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France (Toutes les villes)
Product Description Fonctionnalité: 1.Fait de verre de quartz, classifié à l'ozone et sans ozone; Connectez-vous à la tension du fil principal 220V / 50Hz ou 120 / 60Hz avec une lampe à incandescence ou un condensateur spécialement conçu, pas besoin de ballast; Allumer / éteindre jusqu'à 20000 fois 2. Il détruit la structure de l'ADN des virus, bactéries et autres micro-organismes pour perdre la capacité de se reproduire, puis tue les virus, bactéries et autres microbes. Les UV ultraviolets peuvent tuer la grande majorité des bactéries et autres micro-organismes dans l'air et dans l'eau en quelques secondes. Il est particulièrement précieux que la lumière ultraviolette puisse tuer certains virus qui sont difficiles à tuer par des méthodes chimiques conventionnelles telles que la chloration. 4.Application: Applicable au purificateur d'air, four à micro-ondes, réfrigérateur, armoire de stérilisation, humidificateur, outils dentaires, machine à laver et autres petites applications. etc. La description: Matériel: verre de quartz Type: Avec ozone / Sans ozone Tension: 10 V Puissance: 3W Longueur: 56 mm Diamètre: 16 mm Tension de tuyau: 9,5-13 V Densité UV de 254 nm 30cm, plus de 30 Wicm2 Durée de vie: 9000h Applicable au purificateur d'air, four à micro-ondes, réfrigérateur, armoire de stérilisation, humidificateur, outils dentaires, machine à laver et autres petites applications. Liste de colis: 1x ampoule About Us Payment Shipping Returns Contact Us Our mission is to provide the most fashionable and beautiful and healthy accessories for fashion people, aim to put our customers first. Each item undergoes numerous checks. We choose the high quality material for our products. Being part of a growing and expanding company means we can offer the lowest price and postage rates and always pass on our discounts to you. We always have an eye to good customer service as we receive orders, and continue to create new ideas. it will be to our mutual disadvantage, and you can just fell free to contact with me, 100 % Satisfaction Guaranteed. We accept PayPal ONLY Payment can be made via PayPal by credit card, debit card, bank account or e-check. PayPal will automate exchange currency for you if the listing is in another currency which differs from your home country. Payment must be made within 3 days after you win the item. if not, we will send you a mail to let you know hope you could understand. To worldwide via SpeedPAK, USPS,FEDEX,DHL etc. Package handling only takes 1-2 business days at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Orders placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 days except the holidays. We always send the item to the address you give us on PayPal to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address,please change to the new address when you pay us with PayPal, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Note: If you can buy more than 12usd in our store, we will use fast the shipping way and you can track it all the way 1.For any reason you are not satisfied with your order,please do not rush to give feedback or dispute,contact us immediately so that we have an opportunity to solve this problem for you.Much obliged 2. Colors: Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible. 3.Sizes: The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you placing an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us. Our working time:Beijing time:Monday to Saturday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our service specialists 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week. We will reply you ASAP. If no response within 24 Hours, please check the spam in your mail box. We greatly appreciate your POSITIVE feedback. Please do NOT leave negative feedback without asking for help. Our aim is to provide Top Level Customer Service, so we will try our best to solve any problem. Please DON’T leave negative or neutral feedback if you haven’t received item in 30 days, because we have mentioned the shipping time repeatedly. About Us Our mission is to provide the most fashionable and beautiful and healthy accessories for fashion people, aim to put our customers first. Each item undergoes numerous checks. We choose the high quality material for our products. Being part of a growing and expanding company means we can offer the lowest price and postage rates and always pass on our discounts to you. We always have an eye to good customer service as we receive orders, and continue to create new ideas. it will be to our mutual disadvantage, and you can just fell free to contact with me, 100 % Satisfaction Guaranteed. Payment We accept PayPal ONLY Payment can be made via PayPal by credit card, debit card, bank account or e-check. PayPal will automate exchange currency for you if the listing is in another currency which differs from your home country. Payment must be made within 3 days after you win the item. if not, we will send you a mail to let you know hope you could understand. Shipping To worldwide via SpeedPAK, USPS,FEDEX,DHL etc. Package handling only takes 1-2 business days at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Orders placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 days except the holidays. We always send the item to the address you give us on PayPal to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address,please change to the new address when you pay us with PayPal, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Note: If you can buy more than 12usd in our store, we will use fast the shipping way and you can track it all the way Returns 1.For any reason you are not satisfied with your order,please do not rush to give feedback or dispute,contact us immediately so that we have an opportunity to solve this problem for you.Much obliged 2. Colors: Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible. 3.Sizes: The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you placing an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us. Contact Us Our working time:Beijing time:Monday to Saturday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our service specialists 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week. We will reply you ASAP. If no response within 24 Hours, please check the spam in your mail box. We greatly appreciate your POSITIVE feedback. Please do NOT leave negative feedback without asking for help. Our aim is to provide Top Level Customer Service, so we will try our best to solve any problem. Please DON’T leave negative or neutral feedback if you haven’t received item in 30 days, because we have mentioned the shipping time repeatedly. powered by
