One are so well
Liste des meilleures ventes one are so well

Paris (Paris)
Boutique OUVERTE (we are OPENED) pendant le confinement. Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled ASSASSIN S CREED ORIGINS GOLD XBOX ONE FR OCCASION Jeu Français pour console Microsoft XBOX ONE. Jeu d' occasion en bon état. Sans DLC. Support - Xbox ONE, Xone Date de sortie - 27 octobre 2017 Editeur - Ubisoft Genre - Action-Aventure Origine - Europe France Compatibilité - Region Free Langue du Jeu - Francais Langue Boite - Francais Langues Notice - Francais Sous-titres - Anglais PEGI (Sensibilité du public) - 18, Conseillé aux plus de 18 ans Série - Assassin's Creed Description Voyagez à travers l’Égypte antique, le lieu le plus mystérieux de l’histoire, durant une période cruciale qui a forgé le monde. Découvrez les secrets derrière les Grandes Pyramides, les mythes oubliés, les derniers pharaons et – gravé dans des hiéroglyphes disparus – l’histoire originelle de la Confrérie des Assassins. Découvrez une toute nouvelle façon de combattre, affrontez plusieurs ennemis en même temps et passez d’une arme de mêlée à une arme à distance en un clin d’œil. Choisissez vos compétences d’Assassin tout en explorant le pays entier de l’Égypte antique et prenez part à de multiples quêtes et histoires captivantes à travers un voyage qui bouleversera la civilisation Égyptienne. Caractéristiques VIVEZ LES MYSTÈRES DE L’ÉGYPTE ANTIQUE – Découvrez des tombeaux perdus, explorez les Grandes Pyramides et révélez les secrets des momies, des dieux et des derniers pharaons. L’HISTOIRE ORIGINELLE – Vivez le commencement avec l’histoire encore jamais dévoilée de l’origine d’Assassin’s Creed. Vous incarnez Bayek, protecteur de l’Égypte, porté par une vengeance personnelle qui le conduira à la création de la Confrérie des Assassins. PLONGEZ DANS L’ACTION-RPG – Expérimentez une toute nouvelle façon de combattre en récupérant des équipements et en utilisant une large variété d’armes aux caractéristiques et raretés différentes. Profitez d’une mécanique de progression RPG profonde, choisissez vos compétences préférées et mettez vos talents à l’épreuve face à d’uniques et puissants boss. CHAQUE QUÊTE EST UNE AVENTURE MÉMORABLE – Sélectionnez et achevez les quêtes à votre propre rythme: chacune raconte une histoire intense et émouvante, agrémentée de personnages hauts en couleurs et d’objectifs significatifs. EXPLOREZ UN PAYS ENTIER– Du désert aux oasis luxuriantes, de la mer Méditerranée aux tombeaux de Gizeh, luttez contre de dangereuses faction
16,94 €
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Paris (Paris)
Boutique OUVERTE (we are OPENED) pendant le confinement. Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER XBOX ONE UK OCCASION Jeu d'occasion pour consoles Microsoft Xbox One Version européenne anglaise (Royaume-Uni), Region Free avec fr Support - Xbox ONE, Xone Editeur - Square Enix Genre - Action-Aventure Origine - Royaume Uni Compatibilité - Region Free Langue du Jeu - Multi Langue Boite - Anglais Série - Tomb Raider, Lara Croft Prestalia e-commerce solutions.
