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Anarchism and Other Essays (Classic Reprint) Emma Goldman Auteur: Emma Goldman Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 292 pages paperback Publication: 06/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? Anarchist and feminist EMMA GOLDMAN (1869-1940) is one of the towering figures in global radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Lithuania, she emigrated to the United States as a teenager, was deported in 1919 for her criticism of the U.S. military draft in World War I, and died in Toronto after a globetrotting life. An early advocate of birth control, women's rights, and workers unions, she was an important and influential figure in such far-flung geopolitical events as the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Among her many books are My Disillusionment in Russia (1925) and Living My Life (1931). Propagandism is not, as some suppose, a trade, because nobody will follow a trade at which you may work with the industry of a slave and die with the reputation of a mendicant. The motives of any persons to pursue such a profession must be different from those of trade, deeper than pride, and stronger than interest. George Jacob Holyoake. A mong the men and women prominent in the public Hfe of America there are but few whose names are mentioned as often as that of Emma Goldman. Yet the real Emma Goldman is almost quite unknown. The sensational press has surrounded her name with so much misrepresentation and slander, it would seem almost a miracle that, in spite of this web of calumny, the truth breaks through and a better appreciation of this much maligned idealist begins to manifest itself. There is but little consolation in the fact that almost every representative of a new idea has had to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Emma Goldman's essays collected I've heard from many people who are interested in reading books about anarchism (allthough i think the term "anarchism" is incorrect) that most books about anarchy are "heavy" and difficult to get through much less understand because they aim their content to readers that have a good backround of political understanding (its terminologies, its "schools" of thought, its currents and so forth..). If this happens to be your problem then this book will be ideal if you want to discover what this political philosophy stands for and what its issues are and, indeed, have been for a long time. Emma Goldman, a woman with as fiery a personality as they come, has put together here a number of essays about anarchy that are easy to comprehend and definately thought inspiring. Despite this book having been first published in 1917 it loses nothing of its importance in the current state affairs as all of the issues Goldman deals with not only remain unsolved but they have -in the meantime- become a social burden or a social disaster much worse than back in her time. Oh, and back in her time things already looked bad enough. What you get here is, summarily, the following: -anarchy, what is it and what does it stand for? Beyond the mainstream media cliches anarchy stands for personal and societal freedom of the highest conceivable order. A freedom, anarchists insist, that is not a utopia. It's basically a hard lesson in crushing your illusions and opening unthought of doors of perception of what freedom really means. That would be then something other than being in a cage and having food thrown in. Even if the cage is invisible.. -Hard punching essays about the prison system and the everself-destructing notion of patriotism.. Funny how every line one reads in there could've been written yesterday. Not much has changed. After decades and decades of the imprisonment system has society become more law-abiding? That would be a thundering no. Why is that? As for patriotism, the incredible notion of dying for your country the same one that might be killing you slowly while draining you of all your resources and enslaving you in a wage system and a daily mindless-toil called "work". here, Emma has to say a lot. There's always a reason to die if someone is going to make money out of it (that would be NOT you) and dress the whole "cause" up as patriotic.. -The hypocrisy of puritanism as well as the seemingly eternal joke of marriage and "love" are also given the treatment they deserve. In a society based on hypocrisy alltogether, you have to start on a personal level. You have to lose your personal chains before you attempt to free others. Your personal chains begin with the things you've been taught to hold most sacred (as is generally the case). The morals that are not yours. Whom do they really serve? The institutions that everyone notices they have fail and yet most continue to serve them. Why? How can this possibly be? These are just some of the issues dealt with in Emma's essays. A classic book that will basically reprogram your brain if you honestly think about the issues in it. But reprogrammed into what? Well, it will only reprogram you into thinking for yourself. For once. If you do, you'll find that the illusion you've been living in does indeed serve someone. Your long hard road to becoming an individual will thus commence. Good, But Not the Best Collection of Emma's Work This is a good collection of essays by Emma Goldman; however, it is not the best one available. That would be _Red Emma Speaks_, which contains the best material in this volume as well as other excellent essays and excerpts from her entire life's work. In addition, all of this book is available on the Web. So I would have to recommend that those interested in Emma's work get _Red Emma Speaks_ instead of this one. as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day Being historically one the more important yet obscure figures in American history, Emma Goldman's anarchist thought is as relevent today as it was when she wrote "Anarchism, and Other Essays". In an age where political apathy, intellectual ignorance and spiritual corruption are the failings of modern civilzation, Emma Goldman's Enlightenment thought is illuminating in its message of the power of direct action as she so lucidly illustrates: "Anarchism urges man