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CD Album CD Code EAN: 5028557122322 Rubrique principale CD: CD Album Genre musical: Ambiance Titre: a deep dive into the world of ambiant and lounge music
9,98 €
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Anarchism and Other Essays (Classic Reprint) Emma Goldman Auteur: Emma Goldman Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 292 pages paperback Publication: 06/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Anarchist and feminist EMMA GOLDMAN (1869-1940) is one of the towering figures in global radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Lithuania, she emigrated to the United States as a teenager, was deported in 1919 for her criticism of the U.S. military draft in World War I, and died in Toronto after a globetrotting life. An early advocate of birth control, women's rights, and workers unions, she was an important and influential figure in such far-flung geopolitical events as the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Among her many books are My Disillusionment in Russia (1925) and Living My Life (1931). Propagandism is not, as some suppose, a trade, because nobody will follow a trade at which you may work with the industry of a slave and die with the reputation of a mendicant. The motives of any persons to pursue such a profession must be different from those of trade, deeper than pride, and stronger than interest. George Jacob Holyoake. A mong the men and women prominent in the public Hfe of America there are but few whose names are mentioned as often as that of Emma Goldman. Yet the real Emma Goldman is almost quite unknown. The sensational press has surrounded her name with so much misrepresentation and slander, it would seem almost a miracle that, in spite of this web of calumny, the truth breaks through and a better appreciation of this much maligned idealist begins to manifest itself. There is but little consolation in the fact that almost every representative of a new idea has had to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Emma Goldman's essays collected I've heard from many people who are interested in reading books about anarchism (allthough i think the term "anarchism" is incorrect) that most books about anarchy are "heavy" and difficult to get through much less understand because they aim their content to readers that have a good backround of political understanding (its terminologies, its "schools" of thought, its currents and so forth..). If this happens to be your problem then this book will be ideal if you want to discover what this political philosophy stands for and what its issues are and, indeed, have been for a long time. Emma Goldman, a woman with as fiery a personality as they come, has put together here a number of essays about anarchy that are easy to comprehend and definately thought inspiring. Despite this book having been first published in 1917 it loses nothing of its importance in the current state affairs as all of the issues Goldman deals with not only remain unsolved but they have -in the meantime- become a social burden or a social disaster much worse than back in her time. Oh, and back in her time things already looked bad enough. What you get here is, summarily, the following: -anarchy, what is it and what does it stand for? Beyond the mainstream media cliches anarchy stands for personal and societal freedom of the highest conceivable order. A freedom, anarchists insist, that is not a utopia. It's basically a hard lesson in crushing your illusions and opening unthought of doors of perception of what freedom really means. That would be then something other than being in a cage and having food thrown in. Even if the cage is invisible.. -Hard punching essays about the prison system and the everself-destructing notion of patriotism.. Funny how every line one reads in there could've been written yesterday. Not much has changed. After decades and decades of the imprisonment system has society become more law-abiding? That would be a thundering no. Why is that? As for patriotism, the incredible notion of dying for your country the same one that might be killing you slowly while draining you of all your resources and enslaving you in a wage system and a daily mindless-toil called "work". here, Emma has to say a lot. There's always a reason to die if someone is going to make money out of it (that would be NOT you) and dress the whole "cause" up as patriotic.. -The hypocrisy of puritanism as well as the seemingly eternal joke of marriage and "love" are also given the treatment they deserve. In a society based on hypocrisy alltogether, you have to start on a personal level. You have to lose your personal chains before you attempt to free others. Your personal chains begin with the things you've been taught to hold most sacred (as is generally the case). The morals that are not yours. Whom do they really serve? The institutions that everyone notices they have fail and yet most continue to serve them. Why? How can this possibly be? These are just some of the issues dealt with in Emma's essays. A classic book that will basically reprogram your