Riverbed 8GB Memory Module 420-00043-01 PC3-10600 ECCREG FOR SERVER atttention ! for Intra-Community sale not subject to VAT important mandatory export sales conditions for companies. 1: you must ask request withdrawal of VAT to the seller before ordering (important) 2: your paypal account or your bank account must be a professional account only (proof requested) 3: the delivery address must be the same as the company requesting the withdrawal of VAT if one of these conditions is not valid we can not accept the withdrawal of VAT if your request is accepted we can send you a payment request directly. Thank you for your attention MEMOIRE POUR SERVEURS / SERVER MEMORY ONLY !! PRODUCTS SOLD BY RESELLER WITH BILL PRODUIT VENDU PAR VENDEUR PROFESSIONNEL AVEC FACTURE Condition: Used / Tested Occasion testé Physical Condition: Good / état ok Warranty Provided: 90 Days / garantie de 3 mois ATTENTION BIEN LIRE / READ PLEASE CES MEMOIRES SONT DES ECC (Error Correction Coding) certains clients se trompent et ne lisent pas bien les annonce, elles ne fonctionneront pas sur un simple pc et seulement sur serveurs ou certaines workstations pro nous ne notifions bien dans l'annonce, merci donc de faire attention. THESE MEMORIES ARE ECC (Error Correction Coding) some customers are wrong and do not read out the announcement they will not work on a single PC and only on certain servers or workstations pro notifies us well in the announcement, thank you so be careful. alcuni clienti sono sbagliate e non leggere l'annuncio non funziona su un singolo PC e solo su determinati server o workstation pro ci comunica bene l'annuncio, grazie quindi state attenti. Estas memorias son ECC (codificación de corrección de errores) algunos clientes están equivocados y no leer el anuncio no van a trabajar en una sola PC, y sólo en determinados servidores o estaciones de trabajo pro notifica a nosotros y en el anuncio, gracias así que ten cuidado.
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12,00 €
12,00 €