to think, to investigate, to analyze every proposition... (Anarchism is the) philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary. "The new social order rests, of course, on the materialistic basis of life; but while all Anarchists agree that the main evil today is an economic one, they maintain that the solution of that evil can be brought about only through the consideration of every phase of life,--individual, as well as the collective; the internal, as well as the external phases. "A thorough perusal of the history of human development will disclose two elements in bitter conflict with each other; elements that are only now beginning to be understood, not as foreign to each other, but as closely related and truly harmonious, if only placed in proper environment: the individual and social instincts. The individual and society have waged a relentless and bloody battle for ages, each striving for supremacy, because each was blind to the value and importance of the other. The individual and social instincts,--the one a most potent factor for individual endeavor, for growth, aspiration, self-realization; the other an equally potent factor for mutual helpfulness and social well-being." From just that little exerpt it is easy to understand why any and all authority was terrified of Emma Goldman and why her important contributions to society have been muzzled from histories - down the "memory hole" to use an Orwellian expression.Again, "Anarchism, and Other Essays" is as relevent today as it was in Emma Goldman's day and necessary material for anyone truly interested or involved in altruistic direct action. D'autre ouvrages de Emma Goldman Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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Description: A 109 lessons book, 477 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Spanish grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a 49 day "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Spanish, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native speakers. This course teaches CASTILLIAN Spanish - the Spanish spoken in Spain Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 477 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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Description: A 113 lessons book, 622 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  3:10. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of French grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of French, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native speakers. Product details CD mp3:   3h10 Book :   622 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: NEW - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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Description: A 105 lessons book, 432 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Italian grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises straight through or sentence by sentence on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Italian speakers. Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 432 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Description: A 105 lessons book, 432 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:50. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Italian grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 85 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. -Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises  on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Italian speakers. You will be able also to take advantages of mp3 format to be used with smatphones. Product details CD mp3: 2h50 Book : 432 pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
55 €
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Anctoville sur Boscq (Manche)
Etat Vinyl RECORDS: VG+ Etat Pochette COVERS: VG+ Kym Sims ‎– A Little Bit More Label: ATCO Records ‎– B 8528 T, ATCO Records ‎– 7567-96158-0, ATCO Records ‎– B 8528 (T) Format: Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM  Country: UK Released: 1992 Genre: Electronic Style: Euro House Tracklist Hide Credits A1A Little Bit More (Rhythm Supply Mix)Remix – Joey Negro6:25A2A Little Bit More (Dub Supply Mix)Remix – Joey Negro5:06B1A Little Bit More (Hurley's Extended Mix)Remix – Steve "Silk" Hurley6:45B2A Little Bit More (Dub Mix)Remix – Steve "Silk" Hurley5:38B3A Little Bit More (Lust Mix)Remix – Joey Negro4:20 Companies, etc. - Phonographic Copyright (p) – WEA International Inc. - Copyright (c) – WEA International Inc. - Produced For – ID Productions - Recorded At – Tanglewood Recording Studios - Mixed At – Tanglewood Recording Studios - Pressed By – Broadcrest Ltd. – W5038 Credits - Engineer – The Dixoid*  - Keyboards – Andrew Livingston*  - Photography By – Trevor Leighton - Written-By – B. Drake*, Eric Miller, Jeremiah McAlister*  Notes ℗ & © 1992 WEA International Inc Made in UK Barcode and Other Identifiers - Matrix / Runout (Side A runout groove, etched): B8528T A-2 W5038 - Matrix / Runout (Side B runout groove, etched): B8528(T) B2 W5038 - Matrix / Runout (Side A & B runout groove, stamped): I - Matrix / Runout (Side A label): B 8528 (T) A - Matrix / Runout (Side B label): B 8528 (T) B - Barcode (Text cover & label): 0 7567-96158-0 0 - Rights Society: GEMA Records Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S Le disque est neuf et scellé. The record still sealed. NM Le disque est comme neuf, une seconde-main qui a été joué très peu de fois. The record is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and is in new condition  EX Le disque est en excellent etat, il peut présenter une ou deux légères marques qui n?altèrent pas l?écoute. The record is in excellent condition, the record shows some signs of having been played, but there is very little lessening in sound quality VG+ Le disque est en bon etat, quelques légères rayures (cheveux) peuvent entrainer des légers grésillements. The record has obviously been played many times, but displays no major deterioration in sound quality, despite noticeable surface marks and the occasional light scratches. VG Le disque a été ecouté de nombreuses fois, L?ecoute est altérée mais le disque ne saute pas.  