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Ambres (Tarn)
1 x 2200pF @ 200V K40Y-9 PAPER IN OÏL   SPECIAL UPGRADE AUDIO & INSTRUMENTS    This high quality capacitors were made in USSR for the military equipment. PIO capacitors K40Y-9 are one of the leaders of Russian Audiophile market.  They provide soft and clear sound, free of high-frequency noise of digital-to-analogue converter Contain Silver for lower impedance.   Similar Vitamin Q Dim.: 18 x 6mm   Int'l shipping: 5,00€
2,5 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
Google One - Drive Stockage 2 to (Espace Partagé) - 3 mois. &##128293; Google One 2to  | 3 mois | 90 jours | &##128293;. État: Neuf Remise en mains propres uniquement. Compte Google One 2to partagé pour 9,99€/mois Une fois le paiement effectué, envoyez moi votre mail Google afin que je vous envoi une invitation, une fois l'invitation accepté, vous aurez Google One 2to pour 3 mois. ------------------- ⚠️ Pour l'abonné ⚠️: Vous ne pouvez pas faire partie de 2 familles Google différentes et vous n’avez la possibilité de changer de groupe familial qu’une seule fois par an. À savoir: Chaque co-abonné dispose d'un espace personnel de 15Go. Cet espace de stockage doit d'abord être rempli avant que vos fichiers s'enregistrent sur l'espace de stockage partagé (2to). Aucun membre de la famille ne peut accéder à vos fichiers à moins que ceux-ci soient partagés. Important: Le co-abonné ne doit pas avoir fait partie d'un autre groupe familial au cours des 12 mois. Vous avez reçu une invitation par mail afin d'accéder à la famille Google One du propriétaire. Cliquez sur l'invitation et suivez les instructions afin de rejoindre la famille. Vous avez maintenant accès à un espace de stockage partagé ! ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &##128293; Google One 2tb | 3 months | 90 Days | &##128293;. Condition: New Hand delivery only. Google One 2tb account for € 9.99 / 3 months Once the payment has been made, send me your Google email so that I can send you an invitation, once the invitation is accepted, you will have Google One for 3 months. -------------------- ⚠️ For the subscriber ⚠️: You cannot be part of 2 different Google families and you can only change family groups once a year.. To know: Each co-subscriber has a personal space of 15 GB. This storage space must first be filled before your files are saved to the shared storage space (2TB). No family member can access your files unless they are shared. Important: The co-subscriber must not have been part of another family group during the 12 months. You have received an email invitation to access the owner's Google One family. Click on the invitation and follow the instructions to join the family. You now have access to shared storage space! ⚠️
9,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Google One - Drive Stockage 2 to (Espace Partagé) - 12 mois. 🔥 Google One 2to  | 12 mois | 365 jours | 🔥. État: Neuf Remise en mains propres uniquement. Compte Google One 2to partagé pour 27,99€/an Une fois le paiement effectué, envoyez moi votre mail Google afin que je vous envoi une invitation, une fois l'invitation accepté, vous aurez Google One 2to pour 1 an. ------------------- ⚠️ Pour l'abonné ⚠️: Vous ne pouvez pas faire partie de 2 familles Google différentes et vous n’avez la possibilité de changer de groupe familial qu’une seule fois par an. À savoir: Chaque co-abonné dispose d'un espace personnel de 15Go. Cet espace de stockage doit d'abord être rempli avant que vos fichiers s'enregistrent sur l'espace de stockage partagé (2to). Aucun membre de la famille ne peut accéder à vos fichiers à moins que ceux-ci soient partagés. Important: Le co-abonné ne doit pas avoir fait partie d'un autre groupe familial au cours des 12 mois. Vous avez reçu une invitation par mail afin d'accéder à la famille Google One du propriétaire. Cliquez sur l'invitation et suivez les instructions afin de rejoindre la famille. Vous avez maintenant accès à un espace de stockage partagé ! ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Google One 2tb | 12 months | 365 Days | 🔥. Condition: New Hand delivery only. Google One 2tb account for € 27.99 / 1 year. Once the payment has been made, send me your Google email so that I can send you an invitation, once the invitation is accepted, you will have Google One for 1 year. -------------------- ⚠️ For the subscriber ⚠️: You cannot be part of 2 different Google families and you can only change family groups once a year.. To know: Each co-subscriber has a personal space of 15 GB. This storage space must first be filled before your files are saved to the shared storage space (2TB). No family member can access your files unless they are shared. Important: The co-subscriber must not have been part of another family group during the 12 months. You have received an email invitation to access the owner's Google One family. Click on the invitation and follow the instructions to join the family. You now have access to shared storage space! ⚠️