brain if you honestly think about the issues in it. But reprogrammed into what? Well, it will only reprogram you into thinking for yourself. For once. If you do, you'll find that the illusion you've been living in does indeed serve someone. Your long hard road to becoming an individual will thus commence. Good, But Not the Best Collection of Emma's Work This is a good collection of essays by Emma Goldman; however, it is not the best one available. That would be _Red Emma Speaks_, which contains the best material in this volume as well as other excellent essays and excerpts from her entire life's work. In addition, all of this book is available on the Web. So I would have to recommend that those interested in Emma's work get _Red Emma Speaks_ instead of this one. as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day Being historically one the more important yet obscure figures in American history, Emma Goldman's anarchist thought is as relevent today as it was when she wrote "Anarchism, and Other Essays". In an age where political apathy, intellectual ignorance and spiritual corruption are the failings of modern civilzation, Emma Goldman's Enlightenment thought is illuminating in its message of the power of direct action as she so lucidly illustrates: "Anarchism urges man to think, to investigate, to analyze every proposition... (Anarchism is the) philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary. "The new social order rests, of course, on the materialistic basis of life; but while all Anarchists agree that the main evil today is an economic one, they maintain that the solution of that evil can be brought about only through the consideration of every phase of life,--individual, as well as the collective; the internal, as well as the external phases. "A thorough perusal of the history of human development will disclose two elements in bitter conflict with each other; elements that are only now beginning to be understood, not as foreign to each other, but as closely related and truly harmonious, if only placed in proper environment: the individual and social instincts. The individual and society have waged a relentless and bloody battle for ages, each striving for supremacy, because each was blind to the value and importance of the other. The individual and social instincts,--the one a most potent factor for individual endeavor, for growth, aspiration, self-realization; the other an equally potent factor for mutual helpfulness and social well-being." From just that little exerpt it is easy to understand why any and all authority was terrified of Emma Goldman and why her important contributions to society have been muzzled from histories - down the "memory hole" to use an Orwellian expression.Again, "Anarchism, and Other Essays" is as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day and necessary material for anyone truly interested or involved in altruistic direct action. D'autre ouvrages de Emma Goldman Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Mrs. Thrale, Afterwards Mrs. Piozzi: A Sketch of Her Life and Passages from Her Diaries, Letters & Other Writings (Classic Reprint) Leonard Benton Seeley Auteur: Leonard Benton Seeley Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 364 pages paperback Publication: 18/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Content I ACE Journey to the Western Islands Excursion to Wales Visits to Lleweny Hall and Bachygraig Johnson accuses his Mistress of Meanness Bodvil Visits to Lords Sandys and Lyttelton General Election Electioneering with Johnson Project of bringing Johnson into Parliament...44-75 CHAPTER IV. Mrs. Abington s Benefit Johnson created Doctor Marriages with Inferiors in Rank Thrale not a Wit Baretti Account of Him Tried for Murder Enters Thrale s Family His Character drawn by Mrs. Piozzi Dr. Thomas Campbell His Diary of a Visit to England His Impressions of Baretti and Johnson Dinners at Thrale s Tour to France Baretti makes Himself Useful Johnson s Letter and Diary Johnson Intractable Disagreements Verses to Mrs. Thrale She translates an Epigram Impromptu Johnson removes to Bolt Court Boswell again in London He goes with Johnson to the Midlands Sudden Death of Thrale sonly son Johnson and Boswell return to London Johnson comforts the Parents Proposed lour to Italy given up Garrick s Retirement His Acting The Thrales at Bath with Johnson Visit from Boswell Johnson Severe to Mrs. Thrale He returns to London Dines with Wilkes Pressed to go again to Bath Quarrel with Baretti Mrs. Thrale describes the Rupture Johnson s Account Baretti s Version Apparent Reconciliation Thraliana Thrale described by his wife......... 76-104 CHAPTER V. Visit to Dr. Burney s The Lives of the Poets Progress of the Brewery Advice about Thraliana Boswell at A shbourne Dr. Taylor s Cattle and Waterfall Mrs. Thrale in Low Spirits Letters from Johnson Her alleged Inaccuracy A Lecture Precept and Practice Johnson and Lord Marchmont Cornelius Ford AG host Story Thrale over-brews himself Evelina Published Miss Burney Introduced at Streatham Kindly Received Second Visit Johnson as an Inmate His Opinions on Dress Family Life