Liste des meilleures ventes against

France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Against the Odds 47 - Arctic Disaster 36,65 € Disponibilité: en stock ce numéro de ATO contient un jeu sur la bataille ayant conduit à la quasi destruction du convoi PQ-17 par les forces aéronavales allemandes en juillet 1942. Arctic Disaster comprend des pions pour chaque unité navale ayant participé à cet affrontement, tandis que les pions des avions de la luftwaffe représentent 9-12 avions. complexité moyenne, jouabilité en solitaire faible, durée d'une partie: plusieurs sessions de jeu (12-15h) le jeu contient: une carte de 56x86cm 280 pions 16 pages de règles 2 pages de tables et légendes
36,65 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Against the Odds 43 - Islands of the Damned 36,65 € Disponibilité: en stock ce numéro de ATO contient deux jeux en solitaires sur les invasions de Wake Island par les japonais et de Peleliu par les US Marines lors de la guerre du Pacifique. Dans les deux cas, vous incarnez les forces américaines.
36,65 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Against the Odds 34 - Right Fierce and Terrible 38,75 € Disponibilité: en stock Dans chaque numéro de Strategy and Tactics, vous trouverez un jeu complet avec pions prédécoupés ainsi que des articles historiques consacrés à l'histoire militaire. Visitez la page anglaise du produit pour de plus amples détails.
38,75 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Heroes Against the Red Star X-Maps 23,10 € Disponibilité: en stock extension pour Heroes Against the Red Star. contenu: une carte en deux parties de 129 x 84cm 2 cartes de 28x43cm une fiche d'aide de jeu
23,10 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar 78,65 € Disponibilité: en stock 54 avant JC. La Gaule semble avoir été soumise par Jules César. Mais au nord, le belge Ambiorix piège des légions pendant l'absence de César. Au sud, un ambitieux chef Arverne tente de monter une confédération de tribus gauloise. Quand aux Eduens, clients de Rome, sont ils digne de confiance ? Pendant ce temps, les germains s'agitent derrière le Rhin... Cest dans cette situation explosive que Falling Sky plonge 1 à 4 joueurs qui mèneront politique et actions militaires. Reprenant le système à succès COIN (andean abyss, cuba libre, a distant plain...), et en l'améliorant, notamment par l'intégration d'évènements historiques ou encore par un système complet de jeu en solitaire, Falling Sky propose diverses expériences de jeu très différentes grâce à ses factions variées. contenu: plateau de 43x56cm 76 cartes à jouer. plus de 180 pièces de bois 5 tableaux de forces 4 aides de jeu de factions 2 aides de jeu pour factions non-jouées 2 aides avec séquences de jeu et gestion des tribus germaniques une planche de marqueurs 4 D6 en plastique livre de jeu livre de règles
78,65 €
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Carqueiranne (Var)
Jeu THE RACE AGAINST TIME sur ZX Spectrum (Sinclair) format cassette K7
9,89 €
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Nice (Alpes Maritimes)
Bonjour, je vous propose ce set LEGO réf. 7572 ; le QUEST AGAINST TIME série PRINCE of PERSIA / 4 minifigs / 506 pièces / année 2010 L'ensemble est COMPLET (vérifié avec le livret), les pièces sont en TRÈS BON ÉTAT (proche du NEUF, vitrine de collectionneur) la brique lumineuse fonctionne Amis fanatiques de LEGO, bonnes enchères et À BIENTÔT, d'ici là, faîtes de belles constructions ! Frais de port et conditions de vente : via MONDIAL RELAY (3,95 euros) FRAIS MAINTENUS à 3.95 euros si plusieurs achats. Les FRAIS d' ENVOI RÉGLÉS au-delà de 3.95 euros seront remboursés lors de la préparation de l'envoi. je réponds aux questions mais pas à la dernière minute...
