Asl action
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris ASL Action Pack 15 - Swedish Volunteers 37,80 € Disponibilité: en stock Ce pack permet de jouer les volontaires suédois qui bien que leur pays soit neutre, sont intervenus chez leurs voisins norvégiens et finlandais lors de la seconde guerre mondiale. On trouvera 120 pions 1/2" et 8 pions 5/8", le chapitre Z des règles (pages Z85-Z90) et 16 scénarios.
37,79 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris ASL Armies of Oblivion 146,90 € Disponibilité: en stock Cette énorme extension pour Advanced Squad Leader met en scène tous les alliés mineurs de l'Axe avec leur équipement. Sont ainsi représentés les Roumains, Croates, Hongrois, Slovaques et Bulgares. Armies of Oblivion n'est pas un jeu complet, il nécessite la possession des règles d'ASL, et vous aurez besoin d'extensions diverses pour pouvoir jouer les 32 scénarii inclus qui ont été mis à jour et retravaillés. contenu: 4 cartes cartonnées (48-51) 6 planches de pions 5 overlays 32 scenarios tirés de l'édition précédente, de Partisan!, de divers ASL Action packs, annuals et journals épuisés. règles chapitre H 2 cartes SASL alliés mineurs de l'Axe
146,89 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ASL Annual '9 1 with Red Barricades insert Third issue of that line, it is 64-page long. It is mainly centered on Red Barricades (but not only): It contains a detailed ‘ after action report ’ relating a RB Campaign game with maps and commentary from both sides encompassing the period October 17 th – November 12 th. + one new scenario played on the RB map (‘ Fire on the Volga ’) Beyond Stalingrad, are also included: - an article on the Axis Minors in ASL: Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia and even Albania ! - a review of the 8 scenarios initially published in the module Last Hurrah and now found in Armies of Oblivion - a discussion of the famous ‘incremental infantry fire table’ originally published in the previous issue - statistics on Oktoberfest scenarios and play balance - rules, history and ASL counter art for the mysterious German Maus tank - 15 other scenarios including a deluxe scenario and a subset of 7 ones, titled ‘ Market Garden Campaign ’ created by Jon Mishcon and Joe Suchar. You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR.. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ASL Kursk module Hell's Bridgehead 3 Hell's Bridgehead is one of the few Eastern front historical modules not taking place in Stalingrad or Berlin. The module deals with the fight during the Kursk battle of the Russian 31st independant Tank Corps + 33rd Guards Corps facing the 3rd SS Panzergrenadier division "Totenkopf". Up for bid is the enriched third edition developed by Dave Lamb. This item contains all the components issued by Critical Hit. Detailed content: - a front and back cover - a historical map 22" x 3 4 " depicting the Psel river, its banks and the dominating terrain - 212 die-cut 5/8" and ½" counters featuring black SS troops, some Russians and markers - a leaflet with historical summary - 9 sc enarios HB#1 to HB# 9, all played on the historical map - Bonus: the Tin Pan hill map + 2 scenarios played on it Published: 2011 Mark Pitcavage wrote on his website about Hell's Bridgehead: " Hell’s Bridgehead is a quality historical module. All ASL fans of East Front action should consider getting it. Most of the scenarios are fun and balanced. T his is a chance to get one of the better CH historical modules " You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
60 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris ASL: Objective Schmidt 115,50 € Disponibilité: en stock Objective Schmidt décrit les durs combats livrés au début de novembre 1944 dans la forêt de Hürtgen par la 28e division d'infanterie américaine pour les petites villes de Schmidt / Kommerscheidt et de Vossenack. Objectif: Schmidt comprend les éléments suivants: 17 scénarios bourrés d'action en impression couleur, y compris une campagnee couvrant la bataille pour Kommerscheidt sur 7 scénarios. 560 pions en couleur de 1/2" (pas 576 comme imprimé au dos de la boite) 88 pions en couleur de 5/8 " Deux cartes géomorphiques HASL de 22 "x 34" qui se combinent pour représenter la situation historique de la ville de Vossenack. Quatre cartes géomorphiques HASL de 22 "x 34" avec des hexagones de 1" qui se combinent pour représenter la situation historique des villes de Schmidt et Kommerscheidt Un article couvrant "Les pentes en ASL" Les pages de règles décrivant les notes de véhicules / d'artillerie, les règles de bataille historiques (HBR), les cartes de terrains et les règles de jeu de la campagne Une carte de séparation pour une référence rapide des HBR pendant le scénario et le jeu de campagne. Les produits Hasbro / MMP ASL suivants sont requis pour jouer tous les scénarios inclus: Beyond Valor © et Yanks ©
115,5 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
This Out of Print ASL Annual became hot anew after the release of " Rising Sun " by MMP dealing with the PTO, the Chinese & Japanese orders of battle. As the cover shows, its main focus is the Pacific Theater of Operations. It can be a nice addition to your PTO material, especially if you have recently acquired Rising Sun (or its father modules Code of Bushido - Gung Ho) Printed on 80 pages, it offers: > 15 ASL scenarios including renowned ones (A44 " Blocking action at Lipki ", AH2 " The Commissar's House ", AD9 " Royal Marines ") > a Commando Campaign Game for SL by Rex Martin: unique Squad Lea der Campaign Game dealing with Briti sh Commandos (covered along 13 pages) > several interesting articles: Soldiers of the Sun by Charles Markuss Series Replay: A41 Op Hill by Chuck Goetz, Perry Cocke and Pat Jonke Pigi-Pigi by Steven Swann about the Australians in the independant companies The Doomed Battalions by Charles Markuss And Here We Damned Well Played by Mark Nixon Guilt By Accusation? by John Farris, Jay Kaufman and George Windau Any questions? Please feel free to ask. Enjoy the content and happy bidding! You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR.. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
