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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Ardennes 44 Mounted Map 41,90 € Disponibilité: en stock Contient 2 cartes "montées" de 56x86cm.  
41,90 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris The Dark Valley Mounted Map 37,70 € Disponibilité: en stock Contenu: Deux cartes montées de 56x86 cm, l'une d'elle comprend au verso la carte du jeu Barbarossa to Berlin  
37,70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Normandy '44 Mounted Map 20,90 € Disponibilité: en stock Carte en carton rigide pour le wargame Normandy '44.    
20,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Peloponnesian War 68,15 € Disponibilité: en stock Paru en 1991, The Peloponnesian War est un classique du wargame en solitaire et un des jeux les plus appréciés de l'auteur Mark Herman, par ailleurs auteur de jeux ayant marqué l'histoire du wargame (Gulf Strike, SPQR, Pacific War, For the People, Empire of the Sun et bien d'autres). à la tête de l'une des deux célèbres cités grecques, vous allez affronter le système de jeu, et vous même ! En effet, si vous allez continuer d'incarner un camp tant qu'il est en train de perdre, une fois qu'il va se retrouver en situation de victoire, vous allez prendre en main la destinée de l'autre camp, et tenter alors de redresser la situation ! Ce système innovateur à l'époque, n'a jamais été copié depuis, et fait de Peloponnesian War un jeu unique où la victoire sera déterminée par la durée de la guerre et vos diverses performances. Cette édition 2019 bénéficie d'une mise à niveau des règles et du matériel aux standards GMT Deluxe. êtes vous prêts à manœuvrer hoplites et trirèmes ? Contenu: carte rigide "mounted map" de 56x86cm livret de règles livret de jeu 2 planches de pions 1 piste de points de victoire 1 matrice de stratégies athéniennes 1 matrice de stratégies spartiates 2 aides de jeu 2 dés à six faces  
68,15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India 1917–1947 82,95 € Disponibilité: en stock Avec Gandhi, la série COIN s'enrichit d'un nouveau type de faction, avec ses nouvelles règles spécifiques: les Non Violents. Les factions jouables sont au nombre de quatre: Le Congrès National Indien, incarné par le Mahatma Gandhi, souhaite accéder à l'indépendance en usant d'une stratégie non-violente de désobéissance civile, et dont l'objectif est de garder l'Inde unifiée. La Ligue Musulmane elle aussi est non-violente, cependant son objectif est d'obtenir l'indépendance du Pakistan, afin que les musulmans ne vivent pas dans un pays dominé par les indous. Les révolutionnaires sont des radicaux qui souhaitent une indépendance immédiate, et usent de moyens violents, ce qui entraîne des représailles britanniques et la colère des autres indépendantistes. Le Raj Britannique tente de maintenir l'ordre et de garder le pays sous contrôle de la couronne. Contenu: une carte rigide "mounted map" de 56x86cm 137 blocs de bois 103 cartes à jouer une planche de pions livret de règles livret de jeu 4 fiches d'aides de jeu 2 fiches de références 4 dés à six faces.  
82,94 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Empire of the Sun 2nd édition - occasion B+ 68,25 € Disponibilité: en stock seconde édition de 2015. La majorité des pions n'ont pas été découpés, les autres pions sont rangés en sachets, état neuf global sauf pour la règle qui présente quelques traces d'utilisation et de lecture. Empire of The Sun est un jeu de Mark Herman simulant la guerre du Pacifique de l'attaque de Pearl harbor à la reddition du Japon. le système mélange de façon habile cartes d'activations et hexagones. Le jeu consistera à planifier avec soin les axes d'offensives et le Japon aura fort à faire pour atteindre son maximum historique d'expansion. Le Japon peut l'emporter en réduisant suffisamment la volonté politique américaine, en leur infligeant suffisamment de pertes ou en sortant certains pays de la guerre comme la Chine ou l'Australie. Les Etats-Unis n'auront pas la garantie de disposer de la bombe A à temps et il sera peut être nécessaire de lancer l'opération Olympic et l'invasion des îles nippones... Ce qui pourra venir à bout de leur volonté ! EotS est un jeu de complexité moyenne à élevée, mais dont l'apprentissage se fait relativement facilement. contenu: deux planches de pions deux paquets de cartes stratégies (82 japonaises et 83 alliées) une carte en carton épais ("mounted map") de 56x86 cm deux aides de jeu un livret de règles un dé à 10 faces.  
