With 101db efficiency
Liste des meilleures ventes with 101db efficiency

Cuincy (Nord)
- This is a DOWNLOAD LICENSE. There is NO physical shipment. Product picture is for reference only. - message with download information is sent within 1-2 business days of receiving the completed payment. - This is discounted for the academic community. You must be a current student or teacher to order. Start your design journey on the right foot with CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite 2021: a complete suite of professional graphic design applications for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and more. Break down creative barriers in your organization with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021: the collaborative solution for professional vector illustration, page layout, photo editing, and graphic design-on Windows, Mac and web. From manufacturing and engineering, to sign making, marketing, and more, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021 takes graphics beyond the designer and the desktop for a diverse set of industries. Thanks to game-changing new collaboration tools across multiple platforms, everyone on the team can connect on important design projects, streamlining the review and approval process for everyone. Trust the power of Artificial Intelligence to help deliver detailed design projects with maximum efficiency and rely on cutting-edge font technologies to expand creative possibilities. With up to 10x faster performance over our last version, your business can consider it done quicker with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
99,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
/n /n /n Lire la suite /n /n /n /n /n /n /n APC APC Smart-UPS 3000VA LCD RM 2U 230V+NIC /n /n D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid possible /nFournit une alimentation par batterie temporaire en cas de panne de secteur. /n /nCompteur /xc3/xa9nerg/xc3/xa9tique /nIndique la charge r/xc3/xa9elle en kWh pour les utilisateurs soucieux de r/xc3/xa9duire leurs d/xc3/xa9penses /xc3/xa9nerg/xc3/xa9tiques. /n /nMode /xc3/xa9cologique /nMode d/'exploitation en attente de brevet qui contourne les composants /xc3/xa9lectriques non utilis/xc3/xa9s en bon /xc3/xa9tat en vue d/'atteindre un rendement /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9 sans compromettre la s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9. /n /nRendement en ligne /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9 /nDiminue le co/xc3/xbbt total de possession, produit moins de chaleur. /n /nInterface LCD intuitive /nFournit des informations pr/xc3/xa9cises et claires en plusieurs langues pour configurer l/'onduleur sur site /xc3/xa0 l/'aide des touches de navigation simples /xc3/xa0 utiliser. /n /nDate de remplacement pr/xc3/xa9vue de la batterie /nRappelle de mani/xc3/xa8re dynamique le mois et l/'ann/xc3/xa9e au cours desquels la batterie doit /xc3/xaatre remplac/xc3/xa9e pour faciliter la planification de la maintenance /xc3/xa0 long terme. /n /nCarte de gestion de r/xc3/xa9seau pr/xc3/xa9install/xc3/xa9e /nPermet la commande et la gestion /xc3/xa0 distance de l/'onduleur sur un r/xc3/xa9seau pr/xc3/xaat /xc3/xa0 l/'emploi. /n /nGroupe unique de prises contr/xc3/xb4l/xc3/xa9es /nGroupe de sortie unique qui peut /xc3/xaatre command/xc3/xa9 s/xc3/xa9par/xc3/xa9ment par l/'onduleur pour le r/xc3/xa9amor/xc3/xa7age discret des /xc3/xa9quipements suspendus et le d/xc3/xa9lestage des charges non critiques et /xc3/xa0 marche/arr/xc3/xaat s/xc3/xa9quenc/xc3/xa9s. /n /nSmartSlot /nPersonnalisez les possibilit/xc3/xa9s de votre onduleur /xc3/xa0 l/'aide de cartes de gestion. /n /nChargement de la batterie /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique /nProlonge l/'autonomie des batteries en r/xc3/xa9gulant la tension de la charge en fonction de la temp/xc3/xa9rature r/xc3/xa9elle des batteries. /n /n Disponibilit/xc3/xa9 /n /nNotification de batterie d/xc3/xa9connect/xc3/xa9e /nAvertit lorsqu/'une batterie n/'est pas disponible pour assurer l/'alimentation de secours. /n /nRed/xc3/xa9marrage automatique des charges apr/xc3/xa8s extinction de l/'onduleur /nD/xc3/xa9marre automatiquement le mat/xc3/xa9riel connect/xc3/xa9 lorsque l/'alimentation secteur est r/xc3/xa9tablie. /n /nAutotest automatique /nL/'autotest de la batterie est effectu/xc3/xa9 p/xc3/xa9riodiquement pour garantir une d/xc3/xa9tection pr/xc3/xa9coce de la n/xc3/xa9cessit/xc3/xa9 de remplacer une batterie. /n /nGestion intelligente des batteries /nMaximise les performances, la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie et la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 des batteries par l/'interm/xc3/xa9diaire d/'un processus intelligent de recharge de pr/xc3/xa9cision. /n /nChargement de la batterie /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique /nProlonge l/'autonomie des batteries en r/xc3/xa9gulant la tension de la charge en fonction de la temp/xc3/xa9rature r/xc3/xa9elle des batteries. /n /nR/xc3/xa9gulation automatique de la tension (AVR) par amplification et /xc3/xa9cr/xc3/xaatage /nAugmente la disponibilit/xc3/xa9 des applications en corrigeant les baisses de tension et les surtensions sans solliciter la batterie. /n /nTraitement de l/'alimentation /nProt/xc3/xa8ge les charges connect/xc3/xa9es contre les surtensions, les cr/xc3/xaates, la foudre et autres perturbations /xc3/xa9lectriques. /n /n Simplicit/xc3/xa9 de gestion /n /nG/xc3/xa9rable par r/xc3/xa9seau /nPermet de g/xc3/xa9rer l/'onduleur /xc3/xa0 distance sur le r/xc3/xa9seau. /n /nConnectivit/xc3/xa9 s/xc3/xa9rie /nPermet de g/xc3/xa9rer l/'onduleur via un port s/xc3/xa9rie. /n /nAlarmes sonores /nAvertit lorsque l/xe2/x80/x99unit/xc3/xa9 est sur batterie, lorsque la batterie est faible ou qu/xe2/x80/x99il y a surcharge. /n /nNotification de batterie d/xc3/xa9connect/xc3/xa9e /nAvertit lorsqu/'une batterie n/'est pas disponible pour assurer l/'alimentation de secours. /n /nVoyants d/'/xc3/xa9tat DEL /nPermet de conna/xc3/xaetre rapidement l/'/xc3/xa9tat de l/'alimentation et de l/'unit/xc3/xa9 /xc3/xa0 l/'aide d/'indicateurs visuels. /nConnectivit/xc3/xa9 USB /nAssure la gestion de l/'onduleur via un port USB. /n /n S/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 /n /nHomologu/xc3/xa9 par un Bureau de s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 /nAssure le test et l/'homologation du produit comme pouvant fonctionner en toute s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 avec les charges connect/xc3/xa9es et au sein de l/'environnement. /n /n Caract/xc3/xa9ristiques marketing /n /nLow operating and maintenance costs with high efficiency, proven reliability and intelligent battery management /nUn mode de fonctionnement /xc3/xa9conome en /xc3/xa9nergie atteint un niveau d/'efficacit/xc3/xa9 sup/xc3/xa9rieur /xc3/xa0 97 %. /n /nSmart-UPS fut le premier onduleur r/xc3/xa9seau certifi/xc3/xa9 Energy Star. La gestion intelligente de la batterie, lanc/xc3/xa9e par APC, optimise les performances et la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie de la batterie gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 une charge /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique pr/xc3/xa9cise et intelligente. Un indicateur dynamique de date de remplacement de la batterie et des autotests automatiques garantissent la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 de la batterie et avertissent lorsqu/'un remplacement va /xc3/xaatre n/xc3/xa9cessaire. Des modules de batterie rempla/xc3/xa7ables /xc3/xa0 chaud, faciles /xc3/xa0 brancher et pratiques permettent un remplacement de la batterie sans mise hors tension. Con/xc3/xa7u et fabriqu/xc3/xa9 par APC depuis plus de 23 ans, Smart-UPS est l/'onduleur r/xc3/xa9seau le plus utilis/xc3/xa9 au monde, avec plus de 25 millions d/'unit/xc3/xa9s vendues. /n /nGagnez du temps gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 un acc/xc3/xa8s /xc3/xa0 distance facile et pratique /nR/xc3/xa9seau g/xc3/xa9rable via un port s/xc3/xa9rie, un port USB ou un port Ethernet en option. Inclut le logiciel PowerChute/xc2/xae Business Edition, qui facilite la surveillance et le contr/xc3/xb4le, s/xc3/xa9curise l/'arr/xc3/xaat du syst/xc3/xa8me d/'exploitation et offre des possibilit/xc3/xa9s innovantes de gestion de l/'/xc3/xa9nergie. /n /nProductivit/xc3/xa9 optimis/xc3/xa9e avec possibilit/xc3/xa9 d/'adaptation /xc3/xa0 vos besoins sp/xc3/xa9cifiques en application /nUne interface intuitive fournit des informations claires et permet d/'effectuer des configurations de l/'onduleur localement gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 des touches de navigation simples d/'utilisation. Plus de 15 r/xc3/xa9glages programmables diff/xc3/xa9rents, dont des groupes de prises contr/xc3/xb4l/xc3/xa9es, autorisent des r/xc3/xa9glages, des seuils et des notifications propres /xc3/xa0 chaque application. /n /nTranquillit/xc3/xa9 d/'esprit apport/xc3/xa9e par la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 et la compatibilit/xc3/xa9 totales des /xc3/xa9quipements d/'un leader /nOffre une onde sinuso/xc3/xafdale pure en sortie, recommand/xc3/xa9e par les fabricants de serveurs qui utilisent une alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique avec correction du facteur de puissance (PFC) active. S/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 test/xc3/xa9e et approuv/xc3/xa9e par un organisme: vous pouvez donc d/xc3/xa9ployer Smart-UPS avec l/'assurance qu/'il respecte ou d/xc3/xa9passe les normes les plus rigoureuses du secteur. /n /nEvite les probl/xc3/xa8mes d/'alimentation co/xc3/xbbteuses en gardant votre mat/xc3/xa9riel informatique et de la s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 des donn/xc3/xa9es et disponible /nUn traitement de l/'alimentation de niveau r/xc3/xa9seau prot/xc3/xa8ge contre les surtensions et les bruits g/xc3/xaanants. Un r/xc3/xa9gulateur automatique de tension /xc3/xa0 l/'/xc3/xa9tat solide peut augmenter de 30 % une tension d/'entr/xc3/xa9e faible et diminuer de 12 % une tension /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9e, sans aucune op/xc3/xa9ration au niveau de la batterie. Capacit/xc3/xa9 d/'alimentation fiable de la batterie de secours lors de pannes d/'/xc3/xa9lectricit/xc3/xa9 ou d/'arr/xc3/xaats prolong/xc3/xa9s du syst/xc3/xa8me /n /n Facilit/xc3/xa9 de maintenance /n /nCoupe-circuits r/xc3/xa9armables /nPermet un r/xc3/xa9tablissement rapide apr/xc3/xa8s une surcharge. /n /nBatteries /xc3/xa9changeables /xc3/xa0 chaud /nGarantit la continuit/xc3/xa9 et la qualit/xc3/xa9 de l/'alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique des /xc3/xa9quipements prot/xc3/xa9g/xc3/xa9s pendant le remplacement des batteries. /n /nNotification pr/xc3/xa9dictive