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TOP POWER DYNAMICS PDS-M16 FILTRE ANTI POP POUR MICRO PA DJ STUDIO DIAMETRE 15CM Bon d'achat de 5€ pour electronic-star inclus! Protection de microphone contre les pics de sons diamètre 15 cm (6") pour un enregistrement propre et sans distorsion. Livraison avec clip et pince. Ref.: Finis les impacts sonores non désirées lors de l'enregistrement de voix ou de chant: l'amortisseur de son Power Dynamics PDS-M16 protège votre microphone et vos enregistrements des pics de sons qui apparaissent notamment lors de la prononciation des lettres B et P. Le paravent anti-pics Power Dynamics PDS-M16 se fixe facilement à l'aide de pinces sur un pied de micro, le cou flexible permet de le positionner la protection de 15 cm (6")de façon optimale. En plaçant la protectionPDS-M16 de Power Dynamics à une distance de 10 cm du microphone, vos enregistrements seront désormais clairs et garantis sans uppercuts vocaux. Fonctionnalités clés: * protection microphone de 15cm (6") * cou flexible pour le positionnement * livraison avec fixation Caractéristiques: * positionnement personnel * suspension flexible La livraison comprend: * 1 x protection Dimensions: * diamètre: 15cm (6") * longueur du cou. environ 30 cm * poids: 300g
22,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Description La marque vous parle Fiche technique Questions / Réponses Livraison en rez-de chaussée en 3 á 5 jours ouvrables en moyenne (7 á 10 jours pour volumineux) DI box professionnelle pour connecter des instruments à un mélangeur.Avec sortie XLR symétrique et une entrée / sortie jack de 6,3 mm chacune.Conception robuste grâce au solide boîtier en aluminium.Avec Voir toute la description Marque Power Dynamics Voir toute la fiche technique 39,99 €   € Qu’est-ce que l’éco-participation ? Le prix de cet article inclut l’Eco-participation. L’éco-participation correspond à la contribution financière du consommateur à la collecte, à la réutilisation et au recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques et des meubles en fin de vie. Son montant est déterminé selon le produit et son type de traitement (pour la DEEE) et selon un barème en fonction du type de meuble et de son poids (pour l’éco-participation sur le mobilier). Pour l’éco-participation sur les équipements électriques et électroniques: Les équipements informatiques: Ordinateurs, imprimantes, claviers… Les équipements de télécommunication: téléphones, fax, répondeurs… Les équipements images et sons: chaînes hifi, caméscopes… Les jouets et équipements de loisirs et sport: consoles de jeux, trains ou voitures électriques… Les sources lumineuses à collecte et recyclage spécifique: lampes à économie d’énergie, néons… L’électroménager: machines à laver, réfrigérateurs, tables de cuisson… Dans le cadre de l’achat d’un appareil électrique et électronique neuf, vous pouvez nous restituer gratuitement votre ancien appareil. Dans un délai de 7 jours suivant le passage de votre commande, connectez-vous à votre espace client, et dans la section "Retourner un produit", sélectionnez "Reprendre mon ancien matériel". Pour l’éco-participation sur le mobilier : Les meubles de salon/séjour/salle à manger, Les meubles d’appoint, Les meubles de chambre à coucher, La literie, Les meubles de bureau, Les meubles de cuisine, Les meubles de salle de bains, Les meubles de jardin, Les sièges, Le mobilier technique, commercial et de collectivité... Participons au recyclage et à la revalorisation des équipements électroniques et électriques et des meubles en fin de vie. En savoir +. Livré chez vous à partir du 11/08/2022 Livraison Offerte Détail des modes de livraison × Modes de livraison Livraison standard à domicile Livré entre le 11/08/2022 et 13/08/2022 Livraison gratuite en stock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Je fonce Ce produit n'est pas disponible, notre équipe fait le maximum pour qu'il le soit bientôt. Inscrivez-vous pour être tenu au courant. Créer une alerte Produit neuf Vendu et expédié par Electronic-star 807 avis 2 Neufs à partir de 39,99 € × Autres offres TOUT NEUF SECONDE VIE 39,99 € Electronic-star - Neuf Livraison gratuite 119,00 € DaxedStore.fr - Neuf Livraison gratuite 39,99 € Electronic-star - Neuf Livraison gratuite 119,00 € DaxedStore.fr - Neuf Livraison gratuite Il n'y a actuellement aucune offre d'occasion pour ce produit. Besoin d'aide pour votre achat ? Appelez-nous: du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 20h et le samedi de 9h à 18h (hors jours fériés). 