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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Développement personnel Livres Code EAN: 9782754007993 Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: La Culture Générale Pour Les Nuls - Science, Religion, Philosophie, Société Livres / Collection: Pour Les Nuls Ressum: 2 Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Broché ClassificationDecitre 3: Culture générale ClassificationDecitre 2: Développement personnel ClassificationDecitre 1: Développement personnel Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 Lieu de parution: Paris, France
3,77 €
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Ousse (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
Science et religion dans la philosophie contemporaine Emile Boutroux Flammarion - Bibliothèque de philosophie scientifique n°16 1908 Prix: 4,50 € Livre en état correct, usé et taché. Ancien marquage de bibliothèque Catégorie(s): Sciences, Religion (Religion et Spiritualité), Philosophie, Début 20° siècle (Avant 1940) Référence du livre: R10842 Pour retrouver tous mes livres tapez loccasiondelire dans la barre de recherche (ou ailleurs sur le net).
4,5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livre Livres Code EAN: 9782020381970 ISBN: 2020381974 Classification Titelive Secondaire: Christianisme: Essais Religieux Classification Titelive Primaire: Religion Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: Science Et Christ Date: 22/10/1999 Livres / N° de collection: 148 Livres / Collection: POINTS SAGESSES Ressum: 2 Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Poche ClassificationDecitre 3: Prière et spiritualité ClassificationDecitre 2: Vie Chrétienne ClassificationDecitre 1: Religion Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 Lieu de parution: Paris, France
2,47 €
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La Bible, le Coran et la science Les ecritures saintes examinees a la lumiere des connaissances modernes Maurice Bucaille Auteur: Maurice Bucaille Editeur: Pocket Poche: 369 pages Format: Poche pocket book Edition: Nouvelle Publication: 22/01/2003 Réédition: 22/01/2003 Collection: Evolution Dimensions: 18,01 x 10,9 x 0,22 Langue: Francais Publier en: Français Languages d'origine: Français Grace a une etude objective des textes, Maurice Bucaille bouleverse nombre d'idees recues sur l'Ancien Testament, les Evangiles et le Coran, cherchant a distinguer dans cet ensemble ce qui appartient a la Revelation de ce qui est entache d'erreurs ou d'interpretations humaines. Son examen eclaire d'un jour nouveau les Livres saints. Au terme d'une lecture passionnante, il place le croyant devant un point capital la continuite d'une Revelation emanant d'un meme Dieu, avec des modes d'expression differents dans le temps. Ce qui conduit a mediter les facteurs qui, de nos jours, devraient spirituellement unir et non pas diviser juifs, chretiens et musulmans. Grace a une etude objective des textes, Maurice Bucaille bouleverse nombre d'idees recues sur l'Ancien Testament, les Evangiles et le Coran, cherchant a distinguer dans cet ensemble ce qui appartient a la Revelation de ce qui est entache d'erreurs ou d'interpretations humaines. Son examen eclaire d'un jour nouveau les Livres saints. Au terme d'une lecture passionnante, il place le croyant devant un point capital la continuite d'une Revelation emanant d'un meme Dieu, avec des modes d'expression differents dans le temps. Ce qui conduit a mediter les facteurs qui, de nos jours, devraient spirituellement unir et non pas diviser juifs, chretiens et musulmans. Quelle verite ? Je lis dans beaucoup de commentaires l'evocation de "la verite" est bien si c'etait aussi simple, ca se saurait et il n'y aurait plus de livres, de commentaires, d'exegeses et tout le mone se laisserait aller dans une meme direction donnee par la "parole de Dieu", cet autocrate qui tiendrait exactement un langage comprehensible de tous alors un peu plus de poesie, de metaphores, d' amenagements divers et varies et l'Homme revele au 20eme siecle que des details incomprehensibles jusque la (quelle pretention pour l'Homme du 20eme siecle) ne sont que des affirmations scientifiques ! Mr Bucaille laisse de cote tout une litterature antique, arabe, mesopotamienne,... qui traite du corps humain, de la matiere, des mathematiques, de l'astronomie,etc.(je cherche encore la bibliographie de M Bucaille !) De nombreux manuscrits ont ete detruits ou ont disparu ainsi l'histoire de la pensee humaine (ou des histoires)est un immense gruyere avec d'enormes trous beants. Autre critique les fausses evidences a propos de la Creation du monde dans le Coran (on a bien compris que Maurice Bucaille elude rapidement la bible pour souligner les verites du coran !), le terme de "fumee celeste" est pour lui la preuve de la conscience (!) de "la formation du soleil et de son sous-produit, la terre, processus deroule par condensation de la nebuleuse primitive et separation"p.261 On voit clairement qu'il se re approprie le texte qui utilise des termes poetiques sans demonstration et les confronte a une connaissance (etablie apres de nombreuses experiences et d'observations et non un simple empirisme). Dans ce cas il s'agit bien d'une interpretation du texte qui pourrait etre interprete a nouveau autrement dans quelques siecles. J'avoue que c'est a partir de ces pages-la que j'ai decroche car ce livre manque de rigueur, beaucoup d'hypotheses fort pertinentes se transforme par miracle en preuves irrefutables. L'Homme semble ne pas vouloir grandir un Dieu, une Verite, une Revelation, Je, ma Societe, Mon avenir, Ma religion et si vous n'etes pas d'accord passez votre chemin ou disparaissez (voyez l'Histoire de notre chere humanite). Faut-il toujours choisir un camp ? Ouvrage bien ecrit et qui confond la raison avec des arguments L'auteur est Chretien et s'est penche sur la momie Mineptha (le pharaon de l'Exode). Ce medecin francais etudia l'Arabe a l'INALCO pour etudier le Coran, 2eme livre sacre apres la Bible dont sa croyance etait originaire. Puis, face a une communaute de scientifique en compagnie du Professeur BARUK, il annoncait a l'Academie de la Medecine que le Pharaon de l'Exode n'etait nullement RAMSES mais MINEPTHA. C'est grace au Coran et avec le fruit de nombreuses recherches, qu'il trouva ses preuves. Il obtenu le Prix d'histoire pour son livre. Cet ouvrage comparatif