de panne /nOffre une fonction d/'analyse des pannes /xc3/xa0 alerte pr/xc3/xa9coce permettant de remplacer des composants de fa/xc3/xa7on proactive. /n /nBatteries rempla/xc3/xa7ables par l/'utilisateur /nAccro/xc3/xaet la disponibilit/xc3/xa9 en permettant /xc3/xa0 un utilisateur form/xc3/xa9 d/'assurer la mise /xc3/xa0 niveau et le remplacement des batteries, diminuant ainsi les d/xc3/xa9lais de r/xc3/xa9paration. /n /nNotification de d/xc3/xa9faillance de batterie /nOffre une fonction d/'analyse des pannes de batteries avec alerte pr/xc3/xa9coce, permettant ainsi d/'effectuer /xc3/xa0 temps une maintenance pr/xc3/xa9ventive /n /n Adaptabilit/xc3/xa9 /n /nPoints de transfert de tension r/xc3/xa9glables /nProlonge au maximum la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie de vos batteries, par l/'augmentation du seuil de la tension d/'entr/xc3/xa9e ou par un contr/xc3/xb4le strict de la tension de sortie. /n /nSensibilit/xc3/xa9 de la tension r/xc3/xa9glable /nVous fournit la solution pour adapter de mani/xc3/xa8re optimale et performante vos onduleurs aux syst/xc3/xa8mes sp/xc3/xa9cifiques d/'alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique ou aux groupes /xc3/xa9lectrog/xc3/xa8nes sp/xc3/xa9cifiques. /n /n /n /n /nAFFICHER LA SUITE/n /n /nMASQUER LA SUITE/n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n Voir tous les articles APC /n /n /n Voir les autres onduleur APC /n /n /n /n/n /n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n D/xc3/xa9tails Techniques /n /n D/xc3/xa9tails techniques /n /n /n /n CARACT/xc3/x89RISTIQUES Temps de r/xc3/xa9ponse: 4 ms Alarmes sonores: Oui Alarmes sonores: Y Bouton de coupure d/'urgence d/'alimentation (EPO): O capacit/xc3/xa9 de la puissance de sortie: 3 kVA Estimation de mont/xc3/xa9e subite d/'/xc3/xa9nergie: 320 J Niveau sonore: 55 dB Fr/xc3/xa9quence d/'entr/xc3/xa9e: 50/60 Gestion bas/xc3/xa9e sur le web: Oui Puissance de sortie: 2700 W Protection contre les surtensions: Oui Protection contre les surtensions: Y Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 l/'entr/xc3/xa9e (max): 302 V Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 l/'entr/xc3/xa9e (min): 151 V tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 la sortie (min): 220 V Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 la sortie (max): 240 V fr/xc3/xa9quence de sortie: 50/60 Forme d/'onde: Sine Forme d/'onde: Sinus Red/xc3/xa9marrage automatique: Oui Red/xc3/xa9marrage automatique: Y Topologie UPS: Interactivit/xc3/xa9 de ligne Topologie UPS: Line-Interactive Modes d/'alarme sonore: Remplacement de batterie CONNECTIVIT/xc3/x89 Quantit/xc3/xa9 de Ports USB 2.0: 1 Nombre de port ethernet LAN (RJ-45): 1 Nombre de prises en sortie: 9 sortie(s) CA Prise m/xc3/xa2le: C20 coupler Prise m/xc3/xa2le: Coupleur C20 Types de sortie AC: Coupleur C13, Coupleur C19, Coupleur C20 BATTERIE Technologie batterie: Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA) Temps de rechargement de la batterie: 3 h Batterie /xc3/xa9changeable /xc3/xa0 chaud: Oui Batterie /xc3/xa9changeable /xc3/xa0 chaud: Y Capacit/xc3/xa9 de la batterie: 547 Ah D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid: Oui D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid: Y Test de batterie automatique: Oui Test de batterie automatique: Y DESIGN Certification: CE, EAC, EN/IEC 62040-1, EN/IEC 62040-2, GS Mark, IRAM, RCM, VDE, WEEE Format: A mettre sur rack Longueur de c/xc3/xa2ble: 2 m Voyants: Oui Voyants: Y Couleur du produit: Black Couleur du produit: Noir Capacit/xc3/xa9 du rack: 2U Type d/'/xc3/xa9cran: LCD D/xc3/x89TAILS TECHNIQUES Code du syst/xc3/xa8me harmonis/xc3/xa9: 85078000 Certificats de durabilit/xc3/xa9: RoHS CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES Altitude de fonctionnement: 0 - 3000 Humidit/xc3/xa9 relative de fonctionnement (H-H): 0 - 95 Temp/xc3/xa9rature hors fonctionnement: -15 - 45 Temp/xc3/xa9rature d/'op/xc3/xa9ration: 0 - 40 Taux d/'humidit/xc3/xa9 relative (stockage): 0 - 95 Altitude de non fonctionnement: 0 - 15000 POIDS ET DIMENSIONS Poids: 44,2 g Poids du paquet: 51,6 g Hauteur: 86 mm Largeur: 480 mm Profondeur: 683 mm Profondeur du colis: 980 mm Hauteur du colis: 254 mm Largeur du colis: 600 mm INFORMATIONS SUR L/'EMBALLAGE C/xc3/xa2bles inclus: Cable d/'/'/xc3/xa9ntr/xc3/xa9e, C/xc3/xa2ble USB Guide d/'installation rapide: Oui Guide d/'installation rapide: Y Kit de montage en rack: Oui Kit de montage en rack: Y CD de ressources: Oui AUTRES CARACT/xc3/x89RISTIQUES Tension de sortie: 230 DONN/xc3/x89ES LOGISTIQUES Produits par palette: 8 pi/xc3/xa8ce(s) Code du syst/xc3/xa8me harmonis/xc3/xa9: 85078000 /n /n /n /n /n /n Code EAN /n 0731304327707 /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9f/xc3/xa9rence produit /n 03100193 /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9f/xc3/xa9rence constructeur /n SMT3000RMI2UNC /n /n /n/n /n /n /n Voir les d/xc3/xa9tails techniques /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n/n /n /n Les top ventes /n /n /n /n /n /n Onduleur APC Back-UPS 1200VA BX1200MI-FR 179 /xe2/x82/xac 90 /n Onduleur Infosec ZEN LIVE 500VA 76 /xe2/x82/xac 99 /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n Livraison suivie et rapide /n /n Retrait 1H, Coursier 2H, Express 24H, Standard, Point Relais ou sur Rendez-vous. /n /n /n /n /n /n /n Paiement s/xc3/xa9curis/xc3/xa9 et modulable /n /n Paiement via CB, PayPal, et /xc3/xa9chelonnement possible jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 24 versements (2x, 3x, 4x, 10x, 12x jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 24x). /n /n /n /n /n /n /n Nos garanties et extensions /n /n 2 ans de garantie inclus, possibilit/xc3/xa9 d/'/xc3/xa9tendre jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 5 ans avec nos extensions. /n /n /n /n /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9tractation sous 30 jours pour No/xc3/xabl /n /n Retour facile et rapide avec remboursement en cas de changement d/'avis/xc2/xa0! /n /n /n/n /n /n Recherches associ/xc3/xa9es /n /n /n PC gamer /n mini PC /n ecran /n console de jeux /n accessoires /xc3/xa9cran /n accessoires streaming /n /n /n /n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n /n /n
Voir le product

France (Toutes les villes)
/n /n /n Lire la suite /n /n /n /n /n /n /n APC APC Smart-UPS 2200VA LCD RM 2U 230V+NIC /n /n D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid possible /nFournit une alimentation par batterie temporaire en cas de panne de secteur. /n /nCompteur /xc3/xa9nerg/xc3/xa9tique /nIndique la charge r/xc3/xa9elle en kWh pour les utilisateurs soucieux de r/xc3/xa9duire leurs d/xc3/xa9penses /xc3/xa9nerg/xc3/xa9tiques. /n /nMode /xc3/xa9cologique /nMode d/'exploitation en attente de brevet qui contourne les composants /xc3/xa9lectriques non utilis/xc3/xa9s en bon /xc3/xa9tat en vue d/'atteindre un rendement /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9 sans compromettre la s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9. /n /nRendement en ligne /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9 /nDiminue le co/xc3/xbbt total de possession, produit moins de chaleur. /n /nInterface LCD intuitive /nFournit des informations pr/xc3/xa9cises et claires en plusieurs langues pour configurer l/'onduleur sur site /xc3/xa0 l/'aide des touches de navigation simples /xc3/xa0 utiliser. /n /nDate de remplacement pr/xc3/xa9vue de la batterie /nRappelle de mani/xc3/xa8re dynamique le mois et l/'ann/xc3/xa9e au cours desquels la batterie doit /xc3/xaatre remplac/xc3/xa9e pour faciliter la planification de la maintenance /xc3/xa0 long terme. /n /nCarte de gestion de r/xc3/xa9seau pr/xc3/xa9install/xc3/xa9e /nPermet la commande et la gestion /xc3/xa0 distance de l/'onduleur sur un r/xc3/xa9seau pr/xc3/xaat /xc3/xa0 l/'emploi. /n /nGroupe unique de prises contr/xc3/xb4l/xc3/xa9es /nGroupe de sortie unique qui peut /xc3/xaatre command/xc3/xa9 s/xc3/xa9par/xc3/xa9ment par l/'onduleur pour le r/xc3/xa9amor/xc3/xa7age discret des /xc3/xa9quipements suspendus et le d/xc3/xa9lestage des charges non critiques et /xc3/xa0 marche/arr/xc3/xaat s/xc3/xa9quenc/xc3/xa9s. /n /nSmartSlot /nPersonnalisez les possibilit/xc3/xa9s de votre onduleur /xc3/xa0 l/'aide de cartes de gestion. /n /nChargement de la batterie /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique /nProlonge l/'autonomie des batteries en r/xc3/xa9gulant la tension de la charge en fonction de la temp/xc3/xa9rature r/xc3/xa9elle des batteries. /n /n Disponibilit/xc3/xa9 /n /nNotification de batterie d/xc3/xa9connect/xc3/xa9e /nAvertit lorsqu/'une batterie n/'est pas disponible pour assurer l/'alimentation de secours. /n /nRed/xc3/xa9marrage automatique des charges apr/xc3/xa8s extinction de l/'onduleur /nD/xc3/xa9marre automatiquement le mat/xc3/xa9riel connect/xc3/xa9 lorsque l/'alimentation secteur est r/xc3/xa9tablie. /n /nAutotest automatique /nL/'autotest de la batterie est effectu/xc3/xa9 p/xc3/xa9riodiquement pour garantir une d/xc3/xa9tection pr/xc3/xa9coce de la n/xc3/xa9cessit/xc3/xa9 de remplacer une batterie. /n /nGestion intelligente des batteries /nMaximise les performances, la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie et la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 des batteries par l/'interm/xc3/xa9diaire d/'un processus intelligent de recharge de pr/xc3/xa9cision. /n /nChargement de la batterie /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique /nProlonge l/'autonomie des batteries en r/xc3/xa9gulant la tension de la charge en fonction de la temp/xc3/xa9rature r/xc3/xa9elle des batteries. /n /nR/xc3/xa9gulation automatique de la tension (AVR) par amplification et /xc3/xa9cr/xc3/xaatage /nAugmente la disponibilit/xc3/xa9 des applications en corrigeant les baisses de tension et les surtensions sans solliciter la batterie. /n /nTraitement de l/'alimentation /nProt/xc3/xa8ge les charges connect/xc3/xa9es contre les surtensions, les cr/xc3/xaates, la foudre et autres perturbations /xc3/xa9lectriques. /n /n Simplicit/xc3/xa9 de gestion /n /nG/xc3/xa9rable par r/xc3/xa9seau /nPermet de g/xc3/xa9rer l/'onduleur /xc3/xa0 distance sur le r/xc3/xa9seau. /n /nConnectivit/xc3/xa9 s/xc3/xa9rie /nPermet de g/xc3/xa9rer l/'onduleur via un port s/xc3/xa9rie. /n /nAlarmes sonores /nAvertit lorsque l/xe2/x80/x99unit/xc3/xa9 est sur batterie, lorsque la batterie est faible ou qu/xe2/x80/x99il y a surcharge. /n /nNotification de batterie d/xc3/xa9connect/xc3/xa9e /nAvertit lorsqu/'une batterie n/'est pas disponible pour assurer l/'alimentation de secours. /n /nVoyants d/'/xc3/xa9tat DEL /nPermet de conna/xc3/xaetre rapidement l/'/xc3/xa9tat de l/'alimentation et de l/'unit/xc3/xa9 /xc3/xa0 l/'aide d/'indicateurs visuels. /nConnectivit/xc3/xa9 USB /nAssure la gestion de l/'onduleur via un port USB. /n /n S/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 /n /nHomologu/xc3/xa9 par un Bureau de s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 /nAssure le test et l/'homologation du produit comme pouvant fonctionner en toute s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 avec les charges connect/xc3/xa9es et au sein de l/'environnement. /n /n Caract/xc3/xa9ristiques marketing /n /nLow operating and maintenance costs with high efficiency, proven reliability and intelligent battery management /nUn mode de fonctionnement /xc3/xa9conome en /xc3/xa9nergie atteint un niveau d/'efficacit/xc3/xa9 sup/xc3/xa9rieur /xc3/xa0 97 %. /n /nSmart-UPS fut le premier onduleur r/xc3/xa9seau certifi/xc3/xa9 Energy Star. La gestion intelligente de la batterie, lanc/xc3/xa9e par APC, optimise les performances et la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie de la batterie gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 une charge /xc3/xa0 compensation thermique pr/xc3/xa9cise et intelligente. Un indicateur dynamique de date de remplacement de la batterie et des autotests automatiques garantissent la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 de la batterie et avertissent lorsqu/'un remplacement va /xc3/xaatre n/xc3/xa9cessaire. Des modules de batterie rempla/xc3/xa7ables /xc3/xa0 chaud, faciles /xc3/xa0 brancher et pratiques permettent un remplacement de la batterie sans mise hors tension. Con/xc3/xa7u et fabriqu/xc3/xa9 par APC depuis plus de 23 ans, Smart-UPS est l/'onduleur r/xc3/xa9seau le plus utilis/xc3/xa9 au monde, avec plus de 25 millions d/'unit/xc3/xa9s vendues. /n /nGagnez du temps gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 un acc/xc3/xa8s /xc3/xa0 distance facile et pratique /nR/xc3/xa9seau g/xc3/xa9rable via un port s/xc3/xa9rie, un port USB ou un port Ethernet en option. Inclut le logiciel PowerChute/xc2/xae Business Edition, qui facilite la surveillance et le contr/xc3/xb4le, s/xc3/xa9curise l/'arr/xc3/xaat du syst/xc3/xa8me d/'exploitation et offre des possibilit/xc3/xa9s innovantes de gestion de l/'/xc3/xa9nergie. /n /nProductivit/xc3/xa9 optimis/xc3/xa9e avec possibilit/xc3/xa9 d/'adaptation /xc3/xa0 vos besoins sp/xc3/xa9cifiques en application /nUne interface intuitive fournit des informations claires et permet d/'effectuer des configurations de l/'onduleur localement gr/xc3/xa2ce /xc3/xa0 des touches de navigation simples d/'utilisation. Plus de 15 r/xc3/xa9glages programmables diff/xc3/xa9rents, dont des groupes de prises contr/xc3/xb4l/xc3/xa9es, autorisent des r/xc3/xa9glages, des seuils et des notifications propres /xc3/xa0 chaque application. /n /nTranquillit/xc3/xa9 d/'esprit apport/xc3/xa9e par la fiabilit/xc3/xa9 et la compatibilit/xc3/xa9 totales des /xc3/xa9quipements d/'un leader /nOffre une onde sinuso/xc3/xafdale pure en sortie, recommand/xc3/xa9e par les fabricants de serveurs qui utilisent une alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique avec correction du facteur de puissance (PFC) active. S/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 test/xc3/xa9e et approuv/xc3/xa9e par un organisme: vous pouvez donc d/xc3/xa9ployer Smart-UPS avec l/'assurance qu/'il respecte ou d/xc3/xa9passe les normes les plus rigoureuses du secteur. /n /nEvite les probl/xc3/xa8mes d/'alimentation co/xc3/xbbteuses en gardant votre mat/xc3/xa9riel informatique et de la s/xc3/xa9curit/xc3/xa9 des donn/xc3/xa9es et disponible /nUn traitement de l/'alimentation de niveau r/xc3/xa9seau prot/xc3/xa8ge contre les surtensions et les bruits g/xc3/xaanants. Un r/xc3/xa9gulateur automatique de tension /xc3/xa0 l/'/xc3/xa9tat solide peut augmenter de 30 % une tension d/'entr/xc3/xa9e faible et diminuer de 12 % une tension /xc3/xa9lev/xc3/xa9e, sans aucune op/xc3/xa9ration au niveau de la batterie. Capacit/xc3/xa9 d/'alimentation fiable de la batterie de secours lors de pannes d/'/xc3/xa9lectricit/xc3/xa9 ou d/'arr/xc3/xaats prolong/xc3/xa9s du syst/xc3/xa8me /n /n Facilit/xc3/xa9 de maintenance /n /nCoupe-circuits r/xc3/xa9armables /nPermet un r/xc3/xa9tablissement rapide apr/xc3/xa8s une surcharge. /n /nBatteries /xc3/xa9changeables /xc3/xa0 chaud /nGarantit la continuit/xc3/xa9 et la qualit/xc3/xa9 de l/'alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique des /xc3/xa9quipements prot/xc3/xa9g/xc3/xa9s pendant le remplacement des batteries. /n /nNotification pr/xc3/xa9dictive de panne /nOffre une fonction d/'analyse des pannes /xc3/xa0 alerte pr/xc3/xa9coce permettant de remplacer des composants de fa/xc3/xa7on proactive. /n /nBatteries rempla/xc3/xa7ables par l/'utilisateur /nAccro/xc3/xaet la disponibilit/xc3/xa9 en permettant /xc3/xa0 un utilisateur form/xc3/xa9 d/'assurer la mise /xc3/xa0 niveau et le remplacement des batteries, diminuant ainsi les d/xc3/xa9lais de r/xc3/xa9paration. /n /nNotification de d/xc3/xa9faillance de batterie /nOffre une fonction d/'analyse des pannes de batteries avec alerte pr/xc3/xa9coce, permettant ainsi d/'effectuer /xc3/xa0 temps une maintenance pr/xc3/xa9ventive /n /n Adaptabilit/xc3/xa9 /n /nPoints de transfert de tension r/xc3/xa9glables /nProlonge au maximum la dur/xc3/xa9e de vie de vos batteries, par l/'augmentation du seuil de la tension d/'entr/xc3/xa9e ou par un contr/xc3/xb4le strict de la tension de sortie. /n /nSensibilit/xc3/xa9 de la tension r/xc3/xa9glable /nVous fournit la solution pour adapter de mani/xc3/xa8re optimale et performante vos onduleurs aux syst/xc3/xa8mes sp/xc3/xa9cifiques d/'alimentation /xc3/xa9lectrique ou aux groupes /xc3/xa9lectrog/xc3/xa8nes sp/xc3/xa9cifiques. /n /n /n /n /nAFFICHER LA SUITE/n /n /nMASQUER LA SUITE/n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n Voir tous les articles APC /n /n /n Voir les autres onduleur APC /n /n /n /n/n /n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n D/xc3/xa9tails Techniques /n /n D/xc3/xa9tails techniques /n /n /n /n CARACT/xc3/x89RISTIQUES Temps de r/xc3/xa9ponse: 4 ms Alarmes sonores: Oui Alarmes sonores: Y Bouton de coupure d/'urgence d/'alimentation (EPO): O capacit/xc3/xa9 de la puissance de sortie: 2,2 kVA capacit/xc3/xa9 de la puissance de sortie: 2.2 kVA Niveau sonore: 55 dB Fr/xc3/xa9quence d/'entr/xc3/xa9e: 50/60 Gestion bas/xc3/xa9e sur le web: Oui Puissance de sortie: 1980 W Protection contre les surtensions: Oui Protection contre les surtensions: Y Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 l/'entr/xc3/xa9e (max): 302 V Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 l/'entr/xc3/xa9e (min): 151 V tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 la sortie (min): 220 V Tension de voltage /xc3/xa0 la sortie (max): 240 V fr/xc3/xa9quence de sortie: 50/60 Forme d/'onde: Sine Forme d/'onde: Sinus Red/xc3/xa9marrage automatique: Oui Red/xc3/xa9marrage automatique: Y Topologie UPS: Interactivit/xc3/xa9 de ligne Topologie UPS: Line-Interactive Modes d/'alarme sonore: Remplacement de batterie CONNECTIVIT/xc3/x89 Quantit/xc3/xa9 de Ports USB 2.0: 1 Nombre de port ethernet LAN (RJ-45): 1 Nombre de prises en sortie: 9 sortie(s) CA Prise m/xc3/xa2le: C20 coupler Prise m/xc3/xa2le: Coupleur C20 Types de sortie AC: Coupleur C20 BATTERIE Technologie batterie: Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA) Temps de rechargement de la batterie: 5 h Batterie /xc3/xa9changeable /xc3/xa0 chaud: Oui Batterie /xc3/xa9changeable /xc3/xa0 chaud: Y Capacit/xc3/xa9 de la batterie: 509 Ah D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid: Oui D/xc3/xa9marrage /xc3/xa0 froid: Y Test de batterie automatique: Oui Test de batterie automatique: Y DESIGN Certification: CE, EAC, EN/IEC 62040-1, EN/IEC 62040-2, GS Mark, IRAM, RCM, VDE, WEEE Format: A mettre sur rack Voyants: Oui Voyants: Y Couleur du produit: Black Couleur du produit: Noir Capacit/xc3/xa9 du rack: 2U Type d/'/xc3/xa9cran: LCD D/xc3/x89TAILS TECHNIQUES Code du syst/xc3/xa8me harmonis/xc3/xa9: 85078000 Certificats de durabilit/xc3/xa9: RoHS CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES Altitude de fonctionnement: 0 - 3000 Humidit/xc3/xa9 relative de fonctionnement (H-H): 0 - 95 Temp/xc3/xa9rature hors fonctionnement: -15 - 45 Temp/xc3/xa9rature d/'op/xc3/xa9ration: 0 - 40 Taux d/'humidit/xc3/xa9 relative (stockage): 0 - 95 Altitude de non fonctionnement: 0 - 15000 POIDS ET DIMENSIONS Poids: 42,2 g Poids du paquet: 49,6 g Hauteur: 86 mm Largeur: 480 mm Profondeur: 683 mm Profondeur du colis: 980 mm Hauteur du colis: 254 mm Largeur du colis: 600 mm INFORMATIONS SUR L/'EMBALLAGE C/xc3/xa2bles inclus: Cable d/'/'/xc3/xa9ntr/xc3/xa9e, C/xc3/xa2ble USB Guide d/'installation rapide: Oui Guide d/'installation rapide: Y Kit de montage en rack: Oui Kit de montage en rack: Y CD de ressources: Oui AUTRES CARACT/xc3/x89RISTIQUES Tension de sortie: 230 DONN/xc3/x89ES LOGISTIQUES Produits par palette: 8 pi/xc3/xa8ce(s) Code du syst/xc3/xa8me harmonis/xc3/xa9: 85078000 /n /n /n /n /n /n Code EAN /n 0731304327691 /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9f/xc3/xa9rence produit /n 03100191 /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9f/xc3/xa9rence constructeur /n SMT2200RMI2UNC /n /n /n/n /n /n /n Voir les d/xc3/xa9tails techniques /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n/n /n /n Les top ventes /n /n /n /n /n /n Onduleur APC Back-UPS 1200VA BX1200MI-FR 179 /xe2/x82/xac 90 /n Onduleur Infosec ZEN LIVE 500VA 76 /xe2/x82/xac 99 /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n/n/n /n /n /n /n /n /n Livraison suivie et rapide /n /n Retrait 1H, Coursier 2H, Express 24H, Standard, Point Relais ou sur Rendez-vous. /n /n /n /n /n /n /n Paiement s/xc3/xa9curis/xc3/xa9 et modulable /n /n Paiement via CB, PayPal, et /xc3/xa9chelonnement possible jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 24 versements (2x, 3x, 4x, 10x, 12x jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 24x). /n /n /n /n /n /n /n Nos garanties et extensions /n /n 2 ans de garantie inclus, possibilit/xc3/xa9 d/'/xc3/xa9tendre jusqu/'/xc3/xa0 5 ans avec nos extensions. /n /n /n /n /n /n /n R/xc3/xa9tractation sous 30 jours pour No/xc3/xabl /n /n Retour facile et rapide avec remboursement en cas de changement d/'avis/xc2/xa0! /n /n /n/n /n /n Recherches associ/xc3/xa9es /n /n /n PC gamer /n mini PC /n ecran /n console de jeux /n accessoires /xc3/xa9cran /n accessoires streaming /n /n /n /n/n /n Les produits alternatifs /n /n /n /n /n /n Onduleur APC Smart-UPS SRT 2200VA -7% 2537 /xe2/x82/xac 95 2342 /xe2/x82/xac 95 /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n/n /n /n
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France (Toutes les villes)
