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Liste des meilleures ventes what feels like for

La Wantzenau (Bas Rhin)
Vous recevrez ce que vous voyez sur les photos - What you see is what you get - Was Sie sehen, ist das, was Sie bekommen Cet article d'occasion est accompagné d'une garantie de 30 jours à compter de la date de livraison - This used item comes with a 30-day warranty from the date of delivery Like new - Minolta AF 70-210mm 1:4 Beercan n°15202881 L'un des meilleurs objectifs de Minolta, le mythique Minolta 70-210mm avec sa focale constante de 4. L'ouverture de 4 permet des bokeh superbes à 200mm. Superbe piqué également. - L’objectif est dans un état exceptionnel (proche du neuf, je ne vois pas de trace d'usage). Il est en excellent état esthétique, optique et mécanique. Objectif en très bel état. Les lentilles sont claires, sans rayure ni brume, sans champignons ni huile sur le diaphragme Les bagues de mise au point et de diaphragme fonctionnent parfaitement. Quelques très très rares poussières d'âge qui ne nuisent en rien aux qualités optiques de cet objectif. - The lens is as new. In excellent aesthetic, optical and mechanical condition. Optics nice and clear with no scratches on glass, no fungus, no haze no oil on blades, diaphragm and aperture working, maybe very very light odd dust speck but nothing that would impair performance. Excellent objectif de Minolta noté 4,56/5 sur la base utilisateurs Dyxum http://www.dyxum.com/lenses/Minolta-AF-70-210-F4-%28beercan%29_lens48.html - sharpness: 4.53 (piqué) - color: 4.78 - build: 4.84 - distortion: 4.57 - flare control: 3.99 Il a été testé sur mon Sony Alpha 580 où il devient un objectif de 105-325mm 1:4. Il peut être monté sur les boitiers Minolta argentique 35mm Autofocus (SLR) tels que Dynax/Maxxum: 5000/ 7000/ 9000/ 3xi/ 7xi/ 9xi/ 3000i/ 3700i/ 5700i /7000i/ 7700i/ / 9/ 8000i/8700i/SPxi/ 2xi/ 3xi/ 5xi/ 7xi/ 9xi/ 600si/ 700si/ 800si/ 4/ 5/ 7 / 8/ 300si/ 404si/ 450si/ 500si/ 500si Super/ 505si/ 505si Super/ 40/ 60 sur lesquels il fera un très bon 70-210mm 1:4. Il peut être monté sur les boitiers Minolta et Sony numériques DSLR à capteur APS-C tels que Minolta Dynax 5D/7D et Sony Alpha A100/ A200/ A700/ A230/ A290/ A300/ A330/ A350/ A380/ A390/ A450/ A500/ A550/ A560/ A580/ A33/ A35/ A37/ A55/ A57/ A58/ A65/ A68/ A77/ A78 sur lesquels il sera un 105-320mm 1:4. Il peut être monté sur les boitiers numériques Sony DSLR à capteur plein format (Full Frame) du type: A850/ A900/ A99 sur lesquels il sera un 70-210mm 1:4. Enfin, il peut être monté sur les boitiers Sony Nex à capteur APS-C ou plein format avec l'une des bagues d'adaptation Sony de type E -LA-EA2, LA-EA3 ou LA-EA4 (https://www.sony.fr/electronics/convertisseurs-bagues-dadaptation/la-ea4). Objectif livré avec - 1 pare-soleil Minolta - 1 cache avant Minolta - 1 cache arrière Minolta. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet objet est un objet d'occasion qui est ancien et qui a pu servir durant quelques décennies (exemple: poussières d'âge). Il est en très bon état pour son âge mais ne sera jamais neuf. Merci de prendre en compte ces éléments si vous souhaitez l'acquérir. N'hésitez pas à poser des questions. Envoi soigné avec film à bulles et chips de calage polystyrène. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This item is an old item from yesterday and it has experienced some use during its several decades of live (example: Dust of age)..It's in very nice condition but it's not new. Thank you for accepting that this item in not new before to buy it. Well-kept sending with plastic bubble wrap and chips of polystyrene ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vous achetez auprès d'un artisan, vendeur professionnel: l'objectif sera fourni avec une facture à votre nom et une garantie de 30 jours à compter de la date d'achat (TVA non applicable) You buy from an artisan, professional seller: the objective will be provided wi