2022-08-04 14:14:39 Publicité Description La marque vous parle Fiche technique Avis clients - Les avis sont publiés et conservés pendant une durée de cinq ans ; - Les avis publiés font l'objet d'une modération depuis la plateforme Avis Vérifiés labellisée AFNOR garantissant - l'authenticité et la transparence des avis publiés (positifs ou négatifs) ; - Les avis ne sont pas modifiables: si un client souhaite modifier son avis, il doit contacter notre partenaire Avis Vérifiés afin de supprimer l'avis existant, et en publier un nouveau"> Questions / Réponses Description - Accessoires DJ - Power Dynamics - Power Dynamics PDX30 Boîte d'injection directe pour table de mixage ou instrument de musique - Sortie stéréo XLR symétrique Points forts Power Dynamics Power Dynamics PDX30 Boîte d'injection directe pour table de mixage ou instrument de musique - Sortie stéréo XLR symétrique DI box professionnelle pour connecter des instruments à un mélangeur. Avec sortie XLR symétrique et une entrée / sortie jack de 6,3 mm chacune. Conception robuste grâce au solide boîtier en aluminium. Avec la DI Box Stéréo Power Dynamics PDX30 DI, vous pouvez connecter des instruments offrant la meilleure qualité sonore à un mélangeur. L'écrêtage des mauvaises qualités de signal sur la table de mixage appartient au passé: la DI Box PDX30 transmet de manière optimale le signal de l'instrument au mixeur. La sortie XLR symétrique ainsi que les deux entrées / sorties jack 6,3 mm sont prêtes à être connectées. Ground-Lift garantit l'élimination des bruits parasites dus aux boucles de masse. L'alimentation est assurée par une pile de 9 V ou une alimentation fantôme de 48 V. Grâce à son boîtier en aluminium robuste, la DI Box Stereo de Power Dynamics convient parfaitement à une utilisation mobile. Top Features: • La meilleure qualité de son: DI Box professionnelle pour connecter des instruments à une table de mixage • Plus d'écrêtage du signal: excellent signal à la table de mixage • Conception robuste: boîtier en aluminium solide • Connexions: sortie XLR symétrique et entrée / sortie jack de 6,3 mm • Alimentation commutable: par pile 9 V ou alimentation fantôme 48 V Caractéristiques: • DI Box stéréo active • Entrée jack stéréo 6,3 mm • Sortie jack stéréo 6,3 mm • Sortie stéréo XLR symétrique • Alimentation commutable: par pile 9 V ou alimentation fantôme 48 V Inclus dans la livraison: • 1 x DI Box Dimensions: • Dimensions: env. 12 x 4 x 12 cm (LxHxP) • Poids: env. 500 g
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Montmorency Beaufort (Aube)
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Deux des entrées micro possèdent un point d'insertion pour traitement externe du signal audio; les deux autres peuvent aussi s'utiliser en tant qu'entrée stéréo au niveau ligne. Afin de travailler le son efficacement, la VIBZ 10 C possède des égaliseurs 3 bandes d'une grande précision, dont la fréquence d'intervention dans le médium a été choisie avec soin. Deux des voies stéréo sont pourvues de correcteurs grave/aigu. Le compresseur intégré permet de maîtriser la dynamique avec précision, pour un son plus efficace. La section Master de la console possède un  retour effet, des sorties Monitor réglables et une prise casque. La VIBZ 10 C possède aussi une entrée/sortie pour enregistreur/lecteur; le signal s'assigne à la sortie Master ou Monitor, et son niveau est réglable. Grâce à un son transparent et détaillé, et à une utilisation vraiment très facile, la VIBZ 10 C est un choix parfait pour les petits groupes, l'installation fixe, le home studio, ou encore le prémix. Elle est livrée avec un bloc secteur externe, qui se visse sur la console. Un adaptateur pour montage de la VIBZ 10 C sur un pied de micro est disponible en option. Référence: LDVIBZ10C Type de Produit: table de mixage Type: orientée Live Nombre de Canaux: 10 Nombre de Voies Micro/Ligne Mono: 4 Connecteur entrée Micro/Ligne Mono: jack 6,35 mm TRS, XLR Type d'Entrée Micro Mono: symétrie électronique Réponse en fréquence Entrée Micro Mono:  