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Will not shine when

Liste des meilleures ventes will not shine when

Marseille (Bouches du Rhône)
COVER:   VG+ NUMBER WRITEN AT BACK/NOMBRE ECRIT AU VERSO /TRANCHES ET COINS UN PEU USES/CORNERS & EDGESWEAR/ SLIGHT RINGWEAR TO BACK/LEGERE IMPRESSION DISQUE AU VERSO/ RECORD: VG ++ LABEL: PACIFIC YEAR/ANNée: 19?? The RECORDS  Listed here are sometimes  30 years  to  50 years old. Some of them may crack, even skip when they turn on your  turn table wich could be different of mine (Technics CL 170). I try to listen carefully to all the records before putting them on bid. I try to describe them as carefuly as possible and the quotations I use are as accurate as possible, but the subjectivity remains ! if you have any doubt, don't bid I will not in any case accept any returns ! . Vous bidez sur un disque qui est parfois vieux de 30 à 50 ans. Certains peuvent parfois grésiller à l'écoute ou même sauter si vous n'utilisez pas une platine de bonne qualité avec un diamant changé régulièrement (La mienne TECHNICS CL 170). J'essaye dans la mesure du possible d'écouter préalablement chaque disque que je met en vente? et ça prends du temps ! J'utilise une cote classique qui décrit le mieux que je peux l'Etat du disque et de la pochette mais ceci reste cependant subjectif ! si vous bidez faites le en connaissance de cause ! vous pouvez toujours aussi acheter votre disque dans une convention ! j'en fait certaines !  en tout cas je n'accepte aucuns retour !! Pour achats groupés (3 disques 45t) port identique.    Up to three records (EP:SP) same postal price.
7,5 €
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Marseille (Bouches du Rhône)
COVER:  EX RECORD: EX I LABEL: CBS YEAR/ANNée: 1972 The RECORDS  Listed here are sometimes  30 years  to  50 years old. Some of them may crack, even skip when they turn on your  turn table wich could be different of mine (Technics CL 170). I try to listen carefully to all the records before putting them on bid. I try to describe them as carefuly as possible and the quotations I use are as accurate as possible, but the subjectivity remains ! if you have any doubt, don't bid I will not in any case accept any returns ! . Vous bidez sur un disque qui est parfois vieux de 30 à 50 ans. Certains peuvent parfois grésiller à l'écoute ou même sauter si vous n'utilisez pas une platine de bonne qualité avec un diamant changé régulièrement (La mienne TECHNICS CL 170). J'essaye dans la mesure du possible d'écouter préalablement chaque disque que je met en vente? et ça prends du temps ! J'utilise une cote classique qui décrit le mieux que je peux l'Etat du disque et de la pochette mais ceci reste cependant subjectif ! si vous bidez faites le en connaissance de cause ! vous pouvez toujours aussi acheter votre disque dans une convention ! j'en fait certaines !  en tout cas je n'accepte aucuns retour !! Pour achats groupés (3 disques 45t) port identique.  Up to three records (EP:SP) same postal price.