49,47 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
KESSELSCHLACHT - against the odds - NEUF new - unpunched Kesselschlacht (literally, "cauldron battle") is a simulation depicting the encirclement and escape of the German First Panzer Army from the Ukraine in the Spring of 1944. The German forces were very low on fuel and ammunition and had been caught flat-footed by yet another overwhelming Soviet offensive. First Panzer Army had been cut off by a total of nine Soviet armies. Its breakout began on March 25, 1944, and continued into early April. In these two weeks, the Germans continuously conducted a mobile defense as their pocket drove westward in an effort to meet a relief force (which was spearheaded by the II SS Panzer Corps) attacking eastward. Supplied by air much of the time, First Panzer Army deceived the Soviet forces by moving west, instead of south as the Soviet generals had anticipated. The pocket crossed several swollen rivers, and struggled through thick mud and deep snow, yet somehow remained intact. Unlike the Korsun Pocket disaster the month before, this time the Germans avoided yet another debacle. The commander of the First Panzer Army, Generaloberst Hans Hube, through his skillful leadership, proved to be a master of mobile defensive warfare. Kesselschlacht game & issue #3 of ATO: Full color 22"x34" upgraded map 360 full color die-cut counters Rulebook length - 22 pages Charts and tables - 2 pages Complexity - Medium Solitaire suitability - Medium Playing time - 8 hours
47,93 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
FORTRESS BERLIN - against the odds - NEUF new - unpunched "The Führer lives and is defending Berlin!" screamed out Martin Bormann's final message on April 30th, 1945. Fortress Berlin is a two-player tactical/operational simulation of the last major battle of World War II in Europe, the assault on Berlin. Playing pieces represent the actual units that took part in this fight, along with some optional forces that might have become involved but did not do so. Map scale is approximately 500 yards (457 meters) to the hex. The mapboard depicts the essential portions of the city of Berlin, the general area including the German inner defenses for Berlin. This ranges from Treptow in the east to Spandau on the western side; and covers the area from Wedding-Pankow down to Mariendorf-Zehlendorf on the north-south axis. Each Game Turn represents one day and ground units range in size from a company up to a division. Fortress Berlin and issue #8 of ATO: Full color 22"x34" map 480 full color die-cut counters Rulebook length - 16 pages Charts and tables - 4 pages Complexity - Medium Solitaire suitability - High Playing time - 12 hours
47,93 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
THE BIG PUSH - against the odds - NEUF new - unpunched The Big Push covers the gigantic battle of the Somme in summer-fall of 1916. Rivaling Verdun in ferocity, scale and casualties, Somme was Britain's first real chance to open up the Western Front in World War I. French and British allies, wanting to take initiative away from Germany at Verdun, launched a large joint offensive at the Somme, where their fronts met. British generals called it the "Big Push," to break the trenches and carry them to victory. Here was a campaign that brought little save the cultural annihilation of the participants. Europe never looked at war quite the same way after the Somme. The British player controls the Allied forces (British and French), while the other player commands the defending German Army. It is also possible to have three players--French, British, and German. Each Game Turn represents one week. Map scale measures approximately 1142 yards per square (squares rather than hexes are used to prevent the easy outflanking of enemy units - something very hard to do in WW1). Ground units range in size from regiments to divisions. Each infantry strength point varies between 700 and 1500 men, depending on nationality and fighting effectiveness. Support units, like artillery, cavalry and tanks, focus their strength more on relative fire power and attack force. Play begins with artillery fire, where the other player may throw in his counter battery fire to offset the barrages. Ground movement comes next, followed by the declaration of assaults, appeals to command center resources, and defensive fire. After assaults take place, the phasing player introduces replacements and tries to rally his disordered units.
59,93 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Super wargame en excellent état, complet et nickel, partiellement unpunched, tout le reste bien rangé en sachets zips
95 €
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Avon la Pèze (Aube)
Bon état, non peint, le corps est collé mais pas les bras ni la tête qui restent mobiles. Les photos jointes montrent exactement les objets vendus. Envoi soigné, bien protégé, suivi. Autres lots HEROQUEST disponibles dans ma liste d'objets en vente!! Frais de port groupés à partir de 2 objets: 0,50€ par objet supplémentaire. Veillez à me demander le total avant le paiement. =============================== Original HEROQUEST items at auction. Good condition, unpainted, the body parts are fixed, not the arms nor the head which can move. Please have have a look at the attached pictures, which show the actual items you will receive. Safely packed, with care, and tracked shipping. +++++ COMBINED INVOICE +++++ in case you purchase several HEROQUEST items, shipping costs are calculated as follows: Postage cost for 1 item + 0,50€ per additional item.
19,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 The Expansion Pack has been designed with all levels of Starter Kit players in mind and includes something for everyone. It includes three boards q, r and s consisting of a small city board, a village/woods board and a rural woods/hill board. In addition the Pack comes with 8 scenarios set in locations such as Poland 1939 Finland 1942 Sicily 1943 France 1944 and Germany 1944. The Expansion Pack includes actions pitting the Poles against the Slovakian army, Russians advancing against Germans, Americans in their struggle against the Italians and the Free French forces defending against a sudden German counterattack. The Expansion Pack is completely standalone providing everything you need to play the game (except dice) including new counters and updated rules and charts addressing known errata! The Expansion Pack covers actions that allow any level of Starter Kit player from Starter Kit 1 to Starter Kit 3 with 2 Infantry only (Starter Kit 1) scenarios 2 Infantry and Guns (Starter Kit 2) scenarios and 4 scenarios with Tanks (Starter Kit 3) of which 2 have tanks on one side only. Detailed content: > three 8x22 geomorphic mapboards q-r-s > 1 full sheet of 1/2 counters > 1 full sheet of 5/8 counters > illustrated in color rulebook > New play aids (QRDC etc.) > 8 new scenarios! Please note: Have a look at my other items. I will combine shipping for multiple wins. Shipping to a pickup point (point relais) with tracking service to Belgium or Luxembourg is like France EUR 6 and EUR 10.50 to Spain. For shipping ouside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding!