16,94 €
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Paris (Paris)
Boutique OUVERTE (we are OPENED) pendant le confinement. Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled DOOM ETERNAL DELUXE EDITION XBOX ONE F OCCASION Jeu d' occasion pour console Xbox One Edition française Les DLC peuvent déja être utilisé Support - Xbox ONE, Xone Editeur - Bethesda Genre - FPS Origine - France Compatibilité - Region Free Langue du Jeu - Multi Langue Boite - Francais PEGI (Sensibilité du public) - 18, Conseillé aux plus de 18 ans Etat - Occasion Développé par id Software, DOOM® Eternal™ est la suite directe du jeu DOOM®, élu Best Action Game aux Game Awards de 2016. Vous allez découvrir le mélange ultime de vitesse et de puissance en vous frayant un chemin entre les dimensions et en vous plongeant dans des combats à la première personne bourrés d'action. Optimisé pour l’idTech 7 et immergé dans la toute nouvelle bande-son frénétique du compositeur Mick Gordon, DOOM Eternal vous met aux commandes d'un DOOM Slayer impitoyable. Armé d'un arsenal dévastateur, vous exploserez de nouveaux et d’anciens démons dans des mondes incroyables et encore jamais vus.Vous allez incarner le DOOM Slayer. De retour sur Terre, vous allez découvrir que votre planète a subi une invasion démoniaque. Vous aller déchaîner les enfers et découvrir les origines du Slayer et de sa mission de massacre... jusqu'à son aboutissement.Menace Slayer au niveau maximal Vous allez accéder à la toute dernière technologie en matière de massacre de démons avec l'armure Praetor avancée, qui comprend un lance-flamme monté sur l'épaule et la Doom Blade, une lame de poignet rétractable. Avec des armes et mods améliorés, tels que le nouveau Crochet de boucher pour le Super Shotgun vous permettant de réduire la distance avec vos cibles, et des compétences comme le double sprint qui vous rend plus rapide et plus fort que jamais.Trinité démoniaque Vous ne pourrez pas tuer de démons si vous êtes mort et vous ne resterez pas en vie sans ressources. Prenez ce dont vous avez besoin sur vos ennemis: faites des Glory Kills pour récupérer de la santé, incinérez-les pour obtenir de l’armure et tronçonnez-les pour accumuler des munitions. Ces outils sont la clé de votre survie et de votre ascension au rang d'ultime pourfendeur de démons.Une nouvelle classe de démons (destructibles) Vous détruirez plus de démons que jamais, chacun possédant des attaques et compétences uniques. Les classiques, favoris des fans comme les Doloris, Arch-viles et Arachnotrons font leur r
28,23 €
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Paris (Paris)
Boutique OUVERTE (we are OPENED) pendant le confinement. Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled F1 2018 HEADLINE EDITION XBOX ONE FR OCCASION Jeu PAL pour console Xbox One. Version française Region Free jeu d' occasion complet en bon état. Support - Xbox ONE, Xone Editeur - Codemasters Genre - Course Origine - France Compatibilité - Region Free Langue Boite - Francais Prestalia e-commerce solutions.
16,94 €
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Paris (Paris)
Boutique OUVERTE (we are OPENED) pendant le confinement. Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled ODDWORLD SOULSTORM DAY ONE EDITION PS5 EURO OCCASION Date de sortie: 06/07/2021 Jeu d'occasion pour consoles Playstation 5 Edition Euro. Les DLC peuvent déjà êtres utilisés Support - Playstation 5 (PS5) Date de sortie - Juillet 2021 Editeur - Microïds Genre - Action-Aventure Langue Boite - Multi PEGI (Sensibilité du public) - 12, Conseillé aux plus de 12 ans Série - Oddworld Etat - Occasion Embarquez dans l'aventure héroïque d'Abe dans ce deuxième chapitre, la suite directe de New 'N' Tasty. La suite directe des évènements de Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty, sorti en 2014, Oddworld: Soulstorm est de deuxième volet de l'aventure épique d'Abe. Abe a subi une transformation non désirée. Il est passé du statut de simple rouage mudokon sur le point d’être dévoré par la machine commerciale des Glukkons à celui de héros improbable et symbole d’espoir. Le titre ajoute des éléments RPG et propose plus de liberté aux joueurs, pour leur permettre de jouer de façon plutôt agressive ou passive. • Narration – Une scénario sombre à l’humour grinçant, plein d’ironie sur la condition humaine. • Un environnement en « 2.9D » – Le jeu propose des environnements épiques à grande échelle afin d’explorer cet univers, plutôt que d’être limité au traditionnel « side scrolling » des jeux de plateforme. • Le Quarma (pensez Karma) – Reflète vos actions dans le jeu. Ce Quarma influencera Abe, ses compagnons Mudokons, ses compétences et votre score tout au long du jeu. • Agissez comme un pillard – Faites les poches de vos ennemis en toute discrétion, pillez les casiers, fouillez les poubelles pour collecter des ressources. Echangez-les via des distributeurs pour obtenir des produits. • Artisanat – Utilisez les ressources récupérées et les produits obtenus via les distributeurs pour créer des objets. • L’union fait la force – Plus vous sauvez de Mudokons, plus votre révolte devient puissante. Ce sera également à vous de décider s’ils devront adopter un comportement agressif ou plutôt passif. • Durée de vie – Attendez-vous à une première partie de 15h environ pour arriver jusqu’à la fin. Les chasseurs de trophées et les perfectionnistes auront quant à eux de quoi jouer pendant des dizaines d’heures. • Classements – Tous les niveaux proposent un système de score, des classements, des succès et des badges. Prestalia e-commerce solutions.