Des rayures d?usages entrainent des grésillements et craquements. The record has been played so much that the sound quality has noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Covers Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S La pochette est neuve et scellée. The cover still sealed. NM La pochette est comme neuve, une seconde main qui peut présenter un défaut minime. The cover is near mint. the cover is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and might have minor cut, very   light cover wear or very small signs of use. EX La pochette est en excellent état, mais présente des petits défauts : légère pliure, petit frottement sur une tranche. The cover and packaging might have slight wear and/or creasing. VG+ La pochette est en bon état générale, elle comporte quelques pliures, petits frottements ou écritures.  Les défauts sont détaillés dans les annonces. The cover have normal wear and tear on the cover, without any major defects, is acceptable. VG La pochette est en état correcte,  elle peut être fendue sur les tranches, scotchées, nombreuses pliures où petites déchirures. Les défauts sont détaillés dans les annonces. The cover and the contents suffer from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits,
8,89 €
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Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris THE MODERNISTIC GOSPEL AIRES blessing business/more love to thee LIVE LP VG++ LP 33T 30CM  REF: GC 5245 LIVE FROM THE ST.PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH N.Y.C POCHETTE EN BON ETAT + ECRITURE À L'ARRIERE (VG+) DISQUE EN BON ETAT (VG+)   SORTI CHEZ MGA, MADE IN USA   TITRES & DETAILS (VOIR PHOTOS)     SI VOUS SOUHAITEZ PLUS D'INFORMATIONS, OU DES PHOTOS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES, N'HÉSITEZ PAS À NOUS CONTACTER!   boogietheque@me.com tel. 04-75-37-43-38 du lundi au vendredi de 10H à 18H FRAIS DE PORT DÉGRESSIF DÈS LE DEUXIÈME OBJET ACHETÉ!! PORT OFFERT À PARTIR DE 60 EUROS EN FRANCE MÉTROPOLITAINE PORT OFFERT À PARTIR DE 100 EUROS POUR L'EUROPE PORT OFFERT À PARTIR DE 150 EUROS POUR LE RESTE DU MONDE  Records  Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S Le disque est neuf et scellé. The record still sealed. NM Le disque est comme neuf, une seconde-main qui a été joué très peu de fois. The record is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and is in new condition  EX Le disque est en excellent etat, il peut présenter une ou deux légères marques qui n’altèrent pas l’écoute. The record is in excellent condition, the record shows some signs of having been played, but there is very little lessening in sound quality VG+ Le disque est en bon etat, quelques légères rayures (cheveux) peuvent entrainer des légers grésillements. The record has obviously been played many times, but displays no major deterioration in sound quality, despite noticeable surface marks and the occasional light scratches. VG Le disque a été ecouté de nombreuses fois, L’ecoute est altérée mais le disque ne saute pas.  Des rayures d’usages entrainent des grésillements et craquements. The record has been played so much that the sound quality has noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches  Covers  Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S La pochette est neuve et scellée. The cover still sealed. NM La pochette est comme neuve, une seconde main qui peut présenter un défaut minime. The cover is near mint. the cover is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and might have minor cut, very    light cover wear or very small signs of use. EX La pochette est en excellent état, mais présente des petits défauts : légère pliure, petit frottement sur une tranche. The cover and packaging might have slight wear and/or creasing. VG+ La pochette est en bon état générale, elle comporte quelques pliures, petits frottements ou écritures.  Les défauts sont détaillés dans les annonces. The cover have normal wear and tear on the cover, without any major defects, is acceptable. VG La pochette est en état correcte,  elle peut être fendue sur les tranches, scotchées, nombreuses pliures où petites déchirures. Les défauts sont détaillés dans les annonces. The cover and the contents suffer from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits, discoloration, etc. B La pochette est en mauvais état, elle est déchirée et très usée. Les défauts sont détaillés dans les annonces. The cover looks pretty bad and has lots of wear and cut.
29,98 €
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Negation in English and Other Languages (Classic Reprint) Otto Jespersen Auteur: Otto Jespersen Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 156 pages paperback Publication: 25/06/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? The nucleus of the following disquisition is the material collected during many years for the chapter on Negatives in vol. Ill or IV of my Modern English Grammar (abbreviated MEG), of which the first two volumes appeared in 1909 and 1914 respectively (W inter, Heidelberg). But as the war has prevented me (provisionally, I hope) from printing the continuation of my book, I have thought fit to enlarge the scope of this paper by including remarks on other languages so as to deal with the question of Negation in general as expressed in language. Though I am painfully conscious of the inadequacy of my studies, it is my hope that the following pages may be of some interest to the student of linguistic history, and that even a few of my paragraphs may be of some use to the logician. My work in some respects continues what DELBR tJCK has written on negation in I ndo-E uropean languages (V ergl. Syntax 2. 519 if.), but while he was more interested in tracing things back to the ursprache,I have taken more interest in recent developments and in questions of general psychology and logic. With regard to the older stages of Teutonic or Germanic languages I have learned much from B. Delbruck, Germanische Syntax I. Zu den negativen Satzen (S achs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Leipzig 1910), supplemented by G. Neckel, Zu den germanischen Negationen (in Kuhn s Zeitschr. 