Patrol j
Liste des meilleures ventes patrol j

France (Toutes les villes)
Les Salomon Patrol J sont des chaussures de basket-ball idéales pour les enfants garçons qui aiment la randonnée et le sport. Ces chaussures sont conçues par Salomon, un fabricant renommé dans le domaine du sport et du loisir. Elles sont disponibles en taille 37 et sont disponibles en gris. Les Salomon Patrol J sont faites de matériaux synthétiques de haute qualité, ce qui les rend légères et confortables à porter. Elles sont équipées de technologies avancées telles que le système Sensifit, qui offre une bonne tenue et une grande souplesse, et le système Contagrip, qui offre une excellente adhérence sur différentes surfaces. Ces chaussures sont parfaites pour les enfants qui pratiquent la randonnée et le sport. Elles sont conçues pour offrir une bonne tenue et une grande stabilité, ce qui est important lors des activités physiques. Elles sont également très confortables, ce qui permet aux enfants de rester concentrés sur leur jeu plutôt que sur leurs pieds. Les Salomon Patrol J sont également très esthétiques. Elles sont disponibles en gris, ce qui les rend très attrayantes pour les enfants. Elles sont également équipées de détails subtils qui ajoutent une touche de style et de personnalité à leur apparence. Enfin, les Salomon Patrol J sont faciles à mettre et à enlever, ce qui est important pour les enfants. Elles sont également faciles à nettoyer et à entretenir, ce qui est important pour les parents. En résumé, les Salomon Patrol J sont des chaussures de basket-ball idéales pour les enfants garçons qui aiment la randonnée et le sport. Elles sont conçues pour offrir une bonne tenue, une grande stabilité et une grande confort, ce qui est important pour les enfants lors des activités physiques. Elles sont également très esthétiques et faciles à entretenir, ce qui est important pour les parents. Avec leur système Sensifit et leur système Contagrip, les Salomon Patrol J sont des chaussures de basket-ball de haute qualité qui offrent une excellente valeur pour l'argent. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont une excellente option pour les petits randonneurs en herbe. Elles sont conçues pour offrir une grande confort et une excellente tenue sur tous types de terrains. Ces baskets sont équipées de la technologie GRIPTIN, qui offre une excellente adhérence sur des surfaces humides ou sèches. Elles sont également équipées d'un système de suspension CONTAGRIP, qui permet de réduire les chocs et les fatigues lors des longues marches. Les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont faites de matériaux synthétiques résistants et légers, ce qui les rend idéales pour les enfants qui passent beaucoup de temps à jouer et à s'amuser en plein air. Elles sont disponibles dans la taille 40 et dans la couleur gris. Ces chaussures sont parfaites pour les petits randonneurs qui veulent explorer la nature en toute confort et en toute sécurité. Elles sont également idéales pour les enfants qui pratiquent d'autres sports tels que le football, le basket-ball ou le tennis. Avec leur design modernes et leur apparence sportive, les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont également une excellente option pour les enfants qui veulent se démarquer de la foule. Elles sont faciles à mettre et à enlever, ce qui les rend idéales pour les enfants qui ont tendance à se fatiguer rapidement. Enfin, les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont équipées d'un système de fixation rapide et sûr, ce qui les rend faciles à mettre et à enlever rapidement lors des arrêts pour prendre une pause ou pour se changer de vêtements. Avec leur excellente qualité, leur confort et leur design sportif, les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont une excellente option pour les petits randonneurs et les enfants qui aiment se déplacer en plein air. Code EAN: 0195751255608. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Les Salomon Patrol J sont des chaussures de baskets idéales pour les petits randonneurs en herbe. Elles sont conçues pour offrir une grande liberté de mouvement et une grande confort à l'enfant. Ces chaussures sont équipées de semelles en gomme durcie pour une excellente adhérence sur tous types de terrains. Elles sont également équipées d'un système de fixation de lacet réglable pour une bonne tenue et une bonne prise sur les pieds. Les Patrol J sont fabriquées en synthétique, ce qui les rend légères et résistantes. Elles sont disponibles dans la couleur gris et sont adaptées à la taille 39. Ces chaussures sont parfaites pour les sorties en famille dans la nature, les promenades en ville ou les activités scolaires. Elles sont également idéales pour les petits enfants qui commencent à apprendre à courir et à sauter. Les Salomon Patrol J sont un excellent choix pour les parents qui veulent offrir une paire de chaussures robustes et confortables à leur enfant. Elles sont également faciles à nettoyer et à entretenir, ce qui est important pour les parents de petits enfants. Avec leur design sportif et leur apparence attrayante, les Salomon Patrol J sont sûrement un choix populaire parmi les enfants. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont une excellente option pour les petits randonneurs en herbe. Elles sont conçues pour offrir une grande confort et une excellente tenue, ce qui est important lors de longues marches en plein air. Ces baskets sont disponibles dans la taille 38 et sont idéales pour les enfants garçons de cette taille. Elles sont fabriquées en matériau synthétique robuste et résistant, ce qui les rend parfaites pour les conditions de terrain variées que les enfants rencontrent lors de leurs aventures en plein air. Les chaussures Salomon Patrol J sont également équipées d'une sole de gum anti-dérapante, ce qui les rend sûres et stables sur toutes sortes de terrains. Elles sont disponibles dans un coloris discret et élégant, le gris, ce qui les rend idéales pour être portées en tous lieux. Enfin, ces chaussures sont conçues par Salomon, une marque de renom dans le domaine du sport et du loisir, ce qui assure une qualité exceptionnelle et une durée de vie prolongée. Les enfants apprécieront les confort et la tenue de ces chaussures, et les parents apprécieront leur robustesse et leur durée de vie. Achetez les chaussures Salomon Patrol J pour votre enfant garçon et lui offrez l'expérience de la marche en plein air confortable et sûre. Code EAN: 0195751255585. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
QUALITY MATERIALS Don't let extreme weather conditions put you off a day on your skis. J.Lindeberg's Bute ski pants offer a triple-layer system: an outer layer bound to the protective membrane and a reinforcing internal layer. This offers improved protection against the elements and lengthens the garment's life. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Bute 3L is the RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the pants, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the pants. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system Adjustable waistband Press stud system Lateral 2-way Aquaguard ventilation zips Reinforced cuffs with snow gaiters Two zipped pockets Two leg pockets Réf produit: WBEJL00M000 Identifiant Fabricant SWPA00557-O381
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France (Toutes les villes)
QUALITY MATERIALS Don't let extreme weather conditions put you off a day on your skis. J.Lindeberg's Bute ski pants offer a triple-layer system: an outer layer bound to the protective membrane and a reinforcing internal layer. This offers improved protection against the elements and lengthens the garment's life. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Bute 3L is the RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the pants, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the pants. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system Adjustable waistband Press stud system Lateral 2-way Aquaguard ventilation zips Reinforced cuffs with snow gaiters Two zipped pockets Two leg pockets Réf produit: WBEJL01X000 Identifiant Fabricant SMPA00529-W015
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France (Toutes les villes)
WATERPROOF INSULATION If you're looking to enjoy comfort, warmth and good performance even in extreme conditions, then the sleek, single-colour design of the Gab ski jacket is perfect for you. Dermizax® EV was made to deliver maximum comfort and lasting waterproof protection. Primaloft® insulation keeps you nice and warm, while Pertex®-Quantum guarantees lightness without sacrificing the garment's durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Gab Dermizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket 2 zipped inner pockets Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow collar Pit zips Stretchy lining Taped seams Réf produit: WBEJL00P000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00695-O253
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France (Toutes les villes)
WATERPROOF AND WARM If you're looking for comfort, warmth and performance even in the toughest conditions, then the Hayes ski jacket is the one for you. Dermizax-EV was designed for maximum comfort and lasting wind- and waterproof protection. Primaloft® insulation keeps you warm and comes armed with quick-dry properties. Pertex® Quantum technology guarantees warm, ventilated, lightweight insulation without sacrificing robustness and durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Hayes Demizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket Two zipped inner pockets Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow collar 20,000 mm water column Taped seams Réf produit: WBEJL02B000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00508-O346
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France (Toutes les villes)
LIGHT & HARDWEARING The Wrangell midlayer sports an athletic chevron design in contrasting colours. Dermizax® EV was made to deliver maximum comfort and lasting waterproof protection. Primaloft® insulation keeps you nice and warm, while Pertex®-Quantum guarantees lightness without sacrificing the garment's durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Wrangell Dermizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system Primaloft® Gold insulation Fully taped seams Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket 2 zipped inner pockets Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow skirt Pit zips Stretchy lining Réf produit: WBEJL00Q000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00539-G027
