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Read on ! Lecture raisonnee de l'anglais scientifique Helene Marchand Auteur: Helene Marchand Editeur: Ellipses Marketing Broché: 224 pages Format: Broche paperback Edition: 0 Publication: 05/05/1998 Collection: Hors collection Dimensions: 26,01 x 17,2 x 0,16 Langue: Francais Publier en: Français Languages d'origine: Français L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de proposer une demarche tres rationnelle pour pouvoir lire le plus rapidement et le plus efficacement possible des documents scientifiques en anglais. Une quantite importante d'exercices et de documents varies assurent la pratique et facilitent le travail personnel. L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de proposer une demarche tres rationnelle pour pouvoir lire le plus rapidement et le plus efficacement possible des documents scientifiques en anglais. Une quantite importante d'exercices et de documents varies assurent la pratique et facilitent le travail personnel.   Classement: Livres > Thèmes > Dictionnaires, langues et encyclopédies > Langues étrangères Mot Clef: Anglais (Langue) Sciences
43,79 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Read Write Inc. Home: Phonics Flashcards (Anglais) Cartes – 6 septembre 2007 Product Details Cartes: 72 pages Editeur: OUP Oxford (6 septembre 2007) Collection: Read Write Inc. Home Langue: Anglais ISBN-13: 978-0198386711 Dimensions du produit: 8,7 x 3,5 x 13 cm Moyenne des commentaires client: Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article n°279 dans Contemporary Education Methods (Livres anglais et étrangers) Read Write Inc. Phonics Flashcards are a great way to introduce the letters and sounds that make up words - the 'Speed Sounds'. The cards feature all 31 Set 1 Speed Sounds and corresponding letters to enable children to learn phonics and decode words easily. Full colour illustrations and picture cards place the sounds in context, providing an enjoyable way to practise using the sounds they have learnt. Parent notes offer guidance on how to use the cards and tips to support first steps in learning to read. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. As these cards are based on SOUNDS not LETTERS. The letter Q on its own is not a sound, therefore in these cards it only appears as 'Qu'.
11,30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Read Write Inc. Home: Phonics Flashcards (Anglais) Cartes – 6 septembre 2007 Product Details Cartes: 72 pages Editeur: OUP Oxford (6 septembre 2007) Collection: Read Write Inc. Home Langue: Anglais ISBN-13: 978-0198386711 Dimensions du produit: 8,7 x 3,5 x 13 cm Moyenne des commentaires client: Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article n°262 dans Livres anglais et étrangers > Nonfiction > Education > Education Theory > Contemporary Methods Read Write Inc. Phonics Flashcards are a great way to introduce the letters and sounds that make up words - the 'Speed Sounds'. The cards feature all 31 Set 1 Speed Sounds and corresponding letters to enable children to learn phonics and decode words easily. Full colour illustrations and picture cards place the sounds in context, providing an enjoyable way to practise using the sounds they have learnt. Parent notes offer guidance on how to use the cards and tips to support first steps in learning to read. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
16,54 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Read Write Inc. Phonics: More Phonics Flashcards (Anglais) Cartes – 3 janvier 2008 Product Details Cartes: 72 pages Editeur: OUP Oxford (3 janvier 2008) Collection: Read Write Inc. Phonics Langue: Anglais ISBN-13: 978-0198386810 Dimensions du produit: 8,8 x 3,8 x 13 cm Moyenne des commentaires client: Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article n°3273 dans Words, Language & Grammar (Livres anglais et étrangers) Following on from the bestselling Read Write Inc. Phonics Flashcards, this second pack is a fun way to introduce more of the letters and sounds that make up words. The 55 cards include Set 2 and Set 3 Speed Sound cards and Green word cards, providing practice to support school learning. Accompanied by humorous illustrations and rhymes, the cards are colour-coded for an easy way to progress from Set 2 to Set 3. With clear guidance for parents throughout, this is a great way to support your child's next steps in getting ready to read. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
11,39 €