45, 1912). Of much less value are the treatments of the specially Old English negatives in M. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format o The nucleus of the following disquisition is the material collected during many years for the chapter on Negatives in vol. Ill or IV of my Modern English Grammar (abbreviated MEG), of which the first two volumes appeared in 1909 and 1914 respectively (W inter, Heidelberg). But as the war has prevented me (provisionally, I hope) from printing the continuation of my book, I have thought fit to enlarge the scope of this paper by including remarks on other languages so as to deal with the question of Negation in general as expressed in language. Though I am painfully conscious of the inadequacy of my studies, it is my hope that the following pages may be of some interest to the student of linguistic history, and that even a few of my paragraphs may be of some use to the logician. My work in some respects continues what DELBR tJCK has written on negation in I ndo-E uropean languages (V ergl. Syntax 2. 519 if.), but while he was more interested in tracing things back to the ursprache,I have taken more interest in recent developments and in questions of general psychology and logic. With regard to the older stages of Teutonic or Germanic languages I have learned much from B. Delbruck, Germanische Syntax I. Zu den negativen Satzen (S achs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Leipzig 1910), supplemented by G. Neckel, Zu den germanischen Negationen (in Kuhn s Zeitschr. 45, 1912). Of much less value are the treatments of the specially Old English negatives in M. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format o D'autre ouvrages de Otto Jespersen Mot Clef: Reference Words & Language
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Villemomble (Seine St Denis)
LES BEATLES We Can Work It Out ODEON France JUKE BOX ONLY SO 10133 SP More Beatles French rare records (LP's, SP's and EP's) here. Parisiens, ou de passage à Paris, ces disques peuvent être également retirés dans le magasin que nous venons d'ouvrir Mood au Pré Saint-Gervais (Métro Hoche). Les frais de port sont groupés en cas d'achats multiples / We combine shipping fees for multiple purchased items. Pochette / PS: EX Pochette papier générique Odéon/Pathé Marconi. Generic Odeon/Pathé Marconi paper PS. Vinyl: VG+ Présente des traces de surface (cheveux). Joue mieux qu'il ne paraît avec de rares petits clicks de fond discrets. Ce disque a été conservé dans un endroit à l'abri de la lumière et de l'humidité mais pas de la poussière, un bon nettoyage devrait grandement contribuer à une meilleure qualité acoustique. Shows surface marks (hairlines). Plays much better than it looks with some rare and discreet background noises. This record has been stored away from light and moisture but not from dust, a good cleaning will definitely increase its acoustic quality. L'énorme majorité des disques en vente n'a été que rarement, voire jamais, jouée mais peut présenter quelques traces dues à la pochette intérieure. Ces disques ont été gardé à l'abri de l'humidité et de la lumière mais pas forcément de la poussière. Un bon nettoyage devrait définitivement accroître la qualité acoustique de ces vinyles en ôtant la poussière qui pourrait y rester. Dans la mesure où chaque collectionneur a sa propre méthode de nettoyage (machines VPI ou Okki Nokki, pâte LGL, sprays, etc...), nous laissons le soin d'exécuter cette délicate opération à son futur propriétaire. The huge majority of these records has rarely (sometimes never) been played but might show some slight surface marks due to inner sleeve. They have been stored away from moisture and light but not from dust. A good cleaning will definitely increase the sound quality by taking off some of the dust that might still be there. As every record collector has his own way to do it (VPI or Okki Nokki cleaning machines, LGL paste, sprays, etc...) we leave this delicate operation to its next owner. Grading system in english here Système de gradation visuelle dérivé du Goldmine Standard: M (MINT) Scellé, jamais joué, neuf dans son emballage d'origine. NM (NEAR MINT) Copie quasi parfaite, jamais ou très rarement joué. Au pire, une ou deux traces de surface insignifiantes généralement dues à la pochette intérieure. C'est le qualificatif le plus haut donné pour un disque non scellé. EX (EXCELLENT) Copie très propre, quelques marques de surfaces (cheveux) insignifiantes. Ce disque a rarement été joué, toujours sur du bon matériel et traité avec soin. La pochette a des défauts très mineurs: des initiales ou un nom discrets, faible usure des coins, très léger ringwear. VG++ (VERY GOOD++) Des marques de surface plus nombreuses pour le vinyl. Quelques défauts ou traces d'usage de la pochette. C’est, en général, le qualificatif donné à un disque de 20 à 50 ans ayant eu une vie “normale”, traité avec soin, mais écouté et manipulé régulièrement par son ancien propriétaire. VG+ (VERY GOOD +) A été joué souvent, traces d'usage et multiples micros rayures générant un bruit de fond au départ ou entre deux titres, mais le disque ne saute pas à la lecture. La pochette présente des traces d'usage ou de stockage importantes (coins ou tranche usés, noms, date, dédicace, déchirure, etc...). En général, ce disque a fait partie des favoris de la discothèque de son ancien propriétaire, est passé de mains en mains, a dû animer quelques soirées et porte les stigmates d’une vie bien remplie. VG (VERY GOOD) Disque très usé, a été joué de nombreuses fois, des rayures importantes provoquant un bruit de fond permanent mais ne saute pas à la lecture. Encore écoutable (notamment à fort volume pour du gros son). La pochette est bien abîmée, déchirure importante, coins et tranche usés, importantes traces de stylo ou marqueur...bref, le qualificatif précédent mais bien plus accentué. G (GOOD) A été joué jusqu'à la corde (mais encore jouable sur certains titres), rayures multiples, craquements, sauts pendant la lecture. La pochette est très abîmée. Cette gradation ne concerne que les disques d'exception pouvant intéresser un collectionneur souhaitant récupérer le vinyl ou la pochette afin de compléter un exemplaire déjà présent dans sa discothèque. Nous avons plutôt