38 €
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. Céline DION / Soundtrack Titanic C. Dion: My heart will go on  4 Tracks jewel case Australia MAXI CD Epic   1998 Australia EX/EX 1) My heart will go on 2) because you loved me 3) When I fall in love 4) Beauty and the beast. Un MAXI CD est un CD single avec un boitier plastique fin (Jewel case) ou digipack et avec de 1 à 5 titres (Track) (quelquefois plus). C'est le format Cd qui a remplacé le MAXI 45T vinyl. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° WELCOME TO THIS PAGE - BUY WITH CONFIDENCE !! BIENVENUE - ACHETEZ EN TOUTE CONFIANCE !! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Etat des disques: L'etat de la pochette est indiqué en premier. EX = Excellent etat La pochette peut avoir quelques très discrètes rayures et/ou des petits plis. Le CD montre des signes d'avoir été joué mais pratiquement comme neuf.  VG = tres bon etat La pochette présente des signes de manipulations évidents: extrémité légèrement cornée, étiquette du prix, plis. Mais aucun défaut majeur. Il se peut aussi qu'elle soit en parfaite état mais présente un poinson ou une extrémité biseautée. Le cd a quelques rayures qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. G = Bon etat La pochette est usée avec des plis, des marques, des décollements, une usure des bords, des décolorations, un début de marque circulaire du disque sur la pochette. Les signes de l'âge sont présents. Le cd a des rayures et marques qui n'affectent pas la qualité sonore. F = Etat moyen L'état de la pochette est proche de celui de VG- avec en plus des écritures, un papier gondolé à cause de l'humidité, des déchirures sur les bords... La qualité du son est détériorée par les nombreuses lectures, il peut y avoir des sautements. Exemple: EX/VG Pochette en excellent etat / Disque en tres bon etat. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ---------------------------- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Record condition  : The sleeve is graded first. EX = Excellent The cover and packaging might have slight wear but excellent aspect overall. The cd may show some tiny signs of having been played. VG = Very good Cover shows some hanling imperfection like normal wear and tear, price tag, creasing... Cover can also be in mint condition but there is a DJ or promo copy stamp or cut in the corner. The CD has been played few times and displays  occasional light marks or scratches. Does not affect quality sound. G = Good Cover suffers from folding, scuffing of edges, spine splits, discoloration... Now the signs of age and handling are starting to show. You can notice some clear wear on the surface. Does not affect quality sound. F = Fair The cover and contents can be torn, stained and/or defaced, there also can be some writing on it. The CD has been played so much that the sound quality has been noticeably deteriorated, perhaps with some distortion and mild scratches Exemple: EX/VG Sleeve Excellent / record Very good. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Créé par L'outil de mise en vente gratuit. Mettez vos objets en vente rapidement et en toute simplicité, et gérez vos annonces en cours.)
21,98 €
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Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle)
PORT NON NEGOCIABLE / SHIPPING COST IS NOT NEGOCIABLE     PAS DE MONDIAL RELAIS TROP LOIN   PAIEMENT SOUS 4 JOURS                     YOUR PAYMENT MUST BE DONE BEFORE   4 DAYS                    FRANCE PORT IDENTIQUE 3,60 EUROS      POUR UN OU 2 DISQUES. LETTRE SUIVI 4,50 EUROS  A PARTIR DE 6 EUROS D' ACHATS  .ACHATS MULTIPLES ACCEPTES  SVP ATTENDRE;  LA DEMANDE    DE PAIEMENT POUR LA REDUCTION PORT GROUPE                                       EUROPE  AND  WORLD  SAME PRICE FOR ONE OR TWO RECORDS                    §§ PLEASE,WAIT FOR THE INVOICE BEFORE PAYING IF YOU BUY ME SEVERAL RECORDS(TO REDUCE COSTS FOR                  YOU AND FOR ME).I will make a bulk shipment.