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  LECTURE ET LOISIR   n°280 HUCKELBERRY FINN  Mark Twain Traduction-adaptation de Hélène Costes Couverture et illustrations Walter Fahrer  Un peu menteur, un peu voleur, un peu fugueur, celui que l'on surnomme "Huck Finn" est un personnage aussi peu reccommandable que sympathique. Au cours des aventures, il apprendra pourtant ce que sont la conscience et le respect de l'homme. Livre d'occasion en bon état 1980 ----------------- Consultez mes autres annonces choix de livres d'enfants bibliothèque rose bibliothèque verte possibilité de grouper vos achats = frais de port réduits Pour l'étranger, sans indication contraire de votre part, le livre partira au tarif  spécial “livres/brochures”, c’est un tarif ultra économique mais au délai ni précisé ni sécurisé  Possibilité de livraison par  MONDIAL RELAY Merci de me contacter.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Lecture 6-9 ans Livres Code EAN: 9782367408347 Propriétaire: Decitre ClassificationDecitre 1: Lecture 6-9 ans Titre: On A Tué La Petite Souris Disponibilité: Disponible ClassificationDecitre 2: Lecteurs en herbe 6-9 ans ClassificationDecitre 3: Autres collections (6 à 9 ans) Livres / Format: Beau livre Livres Origine: Decitre Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980
4,11 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Français langue étrangère Livres Code EAN: 9782090312638 Dimensions et poids / Poids: 95 Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: On A Volé Mona Lisa - Niveau A2.2 Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Beau livre Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 ClassificationDecitre 1: Français langue étrangère ClassificationDecitre 2: Français langue étrangère Livres / Collection: Lecture en français facile - Découverte ClassificationDecitre 3: Lectures simplifiées Contributeur: Éditeur: CLE International
6,40 €
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Lecture Eclair Rendez-vous compte: Alors qu'un discours entendu à la radio, à la télé, dans une conférence ou dans un cours, arrive à la vitesse de l'expression orale, soit environ à 9.000 mots à l'heure, la plupart des gens, en lisant, s'instruisent à la vitesse de 27.000 mots à l'heure ! On apprend 3 fois plus de choses en lisant qu'en écoutant ! La lecture et donc le moyen le plus RAPIDE qui existe pour acquérir des connaissances. Avec l'avènement d'Internet, de la science et de la vitesse de transmission du savoir, alors qu'il y a 100 ans, le volume total de l'information doublait tous les 50 ans, de nos jours, l'information double tous les 9 mois ! C'est à dire que dans moins d'un an, il y aura DEUX FOIS PLUS d'infos disponibles qu'aujourd'hui ! Et on a déjà environ 230.000 nouveaux livres qui sortent chaque année ! La conséquence directe de ce "boom" du savoir, c'est que celui qui veut réussir doit se tenir au courant de l'évolution de sa profession en permanence, et prendre connaissance des informations de plus en plus vite pour se maintenir à son niveau. Il s'ensuit que ceux qui lisent plus vite que les autres arrivent encore plus vite qu'avant à se hisser par dessus tout le monde... Et... ne le mouillez pas de vos larmes, mais les petits jeunes qui sortent de l'école en savent bientôt 2 à 3 fois plus que vous sur VOTRE propre profession, quelle qu'elle soit ! Bon, rassurez-vous quand même, vous avez l'avantage de l'expérience (on a toujours AU DÉPART l'avantage de l'expérience) mais si vous ne vous maintenez pas à niveau et rapidement, alors vous serez hélas vite dépassé ! Voilà pourquoi vous avez tout intérêt à devenir un Super-Lecteur. Mais peut-être que vous pensez qu'il faut avoir des dons ou des talents particulierspour maîtriser la "Super-Lecture" ? Heureusement, NON ! "Lecture Éclair -- un programme complet de lecture rapide en français et qui bénéficie des dernières découvertes de cette science." Ce pack d'enseignement à domicile, composé d'un Livre, de fichiers audio au format MP3 ainsi que d'un logiciel PC/Mac, vous est proposé à 7 € (au lieu de 10) seulement pendant le mois de décembre.  Une fois votre commande validée, vous recevrez un email contenant un lien ou vous pourrez télécharger tout ce que vous avez commandé.
7 €
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Lecture accélérée de l'ECG est le texte sur l'ECG le plus répandu et celui auquel on fait le plus référence. C'est un best seller mondial depuis plus de 30 ans, aujourd'hui traduit en 28 langues. Régulièrement mis à jour, abondamment illustré par des schémas en couleur, sa présentation simple et interactive assure une maîtrise rapide des connaissances. L'accent est mis davantage sur ta compréhension que sur la mémorisation, le lecteur acquérant ainsi une connaissance pratique de la physiologie cardiaque qui lui sera utile tout au long de sa carrière. De nombreux ouvrages ont tenté d'imiter ce livre, en changeant quelques termes et en utilisant des synonymes pour " lecture " et " accélérée ". Ne prêtez pas attention à ces pâles imitations, car il n'en existe qu'un seul... Lecture accélérée de l'ECG. Il est des livres que l'on achète pour un cours...vous tenez en main le livre que vous consulterez toute votre vie.