entre les anciennes ecritures, le Coran et une argumentation scientifique confond l'homme moderne et son passe. En fait, il ne fait que dire la verite. Selon lui, les erreurs scientifiques que nous trouvons dans la Bible sont absentes dans le Coran. Alors que la Science s'est reellement developpee il y a a peine plus de 50 ans. Il demontre que le Coran est la parole de Dieu transmise a l'humanite et non aux arabes ! C'est une merveille qui se lit bien. Cet homme chretien, est reste Chretien d'un enracinement propre a ses valeurs passees, de sa famille. Cependant, il a eu l'honnetete que d'affirmer que la Bible a ete manipulee par le dessin de l'homme. Tandis, qu'il reconnaissait que le Coran etait bien la parole de Dieu, livre final transmis pour la paix des hommes apres le message de Jesus (psl). En fait, il reconnaissait que tout homme de foi ne pouvait que conclure que le Coran est le livre Divin qui n'a aucunement subi l'alteration de l'homme moderne et ancien. D'autre part, il conclut que la Science confirme les versets coraniques traitant de sujets scientifiquement dessines par Allah (qui veut dire Dieu en Grace a une etude objective des textes, Maurice Bucaille bouleverse nombre d'idees recues sur l'Ancien Testament, les Evangiles et le Coran, cherchant a distinguer dans cet ensemble ce qui appartient a la Revelation de ce qui est entache d'erreurs ou d'interpretations humaines. Son examen eclaire d'un jour nouveau les Livres saints. Au terme d'une lecture passionnante, il place le croyant devant un point capital la continuite d'une Revelation emanant d'un meme Dieu, avec des modes d'expression differents dans le temps. Ce qui conduit a mediter les facteurs qui, de nos jours, devraient spirituellement unir et non pas diviser juifs, chretiens et musulmans. Grace a une etude objective des textes, Maurice Bucaille bouleverse nombre d'idees recues sur l'Ancien Testament, les Evangiles et le Coran, cherchant a distinguer dans cet ensemble ce qui appartient a la Revelation de ce qui est entache d'erreurs ou d'interpretations humaines. Son examen eclaire d'un jour nouveau les Livres saints. Au terme d'une lecture passionnante, il place le croyant devant un point capital la continuite d'une Revelation emanant d'un meme Dieu, avec des modes d'expression differents dans le temps. Ce qui conduit a mediter les facteurs qui, de nos jours, devraient spirituellement unir et non pas diviser juifs, chretiens et musulmans. Specialiste des textes saints, Maurice Bucaille est aussi chirurgien.   D'autre titre de Maurice Bucaille The Bible, The Qur'an and Sciece: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge What Is The Origin Of Man ? MOISE ET PHARAON La Bible, le Coran et la science: Les ?critures saintes examin?es ? la lumi?re des connaissances modernes Les clients ayant acheté cet article ont également acheté Mo?se et Pharaon Le Soleil d'Allah brille sur l'Occident: Notre h?ritage arabe Vie apr?s la mort en Islam (La) Classement: Livres > Thèmes > Etudes supérieures > Université > Sciences religieuses Mot Clef: Religion Histoire des religions Sciences des religions Bible et sciences Coran et sciences Bible - Saintes ecritures Coran - Textes sacres Religion - Islam
18,44 €
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La religion kongo Ses origines egyptiennes et sa convergence avec le Christianisme Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka Auteur: Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka Editeur: Editions L'Harmattan Broché: 158 pages Format: Broche paperback Edition: HARMATTAN Publication: 28/07/2010 Réédition: 01/01/1990 Collection: Etudes africaines Dimensions: 24 x 15,39 x 1,55 Langue: Francais Publier en: Français Languages d'origine: Français Genre: Ethnologie Dans cet ouvrage, partant des doctrines revelees et de son argument cosmologique, l'auteur expose d'une facon scientifique une theologie systematique monotheiste negro-africaine la theologie kongo. L'auteur prouve que la religion traditionnelle kongo, le Bukongo, est une survivance de la religion osirienne; demontrant la convergence dans l'essentiel des doctrines kongo et chretiennes, il etablit que les deux religions ont puise a la meme source qui est la religion osirienne. Biographie de l'auteur Ne a Kinshasa, Dr Kiatezua L Luyaluka, apres des annees de recherches en metaphysique divine, enseigne aujourd'hui son approche de guerison metaphysique et de lutte contre la sorcellerie dans le cadre de l'Institut des Science Animiques qu'il a cree (). Il est detenteur d'un Ph.D. Hon. en theologie de Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology de Kerala en Inde. Dans cet ouvrage, partant des doctrines revelees et de son argument cosmologique, l'auteur expose d'une facon scientifique une theologie systematique monotheiste negro-africaine la theologie kongo. L'auteur prouve que la religion traditionnelle kongo, le Bukongo, est une survivance de la religion osirienne; demontrant la convergence dans l'essentiel des doctrines kongo et chretiennes, il etablit que les deux religions ont puise a la meme source qui est la religion osirienne. Ne a Kinshasa, Dr Kiatezua L Luyaluka, apres des annees de recherches en metaphysique divine, enseigne aujourd'hui son approche de guerison metaphysique et de lutte contre la sorcellerie dans le cadre de l'Institut des Science Animiques qu'il a cree (). Il est detenteur d'un Ph.D. Hon. en theologie de Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology de Kerala en Inde.   D'autre titre de Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka L'inefficacit? de l'?glise face ? la sorcellerie africaine La religion k?ngo: Ses origines ?gyptiennes et sa convergence avec le Christianisme Les clients ayant acheté cet article ont également acheté Le royaume de Kongo du XVIe au XVIIIe si?cle Une bible noire: Cosmogonie bantu La Religion Africaine: De la cosmologie quantique ? la symbolique de Dieu Kongo Classement: Livres > Thèmes > Etudes supérieures > Université > Archéologie - Éthnologie - Préhistoire
28,29 €
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Ousse (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
Jésus et la science - La vérité sur les reliques du Christ André Marion 2000 Prix: 5,00 € Catégorie(s): Religion (Religion et Spiritualité) Référence du livre: R05535 Pour retrouver tous mes livres tapez loccasiondelire dans la barre de recherche (ou ailleurs sur le net).