MobileLite Plus microSD Reader UHS-II microSD Card Reader with UHS-I Backwards-Compatability Kingston’s MobileLite Plus microSD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported microSD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported microSD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported microSD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus microSD cards. Your Best Kingston MobileLite Plus MLPM USB 3.2 Lecteurs Card Carte mémoire pour Micro SD MobileLite Plus microSD Reader UHS-II microSD Card Reader with UHS-I Backwards-Compatability Kingston’s MobileLite Plus microSD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported microSD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported microSD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported microSD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus microSD cards. USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds — Delivers up to 10X faster transfer speeds than USB 2.0. Backwards compatible with UHS-I cards — Peak performance for UHS-II cards and support for UHS-I cards. Designed for optimal use with Kingston cards — Best paired with Kingston Canvas React Plus and Canvas Go! Plus microSD cards. Compact, stylish and minimalist design — The perfect travel companion transfers your images and videos whenever you need it. Specifications Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 1 Connector: USB-A Standard/Class: UHS-II Dimensions: 36.6mm x 20mm x 7.5mm Weight: 4.57g Operating temperature: 0°C~60°C Storage temperature: -20°C~70°C Compatible with: Windows® 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Mac OS X v. 10.10.x+, Linux v.2.6.x+, Chrome OS™ Item Specifics Marque Kingston Type Adaptateurs de carte MPN MLPM Carte(s) mémoire(s) prise(s) en charge MicroSD EAN 0740617301816 Brand Unbranded Payment 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. Shipping Returns 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. Your Best Memory Card Store DESCRIPTION PAYMENT SHIPPING RETURN POLICY CONTACT US New List Item stazione di carica wireless 3 in 1 iPhone, airPod, iWatch, caricabatterie EUR 23.99 Toshiba 16GO 16 GO TransMemory U202 USB 2.0 Lecteurs Flash Drive USB Stick EUR 6.49 Sandisk Ultra 1TB Dual Drive Luxe USB 3.1 Type-C Lecteurs Flash Stick 150MB/s EUR 139.99 stazione di carica wireless 4 in 1 iPhone, airPod, iWatch, caricabatterie EUR 24.99 USB Sans Fil PC Receiver XBOX One CONTROLLER Manette pour Windows 7 WIN 10 EUR 17.99 Hot Item 32Go 64Go 128Go 256Go 512Go Lexar 95Mo/s Class 10 SDXC MicroSD carte mémoire EUR 10.89 Manette Contrôleurs de jeu Joy-Con Gamepad pour Switch Console EUR 40.99 Carte Mémoire Micro SD SDHC Class 10 Samsung Evo Plus 32 64 128 256 512 Go EUR 9.09 SanDisk 64Go Class 10 Extreme UHS-I U3 SD 150Mo/s SDXC Carte mémoire SD EUR 16.89 Qumox Oxymètre de pouls digital saturomètre pulsomètre mesure doigt Noir EUR 14.99 Help & Info Payment Policy Shipping Policy Return Policy FAQ About Us Kingston MobileLite Plus MLPM USB 3.2 Lecteurs Card Carte mémoire pour Micro SD MobileLite Plus microSD Reader UHS-II microSD Card Reader with UHS-I Backwards-Compatability Kingston’s MobileLite Plus microSD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported microSD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported microSD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported microSD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus microSD cards. USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds — Delivers up to 10X faster transfer speeds than USB 2.0. Backwards compatible with UHS-I cards — Peak performance for UHS-II cards and support for UHS-I cards. Designed for optimal use with Kingston cards — Best paired with Kingston Canvas React Plus and Canvas Go! Plus microSD cards. Compact, stylish and minimalist design — The perfect travel companion transfers your images and videos whenever you need it. Specifications Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 1 Connector: USB-A Standard/Class: UHS-II Dimensions: 36.6mm x 20mm x 7.5mm Weight: 4.57g Operating temperature: 0°C~60°C Storage temperature: -20°C~70°C Compatible with: Windows® 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Mac OS X v. 10.10.x+, Linux v.2.6.x+, Chrome OS™ Item Specifics Marque Kingston Type Adaptateurs de carte MPN MLPM Carte(s) mémoire(s) prise(s) en charge MicroSD EAN 0740617301816 Brand Unbranded Payment Shipping Returns 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. Powered by SoldEazy
12,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
MobileLite Plus SD Reader Next-Level Speed and Performance Kingston’s MobileLite Plus SD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported SD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported SD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported SD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus SD cards. Your Best Kingston MobileLite Plus MLP USB 3.2 SD SDHC SDXC Lecteurs Card Carte mémoir MobileLite Plus SD Reader Next-Level Speed and Performance Kingston’s MobileLite Plus SD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported SD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported SD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported SD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus SD cards. USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds — Delivers up to 10X faster transfer speeds than USB 2.0. Backwards compatible with UHS-I — Peak performance for UHS-II cards and support for UHS-I cards. Designed for optimal use with Kingston cards — Best paired with Kingston Canvas React Plus and Canvas Go! Plus SD cards. Compact, stylish and minimalist design — The perfect travel companion transfers your images and videos whenever you need it. Specifications Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 1 Connector: USB-A Standard/Class: UHS-II Dimensions: 51.8mm x 33.5mm x 9mm Weight: 11g Operating temperature: 0°C~60°C Storage temperature: -20°C~70°C Compatible with: Windows® 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Mac OS X v. 10.10.x+, Linux v.2.6.x+, Chrome OS™ Item Specifics Marque Kingston Type Adaptateurs de carte MPN MLP Carte(s) mémoire(s) prise(s) en charge SD EAN 0740617301793 Brand Unbranded Payment 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. Shipping Returns 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. Your Best Memory Card Store DESCRIPTION PAYMENT SHIPPING RETURN POLICY CONTACT US New List Item Toshiba 16GO 16 GO TransMemory U202 USB 2.0 Lecteurs Flash Drive USB Stick EUR 6.49 USB Sans Fil PC Receiver XBOX One CONTROLLER Manette pour Windows 7 WIN 10 EUR 17.99 stazione di carica wireless 4 in 1 iPhone, airPod, iWatch, caricabatterie EUR 24.99 stazione di carica wireless 3 in 1 iPhone, airPod, iWatch, caricabatterie EUR 23.99 Sandisk Ultra 1TB Dual Drive Luxe USB 3.1 Type-C Lecteurs Flash Stick 150MB/s EUR 139.99 Hot Item Manette Contrôleurs de jeu Joy-Con Gamepad pour Switch Console EUR 40.99 Carte Mémoire Micro SD SDHC Class 10 Samsung Evo Plus 32 64 128 256 512 Go EUR 9.09 32Go 64Go 128Go 256Go 512Go Lexar 95Mo/s Class 10 SDXC MicroSD carte mémoire EUR 10.89 SanDisk 64Go Class 10 Extreme UHS-I U3 SD 150Mo/s SDXC Carte mémoire SD EUR 16.89 Qumox Oxymètre de pouls digital saturomètre pulsomètre mesure doigt Noir EUR 14.99 Help & Info Payment Policy Shipping Policy Return Policy FAQ About Us Kingston MobileLite Plus MLP USB 3.2 SD SDHC SDXC Lecteurs Card Carte mémoir MobileLite Plus SD Reader Next-Level Speed and Performance Kingston’s MobileLite Plus SD Reader features USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds along with maximum performance for UHS-II supported SD cards and backwards-compatible for UHS-I supported SD cards. Use with Kingston’s UHS-II supported SD cards for optimal performance and reliability. Increase the efficiency of your workflow with incredible UHS-II speeds for faster file transfers and processing times. It comes in a minimal and compact design for portability making it the perfect travel companion to take your workflow on the road. The reader is best paired when used with Kingston Canvas Go! Plus or Canvas React Plus SD cards. USB 3.2 Gen 1 speeds — Delivers up to 10X faster transfer speeds than USB 2.0. Backwards compatible with UHS-I — Peak performance for UHS-II cards and support for UHS-I cards. Designed for optimal use with Kingston cards — Best paired with Kingston Canvas React Plus and Canvas Go! Plus SD cards. Compact, stylish and minimalist design — The perfect travel companion transfers your images and videos whenever you need it. Specifications Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 1 Connector: USB-A Standard/Class: UHS-II Dimensions: 51.8mm x 33.5mm x 9mm Weight: 11g Operating temperature: 0°C~60°C Storage temperature: -20°C~70°C Compatible with: Windows® 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Mac OS X v. 10.10.x+, Linux v.2.6.x+, Chrome OS™ Item Specifics Marque Kingston Type Adaptateurs de carte MPN MLP Carte(s) mémoire(s) prise(s) en charge SD EAN 0740617301793 Brand Unbranded Payment Shipping Returns 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. Powered by SoldEazy
12,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 180MB/s** write (128GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Sandisk 128GO EXTREME GO CZ810 USB 3.2 LECTEURS FLASH DRIVE STICK 395MB/s Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 180MB/s** write (128GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Highlights • Facing tight deadlines? The SanDisk Extreme® Go drive lets you access and move huge files fast so you don’t have to slow down. • Bring this sleek yet durable drive wherever your work or passion takes you thanks to its premium metal design. • You need a drive you can count on wherever, whenever—the Sandisk Extreme Go drive is backed by the renowned SanDisk reputation for reliability. • Accelerate your workflow as you transfer, store and share critical content with super-fast USB 3.2 interface. • Put critical files in a vault folder to help keep them away from prying eyes with SanDisk SecureAccess™ encryption software(1). • Accidentally deleted important files? Recover them easily with the included RescuePRO Deluxe data recovery software(2) offer (download required). SanDisk Extreme® Go USB 3.2 Drive Specifications Capacities: 128GB* Dimensions: 0.29 x 0.71 x 2.37in; 7.4 x 18.0 x 60.3mm Operating temperature: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) Storage temperature: 14°F to 158°F (-10°C to 70°C) Compatibility: USB 3.2/USB 3.0 enabled (backward-compatible with USB 2.0) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software * 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Actual user storage less. ** Read speeds up to 395MB/s (64GB and 128GB), 400MB/s (256GB); write speeds up to 100MB/s (64GB), 180MB/s (128GB), 240MB/s (256GB). (1) Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows 8, Windows 10 and macOS v10.9+ (Software download required for Mac, see www.sandisk.com/secureaccess.) (2) Download and installation required. Registration required; terms and conditions apply. Item Specifics Marque SanDisk Capacité de stockage 128 Go Caractéristiques USB USB 3.2 Type Lecteurs flash USB MPN SDCZ810-128G EAN 619659182724 Brand Unbranded Payment 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. Returns 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. 