10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'entrée sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0 à +50 dB Nombre de Points d'Insertion: 2 Connecteur Point d'Insertion: jack 6,35 mm TRS (pointe = départ, anneau = retour) Séparation des Canaux: 62 dB THD sur Entrée Micro Mono: 0,0058 % Impédance d'Entrée Micro Mono: 4 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Micro Mono: 113 dB Type d'Entrée Ligne Mono: symétrie électronique Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0 à +50 dB Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Mono: 10 Hz - 45 kHz THD sur Entrée Ligne Mono: 0,0045 % Impédance Entrée Ligne Mono: 21 kohms Rapport Signal/Bruit Entrée Ligne Mono: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz Égaliseur Graves Voie Mono: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie d'Entrée Mono Micro/Ligne: réglage de niveau, PAN (panoramique), départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (voies 1 et 2), Low Cut, Gain Alimentation Fantôme: tension continue 48 Volts commutable Filtre Passe-Haut (Low Cut): 95 Hz Compresseur:  réglage d'action continu Nombre de Voies d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    4 Connecteurs Entrée Ligne Stéréo:    2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo, (L/mono, R) (voies 3/4 + 5/6); 2 x jacks 6,35 mm stéréo + 4x RCA (Cinch) (voies 7/8 + 9/10) Type Entrée Ligne Stéréo: Asymétrique / symétrie électronique Réponse en Fréquence Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 10 Hz - 45 kHz Gain d'Entrée sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0 à +50 dB THD sur Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 0,0045 % Impédance d'Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 3,7 kohms Rapport S/B Entrée Ligne Stéréo: 116 dB Égaliseur Aigus Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 12 kHz Égaliseur Médiums Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 2,5 kHz (voies 3/4 + 5/6) Égaliseur Graves Voie Stéréo: +/- 15 dB à 80 Hz Contrôles Voie Entrée Ligne Stéréo: réglage de niveau, balance, départ AUX (post fader), égaliseur 3 bandes (Low, Mid, High) sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, correcteur grave/aigu sur les voies 7/8 + 9/10, filtre Low-Cut sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6, réglage de Gain sur les voies 3/4 + 5/6 Section Généraux: Nombre de Départs AUX/Effet: 1 Connecteurs Départ AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Nombre de Retours AUX/Effet: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Retour AUX/Effet: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Sortie Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Sortie Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Entrée Stereo Tape: 1, stéréo Connecteurs Entrée Stereo Tape: 2 x RCA (cinch) Sortie Stéréo Généraux Asymétrique: 1 Connecteur Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: jack stéréo 6,35 mm asymétrique Impédance Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: 120 ohms Niveau Maximal Sortie Généraux Asymétrique: +20 dBV Nombre de Sorties Stéréo Control Room: 1 Connecteurs Sortie Stéréo Control Room: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Nombre de Sorties Casque: 1 Connecteur Sortie Casque: jack stéréo 6,35 mm Impédance Minimale Casque: 30 ohms Processeur d'Effet Numérique Intégré: non Nombre de Presets: N/A Sélecteur au pied DFX Mute: N/A Contrôles Section Généraux: réglage de volume casque/Control Room, niveau 2TK In, Stereo Return, sélecteur alimentation fantôme, niveau Master, assignation 2TR (Main ou CTRL Room) Indicateurs: Vumètres 8 segments, activation alimentation fantôme, Power, Peak sur les voies Alimentation: 18V AC  / 1A External PSU Largeur: 265 mm Hauteur: 78 mm Profondeur: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Reference: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer More info LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Referencia: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Más LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Artikel-Nr: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Produktinfos LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor Riferimento: LDVIBZ10C 184,00 € Availability:    Available in supplier stock Processing time:   Under 