104,90 €
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Strasbourg (Bas Rhin)
Vousrecevrez ce que vous voyez sur les photos - What you see is what you get - Was Sie sehen, ist das, wasSie bekommen Sony AF DT18-55 1:3,5-5,6 SAM II n°2049049 SAL18552 Attention c'est la Version SAM II: Nouvelle conception de la lentillefrontale (améliore le Flare (diffusion parasite de la lumière) et doncaméliore le contraste, diminue les images fantômes (ghost), également quelquesaméliorations techniques qui facilitent l'utilisation selon Sony, DT: Compatibleavec la mesure ADI des flashs Sony SAM: SmoothAutofocus Motor: objectif à motorisation interne (ne dépend plus du moteur duboitier) - Objectif entrès bel état. Les lentilles sont claires, sans rayure ni voile, sanschampignon ni huile sur le diaphragme. Les bagues de mise au point et dediaphragme fonctionnent parfaitement. Je ne vois pas de poussières notables. - Cosmetically, the lens justshows signs of use. Optics nice and clear with no scratches onglass, no fungus, no haze no oil on blades, diaphragm and aperture working. I don't see I see no notable dust. Il est noté 4,22/5 sur la basereconnue des utilisateurs Dyxum: - sharpness (piqué): 4.50 - color: 4.60 - build: 3.60 - distortion: 4.10 - flare control: 4.30 http://www.dyxum.com/lenses/Sony-AF-DT-18-55mm-F3.5-5.6-SAM-II_lens695.html Il peut être monté sur les boitiers Minolta et Sony numériques DSLR à capteur APS-C tels que Minolta Dynax 5D/7D et Sony Alpha A100/ A200/ A700/ A230/ A290/ A300/ A330/ A350/ A380/ A390/ A450/ A500/ A550/ A560/ A580/ A33/ A35/ A37/ A55/ A57/ A58/ A65/ A68/ A77/ A78 sur lesquels il sera un 28-80mm 1:3,5-5,6. Il peut être monté sur les boitiers Sony Nex à capteur APS-C avec l'une des bagues d'adaptation Sony de type E -LA-EA2, LA-EA3 ou LA-EA4 (https://www.sony.fr/electronics/convertisseurs-bagues-dadaptation/la-ea4). Il ne peut pas être monté sur des boitiers argentiques ou numériques à capteur plein format (déformation) Objectif livré avec: - 1 Pare-soleil générique neuf (newlens hood no name) - 1 Cache avant Sony (front lenscapSony) - 1 Cache arrière --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet objet est un objet d'occasionqui est ancien et qui a pu servir durant quelques décennies (exemple:poussières d'âge). Il est en très bon état pour son âge mais ne sera jamaisneuf. Merci de prendre en compte ces éléments si vous souhaitez l'acquérir. N'hésitez pas à poser des questions.Envoi soigné avec film à bulles et chips de calage polystyrène. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This item isan old item from yesterday and it has experienced some use during its severaldecades of live (example: Dust of age)..It's in very nice condition but it'snot new. Thank you for accepting that this item in not new before to buy it. Well-kept sendingwith plastic bubble wrap and chips of polystyrene ------------------------------------------------------------------ Livraison en PointRelais en France, Belgique, Luxembourg: Gratuit Livraison à domicileMondial Relay avec assurance et signature (delivery at home with insurance andsignature) Allemagne, Belgique, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Espagne,Italie, Portugal, Autriche: 4,95 €
64,90 €
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Strasbourg (Bas Rhin)
Vous recevrez ce que vous voyez sur les photos - Whatyou see is what you get - Was Sie sehen, ist das, was Sie bekommen Sigma UCIIZoom 70-210mm 1:4-5,6 n°1000199 Objectif Manuel à Monture MD Minolta et Sony Nex - Objectifdans un état exceptionnel. Les lentilles sont claires, sans rayure ni brume,sans champignons ni huile sur le diaphragme Les bagues de mise au point et dediaphragme fonctionnent parfaitement. Quelques poussières d'âge qui ne nuisenten rien aux qualités optiques de cet objectif. - Cosmetically, the lens is inexceptional condition. Optics nice and clear with noscratches on glass, no fungus, no haze no oil