealth of material at hand in his Journal and letters as well as in the personal reminiscences of a great band of friends and admirers we are brought face to face with a personality that can but win by the cumulative power of character Even those who met Emerson with prejudices to be overcome were conquered by his presence. In an instant all my dislike vanished said Crabbe Bobinson, in reporting the first glimpse caught of him across a crowded room. One and another bear evidence to the same personal power with a concurrence that would be tiresome, were it not for the strong individual conviction in each case. Two other brothers, Edward and Charles, both younger, shared this power; William, the oldest, was likewise gifted with unusudl intellect. The family lived in Boston, where the father, William Emerson, was a brilliant Congregational minister, prominent in religious, social, and literary circles till his death in 1811. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Great Collection but Not the Best This collection has five Ralph Waldo Emerson essays: "Self-Reliance," "Manners," "Compensation," "Nature," and "Friendship." They were published a few years apart but have little intrinsic connection; the combination seems random. However, "Self" is an essential masterpiece, and the others are high quality. Anyone wanting a sampler could do worse, but the essays are widely available in far more comprehensive compilations, and this is hard to justify unless one sees it for a good price. "Self" is Emerson's most famous essay and is rivaled only by "Concord Hymn" as his most famous work. It is also his masterpiece; one often hears - sometimes disparagingly - that Emerson tried to fit his whole philosophy into each essay, and this comes remarkably close. There is far more depth and subtlety here than the length suggests; one would be very hard-pressed to find another work so densely packed. The words are few, but the implications are enough for a lifetime. "Self" is a seminal masterwork; a founding Transcendentalist text and American Romantic cornerstone, it is central to American thought, culture, and literature. Anyone even remotely interested in any Americana aspect must be intimately familiar with it; aside from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution themselves, perhaps no other document is so vital to the American spirit. Reading "Self" is perhaps more necessary than ever - not only because it is eternally relevant but also because it is often misrepresented. The term "self-reliance" is now almost entirely political, almost synonymous with libertarianism, and the essay is frequently touted along such lines. However, these things are hardly more than implied here, and though the definition of "liberal" has greatly changed, it is important to remember that Emerson was one of his era's leading liberals. His prime meaning in any case is self-reliance intellectually and in everyday life. He urges us to trust ourselves, to recognize human divinity and avoid imitation. It is a simple message but all-important - and far easier said than done. Emerson explores all its ramifications - philosophical, practical, social, political, economic, etc. - and outlines all its benefits. The case is beyond convincing, but he can do no more than show us; the rest is up to us. This profoundly individualist message is another reason that reading "Self" is so necessary. Emerson now unfortunately has a reputation for being somewhat impenetrable and/or hopelessly impractical; this is a true shame, because he wrote for the masses. Unlike nearly all philosophers, he does not rely on jargon or polysyllables; he truly wanted to be understood, and all it takes is will. We must open our minds to him, and once we have, they will never be closed again. Though greatly revered with many and diverse followers, Emerson's intention was not to be loved but to inspire; he wanted all to find individual genius. His work is thus the truest and best kind of self-help manual, and "Self" is its apotheosis. It has inspired millions in the more than century and a half of its existence, including me. I have read thousands and thousands of works, but this is one of the handful that truly changed my life. Emerson's greatness always shines through, but reading him at the right time can make an astonishing difference. He was more popular in life with the young than the old, and I can easily see why. I was lucky to read him at just the right time, and "Self" spoke to me more powerfully than almost