Richard Wagner Tristan und Isolde Sous titre: Complète orchestral Score Auteur : X Éditeur : Dover Date : 1973 (copyright 1973) en anglais Résumé du livre : Among musicologists and serious lovers of music Wagner's Tristan und Isolde is generally considered the high point of orchestration in the musical tradition of 19th-century Europe. It shows in most successful form Wagner's unsurpassed gift for utilizing the instruments of the orchestra, and generations of students have worked with it to learn its techniques. Tristan und Isolde also has a remarkable historical position. It was the opera which most of the post-Wagnerians used to build upon, and it was also the opera which the anti-Wagnerians seized upon very frequently for their attacks and for their attempts to move musically away from Wagnerism. Accepted or rejected, it has been the work with which late 19th- and early 20th-century musicians had to come to terms, and much musical history of this period can be understood through it. This present edition reproduces the full orchestral score in a clear, modern en graving for easy reading and piano study, with large legible notation. Do not confuse this with a piano rendering; it is a full orchestral score. In addition to its obvious uses for study, this score is also an indispensable associate for anyone listening to record sets or broadcasts. In no other manner can the listener keep full awareness of the incredible orchestral richness of this opera. Unabridged republication of the Peters, Leipzig (c. 1910) edition. A few stage directions added by Felix Mottl. ix + 655pp. 81/8 x 11. 22915-7 Paperbound A DOVER EDITION DESIGNED FOR YEARS OF USE! We have made every effort to make this the best book possible. Our paper is opaque, with minimal show-through; it will not discolor or become brittle with age. Pages are sewn in signatures, in the method traditionally used for the best books, and will not drop out, as often happens with paperbacks held together with glue. Books open flat for easy reference. The binding will not crack or split. This is a permanent book. Format/Poids : 21x28 cm, 1,500 kg C Couverture : Reliure d'éditeur souple Nombres de pages : 655 pages. État : d’usage, très bon, légèrement émoussé A Noter !!! Règlement: Chèque personnel, Virement bancaire, Paypal, remise en main propre. Pour plusieurs articles, les frais d’expédition sont ajustés en fonction du poids et de la destination. Les frais de port comprennent, l’expédition, l’emballage et la main d’œuvre. J’expédie dans le monde. J’envoie mes colis le jeudi de la semaine suivant l'achat pour l'imiter mon impact environnemental donc pas de panique. Photos contractuelles!! Pas de surprise !! Vous achetez ce que vous voyez. L’appréciation de l'état d'un objet étant propre a chaque personne, regardez bien les photos avant d'acheter. Visiter mes autres offres.
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