45,18 €
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Paris (Paris)
Rétrogaming, news & goodies, The best of video games SEE MORE HERE Envoi soigné et rapide Possibilité de combiner les envois pour bénéficier d'une remise sur les frais de port Les envois sont effectués suivant le produit et votre choix par: - lettre suivie (enveloppe format boite aux lettres avec beaucoup de bulle et suivi) - Mondial Relay - et DHL (livraison expresse) Si vous avez une question ou un problème concernant un produit ou une commande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous ferons au mieux pour satisfaire à votre demande. Les commandes dont les paiements ne sont pas reçus dans les 72h seront automatiquement annulées Quick dispatched & well protected If you buy several items, we will combine shipment so you can get a discount on the shipping fees Depending on the products and on your choice, the product are shipped by: - lettre suivie internationale (small registered packet with bubbles protection and tracking, mailbox size smallpacket) - DHL (express delivery) For any question or problem about a product or an order, please contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and we'll try to get you the best answer 72h unpaid order will automatically be cancelled MY HERO ONE S JUSTICE PS4 FR OCCASION Jeu pour console Sony Playstation 4 Version française Occasion Support - Playstation 4, PS4 Editeur - Bandai Namco Genre - Combat, Fighting 2D&3D Origine - France Compatibilité - Region Free Langue Boite - Francais Votre combat pour la justice commence maintenant !Que vous vouliez anéantir l'humanité ou que vous pensiez que les héros ont le devoir de défendre les plus faibles, battez-vous pour affirmer votre version de la justice dans MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE. Le célèbre manga publié dans Weekly Shonen Jump prend vie en vous permettant d'utiliser les pouvoirs de vos personnages préférés, comme Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugo, All Might et bien d'autres dans ce jeu de combat en arène où vous aurez le choix entre héros et vilains sur la voie de la justice. Combattez avec des Alters et faites appel à vos acolytes pour activer de puissantes attaques qui sèmeront la destruction autour de vous.Caractéristiques:• Tiré du célèbre manga My Hero Academia publié dans Weekly Shonen Jump• Héros ou vilains - Faites votre choix parmi les personnages préférés des fans comme Deku, All Might, Tomura et bien d'autres sur la voie de la justice. • Destruction totale - Faites du grabuge dans les environnements destructibles en livrant des combats intenses. • Super pouvoirs - Utilisez l'Alter de chaque personnage pour réaliser des attaques explosives. • De superbes graphismes fidèles au style de l'anime. Prestalia e-commerce solutions.