tendance à exagérer nos gradations, cependant, en cas de doute, n’hésitez pas à poser vos questions avant d’enchérir. Nettoyage Les pochettes sont, en général, nettoyées. Chaque collectionneur ayant sa propre méthode de nettoyage des vinyls, ceux que nous proposons à la vente sont juste dépoussiérés à l’aide d’une brosse en velours avant d’être pris en photo. Photos Nos disques sont toujours pris en photo à la lumière naturelle. Pas de scan qui a tendance à gommer certains défauts. Emballage Tous nos disques sont expédiés dans un emballage spécifiquement destiné aux vinyls en carton double (double box) et livrés dans une pochette de protection plastique. Frais de port Les tarifs indiqués concernent des vinyls simples, sans pochette double ou livret. Pour les expéditions à l’étranger le tarif en lettre prioritaire ne fonctionne que jusqu’à 2 kgs, au-delà de 2 kgs la poste impose un envoi en colissimo international. FRAIS D'EXPÉDITIONS / SHIPPING RATES: Pour la France en colissimo: 1 LP: 6,40 € 1 Gatefold LP: 7,85 € 1LP Double: 7,85 € 2 à 3 LP: 7,85 € 4 à 8 LP: 8,90 € 1 à 8 SP/EP: 6,40 € Pour l’Europe (Union Européenne et Suisse) en courrier international 1 LP: 7,50 € 1 LP Gatefold: 11,50 € 1 double LP: 11,50 € 2 à 3 LP:11,5 € 4 à 8 LP: 14,80 € 1 à 3 SP/EP: 4,95 € 4 à 8 SP/EP: 7,50 € A partir de 9 LP pour l’Europe envoi uniquement en colissimo international. Pour le reste du monde (USA / ASIA / AUSTRALIA / AFRICA and outside the European community) en courrier prioritaire international 1 LP: 8,85 € 1 lp Gatefold: 13,22 € 1 double LP: 13,22 € 2 à 3 LP: 13,22 € 4 à 8 LP: 19,90 € 1 à 3 SP/EP: 6,80€ 4 à 8 SP/EP: 8,85 € A partir de 9 LP envoi uniquement en colissimo international. Délai d’expédition Nos disques sont expédiés dans les 2 jours ouvrables après réception de votre règlement. Retours Les retours sont acceptés dans un délai de 7 jours après réception, les frais restent à la charge de l’acheteur. Si le disque ne correspondait pas à vos attentes, merci de privilégier la communication afin de trouver, ensemble, une solution. Évaluations Celles-ci sont systématiquement laissées dès que votre règlement nous parvient. Merci de bien vouloir faire de même à réception de votre colis. TOUTE QUESTION BIENVENUE NA071014  _gsrx_vers_526 (GS 6.6.6 (526))  _gsrx_vers_738 (GS 7.0 Beta 18 (738))
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Description: A 100 lessons book, 621 pages, and  et CD MP3 audio of  2:30. Expanding language spoken as a native language by over 400 million Spanish speakers - mostly in South America - Spanish is the first foreign language in the world. For tourists and for businessmen, it becomes essential to master this language with Latin roots and so different accents from one continent to another. Adapted to English, this method provides all the tools to get to master the basics of Spanish in a few months, provided to devote half an hour a day. Over 100 lessons are shelled the essential grammar, vocabulary and common all the elements necessary to communicate easily with the Castilian and Spanish-speaking world. In Europe the Assimil books are common, whilst on this side of the Atlantic, we are more familiar with others much more expensive. They will give you a nice accent on the small vocabulary and small piece of Spanish grammar they cover, whilst Assimil starts you on the road to language mastery.   Since it pioneered in this field 60 years ago, and after millions of methods sold World-Wide, Assimil has always been at the forefront of Foreign Language Self-Teaching. Includes comprehensive and progressive lessons, exercises with answer keys dual language glossary grammar summary. Because of the overall seriousness, thoroughness and caliber of the "Assimil with Ease" approach, Assimil has no match in the crowded field of self-teaching methods. You will be able to chat with people and read the newspaper and novels with the use of a dictionary. You will be able to flirt, ride a bus, rent a room, or buy a car. That's pretty good compared to the results from most language courses, and the whole thing will be "with ease”." - The book starts off with a "passive phase" where you will learn how to understand a big chunk of Italian, but will not develop much in the way of productive skills. The actual studying is pretty close to effortless, and it only takes about a half hour a day. Assimil includes much more vocabulary and complex grammar than most "beginner" courses. - Next comes the "active phase" where you actually start to be able to produce the language you have learned to recognize and understand. This is where the the brilliance of Assimil comes in; the slow start leads to an easy, fast finish, or that is the idea at least. I am not finished with the "active phase" as I write this. So far the "active phase" is even easier than the "passive phase" was. It is the easiest. road to fluency. Harder approaches may lead to more dropouts, so for most of people this is probably the best approach. This is also the cheapest, Let's see, one tenth the price, five times easier, leading to three or four times the ability, half as fast. With the benefit of an unparalleled 2, 500 words in the average Assimil method, and with an even greater number of colloquial, grammatical and cultural expressions, you will be able, upon completion, to practice your newly-acquired language in a fluent, lively and effective manner. Even before completing your Assimil courses, you will have acquired, with the first 20 or 30 lessons, enough of a base in the language to understand and start conversing at a level of effectiveness far superior to that supplied by phrase book or similar travel aids. Assimil is also an excellent tool for those who read the language already and want to keep up or improve their hearing and speaking ability.   Advantages of the MP3 CD: Listen to the lessons and exercises on a single MP3 CD, recorded by native Spanish speakers. You will be able also to take advantages of mp3 format to be used with smatphones. Product details CD mp3: 2h30 Book :  621pages Publisher : Assimil Category: With Ease Condition: - CD new with audio lessons related to the book. - Book new, without underlining or highlighting of text, or writing in the margins.