100 €
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Paris (Paris)
I am selling all my Vampire the Masquerade book collection ! Book by book ! So bid on all the books and novels you'd want, and we'll see about the shipping at the very end of the bidding period (see below) 1992 WHITE WOLF's Classic World of Darkness Vampire the Masquerade First Edition AWAKENING - DIABLERIE: MEXICO White Wolf Wikia says: Awakening: Diablerie Mexico is a standalone scenario which allows player characters to track down and drink the blood of a fourth generation methuselah in the jungles of Mexico. Lying deep in torpor beneath the Mayan tombs is a most-ancient Methuselah. Sleeping away the ages until his time to arise finally comes. He guards himself, and his potent blood, most assiduously. But you have learned where he rests — and so you search for him. Soon his essence will be yours. They may have rules against what you are about to do, but they might as well try to stop the thirst itself. Win, and power beyond reckoning is yours. Lose, and your defeat is final, for the ancients are wrathful against those who disturb their slumber. Diablerie: Mexico is a full Story for Vampire, requiring you to pit your mind and body against one of the most powerful Cainites in the New World. It includes: * Expanded rules on Diablerie, the most-hated practice of the undead. * Details on older, more powerful Vampires in a Chronicle * Information on how the mightiest Kindred protect themselves during their long torpors, including the spirits and traps which guard their slumbers. ____________________ SHIPPING INFO This article's weight is: 220 g. I am selling numerous books, so please consult this chart to have an estimate approximation of your shipping fees, in function of which book you buy. Please note that I will have to add a weight of 300 g to each buyer, to represent the weight of the enveloppe / box. Then I will add the weight of each book in the box. Of course, the shipping fees will be combined. If you buy two 500g books, you will not pay twice the shipping for 500g, but the shipping for 1 kg. Once the bidding period is over, I'll review all buyers, add the books' weight, check the buyer's country and finalize the payment demand with the correct shipping fees. Please do not pay before receiving the corrected payment demand with the shipping fees included ^__^ COST ESTIMATE BY DESTINATION TOTAL WEIGHT France Métropole France Outremer 1 France Outremer 2 Europe (see list) Eastern Europe, Norway & Maghreb Rest of the World 250 g 4,64 9,6 11,65 12,55 12,5 12,5 500 g 6,96 9,6 11,65 12,55 16,7 16,7 1 kg 7,95 14,6 17,45 15,5 20,3 25,1 2 kg 8,95 19,9 30,6 17,55 22,2 25,1 3 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 39 5 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 55,65 10 kg 20,05 47,9 100,5 37 47,2 105,3 20 kg 28,55 106,9 245,5 61,5 73,6 168 30 kg 28,55 105 250 61,5 20 kg limit --> 2 packages · France Outremer 1 : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy · France Outremer 2 : Nouvelle Calédonie, Polynésie Française, Wallis et Futuna, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises · « Europe » : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican
15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Buy Xbox Live Gold now! 12 months Xbox Live Gold subscription for the Xbox 360 / Xbox One and the Microsoft marketplace. You will receive your code to redeem in your account within minutes by eMail. This is an EU key that can only be used / activated within Europe. DIGITAL CODE An Xbox Live Gold Membership is the complete online entertainment experience that's only available on Xbox 360. Those who subscribe to this premium service can jump online and compete in huge virtual arenas against the best and brightest players out there, or just play casually against family and friends. If large scale frag-fests aren't your thing, you might enjoy the tactical stylings of the latest Tom Clancy squad-based shooter, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Peek in on the latest race in Project Gotham Racing 3 using GothamTV or visit the Xbox Live Arcade to play the latest casual arcade games. Simply put, Xbox Live Gold is the only way to play online. What are you waiting for? Product Description Xbox Live is an online multiplayer gaming and content delivery system that allows registered users to create their own friends list of other users, and communicate with them via a mail-like system of either text or voice messages which can even be used to send a message to an offline user. With the new Xbox Live Vision camera, users can also send snapshot images to offline friends or video conference with them when they?re online. With the launch of the Xbox 360, Xbox Live went through a major change. The most notable change is the establishment of two subscription types, called Silver and Gold. Xbox Live Silver is free to all Xbox 360 owners. While it does not allow access to online play, it still has access to other Xbox Live features such as the friends list, messages, and the Xbox Live Marketplace. Xbox Live Gold, which requires a monthly or yearly subscription fee, allows users to access all available features on Xbox Live.