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France (Toutes les villes)
On peut apporter son cadavre Editeur: Bastberg Auteur: Delabarre André Date d'impression: 2003 Format/Taille: 5x1x1cm Reliure: Broché Pages: 256 Langue: Français Etat Général: Très bon Détail: L'article présente de légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état. - Envoi rapide et soigné dans une enveloppe à bulle depuis France. ISBN/EAN: 2848230037 Référence 47574 Disponibilité En stock
10,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
On a volé la Joconde Editeur: Adam Biro Auteur: Coignard, Jérôme Date d'impression: 1990 Format/Taille: 22x14x1cm Reliure: Broché Pages: 147 Langue: Français Etat Général: Très bon Détail: French edition -légères marques, plis de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état d'ensemble - expédié soigneusement depuis la France dans enveloppe à bulles ISBN/EAN: 2876600765 Référence 27605 Disponibilité En stock
12 €
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Emerson's Essays on Manners, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Nature, Friendship (Classic Reprint) Ralph Waldo Emerson Auteur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 15/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Langue: Anglais Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? May 25, 180 A prU 27,1882) We have few more intimate biographical records than Emersoi s; fewer still tiiat cause so littie disappointment in the reading. In the wealth of material at hand in his Journal and letters as well as in the personal reminiscences of a great band of friends and admirers we are brought face to face with a personality that can but win by the cumulative power of character Even those who met Emerson with prejudices to be overcome were conquered by his presence. In an instant all my dislike vanished said Crabbe Bobinson, in reporting the first glimpse caught of him across a crowded room. One and another bear evidence to the same personal power with a concurrence that would be tiresome, were it not for the strong individual conviction in each case. Two other brothers, Edward and Charles, both younger, shared this power; William, the oldest, was likewise gifted with unusudl intellect. The family lived in Boston, where the father, William Emerson, was a brilliant Congregational minister, prominent in religious, social, and literary circles till his death in 1811. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Great Collection but Not the Best This collection has five Ralph Waldo Emerson essays: "Self-Reliance," "Manners," "Compensation," "Nature," and "Friendship." They were published a few years apart but have little intrinsic connection; the combination seems random. However, "Self" is an essential masterpiece, and the others are high quality. Anyone wanting a sampler could do worse, but the essays are widely available in far more comprehensive compilations, and this is hard to justify unless one sees it for a good price. "Self" is Emerson's most famous essay and is rivaled only by "Concord Hymn" as his most famous work. It is also his masterpiece; one often hears - sometimes disparagingly - that Emerson tried to fit his whole philosophy into each essay, and this comes remarkably close. There is far more depth and subtlety here than the length suggests; one would be very hard-pressed to find another work so densely packed. The words are few, but the implications are enough for a lifetime. "Self" is a seminal masterwork; a founding Transcendentalist text and American Romantic cornerstone, it is central to American thought, culture, and literature. Anyone even remotely interested in any Americana aspect must be intimately familiar with it; aside from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution themselves, perhaps no other document is so vital to the American spirit. Reading "Self" is perhaps more necessary than ever - not only because it is eternally relevant but also because it is often misrepresented. The term "self-reliance" is now almost entirely political, almost synonymous with libertarianism, and the essay is frequently touted along such lines. However, these things are hardly more than implied here, and though the definition of "liberal" has greatly changed, it is important to remember that Emerson was one of his era's leading liberals. His prime meaning in any case is self-reliance intellectually and in everyday life. He urges us to trust ourselves, to recognize human divinity and avoid imitation. It is a simple message but all-important - and far easier said than done. Emerson explores all its ramifications - philosophical, practical, social, political, economic, etc. - and outlines all its benefits. The case is beyond convincing, but he can do no more than show us; the rest is up to us. This profoundly individualist message is another reason that reading "Self" is so necessary. Emerson now unfortunately has a reputation for being somewhat impenetrable and/or hopelessly impractical; this is a true shame, because he wrote for the masses. Unlike nearly all philosophers, he does not rely on jargon or polysyllables; he truly