anything else ever has. Without hyperbole, I can say that I would not be doing what I am today and would have abandoned my goals and visions without reading "Self" and Thoreau's "Life without Principle" - a somewhat similar essay highly influenced by Emerson - when I did. I was wracked with self-doubt and getting nothing but indifference, bafflement, or hostility from others; these works gave just the kick I needed, and I will never look back. "Self" has the potential to be life-changing as almost nothing else does, and I highly recommend it to all; you can hardly be unaffected and may never be the same. However, I especially recommend it to the young; its importance to them - and Emerson's generally - simply cannot be overemphasized. Emerson is a signature American stylist, and "Self" is near his height. His writing is always memorable and often highly lyrical - about as close to poetry as prose can be. However, his essays were almost always painstakingly composed from lectures and journals, and the effect was sometimes choppy. An Emerson-loving professor of mine once joked that no one can find the topic sentence in an Emerson paragraph, and his transitions also frequently leave much to be desired. However, "Self" is near-seamless, a true masterpiece of style that flows smoothly and often waxes beautiful. This is all the more remarkable in that it was assembled even more than usual from disparate sources; entries that ended up here came as far as eight years apart, but the whole is admirably harmonious. "Self" is a preeminent example of how Emerson delights in paradox. Anyone who reads him closely sees that he is as complex as he is simple. Thus, despite - or perhaps even because of - apparent straight-forwardness, few texts are more ripe for deconstruction. "Self" fans after all love a text that tells us not to love texts, are inspired by a man who tells us not to be inspired by men, and are convinced by a text and man both of which tell us not to be convinced by either. But this is only the beginning. "Self" works because it tells us exactly what we want to hear and, in striking contrast to innumerable self-help books, does so in an intellectually and even aesthetically respectable way. This is fine for me and (hopefully) you but could of course be taken to heart by Hitler as easily as Gandhi. The thoroughly optimistic, mild-mannered, and physically frail Emerson may not have foreseen his revolutionary text being put to nefarious use and probably would have been unable to believe in even the possibility. However, the danger, if we choose to call it so, is very real. "Self" could easily have had the same effect that Nietzsche had on Nazis, and that it has not been taken up by anarchists, radical terrorists, and the like is perhaps mere luck. One at least wonders how it avoided preceding The Catcher in the Rye as the work synonymous with unsavory people. That said, it is likely unfair to Emerson to say he did not anticipate this; he after all takes his views to the logical conclusion. He surely saw it, and it may have given pause, but he persevered because he was faithful to his intuition just as he urges us to be to ours. He truly believed in self-reliance and was ready to stand by it no matter what befell - nay, thought it his only choice. His optimism must have told him that the doctrine would not be abused, and he has been right - so far. Only time will tell if this continues to hold, but "Self" remains essential for all. Though far less great and universal, "Manners" is one of Emerson's more historically interesting essays. It is essential to recall that his era perhaps emphasized manners more than any other in history; they had an importance of which we cannot even conceive. All had to deal with them regardless of personal views, but virtually all seemed to agree - or at least convinced others that they did. Thus, though it may initially seem somewhat surprising in light of Emerson's trademark liberalism and originality that he (begrudgingly) accepts some conventions, the small extent to which he did so is truly remarkable. The essay goes a little into various manners' pros and cons, but the core points are elsewhere. The first is that manners are relative; Emerson begins with some striking anthropological examples of this all-important fact and otherwise drives it home. An extension of his core self-reliance doctrine, the second is that the great make their own manners - and make others respect them. "Manners" is one of Emerson's least transcendental works - in