Liste des meilleures ventes isem

Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Bonsoir, Je vends mon drive ISEM EGO 1 de 2011. En bon état car le plexiglas et fissuré dû a ou mauvaise manipulation. (commende d'un nouveau disque d'acrylique sur mesure en cours) carton d'origine disponible. Envoie en chronopost (pour envelement a domicile) Paypal possible avec facture +(3.4+2.9€ soit = 26€ de frais de commission) ou envoyer de l'argent a vos proches
850 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Vends pre-ampli Isem Quarq 2, en très bon état cosmétique et fonctionnel. Doc et telecommande
600 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Bonsoir, Je vends mon drive ISEM EGO 1 de 2011. carton d'origine disponible. Paypal possible avec facture +(3.4+2.9€ soit = 26€ de frais de commission) ou envoyer de l'argent a vos proches
750 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Vends ampli isem elixis comme neuf (condensateur changés il y a 1 an),telecommande mais plus de carton et plus de doc Paypal ok, mais frais de commission a votre charge
650 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Bonsoir, Je vends mon drive ISEM EGO 1 de 2011. carton d'origine disponible. Paypal possible avec facture +(3.4+2.9€ soit = 26€ de frais de commission) ou envoyer de l'argent a vos proches Paiement en 2 ou 3 fois possible par chèque personnel
850 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Type: Intégré Marque: Isem Modèle et options: Elixis Millénium État de la marchandise: bon état Première main: non Prix neuf: 1900€ Facture disponible: non Emballage d’origine conservé: non Documentations conservées: non
500 €
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Alfortville (Val de Marne)
AMPTASTIC / ampli intégré audiophile en classe D La référence à moins de 120 € Parfait état, livré avec alimentation 12 V d'origine BANC D'ESSAI ANGLAIS: A few years ago this forum was ablaze with Mini-T amp hyperbole. Probably just another passing fad I assumed yet it is clear that there are many who love these diminutive boxes. So as a brief background I recently had a pair of Combak Bravo standmount speakers and was searching for an amplifier to pair with them. A £6k speaker surely deserves an amplifier with a similar price tag? Well in my initial search I decided, just for fun to try a £60 Muse Mini-T with the Combak’s. The results were surprisingly impressive yet my head kept saying ‘This makes no sense’. I’m not saying that this was the ultimate combo but the Muse was doing an amazing job considering especially with its reproduction of vocals. It was around that time that I started reading about the new Amptastic Mini-1 so I contacted the company to see if I could have one for review. Chris at Amptastic was happy to oblige but due to the initial demand by the time my review sample arrived I had moved the Bravos on. Anyway other speakers are available as they say. So the Mini-1 is rated up to 20W per channel and based on the familiar TA2020 chipset. On the front we have a push button on/off switch which has a tiny blue LED alongside to indicate power plus a volume knob. I particularly like how clean and attractive the front panel with no unsightly logo on display. The rear consists of a single pair if RCA analogue inputs and some nice quality speaker connectors along with a power input for use with the supplied 12V power supply. For most of my listening I used the variable outputs of a QUAD 99CDP. This gave me full control of the volume via its remote and also access to streaming via the Quad’s digital inputs. To give me some sort of reference I initially listened to the Muse amp with the Quad through my 87db Gershman Avant Gardes. To be honest I didn’t think either