5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livre Livres Code EAN: 9782844543219 ISBN: 2844543219 Classification Titelive Secondaire: Islamisme Classification Titelive Primaire: Religion Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: La Science Des Lettres En Islam Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Broché Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 Lieu de parution: Paris, France ClassificationDecitre 1: Religion ClassificationDecitre 2: Islam Livres / Collection: Esprit De Lettre ClassificationDecitre 3: Islam
106,25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Religion Livres Code EAN: 0000218600009 ClassificationDecitre 1: Religion Titre: Toute la vérité sur Fatima, tome 1: la science et les faits ClassificationDecitre 2: Vie Chrétienne Livres / Taille: Moyen, de 350g à 1kg ClassificationDecitre 3: témoins Livres / Format: Broché Livres / Langue: Français
29,89 €
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Ousse (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
Toute la numérologie - l'utilisation pratique de la science des nombres Jean-Pol de Kersaint 1992 Prix: 2,50 € Livre en bon état, couverture un peu usée 4ème de couverture: La numérologie est l'art de déterminer, par la transcription de noms et de dates en chiffres, la caractère, la personnalité et les aptitudes de chacun, ainsi que bien d'autres choses encore... et ce, avec une précision souvent extraordinaire. Sur le plan caractérologique, la numérologie donne des résultats au moins aussi précis que l'astrologie: c'est dire toute son efficacité ! Jusqu'à présent, cette "Science des nombres", énormément utilisée par les Anciens, n'est parvenue jusqu'à nous que fragmentée, déformée et confuse, rendant son application très délicate aux non-initiés. Heureusement, cette lacune est désormais comblée, car voici enfin reconstituée la base de cette science aux ressources étonnantes, synthèse d'innombrables notes, manuscrits, recherches et travaux qui ont permis à J.-P. de Kersaint de débarrasser cet art merveilleux de ses imprécisions, le rendant ainsi utilisable par tous, sur-le-champ. Vous connaître déjà vous-même !... Connaître parfaitement les autres !...: autant d'atouts pour réussir au mieux votre vie, tant professionnelle que sentimentale. Mais ce n'est pas tout ! La numérologie peut encore vous indiquer bien d'autres choses très intéressantes, telles que: - Votre nombre d'hérédité, celui qui vous pousse à réagir de telle ou telle façon aux évènements en fonction de vos tendances héréditaires. - Votre nombre de destinée, celui qui contient le secret de votre réussite professionnelle. - Tous les nombres bénéfiques de votre vie, depuis les dates conseillées pour prendre quelque décision que ce soit, jusqu'aux nombres favorables pour jouer au tiercé, loterie, etc. Catégorie(s): Esotérisme (Religion et Spiritualité) Référence du livre: R06836 Pour retrouver tous mes livres tapez loccasiondelire dans la barre de recherche (ou ailleurs sur le net).
2,5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
LdPossibles68 Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris La science impériale des songes 15,00 € Disponibilité: en stock La science impériale des songes n’est ni moins vraie ni plus fausse que la philosophie. Elle n’est également ni moins attrayante ni moins amusante que la littérature. On peut dire qu’elle n’est ni moins intéressante ni moins stable que la science. Elle est aussi consolatrice que la religion. Elle abolit le passé qui nous chagrine ou restaure celui qui nous est cher, elle vivifie le présent et façonne l’avenir à notre gré. Aspect: Usure d'usage. Queue frottée. Rousseurs sur la tranche et les plats. Un accroc sur le plat arrière. Date d'édition: 1935 Editeur: Editions Eugène Figuière Etat: D'occasion bon état Format: in-8 Langue: français Lieu d'édition: Paris Nb pages: 290 NB Volume: 1 Nom Auteur: N. DE HELVA Reliure: broché Sujet: Sciences Humaines
15 €
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Ousse (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
La science face aux extra-terrestres Jean-Claude Bourret 1979 Prix: 2,00 € Livre en bon état, jaquette abimée Catégorie(s): Sciences, Esotérisme (Religion et Spiritualité) Référence du livre: R14463 Pour retrouver tous mes livres tapez loccasiondelire dans la barre de recherche (ou ailleurs sur le net).
2 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livre Livres Code EAN: 9782850769276 ISBN: 2850769274 Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: La Spiritualite Est Une Science Fondements De La Spiritualite Naturelle Date: 15/07/1998 Ressum: 1 Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Broché Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 Lieu de parution: Paris, France ClassificationDecitre 1: Religion ClassificationDecitre 2: Vie Chrétienne Livres / Collection: L'essence Du Sacre ClassificationDecitre 3: Prière et spiritualité
6,76 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Ésotérisme Livres Code EAN: 9782850000652 Contributeur: Éditeur: Adyar Disponibilité: Disponible Titre: La doctrine secrète - Synthese De La Science, De La Religion Et De La Philosophie - Volume 2, Comogénèse Date: 01/01/1994 Livres Origine: Decitre Propriétaire: Decitre Livres / Format: Broché Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980 Livres / Taille: Moyen, de 350g à 1kg ClassificationDecitre 1: Ésotérisme
24,38 €
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Ousse (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
Le spiritisme devant la science Dr J. Grasset 1904 Prix: 25,00 € Livre en bon état, couverture usée Catégorie(s): Esotérisme (Religion et Spiritualité), Début 20° siècle (Avant 1940) Référence du livre: R18622 Pour retrouver tous mes livres tapez loccasiondelire dans la barre de recherche (ou ailleurs sur le net).