68,25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Fighting Formations Grossdeutschland Infantry Division 40,95 € Disponibilité: en stock Fighting Formations is intended to be an ongoing series of wargames covering WWII tactical combined-arms combat at the platoon and squad levels. Each game in the series will feature a distinct combat unit, highlighting battles in which that unit participated as well as its particular order of battle and fighting characteristics. The first title in the series is "Grossdeutschland Infantry Division" (FF:GD). Future titles aren't yet set in stone but could be devoted to other famous divisions (Big Red One), Corps (Afrika Korps), regiments (442nd RCT), Commando troops, Ranger battalions, etc. GAME FLOW: In each scenario, one player will take command of elements of the featured unit while the other assumes control of the opposing forces. These two players will alternate giving orders, activating their units on the map for various military functions. Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s units and to achieve as many scenario objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific victory conditions—be it the destruction of enemy units, the taking of vital mapboard objectives, or the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s map edge. ORDERS & INITIATIVE: Each game turn is divided into ten orders, with each player performing a variable number of these orders. In each turn, the sequence of play is fluid – with orders being given by the active player and reactions being taken by both players – depending upon the relative initiative level at any given moment. Fighting Formations is also not the typical Igo-Yougo fare with a strict sequence of play. Instead, the base game engine is an impulse-type back and forth mechanic whereby the various Orders carry with them a certain cost in Initiative. The game has a “pool” of 40 Initiative that is “spent” to give orders and then to activate units for those orders. At the end of every order the player with the most Initiative is able to give the next order. In response, the opponent can also spend Initiative to conduct both Opportunity Fire (at moving units) or Reactive Fire (at firing units). ASSETS: The game has Asset cards -- including smoke, artillery, air support, man-portable support weapons and demolitions -- but is not card-driven. Each Asset will either take the place of a standard order or provide the player with some form of reactionary capability during an order. SPECIAL RULES: FF:GD is a stand-alone game in the Fighting Formations game series. While utilizing the basic rules, FF:GD’s playbook includes specific terrain, fortification and unit special action rules in order to more accurately portray tactical warfare as experienced by the participants in Russia during this time period. SCALE: The scale of the game is 75 meters per hex with turns representing about 5 minutes of real time. UNITS: Units represent infantry squads, guns with their inherent crews, and individual vehicles. Platoons are also employed. Leaders are abstractly represented by Command markers, each one coordinating the actions of friendly units within a scenario-defined radius. COMPONENTS: This first game has the following components: four back-printed 22˝ x 34˝ game mapsheets five sheets of die-cut counters 55 cards a 24-page Series Rulebook a 48-page Playbook one double-sided Track Display two double-sided 8.5” x 11” player aid cards ten dice (two each of 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 20-sided) 10 wood cubes one wood pawn   Designer: Chad Jensen   Game Developers: Kai Jensen and John A Foley  
40,95 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Monmouth - occasion B 29,40 € Disponibilité: en stock 28 juin 1778: l'armée continentale de George Washington attaque l'armée anglo-hessoise de Sir Henry Clinton alors en pleine retraite vers New York, le rapport de forces en amérique a changé... jeu en anglais, mais une traduction française des règles est disponible sur le site de GMT. MATERIEL FOURNI: 176 full-color counters One 22 x 34" full-color Game Map AmRev Series Rulebook  Monmouth Exclusive Rules Two Player Aid Cards One ten-sided die  