amp would be able to drive the Gershmans to any sort of decent level. I was wrong. The Muse did a fair job but KD Lang’s ‘If I Were You’ from the ‘All You Can Eat’ album sounded a bit messy. The bass was ill defined and lightweight. A few tracks more showed more of the same. So switching to the Mini-1 and straight away the bass was far better defined and more in balance with the rest of the track. The music had an altogether more cohesive feel. In fact what struck me throughout all my listening is just how balanced it was. The highs and mids are refined enough to give the impression that you are listening to something with a higher price ticket and the bass was surprisingly good for an amplifier of this type. I also tried the Mini-1 with my 90db sensitivity Heco Celan 300 stand mount speakers. Again the results were impressive with the Mini-1 providing more than enough power to run at decent volume levels. As well as running the Mini-1 as a simple integrated it can be configured for use as a power amplifier. This is done by removing the front volume knob and rear bolts in order to slide the main board out of its case and change a couple of jumper settings. While you have the board out you can also disable the front panel blue LED if you wish. Clear instructions are included in the user ‘manual’ or should I say ‘sheet’ and although I did not attempt this it looks a simple enough operation. The Mini-1 (or any amplifier of this type) will not be for everyone, the single input alone will count many out also possibly the lack of remote control but looking at the Mini-1 purely on its sonic virtues and price tag this might be one of the best ways to invest your £99 out there. Recommended to users of: Marantz Luxman Audiomat Nagra Vincent Theta Sim Audio ISEM Arcam Denon Pioneer Nakamichi B&O Yamaha Cambridge Cabasse Triangle McIntosh Teac Audioquest Ca
69 €
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Créteil (Val de Marne)
La marque française d’accessoires audio et vidéo NorStone propoe un câble enceinte haut de gamme. Le NorStone DHCR 100.2 (2 x 1 mm2 de section) innove par une architecture inédite pour allier grande capacité de courant et réponse impulsionnelle sans faille. Ses deux lames de cuivre spiralées transmettent le signal tout en restant hermétiques aux perturbations extérieures. Disponible immédiatement au prix indicatif de 10 € le mètre. Jamais utilisé, vous recevrez une découpe d'un peu plus de 6 m, j'ai mesuré environ 6,5m, sans engagement au delà de 6 m minimum. Attention: ce câble jamais utilisé a été stocké avec soin en intérieur mais n'est pas d'apparence "sublime" comme du neuf, vu la tendance des matériaux plastiques à se salir. Il conviendra de le nettoyer avec un chiffon humide si vous êtes maniaque de l'apparence:) Caractéristiques: – Conducteur laminaire torsadé – OFC haute performance – Résistance linéique ultra-faible – Effet de "peau" réduit, pour un meilleur contrôle des hautes fréquences – Réduction de l’effet capacitif Résistance: 0.017 Ω/m Capacitance: 50,31 pF/m Section: 2 x 1 mm2 Télécharger la fiche technique Recommended to users of: Marantz Luxman Audiomat Nagra Vincent Theta Sim Audio ISEM Arcam Denon Pioneer Nakamichi B&O Yamaha Cambridge Cabasse Triangle McIntosh Teac Audioquest Cardas Van den hul Meridian Magnepan TDK Maxell Verbatim Air Tight Atoll Audio Note BC Acoustique Bel Canto Bose Brinkmann Carver Castle Acoustics Celestion Chord Classe Audio Creek Cyrus Copland Dali Davis Acoustique dCs Diapason DTS Dolby Digital Dynaudio Dynavector Eltax Elipson Epos Etalon Exposure Focal Goldmund Goldring Grado Grundig Hafler Hitachi Highland Icos Infinity Jadis Jamo JBL Jean Marie Reynaud JVC Kenwood Kef Klipsch Kora Laam Lavardin Linn Beyer Martin