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Livres Ésotérisme Livres Code EAN: 9782850000652 Propriétaire: Decitre ClassificationDecitre 1: Ésotérisme Titre: La doctrine secrète - Synthese De La Science, De La Religion Et De La Philosophie - Volume 2, Comogénèse Disponibilité: Disponible Livres / Taille: Moyen, de 350g à 1kg Date: 01/01/1994 Livres / Format: Broché Contributeur: Éditeur: Adyar Livres Origine: Decitre Livres / Période: Livre édité depuis 1980
24,38 €
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English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) John Timbs Auteur: John Timbs Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 338 pages paperback Publication: 09/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Gentle Header, a few words before we introduce you to our Modern Eoobntrios. They may be odd company:yet, how often do we find eccentricity in the minds of person Hof good understanding. Their sayings and doings, it is true, may not rank as high among the delicacies of intellectual epicures as the Strasburg pies among the dishes described in the Almanack dea Oourmands; but they possess attractions in proportion to the degree in which man favours wonders. Swift has remarked, that a little grain I of the romance is no ill ingredient to preserve and exalt the dignity of human nature, without which it is apt to degonej rate into everything that is sordid, vicious, and low. Into I the latter extremes Eccentricity is occasionally apt to run, I somewhat like certain fermenting liquors which cannot be I checked in their acidifying courses. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Gentle Header, a few words before we introduce you to our Modern Eoobntrios. They may be odd company:yet, how often do we find eccentricity in the minds of person Hof good understanding. Their sayings and doings, it is true, may not rank as high among the delicacies of intellectual epicures as the Strasburg pies among the dishes described in the Almanack dea Oourmands; but they possess attractions in proportion to the degree in which man favours wonders. Swift has remarked, that a little grain I of the romance is no ill ingredient to preserve and exalt the dignity of human nature, without which it is apt to degonej rate into everything that is sordid, vicious, and low. Into I the latter extremes Eccentricity is occasionally apt to run, I somewhat like certain fermenting liquors which cannot be I checked in their acidifying courses. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Women's Suffrage: The Reform Against Nature (Classic Reprint) Horace Bushnell Auteur: Horace Bushnell Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 198 pages paperback Publication: 12/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? We oppress the animals; we oppress the wild untutored species of our own race; rulers take it for long ages as their divine right to oppress their subjects; even the church of God has been a mighty hunter of its people in the name of love; and in much the same manner it will be seen that the whole male half of the race, having power to do it, have been piling weights of disability and depression on the female half. Probably it can not be said that man has undertaken purposely to be the oppressor of woman he would scorn the impeachment; protesting, on the contrary, his natural admirations, his zeal to serve and protect, the profuseness of his attentions, and the unstinted tribute of respect and deference he is always wont to render. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at We oppress the animals; we oppress the wild untutored species of our own race; rulers take it for long ages as their divine right to oppress their subjects; even the church of God has been a mighty hunter of its people in the name of love; and in much the same manner it will be seen that the whole male half of the race, having power to do it, have been piling weights of disability and depression on the female half. Probably it can not be said that man has undertaken purposely to be the oppressor of woman he would scorn the impeachment; protesting, on the contrary, his natural admirations, his zeal to serve and protect, the profuseness of his attentions, and the unstinted tribute of respect and deference he is always wont to render. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Oscar Wilde and Myself, With Photogravure Portrait of the Author and Thirteen Other Portraits and Illustrations, Also Fac-Simile Letters (Classic Reprint) Alfred Bruce Douglas Auteur: Alfred Bruce Douglas Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 344 pages paperback Publication: 09/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,61 x 15,19 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Preface THE manuscript of this book was completed by me and handed over to the pub Hshers as long ago as last July. Certain persons thereupon deemed it advisable to apply to the Court for an injunction restraining me from including in my book any of the letters from Oscar Wilde which were in my possession, and they further applied for an injunction restraining me from quoting from the unpublished portion of the DeP rofundis manuscript which is now sealed up at the British Museum and which was used against me in open Court as part of the justification in the defence to a libel action brought by me in A pril, 1913. The application for these injunctions was made in the Vacation Court before Mr. Justice A stbury, the most recent recruit to the Judicial Bench. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Preface THE manuscript of this book was completed by me and handed over to the pub Hshers as long ago as last July. Certain persons thereupon deemed it advisable to apply to the Court for an injunction restraining me from including in my book any of the letters from Oscar Wilde which were in my possession, and they further applied for an injunction restraining me from quoting from the unpublished portion of the DeP rofundis manuscript which is now sealed up at the British Museum and which was used against me in open Court as part of the justification in the defence to a libel action brought by me in A pril, 1913. The application for these injunctions was made in the Vacation Court before Mr. Justice A stbury, the most recent recruit to the Judicial Bench. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Terrible Reprint All of the "books" sold by this publisher are reprints--which would not be a problem, but for the fact that there are random spacing and spelling errors, the font is miniscule--and that they may (as the pub says) also be missing some text. For the cost, this is unacceptable. Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Negation in English and Other Languages (Classic Reprint) Otto Jespersen Auteur: Otto Jespersen Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 156 pages paperback Publication: 25/06/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? The nucleus of the following disquisition is the material collected during many years for the chapter on Negatives in vol. Ill or IV of my Modern English Grammar (abbreviated MEG), of which the first two volumes appeared in 1909 and 1914 respectively (W inter, Heidelberg). But as the war has prevented me (provisionally, I hope) from printing the continuation of my book, I have thought fit to enlarge the scope of this paper by including remarks on other languages so as to deal with the question of Negation in general as expressed in language. Though I am painfully conscious of the inadequacy of my studies, it is my hope that the following pages may be of some interest to the student of linguistic history, and that even a few of my paragraphs may be of some use to the logician. My work in some respects continues what DELBR tJCK has written on negation in I ndo-E uropean languages (V ergl. Syntax 2. 519 if.), but while he was more interested in tracing things back to the ursprache,I have taken more interest in recent developments and in questions of general psychology and logic. With regard to the older stages of Teutonic or Germanic languages I have learned much from B. Delbruck, Germanische Syntax I. Zu den negativen Satzen (S achs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Leipzig 1910), supplemented by G. Neckel, Zu den germanischen Negationen (in Kuhn s Zeitschr. 45, 1912). Of much less value are the treatments of the specially Old English negatives in M. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format o The nucleus of the following disquisition is the material collected during many years for the chapter on Negatives in vol. Ill or IV of my Modern English Grammar (abbreviated MEG), of which the first two volumes appeared in 1909 and 1914 respectively (W inter, Heidelberg). But as the war has prevented me (provisionally, I hope) from printing the continuation of my book, I have thought fit to enlarge the scope of this paper by including remarks on other languages so as to deal with the question of Negation in general as expressed in language. Though I am painfully conscious of the inadequacy of my studies, it is my hope that the following pages may be of some interest to the student of linguistic history, and that even a few of my paragraphs may be of some use to the logician. My work in some respects continues what DELBR tJCK has written on negation in I ndo-E uropean languages (V ergl. Syntax 2. 519 if.), but while he was more interested in tracing things back to the ursprache,I have taken more interest in recent developments and in questions of general psychology and logic. With regard to the older stages of Teutonic or Germanic languages I have learned much from B. Delbruck, Germanische Syntax I. Zu den negativen Satzen (S achs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Leipzig 1910), supplemented by G. Neckel, Zu den germanischen Negationen (in Kuhn s Zeitschr. 45, 1912). Of much less value are the treatments of the specially Old English negatives in M. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format o D'autre ouvrages de Otto Jespersen Mot Clef: Reference Words & Language