4 working days Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer Dettagli LD Systems - VIBZ 10 C - 10 channel Mixing Console with Compressor The VIBZ 10 C is a versatile mixer with  four balanced microphone inputs  featuring  high quality preamplifiers, a low-cut filter  and switchable  phantom power. Two microphone inputs are equipped with inserts for individual signal processing, two more can alternatively be used as stereo line channels. For an effective sound adjustment, the VIBZ 10 C has very precise 3-band EQ s  with conveniently selected mids; two stereo channels can be adjusted with 2-band EQs. The built-in compressor can be continuously adjusted for effective dynamics processing. The master section of the mixer has an  effects loop, adjustable monitor outputs and a headphone jack. The VIBZ 10 C also has inputs and outputs for recording and playback devices; the input signal can be set on the master or monitor output and the volume adjusted. With its transparent, detailed sound and easy operation, VIBZ 10 C is the perfect choice for  small bands, installations and home recording or sub mixer applications. It comes with an external power supply that can be tightly secured to the mixer. A foot switch for the effects section and an adapter for mounting the VIBZ 10 C on microphone stands are available as accessories. Item Number: LDVIBZ10C Product Type: mixer Type: live Number of Channels: 10 Mono Mic/Line Input Channels: 4 Mono Mic/Line Input Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, XLR Mono Mic Input Type: electronically balanced Frequency Response Mono Mic Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Mono Mic Input: 0 - +50 dB Channel Insert: 2 Channel Insert Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack (TIP= send / RING= return) Channel Crosstalk: 62 dB THD Mono Mic Input: 0.0058 % Impedance Mono Mic Input: 4 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Mic Input: 113 dB Mono Line Input Type: electronically balanced Amplification Range Mono Line Input: 0 - +50 dB Frequency Response Mono Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz THD Mono Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Mono Line Input: 21 kOhm S/N Ratio Mono Line Input: 116 dB Mono Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz Mono Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Mono Mic and Line Input Channels: Channel volume, PAN, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), Compressor (channel 1+2) Low-Cut, Gain Phantom Power: +48 V DC switchable Low Cut: 95 Hz Compressor:  Yes, sliding adjustable characteristic Stereo Line Input Channels:    4 Stereo Line Input Channels:    2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (Lmono,R) (channel 3/4 + 5/6) 2 x 6.3 mm stereo jack (channel 7/8 + 9/10) 4 x RCA (Cinch) (Channel 7/8 + 9/10) Stereo Line Input Type: unbalanced / electronically balanced Frequency Response Stereo Line Input: 10 - 45,000 Hz Amplification Range Stereo Line Input: 0 - +50 dB THD Stereo Line Input: 0.0045 % Impedance Stereo Line Input: 3.7 kOhm S/N Ratio Stereo Line Input: 116 dB Stereo Channel Equalizer Treble: +/- 15 dB  12,000 Hz Stereo Channel Equalizer Mids: +/- 15 dB  2,500 Hz (channel 3/4 + 5/6) Stereo Channel Equalizer Bass: +/- 15 dB  80 Hz Control Elements Stereo Line Input Channels: Channel volume, Balance, AUX (Post), 3 band EQ (Low, Mid, High), channel 3/4 + 5/6, 2-band EQ (Low, High) channel 7/8 + 9/10 Low-Cut channel 3/4 + 5/6 Gain channel 3/4 + 5/6 Main Section: AUX/Effect Send Channels: 1 AUX/Effect Send Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Stereo AUX Return Channels: 1 x stereo Stereo AUX Return Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Stereo Tape Output Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Output Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Stereo Tape Input Channel: 1 x stereo Stereo Tape Input Connections: 2 x RCA (Cinch) Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 1 Unbalanced Stereo Main Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack, unbalanced Impedance Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: 120 Ohm Max. Level Unbalanced Stereo Main Outputs: +20 dBV Stereo Control Room Outputs: 1 Stereo Control Room Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Headphone