§§                                                            ENVOI  EN    LETTRE SUIVI POUR ACHATS MULTIPLES                                      PROFIL  0 A 5 ME CONTACTER AVANT  ENCHERE SINON ANNULATION  DE L' ACHAT                                                                                  DISQUE VINYL:EP / 4 TRACKS.45t ORIGINAL  (7") ORIGINAL FIRST PRESSING YES IT IS      ANNEES  /  YEARS: 1960   CONDITION POCHETTE / COVER / RECTO/ VERSO  VG++  POINCON DE PMU :(VOIR PHOTO)  (SEE SCAN)   NO    WRITING                                             VINYL / BEL ASPECT BONNE ECOUTE SUR MA PLATINE SONY FACE A  VG++    FACE:B  VG++        LABEL.SIDE ONE: MINT   /SIDE TWO:MINT REF/ FRENCH PRESS            N° 10656               ENVOI RAPIDE ET SOIGNE ENTRE 2 CARTONS EPAIS.DISQUE SOUS POCHETTE PLASTIQUE               ENVOI  MAXI  JUSQUE 2 DISQUES             POUR ACHATS MULTIPLES ATTENDRE QUE LA FACTURE DES FRAIS DE PORT VOUS SOIT ENVOYE              FAST AND CAREFUL SHIPMENT BETWEEN 2 THICK CARDBOARDS; RECORD UNDER A PLASTIC ENVELOPE.           SMALL PRICE FOR THIS RARE PRESSING RECORD.TO ALLOW EVERYBODY TO COLLECT NOT EXPENSIVE OLD RECORDS                                                                                                                            ATTENTION/ POSTAGE FRANCE / port économique de 1 a 2 disques 3,60 euros / supérieur a 6 euros LETTRE AVEC SUIVI 1 a 2 disques 4,50 euros                                                               EUROPE /  7 euros / OTHER COUNTRY WORLD / 8 euros                                                               SHIPPING TO EUROPE AND WORLDWIDE FOR THIS RARE ORIGINAL RECORD                                                                                                     FOR 1960         retour accepté à la charge de l'acheteur sous 14 jours Je décline toute responsabilité en cas de perte ou de dégradation lors de l'acheminement, l'acheteur a la possibilité de demander un envoi lettre recommandée ou collissimo, une tarification différente sera alors proposée L'envoi des objets se fait dès réception du paiement N'enchérissez que si vous avez l'intention d'acheter SVP, le paiement devra se faire dans un délai de moins de 4 jours, au -delà de ce délai l'enchère sera annulée avec les conséquences qui s'imposent (évaluation et  litige) Discount on shipping with 2 purchases CHECK OR PAYPAL PAYMENT, BANK TRANSFER Bid only if you intend to buy please, payment must be done within less than 4 days, beyond which time the bid will be canceled with the necessary consequences (evaluation and dispute) POCHETTE:  M: comme neuf / EX-MINT: excellent état / VG++: trés bon état, petits défauts / VG+: bon état,tranche et coin peu abimées /  VG: état moyen mais correct,petite déchirure et écriture / VG-: pochette abimée,déchirures,taches  VINYL  M: comme neuf /EX / MINT: excellent état / VG++: trés bon état quelques micro-rayures,petits grésillements possible en début de piste /  VG+: bon état,légers grésillements génant peu l'écoute /  VG: état moyen grésillements et craquements mais ne saute  pa
15 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
Powered by eCommercePlayer.com THE MARK FOUR Hurt me if you will / I'm leaving (Decca F.12204) Pressage anglais sorti en 2006. Futur Creation. Réédition officielle d'après les masters du single de 1965. Se trouvait dans le coffret 6 x singles: Various– Decca Mod Masters • Circular Grooves Volume 2 UK pressing issued in 2006. Pre Creation. Official reissue from masters of the 1965 single. Part of the box-set 6 x singles: Various– Decca Mod Masters • Circular Grooves Volume 2. Record condition: SLEEVE (pochette) EX / RECORD (disque) M J’indique toujours dans la description si le fichier son a été enregistré du vinyle en vente.  Si ce n’est pas précisé cela veut dire que l’échantillon vient d’un autre vinyle   It’s always indicated on the description when the clip sound source is the record actually on sale.  If not, it means than the source is from a previous copy   ACHETEZ PLUSIEURS DISQUES ET ÉCONOMISEZ LES FRAIS DE PORT. Demandez-moi les tarifs. Attendre ma facture pour payer en cas d'achat multiple CHECK MY OTHER RECORDS FOR SALE, COMBINED AND SAVE ON SHIPPING FEES. Ask me for rates. Wait for invoice to pay in case of multiple buys GRADING M  Mint Actually almost impossible to find a Mint second hand disc unless it’s sealed or it’s brand new. Neuf Quasi impossible pour un disque d’occasion sauf si le disque est scellé ou si c’est une nouveauté. NM Near Mint The record may have been played but it is almost mint. Only most minimal deterioration in sound quality. The sleeve is almost mint. Quasi Neuf Disque et pochette sont en état quasi neufs, jamais ou très peu joués et manipulés. Ils comportent le minimum de trace d’usure possible. EX Excellent The record shows some signs of having been played, but still plays perfectly. The vinyl may have