any sense -, but comparing and contrasting its message to today's society and competing views can be instructive, and it is a valuable timepiece. "Friendship" is also very good - one of Emerson's most affecting and thought-provoking works. His view of the ubiquitous subject is unsurprisingly original and engaging. He believes that friendship can exist only with real equality and sees it as a sort of springboard to something higher. His demands are great, and the work is eye-opening in the sense that almost no one has a friend by his definition. Like his best work, "Friendship" can easily make us question beliefs and preconceptions - and perhaps even make us better friends. "Compensation" is one of Emerson's most representative essays. The staunch optimism so essential to his thought was perhaps never shown so clearly or thoroughly elsewhere. Emerson begins by saying he had wanted to write about compensation since he was a boy, and it shows in his enthusiasm. He works himself up almost to a rhapsody, giving example after example in clear, beautiful prose that remarkably never becomes dull and is often near-lyrical. The essay details Emerson's belief that everything balances out, even if we cannot see it, and that good and evil have their own earthly rewards despite appearances. He may not convince cynics, but his argument is certainly compelling, and his critiques of conventional Christianity and other traditions are very intriguing. "Nature" has many of Emerson's key concepts: nature's all-encompassing beauty and force, our place in regard to it, art's role, and of course deduction of God from nature. Some speculations are more philosophical, historical, or critical, but all lead to these basic points, which are Transcendentalism's cornerstones. Emerson's characteristically optimistic thought is here in full, as is his signature poetic prose. These essays are essential for anyone interested in Emerson, whether read here or elsewhere. Three Stars Not much explanation. Hard to read. Print is not very clear. D'autre ouvrages de Ralph Waldo Emerson Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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PROMO /  GROUPEZ VOS ACHATS  FRAIS DE PORT OFFERT EN FRANCE POUR 6 VINYLS ACHETES OU POUR 50 EUROS D'ACHAT rare maxi 45 t de YES  " ANDERSON BRUFORD WAKEMAN HOWE " sur label ARISTA pressage ALLEMAGNE 1989                                   brother of mine - themes - vultures in the city                                      VOIR PHOTO                  DISQUE      EX  tres bon son                 POCHETTE      VG+    propre et saine (legere usure coins)                                                                                            LE PLUS DE VINYLUS             les disques sont livrés dans de super colis specialement adaptés aux vinyls et sont donc tres bien protegés............... §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§            EXPEDITION MONDE ENTIER AU TARIF POSTE FRANCAISE                      §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§                                                         EVALUATION DE L' ETAT DU DISQUE NM         DISQUE OU POCHETTE NEUVE EX   le vinyl     est parfait avec peut etre une fine marque qui n'a aucune influence sur le son. le son est parfait d'un bout a l'autre du vinyl. impossible de detecter un craquement avec une chaine hifi classique   la pochette n'a aucune marque de quelque sorte et il n'y a pas de "ring wear" c'est a dire que le disque a l'interieur ne se devine pas en surface.                                                                               VG+   le vinyl  jouera avec tres peu de craquements ou gresillements. parfois il sonnera beaucoup mieux que son apparence (petites marques, aspect opaque , notament pour les disques des annees 60, 70) pourrait le faire penser.dans tous les cas ces tres rares petites nuisances sonores genent peu l'ecoute du disque. la pochette  pourra avoir un petit plissement (mauvais rangement, legere usure sur les bords/cotés, coins legerement deformés.... ) ou un petit defaut inesthetique (pochette arrachee souvent lors du decollage de l'etiquette du prix !) mais quasiment invisible . le carton de la pochette ne sera cependant ni usé ni marqué (  ici pas de carton ramolli par l'age,signature, ecriture, autocollant......). VG     le vinyl:  jouera avec des gresillements frequents pouvant parfois un peu gener  l'ecoute du disque (craquement en debut et fin de morceaux et/ou sur les passages les plus calmes, claquement sec provoqué par une mini rayure plus profonde mais pendant moins de 10 secondes).  