12,59 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Kommerzieller Gemüse-Obstschneider Der Profi-Gemüseschneider besteht aus einer robusten Aluminiumlegierung und zuverlässigem Edelstahl mit einzigartiger Druckgussverarbeitung. Das Gehäuse ist langlebig, stabil und geruchlos. - Dieser Gemüseschneider ist unglaublich einfach zu bedienen. Einfach Obst oder Gemüse auf das Messer legen und den ergonomisch geformten Griff nach unten drücken. - Dieses Gerät enthält vier austauschbare Klingen, darunter zwei Pommes-Schneidklingen zum Schneiden von Gemüse in gleichmäßige Streifen von 1/4 Zoll und 3/8 Zoll sowie zwei 6-Keile-Hobel (einer mit Entkerner). - Die Messereinheit und der Schneidkopf sind leicht demontierbar. Alle Teile sind waschbar, korrosionsbeständig und robust. - Vier Füße mit vier Gummistiefeln geben diesem kommerziellen Gemüseschneider die nötige Standfestigkeit und verbessern die Stabilität während des Betriebs erheblich. Eigenschaften b'&' Details - Edelstahl b'&' Aluminium: Der kommerzielle Gemüseschneider besteht aus robustem Edelstahl und einer Aluminiumlegierung und ist somit langlebig und korrosionsbeständig. Die Lebensdauer des Häckslers wird verlängert. Klingen aus lebensmittelechtem Edelstahl 420J2 sorgen für Gesundheit und Hygiene. - 4 Messer sind verfügbar: Der kommerzielle Zerkleinerer ist mit vier Klingen 1/4 Zoll, 3/8 Zoll, 6 Keilen und 6 Keilen Entkerner ausgestattet, die scharf und robust sind. Zwei Ersatzklingen sind im Lieferumfang enthalten. Mit diesem Gemüseschneider können Sie Obst und Gemüse je nach Bedarf in verschiedene Größen und Formen schneiden. - Ergonomischer Griff: Der ergonomische Ausziehgriff nutzt das Prinzip der Hebelwirkung, um Arbeit und Zeit zu sparen. Mit einem leichten Druck auf den Griff werden Gemüse und Obst durch die scharfen Klingen geschnitten. Mit einem handelsüblichen Zerkleinerer lassen sich Pommes Frites und Gemüsesalate mühelos zubereiten. - Gute Stabilität b'&' einfache Reinigung: Die vier rutschfesten Füße des Kartoffelwürfelschneiders sind verschleißfest, robust, stoßdämpfend, rutschfest und geruchsneutral. Die Messer und der Schieber sind abnehmbar und waschbar, was die Reinigung und Wartung erleichtert. - Mehrzweck-Zerkleinerer für Gemüse b'&' Obst: Der Hochleistungszerkleinerer eignet sich sehr gut für Restaurants und Privatküchen. Er kann zum Schneiden von Kartoffeln, Karotten, Gurken, Äpfeln, Birnen und anderem Gemüse und Obst verwendet werden. Er ist ideal für alle, die Gemüse und Obst für Salate, Pommes frites und Desserts schnell und einfach zubereiten möchten. SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is completed, pls inform us by phone or leave a note if the changes are needed before we send the product. If you have any changes, pls inform us 7:00am-13:00pm (Berlin Time) in the same day. En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Mobiler Lagerwagen Dieser NSF-gelistete 3-stöckige Wagen kann bis zu 204,1 kg schwere Gegenstände aufnehmen und mit 6 zusätzlichen Haken verschiedene kleine Gegenstände aufhängen. Dank der frei verstellbaren Einlegeböden lassen sich auch große Haushaltsgeräte problemlos unterbringen. - - - - Metallrahmen Geräuschlose Räder Zuverlässige Struktur - - - Küche Draussen Labor Key Features - Trennnut Verhindern Sie, dass Gegenstände während der Bewegung verrutschen oder verrutschen. - Anti-Mottenfraß-Balken Verstärkt für hohe Belastbarkeit. Verformt sich nicht, wenn schwere Gegenstände darauf gelegt werden. - Gebogene Griffe Angenehm zu greifen und bequem zu bedienen. Eigenschaften b'&' Details - Beladen b'&' Rollen: Wollen Sie mehr aus Ihrer Küche herausholen? Der 3-stufige Mehrzweckwagen von VEVOR ist aus industrietauglichem Stahl gefertigt, um Haltbarkeit und Formbeständigkeit zu gewährleisten. Er kann Gegenstände bis zu 450 lbs (204,1 kg) transportieren und eignet sich perfekt für die Lagerung und den Transport von großen Küchengeräten, schweren Maschinen usw. Aufladen und losfahren! - Höhenverstellbare Regale: Sind Sie bereit, sich anzupassen? Die Einlegeböden können entlang der gesamten Einheit in Abständen von 4,07 Zoll (103,5 mm) verstellt werden. Sie können sie anheben oder absenken, um den Höhenanforderungen Ihres Lagers gerecht zu werden! Es ist genug Platz vorhanden, um all Ihre häufig verwendeten Lieblingsstücke zu organisieren! - Sicherer Komfort: Unser Edelstahlwagen ist mit vier leisen 4-Zoll-Rollen (101,6 mm) ausgestattet, die Geräusche während der Bewegung effektiv vermeiden. Sie rollen, ohne zu stören. Das klingt gut! Mit der neuen, verbesserten Hinterradbremse können Sie sich jederzeit und überall problemlos bewegen und anhalten. - Im Handumdrehen montiert: keine Lust mehr auf komplizierte Anleitungen? Unser Stahlwagen kommt mit allem notwendigen Zubehör und einer ausführlichen Anleitung, sodass die Montage im Handumdrehen erledigt ist. Außerdem wurde die Außenverpackung verstärkt, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Teile intakt bleiben. Beginnen Sie mit der Planung, was Sie in Ihrem neuen Mehrzweckwagen unterbringen möchten! - Schieben Sie in erstaunliche Details: Die Einlegeböden mit erhöhten Klappkanten können Schnittverletzungen an den Händen wirksam vorbeugen und verhindern, dass Gegenstände während des Transports verrutschen. Wohin Sie auch gehen, Ihr neuer Mehrzweckwagen ist immer dabei! Und