some tiny wear or marks, but nothing major and nothing that affects play. The cover could show only slight wear and/or creasing but it’s still close to mint. Excellent Le disque a déjà été écouté plusieurs fois. Mais il passe toujours comme neuf. Si il y a des micro rayures, elles sont sans conséquences et quasi invisbles. La pochette est splendide, quelques signes manipulations, petites pliures, rien d’important quasi neuve VG+ Very Good+ The record have been played many times, show wear, small marks or light scratches but nothing deep. It still plays very well. The cover shows some wear, light creasing, maybe tiny tears or pen marks. Overall this is the condition of Most of records sold in second hand. Très Bon+ Disque a déjà été écouté, il peut y avoir des petites rayures, peut craquer très légèrement, mais l’écoute reste très satisfaisante. La Pochette est usée, petites écritures ou pliures mais très correcte. La plus part des disques d’occasions sont dans cette condition. VG Very Good The record shows non-deep scratches, surface marks,wear and displays some surface noise. But still very playable. The cover shows wear, creasing, maybe spine splits, BB/cut hole, pen marks or small tears. It may be great but with an inner sleeve or an insert missing. Très bon Le disque a été beaucoup écouté. Il y a des rayures et il craque. Néanmoins l’écoute reste satisfaisante sans être optimale. La pochette est usée, un poil déchirée, des grosses écritures. C’est aussi la note pour une pochette superbe mais ou il manque l’insert ou autre chose. G Good The record displays considerable surface noise, visible but non-deep scratches, but still it’s playable and enjoyable and it does not jump.The cover shows strong wear, creasing, spine splits, cut out hole, pen marks or tears but is still in one piece. Bon Le disque comporte beaucoup de rayures il craque beaucoup. Néanmoins il ne saute pas et il n’est pas rayé. L’écoute est toujours possible. La pochette est très usée, voir un peu déchirée, elle comporte des écritures n
12 €
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Lyon (Rhône)
MICHEL POLNAREFF (Disc AZ EP 1068) - FACE A Sous quelle étoile suis-je né ? / Time will tell - FACE B L’oiseau de nuit / Histoire de cœur Pressage original français sorti en 1967. Super titre garage en anglais sur cet EP excellent. Original French pressing issued in 1967. Killer Freakbeat tune sung in English, absolute must have. Record condition: SLEEVE (pochette) EX / RECORD (disque) VG+ J’indique toujours dans la description si le fichier son a été enregistré du vinyle en vente.  Si ce n’est pas précisé cela veut dire que l’échantillon vient d’un autre vinyle   It’s always indicated on the description when the clip sound source is the record actually on sale.  If not, it means than the source is from a previous copy   ACHETEZ PLUSIEURS DISQUES ET ÉCONOMISEZ LES FRAIS DE PORT. Demandez-moi les tarifs. Attendre ma facture pour payer en cas d'achat multiple CHECK MY OTHER RECORDS FOR SALE, COMBINED AND SAVE ON SHIPPING FEES. Ask me for rates. Wait for invoice to pay in case of multiple buys GRADING M  Mint Actually almost impossible to find a Mint second hand disc unless it’s sealed or it’s brand new. Neuf Quasi impossible pour un disque d’occasion sauf si le disque est scellé ou si c’est une nouveauté. NM Near Mint The record may have been played but it is almost mint. Only most minimal deterioration in sound quality. The sleeve is almost mint. Quasi Neuf Disque et pochette sont en état quasi neufs, jamais ou très peu joués et manipulés. Ils comportent le minimum de trace d’usure possible. EX Excellent The record shows some signs of having been played, but still plays perfectly. The vinyl may have some tiny wear or marks, but nothing major and nothing that affects play. The cover could show only slight wear and/or creasing but it’s still close to mint. Excellent Le disque a déjà été écouté plusieurs fois. Mais il passe toujours comme neuf. Si il y a des micro rayures, elles sont sans conséquences et quasi invisbles. La pochette est splendide, quelques signes manipulations, petites pliures, rien d’important quasi neuve VG+ Very Good+ The record have been played many times, show wear, small marks or light scratches but nothing deep. It still plays very well. The cover shows some wear, light creasing, maybe tiny tears or pen marks. Overall this is the condition of Most of records sold in second hand. Très