la pochette sera propre mais presentera des signes visibles d'usures (carton ramolli par l'age ou l'humidité/ pochette pouvant etre froissée ou legerement dechirée ou coupée sur les tranches / usures des coins ). des petites marques ou inscriptions au stylo ou feutre peuvent apparaitre (signature pour repérer les disques dans les boums !  repérages de DJ.....) . G+/G/G-  le vinyl   a eté beaucoup ecouté et presente des gresillements reguliers, il peut aussi avoir un claquement provoqué par une marque plus profonde. Cependant cette appreciation depend beaucoup du proprietaire et du type de musique. souvent les bruits de surface dependent du volume sonore.un bon vieux rock ou hard sonnera "bon" a fort volume alors qu'un melomane adorant le jazz ou le classique trouvera l'ecoute "horrible". L'ENCHERE NE SERA PAS CONSEILLEE AUX AUDIOPHILES ET PERFECTIONNISTES  la pochette: elle aura connu des problemes nuisant fortement a son esthetique (bande en ruban adhesif, marques au stylo ou feutre, dechirure, bordures tres usees, rongee par les rats...).   en fonction de la gravite de l'etat du disque et de la pochette les majorant ou minorant +  /  -   seront appliqués a G  .  P pauvre:   P NE REPRESENTE PAS UN NIVEAU ENCORE PLUS BAS QUE G . le disque est en vente uniquement s'il est digne d'interet c'est a dire tres rare et de collection.  l'acquereur aura alors une pochette tres correcte avec un disque quasiment inecoutable ou l'inverse . charge a lui d'attendre de trouver plus tard la méme piece en meilleur etat. j'ai constaté que  de nombreux collectionneurs a la recherche de pieces pas courantes aiment les posseder méme tres abimees juste pour le plaisir fetichiste de les posseder ! pour le contenu ils ecoutent les versions remasterisees et remplies de bonus (merci a rhino usa ou a juke box france) dans tous les cas le prix de depart sera 1,99 euros sans prix de reserve et vous serez prevenus par une description tres precise de l'objet. §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§                                                GRADING INFORMATION NM   NEW EX   vinyl   is virtually perfect. at most,perhaps a light scuff appears on the record.it play without any noise or skips of any kind whatsover.  record sleeve: should look perfect with only minor signs of wear. the artwork should have no marks of any kind; there should be no "ring wear". VG+: vinyl  should play with no skips of any kind. it should sound better than it looks. perhaps some very surface scuffs;but not a lot effect on sound quality. but still plays well. surface noise will probably be present including pops and clicks. noise should only be heard between tracks or  or during very calm passage  record sleeve: might have some "ring wear" but the artwork should be unaffect   VG: vinyl doesn't necessarily look good, but still plays well. surface noise will  be present including pops and clicks.   record sleeve will look warn and used. there may be seam splitting.  there will be noticeable ring wear on the cover,but most of the cover should still be in good condition.  G+/G/G-:    vinyl looks well played,dull, and possibly not well taken care of. however, the record should still play without skipping. it will have substantial surface noise, pops and clicks.loss of various parts of the dynamic range will occur due to worn grooves. this grading depends a lot on the owner and the type of music. a rock or hard record may will sound "good" with high volume but a  jazz or classical  record will sound"horrible".  please  audiophile or perfectionist don't bid   . record sleeve : may have many problems including seam splits,writing taped repairs, however some of the artwork will still be visible. there can't be large tears and gouges in the cover. depending of the gravity the grade +/- will be add to G. P POOR : doesn't meet the lowest standards for"good". at this point the vinyl is difficult to listen to  . the only reason to keep it would be due to extreme rarity or to fill a good sleeve until a better copy of the vinyl comes along. the same thing for the sleeve, the vinyl is not so bad but the sleeve is very poor and you have to wait for a future better one !  but the price begin at 1,99 euros and no reserve. AND I TRY TO GIVE YOU A REEL GOOD DESCRIBE.    §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§                                   CONDITIONS DE REMBOURSEMENT  le remboursement integral de votre achat s'effectuera uniquement si vous avez utilisés PAYPAL.  