at Streatham Johnson s Domestic Economy Lady Lade Johnson s Portrait (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) Content I ACE Journey to the Western Islands Excursion to Wales Visits to Lleweny Hall and Bachygraig Johnson accuses his Mistress of Meanness Bodvil Visits to Lords Sandys and Lyttelton General Election Electioneering with Johnson Project of bringing Johnson into Parliament...44-75 CHAPTER IV. Mrs. Abington s Benefit Johnson created Doctor Marriages with Inferiors in Rank Thrale not a Wit Baretti Account of Him Tried for Murder Enters Thrale s Family His Character drawn by Mrs. Piozzi Dr. Thomas Campbell His Diary of a Visit to England His Impressions of Baretti and Johnson Dinners at Thrale s Tour to France Baretti makes Himself Useful Johnson s Letter and Diary Johnson Intractable Disagreements Verses to Mrs. Thrale She translates an Epigram Impromptu Johnson removes to Bolt Court Boswell again in London He goes with Johnson to the Midlands Sudden Death of Thrale sonly son Johnson and Boswell return to London Johnson comforts the Parents Proposed lour to Italy given up Garrick s Retirement His Acting The Thrales at Bath with Johnson Visit from Boswell Johnson Severe to Mrs. Thrale He returns to London Dines with Wilkes Pressed to go again to Bath Quarrel with Baretti Mrs. Thrale describes the Rupture Johnson s Account Baretti s Version Apparent Reconciliation Thraliana Thrale described by his wife......... 76-104 CHAPTER V. Visit to Dr. Burney s The Lives of the Poets Progress of the Brewery Advice about Thraliana Boswell at A shbourne Dr. Taylor s Cattle and Waterfall Mrs. Thrale in Low Spirits Letters from Johnson Her alleged Inaccuracy A Lecture Precept and Practice Johnson and Lord Marchmont Cornelius Ford AG host Story Thrale over-brews himself Evelina Published Miss Burney Introduced at Streatham Kindly Received Second Visit Johnson as an Inmate His Opinions on Dress Family Life at Streatham Johnson s Domestic Economy Lady Lade Johnson s Portrait (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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.Phil COLLINS Dance into the light PROMO 1-Track jewel case MAXI CD Face Value ewcd PRCD379 1996 Germany EX/EX  1) Dance into the light. Un MAXI CD est un CD single avec un boitier plastique fin (Jewel case) ou digipack et avec de 1 à 5 titres (quelquefois plus). C'est le format Cd qui a remplacé le MAXI 45T vinyl. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° WELCOME TO THIS PAGE - BUY WITH CONFIDENCE !! BIENVENUE - ACHETEZ EN TOUTE CONFIANCE !! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Etat des disques: L'etat de la pochette est indiquée en premier. EX = Excellent etat La pochette peut avoir quelques très discrètes rayures et/ou des petits plis. Le CD montre des signes d'avoir été joué mais pratiquement comme neuf.  VG = tres bon etat La pochette présente des signes de manipulations évidents: extrémité légèrement cornée, étiquette du prix, plis. Mais aucun défaut majeur. Il se peut aussi qu'elle soit en parfaite état mais présente un poinson ou une extrémité biseautée. Le cd a quelques rayures qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. G = Bon etat La pochette est usée avec des plis, des marques, des décollements, une usure des bords, des décolorations, un début de marque circulaire du disque sur la pochette. Les signes de l'âge sont présents. Le cd a des rayures et marques qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. F = Etat moyen L'état de la pochette est proche de celui de VG- avec en plus des écritures, un papier gondolé à cause de l'humidité, des déchirures sur les bords... La qualité du son est détériorée par les nombreuses lectures, il peut y avoir des sautements. Exemple: EX/VG Pochette en excellent etat / Disque en tres bon etat. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ---------------------------- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Record condition : The sleeve is graded first. EX = Excellent The cover and packaging might have slight wear but excellent aspect overall. The cd may show some tiny signs of having been played. VG = Very good Cover shows some hanling imperfection like normal wear and tear, price tag, creasing... Cover can also be in mint condition but there is a DJ or promo copy stamp or cut in the corner. The CD has been played few times and displays  occasional light marks or scratches. Does not affect quality sound. G = Good Cover suffers from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits, discoloration... Now the signs of age and handling are starting to show. You can notice some clear wear on the surface. Does not affect quality sound. F = Fair The cover and contents can be torn, stained and/or defaced, there also can be some writing on it. The CD has been played so much that the sound quality has been noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Exemple: EX/VG Sleeve Excellent / record Very good. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Créé par L'outil de mise en vente gratuit. Mettez vos objets en vente rapidement et en toute simplicité, et gérez vos annonces en cours.