22,59 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
Lot de 2 jeux pour ordinateur Atari ST STE STF - Floppy Disk - Complet - CIB OVP (French Description Version - For English see below) Lot de 2 jeux pour ordinateurs de la gamme ATARI ST (STF, STE): 1) Winter Games (Epyx): Bon état sur deux (2) disquettes format 3 pouces 1/2. Manuel de jeu en anglais pour Atari ST et boite pour Commodore 64. 2) Silence Service (MicroProse): Bon état. Manuel de jeu en anglais partiellement complet sur une disquette format 3 pouces 1/2. Pour toute question complémentaire, n’hesitez pas à me contacter. EXPEDITION Expédition par Mondial Relay ou Colissimo. Les articles sont bien protégés pour le transport. Toute dégradation ou détérioration du matériel et de ses composants est de la responsabilité du transporteur que vous aurez choisi. ——— (ENGLISH Description Version) Bundle of 2 video games for vintage computers ATARI ST (STE, STF): 1) Winter Games (Epyx): Good condition on two (2) 3.5” Floppy Disk. Game manual in English for Atari ST and box for Commodore 64. 2) Silent Service (MicroProse): Good condition on one (1) 3.5” floppy disk. Game manual partially completed, in English language. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ABOUT SHIPPING SERVICES International shipping costs include the packaging, insurrance, and obviously the online tracking number. All items are fairly well secured in your package. No doubt, wether you win or buy multiple items from my profile, combined shipping available. _gsrx_vers_1281 (GS 8.3.5 (1281))
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
5 Pcs Vtg Lot: Rare 1998 Pokemon 6" ball by Hedstrom and 4 Vintage Pokemon Cards. Condition is "Used". Shipped with USPS First Class. Please scroll to the section below labeled: "Description and Dimensions", for detailed info. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS! With the exception of items broken in the mail, or on orders shipped AFTER your scheduled ship date* *It is your responsibility to READ the posting and shipping info before purchase*see section below labeled “PACKING AND SHIPPING” DESCRIPTION&DIMENSIONS: This listing includes 5 items for the purchase price. They are listed below. 1.RARE 1998 6" Pokemon double sided kickball. Only other listing I can find is for a red one (mint), and they are asking $99. There is definitely color fading on the ball I have, but the images and words are still very clear. The ball is taught (full;not lacking air). I considered the color issue when pricing this item. 2. 4 (pictured above) Vintage Pokemon cards. 3 were produced in 1998 and 1 was produced in 2000. I do not know the value of these cards individually, so I am charging the minimum average price (about $3 a card) Although there isn't a make offer option, I am willing to consider reasonable offers. If you have any questions, or would like more pics, feel free to message me. I check messages EVERYDAY :) Happy Shopping!! SHIPPING: My shipping times are carefully chosen to ensure each customer is cared for equally. MAKE SURE YOU VIEW THE ESTIMATED SHIP TIME BEFORE YOU BUY. Upon purchase I will provide a ship date. If an earlier ship date is needed please REQUEST one BEFORE PURCHASE and I will let you know if it is possible:) Once an item ships you will receive a tracking number. Items shipped in the US usually arrive within 3 days PS- Letters cannot be tracked by usps. The cheapest mailing option including tracking is $3.50. For this reason, I cannot decrease the shipping cost. All shipping prices are calculated by weight and size. I do not set the prices:) PACKING/STORAGE: ALL items collected* and created by SurrealE / SurrealeArtDolls/ArtistiMysti are stored and shipped in ziplock bags with a dryer sheet to ensure freshness. It has been brought to my attention that some customers have sensitivities to scent and would prefer NOT to have a dryer sheet.In my experience they work INCREDIBLY well, so PLEASE let me know upon purchase if you would not like one so I can re-package your item:) If your ship-by date is updated by me, you must request a refund AT THAT POINT, if the ship-date change is unacceptable to you. *The items in my shop are NOT my personal property. All items are purchase at thrift stores and home sales. I DO NOT KNOW where the items were before or if the previous owners had pets or smoked. There is no smoking in my home. I smell and clean all items before posting. I cannot wash off 20 years of use. Please understand that I do my very best to find items in EXCELLENT shape and overall condition. If detect a smell, I won’t sell. As stated above, some people are just sensitive to scent of ANY kind. If this is you, you may prefer to buy new instead:) A Note About Toys: This is a vintage item. Please check for recalls before giving this item to a child. Vintage items are generally sold as display pieces or for adult collectors. SHEETS: * sheets, pillow cases, and fabric vary in price depending on: 1. Condition 2.Demand 3. What I paid for the item.