der gebogene Griff macht den Umzug einfach und mühelos. Mehr schaffen, ohne sich zu verletzen! SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is completed, pls inform us by phone or leave a note if the changes are needed before we send the product. If you have any changes, pls inform us 7: En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Carrello portaoggetti mobile Questo carrello a 3 livelli elencato NSF può contenere fino a 450 libbre di oggetti pesanti e può appendere vari piccoli oggetti con 6 ganci aggiuntivi. - - - - Cornice metallica Ruote silenziose Costruzione affidabile - - - Cucina All'aperto Laboratorio Key Features - Scanalatura della partizione Evita che gli oggetti si spostino o scivolino durante il movimento. - Trave a prova di ammaccatura Rinforzato per carichi elevati. Non si deformerà quando si mettono oggetti pesanti. - Manici curvi Comodo da impugnare e comodo da usare. Caratteristiche b'&' Dettagli - Carica e arrotola: sei pronto per ottenere di più dallo spazio della tua cucina? Il carrello multiuso a 3 livelli di VEVOR è realizzato in acciaio di resistenza industriale, garantendo durata e resistenza alla deformazione. Può trasportare fino a 450 libbre/204,1 kg di oggetti pesanti, perfetto per riporre e trasportare grandi elettrodomestici da cucina, macchinari pesanti, ecc. È ora di caricare e partire! - Ripiani regolabili in altezza: sei pronto per adattarti! I ripiani possono essere regolati a intervalli di 4,1 pollici lungo l'intera unità. Puoi alzarli o abbassarli per soddisfare i requisiti di altezza del tuo spazio di archiviazione! Ci sarà abbastanza spazio per organizzare tutti i tuoi preferiti usati di frequente! - Blocca il comfort: sul nostro carrello in acciaio inossidabile sono adottate quattro ruote silenziose da 4 pollici, che possono efficacemente evitare il rumore durante il movimento. Rotolerai senza causare alcun disturbo. Sembra carino! Il freno posteriore recentemente aggiornato ti consente di muoverti e fermarti senza problemi in qualsiasi momento e ovunque. - Assemblaggio in pochissimo tempo: sei stanco di complicati passaggi di istruzioni? Bene, il nostro carrello in acciaio fornisce tutti gli accessori necessari e le istruzioni dettagliate di cui hai bisogno, permettendoti di completare l'installazione in pochissimo tempo. Inoltre, anche l'imballaggio esterno è stato rinforzato per garantire che tutte le parti siano mantenute intatte. Inizia a pianificare cosa inserire nel tuo nuovo carrello! - Scivola in dettagli sorprendenti: i ripiani con bordi pieghevoli rialzati possono efficacemente evitare di tagliarti le mani e impedire che gli oggetti scivolino durante il trasporto. Non importa dove tu vada, il tuo nuovo carrello multiuso sarà proprio lì con te! E la maniglia curva rende il processo di spostamento senza preoccupazioni e risparmiando manodopera. Fai di più senza farti del male! SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is completed, pls inform us by phone or leave a note if the changes are needed before we send the product. If you have any changes, pls inform us En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Pieds de Table Réglables b'&' Robustes Nos pieds de table polyvalents VEVOR peuvent supporter des plateaux de table de différentes tailles ou des meubles tels que des canapés. Fabriqués en acier massif épais, ils offrent une grande capacité de charge et de durabilité grâce aux plaques de montage soudées. - Conception robuste et réglable pour différentes tables, avec un look élégant pour un meilleur confort et une meilleure esthétique. - Capacité de charge exceptionnelle et pieds de support personnalisables pour une adaptation optimale aux différentes tables. - Taille élargie pour une plus grande résistance structurelle et apparence améliorée grâce à un revêtement en poudre haute performance. - Matériau durable convenant à diverses formes de tables et s'adaptant à différents espaces de vie. Caractéristiques b'&' Détails - Capacité de Charge Exceptionnelle: Nos pieds de table de 711 mm, fabriqués à partir de solides tiges d'acier, offrent une résistance exceptionnelle, supportant jusqu'à 454 kg. La plaque de montage soudée renforce la durabilité et l'intégrité structurelle. - Résistant à l'Usure b'&' à la Rouille: Le revêtement en poudre noir mat haute performance, appliqué par un procédé électrostatique et une cuisson à haute température, forme une couche protectrice qui résiste à la corrosion, à la rouille et à l'usure, pour une durabilité à long terme. - Compatible avec Plusieurs Plateaux de Table: Ces pieds de table réglables sont des accessoires de mobilier pratiques, fabriqués à partir de matériaux durables. Ils s'adaptent à des plateaux de table de formes diverses et conviennent à différents espaces de vie. Ils peuvent être facilement déplacés et conviennent aux tables de cuisine, tables de salon, bureaux de studio, etc. - Installation Rapide: Marquez au préalable les positions d'installation sur le plateau de la table, puis utilisez un tournevis pour fixer solidement les vis autotaraudeuses fournies, une par une. Après l'installation, réglez à la hauteur souhaitée. Des instructions détaillées sont incluses pour faciliter l'installation. - Double Emballage de Protection: Notre produit est doublement emballé avec du carton ondulé BC et de la mousse EPE pour répondre aux normes de sécurité internationales, ce qui réduit le risque de dommages pendant le transport et assure l'intégrité du produit. SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is completed, pls inform us by phone or leave a note if the changes are needed before we send the product. If you have any changes, pls inform us 7:00am-13:00pm (Berlin Time) in the same day. - Please be aware that we can't ship the item to the follow addresses:POBOX/Packstation /Postfiliale /Paketshop. - If an change of address is needed, you will be responsib En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Rack à Bonbonnes VEVOR Économisez de l'Espace ! Ce porte-bouteilles à 3 niveaux mesure 13 x 13 x 