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The New Laokoon: An Essay on the Confusion of the Arts (Classic Reprint) Irving Babbitt Auteur: Irving Babbitt Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 272 pages paperback Publication: 10/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? The title I have taken for this book expresses my sense of what needs doing rather than what I myself would claim to have done. I have suffered, both in selecting a title and in treating my subject itself, from a certain poverty in our English critical vocabulary. The word genre seems to be gaining some currency in English. The same can scarcely be said of the melange des genres;and yet it is around the melange des genres and allied topics that my main argument revolves. Napoleon is reported to have said to Goethe in the course of a conversation on a problem very similar to the one I have attempted, Je m6tonne qu un aussi grand esprit que vous naime pas les genres tranches. I have often been forced to borrow Napoleon sterm and speak of the genre tranche for lack of a suitable English equivalent. Lessing published his Laokoon in 1766, toward the very end of the neo-classical movement. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at The title I have taken for this book expresses my sense of what needs doing rather than what I myself would claim to have done. I have suffered, both in selecting a title and in treating my subject itself, from a certain poverty in our English critical vocabulary. The word genre seems to be gaining some currency in English. The same can scarcely be said of the melange des genres;and yet it is around the melange des genres and allied topics that my main argument revolves. Napoleon is reported to have said to Goethe in the course of a conversation on a problem very similar to the one I have attempted, Je m6tonne qu un aussi grand esprit que vous naime pas les genres tranches. I have often been forced to borrow Napoleon sterm and speak of the genre tranche for lack of a suitable English equivalent. Lessing published his Laokoon in 1766, toward the very end of the neo-classical movement. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Connectives of English Speech: The Correct Usage of Prepositions, ConJunctions, Relative Pronouns and Adverbs Explained and Illustrated (Classic Reprint) James Champlin Fernald Auteur: James Champlin Fernald Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 342 pages paperback Publication: 28/06/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 0,2 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Thought-C onnectives There are certain words that express the great essentials of human thought, as objects, quahties, or actions; these are nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Such words must always make up the substance of language. Yet these are dependent for their full value and utility upon another class of words, the thought-connectives, that simply indicate relation; these are prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs. If we compare words of the former class to the bricks that make up the substance of a wall, we may compare those of the latter class the thought-connectives to the mortar that binds the separate elements into the cohesion and unity of a single structure. The value of these connectives may be clearly manifested by simpl striking them out of any wellknown paragraph and showing the barrenness and confusion that result. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Thought-C onnectives There are certain words that express the great essentials of human thought, as objects, quahties, or actions; these are nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Such words must always make up the substance of language. Yet these are dependent for their full value and utility upon another class of words, the thought-connectives, that simply indicate relation; these are prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs. If we compare words of the former class to the bricks that make up the substance of a wall, we may compare those of the latter class the thought-connectives to the mortar that binds the separate elements into the cohesion and unity of a single structure. The value of these connectives may be clearly manifested by simpl striking them out of any wellknown paragraph and showing the barrenness and confusion that result. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at D'autre ouvrages de James Champlin Fernald Mot Clef: Reference Words & Language
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Letters of Arthur George Heath, Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Lieutenant in the 6Th Batt: Royal West Kent Regt (Classic Reprint) Arthur George Heath Auteur: Arthur George Heath Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 234 pages paperback Publication: 06/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? It seems so long ago Since in that musty Flemish lumber-room You made such music flow With master hand, as charmed away our gloom, Drawing from battered, broken keys And rusty wires such harmonies That we forgot war and the shadow of death And caught our breath To hear the hurrying clamour of your themes. So long ago it seems !S olong ago !and now Your sun is set; but in our memory gleams Like some fair after-glow The image of those haunting magic themes. And as our faltering hands essay What you so passionately would play, Far off we hear your music echoing yet; And we forget That you are silent for us, save in dreams. So long ago it seems !J. S. Mann. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at It seems so long ago Since in that musty Flemish lumber-room You made such music flow With master hand, as charmed away our gloom, Drawing from battered, broken keys And rusty wires such harmonies That we forgot war and the shadow of death And caught our breath To hear the hurrying clamour of your themes. So long ago it seems !S olong ago !and now Your sun is set; but in our memory gleams Like some fair after-glow The image of those haunting magic themes. And as our faltering hands essay What you so passionately would play, Far off we hear your music echoing yet; And we forget That you are silent for us, save in dreams. So long ago it seems !J. S. Mann. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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  A Grammar of the Russian Language (Classic Reprint) William Richard Morfill Total waste The OCR ourput has not been revised and edited. The Russian cyrillic characters are almost always seen as latin characters. Completely useless. 99% was automatically scanned as roman, not cyrillac. Completely useless. 99% was automatically scanned as roman, not cyrillac, and not corrected manually. Do Not Buy!!! save you 99c and buy another book. My object bas been to give a concise and clear analysis of the word-forms and syntax of tbe Eussian language. In the paradigms of the nouns and verbs I have chiefly followed the arrangement of Miklosich (V ergleichende Grammatik derS lavischen Sprachen, second edition, Vienna, 1879). I have treated the grammatical forms in such a way as to shew their relation to theO ld Slavonic1, known to us by the monuments of its literature which have been preserved. It is only in this way that they can be explained. I have allowed myself occasional references to other I ndoE uropean languages for purposes of illustration. Great pains have been taken with the aspects of the verbs, perhaps the most interesting feature in theS lavonic forms, and it is hoped that they are made as clear as is possible in a rudimentary work of the present kind. The prepositions, both in and out of composition, which in Eussian and, indeed, in all theS lavonic languagesexhibit a luxuriance of development, reminding us of ancient Greek, have also been carefully treated. I have used for illustration a series of extracts from modernE ussian authors. 1S ee remarks in the preface to myS erbian Grammar (T riibner, 1887). (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at   Auteur: William Richard Morfill Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 18/05/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? D'autre objet de William Richard Morfill A Short Grammar of the Bulgarian Language: With Reading Lessons (Classic Reprint) Mot Clef: Reference Foreign Languages