4 €
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REF38119 - Masters of the Universe - Superman (carte USA) - Barbarossa Art Type: figurine articulée Matière: plastique Taille: 14cm Origine: USA Année: 2012 Condition: neuve sous blister (voir photos du produit) SUPERMAN, le Dernier Fils de KryptonRegardez! C'est un oiseau? C'est un avion? Non, c'est une authentique figurine articulée de Superman dans le style des Maitres de l'Univers!Capturant la quintessence de l'Homme d'Acier version années 80, cette figurine représente Superman tel qu'il aurait pu apparaitre au sein de la gamme vintage des Maitres de l'Univers, suite à son apparition dans le cross-over de 1983 chez l'éditeur DC Comics. Non contents d'introduire enfin le Dernier Fils de Krypton dans la gamme MOTU, nous avons laissé libre cours à notre imagination en posant la question suivante: Quel évènement aurait pu découler de la présence de Superman dans un cross-over avec les Maîtres de l'Univers? Une réponse nous a semblé évidente: une guerre entre les Forces d'Eternia et les New Gods! L'illustration au dos du blister revèle donc les bases de cette histoire imaginaire, typique d'une gamme de jouets du milieu des années 80. Superman est livré avec une vrai cape en tissus, de vraies chaines en métal qu'on peut enrouler autour de son torse et fermer grâce à une petite attache. il suffit ensuite de déclencher son "Power-Punch" pour qu'il se libère de ses chaines!A propos du "Big Bang Project" de Barbarossa Art: "Le "Big Bang Project" est notre tentative de continuer la gamme originale des Maitres de l'Univers, au travers de créations artistiques (des figurines customs) s'intégrant dans un scénario imaginaire qui aurait pu exister si la série de Mattel avait continué. L'authenticité est notre préoccupation principale. Alors à chaque étape de design et de la fabrication, nous tâchons de garder à l'esprit cette question: "comment cela aurait-il été fait à l'époque?" Nous voulons produire des figurines s'intégrant parfaitement à la gamme originale et créer les personnages que nous aurions voulu avoir étant enfants. C'est à la fois un véritable plaisir artistique et nostalgique que de créer ces figurines et de retrouver les sensations d'antan, celle procurées par la découverte d'un nouveau personnage au magasin de jouet du coin..." TOUS NOS ENVOIS SE FONT EN COLISSIMO EXPERT (suivi, recommande, assurance en option. Cependant, pour les petits objets (inférieurs à 2cm d'épaisseur et 12cm de longueur) et uniquement pour la France, possibilité d'envoi en Lettre Max (3.50€). Les envois de documents et catalogues peuvent être effectuer en Courrier Prioritaire (sans recommandé et sans suivi). Pour ces envois spéciaux, merci de nous contacter avant l'achat pour confirmer que les objets choisis sont éligibles à ces modes d'expédition.   REF38119 - Masters of the Universe - Superman (USA card) - Barbarossa Art Type: action-figure  Material: plastic resin Size: 5 inches Year: 2012 Origin: USACondition: mint on card (see pictures)  SUPERMAN, Last Son of KryptonIts' a bird, it's a plane, no, it's an authentically-detailed vintage-styled MOTU Superman! Crafted to capture the quintessential 1980's version of the Man of Steel, this custom figure depicts Superman as he may have appeared as an action figure in the vintage line. But not satisfied with just inserting the Last Son of Krypton into MOTU, the imagination was allowed to go into overdrive a bit and ask the question, "how else might have Superman found himself in a cross-over with MOTU?" And the obvious answer arose: a war between the Forces of Eternia and The New Gods! Check out the artwork on the card for the storyline of this imaginary piece of mid-1980's toy history.Superman comes with a cloth cape, power-punch action and real metal chains accessory that you wrap around his chest and secure by way of a small plug. When you use his power-punch, watch him "break free" from the chains! Barbarossa Art Customs: The Big Bang Project: The Big Bang Project is my
344,88 €
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&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.Celine DION Falling into you - Cassette single   Cassette   Epic 5099766297941 Holland EX/EX   Attention: La qualité sonore de cette cassette audio n'est pas garantie. Les bandes magnetiques peuvent etre altérées par le temps. / Warning: The sound quality cannot be waranted. Time may have altered the magnetic band.   &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Etat des disques: L'etat de la pochette est indiquée en premier. EX = Excellent etat La pochette peut avoir quelques très discrètes rayures et/ou des petits plis. Le disque montre des signes d'avoir été joué (sensibles marques lumineuses), mais la perte de qualité sonore est pratiquement inaudible. VG = tres bon etat La pochette présente des signes de manipulations évidents: extrémité légèrement cornée, étiquette du prix, plis. Mais aucun défaut majeur. Il se peut aussi qu'elle soit en parfaite état mais présente un poinson ou une extrémité biseautée. C'est l'état le plus courant des disques de deuxième main. Les vinyles ont quelques rayures qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. Certains crépitements peuvent être audibles sur des platines très sensibles. G = Bon etat La pochette est usée avec des plis, des marques, des décollements, une usure des bords, des décolorations, un début de marque circulaire du disque sur la pochette. Les signes de l'âge sont présents. Le vinyle a des rayures et marques qui affectent la qualité sonore avec des craquements et sautements. F = Etat moyen L'état de la pochette est proche de celui de VG- avec en plus des écritures, un papier gondolé à cause de l'humidité, des déchirures sur les bords... La qualité du son est détériorée par les nombreuses lectures, il y a un souffle et il peut y avoir des sautements et craquements. On ne distingue pratiquement plus les sillons du disque. Exemple: EX/VG Pochette en excellent etat / Disque en tres bon etat. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ---------------------------- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Record condition : The sleeve is graded first. EX = Excellent The cover and packaging might have slight wear but excellent aspect overall. The record shows some signs of having been played, but there is very lessening in sound quality. VG = Very good Cover shows some hanling imperfection like normal wear and tear, price tag, creasing... Cover can also be in mint condition but there is a DJ or promo copy stamp or cut in the corner. Most common condition for records. The record has been played few times but displays no major deterioration in sound quality, no wear despite the occasional light marks.The average person would notice anything wrong. G = Good Cover suffers from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits, discoloration... Now the signs of age and handling are starting to show. You can notice some clear wear on the surface, there is some noise (pops and crackles) but no skips or major warps F = Fair The cover and contents can be torn, stained and/or defaced, there also can be some writing on it. The record has been played so much that the sound quality has been noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Exemple: EX/VG Sleeve Excellent / record Very good. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Créé par L'outil de mise en vente gratuit. Mettez vos objets en vente rapidement et en toute simplicité, et gérez vos annonces en cours.
19,98 €
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Paris (Paris)
ATTENTION: PAS DE CHEQUE, Merci  BRUCE HORNSBY AND THE RANGE THE WAY IT IS  Track Listing 1. The Way It Is, 2. Kiss Every Little 3. The Long Race, 4. Rain Mandolin 5. The River Runs Low, 6. skyline On the Western 7. The Red Plains, 8. The  Wild Frontier, 9. Tonight Down the Road DetailsPlaying Time:43 min.Contributing Artists:Huey LewisDistributor:BMG (distributor)Recording Type:StudioRecording Mode:StereoSPAR Code:ADD Album Notes Producers: Bruce Hornsby, Elliot Scheiner, Huey Lewis.THE WAY IT IS is Bruce Hornsby's first released recording.There isn't a second of Bruce Hornsby & the Range's The Way It Is that suggests it's a debut album. On the contrary, the record sounds like the culmination of a band's efforts over many years. The group has a distinct sound of its own, often led by Hornsby's bright piano chords and elastic tenor, with cohesive and evocative arrangements; there is new age music here, as well as jazz and country, and the mixture is presented naturally by musicians who seem to have been playing with each other for some time. Similarly, the songwriting has its own flavor. Hornsby wrote seven of the nine songs with his brother John Hornsby, and they create their own world, a working-class environment of longing and loneliness set against the background of the Virginia Tidewater area. (The album cover displays a sepia-toned photograph of the band set over another photograph of the long Chesapeake Bay Bridge.) The lyrics are lightly poetic and restrained, for the most part. The exception is the title song (written by Bruce Hornsby alone), a brave if somewhat clumsily written attack on the heartless right-wing politics of the mid-'80s, as the U.S. suffered through a second Reagan administration determined to roll back civil rights gains. The boldness of the statement and the lovely piano theme more than compensate for the awkward writing, however, making the song one of the album's most memorable. And that's saying a lot when the competition includes the engaging "Mandolin Rain" and the appealingly romantic "Every Little Kiss" (Hornsby's other sole writing credit). Perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise that the music is so accomplished. Hornsby was no teenage neophyte when he made it, having kicked around the music business and gotten into his thirties, and the band includes such veterans as David Mansfield, who may be remembered as a member of Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder troupe and the Alpha Band, as well as being a film composer. Sometimes a debut album just happens to be the first music most people get to hear by a mature talent, and that's the case here on the debut album of the year. (Bruce Hornsby & the Range went on to win the 1986 Grammy Award for Best New Artist.) ~ William Ruhlmann RCA / 1986 / Printed in GERMANY Boitier Cristal // Crystal Box Tous mes CD sont en état impeccable, très peu utilisés Frais de Port, Shipping cost: Pour la France: 4,60€ (+1€ par CD Supplémentaire) For Europe, Switzerland and Norvay: 6,50€ (+2€ each additional CD) Rest of the world: 7,85€ (+3€ each additional CD) Je ne livre pas les dom Tom, la Corse et les bases de l'armée (marine, armée de terre, de l'air, etc...) ainsi que les boites postales Pas de chèque. Nous expédierons UNIQUEMENT à l'adresse (confirmée) spécifiée dans MERCI de CONSULTER MES AUTRES VENTES...