52,99 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
F1 2019 Legends Edition Upgrade (DLC) (PS4) Official game based on Formula One World Championship of 2019 is set to the be the best release from the developer Codemasters. No more just watching the races on your silver screen, it is time to grip the wheel in your own hands; buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key and see how well you will hold up against the bigshots of F1. And since all the contenders from the race are available in the game, you will surely have your pick of adversaries! F2 is finally here You will have a chance to test your skill not only against the well-known F1 racers, but also see what it’s like to drive in the F2 tracks. The mode presents some restrictions that are not applicable to the F1 cars, which ensures your experience with the different league is genuine and challenging. Granted, when you buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key, you will only have access to tracks and drivers that were included in F2’s 2018 teams, but there’s still plenty of content to keep you occupied. Better than before Codemasters truly went all out and graphics have been their priority. The newest game displays enhanced environments in order to elevate the gameplay as well as show off the capabilities of current technology. Furthermore, it increases engagement, making you feel like you truly are in those familiar tracks! Broadcast sounds and video have also been improved, underlining the feeling of realism that is especially important in games like this, so buy F1 2019 Legends Edition key and experience it all by yourself. Legends Editions Live through the greatest rivalry that F1 has ever known! Take command of Ayrton Senna and his trusted vehicle 1990 McLaren MP4/5B, or pick Alain Prost and the famed Ferrari F1-90. There are 8 challenges you can race through, experiencing the thrill and danger of high-speed competitions. Additionally, you will receive multiplayer car liveries themed after the two famous and beloved drivers, allowing you to show off your dedication for all to see!
9,98 €
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Paris (Paris)
I am selling all my Vampire the Masquerade book collection ! Book by book ! So bid on all the books and novels you'd want, and we'll see about the shipping at the very end of the bidding period (see below) 2002 WHITE WOLF's Classic World of Darkness Vampire the Masquerade MUMMY: THE RESURRECTION PLAYERS GUIDE The Battle For Eternity... After the last Great Maelstorm they came, flooding into the night to take up the struggle against the minions of Apophis the Corrupter and all who would stand against Ma'at. But the Amenti are not alone among the Undying. There are others who serve justice and balance with equal vigor, and now that the Amenti have met and counseled these strange immortals, the World of Darkness may never be the same. Has Been Joined The Mummy Players Guide is a core sourcebook for the Mummy: The Resurrection game. From new character types to a wealth of new traits and powers, players will find everything they need to play one of the Reborn -- be it one of the Amenti or their cousins among the South American Teomallki or the Wu T'ian of the Far East. ____________________ SHIPPING INFO This article's weight is: 1010 g. I am selling numerous books, so please consult this chart to have an estimate approximation of your shipping fees, in function of which book you buy. Please note that I will have to add a weight of 300 g to each buyer, to represent the weight of the enveloppe / box. Then I will add the weight of each book in the box. Of course, the shipping fees will be combined. If you buy two 500g books, you will not pay twice the shipping for 500g, but the shipping for 1 kg. Once the bidding period is over, I'll review all buyers, add the books' weight, check the buyer's country and finalize the payment demand with the correct shipping fees. Please do not pay before receiving the corrected payment demand with the shipping fees included ^__^ COST ESTIMATE BY DESTINATION TOTAL WEIGHT France Métropole France Outremer 1 France Outremer 2 Europe (see list) Eastern Europe, Norway & Maghreb Rest of the World 250 g 4,64 9,6 11,65 12,55 12,5 12,5 500 g 6,96 9,6 11,65 12,55 16,7 16,7 1 kg 7,95 14,6 17,45 15,5 20,3 25,1 2 kg 8,95 19,9 30,6 17,55 22,2 25,1 3 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 39 5 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 55,65 10 kg 20,05 47,9 100,5 37 47,2 105,3 20 kg 28,55 106,9 245,5 61,5 73,6 168 30 kg 28,55 105 250 61,5 20 kg limit --> 2 packages · France Outremer 1 : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy · France Outremer 2 : Nouvelle Calédonie, Polynésie Française, Wallis et Futuna, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises · « Europe » : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican
40 €
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Andilly-Charente Maritime (Charente Maritime)
Hi there! Here is an exceptionnal miniature Skull Lord! I used for my D&D/Pathfinder campaigns and from my collection! They are all either Wizards of the Coast or Pathfinder brand miniatures. Please look at the pictures for more exact details. In my different sales, you can find the editions of 2003-2010 and others. They are in good shape except for some dust minor bends here and there that are easily fixed with hot water and ice. You could probably get several adventures from these guys! I combine shipping and handling. Please wait on invoice total if you want to combine shipping and handling for multiple purchases. I have a variety of other items for sale. Please take a look. Thank you. D&D, AD&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Gaming, RPG, Fantasy, Figures, Figurines, Minis, WotC, Wizards, Monsters, Encounters, Harbinger, Dragoneye, Archfiends, Giants of Legend, Aberrations, Deathknell, Angelfire, Underdark, War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, Blood War, Unhallowed, Night Below, Desert Of desolation, Dungeons of dread, Against the Giants, Demonweb, Monster Manual,Lors of Madness Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose cette figurine exceptionnelle Skull Lord D&D/Pathfinder tout droit sorti de ma collection. C'est avec regret que je m'en sépare mais elle prend la poussière alors autant qu'elle vive sur d'autres tables de jeux! Il s'agit des figurines officielles Donjons et Dragons ou Pathfinder. N'hésitez pas à consulter les photos pour plus de détails. Dans mes différentes ventes vous pouvez retrouver des éditions de 2003-2010 et d'autres. Les figurines sont en bon état. Pour certaines il y a de la poussière cumulée mais facilement lavable. Je combine les frais de port pour les multiples achats donc ne payez pas tout de suite avant que je fasse les modifications. Mondial relay possible. J'ai de nombreuses autres ventes, jetez y un œil! Merci D&D, AD&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Gaming, RPG, Pathfinder, Fantasy, Figures, Figurines, Minis, WotC, Wizards, Monsters, Encounters, Harbinger, Dragoneye, Archfiends, Giants of Legend, Aberrations, Deathknell, Angelfire, Underdark, War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, Blood War, Unhallowed, Night Below, Desert Of desolation, Dungeons of dread, Against the Giants, Demonweb, Monster Manual,Lors of Madness
10 €
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Bouguenais (Loire Atlantique)
The ultimate version of Codex: Space Marines, the Primaris Edition is strictly limited to only 1,500 numbered copies worldwide. Along with the unabridged Codex: Space Marines â in a special edition hardback featuring black edged pages and a soft touch cover â it also features: - Only In Death: an exclusive 96-page hardback containing a range of Space Marines artwork, both classic and brand new; - 4 art cards featuring concept sketches for the Primaris Space Marines by senior miniatures designer Jes Goodwin; - an 80-page mini-Codex, containing all the army rules and datasheets from the main Codex; - a victory and command point tracker for use in games. The 41st Millennium is an age of war and darkness. The Imperium is assailed from all sides, but standing between civilisation and annihilation is a warrior brotherhood. Forged through forgotten science and strengthened by duty and training, they are the Angels of Death â the Space Marines â and they were made for battle. By their heroics does Humanity endure. They are few â there are but a thousand Chapters, numbering a thousand each â yet through bravery, consummate skill and unceasing dedication, they are sufficient. Space Marines launch thunderbolt strikes into the heart of the foe, battling constantly against overwhelming odds to ensure the continued survival of Mankind itself. Codex: Space Marines is a 208-page hardback containing a wealth of background and rules â the definitive book for all Space Marines collectors. Within its pages, youâll find: Background - The Emperorâs Finest: the origin of the Space Marines, with a guide to the original Legions and their successor Chapters, a detailed breakdown of the methods, technology and rituals behind the creation of these superhuman soldiers and an explanation of how their Chapters are organised, with guides to heraldry and markings; - Imperius Dominatus: an annotated map of the galaxy, showing the full, dreadful extent of the Cicatrix Maledictumâs reach, and the Chapter homeworlds it has cut off; - A Brotherhood at War: a timeline featuring some of the most important battles and events in the Space Marinesâ struggle against the darkness, leading up to the faint glimmer of hope that