le renvoi du colis reste a votre charge;  a reception et apres controle de l'etat je vous rembourse sans discuter   §§§§§§§§§§§§ BONNES ENCHERES A TOUS      §§§§§§§§§§§§ Le 21-juil.-06 à 23:19:36 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes: Le 02-nov.-08 à 21:46:48 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes: Créé par L'outil de mise en vente gratuit. Mettez vos objets en vente rapidement et en toute simplicité, et gérez vos annonces en cours. DESCRIPTION PRECISE DANS L'ANNONCE vous trouverez une description détaillée de ce vinyl en cliquant sur l'annonce vinyl d'occasion, Etat décrit dans l'annonce vinyl d'occasion voir details dans l ' annonce   vinyl d'occasion, lire l'annonce pour les details de l'etat
7,80 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
PRETENDERS: Pretenders 1980 Alternative Rock  ORIGINAL FRANCE    Code PM 261  Real Records 2C 070 63609    jacket:NM-  Printed Inner sleeve  Record:  plays EX++ /NM -  (Slight edge warp playing side one) 12/2020c SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
26 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
BEETHOVEN    : Symphonies n°4/8 NewYork Philarmonic   cond:L.BERNSTEIN  ORG USA PRESSINGS  COLUMBIA USA MS 7412 STEREO   NL 83843     Record  :NM  Jacket  is NM+ 10/2017b SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
14 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
THE WHO  : By Numbers  1975 Classic Rock   American original   ISSUE   No printer Credits on Sleeve  MCA USA    ,MCA -3026   record: NM-/NM (light Hairlines  )  & NM  My gradings are very strict (to adjust to difficult classical collectors)  Jacket   is  EX++  12/2017c-R SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
24 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
Encyclopédie Sonore de la Deuxieme guerre Mondiale Les Victoires de L 'Axe  DUNKERQUE-LONDRES-VICHY-ATHENES-MOSCOU-SINGAPOUR  SERP 4LP FRANCE (JM LE PEN)   Disques:EX-/EX, NM-/NM, EX+/NM-, EX++/NM- (le premier disque a des marques de surface mais joue trés correctement) Coffret:NM -/NM   Livret  10/2017  SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
25 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
TOM VERLAINE    : TOM VERLAINE  1979  PSYCH  ROCK / GARAGE  ORG  FIRST GERMAN  PRESSINGS   ELEKTRA  ELK 52156 STEREO  record:  NM-  ,Plays Superb  Jacket  :   EX+  12/2017c-R This item  to be shipped from FRANCE  Domestic rates apply for FRANCE ONLY SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
25 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
80 's  WIRE  : ahead -ambulance chaser -feed me  -vivid riot of red  1985  New wave    /12" 45 rpm ENGLAND MUTE  12 MUTE 57 / JACKET  NM+    et disque  MINT -  SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
20 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
EMMYLOU HARRIS  : Quarter Moon  in a Ten Cent  Town 1978 COUNTRY   ORIGINAL FRENCH    PRESSINGS  Burbank  labels   WARNER BROTHERS 56443 Jacket  EX original printed sleeve  record EX/EX+ D.G SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
13 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
ISAAC HAYES: Shaft 1974     Musique de film /SOUL /FUNK  Original UK  pressings     STAX ENGLAND  ,STDX 4004 2 LP STEREO GATEFOLD     Gatefold  :NM   records:  NM   & NM_ /NM  PRISTINE COPY  This item  to be shipped from FRANCE  Domestic rates apply for FRANCE ONLY   SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
28,5 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
DONOVAN:Open road   1970 FOLK ROCK  ORG 1ST USA PRESSINGS  EPIC E 30125  STEREO  gatefold is EX  light wear +Spine wear  record   is EX+ (paper marks)  on one side   and NM-/NM   on flip side, plays great      SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
26 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
The Rolling stones: Goat's Head Soup  1973 ORIGINAL FRANCE    Code Y  ROLING STONES RECORDS   COC 59 101 Gatefold      jacket:NM-  inserts  Record: EX+/EX++ plays EX++ /NM - Superb (very faint soft ticks can be heard at beginning of side 2,band 4 & 5,almost nothing) 02/2018a  SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
30 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
SCHUBERT  :Wanderer fantaisie D.760  -Sonata D845 Maurizio POLLINI   Piano  DGG FRANCE 2530 473  gatefold STEREO records: NM   jacket:NM  10/2017 b     SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
9 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