29,39 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Combat Commander Normandy Battle pack n°3 35,70 € Disponibilité: en stock règle en français descriptif GMT: Combat Commander: Battle Pack #3 -- Normandy is the third themed collection of scenarios for use with the Combat Commander: Europe series of games. The theme of this third Battle Pack shifts to the West Front in June, July and August 1944 as various Allied forces landed on French soil to fight the occupying German forces. CC: Normandy features seventeen new scenarios printed on cardstock -- one of which is a multi-scenario Campaign Game -- as well as eight new maps, added markers necessary for some of the scenarios, and a new feature to the series: a majority of the leader counters represent historical individuals who actually fought in the depicted actions. Rules relevant to the characteristic fighting on the invasion beaches and inland bocage are included. -- Rural Roads and Bocage; -- Limited Smoke Barrage; -- Mortar Spotters; -- Invasion Terrain (Beach, Shingle, Water Barrier, Communication Trench, Hedgehog) -- Bunker Busting; -- and Night. Additional special scenario and campaign rules cover well-known individual features of the fighting such as Widerstandsnests, Casemates, Coastal Batteries, Commando Movement, Cliff Scaling, Bocage Clearing Doctrine, Pre-Registered Mortar Batteries, Armor Support and Air Superiority. The maps depict specific locations in Normandy: Pegasus Bridge, Pointe du Hoc, Omaha Beach (one directly on the beach at Widerstandsnest 61 and two on the bluffs above the beach, one on the western cliffs and the other on the eastern flank heading towards Cabourg), the villages of Crisbecq and La Madeleine, and finally Sword Beach (at La Brèche d’Hermanville). The scenarios in CC: Normandy include: -- "Pegasus Bridge" using an accurate map, with British Airborne units, 6 June 1944; -- Taking the Point" set at Pointe du Hoc, with US Rangers, 6 June 1944; -- "Taking the Point (Planned)", revised version allowing players to try the planned assault, 6 June 1944; -- "Widerstandsnest 61" set at Omaha Beach, with US Army units, 6 June 1944; -- "Mazed and Confused" set in the communication trench network above Omaha Beach, with US Rangers, 6 June 1944; -- "This Man Was Good" set in the bluffs above Omaha Beach, with a German Counterattack of US Army units, 6 June 1944; -- "The Uneasy Wait" set on Sword Beach at Widerstandsnest 20 (codenamed Cod), with British units, 6 June 1944; -- "The New Highlanders" set at the village of Authie inland from Juno Beach, with Canadian units, 7 June 1944; -- "Deeds not Words" set at Battery Crisbecq inland from Utah Beach, with US Army units, 8 June 1944; -- "East by Northwest" set inland in Brittany, with French SAS Commando and FFI units facing Ostruppen (as represented by conscripts with Georgian and Ukrainian leaders), 18 June 1944; -- "Graveyard of the North Shores" set near the Carpiquet airfield outside Caen, with Canadian units, 4 July 1944; -- "Bingham Must Hold" set at the village of La Madeleine outside of St Lô, with US Army units, 15 July 1944; -- "Compagnie Scamaroni" set in Caen at night, with a combined force of Canadian engineers and FFI commandos facing Luftwaffe troops at the opening of Operation Atlantic, 18 July 1944; -- "Cheux’d Up" depicting action at Cheux during Operation Epsom, with Scottish units, 25 July 1944; -- "Old Hickory Resolute" set at Mortain, with US Army units facing a German assault that was part of Operation Lüttich, 8 August 1944; -- "Surrender is out of the Question!", set at the infamous Maczuga Hill depicting the brave night defense by the Polish units of the 1st Armoured Division, 20 August 1944; -- and the "29, Let’s Go!" multi-scenario Campaign Game recreating eight days (11 July through 18 July 1944) of the 116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division’s assault on St. Lô; players are encouraged to see whether they can push the 116th Regiment to reach La Madeleine by 15 July (to match the historical scenario above). NOTE: CC:Normandy is not a complete game and requires ownership of both Combat Commander:Europe and Combat Commander:Mediterranean to play. Designed by John Foley Developed by Kai Jensen Additional scenario designs in this third Pack are courtesy of John Butterfield, Bryan Collars, Ric Van Dyke, and Volko Ruhnke. Expands: Combat Commander: Europe and Combat Commander: Mediterranean (both required)  