Logan Mirage Mission Monster Cable Monitor Audio Mosscade NAD Naim Nordost Panasonic PE Leon Philips ProAc PS Audio Quad Revox Rotel Sennheiser Sharp Shure Sonus Faber Sony Spendor Stax Technics Tangent Tannoy Thorens Toshiba Vecteur Velodyne Vincent VPI Sota Stello Rega Pink Triangle Wadia Wilson Audio Waterfall Conrad Johnson Audio Research VTL Jolida Lurne Audiomeca YBA Audio Aero and any other audio video brand.... AKG · Alesis · Akai · Apogee · Auratone Design - Benchmark · Beyerdynamic · Crane Song · Crest Audio · Crown · DBX · Denon · Dolby · Dynaudio · Furman · Genelec · Gotham Audio Corp. · Groove Tubes - JBL · Klipsch · Lexicon · Magnetic Reference Lab · Manley · Marshall Electronics · Martin Audio · Miller & Kreisel · Monster Cable · Near · Neumann · Omnimount · Ortofon · Otari · Rcf · Sennheiser · Shure · Soundcraft · SSL · Stanton Magnetics · Studer · Studio Technologies · Summit Audio · Superscope · Tad · TC Electronics · Wireworld - Apple - Samsung Belden - Canare - Cardas - Jupiter - Legenburg - Mogami - Neotech - Neutik - Switchcraft - Vampire - WBT - Xhadow - Bybee - Furutech - Mapleshade - Acrolink - Eichmann - Isoclean - Oyaide - DH Labs - Illuminati - PS AUDIO - Amtrans - Auric - Duelund - Kimber - Mundorf - ADL by Furutech Magico, Soulution, Actinote, Ayre, Constellation, Devialet, Kharma, Grandinote, Mastersound, Penaudio, Piega, Isotek, Melco, Rockna, Rockport, Gryphon, Atoll, Pathos, Cardas, Nordost, Gigawatt, Wireworld, Supra, Teac, Accuphase, McIntosh, Sugden, Bryston, Pass labs, Actinote, Cabasse, B&W, Ayon, Kelinac, Fostex, Tascam, Davis, JMR, Lyngdorf, PEL, Pier audio, Leben, Krell, Audiomat, Lavardin, Tannoy, Goldnote, Yamaha, Transrotor, Esoteric, Metronome technologie, Lyngdorf, Audioquest, o2a, Nordost, Hegel, Actinote, Duevel, Purist audio design, Van Medevoort, Heed, Jadis, Linn, Luxman, Mark Levinson, Avantgarde, Klipsch, Dali, Onkyo, Plinius, Moon, Micromega, NAD, Nagra, Revox, Dynaudio, Cardas 1877PH • Acme • Acoustic Revive • Allen Bradley • Alpha-Core • Alps • Audio Note • ASC • Audio
25 €
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Créteil (Val de Marne)
PARFAIT ETAT - QUASI NEUF PRIX PUBLIC: 180 € PAS D'EMBALLAGE DISPONIBLE > PAS D'ENVOI TÉLÉCOMMANDE ET MODE D'EMPLOI FOURNIS EVIDEMMENT EXCLUSIVEMENT PAIEMENT EN ESPÈCES ET ENLÈVEMENT SUR CRÉTEIL , ALFORTVILLE OU MAISONS-ALFORT Recommended to users of: Marantz Luxman Audiomat Nagra Vincent Theta Sim Audio ISEM Arcam Denon Pioneer Nakamichi B&O Yamaha Cambridge Cabasse Triangle McIntosh Teac Audioquest Cardas Van den hul Meridian Magnepan TDK Maxell Verbatim Air Tight Atoll Audio Note BC Acoustique Bel Canto Bose Brinkmann Carver Castle Acoustics Celestion Chord Classe Audio Creek Cyrus Copland Dali Davis Acoustique dCs Diapason DTS Dolby Digital Dynaudio Dynavector Eltax Elipson Epos Etalon Exposure Focal Goldmund Goldring Grado Grundig Hafler Hitachi Highland Icos Infinity Jadis Jamo JBL Jean Marie Reynaud JVC Kenwood Kef Klipsch Kora Laam Lavardin Linn Beyer Martin Logan Mirage Mission Monster Cable Monitor Audio Mosscade NAD Naim Nordost Panasonic PE Leon Philips ProAc PS Audio Quad Revox Rotel Sennheiser Sharp Shure Sonus Faber Sony Spendor Stax Technics Tangent Tannoy Thorens Toshiba Vecteur Velodyne Vincent VPI Sota Stello Rega Pink Triangle Wadia Wilson Audio Waterfall Conrad Johnson Audio Research VTL Jolida Lurne Audiomeca YBA Audio Aero and any other audio video brand.... AKG · Alesis · Akai · Apogee · Auratone Design - Benchmark · Beyerdynamic · Crane Song · Crest Audio · Crown · DBX · Denon · Dolby · Dynaudio · Furman · Genelec · Gotham Audio Corp. · Groove Tubes - JBL · Klipsch · Lexicon · Magnetic Reference Lab · Manley · Marshall Electronics · Martin Audio · Miller & Kreisel · Monster Cable · Near · Neumann · Omnimount · Ortofon · Otari · Rcf · Sennheiser · Shure · Soundcraft · SSL · Stanton Magnetics · Studer · Studio Technologies · Summit Audio · Superscope · Tad · TC Electronics · Wireworld - Apple - Samsung - Belden - Canare - Cardas - Jupiter - Legenburg - Mogami - Neotech - Neutik - Switchcraft - Vampire - WBT - Xhadow - Bybee - Furutech - Mapleshade - Acrolink - Eichmann - Isoclean - Oyaide - DH Labs - Illuminati - PS AUDIO - Amtrans - Auric - Duelund - Kimber - Mundorf - ADL by Furutech - Magico, Soulution, Actinote, Ayre, Constellation, Devialet, Kharma, Grandinote, Mastersound, Penaudio, Piega, Isotek, Melco, Rockna, Rockport, Gryphon, Atoll, Pathos, Cardas, Nordost, Gigawatt, Wireworld, Supra, Teac, Accuphase, McIntosh, Sugden, Bryston, Pass labs, Actinote, Cabasse, B&W, Ayon, Kelinac, Fostex, Tascam, Davis, JMR, Lyngdorf, PEL, Pier audio, Leben, Krell, Audiomat, Lavardin, Tannoy, Goldnote, Yamaha, Transrotor, Esoteric, Metronome technologie, Lyngdorf, Audioquest, o2a, Nordost, Hegel, Actinote, Duevel, Purist audio design, Van Medevoort, Heed, Jadis, Linn, Luxman, Mark Levinson, Avantgarde, Klipsch, Dali, Onkyo, Plinius, Moon, Micromega, NAD, Nagra, Revox, Dynaudio, Cardas - 1877PH • Acme • Acoustic Revive • Allen Bradley • Alpha-Core • Alps • Audio Note • ASC • Audio Quest • auric wire • auricap • auraTeflon • Black Gate • Bourns • Burson Audio • Bybee • Caddock • Caig • Cardas • ConneX • Continental • Cree • DACT • Dexa • DH Labs • Discovery • DNM • Draloric • Duelund • Duende • Dynamicap • EAR • EAT • Eichmann • Electro Harmonix • Furutech • Gold Lion • Goertz • Grennan • Hakko • Hammond • Hi-Fi Tuning • Holco • Hubbell • IAG • Jamicon • Jensen • JJ • Johnson • Jupiter • Kimber • Kiwame • KR Audio • LC Audio • Marinco • Mills • Maple Shade • Mullard • Multicap • Mundorf • Neotech • Neutrik • Onix • Oyaide • PEARL • PIO • Polystyrene • Power Wraps • PRP • Reliable Capacitor • Riken • Sanyo Os-con • Schurter • Scientific Conversion • SED • Shinkoh • Silver Mica • Solder Wick • Solen • Sound Coat • Sovtek • Still Points • Svetlana • Takman • TKD • TRT-Wonder • Tube Amp Doctor • Tung-Sol • Vampire • Vacuum Tube Valley • Spectra Dynamics • V-Cap • Vibrapod • Vishay • Walker • Wattgate • WBT • Xtreme Quick Silver • Yamamoto • Diodes • IC's • Regulators
49 €
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Cavaillon (Vaucluse)
vends dac audio hi fi haut de gamme bien connu des audiophiles de marque: Weiss,modèle: dac202 upgradé en état neuf (aucunes rayures) avec emballage d'origine documentation et télécommande. possibilité d'écoute et d'envoi par transporteur(UPS).première main de juillet 2015 avec facture valeur neuf 5300 euros + 1500 euros option réseau soit 6800 euros. Ce dac conviendra parfaitement aux possesseurs d'accuphase, conrad johnson, jeff rowland, goldmund, audiomat, sugden pathos pass norma cec halcro mark levinson rega nuforce jadis audiomat optoma totaldac teac m2tech wadia naim sonic frontiers audio research EAR Yoshino Acute 3dlab metronome technologie linn metrum synthesis dcs elgar chord esoteric isem hegel compatible avec ampli lecteur cd drive convertisseur:denon naim audio research mc intosh accuphase atoll cabasse nad klipsch jbl jmr vecteur cambridge luxman audio analogue thorens fostex musical fidelity yamaha onkyo triangle stax electrocompaniet celestion luxman bryston bose tannoy bryston onyx audiolab aura krell infinity rotel linn ampli micromega consonnance martin logan cyrus rotel linn jmlab audioquest unison research focal conrad johnson platine audio research apertura elac cyrus grundig kef kenwood cayin Audio et hifi neuf à vendre à Cavaillon (84300)
4.500 €
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