29 po / 332 × 330 × 746 mm, peut contenir jusqu'à 3 bouteilles et supporter jusqu'à 125,7 lb / 57 KG. Son design industriel minimaliste s'adapte à divers intérieurs, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour n'importe quel espace. - La conception verticale permet de garder 3 bouteilles bien organisées et d'économiser de l'espace en les empilant dans un coin. - Les trous découpés au laser assurent un assemblage précis et facile. Le porte-bouteilles d'eau est également amovible, ce qui vous permet d'ajuster le nombre de niveaux selon vos besoins. - Le support est fabriqué en fonte durable avec une finition antirouille. Les garde-corps hauts et les rainures des étagères empêchent les bouteilles de glisser. Les pieds réglables et la fonction anti-basculement maintiennent le support stable sur les sols irréguliers. - Le support pour carafe à eau est parfait pour les salons, les débarras, les cuisines, les garages, les garde-manger, les placards, les buanderies, les salles de sport et les bureaux. Il offre une solution efficace pour stocker plusieurs bouteilles. Caractéristiques b'&' Détails - Rangement à plusieurs niveaux: ce porte-bouteilles d'eau à 3 niveaux mesure 13 x 13 x 29 pouces / 332 × 330 × 746 mm. Sa conception verticale peut contenir jusqu'à 3 bouteilles et supporter jusqu'à 125,7 lb / 57 kg. Il permet d'économiser de l'espace en empilant soigneusement les seaux dans un coin. Son design industriel simple complète divers styles d'intérieur, ce qui le rend idéal pour n'importe quel espace ! - Fonte robuste: Fabriqué en fonte épaisse avec une finition enduite de poudre, ce porte-bouteilles d'eau est élégant et très durable. Il résiste à la corrosion, à la rouille et aux dégâts des eaux, assurant une utilisation durable. - Installation facile: notre support pour carafe d'eau est doté de trous découpés au laser pour un assemblage précis et facile. Le support peut être assemblé avec le nombre de niveaux souhaité et est livré avec un manuel pour une installation rapide. - Conception réfléchie: le support comprend des garde-corps hauts pour empêcher les seaux plus hauts de tomber, des rainures d'étagère pour maintenir les seaux en sécurité et des pieds réglables pour protéger les sols et stabiliser le support sur des surfaces inégales. Les poignées facilitent le placement du seau. - Utilisation polyvalente: le support pour carafe à eau est idéal pour les salons, les salles de stockage, les cuisines, les garages, les garde-manger, les placards, les buanderies, les salles de sport et les bureaux. Ce support vous aide à organiser et à optimiser l'espace de manière efficace. SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your p En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
listing template - VISIT OUR STORE - SIGH UP FOR EMAIL Table de chevet 2 pièces Table de nuit à 2 tiroirs pour chambre à coucher Lot de 2 Table de chevet Style campagnard avec deux tiroirs Taille grande Blanc Présentation: Vous souhaitez avoir une table de nuit belle et pratique ? Si c'est le cas, vous ne devez pas manquer la table de chevet Style campagnard avec deux tiroirs. Il est fabriqué dans un matériau de haute qualité, durable et non toxique pour votre utilisation quotidienne. Il présente une conception à 2 niveaux pour fournir plus d'espace de stockage. Il convient à une utilisation en intérieur, aime la chambre, le bureau, etc. En fait, c'est une bonne décoration pour embellir votre maison. De plus, avec la finition soignée et la technologie sophistiquée, c'est le meilleur choix pour vous. Qu'attendez-vous encore ? Avantages: 1. Fabriqué dans un matériau de haute qualité, durable et robuste 2. Le style campagnard en fait une bonne décoration pour votre maison 3. Longue durée de vie, peut être utilisé pendant longtemps 4. Conception simple, facile à installer 5. Fournir plus d'espace de stockage Caractéristiques: 1. Matériel: Peinture de jet de panneau de densité 2. Couleur: Blanc 3. Taille de la table de nuit: (23,62 x 15,75 x 11,81)b'"' / (60 x 40 x 30) cm (L x l x H) 4. Poids net: 37,48 lb / 17,0 kg L'article comprend: 2 x Table de chevet (à assembler) 1 x Notice 1 x Sac d'accessoires - Shipping Policy 1.All items are in stock and are shipped to you within 24 hours of your payment being received. 2.International Buyers – Please Note: a.Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer’s responsibility. b.Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. 3.Package handling only takes 1 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure entering correct payment and shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is completed, we are not going to accept any more changes to your order. 4.Please note that items purchased on weekends and Bank Holidays are dispatched the next working day. - Return Policies 1. Refunds given only if item DOA and cannot be replaced via PAYPAL. If so, Please contact us with 5 days since you receive the item and and return to us within 30 days from the delivery date for exchange or refund. 2. If you need return, please contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation. - Payment Payment should be sent within 8(EIGHT) days of auction closing. - Feedback If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please do not be quick to leave negative/neutral feedback. We work hard to make sure EVERY CUSTOMER 100% SATISFIED and resolve any problem for you. - Work Time Work Time:Monday to Saturday About Us | Newsletter| Feedback| Contact Us Copyright © 2022 OfferNice. All rights reserved. 