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France (Toutes les villes)
WATERPROOF AND WARM If you're looking for comfort, warmth and performance even in the toughest conditions, then the Douglas ski jacket is the one for you. Dermizax-EV was designed for maximum comfort and lasting wind- and waterproof protection, and it also offers 4-way stretch. Waterproof Primaloft® insulation keeps you warm, Pertex® Quantum technology guarantees warm, ventilated, lightweight insulation without sacrificing robustness and durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Douglas Demizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow collar Taped seams Réf produit: WBEJL02A000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00674-4300
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France (Toutes les villes)
SMART BODY CLIMATE The Bute 3L ski jacket is wind- and waterproof and is made of lightweight, 4-way stretch material that delivers excellent breathability. This jacket also boasts a mesh kangaroo pocket, asymmetrical Aquaguard zips and this season's JL Mountain logo printed on the chest. The asymmetrical zips provide outstanding ventilation. The press stud snow skirt and the Cohaesive™ Cord-Lock system keep you dry on speedy descents. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Bute 3L is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Longer, loose, oversized fit Recco® reflector system Adjustable hood Zipped mesh inner pockets Triple-layer fabric 20,000 mm water column Réf produit: WBEJL01W000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00504-W015
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France (Toutes les villes)
FROM CITY TO PISTE With the Russel down jacket and its 700 fp down and this season's glacier print, you can go straight from the city to the slopes. The jacket is made of wind- and waterproof double-layer TX shell fabric that keeps you warm and dry at all times. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Russel Down is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down Adjustable, detachable hood Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket Pit zips Press stud snow skirt 20,000 mm water column Interior cuffs 90/10 goose down/feathers Réf produit: WBEJL02F000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW01339-9485
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France (Toutes les villes)
DOUBLE-LAYERED AND WATER-RESISTANT Stand out from the crowd with the Loa ski jacket and its contrasting hood and sleeve stripes. The double-layered design of the Loa provides excellent water resistance, while the Primaloft® keeps you nice and warm. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Loa is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Metalux zips Windproof Press stud snow skirt Réf produit: WBEJL00X000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00675-0000
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France (Toutes les villes)
STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD With the contrasting stripes on the Franklin ski jacket, you're sure to stand out from the crowd as you make your way down the slopes. The double-layer design is water resistance and comes armed with Primaloft® insulation for warmth - ideal for casual skiers. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Franklin is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Metalux zips Press stud snow collar Pit zips Ski pass pocket Zipped inner pocket Réf produit: WBEJL02G000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00676-K039
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France (Toutes les villes)
NO COMPROMISES The Moffit down jacket impresses with its improved warming properties, enhanced performance and increased comfort. Dermizax-EV delivers the utmost of comfort and lasting wind- and waterproof protection. FP700 down padding keeps you warm, while Pertex® Quantum technology makes the jacket as light as possible and enables good airflow without sacrificing sturdiness and durability. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Moffit is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down 100% down insulation Adjustable, detachable hood Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket Mesh inner pocket for ski goggles Press stud snow collar 4-way stretch outer fabric and stretchy lining Interior cuffs Réf produit: WBEJL01Y000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00506-O346
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France (Toutes les villes)
WATERPROOF AND WARM If you're looking for comfort, warmth and performance even in the toughest conditions, then the Douglas ski jacket is the one for you. Dermizax-EV was designed for maximum comfort and lasting wind- and waterproof protection, and it also offers 4-way stretch. Waterproof Primaloft® insulation keeps you warm, Pertex® Quantum technology guarantees warm, ventilated, lightweight insulation without sacrificing robustness and durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Douglas Demizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow collar Taped seams Réf produit: WBEJL01Z000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00674-K039
