"The A-3s are the most perfect embodiment to date of my ideal loudspeaker system. Never in my life have I lived with a speaker that has brought, and continues to bring, as much pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction. In short, I am madly, passionately in love with their sound, and I hereby give notice to Roger West that he is going to have a hell of a hard time prying them loose from me." J. Gordon Holt - The founder of Stereophile I'm selling a beautiful pair of Sound Lab A-3 electrostatic speakers in better-than-new condition. New mylar membranes have been installed the last year. Electronic parts have been upgraded by Roger West himself to Toroid 2 level one month ago. I've made a custom wood frame to accomodate new transformers (which are too big to get inside the original frame). Speaker's impendance has been raised as well. This is the only pair of A3 upgraded to Toroid 2 level worldwide (as Toroid 2 upgrade has never been made before for A3 speakers). New toroidal transformers and higher sensibility make them easy to drive with any decent amplifier. So, this particular pair of A3 is not only in a virtualy new condition, they also sound better than new. The sound can be described by one word only: glorious ! I have compared Soundlab A3 to Quad ESL 2912 and Stax ELS 8X in my room. Soundlab are MUCH better in every possible way. They have completely different sound dispersion pattern, which makes them sound more lively, more organic, more life-like, and more dynamic. They will create in your room a spectacular gigantic immersion-space, much bigger and more lively than any other speaker regardless of the price. I have original crates so I can ship anywhere (on two pallets). Please contact me to discuss about shipping options and costs. If you live in Paris, you are welcome to test them in my home. After hearing them you will immediately sell your Quad, Martin Logan, Apogee, Magnepan... or any other speakers you currently have. Keep in mind that the current line of Soundlab speakers starts at 22.000 $ price tag.
2 Reviews

7.500,00 €
7.500,00 €