4.000 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Product Description What Do You Get? Pre-order games to go straight to the front of the queue and get them automatically delivered to your PS3 or PS4 at midnight on the day of release. Find out more at Featuring a huge selection of items, including games, demos, expansion packs and videos, as well as regularly updated special offers on various titles previously released at great prices. Experience blockbuster series as well as games available exclusively to download via PlayStation Network. Check out the ever expanding range of PS One and PS2 Classics, as well as a wide selection of indie hits. How to Redeem Create your own Sony Entertainment Network account at Sign in to PlayStation Store or our online store. Select the “Redeem Codes” option (for PS Vita, first tap the Options icon at the foot of the screen). Enter the 12 digit voucher code and then select “Continue”. Follow the on-screen instructions to redeem your voucher code. Voucher codes are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as displayed. What’s PlayStation Store? Welcome to a huge world of entertainment for your PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PSP, all delivered direct from PlayStation Store. Access PlayStation Store directly from your PS4, PS3, PS Vita and PSP, or by using the Media Go application on your PC, and with just a few clicks you can be downloading from our wide range of available content. Please note this code will only work on UK PSN accounts. Once your order has been despatched it can not be refunded so please ensure you will be using this code on a UK PSN account and store. What’s PlayStation Network? PlayStation Network (PSN) is the online service for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. It's where you go to play online, chat with friends and download incredible games and extra content. It’s a world of exclusive offers and gaming communities. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a thing to sign up. Turn your PS3 and PS4 into an entertainment hub for all the family with PSN and connect to your favourite music, TV and movies. REDEMPTION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Go to PlayStation Store or our online store. 2. Sign in to your Sony Entertainment Network account (previously called PlayStation Network Account). If you don't have one, create one at 3. Select the “Redeem Codes” option (for PS Vita, first tap the Options icon at the foot of the screen). 4. Enter the 12 digit voucher code and then select “Continue”. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions to redeem your voucher code. Voucher codes are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as displayed. This voucher code is issued by Sony Network Entertainment Europe Limited. Expires 12 months from date of purchase. Full terms apply at Please note: In order to redeem this code, you will need a UK PlayStation Network account.
35,99 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Netflix Gift Card 25 EUR Is there a TV show you want to watch, but your household are set on catching up on a Disney movie? Or perhaps you have to share the TV with someone and you cannot agree on a single evening watch? Well, we are happy to present a solution. Buy Netflix Gift Card 25 EUR and get yourself a subscription that fits your needs and wants. For everyone When it comes to Netflix, the selection is not a problem. There is a variety of movies and shows for you to browse; it doesn’t matter if you are a fantasy fan or prefer realistic detective stories, there will always be something for you to watch. There is no limit to your watch time, so if you want to, you can spend entire night binging musicals – no one will judge you! Child protection If you have children in the household, then a decision to buy Netflix Gift Card 25 EUR is not a wasted opportunity either. You can set up a separate profile for the child, and this differs from a regular one because the child’s profile is age-restricted. There will be no horror movies or inappropriate content available for kid’s consumption, it all safe and friendly! Rotating selection Another plus of having a Netflix subscription is the never-ending library of content! The movies and shows are in constant rotation, changing with seasons and according to big holidays, therefore you will never complete the entire library, as it will shift before you make even a dent in it. Buy Netflix Gift Card 25 EUR and enjoy not only the rotation but also additions! Netflix is notorious for releasing their own original entertainment, something that you would not see on your local cable! So, take advantage of the unique content, grab some popcorn and have a nice evening! Right for you There are three different subscription methods: basic, standard and ultra. Depending on which plan you choose, the price and the scope of the service changes, with ultra allowing to open Netflix on four devices at the same time!
30,88 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ATARI - VCS 2600 with 2600RGB video upgrade kit mod by Tim Worthington The Atari 2600 is used but works perfectly. It can play games from any countries. It is modded with the ATARI2600 RGB video upgrade kit from Tim Worthington (more informations here The console shell has not been altered in any way, no hole drilled or whatever, so only a SCART cable was added in addition to the original RF cable, Composite, S-video and Audio outputs have not been installed but the required components from the kit are supplied with the system in case if you want to do it yourself (that will need to alter the console shell). Audio signal is send via SCART cable too which is high quality screened, so no noise in the picture from that. The RGB signal comes with pure CSYNC in order to have the best picture quality possible, so don't expect to get a Composite signal via SCART socket unless to mod the console yourself (just a wire to desolder and resolder to another joint on the 2600RGB board inside). A joystick has been modded (of course not an original one) with a push button which allows to control the Select and Reset switches, as well as change the color palette on the fly and pause the console. It still possible to use the original RF output by disabling the 2600RGB mod with a button manipulation on the joystick. The original voltage regulator has been replaced by a switching power supply board which better ensures the sustainability of electronics, of course the removed voltage regulator is given with. The console is supplied in a new "Chess Piece" box reproduction with all its cardboard inserts, two joystick boxes, manuals and membership card, together with a second joystick (original one), an original UK AC adapter in its box (the console can be used with any AC adapter which can output the right voltage) and a Space Invaders game. All items come from my personal collection. International bidders are welcome! Do not hesitate to make offers or ask questions!