35,70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Roads to Moscow - occasion B- 52,40 € Disponibilité: en stock jeu en bon état, pions triés en sachets zip, quelques traces d'usure minime sur la boite Roads to Moscow is a two-player game depicting battles in the Soviet Union during the drive on Moscow in October 1941. The two separate battles shown in this game are named for the main objective city on each map, Mozhaysk to the west of Moscow, and Mtsensk to the south. Perhaps the most dramatic of the many desperate battles fought in front of Moscow, these two battles combined all the elements of the great struggle. The Germans have an excellent fighting machine but are short on fuel and time. They must capture their objectives on a tight schedule or snow and mud will end their offensive. The Soviets are down to the rearward remnants of their once immense armies. If the Soviets can avoid being encircled by the fast moving German forces, high quality reinforcements from the Far East may finally allow them to stop the German advance. COMPONENTS · 528 5/8" counters · One 34x22 full color backprinted mapsheet · Rulebook · Playbook · 5 Player Aid Cards · One ten-sided die TIME SCALE 12 hours per turn   MAP SCALE 1.4 km per hex UNIT SCALE Battalions and Companies NUMBER OF PLAYERS 1-2  
52,40 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Super lot: le jeu de base dans son édition originale PLUS le plateau de jeu de luxe en édition limitée PLUS l'extension 5e joueur, autreemnt dit au final l'équivalent exacte de l'édition de luxe ! Parfait état.
84 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Field Commander Napoleon 94,49 € Disponibilité: en stock descriptif éditeur: Field Commander Napoleon is our biggest game to date, as befits the Empire, the Emperor, and his Grande Armée! The game is so massive it requires a 4" high box! Wan Chiu created the artwork for this mega game. He got off to a fantastic start with a classic box cover design. The game design focuses on the battlefield tactics and Napoleon’s powerful personality. Through political and military cunning, Napoleon swept France to super-power status. In previous Field Commander games, supply was a primary concern. As the Emperor himself said, “An army travels on its stomach.” In this game, Napoleon’s achievements and public adulation drive all facets of game play. Be successful, gain the support of your troops and your countrymen, and you can achieve anything! The game spans all of Napoleon’s campaigns from Italy in 1796 to Waterloo in 1815. Success depends on the vital balance between strategic and tactical focus. You must move your forces across the maps to achieve your strategic goals, but you must also out-think your opponents on the battlefield. You can play each campaign as a stand-alone game, or as part of a linked series of games. The 11 Campaigns include: First Coalition 1796 Egypt 1798 Second Coalition 1800 Third Coalition 1805 Fourth Coalition 1806 Spain 1807 Fifth Coalition 1809 Russia 1812 Confederation of the Rhine 1813 France Invaded 1814 100 Days 1815 Each campaign has its own unique set of force counters that accurately detail the divisions and corps that participated in the campaign. The force counters are a rectangular 0.625” by 1.25”. This allows the use of Line and Column Formation tactics in battle! Each Force has a troop quality: Elite, Veteran, Line, Poor Line, or Conscript. You command the French forces in your bid for world domination! You command your forces forward across the continents! You command your forces across the battlefields of Europe, Asia, and Africa! When you return, covered in glory and riches, it is you the citizens of France will be cheering! Component List: 7 Large Full Color Wibalin-Wrapped Mounted Map Boards (11” x 17”) 6 Full Color Counter sheets 1 Full Color Battle Map Board (8.5” x 11”) 1 Full Color Player Log Sheet Rulebook ***DVG Pre-Order Special*** Get a deluxe mounted Battle Map Board fit for an Emperor! If you pre-order Napoleon through the DVG web site, you will also receive a deluxe mounted version of the Battle Map board (in addition to the standard Battle Map). The mounted Battle Map Boards will not be available later. Replayability: The flexible game system, optional historic rules for each campaign, and the Lifetime Immortality system maximize replayability. Target Audience: This game is perfect for fans of Napoleon and solitaire games in general. The complexity level is ideal for both beginners and experienced gamers.  
