Smooth operator m
Liste des meilleures ventes smooth operator m

Mimizan (Landes)
SADE - SMOOTH OPERATOR Partition pour orchestre et chant. Vous pouvez avant achat: 1 - obtenir un aperçu audio de l'orchestration au format MP3 sur simple demande (adresse Email indispensable). 2 - demander une adaptation, une transposition adapté a vos besoin. 3 - vous renseigné sur 1650 titres francophone et 1360 titres anglophone (listing sur demande). 4 - Obtenir un tarif préférentiel pour un achat groupé (contactez-moi). Cette partition est proposée au choix: 1- Au format numérique PDF au prix de 12 (via votre adresse Email). 2 - Imprimé sur papier ivoire de fort grammage au prix de 16 frais d'édition et de port inclus (via votre adresse postale). Composition de l'envoi: 22 pages Partie du conducteur au format A4 orientation paysage et police réduite (les chefs de musique qui souhaite avoir leur partie en Ut doivent en faire la demande). Parties des pupitres au format A4 orientation portrait et grande police. Parolier au format A4 grande police. (*) les partitions sont rédigées en notation de solfège+ tablature simple pour les guitares. (**) les partitions qui vous sont proposées ne sont pas des copie d'ouvrages imprimés. Elle résultent d'un travail méticuleux de transcription, d'adaptation et/ou de création originale. Instruments de musique à vendre à Mimizan (40200)
12 €
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Villebon (Eure et Loir)
vintage, nice ! Very Good condition Wonderfull lens!!! with flat back lens! BUT: BODY: Good but deformation of front filter ring. GLASS: traces on thecoating.. FOCUSING Ring: Smooth DIAPHRAGM Ring:smooth IRIS Blades: Clean back CAP included. shipping worldwide.
20 €
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Paris (Paris)
Here we have Hasselblad's iconic camera with its standard 80mm Planar from Zeiss, in good user condition with two small issues of note. - Catch for the waist level finder is tricky, sometimes magnifier deploys on first press (rather than second as it should) and causes the flaps to bind when they flip up. - Lens has a fungus spot (visible in last photo). It should not impact performance. Otherwise, everything is good. - Wind-on is smooth. - Shutter fires on all speeds. Shutter blades are clean. - Focus is smooth. - Aperture ring clicks nicely at each stop. - No marks on front or rear lens coatings. Just the mentioned fungus and the usual dust. - Good cosmetic condition overall. * A note about fungus in lenses: I am as clear as possible about how badly affected a lens is by fungus. I have a 30-day return policy and returns cost me money, so the last thing I want is for you to be unpleasantly surprised. If I say the amount of fungus in a lens should not impact performance, I mean it. If it looks like a mushroom farm in there, I'll tell you in the description. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Camera Sanctuary: Like you, I love cameras. I bring all manner of equipment into the Camera Sanctuary in the hope that I can place it in a new home. I handle everything from collector’s pieces to total beaters, Leica to Lomo, Alpa to Argus. You can buy from me secure in the following: - My descriptions are honest. Some cameras have been babied, and some have been brutalized. There’s room in the world for both, but I won't try to sell one as the other. - I won’t pretend I don’t know things. - I’ll take back anything that doesn’t meet your expectations.
1.299 €
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Paris (Paris)
Leica M Summicron 28mm ASPH v1 Black coded - Excellent Condition - Recent CLA. État : Occasion English CURRENTLY ON HOLIDAY - I WILL BE ABLE TO SHIP FROM 19 AUGUST ONWARDS I am using my 28mm less and less, since more comfortable with 35 40 or 50mm, therefore I am now selling my Leica M Summicron 28mm ASPH v1. External appearance is good (see notes below) and perfect working condition in both digital (M10-P, Monochrom) and analog. Last CLA in September 2019 by Leica (in Leitz Park). The buyer will receive a copy of the invoice. The optics are pristine, no fungus, no scratch, no cleaning marks, no haze. The blades are clean. Focus is smooth and aperture click is good. TO NOTE: - The lens comes with with original box and matching number on the box, all papers and leather pouch. - The sun hood is missing. - There is a small loss of paint on the front circle next to front lens that you can see on picture #09. The front element of the lens remains absolutely pristine. - A tiny amount of paint next to the aperture ring is worn, and you can start seeing the anodized aluminium. This is very tiny and normal but you can see it on picture #01. At your disposal would you have any other question. FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING COSTS, PLEASE CONTACT ME TO DETERMINE THEM. FOR YOUR AND MY PEACE OF MIND, STRONG PREFERENCE FOR DHL WITH INSURANCE FOR THE ACTUAL VALUE. ANY CUSTOMS OR ADDITIONAL FEES WILL BE BORNE BY THE BUYER. Francais ACTUELLEMENT EN VACANCES - JE POURRAI ENVOYER L'OPTIQUE A PARTIR DU 19 AOUT Me servant de moins en moins de mon 28mm car je suis plus confortable avec mon 35, 40 ou 50mm, je vends mon Leica M Summicron 28 ASPH version 1. L'apparence exterieure est bonne (voir les notes ci-dessous) et en parfait etat de marche aussi bien en digital qu'argentique. Derniere revision en septembre 2019 par Leica en Allemagne. L'acheteur aura une copie de la facture. L'etat optique est parfait, pas de champignon, pas de rayure, pas de marques de nettoyage, pas de voile. Les lamelles du diaphragmme sont propres. La mise au point est fluide et la bague d'ouverture bien crantee. A NOTER: - L'optique vient avec sa boite originale avec numero de serie correspondant, tous les papiers et etui original en cuir. - Le pare solei est manquant. - Il y a une petite marque pres de l'optique frontale que vous pouvez voir sur l'image #09. L'element frontal n'est pas touche et est comme indique ci-dessus en etat parfait. - Une petite partie proche de la bague d'ouverture se decouvre un peu et vous pouvez voir l'aluminium. C'est minuscule et relativement normal mais cf. l'image #01. A votre disposition pour toute autre question POUR LE CALCUL DES FRAIS D'EXPEDITION OU LA REMISE EN MAINS PROPRES, MERCI DE ME CONTACTER. CEPENDANT POUR VOTRE ET MA TRANQUILITE D'ESPRIT, PREFERENCE POUR DHL AVEC ASSURANCE A CONCURRENCE DU PRIX.