is the Indomitus Crusade; - Chronicles of Ultramar: an in-depth guide to the Ultramarines, their homeworld Ultramar, the composition of their infamous 2nd Company, a timeline of their heroic history and a brief overview of their successor Chapters; - Guides to the White Scars, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands Chapters, with timelines of major battles, as well as descriptions and colour schemes of their successor Chapters; - Explanations of the fighting forces available to all Space Marine Chapters including heroes, squads, vehicles and special characters. Also included is an inspiring showcase of beautifully-painted Citadel miniatures, depicting Space Marines of every type doing battle in the colours of each founding Chapter. Rules This book contains everything needed to get a Space Marines army ready for war! A huge collection of rules content is within: - 85 datasheets covering the entire Space Marines range â including the Primaris Space Marines; - Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games; - Army abilities and wargear lists, alongside a brief explanation of their use and the use of keywords; - Rules profiles for every piece of wargear and every weapon in the Space Marinesâ arsenal; - Rules for Battle-forged armies, including abilities for Space Marines armies and specific Chapter Tactics for Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Black Templars, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands Chapters, reflecting their unique fighting styles; - 26 Stratagems for Battle-forged armies, reflecting the varied tactics used by Space Marines commanders on the battlefield;
130 €
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Andilly-Charente Maritime (Charente Maritime)
Hi there! Here is an exceptionnal miniature Purple Worm, I used for my D&D/Pathfinder campaigns and from my collection! WITH CARD They are all either Wizards of the Coast or Pathfinder brand miniatures. Please look at the pictures for more exact details. In my different sales, you can find the editions of 2003-2010 and others. They are in good shape except for some dust minor bends here and there that are easily fixed with hot water and ice. You could probably get several adventures from these guys! I combine shipping and handling. Please wait on invoice total if you want to combine shipping and handling for multiple purchases. I have a variety of other items for sale. Please take a look. Thank you. D&D, AD&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Gaming, RPG, Fantasy, Figures, Figurines, Minis, WotC, Wizards, Monsters, Encounters, Harbinger, Dragoneye, Archfiends, Giants of Legend, Aberrations, Deathknell, Angelfire, Underdark, War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, Blood War, Unhallowed, Night Below, Desert Of desolation, Dungeons of dread, Against the Giants, Demonweb, Monster Manual,Lors of Madness Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose cette figurine exceptionnelle Purple Worm, D&D/Pathfinder tout droit sorti de ma collection. C'est avec regret que je m'en sépare mais elle prend la poussière alors autant qu'elle vive sur d'autres tables de jeux! Avec sa carte. Il s'agit des figurines officielles Donjons et Dragons ou Pathfinder. N'hésitez pas à consulter les photos pour plus de détails. Dans mes différentes ventes vous pouvez retrouver des éditions de 2003-2010 et d'autres. Les figurines sont en bon état. Pour certaines il y a de la poussière cumulée mais facilement lavable. Je combine les frais de port pour les multiples achats donc ne payez pas tout de suite avant que je fasse les modifications. Mondial relay possible. J'ai de nombreuses autres ventes, jetez y un oeil! Merci D&D, AD&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Gaming, RPG, Pathfinder, Fantasy, Figures, Figurines, Minis, WotC, Wizards, Monsters, Encounters, Harbinger, Dragoneye, Archfiends, Giants of Legend, Aberrations, Deathknell, Angelfire, Underdark, War Drums, War of the Dragon Queen, Blood War, Unhallowed, Night Below, Desert Of desolation, Dungeons of dread, Against the Giants, Demonweb, Monster Manual,Lors of Madness