1,99 €
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Fly and the Fly-Bottle, Encounters With British Intellectuals (Classic Reprint) Ved Mehta Auteur: Ved Mehta Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 290 pages paperback Publication: 27/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,61 x 14,99 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Battle A gainst the Bewitchment of Our Intelligence Ive spent some happy years in Oxford, and to keep in touch with England I read her newspapers. I am most at home with the Guardian, but I also like to look at the correspondence columns of the Times, where, in an exception to the Times tradition of anonymity, the writers are identified by name and speak directly to the reader. I relish a contest of words, and the Times page of letters becomes for me a street where I can stroll each morning and see the people of England lords and commoners shake hands, spit at each other, and set off verbal barrages. I began taking this engaging daily walk during my undergraduate years at Balliol College, Oxford, and Ive kept up the habit, whether I have found myself in Paris, Damascus, New Delhi, or New York. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at A fascinating book about a unique invididual who refuses to be bound by the circumstances of his life. This is a book I read many years ago. It is so interesting, the character and story of the author is surprising and fascinating, I wanted to have a to keep. This is a book to delve into. A book about courage, about taking charge of your life and refusing to be bound by the circumstances of your life. I don't know another book like it, another person like the author. D'autre ouvrages de Ved Mehta Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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France (Toutes les villes)
Sam Tanenhaus’s essay “ Conservatism Is Dead ” prompted intense discussion and debate when it was published in The New Republic in the first days of Barack Obama’s presidency. Now Tanenhaus, a leading authority on modern politics, has expanded his argument into a sweeping history of the American conservative movement. For seventy-five years, he argues, the Right has been split between two factions: consensus-driven “realists” who believe in the virtue of government and its power to adjust to changing conditions, and movement “revanchists” who distrust government and society–and often find themselves at war with America itself. Eventually, Tanenhaus writes, the revanchists prevailed, and the result is the decadent “movement conservatism” of today, a defunct ideology that is “profoundly and defiantly unconservative–in its arguments and ideas, its tactics and strategies, above all in its vision.” But there is hope for conservatism. It resides in the examples of pragmatic leaders like Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan and thinkers like Whittaker Chambers and William F. Buckley, Jr. Each came to understand that the true role of conservatism is not to advance a narrow ideological agenda but to engage in a serious dialogue with liberalism and join with it in upholding “the politics of stability.” Conservatives today need to rediscover the roots of this honorable tradition. It is their only route back to the center of American politics. At once succinct and detailed, penetrating and nuanced, The Death of Conservatism is a must-read for Americans of any political persuasion.
5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability: Ideas and inspiration for even greater success and joy raising bilingual kids (Anglais) Broché – 17 avril 2016 Description du Produit Praised worldwide by parents and experts in the field, Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability is the uniquely empowering guidebook to the bilingual journey by Adam Beck, founder of the popular blog Bilingual Monkeys (and the lively forum The Bilingual Zoo (/> Beck, a longtime practitioner of bilingual development in children, shares the best of his personal experience as an educator and parent, offering a wealth of actionable advice in this practical and comprehensive road map to greater success and joy raising bilingual and multilingual kids. Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability will enable you to... *Deepen your grasp of the key factors (including the two “core conditions”) for successfully nurturing a bilingual child *Strengthen your efforts by taking even more mindful and effective action on a regular basis *Boost your child’s language development, day by day, and bilingual ability over the years of childhood *Empower your spirit and feel greater motivation, enthusiasm, and perseverance *Experience a more joyful adventure with your child and a richer, closer relationship Praised by parents of bilingual and multilingual kids around the world... “There are many resources out there for bilingual families, but Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability is uniquely special.” —Ana Paula in the U.S. “After reading Adam’s book and putting into practice every tactic suitable to our circumstances, I noticed extraordinary progress in my son’s language ability.” —Deborah in the U.S. “If you are going to read one book about raising bilingual children, make it this one. We finished reading it feeling really inspired and full of new ideas.” —Alex in the U.K. “Looks at bilingual upbringing from a different angle. Full of passion, enthusiasm, positivity, and interesting insights.” —Jana in the U.K. “The most useful, practical, and motivating book on the market.” —Arancha in Spain “If you are a parent looking to raise your child with two or more languages, look no further. This is the book you need.” —Alisa in France “A treasure trove of wonderful practical ideas and creative tips.” —Julia in the U.S. “The perfect guidebook for our family’s ongoing multilingual journey.” —Jonathan in Japan “An ideal read when you’re expecting, and a good present for future parents to a bilingual baby!” —Julie in the U.K. “A very inspirational book. A must-read for bilingual families.” —Gabi in Argentina Caractéristiques: Détails du Produit: Broché: 310 pages Editeur: Bilingual Adventures; Édition: 1 (17 avril 2016) Langue: Anglais Dimensions du produit: 15,2 x 2 x 22,9 cm Moyenne des commentaires client: 3.5 étoiles sur 5 2 commentaires client n°49 dans Homeschooling (Livres anglais et étrangers) n°81 dans Contemporary Education Methods (Livres anglais et étrangers) n°442 dans Parenting (Livres anglais et étrangers) Traitement Nous expédierons toutes les commandes dans un délai de 1 jour ouvrable du paiement. Livraison Nous ne livrons pas en dehors de la france métropolitaine. Politique de Retour Tous les articles sont admissibles aux retours dans les 30 jours suivant leur réception. Veuillez discuter avec nous des options de retour avant de renvoyer l'article. Évaluations Nous prenons notre réputation au sérieux, nous achetons et vendons en ligne, nous comprenons donc la valeur de la confiance. Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de votre commande, veuillez nous contacter et nous travaillerons avec vous pour le résoudre à votre satisfaction.