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France (Toutes les villes)
FROM CITY TO PISTE With the Russel down jacket and its 700 fp down and bold colour blocking, you can go straight from the city to the slopes. The jacket is made of wind- and waterproof double-layer TX shell fabric that keeps you warm and dry at all times. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Russel Down is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down Adjustable, detachable hood Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket Pit zips Press stud snow skirt 20,000 mm water column Interior cuffs 90/10 goose down/feathers Réf produit: WBEJL00W000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00541-S166
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France (Toutes les villes)
LIGHT & HARDWEARING The Wrangell midlayer sports an athletic chevron design in contrasting colours. Dermizax® EV was made to deliver maximum comfort and lasting waterproof protection. Primaloft® insulation keeps you nice and warm, while Pertex®-Quantum guarantees lightness without sacrificing the garment's durability. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Wrangell Dermizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system Primaloft® Gold insulation Fully taped seams Adjustable, removable hood Aquaguard zips Ski pass pocket 2 zipped inner pockets Mesh inner pocket for goggles Press stud snow skirt Pit zips Stretchy lining Réf produit: WBEJL00R000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00539-9999
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France (Toutes les villes)
FROM CITY TO PISTE With the Russel down jacket and its 700 fp down and bold colour blocking, you can go straight from the city to the slopes. The jacket is made of wind- and waterproof double-layer TX shell fabric that keeps you warm and dry at all times. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Russel Down is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down Adjustable, detachable hood Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket Pit zips Press stud snow skirt 20,000 mm water column Interior cuffs 90/10 goose down/feathers Réf produit: WBEJL00V000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00541-G027
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France (Toutes les villes)
FROM CITY TO PISTE With the Russel down jacket and its 700 fp down and bold colour blocking, you can go straight from the city to the slopes. The jacket is made of wind- and waterproof double-layer TX shell fabric that keeps you warm and dry at all times. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Russel Down is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down Adjustable, detachable hood Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket Pit zips Press stud snow skirt 20,000 mm water column Interior cuffs 90/10 goose down/feathers Réf produit: WBEJL02D000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00511-O346
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France (Toutes les villes)
STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD With the contrasting stripes on the Franklin ski jacket, you're sure to stand out from the crowd as you make your way down the slopes. The double-layer design is water resistance and comes armed with Primaloft® insulation for warmth - ideal for casual skiers. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Franklin is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % Primaloft® Gold insulation Adjustable, removable hood Metalux zips Press stud snow collar Pit zips Ski pass pocket Zipped inner pocket Réf produit: WBEJL02H000 Identifiant Fabricant SMOW00676-6855
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France (Toutes les villes)
WATERPROOF INSULATION If you're looking to enjoy comfort, warmth and good performance even in extreme conditions, then the sleek, single-colour design of the Watson ski jacket is perfect for you. Dermizax® EV was made to deliver maximum comfort and lasting waterproof protection. Primaloft® insulation keeps you nice and warm, while Pertex®-Quantum guarantees lightness without sacrificing the garment's durability. RESPONSIBLE MATERIALS Allied Feather & Down is the leading supplier of Responsible Down Standard (RDS)-certified down. This innovative approach covers sourcing, traceability and even technology, making Allied® the world's largest supplier of down for the outdoor and clothing industries. Allied® insulation can be found in techwear products by the very best brands. BEST PROTECTION Another impressive function of the Watson Down Dermizax is its RECCO® Rescue System - a two-part technology that can be located by the RECCO® detectors used by ski resort staff and mountain patrol teams. Signals bounce off RECCO® reflectors in the jacket, leading search parties directly to the wearer of the jacket. HIGHLIGHTS: Recco® reflector system 100 % traceable Allied Feather® down Adjustable, detachable hood Hood with fauz fur Two-way Metalux zip Ski pass pocket 2 zipped inner pockets Taped details Press stud snow skirt Pit zips Stretchy lining Réf produit: WBEJL00O000 Identifiant Fabricant SWOW00537-6855
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