24,95 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Discover a tropical paradise frozen in time and ruled by the tyrannical dictator Antón Castillo. As Dani Rojas, a local Yaran resistance fighter, join forces with fellow guerrillas to burn down the oppressive regime and bring freedom back to your island homeland. Explore an expansive open world filled with diverse ecosystems and unique challenges where every decision counts. Use an arsenal of weapons, vehicles, and abilities to take on Castillo's brutal army alone or alongside your friends in seamless co-op multiplayer. Be prepared for an immersive adventure that challenges you to make tough choices and face the consequences as you fight for your people and your future. Features: - Explore an expansive open world set across seven unique regions, each featuring diverse ecosystems and challenges. - Use a wide range of weapons, vehicles, and abilities to take on Castillo's brutal army alone or alongside friends in seamless co-op multiplayer. - Make tough choices and face consequences as Dani Rojas, a local Yaran resistance fighter fighting against Antón Castillo's oppressive regime. - Discover rich storylines and side quests that deepen the lore of the Far Cry universe. - Experience immersive gameplay featuring realistic weather systems, day/night cycles, and dynamic enemy behavior. - Engage in intense firefights, stealth missions, and exploration challenges designed to test your skills and keep you engaged throughout the game. With its stunning graphics, immersive storyline, and diverse gameplay mechanics, Farcry 6 offers players an unforgettable experience in a tropical paradise turned dystopian nightmare. Join Dani Rojas and the resistance fighters in their fight against tyranny and bring freedom back to their island homeland. En savoir plus
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France (Toutes les villes)
Pool Snooker Billiard Table Kelly Pool Shaker Bottle + 16 Tally Balsl Peas ZH Product Description Description: Kelly pool (also known as pea pool, pill pool, keeley, the keilley game, and killy) is a pocket billiards game played on a standard pool table using fifteen numbered markers called peas or pills, and a standard set of sixteen pool balls. Features Used for kelly, pea and Pill pool Great Tournament Games to play against your Opponents instead of playing Eight or Nine Ball Shaker Size: Approx. 2.5 x 6.3 inch / 6.5 x 16.2 cm Tally Balls Peas Size: 0.55 x 0.67 inch / 1.4 x 1.7 cm Material: Plastic Color: red/black shaker, Red and white tally peas Included: 1 X Kelly Pool Bottle 16 X Tally Peas Le 07-janv.-20 à 18:47:19 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
3,70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Condition: Brand New Compatible for Fidget Cube Perfect Fit design for your device Protect Surface Against abrasion and Cover Scratch Marks,Dust,Fingerprints and Bumps Easy to Remove and install Anti-Slip: worry less about slipping off your hands Material: EVA Diamter:8.3cm Colour is sent by Random Package Include:1PC Le 28-janv.-20 à 13:06:19 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
2,16 €
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Montrouge (Hauts de Seine)
Genocide 2 SFC Super Famicom G2 Snes Nintendo Kemco ** RARE **. État: cartouche en Bon état, voir photos Cartouche rare de ce jeu d’action sur Super Famicom où vous jouez une robot et devez combattre d’autres méchas. Ce jeu est une perle méconnue de la ludothèque Super Famicom. Rare cartridge of this great action game on Super Famicom where you play as a robot against other mechas. This game is a Super Famicom hidden gem. Je ne vends que la cartouche I sell the cartridge only
47 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
FIGURINE STARLUX indienne porteuse d'eau -Le port est forfaitaire il comprend le pourcentage prélevé par sur le port et les fournitures d'emballages (bulle,scotch, enveloppe..) -Achats regroupés possible, n'hésitez pas a visiter la boutique pour limiter ou réduire les frais de port. POUR DEMANDER UN PORT REGROUPÉ, mettre les articles (figurines) dans votre panier et demander le total. Attention l'achat article par article cumul les ports -Pour les livres nous privilégions l'expédition en Mondial Relay pour la France métropolitaine (option la moins couteuse avec suivi), mais vous pouvez demander un colissimo (frais supplémentaires). -Pour l'Europe expédition avec Mondial Relay pour les pays concernés. En relais contre signature: Belgique, Luxembourg et Espagne. A domicile: Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Unis. -Pour tous ces pays + autres pays d'Europe et reste du Monde expédition possible en "livres et brochures" mode très économique, mais règlement obligatoire par virement bancaire, puisque pas de suivi. Aucune réclamation possible en cas de perte. -For Europe possible shipment wuth Mondial Relay for the countries concerned: Relais against signature: Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg. At Home: Germany, Austria, Belgium, spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom. -For all these countries + other countries of Europe and Worl possible shipping " livres et brochures" very economical price. In this case payment required by bank transfer, paypal refused because no tracking. -Tous ces tarifs ne concernent pas les DOM-TOM. Merci de nous contacter pour un tarif d'expédition adapté. Expédition en lettre suivie pour la France 2,80 euros. pour plusieurs figurines expédition en lettre suivie ou mondial relay.