Output: 1 Headphone Output Connections: 6.3 mm stereo jack Minimum Headphone Impedance: 30 Ohm Digital Effects Processor: no No. of Presets: none Footswitch Connection DFX Mute: n/a Control Elements Main Section: Headphones / Control Room Volume 2TK In, Stereo Return Volume, Phantom Power, Master Volume, 2TR allocation (Main, CTRL Room) Display Elements: 8-segment Level Meter, Phantom Power, Power, Channel Peak Power Supply: 18 V AC - 1 A, External PSU Width: 265 mm Height: 78 mm Depth: 352 mm Global Audio Store, Revendeur LD Systems agréé Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer Global Audio Store, Authorized LD Systems Dealer)
184 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Little jewel, one of the greatest headphones amplifiers ever, extremely rare on sale, in perfect working condition and aesthetics, almost like new. Trully impressive, addicting sound. Higly regarded by audiophiles, a true reference and a collectible item. Would loved to keep this one, I'm selling it reluctantly... Comes with original box and accessories, well packaged. Would consider posting it internationally but please, ask for a quote as the postage differs from country to country and the amount in the description is for European Union only, thanks. b'"' In terms of the criteria that I listen for in any amp, transparency, noise, dynamics and the ability to get me out of my head and into the music, Prime is well, prime. All in all, a seemingly impressive effort that covers all the bases.b'"' From Neil Gader's review in The Absolute Sound head-fi.org/threads/meridian-prime-headphone-amplifier-review.691392/ Headfonia: MERIDIAN PRIME - ENGLISH EXCELLENCE b'"'Does The Prime Live Up To The Meridian Name? First I tried the Prime as an Amp/Dac combo (with PSU) and I immediately loved the sound from this demo unit: Enormous Clarity, great detail retrieval from bass to treble, top precision and dynamic sound. All presented with just the right amount of air between the instruments. Musical and detailed sound with a superb flow. The Prime sounds fast and is neutrally tuned but the best solid state kind there is. Maybe it is just slightly forward sounding, but not that much. Bass is tight, goes deep, is well layered and has a lot of detail but doesn’t have the big body of say the Beyerdynamic A20 amplifier (but it has far better quality). The Prime is a linear tuned unit and I find the bass to be perfect (and that’s an understatement) with the Audeze and Hifiman headphones but more on those later. The Prime’s mids are slightly more forward sounding, especially the vocals, but they are not bright. Don’t get me wrong on that because they sound incredibly good: perfect separation, great timbre, heaps of detail but never over-analytical and always musical and dynamic. Treble is extended and detailed but never harsh sounding. I do like my treble and the Prime does a splendid job for my taste. Treble is on the same level as the mids and bass: clarity, detail and sparkle. The Prime’s sound stage is wide and deep with a perfect balance and 3-dimensionality. I fell in love with the Prime’s sound as a DAC/Amp unit. For me this is top audiophile sound.b'"' The Prime can also be used as a DAC and Pre Amp in combination with a power amp, headphone amp or active speakers. There is no disappointment here, the Meridian DAC delivers a stunning performance in combination with my desktop sized solid state and tube amps. I love a clear, detailed and neutral DAC with a huge sound stage. Who wouldn’t? Well this is one of those DACs I could live happily ever after with. It ads nothing to the sound, in a good way that is, and using it as a pre amp boosts the performance of your amplifier. headfonia.com/meridian-prime-english-excellence/ The Prime is a top-class headphone amplifier and a surprisingly talented stereo preamp. Meridian is a master at signal processing, so it’s no surprise to find ‘Analogue Spatial Processing’ on board the Prime. It’s a function designed to counteract the fact that stereo recordings are designed to be played over speakers, not headphones. ASP blends the left and right channels to varying degrees – there are three options – to try to create a more natural presentation. These features can often compromise clarity and focus to improve sound staging, but ASP sounds pretty convincing. The Prime also works well as a dedicated stereo preamp. It’s certainly right up there with some of the best preamps we’ve heard at around the £1000 mark. En savoir plus