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Fly and the Fly-Bottle, Encounters With British Intellectuals (Classic Reprint) Ved Mehta Auteur: Ved Mehta Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 290 pages paperback Publication: 27/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,61 x 14,99 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Battle A gainst the Bewitchment of Our Intelligence Ive spent some happy years in Oxford, and to keep in touch with England I read her newspapers. I am most at home with the Guardian, but I also like to look at the correspondence columns of the Times, where, in an exception to the Times tradition of anonymity, the writers are identified by name and speak directly to the reader. I relish a contest of words, and the Times page of letters becomes for me a street where I can stroll each morning and see the people of England lords and commoners shake hands, spit at each other, and set off verbal barrages. I began taking this engaging daily walk during my undergraduate years at Balliol College, Oxford, and Ive kept up the habit, whether I have found myself in Paris, Damascus, New Delhi, or New York. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at A fascinating book about a unique invididual who refuses to be bound by the circumstances of his life. This is a book I read many years ago. It is so interesting, the character and story of the author is surprising and fascinating, I wanted to have a to keep. This is a book to delve into. A book about courage, about taking charge of your life and refusing to be bound by the circumstances of your life. I don't know another book like it, another person like the author. D'autre ouvrages de Ved Mehta Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Emerson's Essays on Manners, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Nature, Friendship (Classic Reprint) Ralph Waldo Emerson Auteur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 15/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Langue: Anglais Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? May 25, 180 A prU 27,1882) We have few more intimate biographical records than Emersoi s; fewer still tiiat cause so littie disappointment in the reading. In the wealth of material at hand in his Journal and letters as well as in the personal reminiscences of a great band of friends and admirers we are brought face to face with a personality that can but win by the cumulative power of character Even those who met Emerson with prejudices to be overcome were conquered by his presence. In an instant all my dislike vanished said Crabbe Bobinson, in reporting the first glimpse caught of him across a crowded room. One and another bear evidence to the same personal power with a concurrence that would be tiresome, were it not for the strong individual conviction in each case. Two other brothers, Edward and Charles, both younger, shared this power; William, the oldest, was likewise gifted with unusudl intellect. The family lived in Boston, where the father, William Emerson, was a brilliant Congregational minister, prominent in religious, social, and literary circles till his death in 1811. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Great Collection but Not the Best This collection has five Ralph Waldo Emerson essays: "Self-Reliance," "Manners," "Compensation," "Nature," and "Friendship." They were published a few years apart but have little intrinsic connection; the combination seems random. However, "Self" is an essential masterpiece, and the others are high quality. Anyone wanting a sampler could do worse, but the essays are widely available in far more comprehensive compilations, and this is hard to justify unless one sees it for a good price. "Self" is Emerson's most famous essay and is rivaled only by "Concord Hymn" as his most famous work. It is also his masterpiece; one often hears - sometimes disparagingly - that Emerson tried to fit his whole philosophy into each essay, and this comes remarkably close. There is far more depth and subtlety here than the length suggests; one would be very hard-pressed to find another work so densely packed. The words are few, but the implications are enough for a lifetime. "Self" is a seminal masterwork; a founding Transcendentalist text and American Romantic cornerstone, it is central to American thought, culture, and literature. Anyone even remotely interested in any Americana aspect must be intimately familiar with it; aside from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution themselves, perhaps no other document is so vital to the American spirit. Reading "Self" is perhaps more necessary than ever - not only because it is eternally relevant but also because it is often misrepresented. The term "self-reliance" is now almost entirely political, almost synonymous with libertarianism, and the essay is frequently touted along such lines. However, these things are hardly more than implied here, and though the definition of "liberal" has greatly changed, it is important to remember that Emerson was one of his era's leading liberals. His prime meaning in any case is self-reliance intellectually and in everyday life. He urges us to trust ourselves, to recognize human divinity and avoid imitation. It is a simple message but all-important - and far easier said than done. Emerson explores all its ramifications - philosophical, practical, social, political, economic, etc. - and outlines all its benefits. The case is beyond convincing, but he can do no more than show us; the rest is up to us. This profoundly individualist message is another reason that reading "Self" is so necessary. Emerson now unfortunately has a reputation for being somewhat impenetrable and/or hopelessly impractical; this is a true shame, because he wrote for the masses. Unlike nearly all philosophers, he does not rely on jargon or polysyllables; he truly wanted to be understood, and all it takes is will. We must open our minds to him, and once we have, they will never be closed again. Though greatly revered with many and diverse followers, Emerson's intention was not to be loved but to inspire; he wanted all to find individual genius. His work is thus the truest and best kind of self-help manual, and "Self" is its apotheosis. It has inspired millions in the more than century and a half of its existence, including me. I have read thousands and thousands of works, but this is one of the handful that truly changed my life. Emerson's greatness always shines through, but reading him at the right time can make an astonishing difference. He was more popular in life with the young than the old, and I can easily see why. I was lucky to read him at just the right time, and "Self" spoke to me more powerfully than almost anything else ever has. Without hyperbole, I can say that I would not be doing what I am today and would have abandoned my goals and visions without reading "Self" and Thoreau's "Life without Principle" - a somewhat similar essay highly influenced by Emerson - when I did. I was wracked with self-doubt and getting nothing but indifference, bafflement, or hostility from others; these works gave just the kick I needed, and I will never look back. "Self" has the potential to be life-changing as almost nothing else does, and I highly recommend it to all; you can hardly be unaffected and may never be the same. However, I especially recommend it to the young; its importance to them - and Emerson's generally - simply cannot be overemphasized. Emerson is a signature American stylist, and "Self" is near his height. His writing is always memorable and often highly lyrical - about as close to poetry as prose can be. However, his essays were almost always painstakingly composed from lectures and journals, and the effect was sometimes choppy. An Emerson-loving professor of mine once joked that no one can find the topic sentence in an Emerson paragraph, and his transitions also frequently leave much to be desired. However, "Self" is near-seamless, a true masterpiece of style that flows smoothly and often waxes beautiful. This is all the more remarkable in that it was assembled even more than usual from disparate sources; entries that ended up here came as far as eight years apart, but the whole is admirably harmonious. "Self" is a