19,82 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
*** 4 Classic GOON SHOWs from BBC Transcription Service *** Talking about the influence of The Goon Shows on the British comedy that followed it, The Wikipedia entry states: - Eddie Izzard notes that the Goons and Milligan in particular b'"'influenced a new generation of comedians who came to be known as 'alternative'.b'"' John Cleese [of Monty Python fame] notes that b'"'In comedy, there are a very small number of defining moments when somebody comes along and genuinely creates a breakthrough, takes us into territory where nobody has been before. The only experiences to which I can compare my own discovery of the Goons are going to see N. F. Simpson's play One Way Pendulum... or, later on, hearing Peter Cook for the first time. They were just light years ahead of everyone else.b'"' These four vintage episodes come from the middle of the show's life run and were recorded in November and December 1956. BBC Transcription Service disks of the shows were distributed throughout the Commonwealth the follow year and were later released in the USA. In all there were over 240 Goon Shows, most written entirely by Spike Milligan, an amazing output. These two disks are not in the best condition and do have some surface noise, Nonetheless, a lot of pleasure and fun can be had from listening to them and what Goon Fan wouldn't want to own them? (NOTE: These disks have been spot-checked for condition.) The Episode titles are: - 99 - The Jet-Propelled Guided Naafi (27' 41b'"') - 100 - The Nadger Plague (28' 27b'"') - 101 - The Great Bank Robbery (28' 03b'"') - 102 - What's My Line? (28' 02b'"') The BBC Transcription Service pioneered full-range high fidelity recording in the BBC and was the first to regularly record in stereo and quadraphonically; it pioneered using Dolby A noise reduction. BBC Transcription Service records had short print runs, usually around 100 discs, and most copies were destroyed after broadcasting rights expired. This rare example was obtained directly from the BBC TS's own undistributed stock. These limited edition LPs include the original BBC TS cover. All items from Verity Vinyls are part of a personal collection of records, musical manuscripts and books, started in 1953 when the collector, then aged 12 years, bought his first LP - a symphony by Mahler. He is now disposing of a selection of items from his collection. Unless otherwise stated, all disks are tested before despatch, and are shipped in professional box mailers with additional stiffening pads, specifically designed for vinyl records. En savoir plus
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The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taught many of today's software developers most of what they know about computer programming. -Byte, September 1995 Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's work. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while ordinary programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. I can't begin to tell you how many pleasurable hours of study and recreation they have afforded me! I have pored over them in cars, restaurants, at work, at home...and even at a Little League game when my son wasn't in the line-up. -Charles Long Primarily written as a reference, some people have nevertheless found it possible and interesting to read each volume from beginning to end. A programmer in China even compared the experience to reading a poem. If you think you're a really good programmer...read [Knuth's] Art of Computer Programming...You should definitely send me a resume if you can read the whole thing.-Bill Gates Whatever your background, if you need to do any serious computer programming, you will find your own good reason to make each volume in this series a readily accessible part of your scholarly or professional library. It's always a pleasure when a problem is hard enough that you have to get the Knuths off the shelf. I find that merely opening one has a very useful terrorizing effect on computers. -Jonathan Laventhol In describing the new fourth volume, one reviewer listed the qualities that distinguish all of Knuth's work. [In sum:] detailed coverage of the basics, illustrated with well-chosen examples; occasional forays into more esoteric topics and problems at the frontiers of research; impeccable writing peppered with occasional bits of humor; extensive collections of exercises, all with solutions or helpful hints; a care Mis en ligne via Market Invaders: Application de gestion de places de marché.