2.000 €
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Paris (Paris)
Leica Summicron M 50 v4 anniversary 1913-1983. État : Occasion Very nice Leica M 50mm Summicron v4, anniversary edition. Excellent condition: No scratch, no haze, no fungus and clean blades. Good aperture click and smooth focus. Using it regularly, plenty sharp and this vintage character. It comes with its sun hood, front and bottom cap + an old Leica leather poutch. If any question, please ask.
1.250 €
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Paris (Paris)
Leica M Summicron 28mm ASPH v1 Black coded - Excellent Condition - Recent CLA. État : Occasion English I am using my 28mm less and less, since more comfortable with 35 40 or 50mm, therefore I am now selling my Leica M Summicron 28mm ASPH v1. External appearance is good (see notes below) and perfect working condition in both digital (M10-P, Monochrom) and analog. Last CLA in September 2019 by Leica (in Leitz Park). The buyer will receive a copy of the invoice. The optics are pristine, no fungus, no scratch, no cleaning marks, no haze. The blades are clean. Focus is smooth and aperture click is good. TO NOTE: - The lens comes with with original box and matching number on the box, all papers and leather pouch. - The sun hood is missing. - There is a small loss of paint on the front circle next to front lens that you can see on picture #09. The front element of the lens remains absolutely pristine. - A tiny amount of paint next to the aperture ring is worn, and you can start seeing the anodized aluminium. This is very tiny and normal but you can see it on picture #01. At your disposal would you have any other question
1.900 €
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Seyssuel (Isère)
I sell a Fujinon 55 mm F 1,8 standard lens,almost mint fully functional, with its Front and rear caps. Optics: No haze, No Fungus No visible dust Mechanics Diaph and focus rings: perfect, very smooth (Typical quality level from this generation of lenses) Diaphragm reactive, Blades free from any oil This works on any M 42 screw compatible camera and almost all cameras with a simple M 42 Adaptation ring NOTE: No protuberance nor prong or whatsoever below the aperture ring: see pics More infos on: Easy, very light and efficient lens.I used it on a Fuji XF system (equivalent to a 75 mm on APS C cameras) Vey nice bokeh (6 blades) A bargain wide angle lens,perfect fit with EVF digital cameras as well as SLR buyers outside the described European Countries, please ask for the transport costs before bidding. paypal or bank transfer je vends un objectif Fujinon 55 mm f 1,8 , avec ses deux bouchons Mecanique et optiques Pas de champignons, pas de brume (Haze) Pas de poussiere visible Bague de Diaphragme, bague de MAP impeccables Diaphragme reactif, pas de trace d huile Etat esthetique: Tres proche du neuf voir photos TRES BEAU BOKEH (voir photos sur les liens) paypal ou virement bancaire
29 €
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Argonay (Haute Savoie)
Leitz Wetzlar Leica M summicron1:2 50 mm Dual Range sans lunette Les lamelles du diaphragme sont propres. Le diaphragme s'ouvre et se ferme correctement. La bague de mise au point est fluide. Des poussières / impuretés entre les lentilles. Quelques fines rayures de nettoyage. 1 ou 2 petites impactes ou impureté sur la lentille interne. Des filaments / racines des cheveux sur la périphérie des lentilles. Une auréole sur le groupe de lentilles arrières visible en regardant avec une source lumineuse très brillante. L'objectif est livré avec une assurance couvrant sa valeur de vente. Les acheteurs étrangers hors zone Europe doivent acquités les différentes taxes d'importation vers leur pays Leitz Wetzlar Leica M summicron1:2 50 mm Dual Range without goggles The aperture blades are clean. The aperture opens and closes correctly. The focus ring is smooth. Dusts / impurities between the lenses. Some fine cleaning scratches. 1 or 2 small impacts or impurity on the internal lens Filaments / hairlines on the periphery of the lenses. A halo on the rear lens cluster visible when viewing with a very bright light source. The item is shipped with insurance covering its sales value. Foreign buyers outside Europe zone must pay the different import taxes to their country.