27,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Google One - Drive Stockage 2 to (Espace Partagé) - 6 mois. 🔥 Google One 2to  | 6 mois | 180 jours | 🔥. État: Neuf Remise en mains propres uniquement. Compte Google One 2to partagé pour 17,99€/mois Une fois le paiement effectué, envoyez moi votre mail Google afin que je vous envoi une invitation, une fois l'invitation accepté, vous aurez Google One 2to pour 6 mois. ------------------- ⚠️ Pour l'abonné ⚠️: Vous ne pouvez pas faire partie de 2 familles Google différentes et vous n’avez la possibilité de changer de groupe familial qu’une seule fois par an. À savoir: Chaque co-abonné dispose d'un espace personnel de 15Go. Cet espace de stockage doit d'abord être rempli avant que vos fichiers s'enregistrent sur l'espace de stockage partagé (2to). Aucun membre de la famille ne peut accéder à vos fichiers à moins que ceux-ci soient partagés. Important: Le co-abonné ne doit pas avoir fait partie d'un autre groupe familial au cours des 12 mois. Vous avez reçu une invitation par mail afin d'accéder à la famille Google One du propriétaire. Cliquez sur l'invitation et suivez les instructions afin de rejoindre la famille. Vous avez maintenant accès à un espace de stockage partagé ! ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Google One 2tb | 6 months | 180 Days | 🔥. Condition: New Hand delivery only. Google One 2tb account for € 17.99 / 6 months Once the payment has been made, send me your Google email so that I can send you an invitation, once the invitation is accepted, you will have Google One for 6 months. -------------------- ⚠️ For the subscriber ⚠️: You cannot be part of 2 different Google families and you can only change family groups once a year.. To know: Each co-subscriber has a personal space of 15 GB. This storage space must first be filled before your files are saved to the shared storage space (2TB). No family member can access your files unless they are shared. Important: The co-subscriber must not have been part of another family group during the 12 months. You have received an email invitation to access the owner's Google One family. Click on the invitation and follow the instructions to join the family. You now have access to shared storage space! ⚠️
17,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Google One - Drive Stockage 2 to (Espace Partagé) - 3 mois. 🔥 Google One 2to  | 3 mois | 90 jours | 🔥. État: Neuf Remise en mains propres uniquement. Compte Google One 2to partagé pour 9,99€/mois Une fois le paiement effectué, envoyez moi votre mail Google afin que je vous envoi une invitation, une fois l'invitation accepté, vous aurez Google One 2to pour 3 mois. ------------------- ⚠️ Pour l'abonné ⚠️: Vous ne pouvez pas faire partie de 2 familles Google différentes et vous n’avez la possibilité de changer de groupe familial qu’une seule fois par an. À savoir: Chaque co-abonné dispose d'un espace personnel de 15Go. Cet espace de stockage doit d'abord être rempli avant que vos fichiers s'enregistrent sur l'espace de stockage partagé (2to). Aucun membre de la famille ne peut accéder à vos fichiers à moins que ceux-ci soient partagés. Important: Le co-abonné ne doit pas avoir fait partie d'un autre groupe familial au cours des 12 mois. Vous avez reçu une invitation par mail afin d'accéder à la famille Google One du propriétaire. Cliquez sur l'invitation et suivez les instructions afin de rejoindre la famille. Vous avez maintenant accès à un espace de stockage partagé ! ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Google One 2tb | 3 months | 90 Days | 🔥. Condition: New Hand delivery only. Google One 2tb account for € 9.99 / 3 months Once the payment has been made, send me your Google email so that I can send you an invitation, once the invitation is accepted, you will have Google One for 3 months. -------------------- ⚠️ For the subscriber ⚠️: You cannot be part of 2 different Google families and you can only change family groups once a year.. To know: Each co-subscriber has a personal space of 15 GB. This storage space must first be filled before your files are saved to the shared storage space (2TB). No family member can access your files unless they are shared. Important: The co-subscriber must not have been part of another family group during the 12 months. You have received an email invitation to access the owner's Google One family. Click on the invitation and follow the instructions to join the family. You now have access to shared storage space! ⚠️