on blades, diaphragm and aperture working, maybe the odd dust speck butnothing that would impair performance. *** Il peut-être monté sur les Sony à monture type E de lasérie Sony Nex (Nex-3, Nex-5, Nex-6, Nex-7, α 6000, α6200, α6300,α5000, α5100, α3000, α9 - α7, α7R, α7RII, α7R III, α7S) avec une bague adaptatrice MD/Nex"(non fournie). Cette bague n'ayant pas de lentillesupplémentaire, l'objectif garde toutes ses qualités intrinsèques et devientdonc sur un Sony Nex un objectif manuel de 105-315mm 1:4-5,6 - avec un Nex 7Rplein format, il reste un 70-210mm 1:4-5,6*** Exemplephoto 7: SonyNex-3N + Bague MD/Nex + Sigma 70-210mm (Sony Nex-3N and Bague MDF/Nex noninclus - not included) Compatibleavec tous les boitiers argentiques à monture MC/MD (Série SRT, X, XD, XE, etXG) et les boitiers numériques en mode manuel Sony Alpha avec bague adaptatriceMD/MA (non fournie) Il est livrédans sa boite d'origine (in its box) - 1Pare-soleil Sigma - 1 Cacheavant Sigma 52mm - 1 Cachearrière Sigma --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet objet est un objet d'occasionqui est ancien et qui a pu servir durant quelques décennies (exemple:poussières d'âge). Il est en très bon état pour son âge mais ne sera jamaisneuf. Merci de prendre en compte ces éléments si vous souhaitez l'acquérir. N'hésitez pas à poser des questions.Envoi soigné avec film à bulles et chips de calage polystyrène. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This item isan old item from yesterday and it has experienced some use during its severaldecades of live (example: Dust of age)..It's in very nice condition but it'snot new. Thank you for accepting that this item in not new before to buy it. Well-keptsending with plastic bubble wrap and chips of polystyrene ------------------------------------------------------------------ Livraison en PointRelais en France, Belgique, Luxembourg: Gratuit Livraison à domicileMondial Relay avec assurance et signature (delivery at home with insurance andsignature) Allemagne, Belgique, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Espagne,Italie, Portugal, Autriche: 4,95 €
44,90 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
for sale a Quantum Turbo 2x2 battery without charger so I CAN'T TEST the stuff UNTESTED. What you see on the pictures is what you get ! Quantum Turbo 2x2: Easy to use, Good power output, Lightweight, Reliable and Strong construction. This unit is like new WITHOUT charger and box. I didn't found the charger so probably you need to buy fresh cells ! I can ship for less money to ALLEMAGNE / AUTRICHE / BELGIQUE / ESPAGNE / ITALIE / LUXEMBOURG PAYS BAS / PORTUGAL... if there is a Mondial Relay next to your place or if MR send it directly to your home. NO SALES TO UK, SORRY ______________________________ A vendre, une batterie Quantum turbo 2x2 d'occasion en état d'aspect NEUF. PAS TESTÉ vu que je retrouve pas le chargeur !!! Je ne retrouve pas le chargeur, donc probablement il faudra changer les accus et acheter un chargeur La Quantum turbo 2x2 est l'une des plus puissante, environ: - 1000 éclairs a pleine puissance avec un flash cobra - 300 / 500 avec la série Qflash (150w) Le colis sera envoyé avec assurance et remis en main propre
45 €
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Vieux Port (Eure)
Payments via ''TransferWise'' are also available! Good day, This is a listing for a BRAND NEW 7Artisans Focusing Tab/Ring/Wrench a Manual focus assist, for lenses like Leica/Zeiss/Voigtlander/Canon/Contax/etc... Colour: Black material: plastic Condition: Brand new. You'll receive: - 1 piece. (Note: any cameras or other items you may see in the photos, are for demonstration reasons only and are not included in this sale! Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Payments via ''TransferWise'' are also available! Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges me with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time! .