450 €
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Argonay (Haute Savoie)
Leica summaron M 2.8 35 mm Cet objectif est vraiment en très bon état. Les lamelles du diaphragme sont propres. Le diaphragme s'ouvre et se ferme correctement. La bague de mise au point est fluide. Les lentilles très belles et très claires. Quelques inévitables poussières entre les lentilles. Un très léger halo brumeux en toute périphérie d'une des lentilles. Fourni avec lunettes d'adaptation L'objet est livré avec une assurance couvrant sa valeur de vente. Les acheteurs étrangers hors zone Europe doivent acquités les différentes taxes d'importation vers leur pays Leitz Wetzlar Leica summaron M 2.8 35 mm This lens is in really good condition. The diaphragm blades are clean. The diaphragm opens and closes correctly. The focus ring is smooth. Really beautiful and really clear lenses. Some inevitable dust between the lenses. A really slight hazy halo at the periphery of one of the lenses. Supplied with goggles The item is shipped with insurance covering its sales value. Foreign buyers outside Europe zone must pay the different import taxes to their country.
785 €
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Paris (Paris)
Rare oportunity to get this legendary vintage lens in really beautiful condition Leica M 50mm F/1.4 Summilux PRE-Asph V3 11868 Filter thread is 46mm It is the version with built-in telescopique lens hood Known for its gentle bokeh, nice contrast and gentle shaprness For many Leica shooters, this lens had nice and gentler rendering than the actual modern Leica 50 F/1.4 ASPH summilux Therefore it is searched after and very difficult to find in this cosmetic and functional condition, clean optics, smooth buttery focus ring, nice clicky aperture ring Comes with lens caps and leather Leica pouch
2.600 €
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Rennes (Ille et Vilaine)
Zeiss Distagon 35mm 1.4 zm leica m mount. Almost unused, i just took 2 pictures with it and bought it unused by his previous owner. Butterly smooth focusing, clean glass, always protected with great quality uv filter by B+W (sold with it) Sold with its front and rear caps and B+W uv filter.
1.390 €
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Paris (Paris)
This conveniently lightweight long prime for Pentax's K mount is in very good condition. Glass is clean and clear, iris blades are oil-free and snappy, aperture ring clicks precisely at each stop, focus is smooth and even. The only flaw is a dent on the edge of the built-in retractable hood -- this is purely cosmetic, as the hood still slides in and out without a problem. The 52mm filter ring is separate from the hood and is undamaged -- I'm including a Vivitar 1A filter in the sale. Genuine rear cap and generic pinch front cap also included.
49 €
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Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle)
Leica Elmarit M 28 version IV pre asph Lens in very good condition: no scratches, no dust, no haze, no fungus Focus ring is very smooth + caps and sun shade
1.350 €
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Paris (Paris)
Leica M Summicron 50mm F/2 Version II Rigid This lens is 58 years old, it was made in 1962 ! I used it mainly on Leica M3 and Leica M9 Monochrom. It is a very interesting lens: sharp, medium range contrast and excellent bokeh. It works really well on black and white film and monochrome cameras, giving a vintage but clean look. I try to describe the lens as well as i can: This specimen is in great cosmetic condition and fully functional but it is not perfect: if looking very closely and carefully: - light signs of use can be seen on the barrel, - a micro bubble or micro dust (very common on these lenses) can be seen inside the lens if looking very closely, - if aiming the lens at certain angle under certain light (very difficult to show on a picture) micro scratches (cleaning marks) are also barely visible in the front element if aiming the lens. These are so thin, i didn't see them until recently os it's very difficult to show on a picture. Of course nothing impacts image quality There are very light signs of normal use, the lens is actually beautiful for its age, in better condition than most alternatives visible on even when asking for more money. No major scratch, no fungus, no haze, no separation, blades move freely, focussing is smooth The lens is sold with a generic third part front cap and the classic dedicated bubble case
1.000 €
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Bastia (Corse)
Good condition Leica M Summicron Dual Range in excellent condition (no scratches, no dents) and the front element doesn't show any sign of scratches Very few dust spots inside the lens and a little haze which is very common for this era lenses (see pictures) Comes complete with very good condition goggles which work and match perfectly the lens giving a minimum close distance focus of approx. 0.45m Focusing ring very smooth and perfectly damped Aperture wring clicks nicely and aperture blades are flawless
1.290 €
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