9,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Google One - Drive Stockage 2 to (Espace Partagé) - 1 mois. 🔥 Google One 2to  | 1 mois | 30 jours | 🔥. État: Neuf Remise en mains propres uniquement. Compte Google One 2to partagé pour 3,99€/mois Une fois le paiement effectué, envoyez moi votre mail Google afin que je vous envoi une invitation, une fois l'invitation accepté, vous aurez Google One 2to pour 1 mois. ------------------- ⚠️ Pour l'abonné ⚠️: Vous ne pouvez pas faire partie de 2 familles Google différentes et vous n’avez la possibilité de changer de groupe familial qu’une seule fois par an. À savoir: Chaque co-abonné dispose d'un espace personnel de 15Go. Cet espace de stockage doit d'abord être rempli avant que vos fichiers s'enregistrent sur l'espace de stockage partagé (2to). Aucun membre de la famille ne peut accéder à vos fichiers à moins que ceux-ci soient partagés. Important: Le co-abonné ne doit pas avoir fait partie d'un autre groupe familial au cours des 12 mois. Vous avez reçu une invitation par mail afin d'accéder à la famille Google One du propriétaire. Cliquez sur l'invitation et suivez les instructions afin de rejoindre la famille. Vous avez maintenant accès à un espace de stockage partagé ! ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Google One 2tb | 1 month | 30 Days | 🔥. Condition: New Hand delivery only. Google One 2tb account for € 3.99 / month Once the payment has been made, send me your Google email so that I can send you an invitation, once the invitation is accepted, you will have Google One for 1 mois. -------------------- ⚠️ For the subscriber ⚠️: You cannot be part of 2 different Google families and you can only change family groups once a year.. To know: Each co-subscriber has a personal space of 15 GB. This storage space must first be filled before your files are saved to the shared storage space (2TB). No family member can access your files unless they are shared. Important: The co-subscriber must not have been part of another family group during the 12 months. You have received an email invitation to access the owner's Google One family. Click on the invitation and follow the instructions to join the family. You now have access to shared storage space! ⚠️
3,99 €
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Ségrie Fontaine (Orne)
2 - ENGLISH - Further down this page 3 - DEUTSCH - weiter unten auf dieser Seite 4 - ESPAÑOL - más abajo en esta página 5 - ITALIANO - più in basso in questa pagina 6 - РУССКИЙ - далее на этой странице 1 - FRANCAIS Quelques généralités... Les Beovox CX100 ont été produites et vendues de 1984 à 2003 soit durant une vingtaine d'années, ce qui démontre leur succès et leur qualité. Elles sont même les toutes dernières enceintes passives (donc non amplifiées), les seules à avoir passé le seuil de l'an 2000 parmi toutes les enceintes passives Bang & Olufsen. Le son qu'elles développent est clair, limpide et même si leur coffret est de volume réduit, elles ont suffisamment de basses (descendent jusqu'à 50 Hz) pour reproduire tout type de musique de façon équilibrée d'un point de vue spectre musical. Avec un ampli BeoMaster 5000 / 5500 / 6500 / 7000, ou la série des Beocenter 9000 / 9300 / 9500, elles donneront le meilleur d'elles-même, ou mieux encore avec un ampli de Class A de 20 Watts soit environ 70 Watts d'un ampli classique, les Beovox CX100 à 100 Watts RMS se et vous régaleront. L'idéal serait tout de même d'y ajoindre un BEOVOX CONA qui a la forme d'un pouf et qui se place n'importe où dans la pièce où se trouvent les CX100 afin d'avoir une présence soutenue de Basses. On peut quand même dire en restant objectif qu'elles ont du coffre  car développer 100 Watts RMS dans un si petit volume depuis 1983, année de mise au point, relève d'une véritable performance!! Plus précisément concernant la paire de Beovox CX 100 que je propose ici... Les Beovox CX100 que je mets en vente ici sont parmi les toutes dernières produites de ce modèle fin 2002. Je les ai acquises dans un magasin B&O en 2006 où elle dormaient dans son stock, neuves, depuis 2003.  