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Geschäft Neue Dinge Add to Favorite Feedback Kontakt The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers Beschreibung This classic guide, from the renowned novelist and professor, has helped transform generations of aspiring writers into masterful writers—and will continue to do so for many years to come.     John Gardner was almost as famous as a teacher of creative writing as he was for his own works. In this practical, instructive handbook, based on the courses and seminars that he gave, he explains, simply and cogently, the principles and techniques of good writing. Gardner’s lessons, exemplified with detailed excerpts from classic works of literature, sweep across a complete range of topics—from the nature of aesthetics to the shape of a refined sentence. Written with passion, precision, and a deep respect for the art of writing, Gardner’s book serves by turns as a critic, mentor, and friend. Anyone who has ever thought of taking the step from reader to writer should begin here. ÜBER UNS Wir bieten die besten Preise rund um qualitativ hochwertige Produkte. Unser E-Store umfasst Medien wie Bücher, Filme, Musik und Spiele und bietet Elektronik, Spielzeug, Sportbekleidung, Kleidung, Werkzeuge, Haus- und Gartenartikel und vieles mehr. VERSAND Wir bieten kostenlosen Versand innerhalb von Deutschland und versenden unsere Produkte innerhalb von 1 Werktag nach Zahlung. Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Adresse an, diese muss eine Paypal autorisierte Adresse sein. Wir arbeiten ständig daran, sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Paket innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach dem Versand eintrifft. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass einige Faktoren wie Wetter, hoher Postverkehr und die Leistung von Reedereien außerhalb unserer Kontrolle liegen. RETOUREN Wir bieten eine 30-Tage-Rückgaberecht für Artikel, mit denen Sie nicht vollständig zufrieden sind. Sie haben die Möglichkeit für eine vollständige Rückerstattung oder einen Umtausch des Artikels. PAYMENT We accept PayPal. CONTACT US This page content is yet to come Please ad us to your favorite seller and visit again later Thank You KUNDENZUFRIEDENHEIT Wir versuchen unser Bestes, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Kunden vollständig zufrieden sind.. Wenn Sie ein Problem haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter! Wir akzeptieren Copyright © 2018 AutoDs. | All Rights Reserved
21,14 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Discover more secrets about the Shadowhunters as they fight to protect the world from demons in the second book in the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series. Love and power are the deadliest temptations... Haunted by her past, Clary is dragged deeper into New York City's terrifying underworld of demons and Shadowhunters but can she control her feelings for a boy who can never be hers? Read all the sensational books in The Shadowhunter Chronicles: The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Bane Chronicles, The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours and The Shad owhunter's Codex. Broché:  416 pages Editeur :  Walker Books Ltd (7 juillet 2008) Collection :  The Mortal Instruments Langue :  Anglais ISBN-10:  1406307637 ISBN-13:  978-1406307634 Dimensions du produit:  12,9 x 2,5 x 19,8 cm
7,76 €
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Sellières (Jura)
LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI, WAGNER "RING OF THE NIEBELUNG" LP DECCA PPS 4116 STEREO (U.K. 1967 edition) A1  The Ride Of The Valkyries (Die Walküre - Act 3) A2  Forest Murmurs (Siegfried - Act 2) A3  Entrance Of The Gods Into Valhalla (Das Rheingold - Finale) B1  Siegfried's Rhine Journey (Götterdämmerung - Prologue)        Horn [Solo] – Barry Tuckwell B2  Siegfried's Death And Funeral Music (Götterdämmerung - Act 3) Conductor – Leopold Stokowski Orchestra – London Symphony Orchestra Pochette:  TRES BON (VG++), accrocs, voir photos. Disque: TRES TRES BON (VG+++), tres bonne écoute. Label: EXCELLENT (EX). Paiement Paypal ou cheque. Port en France Metropolitaine: Jusqu'a 250 g (1 a 3 x 45t): 4,90 € Jusqu'a 500 g (1 x 33 t): 6,50 € Jusqu'a 2 kg (2 a 6 x 33t): 8,50 € Port pour le monde entier: Jusqu'a 250 g (1 to 3 x 45rpm -7inch): 10 € Jusqu'a 500 g (1 x 33 rpm -12inch):      14 € Jusqu'a 2 kg (2 to 6 x 33 rpm -12inch): 23 €
10 €
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