65 €
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Rogna (Jura)
French Old Lenses Rare & Old photographic items My passion for old cameras and lenses is born 10 years ago before to become my work. I am a professional seller since 2017 and have already sold hundreds items all around the world with a permanent satisfaction for my costumers. I'm trying to provide a high quality buyer experience with a permanent communication disponibility, precised description with high quality photos and the mosts safe and fast delivery conditions.  For new items arrivals, questions or just sharing, you can follow me on my Facebook:  Som Berthiot Schneider Xenon 50mm F/2  Beautiful Schneider cine lens in arriflex standard mount. It was mounted on an Arriflex 35mm camera (available on request). This is the red triangle version that means it is coated that was uncommon at this time. It is an old version, much more character than recent ones. Condition:  A+ New or as new    /    A  Excellent condition     /     B  signs of use clearly visibles      /      C  sold for parts or deep issues External condition  B+ Good condition for this very old lens. Few signs of use. Mecanic condition A+ Aperture and focus are smooth. Optic condition B Used condition, some micro scratches and haze. Need a cleaning. If you have any question or request, feel free to contact me. Important, please read conditions before to buy: Shipping:  Fast shipping, just after payment if possible. We use only best professional packaging for a perfectly safe delivery all around the world. Tracking number is immediately provided. La Poste is only deliver possible, 5 to 28 working days of delivery (generally fast). If you have a specific deliver the cost will be entire yours. Envoi rapide, immédiatement après paiement si possible. Nous utilisons uniquement des matériaux d'emballage professionnel pour des livraisons sûres partout dans le monde. Le numéro de suivi est fourni immédiatement. Tous les colis sont envoyés par la Poste en colissimo contre signature, la livraison en France est généralement de 3 à 7 jours ouvrés. Seller condition: - You're a new buyer with less than 10 feedbacks please contact us before to buy   //    Vous êtes un nouvel acheteur merci de nous contacter avant tout achat. - We accept only immediate payment, no reservation possible   //   Nous acceptons uniquement des paiements immédiats, aucune réservation ne sera faite. - Returns are accepted in the limit of days indicated ONLY FOR ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. We refuse returns for a change of mind, bad description reading or hope to buy a cheap item in working condition until it is described as not.   //    Les retours sont acceptés dans la limitie de jours indiqué UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D OBJET NE CORRESPONDANT PAS A LA DESCRIPTION. Nous refusons les retours pour un changement d'avis, une mauvaise lecture de l'annonce ou si vous espériez acheter pas cher un objet en état de marche même si il est décrit comme ne l'étant pas.  - We are honest professionnal seller so if your item is not as described please contact us with precised description of the issue and be sure that we will provide you the best solution possible. Your satisfaction is our priority !   //   Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes et professionnels donc si votre objet n'est pas comme décrit dans l'annonce merci de nous contacter avec une description précise du problème et soyez assurés que nous vous apporterons la meilleur solution possible. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité ! - For International Buyers: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
599 €
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Anctoville sur Boscq (Manche)
Etat Vinyl RECORDS: VG+ Etat Pochette COVERS: VG+ Whigfield Mixed With Bell-Bar ‎– 2 Tubes Remix: Saturday Night Mixed With What Do You Think ? Label: Airplay Records ‎– 2505 Format: Vinyl, Single Sided, 45 RPM, 12", Promo  Country: France Released: 1995 Genre: Electronic Style: Electro, Dub Techno, Hard Trance Tracklist Hide Credits A1–WhigfieldSaturday Night (Mixed With What Do You Think ?)Written By – D. Riva - L. PignagnoliWritten-By – D. Riva*, L. Pignagnoli*3:21A2–Bell-Bar*What Do You Think ? (Mixed With Saturday Night)Written By – Beat Paul - Frankie FischerWritten-By – Beat Paul, Frankie Fischer4:39 Companies, etc. - Published By – Network More Music - Published By – Energy Production SNC - Phonographic Copyright (p) – Energy Production - Phonographic Copyright (p) – Network Music Group - Copyright (c) – PolyGram Distribution - Distributed By – PolyGram Distribution - Recorded At – Labelle Studio - Mixed At – Labelle Studio - Remixed At – Room Service (3) Credits - Executive-producer [Executive Production By] – Frankie Beathouse*  - Mixed By – Marc Ganivet - Producer ["saturday Night" Produced By] – Larry Pignagnoli - Producer ["what Do You Think ?" Produced By] – Remy Fab Philly*  - Recorded By [Saturday Night], Mixed By [Saturday Night] – Davide Riva, Larry Pignagnoli - Remix – Frankie Beathouse*  Notes A1 Ed. Network More Music/Energy Production S.N.C. ℗ 1995 Energy Production  A2 Ed. Network More Music ℗ 1995 Network Music Group  "Saturday Night" produced by Larry Pignagnoli for XS  Recorded & Mixed at Labelle Studio by Larry Pignagnoli & Davide Riva  "What do You Think ?" produced by Remy Fab Philly for Network Music Group/Airplay Records.  Executive production by Frankies Beathouse for Paul Fischer Prod.  Remixed by Frankies Beathouse for Paul Fischer Prod. at Studio Room Service (Paris).  ℗ 1995 Energy Solution / Network Music Group  © 1995 PolyGram Distribution  Diffusé par PolyGram Distribution Barcode and Other Identifiers - Label Code: LC 7340 - Rights Society: SACEM SACD SDRM SGDL Records Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S Le disque est neuf et scellé. The record still sealed. NM Le disque est comme neuf, une seconde-main qui a été joué très peu de fois. The record is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and is in new condition  EX Le disque est en excellent etat, il peut présenter une ou deux légères marques qui n?altèrent pas l?écoute. The record is in excellent condition, the record shows some signs of having been played, but there is very little lessening in sound quality VG+ Le disque est en bon etat, quelques légères rayures (cheveux) peuvent entrainer des légers grésillements. The record has obviously been played many times, but displays no major deterioration in sound quality, despite noticeable surface marks and the occasional light scratches. VG Le disque a été ecouté de nombreuses fois, L?ecoute est altérée mais le disque ne saute pas.  Des rayures d?usages entrainent des grésillements et craquements. The record has been played so much that the sound quality has noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Covers Codes Definitions des codes Grading definitions S La pochette est neuve et scellée. The cover still sealed. NM La pochette est comme neuve, une seconde main qui peut présenter un défaut minime. The cover is near mint. the cover is in beautiful shape but is 2nd hand and might have minor cut, very   light cover wear or very small signs of use. EX La pochette est en excellent état, mais présente des petits défauts : légère pliure, petit frottement sur une tranche. The cove