Il se trouve que j'ai de multiples enceintes acoustiques dont une autre paire de Beovox CX100 acquises en 1990 et qui me donnent toujours pleine satisfaction. Je n'ai donc jamais eu besoin de me servir des CX100 en vente ici. Elles ne sont donc jamais sorties de leur emballage carton et plastic d'origine et sont restées en permanence à température ambiante et hygrométrie moyenne (taux d'humidité) pendant 15 ans. Elles n'ont pas bougé, pas d'altération. Ainsi, à l'abri de toutes variations de l'état de l'air, au fond de leur carton de 2006 à 2021, elles sont intactes, aucun relâchement constaté au niveau des cônes et membranes des Haut-parleurs. Donc, je puis affirmer que même si le temps s'est écoulé, elles sont restées neuves n'ayant subi ni air libre / ni déposition de poussière / ni lumière. D'ailleurs, après les photos et les tests audio, elles sont immédiatement retournées dans leur carton... N'hésitez pas à zoomer sur les photos pour les observer de près. A noter que toute la visserie nécessaire à la fixation murale est fournie pour chaque enceinte. De même pour les 2 câbles de liaison en provenance d'un amplificateur vers les enceintes. ATTENTION - le tarif de 56 € indiqué pour l'envoi _ avec preuve de dépôt + numéro de suivi + remise en main propre _ concerne l'Union Européenne + la Suisse + le Royaume Uni. Posez-moi la question si vous habitez ailleurs dans le Monde. Merci de l'intérêt porté à cette annonce. 2 - ENGLISH Some general information... The Beovox CX100 were produced and sold from 1984 to 2003, i.e. for twenty years, which demonstrates their success and quality. They are even the very last passive (i.e. non-amplified) speakers, the only ones to have passed the year 2000 threshold among all Bang & Olufsen passive speakers. The sound they produce is clear and crisp, and even though the cabinet is small, they have enough bass (down to 50 Hz) to reproduce any type of music in a balanced way from a musical spectrum point of view. With a BeoMaster 5000 / 5500 / 6500 / 7000 amp, or the Beocenter 9000 / 9300 / 9500 series, they will give the best of themselves, or b
500 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Olympus Teleconverter TCON-17X Excellent Description Reférence: LE0078 b'>' Etat global: Excellent | Global condition: Excellent - Extérieur: Excellent | External condition: Excellent - Optique: Excellent | Optical condition: Excellent - Mécanique: Excellent | Mechanical condition: Excellent b'>' Numéro de série | Serial Number - ________ Détails b'>' Etat extérieur: Excellent | External Condition: Excellent - Signes d'usure minimes | Minimal signs of use - Peintures en Excellent état | Paints in Excellent condition - Pas de déformation du fût | No barrel deformation b'>' Etat Optique: Excellent | Optical condition: Excellent - Pas de champignon | No fungus - Pas de brume | No haze - Pas de séparation | No balsam separation - Pas de rayure | No scratches - Quelques poussières / particules, sans aucun effet sur les images | There are a few specks of dust / particles, without any effect on images b'>' Etat Mécanique: Excellent | Mechanical Condition: Excellent b'>' Sont inclus | Includes - Capuchon avant (sans marque) | Front cap (no brand) - Capuchon arrière (sans marque) | Rear cap (no brand) Vous voyez ce que vous achetez. Tout ce qui est visible sur les photos sera inclus. Veuillez vous référer aux photos pour plus de détails. Si les photos ne suffisent pas ou si vous avez une question, envoyez-moi un message. ----------------------------- You buy what you see: everything you see on pictures will be included.Please refer to pictures for more details. If pictures are not enough or if you have a question, send me a message. Envoi | Shipping - France Métropolitaine: Mondial Relay / La Poste Colissimo. - Benelux / Spain / Italy: Mondial Relay Home Shipping / La Poste International Parcel. - European Union: La Poste International Parcel / DPD. - Rest of the world: La Poste International Parcel. Tous les envois sont suivis, et emballés de manière appropriée | All items are tracked, and packed accordingly L'envoi se fait dans les 48H qui suivent le paiement | All items are sent within 48 hours after payment IMPORTANT: Si il y a un panneau qui indique b'"'Le Vendeur est absentb'"', alors l'envoi se fera 1 jour ouvré après notre retour. IMPORTANT: If you see a banner stating b'"'The Seller is awayb'"', then shipping will be processed 1 business day after we come back. Retours | Returns En cas de retour, tous les objets doivent être retournés dans le même état. Toutes les demandes de retour doivent être faites dans les 14 jours qui suivent la livraison. Veuillez nous contacter avant toute demande de retour. Les frais de retour sont payés par l'acheteur, sauf si l'objet n'est pas conforme à la description. -------------------------- In case of a return, all items must be returned in the same condition they were received. All return requests must be done within 14 days following delivery. Please contact us before any return request. Return