无标题文档 Table de chevet 2 pièces Table de nuit à 2 tiroirs pour chambre à coucher Lot de 2 Table de chevet Style campagnard avec deux tiroirs Taille grande Blanc Présentation: Vous souhaitez avoir une table de nuit belle et pratique ? Si c'est le cas, vous ne devez pas manquer la table de chevet Style campagnard avec deux tiroirs. Il est fabriqué dans un matériau de haute qualité, durable et non toxique pour votre utilisation quotidienne. Il présente une conception à 2 niveaux pour fournir plus d'espace de stockage. Il convient à une utilisation en intérieur, aime la chambre, le bureau, etc. En fait, c'est une bonne décoration pour embellir votre maison. De plus, avec la finition soignée et la technologie sophistiquée, c'est le meilleur choix pour vous. Qu'attendez-vous encore ? Avantages: 1. Fabriqué dans un matériau de haute qualité, durable et robuste 2. Le style campagnard en fait une bonne décoration pour votre maison 3. Longue durée de vie, peut être utilisé pendant longtemps 4. Conception s En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Smart Ceiling Fan Control and Dimmer Light Switch, Neutral Wire Needed, Product Description 【REQUIREMENT】The smart fan switch does not compatible with fans having built-in remote control system. Not for use with exhaust fans. Max ceiling fan load of 1.5A (Offers 4 fan speeds control), max light load of 150W dimmable LED/CFL or 300W incandescent bulbs. 2.4G Wi-Fi only (NOT 5G); single-pole use only (NOT 3-way). If you encounter any problems or have questions to ask please contact us first. 【EASY INSTALLATION】REQUIRES NEUTRAL WIRE and SEPARATE LOAD WIRES for FAN & LIGHT – please confirm that the wiring in your home is compatible before purchg the smart switch (older homes may not have neutral wires). No Hub needed. No canopy module required. FCC certified. 【SMART BRIGHTNESS & FAN SPEED CONTROL】The smart light switch can adjust fan speed and dim your lights from anyw with smartphone using the Smart Life App or App. Provides 4 fan speeds with smooth, flicker-free dimming(10%-100%) for increased comfort. Gentle On & Off Lighting for comfortable visual effect. 【SMART HOME AUTOMATION】Create schedules to automatically turn the light and fan on/off with the preset brightness/speed at specific times; or set the light to turn on and off randomly when you are on vacation to trick potential intruders. You can share this smart dimmer switch for family members. 【HANDS-FREE VOICE CONTROL】Forget reaching up to the pull chains. Works with Alexa and Google Assistant to conveniently control the light and fan with one simple voice command. Perfect for times when your hands are full or entering a dark room. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
5.693 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller Smart Ceiling Fan Control and Dimmer Light Switch 2PACK, Neutral Wire Needed, Product Description 【REQUIREMENT】Not compatible with fans having built-in remote control system. Not for use with exhaust fans. Max ceiling fan load of 1.5A (Offers 4 fan speeds control), max light load of 150W dimmable LED/CFL or 300W incandescent bulbs. 2.4G Wi-Fi only (NOT 5G); single-pole use only (NOT 3-way). If you encounter any problems or have questions to ask please contact us first. 【EASY INSTALLATION】REQUIRES NEUTRAL WIRE and SEPARATE LOAD WIRES for FAN & LIGHT – please confirm that the wiring in your home is compatible before purchg (older homes may not have neutral wires). No Hub needed. No canopy module required. FCC certified. 【SMART BRIGHTNESS & FAN SPEED CONTROL】Adjust fan speed and dim your lights from anyw with smartphone using the Smart Life App or App. Provides 4 fan speeds with smooth, flicker-free dimming(10%-100%) for increased comfort. Gentle On & Off Lighting for comfortable visual effect. 【SMART HOME AUTOMATION】Create schedules to automatically turn the light and fan on/off with the preset brightness/speed at specific times; or set the light to turn on and off randomly when you are on vacation to trick potential intruders. You can share the dimmer switches for family members. 【HANDS-FREE VOICE CONTROL】Forget reaching up to the pull chains. Works with Alexa and Google Assistant to conveniently control the light and fan with one simple voice command. Perfect for times when your hands are full or entering a dark room. Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
10.099 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
30 Days Return Policy Fast Delivery Trusted seller 3 in 1 UVC Sterilizer and Dryer by | Dual UV Lights | 3 Filters Pack Product Description ☀️ ?????? ???????????? ???????? - Effortlessly eliminate ??.?% of harmful germs in 10 minutes. Two UV-C lights provide double sterilization strength than regular UV sterilizer. has undergone ???????? lab testing to eliminate E. Coli, Salmonella, Staph and ???? more ! ☀️ ?????-?? ????? ??? ??? ?????? - Dries your items with a warm temperature in just ?? - ?? minutes, safe for plastics, glass or silicone. Independent lab testing confirms it is free from BPA, lead and phthalate. For household use only. ☀️ ???? ???? - comes baby-ready with a safety switch to automatically shut off the lights when opened. Child proof filter design prevents your child from opening the filter. ☀️ ????? ???????? - the sterilizer can fit up to 6 baby bottles and nipples. Also safe for plush toys, cell phones, electronics, keys, eyeglasses, kitchenware, and just about anything at your home! ☀️ ???? ??????? - 6000 hours of useful UV-C life. Equipped with HEPA air filtration that prevents large particles in the air from entering the chamber. Includes 1 basket and 3 extra filters. Internal Dimensions: 10 inch* 8 inch * 8 inch. EPA EST Number 94347-CHN-1 Shipping Returns Payment Shipping Shipping is FREE to all addresses other than APO/PO boxes in the lower 48 states. All our stock ships from US-based warehouses. Shipped via USPS or UPS (depending on location and package weight) Unless stated otherwise, all orders will ship within 24-72 hours of your payment being processed. Check our feedback to see the great reviews of FAST shipping we offer. Returns As our valued customer, we will do our best to make sure the product you receive arrives to you on time and as expected. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to process a return. Payment We currently accept payment via PayPal only. Once payment is cleared, we will dispatch your shipment within 1-3 business days. Please refer to the "Shipping" tab for more information regarding shipping speed to your destination.
