Kyogre ex and groudon
Liste des meilleures ventes kyogre ex and groudon

Caluire et Cuire (Rhône)
Lot Kyogre EX And Groudon EX Promo Black Star ADV NM/M. État : Occasion Cards in near mint condition... See pics thanks
15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
All of the 920+ Pokemon are legal and can be used online. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in this pack, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. They can all be trasnfered to home and then you can transfer them to pokemon Sword / Shield (only the one accepted for the moment). You will find a complete shiny living dex with all the possible form of every pokemon. The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set. They are all BR To get this you must need a Premium pokémon home account to do the transfer. You can contact me after payement to arrange the trade. All legend / Mythical shiny #144 - Articuno #145 - Zapdos #146 - Moltres #150 - Mewtwo #151 - Mew #243 - Raikou #244 - Entei #245 - Suicune #249 - Lugia #250 - Ho-Oh #251 - Celebi #377 - Regirock #378 - Regice #379 - Registeel #380 - Latias #381 - Latios #382 - Kyogre #383 - Groudon #384 - Rayquaza #385 - Jirachi #386 - Deoxys #480 - Uxie #481 - Mesprit #482 - Azelf #483 - Dialga #484 - Palkia #485 - Heatran #486 - Regigigas #487 - Giratina #488 - Cresselia #491 - Darkrai #638 - Cobalion #639 - Terrakion #640 - Virizion Victini Tornadus Thundurus Reshiram Zekrom Kyurem Keldeo Meloetta Genesect Xerneas Yveltal Zygarde Diancie Hoopa Volcanion Type: Null Silvally Tapu Koko Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini Cosmog Cosmoem Solgaleo Lunala Magearna Marshadow Zeraora
35 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Instragram: @mirage_tcg VENDEUR PRO Article Authentique Retour Accepté Carte Pokemon Protection: sleeves (envoi protégé) Je t'invite à me poser plus de questions sur les articles qui t'interessent. Tags Dracaufeu, rayquaza, pokemon, star, cartes pokemon, lot de cartes, gx, ex, full art, gold star, full art, anniversaire, cadeau, mew, mewtwo, celebi, groudon, kyogre, wizard, set de base, diamant et perle, bloc ex, soleil et lune, sun and moon, épée et bouclier, noir et blanc, gold star, pca, psa, ultra pro, pro-binder, top loader, coffret, pikachu, raichu, lugia, ho-oh, secret, secrete, macdo, shinny, shinning, SL, hgss, alternative, s7r, evolution celeste, evolving skies, règne de glace, voltage éclatant, evee heroes, gym set, celebration, fusion strike, 25 ans vmax climax, ultra-premium collection celebration, s8a, umbreon star, noctali star#Misty #Golduck #GYM #heroes #GYM #psa #psa9 #edition #pokemon #pokemoncards #pokemontcg #pokemoncard #holo #old TAG No Shining Charizard Gold star Crystal Mewtwo mew Lugia HO-oh Suicune Entei raikou reverse Vmax V full art legendary alternative Card Pokemon HoloGyarados Umbreon raichu alakazam pikachu ex sleeve toploader set base gran festa holo celebrations 25 charmander Rayquaza deoxys delta species magikarp Gyarados Jap eng prime mcdonald's promo mc set base fossil jungle Rocket team Gym Challenge Heroes Neo genesis discovery revelation destiny expedition Aquapolis skyridge EX jolteon umbreon Espeon vaporeon flareon leafeon glaceon Sylveon palkia dialga giratina Groudon Houndoom latias latios kyogre bisaflor glurak turtok florizarre dracaufeu tortank Charizard venusaur Blastoise collection ultra premium shiny shining eevee Full art prima edizione first edition cosmo bgs PSA 10 Graad Aigrading Cardamerket grading CMG CGC holo vintage Gem mint near mint excelent good light played played poor nm exc gd 7 8 9 10 8.5 9.5 10 En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Vends carte pokemon festival des champions 2019 très bon état. Photo dispo si besoin. Envoi rapide et soigné. Wizard, Set de base, Booster, Display, Base set, Edition 1, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Challenge, Neo Genesis, Discovery, Revelation, Destiny, Legendary Collection, Expedition, Aquapolis, Skyridge, EX Rubis, Saphir, Tempete, Dragon, Rouge Feu, Vert Feuille, RFVF, Emeraude, Legende, Espece Delta, Gardien, Diamant, Perle, Platine, Noir, Blanc, Plasma, XY, Etincelles, Evolution, Soleil, Lune, Epee, Bouclier, Voie Maitre, Destinees, Occultes, Radieuses, Règne de glace, Alola, Galar, Mega, GX, G, V, Vmax, Secret, Rainbow, Promo, Rare, Shiny, Brillant, Dark, Obscur, Holo, Reverse, Dracaufeu, Charizard, Glurak, Pikachu, Raichu, Mewtwo, Mew, Tortank, Blastoise, Florizarre, Venusaur, Electhor, Elector, Zapdos, Sulfura, Moltres, Artikodin, Articuno, Salamèche, Charmander, Reptincel, Charmeleon, Bulbizarre, Bulbasaur, Carapuce, Squirtle, Leviator, Gyarados, Evoli, Eevee, Dracolosse, Dragonite, Deoxys, Rayquaza, Primo, Groudon, Kyogre, Celebi, Jirachi, PCA, PSA, Mint, Collector, 9, 9.5, 10, 25ans, Célébration En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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