1.199,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
F1 2019 Legends Edition Upgrade (DLC) (PS4) Official game based on Formula One World Championship of 2019 is set to the be the best release from the developer Codemasters. No more just watching the races on your silver screen, it is time to grip the wheel in your own hands; buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key and see how well you will hold up against the bigshots of F1. And since all the contenders from the race are available in the game, you will surely have your pick of adversaries! F2 is finally here You will have a chance to test your skill not only against the well-known F1 racers, but also see what it’s like to drive in the F2 tracks. The mode presents some restrictions that are not applicable to the F1 cars, which ensures your experience with the different league is genuine and challenging. Granted, when you buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key, you will only have access to tracks and drivers that were included in F2’s 2018 teams, but there’s still plenty of content to keep you occupied. Better than before Codemasters truly went all out and graphics have been their priority. The newest game displays enhanced environments in order to elevate the gameplay as well as show off the capabilities of current technology. Furthermore, it increases engagement, making you feel like you truly are in those familiar tracks! Broadcast sounds and video have also been improved, underlining the feeling of realism that is especially important in games like this, so buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key and experience it all by yourself. Legends Editions Live through the greatest rivalry that F1 has ever known! Take command of Ayrton Senna and his trusted vehicle 1990 McLaren MP4/5B, or pick Alain Prost and the famed Ferrari F1-90. There are 8 challenges you can race through, experiencing the thrill and danger of high-speed competitions. Additionally, you will receive multiplayer car liveries themed after the two famous and beloved drivers, allowing you to show off your dedication for all to see!
9,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Netflix Gift Card 50 EUR Endless content, amazing movies and brilliant TV shows - buy Netflix Gift Card 50 EUR and you will get all this as more. Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services, available in many countries all over the world and is a great replacement for cable TV (as it’s exponentially cheaper). Variety This singular word perfectly fits to explain the vastness of Netflix library. If you like movies, there are time-tested classics or the newest blockbusters. Prefer documentaries? Well, pick your sphere – nature, industrial, political – and soak up all the knowledge. Don’t like singular movies but love to binge sci-fi shows? Netflix is there for you! Buy Netflix Gift Card 50 EUR and pick one of the three available plans. After that, delve into the wonderful time-consuming pastime known as streaming. Netflix Originals Because Netflix is a big company and has only grown over the years, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they directly influence their own library. The streaming platform often releases original movies or shows or even animations. Often in collaboration with big names and known studios, Netflix is not afraid to try their hand at various genres and mediums. Probably the greatest achievement so far is interactive episodes of a show, where the viewer can pick how the story goes. Buy Netflix Gift Card 50 EUR and experience this technical marvel for yourself! How and when you want it Because Netflix is a streaming platform, it is not tied by any cables or antennas, therefore you will not have to worry about availability. Simply open up Netflix page on your computer, or use an app for a mobile device, and you are good to go (as long as the internet is working, of course), and browse the library. Up to four people can watch at the same time, regardless of location, but it depends on what plan you have. Buy Netflix Gift Card 50 EUR and you can freely choose one of these: the basic plan is meant for one singular device (that is, one person can watch). Standard is meant for two screens at once and therefore is good for a small household. And the high tier ultra HD plan will allow the aforementioned four devices at once.