22.054 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
- - - - - - - - - Store category Sign Up Now ! You may also like UK Large Soft Warm Shaggy Cozy Bed Bedspread Sofa Throw Over Blanket Sofa Fluffy Product Description Specifications: Material: Crystal velvet/microfiber polyester BlanketSize 1: (L)X(W) 160X130cm /62.99''X51.18''(appr.)Size 2: (L)X(W) 200X160cm /78.74''X62.99''(appr.) Features: Brand New and high quality. Super soft, foldable and comfortable to touch. High quality blanket, also perfect for home decor. Keep you warm in the winter or other cool environment. Package included: 1 Pcs Throw Blanket Note: -Please allow 1- 3CM differs due to hand measurement. -Due to the different display and different light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thanks for your understanding 奶白色 酒红色 奶茶米 典雅灰 豆沙粉 少女粉 天空蓝 紫罗兰 Payment Delivery details Terms of sales About us feedback Payment 1.We accept PayPal only. 2.All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor PayPal. 3.Payment must be received within 7 business days of auction closing. 4.We ship to your or Paypal address. Please make sure your and Paypal address is correct before you pay. Delivery details 1.We ship to your or Paypal address. Please make sure your and Paypal address is correct before you pay. 2.Items will be shipped within 1-3 business day when we received payment. 3.Delivery time depends on destination and other factors; 4.We are always trying our best to provide you the most reliable, affordable way of shipping service. But sometimes delivery is highly depended on the local customs and post service. 5.If you do not receive your item on time, please contact us immediately for further assistance. We will be responsible for any damages or losses incurred in the shipping process.If you need the tracking number, contact us,we will reply you ASAP. Terms of sales Returns accepted within:30days Refund given as: Money Back&Item Exchange Return shipping paid by: Buyer. We are 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to all our customers, Should you find any problems with our items,Please contact us for a return authorization within 30 days upon receipt of item.Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. About us If ANY question,Please contact us without hesitation.We'll reply you within 24h(working days only) We are committed to making sure that you leave this transaction satisfied. That means having access to real people that get your questions and concerns answered quickly. Give us a shot and we will make sure that you will come back to us again. We look forward to responding to your message. feedback Dear friend, we appreciate your orders.Customer satisfaction is very important to us. If you are satisfied with our service, rete the details of the transaction (Detailed Seller Ratings) on with five-star and leave us a positive feedback please! O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ ~. We are sure to do the same for you. If you have any problem with your order, please contact us and we are sure to do our best to make you satisfied. Thank you for your comprehension. Further, leaving feedback is a very important part of the dealing and can generate better products and services of our sellers. As long as you leave us the positive feedback, you will get many privileges, eg next purchase to enjoy 3% of the single item The discount, fast shipping privilege. Our new products are preferred Unfortunately, If y
18,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
10PC voiture rétroviseur film étanche à pluie anti-buée autocollant protectio DE Product description: Widely compatible: universally designed rearview mirror protective film, suitable for cars, SUVs, trucks, trailers, etc. Rainproof rearview mirrors are suitable for all standard size rearview mirrors, ensuring your driving in rainy or foggy days Safety. High-quality automotive accessory materials: automotive rain film with nano-coating technology, this anti-fog film has incredible functions, including waterproof, rain, fog, anti-glare, oil and scratch resistance Marks make your driving vision clear and help you reach your destination safely. Suitable for rearview mirror and window glass. Easy to install: The automotive rain film can be installed in just a few minutes. Clean the mirror with the attached cloth, then attach the protective film to the mirror and adhere, remove the air bubbles with a card, and then peel off the second layer. Very simple and fast. Anti-fog waterproof membrane: Adhesive film of rearview mirror can make the field of vision clear and avoid possible danger. It can protect your sight on rainy days. Car waterproof mirror sticker is an innovation that can solve the trouble of not seeing the sight glass on rainy days. Its waterproof and anti-fog effect is very good.. What you will get: 4*Square Rearview Mirror Adhesive Film (Side Window), 4*Round Car Rearview Mirror Adhesive Film, 2*Round Film (Motorcycle), we will provide all auxiliary tools including: wet/dry Wipe the cloth and squeeze the card. Tips: 1. Make sure there is no dust before filming 2. Do not clean the mirror 24 hours after filming to avoid damage to the double-sided tape. 3. The protective film of the car rearview mirror can be cut as needed Product parameters: Material: PET Type: Explosion-proof membrane Transmittance: 99% Thermal insulation rate: 50% Product appearance: blue Product effective layer color; transparent UV protection rate: 35% Visible light reflectance: 35% Installation steps: 1. Select the film area based on personal driving habits 2. Clean the area with an alcohol cloth (included), then wipe dry with a dry cloth (included) 3. Tear off the film label "1" 4. Aim at the film area, and use the scraper to squeeze large bubbles while sticking 5. After affixing, use a scraper to remove the air bubbles repeatedly. After the air bubbles are removed, the side marked with "2" will be torn off. Product List: 200*175 square film 4PCS 100*145 round film 4PCS 98*98 round film 2pcs Installation kit X2 Extrusion card X2 Note: The appearance of the product is blue, but the effective layer retained after the paste is transparent and will not affect the appearance Moyen de Paiement Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. Livraison Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. Politique de Retour Sur nous Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de 5 étoiles