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Aix les Bains (Savoie)
8 legendary Class A mic preamps in the same class as the Focusrite ISA and RED ranges. They don't make them like this anymore... This unit is in very good condition - see pictures: front face is pristine with no scratches, only a few usage scratches around the rack ears from installation (marks will be hidden again after mounted onto a rack). It never left the studio. The Octopre provides eight pristine discrete channels of Focusrite Class A mic preamp and compression, OctoPre PLATINUM routes directly to any digital audio workstation via eight standard analogue outputs. Each channel features a revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit, providing a warm-sounding compressor, which morphs into a brick wall limiter to avoid those critical overs, ensuring total control over all eight channels. The mic preamps featured in OctoPre PLATINUM are similar to those featured in the award winning Focusrite Top-Of-The-Range. They are a transistor-based Class A design utilising the same full-bandwidth philosophy as the legendary RED and ISA mic preamps, ensuring detail and clarity without colouration. The first two 'super channels' also feature phase reverse, as well as TRS jack inputs on the front fascia for quick and easy, DI-free instrument plug-in. Eight line level balanced (+4 dBu) analogue inputs and outputs are provided as standard via 25-pin D-type connectors. These D-type connectors may be routed to 8 XLR/TRS by means of an (optional) 8-way 25-pin D-type to 8 XLR/TRS breakout cable, available separately. In addition to the analogue outputs, the OctoPre can be fitted with digital output (OPTIONAL CARD). Detailed description from the focusrite website: The OctoPre is an eight channel Class A microphone preamplifier, featuring a classic Focusrite mic pre and a revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit on each channel. The mic pres featured in the OctoPre are similar to those featured elsewhere in the award winning Focusrite Platinum range. They are a transistor-based Class A design utilising the same full bandwidth philosophy as the legendary Focusrite Red and ISA mic pres, ensuring detail and organic clarity without obvious colouration. The revolutionary compressor/limiter circuit provides each channel with warmsounding compression, which morphs into brick wall limiting to avoid critical ‘overs’ when recording digitally. The first two channels also feature phase reverse, as well as unbalanced 1/4” jack inputs on the front fascia for quick and easy, DI-free plug-in of guitars and basses. With Class A Focusrite analogue signal processing and comprehensive A/D interface options, OctoPre is the perfect partner for a Pro Tools™ system or any other digital audio workstation, making high quality, multi-channel recording easy. Equally, it could be utilised as part of a compact multi-channel location recording solution (with a laptop or ADAT™, for example), or as an additional set of professional-quality mic pres for any analogue or digital console or hard disk recorder. The original OctoPre is a typical Class A Platinum design, (based around a 737 Rhom transistor) and it is solid state, it has extended bandwidth (up to at least 180kHz at the top end) and sounds transparent. The original OctoPre has an edge in being more forgiving if you want to slam the pre's hard (but more 2nd order harmonic distortion as a result). -The Octopre has a dynamics (compressor/limiter) control on each channel -The Octopre has 48V phantom power switches on each channel -The Octopre has line in and out connections on 25 pin D-sub connectors and 8 XLR inputs for mics Performance specifications: THD:0.001% @ 20dBu input, mic and line at 0dB gain Noise:-96 dB at unity gain through the unit Mic EIN:-128 dBu @ 6dB of gain with 150Ω termination impedance Frequency response:-1 dB at 10 Hz to 200 kHz Carefully packed with powercord. Shipping France: 27,80 € Shipping Europe: 36,30 €
790 €
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