preeminent example of how Emerson delights in paradox. Anyone who reads him closely sees that he is as complex as he is simple. Thus, despite - or perhaps even because of - apparent straight-forwardness, few texts are more ripe for deconstruction. "Self" fans after all love a text that tells us not to love texts, are inspired by a man who tells us not to be inspired by men, and are convinced by a text and man both of which tell us not to be convinced by either. But this is only the beginning. "Self" works because it tells us exactly what we want to hear and, in striking contrast to innumerable self-help books, does so in an intellectually and even aesthetically respectable way. This is fine for me and (hopefully) you but could of course be taken to heart by Hitler as easily as Gandhi. The thoroughly optimistic, mild-mannered, and physically frail Emerson may not have foreseen his revolutionary text being put to nefarious use and probably would have been unable to believe in even the possibility. However, the danger, if we choose to call it so, is very real. "Self" could easily have had the same effect that Nietzsche had on Nazis, and that it has not been taken up by anarchists, radical terrorists, and the like is perhaps mere luck. One at least wonders how it avoided preceding The Catcher in the Rye as the work synonymous with unsavory people. That said, it is likely unfair to Emerson to say he did not anticipate this; he after all takes his views to the logical conclusion. He surely saw it, and it may have given pause, but he persevered because he was faithful to his intuition just as he urges us to be to ours. He truly believed in self-reliance and was ready to stand by it no matter what befell - nay, thought it his only choice. His optimism must have told him that the doctrine would not be abused, and he has been right - so far. Only time will tell if this continues to hold, but "Self" remains essential for all. Though far less great and universal, "Manners" is one of Emerson's more historically interesting essays. It is essential to recall that his era perhaps emphasized manners more than any other in history; they had an importance of which we cannot even conceive. All had to deal with them regardless of personal views, but virtually all seemed to agree - or at least convinced others that they did. Thus, though it may initially seem somewhat surprising in light of Emerson's trademark liberalism and originality that he (begrudgingly) accepts some conventions, the small extent to which he did so is truly remarkable. The essay goes a little into various manners' pros and cons, but the core points are elsewhere. The first is that manners are relative; Emerson begins with some striking anthropological examples of this all-important fact and otherwise drives it home. An extension of his core self-reliance doctrine, the second is that the great make their own manners - and make others respect them. "Manners" is one of Emerson's least transcendental works - in any sense -, but comparing and contrasting its message to today's society and competing views can be instructive, and it is a valuable timepiece. "Friendship" is also very good - one of Emerson's most affecting and thought-provoking works. His view of the ubiquitous subject is unsurprisingly original and engaging. He believes that friendship can exist only with real equality and sees it as a sort of springboard to something higher. His demands are great, and the work is eye-opening in the sense that almost no one has a friend by his definition. Like his best work, "Friendship" can easily make us question beliefs and preconceptions - and perhaps even make us better friends. "Compensation" is one of Emerson's most representative essays. The staunch optimism so essential to his thought was perhaps never shown so clearly or thoroughly elsewhere. Emerson begins by saying he had wanted to write about compensation since he was a boy, and it shows in his enthusiasm. He works himself up almost to a rhapsody, giving example after example in clear, beautiful prose that remarkably never becomes dull and is often near-lyrical. The essay details Emerson's belief that everything balances out, even if we cannot see it, and that good and evil have their own earthly rewards despite appearances. He may not convince cynics, but his argument is certainly compelling, and his critiques of conventional Christianity and other traditions are very intriguing. "Nature" has many of Emerson's key concepts: nature's all-encompassing beauty and force, our place in regard to it, art's role, and of course deduction of God from nature. Some speculations are more philosophical, historical, or critical, but all lead to these basic points, which are Transcendentalism's cornerstones. Emerson's characteristically optimistic thought is here in full, as is his signature poetic prose. These essays are essential for anyone interested in Emerson, whether read here or elsewhere. Three Stars Not much explanation. Hard to read. Print is not very clear. D'autre ouvrages de Ralph Waldo Emerson Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Wit and Wisdom of G. K: Chesterton (Classic Reprint) G. K. Chesterton Auteur: G. K. Chesterton Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 124 pages paperback Publication: 16/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? There are times when we are almost crushed, not so much with the load of the evil as with the load of the goodness of humanity, when we feel that we are nothing but the inheritors of a humiliating splendour. But there are other times when everything seems primitive, when the ancient stars are only sparks blown from a boys bonfire, when the whole earth seems so young and experimental that even the white hair of the aged, in the fine biblical phrase, is like almond-trees that blossom, like the white hawthorn grown in May. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at D'autre ouvrages de G. K. Chesterton Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Gauss (Classic Reprint) Wolfgang Sartorius Von Waltershausen Auteur: Wolfgang Sartorius Von Waltershausen Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 102 pages paperback Publication: 17/08/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Gz Ssis Translator s Note The translator, a great-granddaughter of the mathematician, wishes to call attention to the fact that the writer of this Memorial, Baron Wolfgang Sartorius von Walthershausen, Professor of Geology at the University of Gfottingen, wrote over one hundred years ago and immediately after the death of his long-cherished friend and colleague. This to some extent explains the extreme feeling and language of the Memorial. In the interests of clarity the somewhat archaic German has been given a very free rendering. In a personal letter to the translator, dated August 5, 1949, Dr. Albert Einstein wrote as follows: The importance of C. F. Gauss for the development of modern physical theory and especially for the mathematical fundament of the theory of relativity is overwhelming indeed; also his achievement of the system of absolute measurement in the field of electromagnetism. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Anarchism and Other Essays (Classic Reprint) Emma Goldman Auteur: Emma Goldman Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 292 pages paperback Publication: 06/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Anarchist and feminist EMMA GOLDMAN (1869-1940) is one of the towering figures in global radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Lithuania, she emigrated to the United States as a teenager, was deported in 1919 for her criticism of the U.S. military draft in World War I, and died in Toronto after a globetrotting life. An early advocate of birth control, women's rights, and workers unions, she was an important and influential figure in such far-flung geopolitical events as the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Among her many books are My Disillusionment in Russia (1925) and Living My Life (1931). Propagandism is not, as some suppose, a trade, because nobody will follow a trade at which you may work with the industry of a slave and die with the reputation of a mendicant. The motives of any persons to pursue such a profession must be different from those of trade, deeper than pride, and stronger than interest. George Jacob Holyoake. A mong the men and women prominent in the public Hfe of America there are but few whose names are mentioned as often as that of Emma Goldman. Yet the real Emma Goldman is almost quite unknown. The sensational press has surrounded her name with so much misrepresentation and slander, it would seem almost a miracle that, in spite of this web of calumny, the truth breaks through and a better appreciation of this much maligned idealist begins to manifest itself. There is but little consolation in the fact that almost every representative of a