si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Product description: Widely compatible: universally designed rearview mirror protective film, suitable for cars, SUVs, trucks, trailers, etc. Rainproof rearview mirrors are suitable for all standard size rearview mirrors, ensuring your driving in rainy or foggy days Safety. High-quality automotive accessory materials: automotive rain film with nano-coating technology, this anti-fog film has incredible functions, including waterproof, rain, fog, anti-glare, oil and scratch resistance Marks make your driving vision clear and help you reach your destination safely. Suitable for rearview mirror and window glass. Easy to install: The automotive rain film can be installed in just a few minutes. Clean the mirror with the attached cloth, then attach the protective film to the mirror and adhere, remove the air bubbles with a card, and then peel off the second layer. Very simple and fast. Anti-fog waterproof membrane: Adhesive film of rearview mirror can make the field of vision clear and avoid possible danger. It can protect your sight on rainy days. Car waterproof mirror sticker is an innovation that can solve the trouble of not seeing the sight glass on rainy days. Its waterproof and anti-fog effect is very good.. What you will get: 4*Square Rearview Mirror Adhesive Film (Side Window), 4*Round Car Rearview Mirror Adhesive Film, 2*Round Film (Motorcycle), we will provide all auxiliary tools including: wet/dry Wipe the cloth and squeeze the card. Tips: 1. Make sure there is no dust before filming 2. Do not clean the mirror 24 hours after filming to avoid damage to the double-sided tape. 3. The protective film of the car rearview mirror can be cut as needed Product parameters: Material: PET Type: Explosion-proof membrane Transmittance: 99% Thermal insulation rate: 50% Product appearance: blue Product effective layer color; transparent UV protection rate: 35% Visible light reflectance: 35% Installation steps: 1. Select the film area based on personal driving habits 2. Clean the area with an alcohol cloth (included), then wipe dry with a dry cloth (included) 3. Tear off the film label "1" 4. Aim at the film area, and use the scraper to squeeze large bubbles while sticking 5. After affixing, use a scraper to remove the air bubbles repeatedly. After the air bubbles are removed, the side marked with "2" will be torn off. Product List: 200*175 square film 4PCS 100*145 round film 4PCS 98*98 round film 2pcs Installation kit X2 Extrusion card X2 Note: The appearance of the product is blue, but the effective layer retained after the paste is transparent and will not affect the appearance PAYMENT Nous n'acceptons que Paypal comme moyen de paiement. L'article sera envoyé dans 24 heures suivant le paiement reçu du lundi au vendredi, et les commandes reçues le samedi et le dimanche seront affichées le lundi suivant. SHIPPING Nous fournissons des choix multiples pour les méthodes d'expédition et la date d'arrivée estimée, mais veuillez comprendre que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler la condition d'expédition actuelle et la date d'arrivée. ABOUT US Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet «Demandez-nous un vendeur» au bas de la page d'inscription. Répondre à votre satisfaction est la chose la plus imotante pour nous, nous souhaitons résoudre chaque problème pour vous. Et laissez-nous une note de 5 étoiles si vous vous sentez heureux de notre produit et service. Le 18-mai-21 à 09:11:22 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
11,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
- Waterproof 800W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Hydro Flower X1 26.99 USD Free shipping - 1/2x 1000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Plant Panel Hydroponic Flower Bloom Lamp 25.99 USD Free shipping - 4000W LED Plant Grow Light for Indoor Sunlike Full Spectrum Timing Grow Lamp US 73.99 USD Free shipping - 2x100W LED Grow Tube Light Strip Full Spectrum Lamp Indoor Plants Flower Bloom 31.99 USD Free shipping - 4000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum For Indoor Plant Flower Bloom Hydroponic Lamp 68.99 USD Free shipping - 72/144 LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Indoor Hydroponic Plant Flower Lamp Panel 32.99 USD Free shipping - 4000W 2000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Indoor Plants Flower Bloom 100/240 Leds 88.99 USD Free shipping - 1500W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light for Indoor Hydroponic Plants Flower Veg US 42.99 USD Free shipping - 1500W LED Grow Light Hydroponic Full Spectrum Indoor Plant Flower Bloom Dual Fan 65.99 USD Free shipping - 1-3PC 1000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Lamp Panel For Indoor Plants Flower Veg 31.99 USD Free shipping - 1000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum 3500K Growing Lamp Indoor Veg Flower Plant X1 61.99 USD Free shipping - Timing USB Led Grow Light 20/30W Mini Full Spectrum Plant Lamp Indoor Flower Veg 29.99 USD Free shipping - IP66 Waterproof 800W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Hydro Flower 26.99 USD Free shipping - Timed 4000W Led Grow Light Full Spectrum Lamp for Hydroponics Plant Flower ES x1 85.99 USD 60.0 USD - Led Grow Light Full Spectrum T5 Growing Lamp Tube for Indoor Plant RED + BLUE 13.65 USD Free shipping 2x100W LED Grow Light Tube Strip Full Spectrum Lamp for Indoor Plants Flower US Specification: Product name: Led grow light Product size: 500mm*90mm*50mm Nominal powe: 100W Actual power: 50W Size:50*9*5cm Material:Aluminium Features: DOUBLE TUBE: The grow light has two tube which is brighter than the similar grow light in the market. WITH SPOTLIGHT COVER: It can help the plants to fully absorb the lights, improve the efficiency of using the light. HEAT DISSIPATION: This product is made of aviation cooling Aluminum. It can keep the product cool when it is working. FULL SPECTRUM: The spectrum of our product is 400-830nm, This grow light adopt imported LED chip, the light source type is closer to the sun, with all the light sources needed for plant growth, make plants grow healthier. EASY TO INSTALL: Plug and play direct operation, no wiring and reconstructing needed, easy to install. You can easily control the work state of each lamp to protect the plant growth with more suitable illumination. HIGH POWER GROW LIGHT:The brightness this Leds grow light is equal to 100W HPS/MH, but actually it will just consume 50W (Nominal power: 100W, actual power: 50W. It is energy saving than the traditional HID) Package Included: 2PCS LED Grow Light 1*Power Cable Plug 8PCS Screws Payment Payment Types: We accept PayPal only! PayPal is the only online payment method we accept. Please make sure you have a valid/confirmed PayPal account prior bidding. All PayPal Payments must be Confirmed (Shipping and billing addresses must match) Payment must be made within 48hrs of the auction end time. Non-Paying bidders will be reported. Shipping 1.We ship to your or Paypal address. Please make sure