3 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, This is a listing for the following BRAND NEW, Socket Jack Plate 6.35mm Plug in Chrome-Silver colour, for Telecaster/Tele/TL Electric Guitar (like Fender etc.) You are buying the item pictured above. Features: 1. A chrome plated recessed telecaster jack electro-socket assembly for an electric guitar. 2. Top quality heavy socket holder which is machine cut and chromed. 3. The jack socket is screwed directly to the holder which has thread cut. 4. The holder will stand around 2mm proud of the surface of the guitar and is concave. 5. A circular cutout is required on the guitar of 22mm diameter (0.85 inch). Specifications: 1. The holder is 9.5mm (0.38 inch) deep. 2. The plate is attached to the guitar by 2 wood screws (supplied). 3. This item includes the holder, jack socket and 2 screws. 4. Weight: 26.00g 5. Color: Silver Condition: Brand new. You'll receive: - 1x socket, as seen in the photos. Please find more similar guitar parts in my other sales (add "Fender" in the search-bar). (Note: any other items that are not described above, are not included in this sale. Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
8 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale, in its original case, a 55mm CANON CCA8 - 2x filter. Made in JAPAN. Used but good condition. See photos. Included in this auction: 1x filter with its case. (Note: any cameras or other items you may see in the photos, are for demonstration reasons only and are not included in this sale! Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). Please check my other sales. ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
6 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale a very rare HELIOPAN 30.5mm R1.5-0 SKYLIGHT filter. Used but good condition. See photos. Included in this auction: 1x filter. (Note: any cameras or other items you may see in the photos, are for demonstration reasons only and are not included in this sale! Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). Please check my other sales. ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
6 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale, a brand new JH MOON AUDIO Cable with adjustable bass-controller, for JH-Audio type IEMs (in-ear monitors-headphones), with 4-pin connectors (for IEMs like the: Layla, Roxanne, Lola, Angie, etc), and 2.5mm TRRS BALANCED jack-plug, only the cable, no IEM comes with it. This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound. Features: High Purity OFC 4N Silver-Plated Litz Wire will not oxidize. Redesigned Overmold and Upgraded Memory Wire results in Lower Profile. Reimagined Variable Bass Attenuator, adjustable from cable; user-controlled low-frequency drivers with the adjustable bass. 43% smaller than 1st Generation 4-Pin Cable. 4-pin cable connection with Machined Aluminum Locking Collar Gold-Plated Input Connector: 2.5mm *PLEASE NOTE: This cable works with a BALANCED 2.5mm output only. This is NOT a standard 3.5mm one. This cable is compatible with the JH13v2, JH16v2, Angie, Jimi, Roxanne, Lola, and Layla IEMs. Comes from my just purchased Roxanne, but as I use custom cables with my IEMs, this one can go to better hands. Compatible with: Roxanne, Angie, Jimi, 13v2, 16v2, Lola, Layla. Earphone connector: 4-PIN Plug: 2.5mm TRRS BALANCED Cable's Length: 1.2m (120cm/48") Condition: New condition. You'll receive: - 1x cable. (just the cable, no packaging and no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Please check my other sales. Thanks for your time! ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your t
140 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale here, the Astell&Kern / JH Moon Audio cable, with 4-pin (JH-Audio type) connectors and 2.5mm TRRS Balanced straight-jack-plug, for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone headphones. (only the cable, no IEM comes with it). This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound. For IEMs such as: Layla, Roxanne, Lola, Rosie, Jimmy, etc. Condition: Like new, comes from a just purchased JH-Audio IEM. You'll receive: - 1x cable. (just the cable, no IEMs or anything else) If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Please check my other sales. Thanks for your time! ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): This item will be shipped from EU. On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time! .
141 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale here, a Forza AudioWorks Hybrid IEM Cable, good used condition, with 2-pin/0,78 L-shaped connectors to your IEM (in-ear-monitor earphone headphone) and 3,5mm stereo jack-plug. Very good quality cable, a real upgrade, adds more to your sound, especially when compared to a stock cable. Here's a review of it: - https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/forza-audioworks-hybrid-iem-cable.20111/reviews Official RSP is €149, make it yours for much less that price. About: The Hybrid Series IEM cables share Forza AudioWorks’ hybrid signature sound – natural tonal balance, with well extended highs and full bodied lows, with couple of user friendly design features. All Hybrid Series IEM cables come with ergonomic L-shaped IEM connectors, combined with excellent flexibility of the wire, just wear it and forget it and simply enjoy the music. With the bombproof build quality, it is probably the last IEM cable you will buy for a long time… Specifications: - High purity, 4 strands of 26AWG cryo 7N UPOCC copper + UPOCC silver in semi-Litz geometry and PE insulation (no more green copper oxide on your wire!). Blend of the best materials available for superior sound experience and ergonomics. - Highly flexible thanks to custom formulated PE insulation, 56 individual strands in 7 groups and semi-Litz geometry. With addition of 4x1 braid it is the most flexible Forza AudioWorks cable. - L-shaped plugs: no matter if it is for Shure, Westone or your favorite CIEM – the Hybrid Series IEM comes with ergonomic connectors for pure pleasure of use. - 4x1 braid for EMI reduction without the need of bulky metal screening braid. - Eye-catching transparent, braided cable design, finished with carbon fiber splitter with Hybrid Series logo. - Built like a tank, 100% handmade in Poland with meticulous care Compatible with any monitor that has 2-pin/0,78 connectors. - Plug Type: 3.5mm stereo jack - Connector Type: 2-Pin / 0.78 - Cable Length: Around 1.2 m Condition: Good used condition, perfectly working. You'll receive: - 1x cable (only the cable, no IEM comes with it). If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Please check my other sales. Thanks for your time! ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers resp