new idea has had to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Emma Goldman's essays collected I've heard from many people who are interested in reading books about anarchism (allthough i think the term "anarchism" is incorrect) that most books about anarchy are "heavy" and difficult to get through much less understand because they aim their content to readers that have a good backround of political understanding (its terminologies, its "schools" of thought, its currents and so forth..). If this happens to be your problem then this book will be ideal if you want to discover what this political philosophy stands for and what its issues are and, indeed, have been for a long time. Emma Goldman, a woman with as fiery a personality as they come, has put together here a number of essays about anarchy that are easy to comprehend and definately thought inspiring. Despite this book having been first published in 1917 it loses nothing of its importance in the current state affairs as all of the issues Goldman deals with not only remain unsolved but they have -in the meantime- become a social burden or a social disaster much worse than back in her time. Oh, and back in her time things already looked bad enough. What you get here is, summarily, the following: -anarchy, what is it and what does it stand for? Beyond the mainstream media cliches anarchy stands for personal and societal freedom of the highest conceivable order. A freedom, anarchists insist, that is not a utopia. It's basically a hard lesson in crushing your illusions and opening unthought of doors of perception of what freedom really means. That would be then something other than being in a cage and having food thrown in. Even if the cage is invisible.. -Hard punching essays about the prison system and the everself-destructing notion of patriotism.. Funny how every line one reads in there could've been written yesterday. Not much has changed. After decades and decades of the imprisonment system has society become more law-abiding? That would be a thundering no. Why is that? As for patriotism, the incredible notion of dying for your country the same one that might be killing you slowly while draining you of all your resources and enslaving you in a wage system and a daily mindless-toil called "work". here, Emma has to say a lot. There's always a reason to die if someone is going to make money out of it (that would be NOT you) and dress the whole "cause" up as patriotic.. -The hypocrisy of puritanism as well as the seemingly eternal joke of marriage and "love" are also given the treatment they deserve. In a society based on hypocrisy alltogether, you have to start on a personal level. You have to lose your personal chains before you attempt to free others. Your personal chains begin with the things you've been taught to hold most sacred (as is generally the case). The morals that are not yours. Whom do they really serve? The institutions that everyone notices they have fail and yet most continue to serve them. Why? How can this possibly be? These are just some of the issues dealt with in Emma's essays. A classic book that will basically reprogram your brain if you honestly think about the issues in it. But reprogrammed into what? Well, it will only reprogram you into thinking for yourself. For once. If you do, you'll find that the illusion you've been living in does indeed serve someone. Your long hard road to becoming an individual will thus commence. Good, But Not the Best Collection of Emma's Work This is a good collection of essays by Emma Goldman; however, it is not the best one available. That would be _Red Emma Speaks_, which contains the best material in this volume as well as other excellent essays and excerpts from her entire life's work. In addition, all of this book is available on the Web. So I would have to recommend that those interested in Emma's work get _Red Emma Speaks_ instead of this one. as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day Being historically one the more important yet obscure figures in American history, Emma Goldman's anarchist thought is as relevent today as it was when she wrote "Anarchism, and Other Essays". In an age where political apathy, intellectual ignorance and spiritual corruption are the failings of modern civilzation, Emma Goldman's Enlightenment thought is illuminating in its message of the power of direct action as she so lucidly illustrates: "Anarchism urges man to think, to investigate, to analyze every proposition... (Anarchism is the) philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary. "The new social order rests, of course, on the materialistic basis of life; but while all Anarchists agree that the main evil today is an economic one, they maintain that the solution of that evil can be brought about only through the consideration of every phase of life,--individual, as well as the collective; the internal, as well as the external phases. "A thorough perusal of the history of human development will disclose two elements in bitter conflict with each other; elements that are only now beginning to be understood, not as foreign to each other, but as closely related and truly harmonious, if only placed in proper environment: the individual and social instincts. The individual and society have waged a relentless and bloody battle for ages, each striving for supremacy, because each was blind to the value and importance of the other. The individual and social instincts,--the one a most potent factor for individual endeavor, for growth, aspiration, self-realization; the other an equally potent factor for mutual helpfulness and social well-being." From just that little exerpt it is easy to understand why any and all authority was terrified of Emma Goldman and why her important contributions to society have been muzzled from histories - down the "memory hole" to use an Orwellian expression.Again, "Anarchism, and Other Essays" is as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day and necessary material for anyone truly interested or involved in altruistic direct action. D'autre ouvrages de Emma Goldman Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk: On Occasion of Mr (Classic Reprint) John Henry Newman Auteur: John Henry Newman Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 178 pages paperback Publication: 27/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? The Vatican Becrees and Civil A llegiance; By His Grace Archbishop Manning, ty The above work will be printed from advance sheets. n. The Office of Holy Week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English. This is a new, impraved, and enlarged edition, and will be printed from large type. It will be ready for delivery Feb. 1. Cloth, arabesque, $0 76 ni The Miatress of Novices enlightened upon her Duties. Translated by a Sister of Mercy. Cloth,,. -1 60 17. Dehar WsC omplete Catechism. Translated by Fander. 076 Y. The Yofong Catholies mnstrated Fifth Header. lmo, cloth, 126 YL The Young Catholic s Ulnstrated Sixth Beader. 12nio, cloth, 160 YILT he Young Ladies Illustrated Beader. 13mo, cloth, 126 YIIL The Life of Father Bernard, C.SS.B. Translated from the French. 1vol. 12mo, cloth,...- 160 IX. The Yeil Withdrawn. By Mrs. Craven. 1vol. 8vo, 160 X. Life of St John the Evangelist Translated from the French. 1vol. 12mo, cloth, 200 XL Be Not Hasty in Judging. Translated from the French by P. 8. 16mo, 100 JUST PUBLISHED. THE KINGS HIGHWAY: The Catholic Church the Way of Salvation, proved from the Scriptorea By Rev. A. F, Hewit. 1voL 12mo, $1 50 SACRUM SEPTHNARIUM; or. The Beven Gifts of the Holy Qho Bt, aa exemplified In the Life and Person of the Blessed Virgiii Mary, for the Guidanoe and I nstruetion of Children. By Bev. Henry Formby. 1vol.l6mo 185 XLLUSTRATBD OATHOLIO FAMILY AUOANAO for 1875, The Catholic Publication Society,,AIVRRNCR KRHOR. Oen. A rent. oWARREN ST.. N.V. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been D'autre ouvrages de John Henry Newman Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Life and Letters of Louis Moreau Gottschalk (Classic Reprint) Mary Alice Seymour Auteur: Mary Alice Seymour Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 218 pages paperback Publication: 01/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? To Mr. Fbancis G. Hill, Mr. Gbenville D. Wilson, and Col Ghickerino, of Boston; To Mrs. Clara M. Bbinkebhoff, Mr. George William Warren, Mr. Richard Hoffmann, and Messrs. Hall Sons, of New York; To Mr. Charles Vezin and Miss Annie Meters, of Philadelphia; To Mr. George P. Upton of Chicago, am I indebted for encouragement and aid. From the laurel leaves their hands have brought, I have twined a wreath with the simple love and gratitude which my heart held, and must ever hold, for my dear master and friend, Louis Moread Gottschalk. OCTAVIA HENSKL, BosTOV, A ugust, 1870. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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