94,48 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Field Commander - Alexander the Great 56,70 € Disponibilité: en stock second opus de la série de jeu d'histoire en solitaire "Field Commander", ce jeu vous permet de revivre l'épopée d'Alexandre le Grand. jeu en anglais édité par DVG. regles disponibles en français sur le site de l'éditeur. descriptif éditeur: You take on the role of Alexander the Great in his world-conquering quest to extend the Macedonian empire and achieve personal glory. When we started designing the game, our goal was to represent the battles of Alexander the Great, but the more we learned about him, the more we realized our opportunity to explore not only his battlefield exploits, but also the other aspects of his life. True, Alexander the Great was highly skilled in warfare, but he was also a skilled negotiator and at his core was the constant drive to connect with the gods. It was rumored that his father was Zeus, and he spent much of his life seeking the favor and advice of the Greek gods. When playing the game, you are placed in Alexander's footsteps when he comes of age in 338bc, just before the battle of Chaeronea. From that point on, you get to decide where to travel, when to battle, when to negotiate, and when to seek out divine prophesies to guide your actions. You are supplied with soldiers and advisors to help you navigate the dangers of the battlefield and the negotiating table. These include Infantry, Archers, Phalanxes, Cavalry, Advisors, Scholars, Courtisans, and Spies. You will craftily combine these resources with your own plans to achieve victory, and glorification. And if you do well, you will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders ever to walk the earth. The life of Alexander is divided into several campaigns, each spanning several years. During each campaign, you are given goals, but how you achieve those goals is up to you. Do you enter into battle? Or negotiate? How strong are you? How strong are they? What can you gain? These are all decisions you get to make, and must make well, if you are to live up to the immortal standards set before you. The campaigns can either be played stand alone, or linked to play through his entire life. When played as one on-going life, the outcome of one campaign affects your starting situation in the next campaign. How you proceed is up to you - The Entire World is Yours for the Taking! Wan Chiu and Clara Cheang have created the outstanding artwork seen throughout the game. Scheduled Components: 176 Full color counters (5/8") 4 Full color Campaign Mounted Map Boards (11" x 17") Rulebook (Full Color) Player Log Sheet (Full Color) 1 6-sided die Scheduled Campaigns: 338bc to 334bc - Highlight: Chaeronea and Granicus 333bc to 332bc - Highlight: Issus 332bc - Highlight: Siege of Tyre 331bc to 323bc - Highlights: Gaugamela and Hydaspes    
56,70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris World in Flames Collector's Edition Scandinavian Mounted Map 19,95 € Disponibilité: en stock Carte en couleur et sur carton rigide de la Scandinavie ainsi que l'Islande, les Iles Feroé et une partie de la zone arctique soviétique de 208x503mm une fiche comprenant la table d'effets du terrain. Extension pour World in Flames Collector's Edition.  
19,95 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Prelude to Rebellion 103,95 € Disponibilité: en stock Prelude to Rebellion - Mobilization & Unrest in Lower Canada est un jeu de type "card driven" simulant les évenements menants aux insurrections du bas Canada en 1834-37. Il s'agit d'un jeu d'influence politique et de préparation à la guerre, sachant que ce n'est pas un wargame: la partie s'arrête au moment du déclenchement de la guerre, si jamais elle se déclenche ! Les règles du jeu sont très accessibles, la jouabilité en solitaire est faible à moyenne. Contenu: • 1 plateau de jeu rigide "mounted map" de 56x86cm • 2 aides de jeu recto-verso. • 3 dés verts et 3 dés rouges. • 4 dés de score spéciaux • 150 cubes de mobilisation verts. • 125 cubes de mobilisation rouges • 147 carrtes divisées ainsi • 8 cartes "évènement clé" • 24 cartes formant le paquet de 1834 • 24 cartes formant le paquet de 1835-36 • 39 cartes formant le paquet de 1837 • 52 cartes formant le paquet générique • 1 "La Tête à Papineau"  et 1 "Governor's privileges"plateaux de joueurs. • 91 pions de 1.27cm  
103,94 €
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