8,89 €
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Aizier (Eure)
LA GEULE DE L'EMPLOI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A LIRE AVANT D’ENCHÉRIR  Le produit est d'occasion, il a un certain age et il peut être écouté différemment selon le matériel utilisé. En effet, il est possible que le disque craque selon le diamant ou le saphir, ou qu'il saute suivant le réglage du bras, ou de l'appareil haute technologie tout simplement.  Pour notre part nous utilisons une platine NATIONAL PANASONIC des années 70' et nous donnons le rendu de l'écoute. Pour les enchérisseurs qui sont satisfait de leur achats tant mieux, pour ceux qu'ils nous ont retourné plusieurs achats prétendant que cela venait de nous, nos platines ne sont pas compatible bye,bye. READ BEFORE BIDDING The product is used, it has a certain age and it can be listened to differently depending on the material used. Indeed, it is possible that the disc cracks according to the diamond or the sapphire, or that it jumps depending on the setting of the arm, or of the high technology device quite simply. For our part we use a NATIONAL PANASONIC turntable from the 70's and give the listening report. For bidders who are satisfied with their purchases so much the better, for those who have returned several purchases to us claiming that it came from us, our turntables are not compatible bye, bye. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pochette VG (voir photos) Label DEESSE Disque VG+ avec quelques traces ou rayures (voir photos) Regardez mes autres annonces pour un envoi groupé Look at my other announcements for a group shipment En raison des restrictions de sortie à cause du virus, nous pouvons déposer une lettre suivie soit environ 3 disques ou en Colissimo si plus de disque. Due to the exit restrictions due to the virus, we can deposit a letter followed either about 3 discs or in Colissimo if more disc. Paiement en chèque et Paypal pour la France    Livraison La Poste Paypal paiement for other countries   La Poste delivery for the whole world
5 €
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Emerson's Essays on Manners, Self-Reliance, Compensation, Nature, Friendship (Classic Reprint) Ralph Waldo Emerson Auteur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Editeur: Forgotten Books Broché: 194 pages paperback Publication: 15/07/2012 Dimensions: 22,86 x 15,24 x 2,29 Langue: Anglais Publier en: Anglais Languages d'origine: Anglais Help ? May 25, 180 A prU 27,1882) We have few more intimate biographical records than Emersoi s; fewer still tiiat cause so littie disappointment in the reading. In the wealth of material at hand in his Journal and letters as well as in the personal reminiscences of a great band of friends and admirers we are brought face to face with a personality that can but win by the cumulative power of character Even those who met Emerson with prejudices to be overcome were conquered by his presence. In an instant all my dislike vanished said Crabbe Bobinson, in reporting the first glimpse caught of him across a crowded room. One and another bear evidence to the same personal power with a concurrence that would be tiresome, were it not for the strong individual conviction in each case. Two other brothers, Edward and Charles, both younger, shared this power; William, the oldest, was likewise gifted with unusudl intellect. The family lived in Boston, where the father, William Emerson, was a brilliant Congregational minister, prominent in religious, social, and literary circles till his death in 1811. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at Great Collection but Not the Best This collection has five Ralph Waldo Emerson essays: "Self-Reliance," "Manners," "Compensation," "Nature," and "Friendship." They were published a few years apart but have little intrinsic connection; the combination seems random. However, "Self" is an essential masterpiece, and the others are high quality. Anyone wanting a sampler could do worse, but the essays are widely available in far more comprehensive compilations, and this is hard to justify unless one sees it for a good price. "Self" is Emerson's most famous essay and is rivaled only by "Concord Hymn" as his most famous work. It is also his masterpiece; one often hears - sometimes disparagingly - that Emerson tried to fit his whole philosophy into each essay, and this comes remarkably close. There is far more depth and subtlety here than the length suggests; one would be very hard-pressed to find another work so densely packed. The words are few, but the implications are enough for a lifetime. "Self" is a seminal masterwork; a founding Transcendentalist text and American Romantic cornerstone, it is central to American thought, culture, and literature. Anyone even remotely interested in any Americana aspect must be intimately familiar with it; aside from the Declaration of Independence and Constitution themselves, perhaps no other document is so vital to the American spirit. Reading "Self" is perhaps more necessary than ever - not only because it is eternally relevant but also because it is often misrepresented. The term "self-reliance" is now almost entirely political, almost synonymous with libertarianism, and the essay is frequently touted along such lines. However, these things are hardly more than implied here, and though the definition of "liberal" has greatly changed, it is important to remember that Emerson was one of his era's leading liberals. His prime meaning in any case is self-reliance intellectually and in everyday life. He urges us to trust ourselves, to recognize human divinity and avoid imitation. It is a simple message but all-important - and far easier said than done. Emerson explores all its ramifications - philosophical, practical, social, political, economic, etc. - and outlines all its benefits. The case is beyond convincing, but he can do no more than show us; the rest is up to us. This profoundly individualist message is another reason that reading "Self" is so necessary. Emerson now unfortunately has a reputation for being somewhat impenetrable and/or hopelessly impractical; this is a true shame, because he wrote for the masses. Unlike nearly all philosophers, he does not rely on jargon or polysyllables; he truly wanted to be understood, and all it takes is will. We must open our minds to him, and once we have, they will never be closed again. Though greatly revered with many and diverse followers, Emerson's intention was not to be loved but to inspire; he wanted all to find individual genius. His work is thus the truest and best kind of self-help manual, and "Self" is its apotheosis. It has inspired millions in the more than century and a half of its existence, including me. I have read thousands and