5,5 €
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Martigues (Bouches du Rhône)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons version anglaise Adventure CB2 CONAN Against Darkness Très bon état (voir photos), des tampons sont présents sur la première page (voir photos) Attention !!!! Frais de port pour l'étranger (variables en fonction du pays). Me contacter avant Shipping costs for foreign countries (variables depending on the country). Contact me before
25 €
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Paris (Paris)
I am selling all my Vampire the Masquerade book collection ! Book by book ! So bid on all the books and novels you'd want, and we'll see about the shipping at the very end of the bidding period (see below) 2001 WHITE WOLF's Classic World of Darkness Novel Year of the Scarab (book 2 on 3) LAY DOWN WITH LIONS by Andrew Bates The Battle Continues, An Unknown History Questioning the origins of his ancestors, the estranged vampire called Beckett has come to Chicago, arriving in the middle of a now full-blown war. Unknowlingly, Beckett helps Khalid al-Rashid, a powerful Nosferatu, piece together the ancient history of the mummies - a history hidden for centuries. Now the Kindred not only face the threat of Thea Ghandour and her fellow hunters, but now must also struggle against other immortals The Temple of Akhenaton has been destroyed, and Maxwell Carpenter reveals his true motive for uncovering the source of the mummies' power: revenge. Powered by his hatred, Carpenter will stop at nothing until he has killed the last member of the Sforza family, the mummy, Nicholas Sforza-Ankhotep. The mummies must protect the heart of their power or they and their future will cease to exist. Lay Down with Lions is the second novel in the Year of the Scarab trilogy. This three-volume epic reveals the rise of an ancient power that threatens to forever alter the World of Darkness: the immortal beings known as mummies. ____________________ SHIPPING INFO This article's weight is: 160 g. I am selling numerous books, so please consult this chart to have an estimate approximation of your shipping fees, in function of which book you buy. Please note that I will have to add a weight of 300 g to each buyer, to represent the weight of the enveloppe / box. Then I will add the weight of each book in the box. Of course, the shipping fees will be combined. If you buy two 500g books, you will not pay twice the shipping for 500g, but the shipping for 1 kg. Once the bidding period is over, I'll review all buyers, add the books' weight, check the buyer's country and finalize the payment demand with the correct shipping fees. Please do not pay before receiving the corrected payment demand with the shipping fees included ^__^ COST ESTIMATE BY DESTINATION TOTAL WEIGHT France Métropole France Outremer 1 France Outremer 2 Europe (see list) Eastern Europe, Norway & Maghreb Rest of the World 250 g 4,64 9,6 11,65 12,55 12,5 12,5 500 g 6,96 9,6 11,65 12,55 16,7 16,7 1 kg 7,95 14,6 17,45 15,5 20,3 25,1 2 kg 8,95 19,9 30,6 17,55 22,2 25,1 3 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 39 5 kg 13,75 29,9 51,5 22,45 28,5 55,65 10 kg 20,05 47,9 100,5 37 47,2 105,3 20 kg 28,55 106,9 245,5 61,5 73,6 168 30 kg 28,55 105 250 61,5 20 kg limit --> 2 packages · France Outremer 1 : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy · France Outremer 2 : Nouvelle Calédonie, Polynésie Française, Wallis et Futuna, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises · « Europe » : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican
7 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Paper Wars 92 - Pitt's War 44,10 € Disponibilité: en stock Dans chaque numéro de Paper Wars, vous trouverez un jeu complet avec pions prédécoupés ainsi que des articles historiques consacrés à l'histoire militaire et des articles sur la production de jeux de divers éditeurs. Dans ce numéro on trouve Pitt's War qui est un jeu à l'échelle stratégique simulant l'affrontement pour la domination européenne entre l'Angleterre et la France. Le jeu a été conçu par l'auteur de Napoleon Against Europe. Il en reprend certains grands principes comme la carte à zones. Les unités de jeu ont plusieurs pas de pertes, Chaque tour représente une année subdivisée en deux impulsions, beau et mauvais temps; chaque camp active une force à tour de rôle qui calcule son facteur de mouvement aléatoire puis bouge et combat. Au-cours d'une même impulsion, si un leader (ils sont peu nombreux) est empilé avec une force, celle ci peut se déplacer une seconde fois en faisant un jet d'attrition. 130 évènements sont présents par le biais de tirages de marqueurs, ajoutés au fur et à mesure de l'avancement de la partie afin de s'approcher de la réalité historique. Un système de production permet chaque année de renforcer ses armées. Le jeu est subdivisé en deux scénarios: Révolution française et Empire, que l'on peut rassembler en une grande campagne. complexité: faible jouabilité solo: moyenne un tour = 1 an une zone de carte = une province un pion = un corps ou une armée contient une carte et une planche de 228 pions.
44,09 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Sell big account Bleach Brave Souls more than one year playing. 246 different characters. 2 characters lvl 200 Best characters: - Vasto lorde Ichigo white - Dangai Ichigo - Aizen ultima - Aizen (against Dangai Ichigo) - Ichigo Fullbring - Ulquiorra Resureccion - Tensa Zangetsu - Starkk - Tsukishima - Grimmjow Pantera
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Kelly pool (also known as pea pool, pill pool, keeley, the keilley game, and killy) is a pocket billiards game played on a standard pool table using fifteen numbered markers called peas or pills, and a standard set of sixteen pool balls. Description Used for kelly, pea and Pill pool Great Tournament Games to play against your Opponents instead of playing Eight or Nine Ball Shaker Size: approx. 7.5 x 16.2 cm Tally Balls Peas Size: 0.55 x 0.67 inch / 1.4 x 1.7 cm Material: plastic Color: dark brown shaker, red and white tally peas Package Includes: 1 x Kelly Pool Bottle 16 x Tally Peas Le 24-févr.-20 à 11:00:22 Paris, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes:
4,30 €
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