1. Please notify us within 14 days (according to the posting date). 2. Return items MUST have all ORIGINAL packaging and accessories. 3. Return postage and insurance charge is non-refundable for return items. Professional Quality Best Price DESCRIPTION PAYMENT SHIPPING RETURN POLICY CONTACT US New List Item 2X 2n1 Manette Wiimote Nunchuk intégré Motion Plus pou Nintendo Wii Noir EUR 35.88 2n1 Manette Wiimote Controller Nunchuk intégré Motion Plus pr Nintendo Wii Noir EUR 19.99 USB Bluetooth Adapter for PC 5.0 Bluetooth Dongle Receiver EUR 10.32 Plantronics Blackwire C3210 USB-A, Over The Ear, Monaural Headsets, Microphone EUR 44.99 Plantronics Blackwire C3210 USB-C, Over The Ear, Monaural Headsets, Microphone EUR 44.99 Hot Item Carte Mémoire Micro SD SDHC Class 10 Samsung Evo Plus 32 64 128 256 512 Go FR EUR 9.19 8/16/32/64/128 Go Samsung EVO plus Micro SD SDHC/SDXC Card CLASS 10 RD FR EUR 9.19 SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 256go 512go 1To 120Mo/s Ultra Micro SD XC Memory Card FR EUR 17.19 SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 256Go 120Mo/s Ultra Class 10 SD SDXC Carte mémoire FR EUR 34.09 SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 100Mo/s Ultra Class 10 Micro SD SDXC Memory Card FR EUR 15.49 Help & Info Payment Policy Shipping Policy Return Policy FAQ About Us Sandisk 128GO EXTREME GO CZ810 USB 3.2 LECTEURS FLASH DRIVE STICK 395MB/s Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 180MB/s** write (128GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Highlights • Facing tight deadlines? The SanDisk Extreme® Go drive lets you access and move huge files fast so you don’t have to slow down. • Bring this sleek yet durable drive wherever your work or passion takes you thanks to its premium metal design. • You need a drive you can count on wherever, whenever—the Sandisk Extreme Go drive is backed by the renowned SanDisk reputation for reliability. • Accelerate your workflow as you transfer, store and share critical content with super-fast USB 3.2 interface. • Put critical files in a vault folder to help keep them away from prying eyes with SanDisk SecureAccess™ encryption software(1). • Accidentally deleted important files? Recover them easily with the included RescuePRO Deluxe data recovery software(2) offer (download required). SanDisk Extreme® Go USB 3.2 Drive Specifications Capacities: 128GB* Dimensions: 0.29 x 0.71 x 2.37in; 7.4 x 18.0 x 60.3mm Operating temperature: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) Storage temperature: 14°F to 158°F (-10°C to 70°C) Compatibility: USB 3.2/USB 3.0 enabled (backward-compatible with USB 2.0) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software * 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Actual user storage less. ** Read speeds up to 395MB/s (64GB and 128GB), 400MB/s (256GB); write speeds up to 100MB/s (64GB), 180MB/s (128GB), 240MB/s (256GB). (1) Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows 8, Windows 10 and macOS v10.9+ (Software download required for Mac, see www.sandisk.com/secureaccess.) (2) Download and installation required. Registration required; terms and conditions apply. Item Specifics Marque SanDisk Capacité de stockage 128 Go Caractéristiques USB USB 3.2 Type Lecteurs flash USB MPN SDCZ810-128G EAN 619659182724 Brand Unbranded Payment Returns 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. 1. Please notify us within 14 days (according to the posting date). 2. Return items MUST have all ORIGINAL packaging and accessories. 3. Return postage and insurance charge is non-refundable for return items.
47,99 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 100MB/s** write (64GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Sandisk 64GO EXTREME GO CZ810 USB 3.2 LECTEURS FLASH DRIVE STICK 395MB/s Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 100MB/s** write (64GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Highlights • Facing tight deadlines? The SanDisk Extreme® Go drive lets you access and move huge files fast so you don’t have to slow down. • Bring this sleek yet durable drive wherever your work or passion takes you thanks to its premium metal design. • You need a drive you can count on wherever, whenever—the Sandisk Extreme Go drive is backed by the renowned SanDisk reputation for reliability. • Accelerate your workflow as you transfer, store and share critical content with super-fast USB 3.2 interface. • Put critical files in a vault folder to help keep them away from prying eyes with SanDisk SecureAccess™ encryption software(1). • Accidentally deleted important files? Recover them easily with the included RescuePRO Deluxe data recovery software(2) offer (download required). SanDisk Extreme® Go USB 3.2 Drive Specifications Capacities: 64GB* Dimensions: 0.29 x 0.71 x 2.37in; 7.4 x 18.0 x 60.3mm Operating temperature: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) Storage temperature: 14°F to 158°F (-10°C to 70°C) Compatibility: USB 3.2/USB 3.0 enabled (backward-compatible with USB 2.0) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software * 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Actual user storage less. ** Read speeds up to 395MB/s (64GB and 128GB), 400MB/s (256GB); write speeds up to 100MB/s (64GB), 180MB/s (128GB), 240MB/s (256GB). (1) Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows 8, Windows 10 and macOS v10.9+ (Software download required for Mac, see www.sandisk.com/secureaccess.) (2) Download and installation required. Registration required; terms and conditions apply. Item Specifics Marque SanDisk Capacité de stockage 64 Go Caractéristiques USB USB 3.2 Type Lecteurs flash USB MPN SDCZ810-064G EAN 619659182502 Brand Unbranded Payment 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. Returns 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. 1. Please notify us within 14 days (according to the posting date). 2. Return items MUST have all ORIGINAL packaging and accessories. 3. Return postage and insurance charge is non-refundable for return items. Professional Quality Best Price DESCRIPTION PAYMENT SHIPPING RETURN POLICY CONTACT US New List Item Plantronics Blackwire C3210 USB-A, Over The Ear, Monaural Headsets, Microphone EUR 44.99 2X 2n1 Manette Wiimote Nunchuk intégré Motion Plus pou Nintendo Wii Noir EUR 35.88 Plantronics Blackwire C3210 USB-C, Over The Ear, Monaural Headsets, Microphone EUR 44.99 2n1 Manette Wiimote Controller Nunchuk intégré Motion Plus pr Nintendo Wii Noir EUR 19.99 USB Bluetooth Adapter for PC 5.0 Bluetooth Dongle Receiver EUR 10.32 Hot Item SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 100Mo/s Ultra Class 10 Micro SD SDXC Memory Card FR EUR 15.49 SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 256Go 120Mo/s Ultra Class 10 SD SDXC Carte mémoire FR EUR 34.09 8/16/32/64/128 Go Samsung EVO plus Micro SD SDHC/SDXC Card CLASS 10 RD FR EUR 9.19 Carte Mémoire Micro SD SDHC Class 10 Samsung Evo Plus 32 64 128 256 512 Go FR EUR 9.19 SanDisk 32Go 64Go 128Go 256go 512go 1To 120Mo/s Ultra Micro SD XC Memory Card FR EUR 17.19 Help & Info Payment Policy Shipping Policy Return Policy FAQ About Us Sandisk 64GO EXTREME GO CZ810 USB 3.2 LECTEURS FLASH DRIVE STICK 395MB/s Access and move critical content fast to stay ahead of tight deadlines. Success means being able to perform at peak speed and efficiency wherever, whenever. Speeds up to 395MB/s** read and up to 100MB/s** write (64GB*) plus elite reliability deliver a smooth workflow so you can work your way without slowing down. It lets you keep your data under your control so you can stay productive even when you have no access to the cloud. All of this powerful performance is housed in a sleek metal design that is as stylish as it is durable. Highlights • Facing tight deadlines? The SanDisk Extreme® Go drive lets you access and move huge files fast so you don’t have to slow down. • Bring this sleek yet durable drive wherever your work or passion takes you thanks to its premium metal design. • You need a drive you can count on wherever, whenever—the Sandisk Extreme Go drive is backed by the renowned SanDisk reputation for reliability. • Accelerate your workflow as you transfer, store and share critical content with super-fast USB 3.2 interface. • Put critical files in a vault folder to help keep them away from prying eyes with SanDisk SecureAccess™ encryption software(1). • Accidentally deleted important files? Recover them easily with the included RescuePRO Deluxe data recovery software(2) offer (download required). SanDisk Extreme® Go USB 3.2 Drive Specifications Capacities: 64GB* Dimensions: 0.29 x 0.71 x 2.37in; 7.4 x 18.0 x 60.3mm Operating temperature: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) Storage temperature: 14°F to 158°F (-10°C to 70°C) Compatibility: USB 3.2/USB 3.0 enabled (backward-compatible with USB 2.0) Software: SanDisk SecureAccess™ software * 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Actual user storage less. ** Read speeds up to 395MB/s (64GB and 128GB), 400MB/s (256GB); write speeds up to 100MB/s (64GB), 180MB/s (128GB), 240MB/s (256GB). (1) Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows 8, Windows 10 and macOS v10.9+ (Software download required for Mac, see www.sandisk.com/secureaccess.) (2) Download and installation required. Registration required; terms and conditions apply. Item Specifics Marque SanDisk Capacité de stockage 64 Go Caractéristiques USB USB 3.2 Type Lecteurs flash USB MPN SDCZ810-064G EAN 619659182502 Brand Unbranded Payment Returns 1.Quand le paiement des acheteurs est accompli, nous livrerons les marchandises dans un délai de 48 heures. 2.Le transport de fret demande normalement un délais de 6 à 15 jours 3.Nous acceptons seulement l'adresse de Paypal pour la livraison. Les acheteurs doivent s'assurer que l'adresse de Paypal correspond à celle de la réception avant paiement. 1. L'acheteur doit nous informer dans un délai de 14 jours (A compter du jour de délivrance des marchandises). 2. Toutes les marchandises doivent être renvoyées dans leur emballage d'origine avec tous les accessoires au complet. 1. Please notify us within 14 days (according to the posting date). 2. Return items MUST have all ORIGINAL packaging and accessories. 3. Return postage and insurance charge is non-refundable for return items.