costs are paid by the buyer, except if the received item does not match its description. Buyers outside the European Union Important: Les frais de douanes, les taxes d'importation, et autres coûts/taxes supplémentaires dus à l'importation ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de vente ni les frais d'envoi. Ces frais sont à la charge de l'acheteur. Veuillez vérifier les règles qui s'appliquent à votre pays avec votre bureau des douanes, pour déterminer les coûts supplémentaires avant d'acheter. Comme nous sommes basés en France, il n'y a pas de douane pour les commandes au sein de l'Union Européenne. ------------------------------- Important: Customs duties, import taxes, and other costs / taxes due to an importation are neither included in the sale price nor in the shipping costs. Those taxes / duties / costs are at the expense of the buyer. Please check the rules that apply to your country with your local customs office, to evaluate import costs before bu En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Le IBP Junior élimine facilement les sons indésirables produits par la combinaison de signaux sonores déphasés ou partiellement déphasés; un outil solutionneur de problème de phase mais aussi comme un outil créatif contrôlant la phase pour modifier la couleur tonale. Permet aux micros d’être placés là oû ils sonnent le mieux individuellement; Ajustement de variable de phase naturelle continue entre 0 degré et 180 degrés; Construction et son audiophile (Class A, headroom énorme, alim surdimensionnée) En parfait état, avec sa boite et doc d'origine. * Real time all analog phase sweep between zero and one hundred and eighty degrees… and everything in-between. * Allows mics to be placed where they sound best individually, compromising mic placement due to phase problems is not necessary when using the ibp. * +4dB XLR balanced input and outputs. * Extremely high quality construction. Made in the U.S.A. The IBP Junior easily eliminate the undesirable hollow sound when combining out-of-phase and partially out-of-phase audio signals. Designed as a phase problem solving device, the IBP Analog Phase Alignment Tool has quickly become popular among audio engineers as not only a «»fix it»» tool but as a controlling audio phase creative, tonal color tool. Whether combining direct and miked signals, acoustic guitar and vocal mics, drum kit tom-tom mics, or multiple split-guitar amps, audio signals phase can be quickly and easily controlled with the Little Labs IBP Junior Analog Phase Alignment Tool. IBP functional Description: Phase adjust bypass does just that, bypassing all phase adjust circuitry. Phase invert is a simple polarity reversal as you would find on a mixing console out is 0 degrees, in is 180 degrees. Phase adjust 90 degrees /180 degrees selects between two stages (button out) or one stage of phase adjust. This allows a more extreme phase adjustment with a full swing of as much as 180 degrees or a less extreme 90 degrees of phase adjustment. Phase center lo/hi selects between a higher bandwidth phase adjust (button out) and a primarily lower frequency phase adjust (button in). This and the phase adjust button create the phase curve. It is important to note phase is frequency dependent and is different than time. For example depending on the two sources you are combining, and whether one source is direct and one is miked- between room reflections distance from the cabinet etc. determines what the curve would need to be. (e.g. you need to get the G note in phase as well the A note). Phase adjust knob determines the degree of phase adjust. The xlr balanced input is designed for balanced line level sources, the xlr output is impedance balanced and should feed line level pin 2 hot balanced or single ended line level inputs with pin 1 earth and pin 2 hot. » En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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Abbéville la Rivière (Essonne)
Bluetooth 4.1 Headphones Wireless Magnetic Sports Earphones Earbuds Bluetooth 4.1 Headphones Wireless Magnetic Sports Earphones Earbuds Gym Headset. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS First Class Package. Earbuds are in good condition. Please take a look at the pictures these are the earbuds you are getting they are Bluetooth and they have a really good sound as you can see in the pictures they were repaired and they are better than brand new.. most of these earbuds when they come the housing case is very loose but I repair that problem. You will get them fully charged as you can see in one of the pictures they are charging and they charged with a simple Android USB cable.