wanted to be understood, and all it takes is will. We must open our minds to him, and once we have, they will never be closed again. Though greatly revered with many and diverse followers, Emerson's intention was not to be loved but to inspire; he wanted all to find individual genius. His work is thus the truest and best kind of self-help manual, and "Self" is its apotheosis. It has inspired millions in the more than century and a half of its existence, including me. I have read thousands and thousands of works, but this is one of the handful that truly changed my life. Emerson's greatness always shines through, but reading him at the right time can make an astonishing difference. He was more popular in life with the young than the old, and I can easily see why. I was lucky to read him at just the right time, and "Self" spoke to me more powerfully than almost anything else ever has. Without hyperbole, I can say that I would not be doing what I am today and would have abandoned my goals and visions without reading "Self" and Thoreau's "Life without Principle" - a somewhat similar essay highly influenced by Emerson - when I did. I was wracked with self-doubt and getting nothing but indifference, bafflement, or hostility from others; these works gave just the kick I needed, and I will never look back. "Self" has the potential to be life-changing as almost nothing else does, and I highly recommend it to all; you can hardly be unaffected and may never be the same. However, I especially recommend it to the young; its importance to them - and Emerson's generally - simply cannot be overemphasized. Emerson is a signature American stylist, and "Self" is near his height. His writing is always memorable and often highly lyrical - about as close to poetry as prose can be. However, his essays were almost always painstakingly composed from lectures and journals, and the effect was sometimes choppy. An Emerson-loving professor of mine once joked that no one can find the topic sentence in an Emerson paragraph, and his transitions also frequently leave much to be desired. However, "Self" is near-seamless, a true masterpiece of style that flows smoothly and often waxes beautiful. This is all the more remarkable in that it was assembled even more than usual from disparate sources; entries that ended up here came as far as eight years apart, but the whole is admirably harmonious. "Self" is a preeminent example of how Emerson delights in paradox. Anyone who reads him closely sees that he is as complex as he is simple. Thus, despite - or perhaps even because of - apparent straight-forwardness, few texts are more ripe for deconstruction. "Self" fans after all love a text that tells us not to love texts, are inspired by a man who tells us not to be inspired by men, and are convinced by a text and man both of which tell us not to be convinced by either. But this is only the beginning. "Self" works because it tells us exactly what we want to hear and, in striking contrast to innumerable self-help books, does so in an intellectually and even aesthetically respectable way. This is fine for me and (hopefully) you but could of course be taken to heart by Hitler as easily as Gandhi. The thoroughly optimistic, mild-mannered, and physically frail Emerson may not have foreseen his revolutionary text being put to nefarious use and probably would have been unable to believe in even the possibility. However, the danger, if we choose to call it so, is very real. "Self" could easily have had the same effect that Nietzsche had on Nazis, and that it has not been taken up by anarchists, radical terrorists, and the like is perhaps mere luck. One at least wonders how it avoided preceding The Catcher in the Rye as the work synonymous with unsavory people. That said, it is likely unfair to Emerson to say he did not anticipate this; he after all takes his views to the logical conclusion. He surely saw it, and it may have given pause, but he persevered because he was faithful to his intuition just as he urges us to be to ours. He truly believed in self-reliance and was ready to stand by it no matter what befell - nay, thought it his only choice. His optimism must have told him that the doctrine would not be abused, and he has been right - so far. Only time will tell if this continues to hold, but "Self" remains essential for all. Though far less great and universal, "Manners" is one of Emerson's more historically interesting essays. It is essential to recall that his era perhaps emphasized manners more than any other in history; they had an importance of which we cannot even conceive. All had to deal with them regardless of personal views, but virtually all seemed to agree - or at least convinced others that they did. Thus, though it may initially seem somewhat surprising in light of Emerson's trademark liberalism and originality that he (begrudgingly) accepts some conventions, the small extent to which he did so is truly remarkable. The essay goes a little into various manners' pros and cons, but the core points are elsewhere. The first is that manners are relative; Emerson begins with some striking anthropological examples of this