Bon+ Disque a déjà été écouté, il peut y avoir des petites rayures, peut craquer très légèrement, mais l’écoute reste très satisfaisante. La Pochette est usée, petites écritures ou pliures mais très correcte. La plus part des disques d’occasions sont dans cette condition. VG Very Good The record shows non-deep scratches, surface marks,wear and displays some surface noise. But still very playable. The cover shows wear, creasing, maybe spine splits, BB/cut hole, pen marks or small tears. It may be great but with an inner sleeve or an insert missing. Très bon Le disque a été beaucoup écouté. Il y a des rayures et il craque. Néanmoins l’écoute reste satisfaisante sans être optimale. La pochette est usée, un poil déchirée, des grosses écritures. C’est aussi la note pour une pochette superbe mais ou il manque l’insert ou autre chose. G Good The record displays considerable surface noise, visible but non-deep scratches, but still it’s playable and enjoyable and it does not jump.The cover shows strong wear, creasing, spine splits, cut out hole, pen marks or tears but is still in one piece. Bon Le disque comporte beaucoup de rayures il craque beaucoup. Néanmoins il ne saute pas et il n’est pas rayé. L’écoute est toujours possible. La pochette est très usée, voir un peu déchirée, elle comporte des écritures néanmoins elle est toujours entière.
9 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Vendu avec boitier neuf (gratuit)* Sold with new jewel case (gratis)* Envoi le lendemain du paiement (sauf Dimanche et jours fériés) Sending the day after payment (except Sunday & Public holidays) Label: Editions Atlas Format: CD Nombre de pistes / Tracks: 18 Livret / booklet: 2 pages Pour d’autres informations, voir photo / for more informations, see picture. Etat / Condition  CD : VG+/VG++: Très bon état / Very good condition.  Légères et superficielles  micro-rayures, quasi invisibles à la lumière naturelle, qui n’affectent pas la qualité de l’écoute qui reste parfaite. / Very minor, light and superficial scratches, almost invisible to natural light, that do not affect listening that remains perfect.  *Boîtier/Jewel case : M:  Neuf / New. Après votre achat, le boitier sera changé et remplacé par un neuf avant son expédition. Celui figurant sur la photo est le boitier d’origine. Merci de ne pas  tenir compte de la photo pour l’état du boitier / After your purchase, the jewel case will be changed and replaced with a new one before its shipment. The one shown on the photo is the original jewel case. Thanks consider this remark compared to the jewel case’s condition. Livret/Booklet : VG+: Très bon état / Very good condition. Très bon état, pas de signes d'écriture, présente quelques marques d'utilisation.  / Very good condition, no signs of writing, may have few minor signs of use.  Correspondance et Goldmine Grading System M (Mint): Neuf / New / Neu / Nuovo / Nuevo NM (Near mint) : Comme neuf /  Like new / Neuwertig / Come nuovo / Come nuevo VG + (Very good +) : Très bon état / Very good / Sehr gut / Ottime condizioni / En muy ben estado VG (Very good) : Bon état / Good / Gut / Buone condizioni / En buen estado G (good), G+ (good+) : Etat correct / Acceptable / Akzeptabel / Accetabile / Aceptable Envoi / Sending Le jour suivant le paiement / Day following the payment: - Par La Poste: du Lundi au Samedi / Monday to Saturday - Par Mondial Relay: du Mardi au Samedi / Tuesday to Saturday. Paiement par chèque ou virement, le lendemain de sa réception / If paying by bank transfer, the next day after receipt. Emballage / Packaging Emballage carton spécifiquement adapté au format CD ou boite carton avec calage papier et film bulle. L'emballage carton est plus protecteur qu'une enveloppe bulle. Pour certains envois en France, l'objet pourra être expédié sous enveloppe bulle renforcée pour faire bénéficier l'acheteur d'un tarif postal plus avantageux, notamment ceux d'un poids inférieur à 100 g, emballage compris, et ne présentant aucun risque de dégradation (digipack, boitier carton). Packaging carton specifically adapted to CD or carton box with paper wedging and bubble film. The cardboard packaging is more protective than a bubble envelope. Mode d'expédition / Shipping costs France, Monaco: – 3 cm d’épaisseur: Ecopli, lettre verte, prioritaire ou suivie +3 cm d’épaisseur: Colissimo, Point Relais (Mondial Relay). Belgique, Luxembourg: - 250 g: Lettre prioritaire internationale / International