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Sonic Tonic: A Journey Of 10+ years Becomes A Product Born of Experience, Friendships b'&' Love Of MusicBeing in business for nearly 15 years, you get to meet, and share experience/knowledge with some really great people. Some well known, some relatively unknown. This post is about the birth of a product, I call it Sonic Tonic, as a culmination of over 10 years working with Mr. Jack Bybee, and a fellow group of like minded music lovers whom I will call my b'"'Tweak Gurusb'"'. A Bit of Mad Science TooI owe a great deal to these people. Together through our love of music and what we think it should sound like when reproduced, we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with audio through very unconventional means. We are mad scientists, given completely over to the dark side. The experiences we share are available to you, if you decide to trust our experiences, our anecdotal evidence, and our ears. It's a lot to ask. I know. Hell I'm about as scientific minded as they get when it comes to anything else except audio. That's because my ears and the ears of my colleagues/friends have heard things. Things we can't measure (with conventional tools/methods), things we can't really put into adequate words, but can only hint at with rambling cliches. It's wholly inadequate, but I've found a way to get beyond words, hype, bullshit and the like. I let you put my experiences to the test, try them in your own system on your own time, and see if they are for your ears. It's simple, costs little to do, and cuts through the crap. Everything Makes A DifferenceI have been experimenting with crystals, metals, and other materials in respect to the effect they have on signal transmission and room acoustics. Let me just say that everything, EVERYTHING in your listening room has some effect on the sound of your audio system, and in more ways than you think. Even the air in the room, it all affects performance, and can be altered. You've seen my experimentation with Copper rods (still ongoing, with more blogging to come...) alongside conventional acoustic treatments within a listening space. This is a fantastic, and inexpensive tweak. The copper brings openness, naturalness and enhances dynamics. Even a well acoustically treated room. That was my first unconventional means of attacking a common problem. inexpensive to try, and I make no money from it. It is simply me sharing something that brings more excitement to the listening experience. A 1/2b'"' copper rod suspended from my ceiling. Playing The FieldThen there are the crystal based products. Not necessarily cheap, but that is about to change... For the crystal based products there are of course Jack B's latest inventions: Room Neutralizers, Quantum Signal Enhancers. Let's not forget the Stein Harmonizer system, Synergistic Research HFT, UEF, Audio Magic P.E.A. and PulseGen technology. All of these use crystals, resonance and either are energized by or produce a b'"'fieldb'"' that enhances certain aspects of music reproduction. All do something to the sound, or to the listener perhaps, that enhances or at the very least changes the sonics of a system and/or room. These have all been an inspiration of sorts, and I have listened to them all. I have much respect for these manufacturers. It takes hundreds, even thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to develop a product such as this. That's before one dime is made. Think about that the next time you read or hear someone bashing a manufacturer for egregious pricing in light of parts count and cost. It's the original idea, the research, the time, and money invested beforehand with no guarantee of return. This needs to be calculated into the MSRP in addition to the material cost of production. Then one has to project how many will be sold (good luck with that in the audio industry) and hopefully come up with a number that will produce a reasonable profit. But I digress.... Rolling My OwnMy own experimentation began by placing large crystals of En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Eko Era Pro Lightweight Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless HeadsetCompatible, Grey DESCRIPTION With a microphone in each ear, these Era Pro wireless earphones can be used simultaneously on one device or separately on 2 separate devices. They feature Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity for smooth transmission without interference, so pairing is automatic. Suitable for all types of environment, they are splash-proof and sweat-proof. FEATURES: - Can be used simultaneously on one device or separately on 2 separate devices - Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity for smooth transmission without interference - Touch-sensitive, making them easy to use - Compatible with, allowing you to control your device with convenient voice commands PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Product: Earbud (In Ear) Color: Grey Condition: 100% New Package included: 1x Era Pro earphones, 1x Charging case, 1x Type-C charging cable Warranty: 24 Months SHIPPING - Orders that have been placed and paid before 1:00 PM are dispatched the same day. Orders placed during the weekend or on public holidays will be processed on the next working day. - UK Orders are delivered by the Royal Mail, all international orders are delivered by the national postal service. All our shipments have their own tracking number, so you can see at anytime the location of your order. - The arrival time can take between 48 hours to 5 working days from the dispatch date. Please make sure that the adress you provided is the same as the one you registered on your profile. - All of our products are located in our warehouse in Montreuil, a beautiful city near Paris. RETURNS If you have changed your mind or if you're not satisfied with the product you received, you can send it back