BRAHMS  : Piano quintet OP.34  ITALIANO Quartet    Maurizio POLLINI   Piano  DGG FRANCE 2531 197 gatefold STEREO records: NM   jacket:NM  01/2018 b     SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
10 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
STARSHOOTER    : Starshooter   1978      PUNK ROCK  first  French   issue   PATHE FRANCE    ,  2C 066 14588 STEREO   record Looks NM-/NM     Plays  NM Jacket is EX++   09/2018 This item  to be shipped from FRANCE  Domestic rates apply for FRANCE ONLY SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
23,5 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
The Radiators  : Law of the Fish (1987) SOUTHERN ROCK / BAYOU ROCK  EPIC  USA    BFE 40888  STEREO  Jacket  has a cut out hole & overall wear  record is EX/EX+ Plays great  -   02/2018a Shipment in dedicated cardboard  mailer. SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
17 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
SCHUBERT : the complete Symphonies  Berlin Philarmonic Orchestra  cond:H.VON KARAJAN LA VOIX DE SON MAITRE (French HMV)  FRANCE, 5 X LP  2C 165-03285/9  QUADRAPHONIC STEREO  Box set  : EX+ /EX++  BOOKLET is NM Records  : 4  X records are MINT  (looks UNPLAYED),    NM  . Great  shiny surfaces   SQ matrix and logos on labels Great   copy   10/2017 e SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
30 €
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Versailles (Yvelines)
THE BEATLES  : A taste of Honey   1989 RUSSIAN Compilation issued on red labels with KREMLIN design on labels   Under EMI Licence. A1 P.S. Я Люблю Тебя · P.S. I Love You A2 Хочешь Узнать Тайно? · Do You Want To Know A Secret? A3 Вкус Мёда · A Taste Of Honey Written-By – Bobby Scott, Ric Marlow A4 Я Увидел Её · I Saw Her Standing There A5 Она В Трауре · Baby's In Black A6 Ответа Нет · No Reply A7 Я Пойду За Солнцем · I'll Follow The Sun A8 Восемь Дней В Неделю · Eight Days A Week B1 Не Хочу Испортить Вечер · I Don't Want To Spoil The Party B2 Рок-н-ролл · Rock And Roll Music Written-By – Chuck Berry B3 Мистер Почтальон · Please Mister Postman Written-By – Brian Holland B4 Это Не Надолго · It Won't Be Long B5 Пока Была Ты · Till There Was You Written-By – Meredith Willson B6 Детка · Little Child B7 Злое Сердце · Devil In Her Heart Written-By – Richard Drapkin B8 Хочу Быть Твоим · I Wanna Be Your Man  RUSSIAN  original   ISSUE   MELODYA USSR  ,C60 23581 008  record: EX+ plays fine   My gradings are very strict (to adjust to difficult classical collectors)  Jacket   is  EX+  12/2017c-R Shipment in dedicated cardboard  mailer. SHIPPING TO CHINA:Add 4.00 €  ,mandatory insurance  to regular fees.I WILL NOT SHIP UNINSURED ITEMS TO CHINA  This Seller is  currently away. Still,you can make an order from these listings,However, expect Longer  handling time of ten working days as there  may be a delay in processing  your order.Thank You for your comprehension.  This seller is currently away until 09/14/2020. If you make a purchase, there may be a delay in processing your order. This seller is away  starting January 12th 2021 up to January 23th 2021: Please expect some longer  handling time. However,you can still purchase items form my listings  Thank You
18 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Franck Amsallem Out A Day Gary Peacock Bill Stewart CD 1992 Cover M Disc M scellé sealed look at the photos (for more info read the details of my grading criteria at the bottom) Informations additionelle sur la livraison / Información de envío adicional / Informazioni aggiuntive sulla spedizione / Additional shipping informations: Expédition pour plusieurs articles / Envío de varios artículos / Spedizione di più oggetti / shipping of multiple items: (FR) Selon le type d'objets, il peut être possible d'en regrouper plusieurs dans un seul envoi et d'économiser sur les frais d'expédition. Si vous souhaitez acheter plusieurs articles, demandez-moi le total exact avant de faire l'achat. (ES) Dependiendo del tipo de artículos, puede ser posible agregar más de uno en un solo envío y ahorrar en costos de envío. Si está interesado en comprar varios artículos, pregúntame el total exacto antes de realizar la compra. (IT) A seconda del tipo di oggetti, potrebbe essere possibile aggregarne di più in una sola spedizione e risparmiare sulle spese di spedizione. Se sei interessato ad acquistare più oggetti, chiedimi il totale esatto prima di effettuare l'acquisto. (EN) Depending on the type of items, it may be possible to aggregate more than one in a single