prioritary Letter + 250 g: Lettre prioritaire internationale ou Point Relais (Mondial Relay). Allemagne, Autriche, Royaume-Uni, Italie, Espagne, Portugal: - Lettre prioritaire internationale ou Livraison à domicile par Mondial Relay / International prioritary letter or Home delivery by Mondial Relay. Autres pays/Other countries: - Lettre prioritaire ou suivie internationale (La Poste) / International prioritary or followed Letter by the french Post. Paiement / Payment Paypal, Chèque personnel, Virement bancaire. Achats multiples / Multiple purchases En cas d'achats groupés, pour profiter de frais de port adaptés à la commande: - cliquez sur "Ajouter au panier" pour chaque produit
6,94 €
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La Garenne Colombes (Hauts de Seine)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Pedro Iturralde ‎– Flamenco Jazz 33T LP NM/NM MPS Records ‎– JS-051 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but
39,99 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. The Velvet Underground ‎– Squeeze 33T LP EX+/NM Polydor ‎– 2480 159 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor
39,99 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Edmond Atlan ‎– Redjle Mchete Bia - 45T VG+/VG+ Dounia ‎– 103 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear
8,23 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Weekend Millionnaire ‎– Tout S'en Va 45T NM/NM WEA ‎– 17650 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should n
9,98 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Isaac Hayes ‎– Shaft 2 x 33T LP EX/EX Stax ‎– STXD 4004 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be sp
29,98 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Bobby Short ‎– The Mad Twenties 33T LP EX/EX Atlantic ‎– SD 1302 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but sho
9,98 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Gilbert Montagné ?– On Va S'aimer 45T EX/EX Carrere ?– 13.335 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear
2,99 €
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La Rochelle Normande (Manche)
- Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases or minor ring wear, but should not be split. VG (Very Good) A used, reasonable copy to play. Many of the defects found in a VG+ copy will be more pronounced in VG condition. Surface noise may be evident and sleeves may look worn, but the record is still a decent copy. G (Good) A well-worn record that is still playable. Good does not necessarily mean "bad" but a record in this condition will have audible distractions and may have visible groove wear. Sleeves may have all manner of defects, but are still intact. Pop Concerto Orchestra ‎– Pop Concerto Show 45T 7" VG+/EX Disc'Az ‎– AZ 10.731 - Cette vente concerne un disque vinyle dont le format et l'état sont précisés dans le titre et dans la table de correspondance ci-dessous. - This sale is for a vinyl record, the format and condition of which are specified in the title and correspondence table below - Cover & Vinyl Grading SS (Still Sealed) Unopened records, still in original shrink wrap. In original manufactured condition unless otherwise noted (i.e. evidence of mildew or bent corners, etc.) The Great Escape does not sell re-sealed records. If we have ANY suspicion that a sealed record is a re-seal or has sustained significant damage, we open it for inspection and grading! M (Mint) The record and sleeve are in perfect, original condition. The record may have been played but will have no evidence of deterioration. NM (Near Mint) A nearly perfect record. Any visible defects are of the type that "disappear" when the record is tilted under a strong light and they should not affect play. Sleeves in near mint condition will have no obvious signs of wear. Practically imperceptible ring wear may be allowed but no creases, seam-splits, or other easily detected flaws will be present. EX (Excellent) A very clean record. Near mint except for slight, superficial signs of wear. Sleeves in this condition may have marginal defects, but will not have significant creases or splits. VG+ (Very Good Plus) A well-cared-for record that is noticeably less than perfect, but defects are not visually or audibly distracting. Record surfaces may have slight scuffs or light scratches, but are still primarily clean. Sleeves may have some creases o
2,99 €
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