Free listing template designed by VERY RARE Vintage Printer (1982) PANASONIC KX P1081 Printer Data Stream EPSON MX80 LPR Compatible WORKING AND MINT Printer has been cleaned and retrobrighted (whitenining) and looks AS NEW. It includes cartridge (need refill) Cartridges can be found in for 6$ Can be used with IBM Vintage Computers, Apple IIc and Apple IIe. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS WELCOME We Speak English / Hablamos Castellano / On Parle Français / Parliami Italiano FRANCE We are in for +20 years. 100% 5 Stars Positive Feedbacks. We are famous for our packings. We have safely send all type of delicated items all arround the world. Check our Feedbacks. MONDIAL RELAY: Toujours possible d'utiliser le service de Mondial Relay en France MAIS Suelement AVEC SUPPLEMENT (20%). Le prix d'envoi comprend les frais d'embalage (packing/boite, les protections, le papier bulle et notre temps). AUCUNE RECLAMATION sera accepté de la part de l'acheteur si vous choisisez cette metode de livraison. Cettes livraisons ne peuvent pas entre verifiées par alors suelement un payement directe Paypal ser accepté pour la livraison avec Mondial Relay. ON NE FAIT PAS DE LA LIVRAISON EN MAIN PROPRE GRATUITE. LES FRAIS D'ENVOIE et D'EMBALAGE NE SONT PAS NEGOCIABLES. UK Due to new Brexit restriction shipping prices from UE to UK are higher. Additional Shipping and Administrative FEE will be requested (+20 €). We will fill in the customs forms but we will be NOT responsible of ANY additional customs/toll FEE. Some packages are RANDOMLY returned from UK border back into Europe. WE WILL BE NOT RESPONSIBLE of ANY additional cost generated on this process. Buyer will be charged for ANY additional cost we should have to pay for returns and additional burocracy. Sorry, not our wish / fault. US / Other Due to electronics Export restrictions additional Fee will be requested, depending on the destination. We can Potentially send our products to ANY COUNTRY but take into consideration thatshipping could be expensive. NON EU Euro Zone will be charged 2% (New fees) and additional shipping. Disclaimer NO RETURNS ACCEPTED. BEFORE Shipping we will provide to buyer a video where he/she could see the computer fully operative with its Serial Number. A full set of pictures from the packing process will be also provided to buyer to get his/her approbal before shipping. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE of ANY damage issued/caused during shipping. Once you receive the package, in case you see any damage or hit INFORM INMEDIATLY THE SHIPPING COMPANY and reject the package. We will be NOT responsible and We will NOT accept any claim if you accept it and yo do not report the damages BEFORE opening the package. HAPPY BIDDING! Ordenador Clasico Apple 2c 2 II ii LL mac Macintosh printer impresora stampante KX 1081 KX1081 KX1080 QWPDEFAULT imprimante
1 Reviews

29,00 €
29,00 €