all-important fact and otherwise drives it home. An extension of his core self-reliance doctrine, the second is that the great make their own manners - and make others respect them. "Manners" is one of Emerson's least transcendental works - in any sense -, but comparing and contrasting its message to today's society and competing views can be instructive, and it is a valuable timepiece. "Friendship" is also very good - one of Emerson's most affecting and thought-provoking works. His view of the ubiquitous subject is unsurprisingly original and engaging. He believes that friendship can exist only with real equality and sees it as a sort of springboard to something higher. His demands are great, and the work is eye-opening in the sense that almost no one has a friend by his definition. Like his best work, "Friendship" can easily make us question beliefs and preconceptions - and perhaps even make us better friends. "Compensation" is one of Emerson's most representative essays. The staunch optimism so essential to his thought was perhaps never shown so clearly or thoroughly elsewhere. Emerson begins by saying he had wanted to write about compensation since he was a boy, and it shows in his enthusiasm. He works himself up almost to a rhapsody, giving example after example in clear, beautiful prose that remarkably never becomes dull and is often near-lyrical. The essay details Emerson's belief that everything balances out, even if we cannot see it, and that good and evil have their own earthly rewards despite appearances. He may not convince cynics, but his argument is certainly compelling, and his critiques of conventional Christianity and other traditions are very intriguing. "Nature" has many of Emerson's key concepts: nature's all-encompassing beauty and force, our place in regard to it, art's role, and of course deduction of God from nature. Some speculations are more philosophical, historical, or critical, but all lead to these basic points, which are Transcendentalism's cornerstones. Emerson's characteristically optimistic thought is here in full, as is his signature poetic prose. These essays are essential for anyone interested in Emerson, whether read here or elsewhere. Three Stars Not much explanation. Hard to read. Print is not very clear. D'autre ouvrages de Ralph Waldo Emerson Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Exercices d'entrainement a la lecture, CP. Corriges, tests, conseils pedagogique 56 cards (250 systematic exercises) which fit easily in the activities of reading led in class. This file is designed to supplement the teaching of the reading. It gives all to the pupils the possibility of improving their performances. He proposes a progressive training to develop the aptitudes necessary to an effective reading. The various objectives of training are gathered under three large headings - I observe, I compare - I think of the direction - I understand, I retain And moreover, two boards of labels and images colors to stimulate the motivation and to give desire for reading - images to be stuck that the pupil associates with the texts read, to check that it understood well; - labels to stick to symbolize the made effort, the successful effort!   Faire une rechercher sur Exercices d'entrainement a la lecture, CP. Corriges, tests, conseils pedagogiques Faire une rechercher sur Jeanine Guion Jean Guion Titre: Exercices d'entrainement a la lecture, CP. Corriges, tests, conseils pedagogiques Auteur: Jeanine Guion Jean Guion Editeur: Hatier Edition: 0 Reliure: Relie Format: Broche Date de parution: Date de réédition: Collection: Objectif Lecture Tome: 1 Langue: Francais Traduction: Person, Elise Echelle: Dimensions: x x 1,40 Poids: 141 grammes Nombre de pages: 88 pages Etat: Livre comme neuf Disponibilité courrante: Expedier sous 48 heures Mot Clef: Prescolaire et primaire Autre: Destinés aux étudiants des BTS Tertiaires, les Nouveaux A4 constituent un support performant leur permettant d’acquérir les compétences et connaissances des programmes d’Économie, de Droit et de Management des entreprises et de se préparer efficacement à l’examen. LES POINTS FORTS DE LA COLLECTION - une approche par les documents - des cas pour chaque chapitre - une synthèse rédigée pour l’élève - des entraînements par thème - des QCM ZOOM SUR LES NOUVELLES ÉDITIONS DE 1re ANNÉE Économie - Forte actualisation et mise à jour des documents (environ 70 % de l’ouvrage) - Renouvellement d’une grande partie des pages « Analyse d’une situation économique » - 3 nouveaux entraînements Droit - Forte actualisation et mise à jour des documents (environ 70 % de l’ouvrage) - Renouvellement d’une grande partie des pages « Analyse d’une situation juridique » - 2 entraînements entièrement nouveaux et 1 mis à jour Management des entreprises - Forte actualisation et mise à jour des documents (environ 70 % de l’ouvrage) - 10 « Cas d’entreprise » nouveaux sur les 15 que compte l’ouvrage - 4 entraînements entièrement nouveaux et 3 mis à jour         Classement: Scolaire et Parascolaire > École primaire > Manuels scolaires École primaire > Pédagogie et enseignement > CP Reference: wcLpgNKqzarGaQoL/qpUBA==   Visiter notre Boutique Rajoutez a votre  liste de favoris Vous serez avertis en priorite de nos promotions et nouveaux articles.   