29,98 €
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Taluyers (Rhône)
Switch Zyxel Dimension ES-1124 24ports. The full 24-port Unmanaged Ethernet Switches range is designed to boost your network for better performance and efficiency. With the auto-negotiation function, the ES-1124 and ES-1024B connect the network counterparts with the highest possible network speed and activates the duplex mode automatic. Hassle-free installation and use: Connectivity can be as easy as plugging a cable to a port on the switch, since all other functions are performed automatically. All ports on the ZyXEL ES-1124 and ES-1024B switches are Auto MDI/MDIX-capable, so you don't need to worry about the Ethernet cable type; the auto-negotiation also helps adjusting link speed intelligently to achieve the best communication quality. In other words, there is no need to bother tweaking the switches or flipping through user manuals. The ES-1124 and ES-1024B are rack-mountable, it can be placed on a rack to save precious office space. Better performance and efficiency: The full range of Rackmount Unmanaged Ethernet Switch, with 24-ports, is designed to boost your network with better performance and efficiency. With the N-Way auto-negotiation function, the ES-1124 and ES-1024B connect the network counterparts with the highest possible network speed and activates duplex mode automatically. Transmission reliability: Unlike shared 10/100Mbps networks, the ZyXEL Rackmount Ethernet Switch series, the ES-1124 and ES-1024B, eliminate congestion by providing dedicated bandwidth. Its duplex mode doubles the effective bandwidth by enabling two-way communications. Store-and-forward service brings low latency and error-free packet delivering. The plug-and-play and multiple network protocol compatibility of ES-1124/1024B make the installation and management easier and faster than ever. Industrial size fits your working environment: The 19" size fits into your rack environment due to included rack mount brackets. No matter how intensive your network demands, ES-1124 and ES-1024B support your needs with an affordable and reliable network solution designed especially for Small office and Medium business. Standard Compliance: IEEE 802.3 10Base-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3u 100 Base-Tx Ethernet IEEE 802.ab 1000 Base-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3z IEEE 802.3x flow control Certification: UL 60950-1 CSA 60950-1 EN 60950-1 IEC 60950-1 EU RoHS compliant
50 €
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Pau (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
For sale: + 6 monitors iiyama 23" IPS 1920 x 1080 + support for 6 monitors adjustable + 6 external USB 2.0 graphics card (1 x 6) + 6 connection cables DVI-DVI-D à DVI-D+ power strip 10 plugs + delivery home with UPS or DPD The 6 monitors work perfectly and all parts are original, it is almost new and very well maintained, except one of them that has two small lines 6 MONITORS 1920 X 1080 PROLITE XU2390HS-B1 23” monitor with IPS panel and ultra flat front ProLite XU2390HS is a 23” LED backlit LCD Screen featuring IPS Panel technology which is considered to be the best all round panel type. It offers accurate and consistent colour reproduction with wide viewing angles (178°/178°) and fast response time. XU2390HS is full HD, has a >5mln:1 Advanced Contrast Ratio and 250 cd/m² brightness offering the user a clear and vivid image. The ProLite XU2390HS will provide excellent performance for photographic design, web design, standard office use and in multi-monitor environment. Very suitable for multi-monitor Digtal Signage and office applications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SHOW ALL DISPLAY CHARACTERISTICSDesignultra slimDiagonal23", 58.4cmPanelAH-IPS LED, matte finishNative resolution1920 x 1080 (2.1 megapixel Full HD)Aspect ratio16:9Brightness250 cd/m² typicalStatic contrast1000:1 typicalAdvanced contrast5M:1Response time4msViewing zonehorizontal/vertical: 178°/178°, right/left: 89°/89°, up/down: 89°/89°Colour support16.7mln 8bit (6bit + Hi-FRC) (sRGB: 99%; NTSC: 72%)Horizontal Sync24 - 80KHzVertical Sync56 - 75HzViewable area W x H509.2 x 286.4mm, 20 x 11.3"Pixel pitch0.265mmColourmatte, black INTERFACES / CONNECTORS / CONTROLSSignal inputVGA x1 DVI x1 HDMI x1HDCPyes FEATURESBlue light reduceryesOSD languagesEN, DE, FR, ES, IT, PT, CN, RU, JPControl buttonsPower, Menu, +/ Volume, -/ ECO, AutoUser controlsluminance (contrast, brightness, i-style Colour, ACR, ECO), image steup (clock, phase, H. position, V. position, aspect), colour (gamma, colour temp.), OSD setup (H. position, V. position, OSD time out, language), extra (reset, DDC/CI, input select, OD, HDMI audio, opening logo, information), volume, auto adjustSpeakers2 x 2WConvenienceKensington-lock™ prepared, DDC/CI, DDC2B, Mac OSX MECHANICALDisplay position adjustmentstiltTilt angle20° up; 4° downVESA mounting100 x 100mm ACCESSORIES INCLUDEDCablespower, DVI, AudioOtherquick start guide, safety guide POWER MANAGEMENTPower supply unitinternalPower supplyAC 100 - 240V, 50/60HzPower usage24W typical, 0.5W stand by, 0.5W off mode SUSTAINABILITYRegulationsCE, TÜV-Bauart, VCCI-B, Energy Star, CUEnergy efficiency classAEPEAT SilverEPEAT is a comprehensive environmental rating that helps identify greener computers and other electronic equipment. The Silver certification means the monitor meets all required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional requirements. EPEAT Silver is valid in countries where iiyama registers the product. Please visit www.epeat.net for the registration status in your country.OtherREACH SVHC above 0.1%: Lead DIMENSIONS / WEIGHTProduct dimensions W x H x D532.5 x 387.5 x 180mmWeight (without box)4kgEAN code4948570112982 EU ENERGY EFFICIENCY LABELManufactureriiyamaModelProLite XU2390HS-B1Energy efficiency classAVisible screen diagonal58cm; 23"; (23" segment)ON mode power consumption22.1WAnnual energy consumption32kWh/annum*Power in Standby0.5W stand byPower in OFF Mode0.5W off modeResolution1920 x 1080 External graphics card are 6 PLUGABLE USB 2.0 graphics cards 1920x1080 on a support with ventilation are coupled to an adapter 7 USB without external lid to benefit cooling. Drivers are installed directly on the computer in link www.DISPLAYLINK.COM and connects through USB 2.0 - USB 3.0 to laptop or desktop computer.