to us within 30 working days after the purchase. - The item must be in the original packaging and not broken or damaged. - Please note that we won't refund the cost of return postage. - For defective products, you are responsible for the cost of returning the items in the first instance. If the item is shown to be defective as described, postage costs will be refunded. - We reserve the right, after processing your claim, to refuse the refund if the item is damaged, broken or excessively used. Under such circumstances, if you're not happy with your order, or if you changed your mind, on receipt of the returned item we will assess it and the money will be refunded. If the conditions and modalities are met, and you don't wish to exchange your product, we will then refund you the amount of the item on your Paypal account. The refund will be provided within 30 days and will be processed in accordance with the original method of payment. ABOUT US Destock Access is a reference in the world of smartphone accessories. With more than 20.000 products in stock, you'll find exactly what you need for your phone. We offers a wide variety of products (screen protectors, cables, cases, headsets, etc.) for device manufacturers like Samsung, Apple, Wiko, LG, Motorola, Huawei, etc. The satisfaction of our customers is our first priority. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about our products, we will be more than happy to answer. We have everything you need and so much more! Come visit us! En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Little jewel, one of the greatest headphones amplifiers ever, extremely rare on sale, in perfect working condition and aesthetics, almost like new. Trully impressive, addicting sound. Higly regarded by audiophiles, a true reference and a collectible item. Would loved to keep this one, I'm selling it reluctantly... Comes with original box and accessories, well packaged. Would consider posting it internationally but please, ask for a quote as the postage differs from country to country and the amount in the description is for European Union only, thanks. b'"' In terms of the criteria that I listen for in any amp, transparency, noise, dynamics and the ability to get me out of my head and into the music, Prime is well, prime. All in all, a seemingly impressive effort that covers all the bases.b'"' From Neil Gader's review in The Absolute Sound head-fi.org/threads/meridian-prime-headphone-amplifier-review.691392/ Headfonia: MERIDIAN PRIME - ENGLISH EXCELLENCE b'"'Does The Prime Live Up To The Meridian Name? First I tried the Prime as an Amp/Dac combo (with PSU) and I immediately loved the sound from this demo unit: Enormous Clarity, great detail retrieval from bass to treble, top precision and dynamic sound. All presented with just the right amount of air between the instruments. Musical and detailed sound with a superb flow. The Prime sounds fast and is neutrally tuned but the best solid state kind there is. Maybe it is just slightly forward sounding, but not that much. Bass is tight, goes deep, is well layered and has a lot of detail but doesn’t have the big body of say the Beyerdynamic A20 amplifier (but it has far better quality). The Prime is a linear tuned unit and I find the bass to be perfect (and that’s an understatement) with the Audeze and Hifiman headphones but more on those later. The Prime’s mids are slightly more forward sounding, especially the vocals, but they are not bright. Don’t get me wrong on that because they sound incredibly good: perfect separation, great timbre, heaps of detail but never over-analytical and always musical and dynamic. Treble is extended and detailed but never harsh sounding. I do like my treble and the Prime does a splendid job for my taste. Treble is on the same level as the mids and bass: clarity, detail and sparkle. The Prime’s sound stage is wide and deep with a perfect balance and 3-dimensionality. I fell in love with the Prime’s sound as a DAC/Amp unit. For me this is top audiophile sound.b'"' The Prime can also be used as a DAC and Pre Amp in combination with a power amp, headphone amp or active speakers. There is no disappointment here, the Meridian DAC delivers a stunning performance in combination with my desktop sized solid state and tube amps. I love a clear, detailed and neutral DAC with a huge sound stage. Who wouldn’t? Well this is one of those DACs I could live happily ever after with. It ads nothing to the sound, in a good way that is, and using it as a pre amp boosts the performance of your amplifier. headfonia.com/meridian-prime-english-excellence/ The Prime is a top-class headphone amplifier and a surprisingly talented stereo preamp. Meridian is a master at signal processing, so it’s no surprise to find ‘Analogue Spatial Processing’ on board the Prime. It’s a function designed to counteract the fact that stereo recordings are designed to be played over speakers, not headphones. ASP blends the left and right channels to varying degrees – there are three options – to try to create a more natural presentation. These features can often compromise clarity and focus to improve sound staging, but ASP sounds pretty convincing. The Prime also works well as a dedicated stereo preamp. It’s certainly right up there with some of the best preamps we’ve heard at around the £1000 mark. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
For sale is an original first-issue, and extremely rare 5Ω version of the Beyer DT-48S, from 1964, perfectly working with original box and NOS/never used replacement earpads (oval and round). - Made in Western Germany Unique Opportunity to own a piece of audio history ! DT-48S (S for Stereo) were the first stereophonic headphones built with Nagra-Kudelski specifications, to be used in tandem with the Nagra IV-S or Nagra SN tape recorders. At the time it was a largely hand-made production and cost 224 deutschmarks (price list). 