40 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris ASL Onslaught to Orsha 2 135,45 € Disponibilité: en stock Des mois de recherches approfondies ainsi que des tests de jeu intensifs par les joueurs vétérans de Bounding Fire Productions ont vu naitre une nouvelle édition de Onslaught to Orsha En plus des scénarios HASL, on trouvera deux autres thèmatiques entrelacées dans cette version étendue et mise à jour: des scénarios de type rivière / tête de pont et des actions très mobiles / relativement mobiles. Tous capturent les situations diverses des combats épiques de l'opération Bagration. L'assaut à Orsha comprend les éléments suivants: 32 scénarios bourrés d'action (dont 10 nouveaux!) En couleur, sur les cartes géographiques et HASL, plus un jeu de campagne: Ontrack to Orsha 370 pions 1/2" prédécoupés 296 pions 5/8" prédécoupés Deux cartes HASL de 22 "x 28" et une de 28 "x 28" qui se combinent pour représenter la situation historique autour de la plaine d'Orsha fin juin 1944. Pages de règles décrivant les avions, les véhicules et les canons utilisés, le terrain des cartes et les règles du jeu de campagne Deux nouvelles cartes géomorphiques double largeur 16 "x22" (DW-8, DW-9) imprimés sur du papier cartonné épais, représentant le terrain du Front Est Une nouvelle aide au joueur pour une référence rapide des HBR, des procédures et des tables utilisées par les scénarios et la campagne
135,44 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Critical Hit Module All American Shanley's hill Third and last opus of a series designed by late Ian Daglish, it deals with the actions of the 82nd US Airborne division during D-day near the town of Chef du Pont. Nice addition is the inclusion of the action along the rail-line Cherbourg-Carentan with train components included! It contains: - 10 scenarios - a carboard sheet with the special rules and the input for a Campaign game - two historical maps that can be connected (size 70x38cm + 43x35cm) - a leaflet titled All American news 1.2 with additional info - 76 counters (US & German) to be mounted Extra item: to avoid cutting through the glossy cover that contains the layout of the provided counters (and hence damage the module content), a crisp copy of those plates on 160gr/m² bristol is present in this item. Please note: Have a look at my other items. I will combine shipping for multiple wins. Shipping cost to Spain, Belgium or Luxembourg can reduced. Please ask to get the precise charge at the time of the purchase. Contact me before sending your payment.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Critical Hit Module All American Shanley's hill Third and last opus of a series designed by late Ian Daglish, it deals with the actions of the 82nd US Airborne division during D-day near the town of Chef du Pont. Nice addition is the inclusion of the action along the rail-line Cherbourg-Carentan with train components included! It contains: - 10 scenarios - a carboard sheet with the special rules and the input for a Campaign game - two historical maps that can be connected (size 70x38cm + 43x35cm) - a leaflet titled All American news 1.2 with additional info - 76 counters (US & German) to be mounted Extra item: to avoid cutting through the glossy cover that contains the layout of the provided counters (and hence damage the module content), a crisp copy of those plates on 160gr/m² bristol is present in this item. Please note: You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxemburg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Critical Hit Module All American Shanley's hill This item is new, still in shrinkwrap as can be seen in the picture. Third and last opus of a series designed by late Ian Daglish, it deals with the actions of the 82nd US Airborne division during D-day near the town of Chef du Pont. Nice addition is the inclusion of the action along the rail-line Cherbourg-Carentan with train components included! It contains: - 10 scenarios - a carboard sheet with the special rules and the input for a Campaign game - two historical maps that can be connected (size 70x38cm + 43x35cm) - a leaflet titled All American news 1.2 with additional info - 76 counters (US & German) to be mounted Optional extra: if you are interested (though not directly part of the collector item), I can add as shown in the picture two separate sheets of the provided counters (and hence not damage the module content). This is a crisp copy of those plates on 160gr/m² bristol. Please note: You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxembourg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
60 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Brevity Assault 97,65 € Disponibilité: en stock Brevity Assault dépeint les batailles acharnées qui ont eu lieu à la mi-mai 1941 à la frontière entre la Libye et l'Égypte au cours de l'opération britannique "Brevity" Contenu: - 7 scénarios format "action pack" couvrant l'opération Brevity. - 65 pions ASL - 225 pions operationnels - Une carte opérationnelle de 13.2” x 10.2” représentant la situation opérationnelle à la frontière entre Égypte et Libye. - Une carte historique de 31.7” x 23.2” HASL représentant le village de Sollum - Deux cartes historiques de 31.3” x 26.6” HASL la passe de Halfaya - règles - fiche de référence rapide Les éléments suivants sont nécessaires pour pouvoir jouer l'intégralité des scénarios proposés: Beyond Valor ©, West of Alamein ©, Hollow Legions ©
97,65 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
ATS Critical Hit Module All American Shanley's hill Extension of the ATS game Combat! (NB. not an ASL comp product). Designed by late Ian Daglish, it deals with the actions of the 82nd US Airborne division during D-day near the town of Chef du Pont. Nice addition is the inclusion of the action along the rail-line Cherbourg-Carentan. It contains: - 8 firefights - play-aid cards (front & back) - two historical maps that can be connected (size 70x38cm + 43x35cm) Extra option: if you are interested in converting this module to Advanced Squad Leader, let me know. I can provide optionally for 5€ a set for this purpose (10 scenarios, special rules, campaign games instructions and the All american news 1.2) Please note: You can have a look at my other items, I will combine shipping for multiple wins. For shipping outside European Union, Switzerland or UK, please contact me before bidding for shipping charge! Delivery possible in pick-up stores in Belgium, Luxembourg at the same charge as France; in Spain for 7 EUR. Austria and Portugal same as Germany. Please ask me as well before sending payment.
30 €
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