54 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale, a Manfrotto professional Bag Shoulder-Carry-Case for DSLR camera. Official retail price: $129,95 Enough space that easily take your camera and 3-4 lenses inside... A modern, multi-device shoulder bag with easy access to camera and video gear. Multi-device design with protective padding & adjustable Detachable shoulder strap fits over shoulder or across body Weather-resistant fabric provides superior protection Detachable and adjustable shoulder strap offers a custom fit over shoulder or across body. FITS: DSLR with attached lenses, accessories and personal items Get essential protection and easy access to a wide variety of camera and video gear, all in a lightweight, modern and multi-device shoulder bag. Included in this auction: 1x bag. (Note: any cameras or other items you may see in the photos, are for demonstration reasons only and are not included in this sale! Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). Please check my other sales. ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
14 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, This is a listing for a BRAND NEW Seamless Follow-Focus-Gear for the Leica-R Elmarit 90mm f/2.8 (Versions 1 & 2) lens. Colour: RED. Condition: Brand new. You'll receive: - 1 Seamless Follow-Focus-Gear. (Note: any cameras or other items you may see in the photos, are for demonstration reasons only and are not included in this sale! Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). Please check my other sales. ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
29 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
The item will be dispatched from EU within 24-hours (except weekends) and if you are in EU too, you'll receive it without paying any extra fees for taxes or other! --------- Good day, This is a listing for the following items: Empty BOX & USER-MANUAL, for the Fujifilm X-S10 Camera, Genuine Fuji parts-accessories. Condition: BRAND NEW. They come from a just purchased X-S10 camera. You'll receive: - 1x everything seen in the photos and described above. (Note: Only what I clearly describe above, is what you'll receive). Please check my other sales. ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): This item will be shipped from EU. Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
11 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Good day, For sale THIS SUPERB PlusSound EXO TRI-COPPER Cable with 2-pin/0.78 connectors and 3.5mm jack-stereo-plug, for IEM in-ear-monitor earphone headphones, in its original packaging. (only the cable, no IEM comes with it). This is an Audiophile's cable for High Quality Refined and detailed sound. Bought for €690 (together with the import taxes), you can buy it here for less than half that price... Please read reviews here: - https://headfonics.com/plussound-tri-copper-cable-review - https://audio123reviews.com/2018/03/16/plussound-exo-tri-copper - https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/plussound-tri-copper.22998/reviews - https://www.oldnewsound.es/otros/cables/plussound-tri-copper-cable-iem-review Compatible with any monitor that has 2-pin connectors. Specifications: - Plug Type: 3.5mm - Connector Type: 2-Pin / 0.78 - Cable Length: Around 1.2 m Condition: VERY Good used condition, perfectly working. You'll receive: - 1x cable in its original packaging. If you don't know what this lens is about, please ask before your purchase. All sales are final. Please check my other sales. Thanks for your time! ---------- Sale's Conditions (please read before buying, by placing an order, means you have accepted the followings): You're buying from a distributor based in EU. This item will be shipped from EU and you'll have it in your hands within a week (if you're in EU too). Some sellers saying that they ship from Europe, while they don't. And then unpleasant surprises from your customs asking 20% or more for import taxes (and big shipping/delivery delays), will appear... On the rare occasion that something will goes wrong with the item (in case of warranty for example, if/when this is offered), you'll contact me and I’ll be there for you to offer you the best and quickest solution. If you don't know what this item is about, please ask before your purchase. Be sure of what you're about to purchase, that you have made your research, you have read reviews about it online, so you're sure you like its character etc.... Otherwise just do not buy from here, as I will definitely NOT accept returns or any kind of refunds after sale is ended, as item is well described. Payment: PayPal is accepted. Immediate payment is required. Shipping: Worldwide shipping is available. Fully insured & signed-for shipping is provided! These options are included in shipping price! No taxes within EU (European Union)! Import taxes & fees (if any) are buyers responsibility. The buyer is responsible for customs fees & taxes! Shipping prices are exactly what the post office charges with the options I have described above, PLUS, the new policy that now keeps fees from shipping prices too. (Since a tracking & tracing number will be provided to the buyer, I cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding the local or remote postal service and carrier. However in case of an problems I'll do my best to solve any issues. If you want to use an alternative carrier for shipping please contact me before paying so that we can inquire for shipping costs). Please take a look at my other items. Thank you very much for your time!
329 €
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