61,99 €
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Paris (Paris)
I am selling all my Vampire the Masquerade book collection ! Book by book ! So bid on all the books and novels you'd want, and we'll see about the shipping at the very end of the bidding period (see below) 1992 WHITE WOLF's Classic World of Darkness Vampire the Masquerade First Edition AWAKENING - DIABLERIE: MEXICO White Wolf Wikia says: Awakening: Diablerie Mexico is a standalone scenario which allows player characters to track down and drink the blood of a fourth generation methuselah in the jungles of Mexico. Lying deep in torpor beneath the Mayan tombs is a most-ancient Methuselah. Sleeping away the ages until his time to arise finally comes. He guards himself, and his potent blood, most assiduously. But you have learned where he rests — and so you search for him. Soon his essence will be yours. They may have rules against what you are about to do, but they might as well try to stop the thirst itself. Win, and power beyond reckoning is yours. Lose, and your defeat is final, for the ancients are wrathful against those who disturb their slumber. Diablerie: Mexico is a full Story for Vampire, requiring you to pit your mind and body against one of the most powerful Cainites in the New World. It includes: * Expanded rules on Diablerie, the most-hated practice of the undead. * Details on older, more powerful Vampires in a Chronicle * Information on how the mightiest Kindred protect themselves during their long torpors, including the spirits and traps which guard their slumbers. ____________________ SHIPPING INFO This article's weight is: 220 g. I am selling numerous books, so please consult this chart to have an estimate approximation of your shipping fees, in function of which book you buy. Please note that I will have to add a weight of 300 g to each buyer, to represent the weight of the enveloppe / box. Then I will add the weight of each book in the box. Of course, the shipping fees will be combined. If you buy two 500g books, you will not pay twice the shipping for 500g, but the shipping for 1 kg. Once the bidding period is over, I'll review all buyers, add the books' weight, check the buyer's country and finalize the payment demand with the correct shipping fees. Please do not pay before receiving the corrected payment demand with the shipping fees included ^__^ COST ESTIMATE BY DESTINATION TOTAL WEIGHT France Métropole France Outremer 1 France Outremer 2 Europe (see list) Eastern Europe, Norway & Maghreb Rest of the World 250 g 4,64 9,6 11,65 12,55 12,5 12,5 500 g 6,96 9,6 11,65 12,55 16,7 16,7 1 kg 7,95 14,6 17,45 15,5 20,3 25,1 2 kg 8,95 19,9 30,6 17,55 22,2 25,1 3 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 39 5 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 55,65 10 kg 20,05 47,9 100,5 37 47,2 105,3 20 kg 28,55 106,9 245,5 61,5 73,6 168 30 kg 28,55 105 250 61,5 20 kg limit --> 2 packages · France Outremer 1 : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy · France Outremer 2 : Nouvelle Calédonie, Polynésie Française, Wallis et Futuna, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises · « Europe » : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican
15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
TowerRex The Village D&D Miniatures Wooden Laser Cut Fantasy Terrain Best Sale Product Details ✅ Enhance Your Game. Make the next DnD, Pathfinder or AoS session a blast. It is always better to play with terrain and give your phantasy even more place to play. ✅ Incredible Detail. Intricate details bring the phantasy to your table and give place for small role-playing moments on the spot. ✅ Bring Your Hobby To The Next Level. Our sets of terrain can be used as a base for your imagination and are easily modified. HDF is easy in any type of small works, which make each piece a small masterpiece. ✅ Compatible With Any Other Terrain. Combine Big House with our building set and create you own hamlet, town or even a dungeon. ✅ Paint Will Make It Shine Even More. What is better than a piece of terrain on your table? A painted piece of terrain. The HDF is compatible with all the classic acrylic paints used in the hobby. It all starts in the village. First adventure, first mystery and first monster slain. A great way to introduce new players to the game and give them a place to comae back after each travel and play.TowerRex presents a great enhancement to your tabletop wargames, DnD and Pathfinder sessions and any tabletop terrain scenery that you would like to create. Whether it is Savage World, Frostgrave or Infinity - we got you covered. Features:- The terrain is a great enhancement to any of your TRPGs;- Detalization will help you and your friends dive deeper into the game;- Mechanical parts of the mill are just the right flavor to create a realistic atmosphere;- This is a great gift to a boardgaming friend, your GM or just the loved one;- HDF is smooth to the touch and sturdy enough to withstand a fall, so you can be sure of set's safety when somebody flips the table;- The terrain goes really well with 25mm/28mm/32mm miniatures and systems. Our cells are 26x26mm.- The product is modular and compatible with all of our terrain including the Buildings Set, the Castle Set and the Deep Dark Dungeon (2nd wave).- The assembly is easy and followed up with a set of detailed instructions- You will need just a bit of glue for the assembly, so mind that it is not included in the product's set.The basic set comprises:- Smithy;- Big House;- Small House x3;- Market;- Stable;- Fence.
18.826 €
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