30,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ELNIDO QUEEN Full Body Pillow Insert, Soft Large Long Bed Pillow Adults 20"x54" New, Will come without retail packaging ! This was a previous customer return. Customer changed their mind on keeping this. Item appears to be great and new. Inspected, and in great condition. Please see all photos for what you will receive and their conditions. Please note: Make sure that everything listed in the description, and what you see in the photos is what you need. We try our best to make sure our buyers understand what they are purchasing. We are not responsible for any minor missing parts as this could be missing items due to the box being previously opened. Anything missing outside what is seen in the photos, or indicated in the description must be purchased separately. Please refer to item condition description for more details regarding this product. Product details: Filling & Characteistic - Our body pillow is filled with polyester. This large body pillow is soft, medium density and supportive, if you prefer a firmer one, we recommend that you purchase two body pillows and put two pillow inserts into one pillowcase.Our memory fiber filling body pillow is skin-friendly and breathable. Multi-purpose - The simple and rational design provides the possiblity of multi purposes. It could be an ideal choice for side sleepers to support body or be used as a long bed pillow to share. You can use our body pillow to act as a boyfriend pillow and a back support for your relaxing time(reading, sitting, watching TV in bed or sofa) to make you more comfortable. Ergonomic Comfort - Our body pillow measures 20*54 inch, provides your body with extraordinary comfort, relief and a more restful night's sleep whether sleep on the side or on the back. our long body pillow is all great for relaxing your back、shoulders、neck and spine. Sleep well at night and have a good day. Easy Clean - This large body pillow is machine washable by cold water, sun dry or tumble dry, easy to take care and keep clean. Notice: we recommend that you use a suitable pillowcase to extend the service life also match your decor. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Questions? Feel free to contact us! US SELLER! FAST AND FREE SHIPPING IN THE USA! SHIPS OUT WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY!
4.999 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Document Product Description Mallette de maquillage VEVOR pour les maquilleurs professionnels ! Mallette de maquillage de grande capacité avec un espace de rangement spacieux et un aménagement intérieur bien organisé, vous permettant de ranger divers produits cosmétiques et outils de coiffure. Le cadre robuste lui confère une apparence élégante et assure sa durabilité. - Mallette de rangement de maquillage de très grande capacité avec 3 compartiments de rangement intérieurs, ce qui la rend pratique pour organiser divers produits et outils de maquillage, les gardant propres et ordonnés. - Cette trousse de maquillage de voyage est légère et facile à transporter, ce qui la rend pratique à placer dans le coffre de votre voiture ou à prendre dans un avion à des fins de voyage. - Le boîtier est fabriqué à partir de tissu Oxford, imperméable et résistant à l'usure, assurant une durabilité et une durée de vie prolongée. - Conception pratique et réfléchie pour vous offrir une expérience plus confortable et fiable. Caractéristiques b'&' Détails - Grand stockage: dimensions de la trousse de maquillage: 460 x 300 x 125 mm, comprenant 3 couches d'espace de rangement, adaptées pour ranger divers produits cosmétiques et outils, ce qui en fait votre organisateur de maquillage idéal. - Légère et portable: la mallette de maquillage a un poids net de 1,38 kg et est livrée avec une bandoulière et une poignée de transport, vous permettant de choisir entre un transport à la main ou à l'épaule. Il est léger et facile à transporter, se glissant facilement dans le coffre de votre voiture ou comme bagage à main pour votre vol, servant de poste de travail de maquillage mobile. - Robuste et durable: cet organisateur de maquillage de voyage est fabriqué en tissu Oxford, imperméable et résistant à l'usure, garantissant sa solidité et sa durabilité. Il comporte également des fermetures éclair métalliques lisses et durables, offrant à un produit une longue durée de vie. - Conception conviviale: la couche supérieure de la trousse de maquillage est dotée d'une couche d'isolation thermique pour empêcher le transfert de température vers les couches inférieures, protégeant ainsi les produits cosmétiques situés au fond de la fonte. Il comprend un sac à pinceaux de maquillage pour plus de propreté et pour éviter la contamination. Le séparateur inférieur est réglable en longueur, ce qui le rend pratique pour ranger des produits cosmétiques de différentes longueurs. - Utilisation polyvalente: cette trousse à maquillage peut être utilisée par les maquilleurs, pour le maquillage de mariage ou d'événements, par les coiffeurs, les étudiants en maquillage et les passionnés de mode pour le rangement des cosmétiques. Il convient également aux prothésistes des ongles, aux tatoueurs et aux coiffeurs en voyage. SHIPPING ABOUT US PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT WARRANTY Welcome to our store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders. - We accept PayPal Payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on. - Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction. - We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution. - Ship from CZ/FR/ES/IT and only to ADDRESS. Package handling only takes 2 business day at our warehouse, so please make sure enter En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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