thousands of works, but this is one of the handful that truly changed my life. Emerson's greatness always shines through, but reading him at the right time can make an astonishing difference. He was more popular in life with the young than the old, and I can easily see why. I was lucky to read him at just the right time, and "Self" spoke to me more powerfully than almost anything else ever has. Without hyperbole, I can say that I would not be doing what I am today and would have abandoned my goals and visions without reading "Self" and Thoreau's "Life without Principle" - a somewhat similar essay highly influenced by Emerson - when I did. I was wracked with self-doubt and getting nothing but indifference, bafflement, or hostility from others; these works gave just the kick I needed, and I will never look back. "Self" has the potential to be life-changing as almost nothing else does, and I highly recommend it to all; you can hardly be unaffected and may never be the same. However, I especially recommend it to the young; its importance to them - and Emerson's generally - simply cannot be overemphasized. Emerson is a signature American stylist, and "Self" is near his height. His writing is always memorable and often highly lyrical - about as close to poetry as prose can be. However, his essays were almost always painstakingly composed from lectures and journals, and the effect was sometimes choppy. An Emerson-loving professor of mine once joked that no one can find the topic sentence in an Emerson paragraph, and his transitions also frequently leave much to be desired. However, "Self" is near-seamless, a true masterpiece of style that flows smoothly and often waxes beautiful. This is all the more remarkable in that it was assembled even more than usual from disparate sources; entries that ended up here came as far as eight years apart, but the whole is admirably harmonious. "Self" is a preeminent example of how Emerson delights in paradox. Anyone who reads him closely sees that he is as complex as he is simple. Thus, despite - or perhaps even because of - apparent straight-forwardness, few texts are more ripe for deconstruction. "Self" fans after all love a text that tells us not to love texts, are inspired by a man who tells us not to be inspired by men, and are convinced by a text and man both of which tell us not to be convinced by either. But this is only the beginning. "Self" works because it tells us exactly what we want to hear and, in striking contrast to innumerable self-help books, does so in an intellectually and even aesthetically respectable way. This is fine for me and (hopefully) you but could of course be taken to heart by Hitler as easily as Gandhi. The thoroughly optimistic, mild-mannered, and physically frail Emerson may not have foreseen his revolutionary text being put to nefarious use and probably would have been unable to believe in even the possibility. However, the danger, if we choose to call it so, is very real. "Self" could easily have had the same effect that Nietzsche had on Nazis, and that it has not been taken up by anarchists, radical terrorists, and the like is perhaps mere luck. One at least wonders how it avoided preceding The Catcher in the Rye as the work synonymous with unsavory people. That said, it is likely unfair to Emerson to say he did not anticipate this; he after all takes his views to the logical conclusion. He surely saw it, and it may have given pause, but he persevered because he was faithful to his intuition just as he urges us to be to ours. He truly believed in self-reliance and was ready to stand by it no matter what befell - nay, thought it his only choice. His optimism must have told him that the doctrine would not be abused, and he has been right - so far. Only time will tell if this continues to hold, but "Self" remains essential for all. Though far less great and universal, "Manners" is one of Emerson's more historically interesting essays. It is essential to recall that his era perhaps emphasized manners more than any other in history; they had an importance of which we cannot even conceive. All had to deal with them regardless of personal views, but virtually all seemed to agree - or at least convinced others that they did. Thus, though it may initially seem somewhat surprising in light of Emerson's trademark liberalism and originality that he (begrudgingly) accepts some conventions, the small extent to which he did so is truly remarkable. The essay goes a little into various manners' pros and cons, but the core points are elsewhere. The first is that manners are relative; Emerson begins with some striking anthropological examples of this all-important fact and otherwise drives it home. An extension of his core self-reliance doctrine, the second is that the great make their own manners - and make others respect them. "Manners" is one of Emerson's least transcendental works - in any sense -, but comparing and contrasting its message to today's society and competing views can be instructive, and it is a valuable timepiece. "Friendship" is also very good - one of Emerson's most affecting and thought-provoking works. His view of the ubiquitous subject is unsurprisingly original and engaging. He believes that friendship can exist only with real equality and sees it as a sort of springboard to something higher. His demands are great, and the work is eye-opening in the sense that almost no one has a friend by his definition. Like his best work, "Friendship" can easily make us question beliefs and preconceptions - and perhaps even make us better friends. "Compensation" is one of Emerson's most representative essays. The staunch optimism so essential to his thought was perhaps never shown so clearly or thoroughly elsewhere. Emerson begins by saying he had wanted to write about compensation since he was a boy, and it shows in his enthusiasm. He works himself up almost to a rhapsody, giving example after example in clear, beautiful prose that remarkably never becomes dull and is often near-lyrical. The essay details Emerson's belief that everything balances out, even if we cannot see it, and that good and evil have their own earthly rewards despite appearances. He may not convince cynics, but his argument is certainly compelling, and his critiques of conventional Christianity and other traditions are very intriguing. "Nature" has many of Emerson's key concepts: nature's all-encompassing beauty and force, our place in regard to it, art's role, and of course deduction of God from nature. Some speculations are more philosophical, historical, or critical, but all lead to these basic points, which are Transcendentalism's cornerstones. Emerson's characteristically optimistic thought is here in full, as is his signature poetic prose. These essays are essential for anyone interested in Emerson, whether read here or elsewhere. Three Stars Not much explanation. Hard to read. Print is not very clear. D'autre ouvrages de Ralph Waldo Emerson Mot Clef: Nonfiction Education Education Theory
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