Voir ici le stock en cour Contactez-nous Livraison internationale. 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The New Laokoon: An Essay on the Confusion of the Arts (Classic Reprint) Irving Babbitt Auteur: Irving Babbitt Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 272 pages paperback Publication: 10/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? The title I have taken for this book expresses my sense of what needs doing rather than what I myself would claim to have done. I have suffered, both in selecting a title and in treating my subject itself, from a certain poverty in our English critical vocabulary. The word genre seems to be gaining some currency in English. The same can scarcely be said of the melange des genres;and yet it is around the melange des genres and allied topics that my main argument revolves. Napoleon is reported to have said to Goethe in the course of a conversation on a problem very similar to the one I have attempted, Je m6tonne qu un aussi grand esprit que vous naime pas les genres tranches. I have often been forced to borrow Napoleon sterm and speak of the genre tranche for lack of a suitable English equivalent. Lessing published his Laokoon in 1766, toward the very end of the neo-classical movement. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at The title I have taken for this book expresses my sense of what needs doing rather than what I myself would claim to have done. I have suffered, both in selecting a title and in treating my subject itself, from a certain poverty in our English critical vocabulary. The word genre seems to be gaining some currency in English. The same can scarcely be said of the melange des genres;and yet it is around the melange des genres and allied topics that my main argument revolves. Napoleon is reported to have said to Goethe in the course of a conversation on a problem very similar to the one I have attempted, Je m6tonne qu un aussi grand esprit que vous naime pas les genres tranches. I have often been forced to borrow Napoleon sterm and speak of the genre tranche for lack of a suitable English equivalent. Lessing published his Laokoon in 1766, toward the very end of the neo-classical movement. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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CONTES DE PERRAULT-PARCOURS DE LECTURE Marie-Helene Roques Auteur: Marie-Helene Roques Editeur: Bertrand-Lacoste Poche: 127 pages Format: Broche pocket book Edition: BERTRAND LACOSTE Publication: 01/11/1992 Collection: Parcours de lecture Dimensions: 18,01 x 11 x 1,11 Langue: Francais Publier en: Français Languages d'origine: Français Peau d'Ane, La Belle au bois dormant, Le Petit Chaperon rouge ou encore Cendrillon  qui aurait cru que ces contes de notre enfance, lus et relus, mille fois racontes, cent fois adaptes, ont ete composes par un contemporain de Racine, figure eminente des milieux litteraires du siecle de Louis XIV ? C'est la magie des contes de fees  universels et intemporels, ils finissent par n'appartenir a personne et ceux qui les racontent disparaissent finalement sous le poids de la tradition populaire. Art naif et pueril ou conte pour adultes ? Comme les Fables de La Fontaine ou les recits des Mille et une nuits, les Contes de Perrault voguent entre plaisir du texte, instruction edifiante et divertissement ludique. C'est cette ambiguite qui leur a permis de nourrir notre imaginaire collectif, et nous y replongeons avec bonheur, toujours surpris par les tresors d'ingeniosite qui se cachent derriere ces histoires que l'on connait pourtant par coeur. --Karla Manuele Et non et non, les contes de perrault ne sont pas uniquement reserves aux petits enfants... Des textes ou le 2nd, voire Xeme, degre est omnipresent. Un hic une edition tres "serrees", caracteres assez petits qui rendent la lecture parfois difficile. A defaut d'avoir une edition des contes de perrault illustree par Gustave Dore... Format pratique pour relire ces contes de l'enfance. Lecture rapide pour une etude en classe. On achete ce livre sur la foi que les Contes de Perrault sont intemporaux et accessibles aux enfants et l'on decouvre avec angoisse des textes pas si abordables que cela accompagnes d'une Moralite ecrite dans le style du XVIIe (la lecture n'est pas comprehensible au premier abord par un enfant...). Et puis surtout pourquoi avoir choisi des illustrations aussi angoissantes avec des partis pris de mise en situations sombres, violentes, exagerees? Cauchemars et anxiete en perspective pour de jeunes lectrices ou lecteurs qui ouvriraient se livre sans leurs parents...   D'autre titre de Marie-H?l?ne Roques L OR-PARCOURS DE LECTURE CONTES DE PERRAULT-PARCOURS DE LECTURE Les clients ayant acheté cet article ont également acheté Contes de Charles Perrault Le M?decin malgr? lui [de] Moli?re Classement: Livres > Thèmes > Scolaire et Parascolaire > Révisions > Baccalauréat > Baccalauréat de français Mot Clef: Criticism and interpretation Perrault, Charles
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