820 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Monitor TV Tactile NEC MultiSync® V652-TM Camera Touch UHD 65"OPS PC signage. État : "Reconditionné par le vendeur" NEC MultiSync ® V652-TM is the new multi-touch product of NEC’s V Series boasting 65" in size and delivering true multi-touch support with up to 5 simultaneous touch points. Thanks to a unique anti reflective coating, reflections are reduced to a minimum which significantly increases the readability of the content shown. The OPS option slot for e.g. a slot-in PC helps to save space and does away with any cables including the USB cable external PC solutions may need. V652-TM is ideal for retail signage, conference room and education applications delivering short response times and a high level of accuracy. Benefits Comprehensive Touch Usage – possible usage with Finger, Stylus and Gloves. Multi-Touch – true multi-touch support with up to 5 simultaneous touch points, gesture control for Windows 7/8, Mac and Linux driver support. Optical Camera Technology – with 4 integrated cameras for quick touch response and perfect usability. Infrared Touch – offering quick touch response and perfect usability. Protective Glass – double anti-reflection coating for perfect visibility, full-tempered glass for security. Future Ready with OPS Cable Free Expansion – upgrade the power of your display at any time while seamlessly integrating one of our various Slot-in PCs, signal interfaces and other OPS compatible products without the need for external cables or devices. Free Download of Multi-Display Management Software – with NaViSet Administrator 2 you can manage all your connected display devices from a centralised location. DICOM support – for medical applications. Product Information Product Name NEC MultiSync ® V652-TM (Optical Camera Touch) Product Group LCD 65" Value Large Format Touch Display Order Code 60003553 Display Panel Technology AMVA3 with Edge LED backlights Active Screen Area (W x H) [mm] 1,428.5 x 803.5 Screen Size [inch/cm] 65 / 165 Aspect Ratio 16:9 Brightness [cd/m²] 450, 173 Eco (shipment setting) Contrast Ratio (typ.) 4000:1 Viewing Angle [°] 89 horizontal / 89 vertical (typ. at contrast ratio 10:1) Response Time (typ.) [ms] 8 (grey-to-grey) Panel Refresh Rate [Hz] 60 Synchronisation Rate Horizontal Frequency [kHz] 31.5 - 91.1 (analog and digital) Vertical Frequency [Hz] 25.2 - 85 Resolution Native Resolution 1920 x 1080 at 60 Hz Supported Resolutions 1920 x 1080; 1680 x 1050; 1600 x 1200; 1400 x 1050; 1366 x 786; 1280 x 1024; 1280 x 960; 1280 x 800; 1280 x 768; 1280 x 720; 1024 x 768; 800 x 600; 720 x 576; 720 x 400; 640 x 480 Supported on digital inputs (Video) 1920 x 1080i (59.94/60)16:9; 1920 x 1080i (50)16:9; 1920 x 1080p (59.94/60)16:9; 1920 x 1080p (50)16:9; 1920 x 1080p (23.97/24)16:9; 1920 x 1080p (25)16:9; 1920 x 1080p (29.97/30)16:9; 1280 x 720p (59.94/60)16:9; 1280 x 720p (50)16:9; 720 x 576p (50)16:9; 720 x 480p (59.94/60)16:9 Connectivity Input Video Analogue 1 x D-sub 15 pin; Composite (BNC); RGBHV for PC and Component/Composite (BNC) Input Video Digital 1 x DisplayPort (with HDCP); 1 x DVI-D (with HDCP); 1 x HDMI 1.3 (with HDCP) Input Audio Analogue 1 x 3,5 mm jack Input Audio Digital 1 x HDMI; DisplayPort Input Control LAN 100Mbit; remote control wire (3,5mm jack); RS232 Output Video Digital 1 x DVI-D (with HDCP) Output Audio Analogue 3,5mm jack Output Control RS232 Remote Control LAN with SNMP; Remote Control IR (internal/external (optional) sensor); RS-232C (9-pin D-sub) Input and Output Open Modular Intelligence OPS Slot Slot Technology: Open pluggable specification (NEC / Intel OPS standard) Inrush Current [A] max. 10 Power Consumption [W] max. 61 Voltage / Current [V/A] 16/4 Electrical Power Consumption Eco/max. [W] 178 Eco (shipment setting), 255 Power Savings Mode [W] Power Management VESA DPMS Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature [°C] +0 to +35 Operating Humidity [%] 20 to 80 Storage Humidity [%] 10 to 90 Storage Temperature [°C] -20 to +60 Mechanical Dimensions (W x H x D) [mm] Without stand: 1,540.4 x 909.2 x 102 Weight [kg] Without stand: 68.3 Bezel Width [mm] 50.5 (top and bottom); 53.5 (left and right) VESA Mounting [mm] 4 holes; 400 x 400 (FDMI); M8 Ingress Protection IP40 (front); IP20 (back) Touch Touch Technology Optical Camera with 4 Cameras Protection Glass 5 mm, double sided anti-reflection, fully tempered Touch Method Finger; Gloves; Stylus Supported Operating System 1 touch point: Windows XP, Mac OS, Linux; 4 touch points: Windows Vista; 5 touch points (incl. gesture control): Windows 7, Windows 8 Data Interface RS323; USB-HID Light Transmission [%] 96 Reflection Rate [%] 2 Available Options Accessories Feet (ST-651); Speaker (SP-RM1); Trolley (PDMHA, PDMHM-L); Wall mount (PDWHM-L, PDW T XL) Option Slot HD-SDI 1.5 and 3G, Intel Core i5 and i7; Slot-in PC (Core i5/7 with WS7P recommended) Green Features Energy Efficiency Ambient light sensor; Annual energy consumption: 260 kWh (based on 4 operating hours per day); Carbon savings meter; ECOMode; Energy efficiency class: B Ecological Materials Manuals on CD; Optional feet Additional Features Special Characteristics Advanced fan control; Automatic Alarm E-Mails; Copy display settings through RS232; DICOM Simulation; Hardware colour calibration possible; Input name adjustment; Matrix memory; PIN as theft protection; Rapid input switching; Scheduler; Screen saver functions; TileMatrix (10 x 10); User input priority definition; Various picture in picture options Colour Versions Black Front Bezel, Black Back Cabinet Safety and Ergonomics C-tick; CE; FCC Class B; PSB; RoHS; TÜV GS; UL/C-UL or CSA; VCCI Audio Integrated Speakers (10 W + 10 W); Optional Speakers (15 W + 15 W) Shipping Content CD-ROM (User Guides/Manuals); Display; DVI-D cable; Free LAN control software (download); Power Cable; Remote Control; USB cable Warranty 3 years warranty incl. backlight Operating Hours 16/7
450 €
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Pau (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
For sale: 6 monitors iiyama 23" IPS 1920 x 1080 + delivery with UPS or DPD PROLITE XU2390HS-B1 23” monitor with IPS panel and ultra flat front ProLite XU2390HS is a 23” LED backlit LCD Screen featuring IPS Panel technology which is considered to be the best all round panel type. It offers accurate and consistent colour reproduction with wide viewing angles (178°/178°) and fast response time. XU2390HS is full HD, has a >5mln:1 Advanced Contrast Ratio and 250 cd/m² brightness offering the user a clear and vivid image. The ProLite XU2390HS will provide excellent performance for photographic design, web design, standard office use and in multi-monitor environment. Very suitable for multi-monitor Digtal Signage and office applications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SHOW ALL DISPLAY CHARACTERISTICSDesignultra slimDiagonal23", 58.4cmPanelAH-IPS LED, matte finishNative resolution1920 x 1080 (2.1 megapixel Full HD)Aspect ratio16:9Brightness250 cd/m² typicalStatic contrast1000:1 typicalAdvanced contrast5M:1Response time4msViewing zonehorizontal/vertical: 178°/178°, right/left: 89°/89°, up/down: 89°/89°Colour support16.7mln 8bit (6bit + Hi-FRC) (sRGB: 99%; NTSC: 72%)Horizontal Sync24 - 80KHzVertical Sync56 - 75HzViewable area W x H509.2 x 286.4mm, 20 x 11.3"Pixel pitch0.265mmColourmatte, black INTERFACES / CONNECTORS / CONTROLSSignal inputVGA x1 DVI x1 HDMI x1HDCPyes FEATURESBlue light reduceryesOSD languagesEN, DE, FR, ES, IT, PT, CN, RU, JPControl buttonsPower, Menu, +/ Volume, -/ ECO, AutoUser controlsluminance (contrast, brightness, i-style Colour, ACR, ECO), image steup (clock, phase, H. position, V. position, aspect), colour (gamma, colour temp.), OSD setup (H. position, V. position, OSD time out, language), extra (reset, DDC/CI, input select, OD, HDMI audio, opening logo, information), volume, auto adjustSpeakers2 x 2WConvenienceKensington-lock™ prepared, DDC/CI, DDC2B, Mac OSX MECHANICALDisplay position adjustmentstiltTilt angle20° up; 4° downVESA mounting100 x 100mm ACCESSORIES INCLUDEDCablespower, DVI, AudioOtherquick start guide, safety guide POWER MANAGEMENTPower supply unitinternalPower supplyAC 100 - 240V, 50/60HzPower usage24W typical, 0.5W stand by, 0.5W off mode SUSTAINABILITYRegulationsCE, TÜV-Bauart, VCCI-B, Energy Star, CUEnergy efficiency classAEPEAT SilverEPEAT is a comprehensive environmental rating that helps identify greener computers and other electronic equipment. The Silver certification means the monitor meets all required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional requirements. EPEAT Silver is valid in countries where iiyama registers the product. Please visit www.epeat.net for the registration status in your country.OtherREACH SVHC above 0.1%: Lead DIMENSIONS / WEIGHTProduct dimensions W x H x D532.5 x 387.5 x 180mmWeight (without box)4kgEAN code4948570112982 EU ENERGY EFFICIENCY LABELManufactureriiyamaModelProLite XU2390HS-B1Energy efficiency classAVisible screen diagonal58cm; 23"; (23" segment)ON mode power consumption22.1WAnnual energy consumption32kWh/annum*Power in Standby0.5W stand byPower in OFF Mode0.5W off modeResolution1920 x 1080
700 €
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Aix en Provence (Bouches du Rhône)
Broadband Satellite Modem Router HUGHES HN9200 SEULsans accessoiresOccasionLes photos sont les photos réelles du produit que vous achetez--------------------------------------------------------------Envoi rapide.Paiement:-paypal-virement-transferwize-cheque: envoi 15 jours après encaissement du chèqueAdresse de livraison:doit être l'adresse indiquée dans votre paiement paypal.Mondial Relay:En cas d'envoi via Mondial Relay, merci d'indiquer en même temps que votre paiement, le choix de votre relay.Dans le cas ou vous ne précisez pas le relay choisi, l'envoi sera fait au relay le plus proche de l'adresse de livraison.Envoi groupé:Les frais de ports peuvent être groupés et réduits.En cas de paiement immédiat sur l'objet, me contacter pour re-calculer au cas par cas.Remise en main propre:Me contacter pour une remise en main propre.Ne pas acheter/payer via /paypal.--------------------------------------------------------------The Hughes HN9200 is a high-performance, dual Ka-/Ku-band broadband satellite router designed to cost-effectively satisfy a wide range of high-speed connectivity requirements for consumer, small office/home office, enterprise, and government markets. Fully compatible with the Hughes HN System family, the HN9200 incorporates advanced modulation and coding among other performance and efficiency-enhancing features to deliver even the most demanding bandwidth-intensive applications affordably. Compliant with IPoS/DVB-S2 including Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), the world’s leading industry standard, the HN9200 also supports the legacy DVB-S standard. When running in the DVB-S2 mode, the HN9200 achieves excellent efficiency on the outbound or forward channel with rates up to 121 Mbps. The inbound or return channel is scalable up to 3.2 Mbps, and features adaptive MF/TDMA coding which results in superior return channel efficiency. The HN9200 seamlessly coexists in networks with prior generations of HN and DW modems and routers. To enable superior end-user performance, the HN9200 includes a full set of integrated Wide Area Network (WAN) optimization features. Accelerated TCP and HTTP performance, including HTTP pre-fetch (objects are locally cached on the HN9200) along with DNS caching, enable fast Web browsing. Integrated header and packet payload compression both conserves bandwidth and further contributes to high performance. HughesNet HN System Architecture HughesNet HN9200 setup diagram. IP routing and addressing features implemented in the HN9200 include the RIPV2 and BGP routing protocols, virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) with policy-based routing, DHCP server or relay, as well as network address translation (NAT) and port address translation (PAT). The HN9200 also handles end-to-end VLAN tags complying with the 802.1P and Q standards, and each VLAN may be configured with its own Quality of Service (QoS). Government and enterprise users can be confident that the information running over the HN9200 is secure, as the HN9200 uses a hardware-based conditional access system and, optionally, AES 256 encryption for user traffic. Operations are made easy as the HN9200 features an integrated Web server supporting a Web browser interface for commissioning and troubleshooting. Full-featured, built-in diagnostics provide historical information about network performance or error conditions. An integrated LAN sniffer eliminates the need for on-site presence during troubleshooting. The HN9200 is centrally managed for software configurations and downloads. HUGHES HN9200 Broadband Satellite Router Features HughesNet HN9200 setup diagram. ¦Full-featured Network Services ¦ High Throughput and Capacities: ¦ Up 60 Mbps multicast ¦ Up to 45 Mbps UDP ¦ Up to 15 Mbps TCP ¦ Local Router with: ¦ Static and dynamic addressing ¦ DHCP server or relay ¦ Full RIPV1, RIPV2, and BGP routing support ¦ Multicasts to the LAN by using IGMP ¦ NAT/PAT ¦ 802.1P and 802.1Q for end-to-end VLAN support with configurable QoS per VLAN