Some DT48S were even OEM’d as Kudelski instead of Beyer.

 Condition: They are not mint but for 56 years-old headphones, they are in excellent shape. The actual silver metal drivers are intact without a single scratch, no rust or anything on the metal headband. It was gently used, and very well taken care of. It is terminated by a standard stereo 6,35mm jack.

 There is only visible wear on the upper headband coated-foam material (that tends to dry overtime) but this is still one the most well-preserved (and complete!) original DT-48S set I have ever seen. Some history: 

 The most famous user of those headphones, is without any doubt Stanley Kubrick. You can see him on a photograph from the set of Clockwork Orange, wearing the 25Ω version of those, with oval ear-pads. 
In fact, those were designed for monitoring dialogues and ‘concrete’ sounds in mind, as well as very surgical applications like lab-work, aural testing and the like.
 Usage: Music comes out dramatically different and unhyped as they are very medium oriented, bass is present but depends on the way it was recorded, and it is known that oval ear-pads are adding bass due to the way they isolate the ears. 
With very transparently recorded music, like some albums from the ECM label (think Arvo Pärt) or ethnographic records, jazz and some classical and experimental music (and with the right preamp of your choice to drive them) those Beyers are unbeatable and still a reference today in revealing the naked truth. Perfect for hyper-critical mixing, and obvisouly monitoring. Be ware that it really takes getting used-to but the reward is unmatched. 

This is a reluctant sale, but I have to finance studio gear.

 Will be safely packed and shipped with insurance. Thank you for your interest!
420 €
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Céret (Pyrénées Orientales)
Zoom Nikon AF Nikkor 35-70mm 1:2.8 + Zoom Nikon AF Nikkor 28-85mm 1:3.5-4.5 The Zoom Nikon AF Nikkor 35-70mm 1:2.8 is in good condition, AF works precisely and smooth. The lenses are clear without fog, fungus or scratches. A little bit of dust (normal for the age of this lens). The only problem with this Zoom is the push and back zoom, who blocks around 60mm - so you have a zoom like 35-60mm.(he don't go until 70mm). I really don't know why (I already got like that). Otherwise, this zoom provides very good quality pictures. One of the best of this generation. Comes with Hoya UV filter and both caps. AF Nikkor 35-70mm 1:2.8 specs The Zoom Nikon AF Nikkor 28-85mm 1:3.5-4.5 is in poor condition but works. The lenses are clear without fog or fungus. The focus works normally from 50mm to 85mm, but from 28mm to 50mm just in closest objects, even in manual. Macro works perfectly. The front element has some scratches, nothing really big, but they are there. Some dust too. Otherwise, this zoom provides very good quality pictures. Comes with Promaster UV filter and both caps. AF Nikkor 28-85mm 1:3.5-4.5  specs Both lenses work with Nikon AF-801/F-801s, F5, F-100, D2x, D3, D4, D800 and many other (Digital and Film cameras) Nikon cameras without built-in auto-focus motor they will work just in manual focus. Both lenses work with Nikon AF-801/F-801s, F5, F-100, D2x, D3, D4, D800 and many other (Digital and Film cameras) Nikon cameras without built-in auto-focus motor they will work just in manual focus. Look to my auctions. I have a lot of stuff to sell:: My auctions I group all items in one shipping. Ask for rate if you buy many of my items. Shipping to Germany, Belgique, Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK, España, Italia, Portugal and Austria is 10,42€. Ukraine, Maghreb and Norway, shipping is 24,35€.
1 €
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