shipment and save on shipping costs. If you are interested in purchasing multiple items, ask me for the exact total before buying. My grading criteria: MINT (M)* Perfect. No scuffs/scratches, unplayed - possibly still sealed. Insert/Inlay/Booklet/Sleeve/Digipak: Perfect. No wear, marks, or any other imperfections - possibly still sealed. *Note: I almost never use MINT grade, I think it should only be used for perfect new sealed CDs. I could occasionally use a conservative grade of [M-] (MINT-) to describe perfect CDs not new sealed. NEAR MINT (NM)** Near perfect. No obvious signs of use, it may have been played - but it has been handled very carefully. Insert/Inlay/Booklet/Sleeve/Digipak: Near Perfect. No obvious wear, it may have only the slightest of marks from handling. **Note: Sometimes I can add an additional conservative grade of [NM-] or [VG++] to this guide to describe CDs just under [NM] or b'"'almost [NM] perfect with a few minor flawsb'"'. VERY GOOD PLUS (VG+) / EXCELLENT A few minor scuffs/scratches. This has been played, but handled with good care - and certainly not abused. Insert/Inlay/Booklet/Sleeve/Digipak: Slight wear, marks, indentations, it may possibly have a cut-out hole (or similar). VERY GOOD (VG) Quite a few light scuffs/scratches, or several more-pronounced scratches. This has obviously been played, but not handled as carefully as a VG+. Insert/Inlay/Booklet/Sleeve/Digipak: More wear, marks, indentations than a VG+. May have slight fading, a small tear/rip, or some writing. GOOD (G), GOOD PLUS (G+) or VERY GOOD MINUS (VG-) There are a lot of scuffs/scratches. However it will still play through without problems. This has not been handled with much care at all. Insert/Inlay/Booklet/Sleeve/Digipak: Well worn, marked, more obvious indentations, fading, writing, than a VG - possibly a more significant tear/rip. POOR (P) and FAIR (F) The CD may or m En savoir plus
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  A practical Malay grammar W. G. Shellabear Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a colour PDF version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.   Auteur: W. G. Shellabear Editeur: Leopold Classic Library Broché: 100 pages paperback Publication: 19/02/2014 Réédition: 19/02/2014 Dimensions: 27,94 x 21,59 x 2,79 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Mot Clef: Reference Foreign Languages
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A practical Malay grammar W. G. Shellabear Auteur: W. G. Shellabear Editeur: Leopold Classic Library Broché: 100 pages paperback Publication: 19/02/2014 Réédition: 19/02/2014 Dimensions: 27,94 x 21,59 x 2,79 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a colour PDF version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience. Mot Clef: Reference Foreign Languages
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Get the balance right and live tracks Mini LP France 1988 Mute 70662 Virgin Disque NM Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.
14,89 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Jean Charles Capon / Philippe Maté / Lawrence "Butch" Morris / Serge Rahoerson LP France 1977 PALM 26 Disque VG++ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.
100 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Iggy Pop Lust for life LP France 1977 PL 12488 RCA Disque VG++ Pochette NM J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.
39,90 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Enjoy the silence Enjoy the silence, the quad: final mix / Enjoy the silence, Ecstatic mix. Enjoy the silence, Bass line / Enjoy the silence, hands and feet mix. Maxi 12" US 1990 075992149006 Disque VG+ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.
19,89 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Everything counts Maxi 10" U.K 1989 limited edition N° 20301 10bong16 Mute records Disque VG Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.)
14,89 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode People are people Different Mix Maxi 12" U.S 1984 075992021401 Disque VG++ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.)
12,89 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Never let me down again Maxi 12" France 1987 3268440803231 Disque VG++ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.)
7,90 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Everything counts, Noting, Sacred, A question of Lust Maxi 12" U.S 1989 075992118309 Disque VG+ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.)