25,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Specifications Material: ABS Color: Black Style: Modern Voltage: DC12V, AC 100-240V Current: 2.6A Power: 35W Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Screen Standard: 43cm/17in Installation Method: Countertop Installation Monitor Type: Touch Screen Monitor Format: 4:3 Standard LCD Maximum Resolution: 1280*1024 Contrast Ratio: 800:1 Brightness: 300cd/㎡ Response Time: 5ms Horizontal Viewing Angle: 160° Vertical Viewing Angle: 140° Base Size: 17(Short)/21.5(Long)*20.5cm/6.7/8.46*8in Screen Size: 38*30.5cm/15*12in Screen Inner Size: 34*27cm/13.38*10.63in Gross Weight: 6.15kg/13.55lbs Net Weight: 4.85kg/10.7lbs Package Size: 47*42*18cm/18.5*16.5*7in Package Included 1 * LCD Touch Screen Monitor 1 * Power Adapter 1 * Power Cord 1 * VGA Cable 1 * USB Cable 1 * Stylus Pen 1 * English Ma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 Zoll LCD Touchscreen Monitor POS Kassenmonitor System USB VGA Touch Screen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Used product, this machine does GebrauchtesProdukt, diese Maschine funktioniert nicht nach der Installation des Treibers und Kalibrierung der vier Punkte und muss repariert werden. Kosmetisch intakt, siehe letztes Foto. Verkauft zu einem niedrigen Preis an einen Freund, der sich nicht kümmert!!! == Used product, this machine does not work after installing the driver and calibrating the four points and needs to be serviced. Cosmetically intact, see last picture. Selling at a low price to a friend who doesn't mind!!!! Description Are you still using an old button-operated cash register, feeling a headache due to its blurry small screen and complex button operations? Let our LCD touch screen monitor take you into a more advanced and technological world! The 17-inch touchable screen allows you to engage in various cash and sales activities like using a mobile phone, bringing you an unparalleled convenient experience. It will be the secret to making your store more efficient, a tool to improve your work efficiency, and a helper that every store should have! Key Features Sensitive Touch: The sensitive touch screen can recognize the handwriting pen, fingers, fingers with gloves, etc., and can recognize multiple types of touch, which is ideal for adapting to the operating habits of different people. Strong Compatibility: Its multiple ports at the bottom include VGA, DC, and USB, and it is compatible with various versions of Windows and can integrate with various POS machines, clients, or PC systems. Adjustable Angle: The bracket with an adjustable viewing angle can easily tilt from 0 ° to 90 °, with 140 ° vertical and 160 ° horizontal viewing angles respectively, providing you with a multi-dimensional visual experience. Large b'&' Clear Viewing: A 17-inch display provides more operating space for you, and a high resolution of 1280 * 1024 makes the patterns and fonts on the screen easier to read, making it suitable for long-term viewing. Multi-Functional: It not only enables quick organization of basic functions such as ordering and checkout, but also enables various management of the store's offices, organizing various data reports, effectively improving work efficiency and accuracy, and achieving orderly operation of the store. Easy to Clean: The smooth touch screen can be easily wiped clean, and dust or dirt can be removed by gently wiping with a cloth. Low Energy Consumption: The power consumption of this product is only 35W, which can save you more electricity bills. Selected Material: The high-quality environmentally friendly ABS shell is wear-resistant and has high hardness, which can be used in the store for a long time to provide you with convenience and does not require excessive maintenance. Details Ultra Thin Body: The 0.92in ultra-thin shape not only makes its overall appearance more elegant but also occupies a small area, making it very suitable for placing on the front desk of a store. Carefully Designed Base: The large base(6.7/8.46*8in En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
DELL P3222QE 80 cm (31.5") 3840 x 2160 pixels 4K Ultra HD LCD Noir Label Dell 32 4K USB-C P3222QE 31.5 3840x2160 AC (power) in Yes AC input frequency 50/60 Hz Product Description Dell P3222QE - LED monitor - 4K - 32" Device Type LED-backlit LCD monitor - 32" AC input voltage 100 - 240 V Anti-glare screen Yes Energy Class Class F Power Consumption (On mode) 28.3 W Aspect ratio 16:9 Features USB 3.2 Gen 1/USB-C hub, USB PD 65 Watt Backlight type LED Panel Type IPS Bezel width (bottom) 1.74 cm Bezel width (side) 7.55 mm Aspect Ratio 16:9 Native Resolution 4K 3840 x 2160 (DisplayPort: 60 Hz, HDMI: 60 Hz, USB-C: 60 Hz) Bezel width (top) 7.57 mm Pixel Pitch 0.18159 mm Built-in camera No Brightness 350 cd/m² Built-in speaker(s) No Built-in USB hub Yes Contrast Ratio 1000:1 Response Time 8 ms (normal); 5 ms (fast) Cable lock slot Yes Cables included AC, USB Type-C, USB Type-C to USB Type-C Colour Support 1.07 billion colours Colour depth 6 bit Input Connectors HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C Display Position Adjustments Height, pivot (rotation), swivel, tilt Contrast ratio (typical) 1000:1 Screen Coating Anti-glare, 3H Hard Coating Depth (with stand) 233.2 mm Depth (without stand) 5.62 cm Voltage AC 100-240 V (50/60 Hz) Dimensions (WxDxH) - with stand (lowest position) 71.24 cm x 23.317 cm x 46.867 cm Detachable stand Yes Display brightness (typical) 350 cd/m² Weight 9.6 kg Display diagonal 80 cm Environmental Standards TCO Certified Displays 8, ENERGY STAR Qualified Compliant Standards RoHS, NFPA 99, BFR-free, DisplayPort 1.4, HDCP 2.2, PVC-free Display diagonal (metric) 80 cm Display number of colours 1.07 billion colours Bundled Services 3 years Advanced Exchange Service and Limited Hardware Warranty Display resolution 3840 x 2160 pixels Display technology LCD DisplayPort version 1.4 DisplayPorts quantity 1 Doesn't contain PVC/BFR Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours 28 kWh Feet colour Silver Flicker-free technology Yes Energy efficiency class (SDR) F Energy efficiency scale A to G Front bezel colour Black HD type 4K Ultra HD HDCP Yes HDMI Yes HDMI ports quantity 1 HDMI version 2.0 Headphone out No Heavy metals free Hg (mercury) Height (with stand) 618.7 mm Height (without stand) 41.7 cm Height adjustment 15 cm Height adjustment Yes Horizontal scan range 30 - 83 kHz LED indicators Power Low Blue Light technology Yes Market positioning Home Maximum refresh rate 60 Hz Native aspect ratio 16:9 Non-operating altitude 0 - 12192 m Number of upstream ports 1 On Screen Display (OSD) Yes Operating altitude 0 - 5000 m Operating relative humidity (H-H) 10 - 80 % Operating temperature (T-T) 0 - 40 °C Package weight 13.4 kg Panel mounting interface 100 x 100 mm Panel type IPS Pivot Yes Pivot angle -90 - 90 ° Pixel density 139.87 ppi Pixel pitch 0.182 x 0.182 mm Plug and Play Yes Power consumption (max) 145 W Power consumption (off) 0.2 W Power consumption (standby) 0.2 W Power consumption (typical) 28.3 W Product colour Black Quick start guide Yes Response time (fast) 5 ms Screen shape Flat sRGB coverage (typical) 99 % Stand included Yes Storage relative humidity (H-H) 5 - 90 % Storage temperature (T-T) -20 - 60 °C Supported graphics resolutions 3840 x 2160 Supported video modes 480p,576p,720p,1080i,1080p,2160p Sustainability certificates ENERGY STAR, EPEAT Gold, RoHS Swivel angle range -30 - 30 ° Swivelling Yes Tilt angle range -5 - 21 ° Tiltable Yes USB hub version 2.0 / 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) USB Power Delivery up to 65 W USB Type-A downstream ports quantity 4 Vertical scan range 50 - 76 Hz VESA mounting Yes Viewable size diagonal 80 cm Viewable size, horizontal 69.7 cm Viewable size, vertical 39.2 cm Viewing angle, horizontal 178 ° Viewing angle, vertical 178 ° Weight (with stand) 10 kg Width (with stand) 712.4 mm Width (without stand) 71.2 cm
708,33 €
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Toulouse (Haute Garonne)
Bonjour,Je vends une alimentation PC SEASONIC PRIME TITANIUM Titanium 850W Ultra Haut de Gamme, pour carte graphique puissante ou OC.La carte est encore garantie 9 ans Seasonic Facture d'achat + tous les câbles + sacs accessoires + boite.(comme neuve)Puissance et silence au cœur de votre ordinateur.L'alimentation Seasonic PRIME représente ce qui se fait de mieux à l'heure actuelle pour les PC de bureau. Dotée d'une conception de haute qualité n'utilisant que des composants de premier choix, l'alimentation PRIME bat de nouveaux records d'efficacité énergétique.Elle dispose de la certification d'exception 80+ Titanium, réservée aux alimentations disposant d'une efficacité énergétique atteignant 96%.Pour une intégration parfaite au sein de votre PC, elle est equipée d'un carénage noir et aluminium sobre, aux lignes modernes, une conception modulaire aux câbles plats entièrement noirs. La ventilation semi-passive hybride assure un fonctionnement à 0 dB en bureautique et multimédia, et un rapport performances/silence idéal à tout moment grâce au ventilateur 135 mm thermorégulé ultra-silencieux.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello,I am selling a SEASONIC PRIME TITANIUM 850W Ultra High End PC power supply for powerful graphics card or OC.The card is still guaranteed 9 years Seasonic Purchase invoice + all cables + accessory bags + box (like new)Power and silence at the heart of your computer.The Seasonic PRIME power supply represents the best of what is currently available for desktop PCs. With a high-quality design using only premium components, the PRIME power supply sets new records for energy efficiency.It has the exceptional 80+ Titanium certification, reserved for power supplies with up to 96% energy efficiency.For perfect integration into your PC, it features a sleek black and aluminium casing with modern lines, a modular design and all-black flat cables. The semi-passive hybrid fan ensures 0 dB operation in office and multimedia, and an ideal performance/noise ratio at all times thanks to the ultra-quiet 135 mm thermo-regulated fan.
195 €
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