6,90 €
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Carpentras (Vaucluse)
Depeche Mode Interview picture disc limited edition 12" U.K Baktabak Disque VG+ Pochette VG+ J'essaye d'être au plus juste quand à l'état annoncé, le but étant de vous satisfaire et de vous éviter une mauvaise surprise. Néanmoins, si vous rencontrez le moindre problème merci de me contacter afin que nous puissions trouver une solution ensemble. PS: Petite précision, Mon appareil photo à un défaut, laisse une petite trace (rond noir) lors de la prise de celle ci, cette trace n'est donc ni sur la pochette, ni sur le vinyle... Emballage soigné, envoi rapide avec suivi. Consultez mes autres annonces Vinyles, les frais de ports sont réduits en cas d'achat groupé... Les frais de ports pour le monde entier sont donnés à titre indicatifs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour connaître le montant des frais de ports en fonction de votre pays et des options disponibles. Bonnes enchères:-D I try to be as fair as when advertised, being to satisfy you and avoid a nasty surprise. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problem please contact me so that we can find a solution together. PS: Small precision, My camera with a defect, leaves a small trace (black round) when taking it, this trace is therefore neither on the sleeve nor on the vinyl... Careful packing, fast shipment with tracking. See my other ads Vinyl, the shipping costs are reduced in case of bundled purchase... The shipping costs for the whole world are given as an indication, do not hesitate to contact me to know the amount of the costs of ports according to your country and the options available. Good auctions:-D Classification pour bien s'y retrouver: Mint (M) Disque parfait, aucune trace. Pochette en état neuf, voir sous plastique d'origine. Near Mint (NM ou M-) Disque presque parfait avec aucun signe d’usure, son irréprochable. Pochette avec une  légère usure due au temps, ou à la manipulation. Very Good ++ (VG ++) Disque pouvant présenter quelques microrayures, ou autres petites traces. Cependant, celles ci ne doivent pas affecter la qualité du son pendant l'écoute. La pochette peut présenter des petits défauts, notamment au niveau des coins ou de la tranche. Very Good + (VG +) Disque présentant quelques micro rayures qui peuvent générer quelques craquements à l'intro, entre les morceaux ou sur les passages doux. N'affecte pas la qualité de l'écoute de la musique. La pochette peut présenter un ou deux petits défauts. Petite déchirure, coupure, usure, un trou, un petit tampon, un sticker ou étiquette de prix, un nom écrit ou tamponné. Very Good (VG) Disque présentant des signes d'utilisation, plusieurs petites rayures, le sillon a été sollicité, quelques craquements ou grésillement mais le disque n'est pas inaudible. La pochette peut être déchirée, gondolée, ou recouverte par des écritures ou tampon. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disque encore en condition acceptable pour être encore écouté, il ne saute pas. Les rayures sont présentent et génèrent des craquements à l'écoute. La pochette présente de nombreux défauts dus au temps et à l'usure. Classification: Mint (M) Perfect record, no trace. Pocket in new condition, see original plastic. Near Mint (NM or M-) Disk almost perfect with no sign of wear, its irreproachable. Pocket with slight wear due to time, or handling. Very Good ++ (VG ++) A disc that may have a few micro-scratches, or other small traces. However, these should not affect the sound quality while listening. The pouch may have small defects, in particular at the corners or the edge. Very Good + (VG +) Disk featuring some micro scratches that can generate some creaks at the intro, between tracks or on soft passages. Does not affect the quality of listening to music. The pouch may have one or two small defects. Small tear, cut, wear, a hole, a small pad, a sticker or price tag, a name written or stamped. Very Good (VG) Disc showing signs of use, several small scratches, the furrow has been requested, some crackling or sizzling but the disc is not inaudible. The pouch may be torn, curled, or covered by writing or stamping. Good (G), Good + (G +) Disc still in acceptable condition to be listened to again, it does not jump. The scratches are present and generate cracks in listening. The pouch has numerous defects due to time and wear.)
9,89 €
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